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Prompt: Analyze the ways in which controversy over the extension of

slavery into western territories contributed to the coming of the Civil

War. Confine your answer to the period 1845-1861.
Throughout Americas history, there has been a constant debate
on the issue of slavery. This issue was largely controversial which is
seen because of the ultimatethe Civil War. Leading up to the Civil
War, debates on the issue of slavery in the western territories,
surrounding the Mexican Cession, Compromise of 1850, and the
Freeport Doctrine, have fueled the ever-growing conflict between the
north and the south, eventually leading to the start of the civil war.
One of the key components in conflict in the union was the
Mexican Cession. Largely, the debates circled around one question:
does the land gained from Mexico become free or slave? The Wilmot
Proviso was the first to face this question heads on. The amendment
proposed the issue of having slavery in the territories and stated that
the land from Mexico should be free. Though this amendment never
became law, it did bring to light the issue of deciding whether the new
territory should be free of slaver. It is obvious that the idea of making
all Mexican cession free angered the south. This amendment was one
of the leading sparks in the political controversy on the issue of slavery.
Moreover, we see this issue become a reality when California is won
from Mexico. One of Polks four point system was to gain California
from Mexico. Once this happened, a greater issue surfaced: would
California be admitted as a free or slave state? Before California
became American territory, the United States was split even with 15
states free and 15 states slave. The Souths worry was that if California
became free, it would disrupt the sectional balance in the Senate. This
gave the South a cause for concern and led to the greater struggle
within the union and what they felt was best.
The Compromise of 1850 was signed by Fillmore once he took
office. The compromise contained five actions: California would be
admitted as a free state, the slave trade in D.C. would be abolished,
popular sovereignty in the Mexican Cession, stricter fugitive slave law,
and Texas would be granted $10 million for giving up their disputed
land. From the compromise, the north and south were angered
because of some of the actions that took place. Namely, the north was
upset over the fugitive slave law. The fugitive slave law, more
specifically, became stricter, creating a fine for anyone who helped
slaves escape to the north, and supported those who wanted to
capture runaways. This strengthened the anti-slavery cause in the
north. The south was angered over the admission of California as a free
state. As stated previously, it would disrupt the sectional balance in
Senate. Overall, the compromise made the tensions between the north

and south greater, largely because of the fugitive slave law that was
the single most controversial cause of the friction.
Lastly, the Freeport Doctrine was key in the start of the Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln went up to debate against Douglas, which was
centered around slavery in the territories. Lincoln brings up a question
in the debate: would the people still be able to use popular sovereignty
after the Dred-Scott decision? Douglas replied that no matter what the
Supreme Court ruled, as long as the people voted slavery down, it
would stay down. Laws could be passed prohibiting slavery in the
territories without making it illegal. This angered the south with the
thought of slavery becoming illegal or abolished. It was another piece
that agitated the South even more. The Freeport Doctrine caused the
split of the Democratic Party, which led to Lincoln becoming president.
This was the ultimate and one of the last decisions that pushed the
beginnings of the Civil War.
In conclusion, the Mexican Cession, Compromise of 1850, and
the Freeport Doctrine all played key roles in the coming of the Civil
War. Each one fueled the agitation in the union over the issue of
slavery in the western territories, eventually leading to the Civil War.
The decisions that were made regarding the territories did not meet
the interests of the north and south in a way that tensions could be

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