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Time of emptying a square, rectangular or circular tank through an orifice at its bottom

Consider a square, rectangular or circular tank of uniform cross-sectional area,
containing some liquid
and having an orifice at its bottom.


A = Surface area of the tank

= Initial height of the liquid

= Final height of the liquid

a = Area of the orifice

At some instant, let the height of the liquid be h above the orifice. We know that the
theoretical velocity of the liquid at this instant,
After a small interval of time dt, let the liquid level fall down by the amount dh.

Therefore volume of the liquid that has passed in time dt,

The value of dh is taken as negative, as its value will decrease with the increase in
We know that the volume of liquid that has passed through the orifice in time dt,
= Coefficient of discharge Area Theoretical velocity Time

Equating equations (2) and (3)

Now the total time T required to bring the liquid level from
out by integrating the equation (4) between the limits

Taking minus out from the bracket (as

is greater than

If the tank is to be completely emptied, then putting

may be found

= 0 in this equation, we get

An orifice plate is a device used for measuring flow rate. Either a volumetric or
mass flow rate may be determined, depending on the calculation associated with
the orifice plate. It uses the same principle as a Venturi nozzle, namely Bernoulli's
principle which states that there is a relationship between the pressure of the fluid
and the velocity of the fluid. When the velocity increases, the pressure decreases
and vice versa.

An orifice plate is a thin plate with a hole in the middle. It is usually placed in a pipe
in which fluid flows. When the fluid reaches the orifice plate, the fluid is forced to
converge to go through the small hole; the point of maximum convergence actually
occurs shortly downstream of the physical orifice, at the so-called vena contracta
point (see drawing to the right). As it does so, the velocity and the pressure
changes. Beyond the vena contracta, the fluid expands and the velocity and
pressure change once again. By measuring the difference in fluid pressure between
the normal pipe section and at the vena contracta, the volumetric and mass flow
rates can be obtained from Bernoulli's equation.
Orifice plates are most commonly used for continuous measurement of fluid flow in
pipes. They are also used in some small river systems to measure flow rates at
locations where the river passes through a culvert or drain. Only a small number of
rivers are appropriate for the use of the technology since the plate must remain
completely immersed i.e. the approach pipe must be full, and the river must be
substantially free of debris.

Example - Bernoulli Equation and Flow from a Tank through a small Orifice

Liquid flows from a tank through a orifice close to the bottom. The Bernoulli equation can be
adapted to a streamline from the surface (1) to the orifice (2) as (e1):

Since (1) and (2)'s heights from a common reference is related as (e2), and the equation of
continuity can be expressed as (e3), it's possible to transform (e1) to (e4).
Vented tank

A special case of interest for equation (e4) is when the orifice area is much lesser than the surface
area and when the pressure inside and outside the tank is the same - when the tank has an open
surface or "vented" to the atmosphere. At this situation the (e4) can be transformed to (e5).
"The velocity out from the tank is equal to speed of a freely body falling the distance h." - also
known as Torricelli's Theorem.
Example - outlet velocity from a vented tank

The outlet velocity of a tank with height 10 m can be calculated as

V2 = (2 9.81 (m/s2) 10 (m))1/2

= 14 (m/s)
Pressurized Tank

If the tanks is pressurized so that product of gravity and height (g h) is much lesser than the
pressure difference divided by the density, (e4) can be transformed to (e6).
The velocity out from the tank depends mostly on the pressure difference.
Example - outlet velocity from a pressurized tank

The outlet velocity of a pressurized tank where

p1 = 0.2 (MN/m2)
p2 = 0.1 (MN/m2)
A2 / A1 = 0.01
h = 10 (m)
can be calculated as
V2 = ( (2 / (1 - (0.01)2) (0.2 106 (N/m2) - 0.1 106 (N/m2)) / 1000 (kg/m3) + 9.81 (m/s2) 10 (m)))1/2
= 19.9 (m/s)
Coefficient of Discharge - Friction Coefficient

Due to friction the real velocity will be somewhat lower than this theoretic examples. If we
introduce a friction coefficient c (coefficient of discharge), (e5) can be expressed as (e5b).
The coefficient of discharge can be determined experimentally. For a sharp edged opening it may
bee as low as 0.6. For smooth orifices it may bee between 0.95 and 1.

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