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0 Business Process Model and Notation with ADONIS


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A task is an atomic activity within a process
flow. The symbol
marks a collapsed
sub-process which describes a detailed
process flow.

A transaction is a specialised type of subprocess which has a special behaviour that

is controlled by a transaction protocol.

A call activity identifies a point in the

process where a global process or a global
task is used.

An event sub-process allows capturing

an event in the context of a process or

Sequential Multi-instance

Frequently used Intermediate Events:


Unspecified - an unclassified event; as an

intermediate event it is able to illustrate a status
change and can only be throwing.

Type of Activities:

An event is something that happens during

the course of a process and is either triggered
by something external or by the process itself.
Events affect the flow of the process. Examples
of events are, e.g., the start or the end of an
activity, a change of a document status or a
message which is received or sent.

Parallel Multi-instance


unity Edition

The free BPM too


Message - illustrates every kind of information

exchange and can be catching (receive) or
throwing (send).

Pools and Lanes

Evaluates business

Executed by a
business process

Carried out auto-matically (e.g. web service)


A pool is the graphical representation of a

participant in collaboration. A collapsed pool
represents an external participant whose
process details are unknown or irrelevant.

Sequence Flow: defines the execution flow in a business process and

is not allowed to cross a pool boundary

Lanes represent responsibilities within a

pool and could represent a role, a department or an IT-system.

Default Flow: will be used when none of the condition expressions of

the other outgoing sequence flows evaluate to true

Conditional Flow: has a condition that defines whether or not the

sequence flow will be used

Message Flow: A message flow is used to show the flow of messages

between two participants (pools). Not to be used within a pool



A Data Input is an external input for the entire process. It can be read by
an activity. A Data Output is a variable available as result of the entire

A Message is used to depict the contents of a

communication between two participants.
The Group object is an artifact that provides a
visual mechanism for the grouping of diagram
elements that belong in the same category.

A Data Object represents information flowing through the process, such

as business documents, e-mails, letters etc.
A Collection Data Object represents a collection of information (e.g. a
list of order items).

Text annotations are a mechanism for a

modeller to provide additional text information
for the reader of a diagram.

A Data Store is a place where the process can read or write stored data,
e.g. a database or a filing cabinet.


The collaboration diagram depicts the interaction between several processes. Each process is
placed in its own pool interacting with other processes via message flows. Processes with details
of which are unknown or are of no importance for the viewer are represented as a black-box pool.
Conversation and choreography are further diagram types in BPMN 2.0. Due to the fact that these
diagrams are currently not considered to be very significant to business process diagramming, we
will not go into further detail here. Nevertheless they can be fully modelled in ADONIS.

Working Environment Model:

Role pool, Organisational chart

Risk and Control Catalogue:

Integration with ICS and ERM

IT-System Model:
IT-Architecture Management

Imprint: publisher and manufacturer: BOC Products & Services AG, place of publishing and manufactoring: Vienna; Copyright BOC Products & Services AG, Vienna. The BOC Management Office as well as ADOSCORE, ADONIS, ADOLOG, ADOIT, ADONIS:Community and ADOIT:Community are registered trademarks of the BOC Products & Services AG. All of the content is protected. All other named brands are property of the respective companies.
All changes can only be made with a written letter of agreement from the BOC Products & Services AG. Reproductions in any form are only allowed with the Copyright remark. Publications and translations need a written letter of agreement from the BOC Products & Services AG.

Document Model:
Linking of templates/instructions

Operngasse 20b, 1040 Vienna, Austria

Phone: +43-1-905 10 71-0, eMail:

Collaboration Diagram

The detailed processes are modelled as BPMN 2.0 business process diagrams and could - if needed as in the case of sub-processes - be linked to each other through dynamic
references. Their tasks can reference single reusable elements on the pool level: roles, risks and controls, IT-systems, documents etc.

BOC Products & Services AG

Exclusive Event-based Gateway (instantiate): Parallel Event-based Gateway (instantiate): Complex Gateway:
the occurrence of one of the subsequent events the occurrence of all subsequent events starts a complex converging and diverging behaviour
starts a new process instance.
new process instance.
that is not captured by other gateways.

The process architecture is illustrated through the use of process maps. Process maps can reference other process maps or link directly to BPMN 2.0 business process diagrams and the process flow level.

Process Maps,
Product Catalogues

Inclusive Gateway (OR):

Diverging: it waits for all activated branches to
complete before triggering the outgoing flow.
Converging: depending on the fulfilled conditions one or more branches are activated

Business Process Diagrams, Sub-processes

Parallel Gateway (AND):

Diverging: all outgoing branches are activated
simultaneously. Converging: it waits for all incoming branches to complete before triggering
the outgoing flow.

Structure Level

Exclusive Gateway:
Diverging: it routes the sequence flow to exactly
one of the outgoing branches. Converging: it
waits for one incoming branch to complete before activating the outgoing flow.

Process Environment

Event-based Gateway:
represents a branching point in the process
where the alternative paths that follow the
gateway are based on intermediate events or
on receiving tasks.

* often used

Integrated process view in ADONIS BPMN 2.0 fit for business

Gateways are used to control the process flow
through sequence flows as they converge and
diverge within a process.

Timer - acts as a delay mechanism based on a

specific point in time or a time period and can
only be catching.

Here you can find further information about our products and services:

Designed to wait for a Carried out manually Executed by a human

message to arrive from by a human performer performer (software
an external participant
application asistance)

Process Flow Level

Designed to send a
message to an
external participant

Pool Level

Without a defined type

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