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# shining_list is already defined in the workspace

# Add both the year and director to shining_list: shining_list_ext

shining_list_ext<- c(shining_list, year= 1980, director= "Stanley Kubrick")

# Have a look at the structure of shining_list_ext


shining_list is already defined in the workspace

> # Add both the year and director to shining_list: shining_list_ext
> shining_list_ext<- c(shining_list, year= 1980, director= "Stanley Kubrick")
> # Have a look at the structure of shining_list_ext
> str(shining_list_ext)
List of 5
$ title : chr "The Shining"
$ actors : chr [1:5] "Jack Nicholson" "Shelley Duvall" "Danny Lloyd" "Scatman
Crothers" ...
$ reviews : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "Bad"<"OK"<"Good"<..: 3 2 3 4 1 4 3
$ year

: num 1980

$ director: chr "Stanley Kubrick"


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