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semestre de la licenciatura en Economa, que cursan la materia Economa
internacional I, quienes deben consultarlo y citarlo como parte de la
bibliografa bsica del semestre otoo 2003; y no lo reproducirn en ningn
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El original es un documento mimeografiado distribuido por el autor.

Arnold C. Harberger
Biographical Information
Arnold C. Harberger - Professor of Economics at the University of California Los Angeles
(UCLA) since 1984. Professor Emeritus at the University of Chicago since 1991. Professor
Harberger has served as a consultant to numerous foreign governments, U.S. government
agencies, international agencies and foundations. He is author or co-author of nearly 200
journal articles and conference papers. Government leaders from over 15 countries have
called upon Professor Harberger's expertise. With a reputation as a hands-on practitioner of
economics, he has also held consulting positions with global organizations, including the
International Monetary Fund, the Asian Development Bank and the Organization of American
Currently a professor of economics at UCLA, Professor Harberger spent 38 years at the
University of Chicago, specializing in the fields of public finance, cost-benefit analysis,
international economics, the economics of inflation and economic policy for developing
countries. Numbered among his students at the University of Chicago and the UCLA are at
least a dozen central bank presidents and two dozen foreign government ministers.
However, Professor Harberger is probably best known for his leadership of a group of
economists from the University of Chicago who were significant free-market reformers in
Chile during the 1970s.
03/Dec/03, 17:06


Arnold C. Harberger
University of Chicago
University of California, Los Angeles

Mailing address
Department of Economics
University of Chicago
1126 East 59th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637

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