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Target Audience

After a lot of research into title sequences of films and tv shows and also my
research into BBFC i have decided that target audience for my production will be
aimed at stereotypical male teens, young adults and adults, spanning from ages 1535 year olds. It is also aimed at people who enjoy the war genre of films. I decided
this due to various reasons. My main factor was that the film is given a 15 rating due
to violence and threat being shown on screen. This meant that only mid-teens
upwards can watch it as it is only suitable for that age range. Another reason i chose
this target audience is because the stereotypically the male gender enjoy the war
genre more than females as it contains strong violence which appeals more the men.
After researching the films Fury,Pacific and Lords Of War, i found useful
information and camera work in each of the openings. The use of titles are also
effective due to the dark colours and eerie font which i will be looking to incorporate
into the opening of my production as it appeals to the target audience.
Heres an example:

Name: George

Age: 16

Likes: War films, action genre, cult classics.

Dislikes: Romance, Animated films,

Americanised Films

Hobbies: Video Games, Reading

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