Writing Prompt 24 Felicia Sheriff

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Felicia Sherif





Sheriff 1
Felicia Sheriff
D. Bumphis
ICT ll Room 128
20 January 2017
Technology has hurt me when it slowed down and I couldnt do my work. I was starting on my project on a
Saturday morning and all of a sudden, my computer internet slowed down. My project was due on Monday morning. I
tried to restart my computer and I tried shutting it down but it still didnt work. My mother called the people to try and
come fix it and they couldnt come until Monday afternoon. My grade was already a little low in this particular class so I
really needed to do this project. When Monday morning came, I didnt have my project. I was very upset and knew I had
to try my best to pull my grade up. This is one time when technology really hurt me badly.
Technology also hurt me when someone was bullying me and the messages got out there. I thought that person
was my friend but they came out to be my worst enemy. They talked about me so badly and were all in my face the next
day like nothing happened. The new technology that we have now allowed these messages to get out in public.
Nowadays, most people are getting bullied over the internet and taking screenshots and embarrassing many people. This
describes another way that technology reall hurt my feelings.

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