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Team meeting on 2/8/16

Isaac Juerez Gaytan

In attendance: Anne Grui (district DCD coordinator), Tomasa Gaytan (Mother), Jose Juerez
(Dad), Isaac, Older Brother, Miriam Strand (program assistant/interpreter) Sheila Zaczkowski
(Due process facilitator/Note Taker), Victoria Quiroz (service Coordinator - Childrens Hospital)
Isaac is Home schooled, therefore there isnt an entire team to meet. by the end of the
meeting well determine next steps.
Reason for Meeting - Team meeting to discuss letter sent by doctor to school and parent
request for services in the home for Isaac.
Present Level - Current Status:
DCD coordinator asked family for update : whats been going on at home, what Isaac likes to
do, and update me on the medical:
~Academics: knows numbers 1-20 (able to rote count), knows letters (able to say a-z) and
knows sounds associated with them. Knows beginning sound - D is for dinosaur, knows colors
in spanish and English, some of numbers he can say correct. He can make a face with eyes,
nose, and can add feet.
~Communication - using a little bit of signing and few words. When Isaac is trying to talk, dad
feels he struggles because hes only talking with family. Feels Isaac doesnt need to speak
because its family. Doesnt speak very much. Father reports ther is no other time that he
speaks more. Family is ALWAY with him... and they feel that he needs outside help. They
are getting SOME word approximation.
~Childrens Hospital coordinator reports that they are NOT currently providing any therapy
through Childrens, Isaac has an upcoming sleep study, and an ENT surgery in March
~Childrens hospital would like to work with school
Looking at how services are/were delivered on previous IEP and Isaacs needs. For students
that are home schooled. What are parents looking for from school?
~Speech/language is a big need identified today (expressive and receptive needs) with service
that is more systematic
~PT - had a little bit of PT on previous IEP - very different than a medical model we/schools
work on what he needs to access education. More comprehensive support of PT through
medical, school does not give/provide therapy.
~OT- on previous IEP for OT . consultation. DCD coordinator shared how OT could
work/support children in the schools for pre-writing skills - OT works on the fine motor piece
once working on writing (ability for the child to write horizontal.vertical and circles.) this tells us
whether hes ready to begin writing.We could look at this and then provide the support
~Academically - parents would like for this support to come from school. Services in the home
is requested by parent
~Communication - parents report there has not been any testing/assessment in a number (4) of

Q presented to parents by DCD coordinator: Would parents be OK with Isaac coming to a

school for a sessions in a speech clinicians office, just one-on-one?
~Parents asked if a bus would be sent.
~ They would not send him on a bus, parents report they would get on the bus and come with
him. They will NOT send Isaac to school without parents. In the past when he came to school,
they always came with him. DCD coordinator will check into this, however we typically do not
have parents ride the bus with children. Mother reports that If parents can not ride the bus,
they will not send him to school. She/mother came to school 5 years ago, and she did not
agree with what she saw at school. With what mother saw at school 5 years ago, she will not
send to school without being able to come with to see what is being provided OR someone
coming to the home. Parent also reports that she is the only one able to care for his needs,
make sure his hands are washed, that hes taken care of properly.
~If transportation is only for Isaac, then they will not send

HOMEBOUND discussion: DCD coordinator shared that homebound is not typicall long term could be seasonal but not year round
Hospital coordinator will check with primary care provider however hospital coordinator feels this
is all the info from the doctor. parents would like for Isaac to be at home for his
~Parent pulled Isaac from previous school because teacher was mistreating Isaac infront of
parents and others and at last school he got too many infections.and he had a whole year of
not healing. For family this is very difficult for them, and with their experiences from previous
schools they are the ones that have to take care of him. They do not want Isaac to be in the
~Isaac is able to come to school if parent is able to come to school with Isaac. If this is not
possible, they would like a therapist/services to come into the home. These are the ONLY 2
options the parents will consider.
~parents would like academic as will as communication services and support for Isaac provided
in the home.. If not in the home, parents would need to come with Isaac on the bus
~ DCD coordinator will look further into the letter from the doctor. The letter from the doctor
reports medical diagnosis, not a rational or reason that he would need to be home and not come
to school.More medical info needed for why Isaac is not able to attend school (if any reason is
available from doctors)
~Hospital coordinator will look into medical documentation and summary of information
(especially related to school and communication)
~DCD coordinator will look into Isaac AND parent taking transportation to school.
~DCD coordinator will check into parent attending sessions at school (parent will not send
without her attendance)
~DCD coordinator will look into homebound

~A prior written notice will then come home regarding what the school is proposing (in Spanish)
regarding speech/language, homebound services, and medical documentation.
~Timeline - parents will be contacted by school through Miriam (interpreter) ....After they get the
prior written notice, then parent will contact school if they need further information or have
further questions

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