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CH. 5.

Exponential functions and their graphs

This course will mainly deal with algebraic functions, which include
polynomial and rational functions.
Now, we will shift gear and introduce two non-algebraic functions
These functions are named exponential and logarithmic functions,
and they are examples of transcendental functions.

Exponential function

Logarithmic function

Definition of exponential functions

> 0, 1,

Horizontal Shift

Vertical Shift

Reflection on the x-axis

Reflection on the y-axis


One-to-one property

> 0 1,


Solve for x
Using the one-to-one property
9 = 3+1
32 = 3+1
2 = + 1
, 1 = .

The Natural Base e

In many applications, the convenient choice for a base is the
irrational number:
. .
This irrational number is the natural base.
The function = is called the natural exponential function.
Note is a constant and x is the variable.

Pg 376 Vocab Check except 4-5

Pg 376-377: 1-6, 7-10, 23-26, 27-32,


CH. 5.2

Definition of logarithmic function with base b

> 0, > 0, 1
= x if and only if x = b y .

Properties of Logarithms
1 = 0

0 = 1.

= 1

1 = . Identity Property

= . Inverse Property

= ,

= . One-to-one property

10 = log

Common logarithmic functions

The natural logarithmic function

= = ln ,

Properties of Natural Logarithms

ln 1 = 0

0 = 1

ln = 1

1 =

ln = x and eln x = x

Inverse Property

ln 1 = ln , = .

One-to-One Property

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