CS406 WK1 Assignment

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Week 1 Assignment: Agile Project Planning and Risk Management

During this course, we will create project execution documents for the Study Abroad
Management System (SAMS), the website described in Appendix D, on page 667.
The documents created will include:

Effort estimation
Schedule plan
Risk identification and resolution
Coding Standards
Software Quality Assurance Plan
Software Test Plan
Security Test Plan
Software Maintenance Plan

For this assignment, we will apply agile planning techniques to plan the iterations,
and identify the top 5 project risks and develop risk resolution strategies for the Study
Abroad Management System (SAMS) project.
Resources to consult:
Chapter 23
Lecture 1: Software Project Estimation
Lecture 2: Project Planning

Lecture 3: Risk Management

Specific questions or instructions to address:

a. Identify the dependencies among the nine use cases for the Study
Abroad application.

b. Assume that a staff member cannot work on a use case until the use
cases that it depends on are completed.
2. Based on the estimates recorded in your lab results, use Agile planning to
plan iterations with use cases. Make necessary assumptions when applying
story points to use cases. Assume a staff of three, an app designer, a
developer, and a tester. Assume that the team can complete 3 points per
week, which is the equivalent of 120 hours of effort per week.
3. The project must be completed in 3, one-month iterations.
4. Submit an image containing a corkboard with story cards, or a grid of post-it
notes, or an Excel spreadsheet may also be submitted. Show a grid with the
iterations on the top row and the use cases in the columns below.
5. On the top row, number each iteration, show the number of weeks the
iteration will last, and show the beginning and ending dates
6. In each column, show the use cases that will be completed during the
a. Show the use case number
b. Show the number of points
c. Show the priority of the use case
d. Show other use cases on which the use case depends
7. If you find that the use cases cannot be completed within three iterations
then state it and expain why. If you find that more staff is needed to
complete the use cases in three one-month iterations, state it. If you think
that another iteration should be added, state it. If you think the project could
be completed in less than three one-month iterations, state it.
8. Identify top five possible risks for the SAMS project and develop risk
resolution measures for them. Briefly, justify your solution.
a. Submit an Excel spreadsheet containing columns:


Risk Resolution Measures, and


b. Show the risks, resolution measures, and justifications in the

SAMS Use Cases
UC01. Search for Programs (Actor: Web User, System: SAMS) This use case
allows a user to search overseas exchange programs using a variety of search

criteria such as subject, semester, year, country and region. The system searches
the database and displays a list of programs, each of which includes a link to
display the detail of the program.
UC02. Display Program Detail (Actor: Web User, System: SAMS) This use
case retrieves and displays the detailed description of a program, selected by
clicking the link of the program displayed by the Search for Programs use case,
or by giving the program ID or program name.
UC03. Submit Online Application (Actor: Student, System: SAMS) "This use
case allows a student to apply to an over- seas exchange program. The student
fills in an application form and submits it. The system verifies the application,
saves it in the database, and sets the status of the application to submitted.
The system also sends an e-mail to the two faculty members requested by the
student to write recommendation letters, and the academic adviser to approve
the course equivalency form.
UC04. Login (Actor: Student, System: SAMS) This use case allows a registered
student to login to the system.
UC05. Logout (Actor: Student, System: SAMS) This use case allows a student
to logout from the system.
UC06. Edit Online Application (Actor: Student, System: SAMS) This use case
allows the student to edit an application that is not yet submitted.
UC07. Check Application Status (Actor: Student, System: SAMS) This use case
allows a student to check the status of an application, such as in-preparation,
submitted, under-review, accepted, and rejected.
UC08. Submit Recommendation (Actor: Faculty, System: SAMS) This use case
lets a faculty member submit a recommendation on behalf of a student. The
system saves the recommendation in the database.
UC09. Approve Course Equivalency Form (Actor: Advisor, System: SAMS)
This use case lets an academic adviser review and approve course equivalency
forms submitted by students when they submit their online applications. Each
form specifies the overseas courses that the student plans to use to substitute for
the courses of the academic department."

Grading Rubric:
A document showing a grid of iterations and
use cases was submitted.
Three iterations with a duration of one month
each were shown
Iteration had an iteration number
Iterations indicated the duration in number of
Iterations showed beginning and ending dates.
Use cases had a number
The number of points was shown on the use
The priorities of the use cases were shown
Use case dependencies were listed
Nine use cases were listed
An image of the grid or an Excel spreadsheet
was submitted.
Five risks were identified
Five risks resolution measures were described.
The risk resolution measures were justified.
The risk information was contained in an Excel



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