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Jishnu Bhattacharya

1st Semester - 2016-17

Lecture -24

Psychrometric processes
Sensible heat factor =

Psychrometric processes
A special Case:
Isenthalpic Cooling

Psychrometric processes

Evaporative cooling:

Constant enthalpy / WBT

No heat input
Sensible cooling at the cost of latent heating
Cooling as well as humidification
Good for dry summer
Might be very uncomfortable for humid summer

Where can you use cooler

instead of AC (in cooler, no
refrigeration cycle just a
In cooling tower, process is
same- but goal different (to
cool water not air-stream)

Psychrometric processes - Mixing

Psychrometric processes - Mixing

Moisture Balance

Dry air balance

Energy balance

Psychrometric processes - Mixing

Psychrometric processes - Mixing

Psychrometric processes - Mixing

Psychrometric processes - Mixing

Psychrometric processes - Mixing

Lever Rule does not
apply here! Details of
the energy and mass
conservation would be
needed for the mixed
air condition.

Processes in AC equipment

Cooling and dehumidifying

Cooling and dehumidifying

Bypass Factor

Fraction of uncontacted air

Cooling and dehumidifying

Bypass Factor

Limit of a cooling coil

Heating coil

Air washer

Air washer

Air washer

Using Hygroscopic (water absorbing) solution instead of water

Adiabatic dehumidifier

Steam injection

Simple summer AC - basics

Heat loads


Heat loads

Heat loads
Direct DBT

Indirect moisture

Heat loads

Cannot solve uniquely for different mass

flow rate inlet condition will differ

Two equations and

three unknowns
(mass flow rate,
inlet DBT and W)

Simple summer AC - basics

Simple summer AC - basics

Simple summer AC - basics

Simple summer AC - basics

Simple summer AC - basics

Summer AC With ventilation

Summer AC With ventilation

Summer AC With ventilation

Summer AC No recirculation

Summer AC No ventilation

Winter AC

Winter AC

Winter AC

Winter AC

Winter AC preheating & steam injection

Winter AC preheating & steam injection

Year-round AC

AC Equipment design variety

Classification of distribution


All air system

size is large
heat exchange is maximum due to direct mixing
Applicable for small units

All water system

size is smaller
cost of heat exchanger and loss of heat
Applicable in large distribution network as in high rise building

Air-water system

AC Equipment design variety

Classification of Capacity and

purpose diversity:

Both AC and Ref equipment are together
serve AC requirement for a single area

Components are remote to each other
multi-zone multi-purpose system
Different requirements are served by a single plant

AC Equipment design variety

Different Unitary systems:
Easy to install
Operational flexibility is low mainly on-off control, precise
control of both temperature and humidity is difficult, sound level is
high due to the presence of the compressor in the AC unit
very local large capacity window unit is extremely cost-inefficient
Ventilation load is high better air quality
lower efficiency due to lack of precise control over the air mixing

AC Equipment design variety

Different Unitary systems:
Air Cooler
Works on evaporative cooling
No refrigerating unit hence low cost
Works only in case of very dry air
With higher humidity, it decreases the comfort level

AC Equipment design variety

Different Unitary systems:
Split AC
The Ac and refrigerating units are separated
Only evaporator part stays inside the conditioned area along with
the AC unit
The other parts of the refrigerating system (conderser, compressor,
throtlle etc.) stay outside
Sound is minimum as compressor stays out
Ventilation is zero only circulates the room air
Unhealthy for long time consumption
Efficiency is much higher as outside heat load is zero

AC Equipment design variety

Different Unitary systems:
Split AC large rooftop units
Works in the principle of split AC
Multiple evaportors in multiple zones are served by the rooftop
refrigeration unit
A compromise between central and unitary AC
Useful for standalone office buildings

Heating and cooling units

Combined with heating circuit for year-round AC

Energy efficient buildings

Ensuring natural convection and cross ventilation
Low volume to surface ratio
Southern exposure in northern hemisphere and vice-versa
Along east west with less exposed area in the west and north
Planting trees around both for shade and evaporative cooling

Energy efficient buildings

Insulation and vacuum in wall
Glazing in the glass windows
Outside curtain
Roof painting and shading
False ceiling

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