HHMI Data Points - Sticklebacks and Schooling

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Data Analysis: Stickleback Fish and Schooling

Use with https://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/schooling-behavior-stickleback-fish-different-habitats


Which group of fish tends to school in their natural environment?


Why is schooling beneficial?


How is a marine environment different from the benthic environment?


On the graph, the data shows time in minutes. What does this time in minutes represent? Circle one:

How long the fish spent schooling with the artificial model


How quickly the fish started to school with the artificial model once they were placed in the tank.

The researches were studying two things in this experiment. 1) Do marine sticklebacks have a stronger tendency to school than
benthic sticklebacks?, and 2) Is schooling an inherited or learned behavior? Using the data, complete each CER, as prompted below.
CLAIM: Benthic sticklebacks are less likely to school than marine sticklebacks.

Now, provide the evidence and reasoning that supports this claim.

CLAIM: Schooling is an inherited, genetic behavior. Now, provide the evidence and reasoning that supports this claim.

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