Valentine Homework 2017

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Valentine Homework

* (Please get an early start!) *

Students will exchange cards and enjoy a small treat on
Tuesday, February 14th. P
lease do not send in candy
with your Valentines cards!
As an exercise in showing appreciation (and as a form of authentic
writing), please have your child make a card (with appropriate
punctuation) for all of the students in her/his class. Your child is
welcome to write additional cards to other students or staff.
Valentine cards with caring words and sentences are so much more
meaningful and fun to read! E
ach card should include at least 1
thoughtful sentence about each student. Sample sentence
I like when you ___________ .
Thank you for ___________ .
You are really great at ___________ .
It is kind when you ___________ .

The card should also include the name of who it is intended for and your
kiddos name.
Please feel free to include the important adults on campus that assist our class
on a regular basis:
Mrs. Elizabeth (classroom assistant), Mrs. Sarah (classroom assistant),
Mr. Lionel (custodian), Mrs. Del Rincon (reading), Ms. Fugate (speech),
Mrs. Ratliff (music), Mrs. Dover (P.E.), Mrs. Huggins (art), Senora Lopez or
Senora Marin (Spanish), Mrs. Davidson (principal), Mrs. Kupper (librarian).

If your student writes 2 or 3 cards a night, theyll be ready by

Valentines Day! If you have any questions or concerns,
please let me know.
Thank you,
Ms. Taylor and Mrs. Berk

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