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Gretta Bender

Mr. Fronk
AP World History

Edict Summarizing Ashoka the Great

Ultimately, you must respect the lives of all living creatures, and it should not matter what
background they are from or what religion they practice. There will be no toleration of violence
towards our fellow creatures, but instead we should show love towards all. There should be no
harm done to any creatures on this Earth, including animals. You should always treat others with
respect, because we are all on the same journey and need one another to survive. Do not judge
others based on their beliefs and values, but judge others based on their hearts and how they use
their gifts on this Earth.

Modern Day Edicts

1. There should be no abortions performs, unless absolutely necessary. There should be the
utmost respect for life from the moment of conception to natural death, and abortion is
committing an act of violence against the unprotected fetus. If doctors fail to comply with
these rules, then they shall suffer the consequences deemed appropriate.
2. If someone has been assigned the death penalty due to crime, leniency is permitted. For
example, if someone has lived an exemplary life in prison and is truly repentant, then
they may forego the death sentence and remain imprisoned for life. The primary purpose

of a prison is for a person to reflect upon what they did wrong. Some of the prisoners go
through this process successfully and should be rewarded accordingly.
3. Any type of business that profits through the abuse of animals will be abominated, and
consequences will be bestowed upon the workers. Animals were placed on this Earth for
a reason, and we must respect them as such. It is selfish and inhumane of humans to be
violent towards animals for the sheer benefit of money.
4. We must respect everyone, even if we do not agree with their values or religious
background. We must treat others the way we would like to be treated, which is with
dignity and honor. There is a wide mixture of people on the Earth, and we are all able to
learn from each other. There should be no discrimination against one group of people. If
this does happen, it will be dealt with accordingly.
5. In order to avoid any type of mental disorder, one must find peace within themselves.
This entails self-examination, love for others, and perhaps a higher being. To achieve
contentment and inner peace, one must try to live a morally upright live, and ultimately
resist evil.

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