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The FOOLPROOF granny square is here

Make one. Make seven. Make a whole lot.
able you won't want to stop. (If you make a Ii
never have far to go to correct it.) And look at
things you can make with them even if you've ne e
and pages of fashions for you an
Now for the first time you can make clothes that really fit
squares We tell you how in the instruction section that starts a
Also included: all you need to know about-stitches,
yarns, cot
ing. Plus new shapes to try: five- and six-sided ones, triangles,
rectangle. And complete easy-to-tollow directions tor every item s

JACKET (right) Multicolored squares edged in startling blue make
a charming cover-up for night or day. Triangular grannies give shape to neck and
shoulders. Graceful shaping over hips and at
underarms is achieved through gussets. One
size fits all from 12 to 16. In knitting worsted.
squares, one for the front, one for the back,
are joined together at shoulders and underarms by rows of double crochet, which also
finish off the waist. In silky pearl cotton.

afghan for the baby in your life, desig
do lee in dramatic eleven-inch squares.
bouncy ruffle is made of three rows. of double
crochet shells. In knitting worsted.
love the way Nan Jannes Brown designed this
rare afghan, combining
her grannies with
double crochet shells, adding a picot edge.
What colors! A beautiful example of the use of
color combinations
for Baby.
In knitting worsted. Size: about 28" by 41".

more e-


We call it the PORT ABLE granny square. Because you can ake
it with you. Scoop up your crochet hook and some of your yarn
as you go dashing out the door. Whip them out and croc et
away happily ... at a friend's, at a meeting, while waiting for a
train. The granny is a small unit, handy to work with wherever
you are and finished squares seem to multiply like magic
vest designed
by Nan
Jannes Brown is based on an ornate granny
with a web-like center. It looks difficult. It
isn't. Amazingly, all it requires is two stitches:
chain and double crochet. Its spectacular
back is a single lacy granny composed of
shells and a network of chains. Sizes Small
(6-8), Medium (10-12). In wool sport yarn.
LONG TAILORED VEST (be/ow) Knee-length
vest designed by Sally DeGaetano is made of
large granny squares connected with shells.
The lower back and side seams have gussets
of shells to create the gentle easiness of a
slight A-line. Shoulders and shaped neckline
are also worked in shells. In knitting worsted.

SWEATER Delia Brock updates the traditional granny square kimono sweater: she
stops it at the waist, crops the sleeves, gives
it a pastel "little girl" look. Each square has
a center of rayon yarn, and outer rounds of
crochet cotton and sport yarn. Waistband and
square neckline are worked in single crochet.
Sizes Small (6-8), Medium (10-12).
ROSETTED BELT The extra petals in the
center of every other granny in this belt are
Irish crochet, easier than it looks. Designed
by Nan Jannes Brown, it ties in back or
front, as you like. Three inches wide. Size is
adjustable since you can just make additional squares. In linen/Orlan
blend yarn.








Look what can happen to the VERS

four-inch grannies in a scarf, two-foot eaueres
Seems there's no end to the adaptability 0
or little it's just great. And in this age of ecot
nice to be USING your leftover yarns ... imagina FLiNGY TRI-SQUARE SHAWL (right) Three
giant granny squares that started small (as
usual) and just kept growing. Helen Bullett
designed it in rich earth colors, joined the
completed squares with single ,crochet to
form a decorative ridge. then bordered her
creation with deep fringe. Smashing!
knitted worsted.
are on our cover. Cap is made of five squares
sewed together,fits
snugly on the head with
a crocheted band. Fringed scarf is three

'squares wide, twelve

square, about four inches,
. soft throw pillow fifteen inches
other big grar]ny. Of bulky
made to crochet quickly. easily, Y
to make a whole raft of these super
FLOPPY HAT Thick glossy yellow and
rug yarn makes a brilliant. casual hat.
is granny-squared.
Scalloped brim is sing
crochet" can be deftly turned back. Designed
by Susan Fairfield for you to go far afield in.
more .




HAPPINESS is crocheting granny SfTlI;::In~

color. The pleasure of working with I
accomplishment as you go from simple Ofi.YJl1IeS
orate ones ... knowing that all you need
little square. And they're simple and tepetiti
when you're looking at television or watching
SPREAD (right) Barbara Patterson's marvelous spread is done in cotton yarn using a
veritable rainbow of colors, twenty-three to be
exact. Some of her squares are SOlid, some
have rosettes of color in their centers, some
are multicolored. The eggshell used throughout brings it all together. Barbara arranged
her squares in a distinctive design, framed
them with solid eggshell squares.
BIG BOLD FLOOR SHOW (be/ow) Designer
Ann Foley's soft answer to sitting on the floor:
the mammoth granny square mounted on a felt
pillow. Twenty-nine-inch
squares. Gorgeous.

Easy. Very modern. C ic.. HAIL TO THE HASSO

five great granny squares' round; border is single crochet,
Nan Jannes Brown to go over a hassock. (You can add more lUllS
hassock is bigger.) lnbulky wool yam.
. RUGGED HEARTH RUG Granny squares
a different look ...
a rug designed
Jannes Brown. The three bold center squares
are four times the size of the others. A sing e
and double crochet border provides a frame
of blue and red. Heavy rayon-and-cotton
yarn was used double. Size: about 38" by 70".


inore .



A diamond shape miraculously appears

if you turn a granny square on end. The
skirt and tie on this page are joined
diagonally to get this diamond effect. It's
just another of the many ways you can
give a different character to your work.
soft and fuzzy texture of mohair feels delicious. Here it is blended with acrylic in
a bronze and black long straight skirt,
gathered in with a crocheted waistband,
and edged at the' bottom with triangles,
then finished with a row of single crochet.
DIAMOND JIM TIE Tina D'Asto does an
amusing man's necktie in the old tradition-bright
centers, black borders. The
squares are tiny two-and-a-half-inch
and go very quickly. Narrow end is done
in single crochet. In fine fingering yarn.
Brown, experimenting with the basic unit,
had a great time working out these special
delights, varying stitches, symmetry, colors. But now it's YOUR turn to try your hand
at grannies. WhClt are you waiting for?
Please turn to page 142 for more granny
square information and complete instructions
on how to make everything on these pages.
Shopping information on page 162.



Shown on pages 53-62

Making colorful afghans and bedspreads
and blankets by joining small squares of
the same size is one of the most traditional forms of crochet.
It remains as
popular today as it was when your greatgrandmother did it-and
for the very same
it is portable-you
can keep
small amounts of yarn tucked in your
purse and whip up a few units between
bus stops or at the hairdresser's;
it is
piecemeal work, convenient to start and
stop; it is economical-leftover
yarns can
be put to good use in a collection
multicolor squares; it is repetitive enough
to keep your hands happily
while you're thinking about-or
else; and still, the variety of
granny squares possible (see directions
for individual grannies beginning on page
168), the yarn and color changes you can
make prevent a granny square project
from turning into a bore.

Drawing 1


Drawing 2 .


The most common way to wo
granny square is to join square of equal size (see Drawing 3),


It's a unit of crochet, traditionally

up of only two stitches, chain and double
crochet. It always starts at the center with
chain stitches slip-stitched
into a ring.
Then it grows, round by round, combining
groups of double crochet stitches, which
form shells, with chain stitches to separate
the shells and make the corners. The traditional granny square is made of five such
rounds and ends up, of course, a square.
But nowadays. one can make as many or
as few rounds as one likes, and one can
vary the way one combines chains and
double crochets, one can, indeed, add or
substitute other stitches. One can even
turn the old granny square into a rectangle, a triangle, or a five-, .six- or eightsided unit (see Drawing 1) and you'll find



Drawing 3

granny variations, units made in tfie: _

hexagons or octago
Drawing 4)-it
is a simple building-technique.


for many such variations

beginning on page 168.

in the


Consider anything you can wrap around
a hook as a candidate for a project. The
fuzzy yarns, particularly angora and mohair, make delightful sweaters. If the cost
is prohibitive, use expensive yarn for only
one round of each granny and a less expensive knitting worsted or synthetic yarn
for the other rounds. Try summer yarns,
like Brunswick's
a blend of
linen and Orion, which we used in the
belt on page 56; or Lily Mills "Sugar-'nCream" cotton yarn, used in the bedspread on page 61; or sport yarn and
crochet cotton worked together with rayon
yarn centers as in the kimono-sleeve
sweater, page 56. The child's
vest, page 54, in slinky DMC pearl cotton
explores the delicacy of the granny square
look with a single crochetable
is a
charming, inexpensive way to work granny
square projects,
as is its variety-store
Coats & Clark's Speed-CroSheen. Perhaps you have some rattail left
over from a macrame project. or other
novelty material like soutache, chenille or
3- or 4-line braid. Metallic yarn used alone
or in combination
with knitting worsted
could make a smashing evening jacket.
Don't forget rug yarn. Use it not only in
a rug, as we did, but try it in a floppybrim hat. Shown on page 58.
As you concoct new yarn combinations,
coordinate your ideas with color experiments. A classic granny square module
can take on a whole variety of appearances simply through the placement of
color (see Drawing 2). The bright cottonyarn bedspread
we show on page 61
these changes admirably.
The actual crocheting is the same in every
but the arrangement
of colors
changes the appearance of each square.

Drawing 4

There are other exciting ways to bu :

a large piece from the individual gran
squares. One is to combine units of different sizes and shapes in one design (seE
Drawing 5). We did it in the Mosaic Moha;;
(continued on page 1#






Drawing 7

Evening Skirt on page 62. Another is to
combine granny squares with solid crochet in strips or shaped sections
Drawing 6). This technique was used for
ing 7. With such tricks at your disposal,
you can do a certain amount of fitting but
still may not be able to size your module
exactly. In this case, always crochet the
module smaller, for granny modules, like
all crocheting,
stretch easily.
Another way to design fitted clothing is
to combine grannies with regular crochet
and use the regular. crochet to achieve
the crucial shapinq and fit. Look at the
startling difference
in the shape of the
items in Drawing 8. The gussets of regular

Drawing 6

such items as the Charming Child's Vest,

the Out-of-the-Ordinary
Crib Afghan and
the Out-of-the-Blue
Jacket on pages 54
and 55.
When you make granny square clothes desicned around the building-block
technique, you run up against the problem
thaI. the wa'lnies, joined, end up as a
laroe square or rectangle, and the human
body is neither. If you're making the sort
of garment where precise sizing and shaping isn't critical, plan it this way: decide
on the area that must fit. In a sweater,
for example, it might be around the bustline. Divide the measurement by the number of units you would like to cover that
area; say the bust measurement
is 32"
and you would like the sweater 8 units
across the front of the sweater
and 4 across the back. Divide 32" by 8
for il rnodu'e size of 4". If you prefer a
sweater to fit loosely, this is the unit size
you'll make. If you want a clingy sweater,
'h" from 4" and make each
granny square 3'12" x 3V2". Incidentally,
that V2" is a pretty reliable "stretch"
allowance for .any granny.
Caution: Once you decide the size of
the module, you're stuck with it, and every
other measuremeni must be a multiple of
it. The opening of the sweater can only
fall at the edge of a module, so the armhole or neckline edge may fall a little
lower or higher than you want it.
The obvious and correct conclusion to
draw about these sizing and shaping limitations is that the building-block
technique, used alone, does not lend itself to
making clothes that curve around the
body. You can moderate the limitations
by using tapered modules in areas of a
garment where you would like an increase
in fullness
or snugness:
to enlarge a
use a taller stitch (a double
crochet is longer than a half double crochet), a larger hook or a thicker material
on one or more rounds or even sides of
the module. To reduce the module, use
the shortest stitch, a smaller hook or
thinner material on one or more rounds
of the module. To produce some tapered
modules, we used one hook on half of
each round of the module, a smaller size
hook 0'1 the other half of each round to
produce a "square" that looks like Draw144

machine like knit fabric, run two rows of

ma'.h;'1e stitching arouno edge 0'
pattern to prevent raveling. Next, cut outside the stitching line. Treat the parts like
regular pattern pieces, pinning and stitching them together. If the shaped section
is located along an outer edge of the
the edge with single or double crochet
stitches, worked over the line of machine
stitching and the new edge.
You can sew grannies together using a
blunt yarn needle or you can crochet then;
One way to sew grannies is to butt the
edges together and weave the yarn bac
and forth from edge to edge (see Drawing
9). A second method is to butt the edges
anr! use a whipstitch for the joining (see
Drawing 10).

Drawing 10
Drawing 8

These techniques
are almost invisible
if done on the wrong side with matching
yarn. But you can achieve an interesting
effect by using yarn in a color that contrasts with the squares.
'\ a crochet the squares together, use a
slipstitch or single crochet (see Drawin_
111. If you do the latter on the right side

Sin e-c.roor.eted to ethe ("

wr-ong Side

wron~ side

Drawing 11

crochet (rows of single or double crochet

or rows of shells) give the granny square
vest the necessary fullness through the
bust without sacrificing the snug fit at the
waist. The panels of regular crochet in the
skirt permit it to hug the waist and hips,
but flair out gracefully
at the bottom.
When you plan your own design for a
fitted outfit, decide where the shaping is
critical and plan the regular crochet in
that area. For example, if you would like
a sweater to stop exactly at your waist and
you do not want it loose around the bottom, let the last granny squares stop
above the waist and single-crochet
waistband to cover the distance between
the lower units and waist. Then ease the
onto the waistband when
you sew the units together.
If you want a garment to fit very precisely or have a very specific
here's still another way to do it: treat the
joined grannies like fabric as we did in
our Diamond Jim Tie (page 62). Pin a
dress or coat pattern (or whatever you are
making) on the joined granny units. Handling the joined grannies on the sewing

you'll end up with a handsome

effect, such as we achieved on our Trisquare Shawl (page 59). Here, too, you
can use yarn in a contrasting color for the
joining or use one of the joinings illustrated below (see General Directions on
page 146). Clearly. some of these joinings
(continued on page 146)

Joining A







Joining B

Joining C

Changing Colors You can change colors after each
round, every other round or as you desire. When
changing colors, break off yarn after the joining
at end of the round has been worked. Then make
loop on hook with new color and sl st in the joining st of previous round or in the space specified
in the directions. If you do not wish to change
colors but the next round starts in a space or
stitch a few stitches from where you just ended,
don't break off. Just sl st over those intervening
sts and into the space or st where the next round
should start. Then ch 3 (or whatever the directions call for) and you're all set to go on.
You can save yourself time and effort by working over the cut ends of yarn, so you won't have
to weave them through the stitches later.
Right Side Always work each round with the right
side of work facing you, unless otherwise specified.
The right side is the side facing you as you work
the first round.
Blocking Block all matching squares together so
they will be the same size. If there are too many,
block one and draw a pattern of it. Then block
all others to the pattern. When squares of different sizes have to match, such as the small
ones on the Rugged Hearth Rug that fit around the
3 large ones, block the large squares first, then
block the small ones to fit. Sometimes they have
to be stretched or pulled in a bit. Block pieces on
the wrong side. Use a steam iron or damp cloth
and do not put the weight of the iron on the piece,
but pat it lightly with the iron and allow the
steam to do the work. Let the crochet dry completely before moving it or it may pullout of
After joining you can give your creations one
final light steaming on the wrong side.
Gauge Some crocheters tend to work tighter than
others. If you find your square is popping up in
the middle or cupping, try working a little looser.
Or you can add an extra ch st between each shell
as necessary to keep square flat.


ABBREVIATIONSAND TERMS Beg-beginning; chchain; cl-cluster;

dc-double crochet; dec-decrease; h dc-half double crochet; Ip-Ioop; rndround; sc-single crochet; sl=slip, sl st-slip
stitch; st-stitch;
crochet; yo-yarn
over hook. * -Asterisk-means
to repeat instructions following asterisk as many
times as specified, in addition to the first time.
( )-Parentheses-means to repeat instructions in
parentheses as many times as specified. [ JBrackets-indicate changes in size.

on page

144 and at left)

Joining t.
1st row With right side facing, sl st in a corner
of square, ch 3, dc in each st across edge to next
corner; ch 3, turn. 2nd row (wrong side) Skip first
dc, work dc around post of next de (ridge formed
on right side), work de around post of each dc.
Break off.
Work across edge of adjoining square in same
manner. Hold squares with wrong sides facing and'
joining edges matching. Work row of sc through
matching dc across edge (ridge formed). Break off.
can also be used to add a little width or
length to overall size.
Edgings are the icing on the cake and
you can surround
your granny squares
with all varieties. Tailored edgings of solid
single or double crochet can provide a
calming border to a freewheeling
granny square design.
shell ruffles, as in our Flounced
Afghan (page 54), or a picot edging, as
in the Out-of-the-Ordinary
Crib Afghan on
,the same page, will contain your project


Joining B
1st row SI st in corner of a square, ch 3, dc in
each st across to next corner. Break off. Work
across adjoirting square in same manner.
Hold squares right sides facing and joining edges
matching. With yarn and tapestry needle, whipstitch pieces together, working through 1 Ip only
of each st (2 small ridges formed by unworked Ips
on right side). Break off.
Joining C
Dc across 1 edge each of 2 squares as for joining

Hold squares wrong sides facing and joininE'

edges matchi ng. Crochet row of sl st throug
matching de, working through 1 lp only of each st
(heavy ridge formed by sl sts and 2 light ridges,
one on each side of sl sts, formed by unworke
Ips). Break off.
Joining D
1st row SI st in corner of a square, ch 7, skip 3
sts, dc in next st, * ch 3, skip 3 sts, dc in next st
Repeat from ', to next corner; ch 5, turn. 2nd row
Sc in center st of first sp, ch 2, dc in next dc,
ch 2, sc in center st of next sp, ch 2, dc in next
dc. Repeat from' across, ending with de in 3rd ch
of ch-7; ch 7, turn. 3rd row Skip first dc, dc in next
dc, * ch 3, dc in next dc. Repeat from * across,
ending with dc in 3rd ch of ch-5; ch 5, turn. 4th
row Repeat 2nd row. Omit ch 7. Break off.
Work across side of adjoining square in same
manner. Hold squares right sides facing and joining edges matching. With yarn and tapestry needle,
stitch the first 2 matching dc tog, then stitch next
2 matching dc tog, leaving loose strand between
stitches. Continue across in this manner. Break off.


Size Approximately 64" x 78".

Materials About 64 ounces knitting worsted in assorted colors (we used 30 colors in all, shades of
yellow, blue, green, purple, red and brown as well
as white and a little black. Use your leftover yarn if
desired, purchasing some if necessary to coordinate
colors with skeins you may have); aluminum crochet
hook size G (or Canadian hook No.9) or the size
that wi II give you the correct gauge; tapestry
Gauge4 dc = 1"; each square measures about 7".
Squares Following directions for Variation 0 Square,
page 168, make 99 squares. Change colors every
round or every other round as shown on photograph
or as desired.
To Assemble Hold 2 squares with right sides facing.
Whipstitch them together along one edge, working through one loop only of each st (ridges formed
on right side). Make 11 strips with 9 squares in
each strip. Sew strips together in same manner
as for squares.
Border Work dc in each st around, working 5 dc
in each corner; join and break off.


VEST (page


Size Toddler 3. Garment measures 9" across back

from side seam to side seam, unstretched. If larger
size is desired, repeat 12th row on front and back.
Materials D.M.C. pearl cotton No.5, 3 (53-yard)
balls light green No. 368 (color A), 1 ball each
medium green No. 3347 (B), maroon No. 815 (C),
light pink No. 818 (0), medium pink No. 776 (E),
peach No. 353 (F) and salmon No. 352 (G); steel
crochet hook No. 00 or the size that will give you
the correct gauge.
Gauge Shell, ch 1 and shell = 1"; 3 rows of
shells = 1". 6 dc on straps = 1".
Front Following directions for Variation H Square,
page 169, work 11 rnds in the colors given below:
Use B through first rnd, C for 2nd and 3rd rnds, 0 for
4th rnd, E for 5th and 6th rnds, F for 7th and 8th
rnds, G for 9th and 10th rnds and A for 11th rnd.
Break off. 12th row With right side facing you,
using A, sl st in first dc of 2nd shell on any
corner; working along 3 sides only; * work dc in
each dc and ch st on sides and work de, ch 1 and
dc in each of the 2nd and 3rd corner sps (lower
edge of vest), end with dc in last dc of first shell
at 4th corner. Leave 4th side (top edge) unworked;
ch 3, turn. 13th row Skip first de, with A work de
in each de across 3 sides, working dc, ch 1 and de
in each lower corner; ch 3, turn. 14th row Repea
13th row but do not turn. 15th row Working across
top edge, work 2 dc over post of each of next 3 de,
dc in each dc and ch st across to within last 3 st
work 2 dc over post of next 2 de, 3 dc over po
of last de, turn.
Strap: 1st row With A, sl st across first 7 sts f
armhole, ch 3, skip next de, dc in each of ne .
14 dc (15 de, counting ch-3 as 1 dc); ch 3, tur
2nd row Skip first de, dc in each de across stra


ending with de in top of turning ch 05 dc); ch 3,

turn. 3rd row (dec row) Skip first de, de in each
of next 6 de, work dc in next dc to point to where
2 Ips remain on hook, y a hook, draw up Ip in
next st, y 0, draw through 2 Ips on hook, y 0,
draw through remaining 3 Ips on hook 0 dec made),
dc to end of row. Work 2 rows even. 6th row Repeat 3rd row 03 dc). Work 2 rows even. 9th row
Work dc across and dec 1 dc at beg and end of
row; ch 3, turn. Work 1 row even. 11th row Repeat 9th row (9 dc). Omit ch 3. Break off.
Work other strap in same manner.
Back Working square as for front, work 2 rnds B,
1 rnd C, 1 rnd D, 2 rnds E, 3 rnds F, 1 rnd G and
1 rnd A. Starting with 12th row, finish as for front.
Finishing With right sides facing, whipstitch shoulder-strap and side seams. With right side facing
you, with A work 1 rnd sc evenly around armholes,
neck edge and lower edge of vest.


Size About 30" x 41", including flounce.

Materials Coats and Clark's knitting worsted, 6
ounces each wild rose No. 757 (color A) and amethyst No. 588 (B), 4 ounces deep rose No. 759 (C),
2 ounces each scarlet No. 909 (0) and yellow No.
203 (E), 1 ounce each robin blue No. 814 (F),
Mexicana (assorted colors) No. 950 (G), and deep
turquoise No. 514 (H); aluminum crochet hook size
Hand J (or Canadian hooks No.8 and No.6) or the
sizes that will give you the correct gauge. -Gauge Each square measures 11". Work loosely for
best results.
Squares (make 6) Use the H hook for first 4 rnds
and J hook for 5th, 6th and 7th rnds. Also use J
hook for remainder of afghan. Starting at center,
ch 3. Join with sl st to form ring. Starting with
first rnd, work as for Traditional Granny Square,
page 168, but work into each ch-I st instead of
each ch-I sp, Work color sequence as follows: 1st
square Work through first rnd with color H, 2nd
rnd F,. 3rd and 4th rnds D, 5th rnd H, 6th and 7th
rnds A. 2nd square Work through 2nd rnd with F,
3rd rnd E, 4th rnd G, 5th rnd E, 6th and 7th snds A.
3rd Square Work through first rnd with G, 2nd and
3rd rnds H, 4th rnd G, 5th rnd F, 6th and 7th rnds
A. 4th Square Work through first rnd with D, 2nd
and 3rd rnds E, 4th rnd H, 5th rnd D, 6th and 7th
rnds A. 5th Square Work first rnd with G, 2nd rnd F,
3rd and 4th rnds E, 5th rnd G, 6th and 7th rnds A.
6th Square Work through first rnd with D, 2nd rnd
G, 3rd and 4th rnds D, work first half of 5th rnd
with E and half with F, 6th and 7th rnds A.
To Assemble Hold 2 squares with right sides facing.
With A, sc them together along 1 side, working
through 1 Ip only of each st (ridges form on right
side). Join to remaining squares to form rectangle 3
squares long and 2 squares wide.
Border: 1st rnd SI st with A in any corner sp of
rectangle. Work a first corner in same so, continue
as for 5th rnd of Traditional Granny Square, working completely around rectangle. 2nd rnd SI st
with A in center de of any shell, ch 3, work 9 dc
in same st (first shell made), work 10 dc in center
dc of next shell OO-dc shell made), work a 10dc
shell in center of each shell around; join. Break
off. 3rd rnd SI st with C in first de of any shell
and work a first shell in same st, * work lOdc
shell in 6th st of same shell, work 10dc shell in
first st of next shell. Repeat from * around; ending with 10 de in 6th dc of last shell; join. Break
off. 4th rnd SI st with B in 6th dc of any shell,
ch 3, work 14 de in same st, * 15 de in 6th st of
next shell. Repeat from * around; join. Break off.
(page 54)


Size 28" x 41".

Materials Knitting worsted, 7 ounces each bright
pink (color A), yellow (B), purple (C); aluminum crochet hook size F (or Canadian hook # 10) or the
size that will give you the correct gauge. -Gauge Each square measures 3".
Center Strip Follow directions for Traditional
Granny Square, page 168, working only through the
3rd rnd. Make 5 center squares working with A
through first rnd and with B for the 2nd and 3rd
rnds. Hold 2 squares with right sides facing. Whip(continued


on page 148)

... but just look at her now!

When little Betania first came to our affiliated Children's Home in Brazil, she was
nine months old and so undernourished
her skin broke at the slightest touch. Her
destitute mother had fed Betania on water
sweetened with sugar-nothing else . ..
And the nurse was afraid to double the
sheet that covered
the little girl because any added:
weight might injure
her fragile skin.
But less thana year later-just look at
Betania! You'd hardly know she was the
same child. Good food, clean clothing,
medication and love-have
made the
difference between a starving infant and a
healthy, laughing child.
Your love can help make such a difference for another boy or girl. For only $12
a month you become a CCF sponsor and
help a needy child get a start in life. You
will receive a Personal Information Folder
telling you about the child you are,helping,
the child's name, date of birth, personal
history, special interests and a description
of the CCF Project. Plus-a small photograph of the child.
You will receive complete instructions
telling you how to write direct to your
child. Then will come a happy day when

you receive a reply from your child-the

original and an English translation.
You may be wondering: just what does
my $12 a month provide Well, this depends on the Project? The child-like
Betania-may live in an Orphanage which
receives aid from other sources, but still
must struggle to give children the basic
needs of life. Your gifts help make possible
the extra advantages so necessary to a
child in today's world ... shoes that fit,
school books, nourishing food, a loving
housemother ...
Or the child may be in oneof our Family
Helper Projects-a
youngster with a
widowed mother, impoverished parents or
from a broken home. Your sponsorship
will help keep the child with the family by
helping supply food, clothing, school
books, family guidance and a variety of
services directed by a trained caseworker.
So please look again at the picture of
little Betania. She is only one of thousands
of children who need someone to care.
Let a child know about your love. Why
wait another day? Thanks so much.
Sponsors urgently needed this month for
children in: India, Brazil, Taiwan (Formosa), Mexico and Philippines. (Or let us
select a child for you from our emergency


Write today: Verent 1. Mills

CHRISTIAN. CHILDREN'S FUND, Inc. :~:h!~~~~Va. 23261

I wish to sponsor a 0 boy 0 girl-in
Choose a child who needs me most. I will
pay $12 a month. I enclosefirst payment of
. Send me child's name, story,
addressand picture I cannot sponsor a child
b ut want to give
Please send me more information.




Registered (VFA-080) WIth the U.S. Government s

Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Ald. GIfts
are tax deductible. Canadians: Write 1407 Yonge ,
Toronto 7.
WD 9210



.." .

stitch together along one side. Join to the remaining

3 squares in this manner to form one strip.
Onecolor Border around Strip: 1st rnd Sl st with
C in any corner sp on strip, work a first corner in
same sp, continue as for 5th rnd on Traditional
Granny, working a shell in each joining. Work completely around strip. Break off. Repeat last rnd
6 times more. Break off.
Inner Border of Squares Make 24 squares, using
B for first rnd, C for 2nd rnd, and A for 3rd rnd.
Join 2 stiips of 7 squares each and 2 strips of 3
squares each. Whipstitch short strips to ends of
One-color Border and long strips to sides. Join a
square in each corner. Sl st with B in any corner
sp and work 1 rnd as for first rnd of tlne-color
Border. Break off. Work 5. rnds with A and 1 with
B in same manner. Break off.
Border Make 40 squares, using B for first rnd, A
for 2nd rnd, and C for 3rd rnd. Join 2 strips of 7
squares each and 2 strips of 11 squares each.
Whipstitch short strips to ends of afghan and long
strips to sides. Add corner squares. Sl st with
B in any corner sp and work 2 rnds as. for .first
rnd of One-color Border. Do not break off.
Edging For oicot, ch 4, sc in 4th ch from hook (picot
made), sc in each of next 5 sts, work picot, sc in
next 5 sts. Repeat from' around; join. Break off.

JACKET (page





strip. Work Gusset C with 2 rows on back strips.

Left Front Yoke With wrong side facing you, attach
A to corner sp at top left front edge (I). 1st row
Ch 5, working across top edge, work (3 dc in next
sp, .ch 2) 5 times; work 3 dc in next sp (armhole
edge); ch 5, turn. 2nd row Work (3 dc in next sp,
ch 2) 5 times; work 3 dc over turning ch (front
edge; ch 5, turn. 2nd row Work (3 dc in next sp,
sp ch 2. Repeat front * to assemble edge, ending
with 3 dc over turning ch, ch 5, turn. 4th row *
Work 3 dc in next sp, ch 2. Repeat from to
front edge, ending with ch 1, dc over turning ch;
ch 4, turn. Repeat 3rd and 4th rows twice more,
then 3rd row once again (3 shells). 10th row Repeat 4th row, ending with 3 dc over turning ch;
ch 4, turn. 11th row Repeat 3rd row. 12th row Repeat 10th row (3 shells), Break off.
Right Front YokeWith right side facing you, attach
A to corner sp at top front edge and work to correspond to left front. Sc front to back at shoulders.
Edging Sc around armholes and outer edges of vest,
spaci ng sts to keep edges flat.






Size One size fits 12 to 16.

Materials Knitting worsted, 17 ounces royal blue
for main color, 1 ounce each gold, beige, medium
blue, light blue, aqua, dark rose, Kelly green, dark
green, lavender, purple, pale peach. light pink,
turquoise, orange, moss green and bright pink; steel
crochet hook No. 00 or the size that will give YOU
the corect gauge; tapestry needle.
Gauge Each square measures 4lA".
Square Follow directions for Traditional Granny
Square, page 168, working first 4 rnds of each square
in assorted colors and 5th rnd a!wavs in main color.
Make 48 squares for jacket and 10 for each sleeve,
Triangl", (make 8) Fo!low directions for Triangle If,
page 171, working first 4 rows in assorted colors
and 5th row in main color.
To Assemble: Body Arrange and pin 48 squares and
2 triangles, wrong side up, according to Diagram 1.
Whipstitch together on wrong side with main color
and tapestry needle, but do not sew the 4 seams
marked from X to y, Tryon jacket. If you need more
"give" around the hip section of jacket, remove
pins from the 4 seams and work narrow gussets
as follows: Attach main color at an X work sc along
edges of the 2 squares to Y. Break off. Repeat
along the adjoining 2 squares. Now whipstitch the
'seam. Repeat process along remaining 3 pinned
seams. Sew shoulder seams,
Sleeves Join 7 squares and 2 triangles as for body,
followi ng Diagram 2. To Shane Underarm Gusset
With right side facing you, attach main color to
corner sp at I on Diagram 2. 1st row Ch 3, work
2 dc in same sp, (ch 1, 3 dc in next sp) 12 times;
sl st in each of next 3 dc and in next sp, ch 1, turn,
2nd row Sl st in each of next 7 sts. ch 2. work 2
dc in next sp, (ch 1, 3 de in next sp) 11 times; ch
4, turn, 3rd row Skip first 3 de, work 3 dc in next
sp, (ch 1, 3 dc in next sp) 3 times; sl st in next 32
sts, ch 1, turn. 4th row SI st in next 38 sts, ch 2,
2 dc in next sp, (ch 1, 3 dc in next sp) twice,
Break off, With wrong side facing you, work underarm gusset along opposite side of sleeve; whipstitch sleeve seam.
Cuff Attach main color in a corner sp next to seam
on lower edge of sleeve, 1st rnd Ch 3, work 2 dcin
corner sp, ch 1, 3 dc in next so. 'Repeat from. *
around sleeve edge, ch 1; joi n. 2nd rnd Ch 4, 3
dc in next sp, ch 1. Repeat from around, endi ng
with 2 dc in last sp, sl st in 3rd ch of ch-4. Repeat
last 2 rnds until cuff measures about 5". Break
off. Fold cuff back,
Work other sleeve in same manner, Whipstitch
sleeves to jacket, centering top square at shoulder
Jacket Edging With right side facing you, attach
main color to corner sp at left front neck edge
(dot on Diagram 1) and work completely around
jacket edge as follows: 1st rnd Ch 3, work 2 dc in

corner sp, ch 1, 3 dc in next sp. Repeat from'

around, working in seam joinings as well as in sps,
and working 3 de, ch 1 and 3 dc at lower front
corners; ch 1; join. 2nd row SI st in each of next
2 dc an'din next sp, ch 3, work 2 de in same sp,
ch 1, 3 dc in next sp. Repeat from' along left front,
lower edge and right front, working corners in
corner- spsat. lower f,ront corners .and ending in
right front neck edge corner, ch 1, 3 sc in
next sp. Repeat from' along triangle, back neck
and other triangle, ch 1; join. Break off.
Ties: Bobbles (make 6) With main color, ch 6, Join
with sl st to form ring. 1st rnd Ch 3, work 10 dc
in ring; join with sl st to top of ch-3. 2nd rnd Ch
3, dc in each dc arourid; join. 3rd rnd Ch 3, * holding back on hook the last lp of each de, work dc
in each of next 5 de, y 0, draw through aII 6 Ips
on hook. Repeat from * once more. Break off. Cord
With main color double, crochet a chain 23" long.
Break off. Sew a bobble to each end. Make 2 more
ties. Following photograph for placement, insert
bobbles of ties through spaces on front squares.

1 of


..... 2

Diagram 1








VEST (page


Sizes Small (10) [medium (12-14)-large (l6)]. Vest

measures 16W' [18"-19"] across back at underarms.
Materials Brunswick Germantown knitting worsted,
3 (4-ounce) skeins medium teal No. 454 (color A),
1 skein each medium loden No. 448 (8) and rose
No. 472 (C); aluminum crochet hook size G [H-I]
(or Canadian hook No. 9 [8-7] or the size that
wi II give you the correct gauge.
Gauge Large squares measure 8W' [9"-9W'].
Squares Follow directions for Traditional Granny
Square, page 168, with the following exceptions:
On the first rnd work ch 3 instead of ch 1 between
shells and on all other rnds for each corner sp
only, work ch 3 instead of ch 1.
Work 2 squares with 6 rnds -Isquares marked 1
on assembly diagram), and 12 squares with 7 rnds
(squares marked 2). For each square work through
2nd rnd with color C, 3rd and 4th rnds with B
and the rest with A.
To Assemble See assembly diagram. With A, join
No.2 squares to form 4 separate vertical strips of
3 squares each as follows: Hold 2 squares right
sides facing andsc sts together along 1 edge (ridge
is formed on wrong side), Join the 2 No.1 squares.
Now join strips along edges marked J. Gusset areas
are left open,
Gusset Shaping Work with color A for all 3 gussets,
Gusset A With wrong side facing you, attach A to
corner sp W of right front and work up to X as
follows: Ch 3, 2 dc in same sp, (ch 2, 3 dc in next
sp) 11 times; ch 2, 3 h dc in next sp, sc in each
dc and sp to end of 2nd square (X). Break off. With
right side facing you, work 1 row in same manner
along adjoining 2 squares from Y to X Break off.
2nd row Attach A in first ch-3 at beg of last row,
ch 5, (3 dc in next so, ch 2) 5 times; work de, h de
and sc in next so. Break off. Join seam with sc,
Work Gusset il to correspond with Gusset A,
with 1 row on left front strip and 2 rowl on back



(Copyright Delia Brock and Lorraine Badger,

The Adventurous
Simon & Schuster,

Sizes Small (6-8) [medium' (10-12)]. Sweater' measures 14" [16"] across from underarm to underarm.
Materials Brunswick Pomfret sport yarn, 4 (2-ounce)
skeins mint No. 507 (color A); J. & P, Coats KnitCro-Sheen, 3 (l75-yard) balls variegated pastels
No, 165 (B); Kentucky All Purpose yarn (item 301),
1 (lOO-yard) skein each rose No. 730 (C), peach
No. 707 (D), dusty rose No. 729 (E), foam green
No. 722 (F) and pink No. 731 (G); 1 ball pale green
pearl cotton to join squares; aluminum crochet
hook size E [F] (or Canadian hook No, 11 [10])
or the size that wi II give you the correct gauge (Note
For both sizes use E hook for waistband; neck
edging and buttons); tapestry needle.
Gauge Each square measures 3W' [4"]; 5 sc on
band = 1"; 5 rows sc = 1",
Square Follow directions for Variation A Square,
page 168. To make first square, use color C through
first rnd and F for 2nd rnd, For 3rd and 4th rnds
use one strand each A and B held together.
Make 43 more squares, using A and B together
for 3rd and 4th rnds for all squares and working
center 2 rnds in the following color combinations:
17 more squares with C and F, 10 squares with
E and F, 10 squares with G and F, 4 squares with
D and E, 2 squares with G and D.
To Assemble: Front Following 'assembly diagram,
hold 2 squares together with wrong sides facing
(letters in squares indicate center colors), With
pearl cotton and tapestry needle, whipstitch squares
together along 1 side. Join 20 more squares, as
shown on diagram, to form front. Repeat for back.
Sew front to back at shoulders, arms and along 1
side, On other side, starting at underarm, sew 1"
only, leaving remainder open for buttoning.
Waistband Starting at narrow end of waistband with
A, ch 13 to measure about 2W'. 1st row Sc in 2nd
ch from hook and in each ch across; ch 1, turn.
2nrl row Sc in each sc across; ch 1. turn. Repeat
last row until waistband measures 24" [26"]. Break
off. Sew waistband a,ong lower edge of sweater,


gathering sweater to fit.

Neck Edging With A, sl st in center back neck
edge, ch 1. 1st rnd Sc evenly across edge to first
corner; mark sc worked in corner; continue to sc
around, marking sc worked in each of remaining 3
corners; join with sl st to ch-I. 2nd rnd (dec rnd)
Ch 1, sc in each sc to within first marked corner
sc, draw up Ip in each of next 2 sc, draw through
all 3 Ips on hook (dec made); continue to sc around,
working 1 dec at each marked sc. join. Work 2
more rnds sc, decreasing 1 st at each corner on
each rnd. Break off.
Buttons (make 5) With A make Ip on hook, leaving
9" end; ch 3. Join with sl st to form ring. 1st rnd
Work 6 sc in ri ng, joi n with sl st to first sc. 2nd
rnd Sc in each sc around, increasing 3 sc evenly
spaced (to inc, work 2 sc in 1 sc), join. With hook
pull the 9" end up through the center of circle.
Wind end around finger and stuff in "cup" of
circle. 3rd rnd Holding stuffing down with thumb,
ch 1, work sc in every other sc around; join. SI st
in .each st just worked, then insert hook in st
across opening and sl st to close button ball. Break
off, leaving 6" end. Sew buttons in place.
Button loops Work button loops on waistband only.
Buttons on squares can be pushed through openings on back squares. Mark back waistband edge
with 2 pi ns for placement of button loops. With
A, sl st in corner of waistband, sl st along edge
to first pin, ch 6, skip about W' of edge and sl
st along edge to next pin, skip about W' of edge
and sl st to end of band. Break off.













DE Cf ~







CF \




Size 3" wide. Length is adjustable.

Materials Brunswick Coolspun (a nubby boucle-type
yarn), 1 (J-ounce) skein each of carrot No. 1113
(color C), old lace No. 1101 (0), Jamaica No. 1178
(J) and marigold No. 1190 (M); aluminum crochet
hook size G (or Canadian hook No.9) or the size that
will give you the correct gauge.
Gauge Each square measures 2%/1.
Following directions for Variation I Square, page
169, make 4 squares, working 2 with color C for
rnds 1 through 5 and 2 with J for rnds 1 through
5. Work rnds 6 and 7 with O.
Following directions for Variation J Square, page
169, make 5 squares, working all rnds with M.
(Note For a longer belt, make additional squares.)
FiniShing Pin squares together, right side up, in
the following order: Variation J, Variation I with
color C, Variation J, Variation I with color J, Variation J, Variation I with C, Variation J, Variation I
with color J, Variation J. With color J, sl st squares
together from right side so that ridge forms. With
right side facing and using M, * work 1 row sc
along one long edge of belt, ch 30 for tie, turn,
work sc in 2nd ch fro in hook and in each ch across
(tie completed), work sc along short end of belt,
make another tie. Repeat from * along remaining
2 sides of belt. Join and break off.


Sizes Small (6-8) [medium (1012)]. Vest measures

15" [17"] across from underarm to underarm when
stretched slightly.
Materials Brunswick Pomfret sport yarn, 2 (2-ounce)
skeins rose No. 572 (color A), 1 skein pink No. 515
(B); steel crochet hook No. 1 [0] or the size that
will give you t~e correct gauge; tapestry needle.
Note Vest is composed of 3 types of squares. The
small ones (Variation P for front and Variation 0
for straps) are shown in the photograph. The large
one (Variation R for back) is not shown.
Variation P Squares (make 8) Each square measures 4" [4W']. Using A, follow directions, page.170.
Variation Q Squares (make 6) Each square measures


on page 150)

Can you guess my age?

Look at my picture. Look at it closely. How many wrinkles
do you see?
It's hard to say, isn't it? And nobody's done anything
with this photograph-like smoothing out my skin.
If you don't believe me, anytime you're passing through
Freeport, Illinois, you can look me up in person. My name
is Marguerite Prasse.
You know what I use on my face? A hand lotion-not
just any lotion, but a special one. And I've been using this
hand lotion on my face for 45 years. (That'll give you a
hint, I've been around for awhile.)
I discovered it when one of my daughters was a
youngster. She used to play outdoors a lot and her knuckles
would get so chapped, they would bleed. Why, I tried
everything, until I finally found Campana Italian Balm".
I'll tell you, it worked wonders on her tiny hands. So I
started to use it myself. And it's done so much good for my
skin, I had a hard time getting an apartment in an elderly
housing development. I had to prove I was over 62.
Even a salesgirl at the cosmetic counter in a store
where lance worked asked me not to tell customers my
secret. She was afraid she wouldn't be able to sell her
products. You see, Italian Balmis much less expensive
than most face creams.
Incidentally, drugstores sometimes are out of Italian
Balm. But they'll get it on request any time you ask for it.
Right now, I have two bottles on hand. Enough to keep me
.100kiJ;lgyounger than my 71 years;
Now, how close did you come to guessing my age?
The above is an unretouchcd photograph oj Marguerite Prasse, Freeport, Ill.


"Health' Bar.
Give your skin something
to be happy about.
Wash it regularly with
Cutlcura" Medicated
Soap. Its special
helps reduce bacteria
on the skin, and so
aids skin hygiene.
At the same time,
Cuticura's rich,
creamy lather
washes away dirt,
grease and grime
. . . helps leave
your skin clean,
fresh and lovely
looking, You
actually get a
beauty treatment
free, when you
buy a bar of
Medicated Soap.



3V2" [4"]. Using B, follow directions, page 170.

through 3rd rnd. Use A for 4th, 5th and 6th rnds.
Variation R Square (make 1) Square measures 12W'
Using B, follow directions, page 170
through 15th rnd. Work with A for 16th rnd through
19th rnd.
To Assemble See assembly diagram. Hold two Variation P squares together (1 on diagram) wrong sides
facing .. With matching yarn and tapestry needle,
whipstitch squares together along 1 side. Join 2
groups of 4 squares each for fronts as shown on
diagram. Then join 2 strips of three Variation Q
squares each for straps (2 on diagram). Join a front
to one end of each strap, then join the large square
to opposite ends of straps for back. Whipstitch side
edges between dots on back square.
Front Edging With right side facing you, with B
work 1 row sc along front edges, starting in first
tr of fan at lower corner' and ending iu last tr of
fan at top corner. Break off.
Tie Work with double strand of B. Crochet a chain









Size 15" square.

Materials Brunswick Aspen (bulky yarn), 1 (2-ounce)
skein each brick heather No. 1474 (color A), ginger
heather No. 14861 (B), cotton candy No. 14581
(C), cherry smash No. 1420 (0); aluminum crochet
hook size -H (or Canadian hook No.8) or the size
that will give you the correct gauge; V2 yard orange
felt; 1 pound kapok or Dacron for stuffing.
Square Follow directions for Variation S Square,
page 170. Work through 2nd rnd with A, work 3rd
and 4th rnds with B, 5th, 6th and 7th rnds with C.
8th rnd with B, 9th, 10th and 11th rnds with
12th rnd Working in back Ip only of each st, using
A, sl st in any corner ch-1 sp, work 3 sc in same
sp; sc in each st around, working 3 sc in each
corner sp, join with sl st in first sc. 13th rnd
Working in back lp only of each st, work 3 sc in
next (corner) sc. sc in each sc around, working
3 sc in each corner sc, joi n. 14th and 15th rnds
Repeat 13th rnd. Break off.
Finishing Cut two 16" squares felt (W' seam allowance included). Pin or baste granny square on one
felt piece, having yarn edge just over seam line .
With right sides of felt pieces facing and granny
square sandwiched between, stitch around 3 sides,
catching yarn edge in stitching. Turn and stuff.
Sew fourth side closed.




2, skip next sc, sc in next sc. Repeat from' across.

Fringe Cut one 16" strand of each color for each
tassel. Hold strands together and fold in half. Dra'Y
folded end through first ch-2 sp at end of scarf,
then draw ends through Ip at folded end; tighten.
Attach tassel in each sp across ends of scarf.

long enough to lace through holes of squares along,

front and tie in bow at waist. Sc in 2nd ch from
hook and in each ch across. Break off.


and page


Size Cap fits head 20" to 22". Scarf measures

13W' x 56" without fringe.
Materials Fleisher's knitting worsted, for cap and
scarf together, 1 (4-ounce) skein each flaming pink
No. 463 (color A), peacock blue No. 473 (B), copper
No. 430 (C) and yellow No. 154 (0); aluminum crochet hook size H (or Canadian hook No.8) or the
size that will give you the correct gauge; tapestry
Gauge Each square measures about 4W


Square (make 5) Follow directions for Traditional

Granny Square, page 168, with the following exception: Work all rnds with ch 2 instead of ch 1
between shells. 'York3 rnds for each square, using
A, B or C as desired for each rnd. 4th rnd (border
rnd) With 0, work sc in each dc and ch st around
working 2 sc in each corner ch st, join. Break off:
To Assemble To join, hold 2 squares with right sides
facing. Whipstitch them together along one edge,
work.lI1gthrough lip only of each st (ridges formed
on fight Side). JOIn 4 squares to form ring. Whipstitch remaining square around 1 edge of ring to
form top of cap, easing edges to fit smoothly.
Around lower edge of cap, crochet a rnd of 72 sc
with 0, then 1 rnd each with C, A, B, 0 and C.



Squares (make 36) See squares for cap. Work in

an assortment of color combinations,' using A, B
and C. Use 0 for sc border on each square.
To Assemble Join. squares as for cap, assembling
them 3 squares Wide by 12 squares long. With 0,
work sc In each sc around entire scarf, working
3 sc in each corner; join. Break off. At each end
of scarf, work 1 row each of C, B, A and 0 sc.
Next row With C, sl st in first sc of last row, * ch


Size Fits head 20" to 22".

Materials Aunt Lydia's heavy rug yarn, 2 aD-yard)
skeins bongo (dark orange) No. 224 (color A), 1
skein orange No. 226 (B); aluminum crochet hook
size H (or Canadian hook No.8) or the size that
will give you the correct gauge; tapestry needle~
Gauge On brim, 3 sc = 1"; 3 rows = 1". Each
square measures 4" x 4V2".
Top of Crown Starting at top with color A, ch 4.
Join with sl st to form ring. 1st rnd Work 7 sc in
ring. Do not join rnds but mark beg of each rnd.
2nd rnd Work 2 sc in each sc around (14 sc), 3rd
rnd * Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc. Repeat from'
around (21 sc). Continue in this manner for 4 rnds
more', increasing 7 sc, evenly spaced, on each rnd
(49 sc). Piece should measure about 5W' in diameter. Break off A; attach B. 8th rnd Dc in each
sc around. increasing 6 de, as evenly soaced as
possible (55 dc). 9th rnd Sc in each cc around;
join. Break off.
Squares (make 4) Follow directions for Variation
B Squares, page 168. Work through first rnd with
B, 2nd and 3rd rnds with A and 4th row with B.
To Assemble Crown To joi n, hold 2 squares with
wrong sides facing. With B, whipstitch 4th row edge
(color B) on 1 square to an A edge on adjacent
square. Join square to form ring. With B, whipstitch crown to one edge of ring.
Brim: lsf rnd With 'right side of crown facing
you, using B work 58 sc, evenly spaced, along
lower edge of crown; join. Break off. 2nd rnd With
A, sl st in first sc, ch 3, de in same sc, dc in
next sc, 2 dc in next sc. Repeat from * around
(88 de), join. 3rd rnd Sc in each dc around, increasing 3 sc as evenly spaced as possible (91 sc). 4th
through 7th rnds Sc in each sc around. 8th rnd
(scalloped edge) * Skip 2 sc, work 6 dc in next sc,
skip 2 sc, sc in next sc. Repeat from * around; join,
Break off. 9th rnd With B, work sc in each st
around. Break off.


SHAWL (page


Materials Coats and Clark's knitting worsted, 2

ounces each wood brown No. 360 (color A), light
gold No. 603 (B), copper No. 284 (C), coffee
No. 365 (D) and Sahara No. 446 (E), 3 ounces each
bisque No. 331 (F), dk., olive No. 650 (G) and sandstone No. 330 (H), 4 ounces taupe No. 356 (I), 8
ounces light natural No. 418 (J); aluminum crochet
hook size F (or Canadian hook No. 10) or the size
that will give you the correct gauge.
Gauge Each square measures 24".
Squares (make 3) Follow directions for Traditional


Granny Square, page 168, with the following exceptions: Work ch 3 jnst~ad of ch 1 between shells

on first rnd; on all other rnds work ch 3 at corners

and ch 2 between shells.
Work color sequence as follows: First 4 rnds
with color A, then 2 rnds each of B, C, D, E, F,
G, H, I and J. Break off.
To Assemble With right side facing you, number
left edge of 2nd square No. 1 and top edge No.2.
Hold first and 2nd squares with wrong sides facing.
With J, join along side marked No.1, working a
row of sc through both squares. Join 3rd square to
2nd square along edge marked No.2. Squares form
V shape.
Work a row of dc along inner edges (neck and
front edges).
Fringe Cut four 16" strands J for each tassel. Hold
strands together and fold in half. Draw folded end
through a sp on outside edge of shawl, then draw
ends through Ip at folded end; tighten. Attach a
tassel in each sp around outside edge of shawl.

Sm 29"





(B), purPle (Cl,

minum crochet hook size G ~ C2
. )
or the size that will give yoo the correct gl:_- .
Gauge Shell, ch 1 and shell - 1%".
Starting at center with A, follow directions for
Traditional Granny Square, page 168. Work 2nd
rnd with B, 3rd rnd C, 4th rnd D and 5th rnd B.
At end of 5th rnd piece should measure about 5W'
square. Repeat 5th rnd 21 times more, working 1
rnd each E, F, A, D, C, B, F, E and A, then 2 rnds
each 0, B, C, E, A and F. Break off.
Pillow Cut two 30" felt squares (W' seam allowance
included). Pin or baste granny square on one felt
piece, having yarn edge just over seam line. With
right sides of felt pieces facing and granny square
sandwiched between, stitch around 3 sides, catching yarn edge in stitching. Leave 16" open on 1

side. Turn and stuff; sew opening closed.

L Square, page 169, through 3rd rnd. Break off and

attach A to any sc. Work with A for 4th and 5th


Materials Fleisher's Gigantic (bulky yarn), 1 (2ounce) skein orange spice No. 759 (color A), 2 skeins
antique gold No. 753 (B), 5 skeins pistachio No.
777 (C), 6 skeins forest green No. 446 (D); aluminum
crochet hook size H (or Canadian hook No.8) or the
size that will give you the correct gauge. -Gauge 3 sc on border - 1". Squares measure
about 14W'.
Squares (make 5) See directions for Variation K
Square, page 169. Use color A through 2nd rnd,
color B for 3rd and 4th rnds, color C for 5th, 6th
and 7th rnds.
Border Work in back Ip only of each st for all
remaining rnds. 1st rnd SI st with in any corner
ch-l sp, * work sc, ch 1 and sc in same sp (corner),
work sc in each dc and ch st around, working
corner in each ch-l corner sp: join with sl st in
first sc. 2nd rod Sc in next sc, work corner in
ch-l sp, sc in each sc around, working corner in
each ch-l corner sp, joi n. Repeat 2nd rnd twice
more. Break off.
To Assemble Hold 2 squares with wrong sides
facing. With D, working through both Ips on each
oare, sc along 1 side to join. Make a strip of 4
n join to form tube. Join remaining
e to one e of tube to form top of hassock.


Size All oxi ely 38 X 7fY'.

Materials Aunt Lydia's Heavy Rug Yarn, 8 OO-yard)
skeins medium blue No. 214 (color A), 8 skeins
phantom red No. 252 (B), 10 skeins rust No. 227
(C), 8 skeins orange No. 226-A (D); aluminum crochet hook size H (or Canadian hook No.8) or the
size that will give you the correct gauge; tapestry
needle with large eye.
Gauge 8 dc (on border) = 3"; 1 row dc = 1".
Note Use yarn double throughout.
Large Center Squares (make 3) Each square measures 10". Using B, follow directions for Variation

rnds. Work with C for 6th and 7th rnds. Work with
D for 8th rnd.
Small Center Squares (make 28) Each square measures 5". With A, follow directions for Variation M
Square, page 169.
Border Squares (make 32) Each square measures 5".
Using B, follow directions for VariationN Square,
page 169, through 2nd rnd. Work with C for 3rd
Block each square carefully to measurement.
Joining For all joinings, hold squares together with
right sides facing. Whipstitch through 1 Ip only of
each st so that free Ips form ridge on right side.
Whipstitch two Variation M squares together. Sew
9 more pairs of these squares in same manner.
Hold a pair along one side of a center square and
join, pulling slightly to fit if necessary. Sew pairs
of squares along remaining 3 sides. Sew pairs of
squares in same manner around only 3 sides of
other two center squares. Following photograph,
whipstitch the 3 large squares together to form
center panel. Fill in corners and spaces along sides
with remaining Variation M squares._
Inner Double Crochet Border Work in back Ip only
of each st. With D, sl st in a corner sp of center
panel, ch 3, work de, ch 1 and 2 dc in same sp,
dc in each st around, working 2 dc, ch 1 and 2
dc in each corner sp, join with sl st in top of
ch-3. Break off.
Join 2 strips of 6 Variation N squares each for
rug ends and 2 strips of 10 squares each for sides.
Sew strips in place, pulling slightly to fit if necessary.
Border: 1st rnd With 0, sl st in a corner sp, ch 3,
work de, ch 1 and 2 dc in same sp, dc around rug,
keeping edges smooth and flat and working 2 de,
ch 1 and 2 dc in each corner ch-2 sp: join. Break
off. 2nd rnd With A, sl st in a corner ch-l sp and
work 2 sc, ch 1 and 2 sc in same sp (corner), sc
in each st around, working a corner in each corner
sp, join. Break off. 3rd rnd With B, repeat last rnd.

on page 152)

.The jeneert douche.

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Break off. 4th rnd With D, work as for last rnd

workingdcs instead of scs. Break off.
Picot Edging With D, sl st in a corner and work
across narrow end of rug as follows: Work sc in
same st, for picot ch 3, sc in 3rd ch from hook
(picot made), * sc in each of next 5 sts, work picot.
Repeat from * across end of rug, sc in last st.
Break off. Repeat across opposite end of rug.
(page 61)

Size Approximately 63" x 98" (single or twin size).

Materials Lily Sugar-n-Cream cotton yarn, 14 (125yard) balls eggshell No. 4 (color A), 1 ball each
white No.1 (B), canary No. 11 (C), gold No. 17 (0),
_ orange No. 20 (E), light blue No. 26 (F), medium
blue No. 29 (G), dark blue No. 30 (H), baby pink
No. 47 (I), dark rose No. 44 (J), red No. 95 (K),
hunter green No. 58 (L), emerald green No. 62 (M),
avocado No. 171 (N), beige No. 90 (0), light brown
No. ll9 (P), medium brown No. 120 (Q), turquoise
No. 36 (R), tea rose No. 42 (S), rust No. 129 (T),
light orchid No. 79 (U), deep rose No. 104 (V), black
No.2 (W); aluminum crochet hook size K (or Canadian hook No.4) Dr the size that will give you the
correct gauge; tapestry needle.
Gauge Each square measures 7".
Square Follow directions for Traditional Granny
Square, page 168, with the following exceptions:
On first rnd work ch 3 instead of ch 1 between
shells and on all other rnds work ch 3 instead of
ch 1 at corners only. Work only through the 4th
rnd for each square. Follow assembly diagram for
placement of squares. The letters in each square
indicate colors. The first letter is color used for
first rnd, 2nd letter is color for 2nd rnd and so
on. The blank squares on border are worked with
color A only. The shaded area represents une-color
squares as marked.
Work all squares for one horizontal or vertical
strip and sew them together with A before beginning the next strip. In this way you can avoid
the confusion of a lot of loose squares and the
bedspread will be assembled as you work. To join,
hold 2 squares with right sides facing and sew
together along oneside with running stitches or

black No. 6 (B); JA"-wide elastic to fit waist;

aluminum crochet hook size H (or Canadian hook
No.8) or the size that will give you the correct
gauge; tapestry needle.
Gauge Each-square measures 7".
Squares (make 30 for 37" length or 35 for 42"
length) Follow directions for Variation 0 Square,
page 170. Begin with A for first rnd, change to
B for 2nd rnd. Continue to alternate the 2 colors
for 7 rnds in all.
Triangle (make 10) Follow directions for Triangle V,
page 171. Begin with B and alternate with A for
6 rows in all. Work ch 2 instead of ch 1 in corner
on each row.
To Assemble Hold 2 squares with" right sides facing
and whipstitch together along one edge, working
through front lp only of each st (ridges formed
on right side). Make 5 strips with 6 [7) squares in
each strip (see numbered strip on assembly diagram). Join strips diagonally as shown on diagram.
Following diagram, sew triangles in place at waist
and lower edges. Match corresponding A, B, C and
D's, then sew skirt along sides marked X to form
diagonal seam. With B, work a row of sc, evenly
spaced, around lower edge of skirt.
Waistband Attach A with sl st to waist edge. 1st
rnd Work sc evenly around waist. 2nd rnd Sc in
each sc around. Repeat last rnd until waistband
measures 2". Break off. Sew ends of elastic together and place elastic along inside of waistband.
Following stitch diagram, with A work herringbone
stitch over elastic to hold in place, gathering waistband to fit elastic.

(X on diagram). 1st row Work 15 sc evenly across

edge to Y; ch 1, turn. 2nd row Sc in 15 sc across;
ch 1, turn. Repeat last row until extension measures lOW' from beg. Next row (dec row) Draw up
a Ip in each of first 2 sc, y 0, draw through all
3 Ips on hook (l dec made), sc in each sc to within
last 2 sc, dec 1 sc, ch 1, turn. * Work 1 row even,
then repeat dec row once more. Repeat from *
once more. Work even on 11 sc until extension
measures 38" from beg, Dec 1 sc at beg and end
of row for next 4 rows (3 sc remain). Next row
Sc across 3 sc. Break off.
Lining Enlarge pattern diagram and cut paper
pattern, adding W' seam allowance to all edges.
Cut lining pieces and, with right sides together,
stitch around lower edge and sides, leaving top
edge open for turning, Trim seams and turn. Cut
grosgrain ribbon to measure 29". Cut one end to
point to correspond to narrow end of tie. Place
ribbon along narrow end of tie and sew in place.
Center lining between broken lines on wrong side
of tie as shown on assembly diagram. Turn in top
raw edges and sew lining in place.
Fold sides of tie to back over lining. The crocheted edges must be cut so that they wi II butt
in order to avoid the extra bulk of a thick seam.
Before cutting tie, pin seam, then baste along each
pinned line separately, being careful. not to run
needle through both thicknesses of seam, Remove
pins and open tie. RU112 lines of closely spaced
machine stitches (or backstitch by hand) along each
basting line. The stitching will keep crochet from
raveling when it is cut. Cut seam away close to
stitching lines. Butt and whipstitch edges together.
(continued on page 168)
Each square

1" square

length -

Iu t





Herringbone stitch

I cut2






Size One size will fit 10-16. Skirt is written in two

lengths, 37" and 42" from waistband to lower edge.
Length can be adjusted further if desired. Note The
squares are quite flexible, and will produce a proportionately shorter skirt on a heavier figure than
on a slim one.
Materials Bucilla Melody (50% mohair, 50% acrylic),
8 (l-ounce) balls bronze No. 12 (color A), 7 balls


Materials Brunswick Fairhaven fingering yarn, 2

(l-ounce) skeins black No. 1660 (color A), 1 skein
each light yellow No. 1603 (B), Danish blue No.
1684 (C), helio No, 1638 (D), pink No. 1615 (E),
absinthe heather No. 1671 (F) and emerald No. 1683
(G); steel crochet hook No.2 or the size that will
give you the correct gauge; 1;4 yard 44"-wide silk
or rayon lining fabric; 1 yard 1W'-wide grosgrain
Gauge 8' sc = I"; each square measures 2W'.
Squares Follow directions for Traditional Granry
Square, page 168, with the following exceptions:
Work ch 3 instead of ch 1 between shells on first
rnd and ch 3 instead of ch 1 on all other rnds at
corners only. Work 4 rnds only. Use B, C, D or E
for first rnd of each square, and for all squares
use F for 2nd rnd, G for 3rd rnd and A for 4th rnd.
Make 15 squares, using color indicated on each
square of assembly diagram for first rnd.
Triangles (make 6) Follow directions for Triangle
V, page 171. Work 4 rows with A only. Work ch 3
instead of ch 1 in corner of each row.
To Assemble Follow assembly diagram for placement of squares and triangles. To joi n, hold 2
squares with right sides facing and whipstitch
along one edge, working through front Ip only of
each st (ridges formed on right side),
Tie Extension With A, sl st at upper edge of tie





Please read the General Directions and Abbreviations,


Used for
Flounced Baby Afghan, Outofthe-Ordinary
Crib Af
ghan, Out-of-the-Blue
Jacket. Long Tailored Vest,
Matching Cap and Scarf, Flingy In-Square Shawl,
Big Bold Floor Pillow, The Colorful Cotton Afghan
Spread, Diamond Jim Tie

ch 6. Join with sl

at center,


to form

1st rnd Ch 3, work 2 de in ring, (eh I, 3-de shell in

ring) 3 times; ch I; join with sl st to top of ch-I.
Break off.
2nd rnd SI st in
2 de, eh 1 and
ch-I sp work 3
Repeat from *

any ch-I sp, ch 3,

3 de (first corner),
de, eh 1 and 3 de
twice more; ell I;

in same sp work
* eh 1, in next
(another corner).
join. Break off.

3rd rnd SI st in any ch-I corner sp and work a first

corner in same sp, * eh I, 3-de shell in next ch-I
sp, ch I, work corner in next corner sp. Repeat from
* twice more; eh 1, shell in next sp, eh 1; join.
Break off.
4th rnd SI st in any ch-I corner sp and work a first
corner in same sp, (eh 1, shell in next ch-I sp)
twice; ch I, work corner in next corner sp. Repeat
from * twice more; (eh I, shell in next sp) twice;
ch 1; join. Break off.
5th rnd SI st in any ch-I corner sp and work a first
corner in same sp, * eh 1, work shell in next ch-I
sp. Repeat from to next corner, ch l, work a
corner in next corner sp. Conti nue around in pattern;
join. Break off.
Repeat last rnd for desired size.

Used for Precious Little

at center,


in same sp work
, ch 1, in next
(another corner).
join. Break off.

3rd rod Work 3 sc in any chl corner sp, work sc

in each dc and ch-I sp around, working 3 sc in each
remaining corner sp, join with sl st to first sc.
Break off.

4th rnd SI st in any corner sc, ch 3, work 10 dc

along I edge only. Break off. This will produce a
slightly rectangular shape.
Used for
Orange, Gold and Brown Square, page 62
Size Square measures
4" when
worked with knitting worsted and alumi num crochet
hook size G (or Canadian hook No.9).

at center,

ch 4. Join with sl st to form

1st rnd Ch 3, work 2 de in ring, (ch I, 3-dc shell

in ring) 3 times; ch I; join with sl st to top of ch-J,
Break off.
2nd rnd SI st in any ch-I so, ch 3, in same sp work
2 de, ch 1 and 3 dc (first corner), * ch I, in next
ch-I sp work 3 de, ch I and 3 dc (another corner).
Repeat from'
twice more; ch 1; jOiil. Break off.
3rd rnd SI st in any ch-I corner sp, ch 6, work de
in same sp (first corner lp], * ch 3, work de in next
ch-I sp, eh 3, work de, eh 3 and de in next ch-I
corner sp (another corner Ip). Repeat from'
more; eh 3, de in next ch-I sp, ch 3; join with sl
st in 3rd eh of ch-S, Break off.


ch 6. Join with sl st to form

1st rnd eh 3, work 1 de in ring, (ch 1, 2dc shell in

ring) 3 times; ch I; join with sl st to top of ch-S.
Break off.
2nd rnd SI st in any ch-I sp, ch 3, in same sp work
de, ch I and 2 dc (first corner), ch I, in next ch-I
sp work 2 dc, ch I and 2 dc (another corner). Repeat from * twice more; ch I; join. Break off.
3rd rnd SI st in any ch-I corner sp and work a first
corner in same sp, * ch 1, 3de shell in next ch-I
sp, ch 1, work corner in next corner sp. Repeat from
twice more; ch I, work shell in next sp, ch 1;
join. Break off.
4th rnd SI st in any ch-I corner sp and work a first
corner in same sp, ch 1, 3-dc shell in next ch-I
sp '. Repeat from'
to * to next corner, ch 1, work
corner in corner sp. Repeat lrom to to next
corner, ch I. Continue around in pattern; join.
Brea off.
- eat last rod for desired size.


2nd rnd SI st in any ch-I sp, eh 3,

2 de, ch 1 and 3 dc (first corner),
ch-I sp work 3 de, ch 1 and 3 dc
Repeat from twice more; ch I;

page 146, before you start crocheting.

4th rnd SI st in any eh-3 corner lp, eh 3. work 2 de,

eh I, and 3 de in same Ip (first corner), (ch 1,
work 3 dc in next ch-J sp) twice; eh I, work 3 de,
ch I and 3 de in next corner Ip (another corner).
Repeat from'
twice more; (ch 1, 3 de in next ch-3
sp) twice; eh I; join. Break off.

Used for Flamboyant


There is no particular pattern in which the colors

are changed on the afghan squares. SOllie squares
change colors every round and others have 2 or
more rounds worked with the same color. If you
wish to change colors, simply break off at the end
of a round and start with a new color as specified
under General Directions.

at center,

ch 6. Join with sl st to form

1st rnd Work 12 sc in ring; join with sl st in back

Ip of first sc. From now on work in back lp only of
each st.
2nd rnd Ch 3, dc in next 2 sc, (eh 5, de in each of
next 3 se) 3 times; ch 5; join with sl st in top of

3, c in next 2 de, de in next ch . ch 7,

en. de in next 3 de. dc in next

-ur2; ch 7. skip 3 ch, de

of next 3 ch, dc in next 5 dc. Repeat from * twice

more; dc in each of next 3 ch, work de, ch 5 and
de in next eh, de in each of next 3 ch, de in next
de; join (J3 de on each side of square).

5th rnd Ch 3, de in next

2 ch, work 3 de in next
next 2 ch, de in next 13
more, ending last repeat
13; joi n (80 dc).

7 de,

* de in each of next
ch (corner), de in each of
de. Repeat from * 3 times
by working 5 dc instead of

6th rnd Ch 3, de in next 2 de, * (eh I, skip 1 de,

de in next 2 de) twice; eh 2, skip 2 de, work 5 de
in next de (corner), eh 2, skip 2 de, de in next 2 de,
eh 1, skip 1 de, de in next 2 de, eh 1, skip I de,
de in next 3 de. Repeat from * 3 times more, ending
last repeat by omitting last 3 de; join. Break off.

Used for Olive and Blue Square, page 62
Size Square measures approximately
3" when
worked with knitting worsted and aluminum crochet hook size G (or Canadian hook No.9).

at center,

ch 4. Join with sl st to form

1st rnd Ch 3, work It dc in ring (Ii dc, counting

ch-3 as I de): join with sl st in top of ch-3. Break
2nd rnd Attach yarn with se in last dc made,
ch 6, skip next 2 de, se in next dc. Repeat from'
3 times more; join with sl st in first sc.
3rd rnd SI st in first chf lp, eh 3, work 3 dc in
same lp, to make picot ch 4, se in 4th ch from hook
(picot completed), work 4 more dc in same lp, *
work picot, in next ch-6 lp work 4 de, picot and
4 dc. Repeat from twice more; work picot; join
sl st in top of ch']. Break off,

Used for Red and Blue Square, page 62
Size Square measures approximately
5W' when
worked with knitting worsted and aluminum crochet hook size G (or Canadian hook No.9).

at center,

ch 4. Join with sl st to form

1st rnd Work 8 sc in ring; join with sl st to first se.

2nd rnd Ch 3, work dc in same place as sl st, ch
2, y a hook, draw up Ip in next st, y 0, draw
through 2 Ips on hook (2 Ips remain on hook), ~ 0,
draw up Ip in same st, Y 0, draw through 2 Ips on
hook, y 0, draw through remaining 3 Ips on hook,
(2dc el made). Repeat from'
6 times more; ch 2;
join with sl st in top of ch-3 (16 dc, counting eh3
as 1 dc). Break off.
3rd rnd SI st in any ch-Z sp, ch 3, work 2 de, ch 2
and 3 dc in same sp, (first corner), * ch 2, 3-dc
shell in next ch-Z so, ch 2, work 3 de, eh 2 and 3
de in next ch-Z sp (another corner). Repeat from'
twice more; ch 2, shell in next" sp, ch 2; join with
sl st in top of ch3. Break off.
4th rnd SI st in any ch-Z corner sp. Work first
corner in same sp, (ch 2, work shell in next
ch-Z sp) twice; ch 2, work corner in next corner
sp. Repeat from * twice more; (ch 2, shell in next
sp) twice; eh 2; join. Break off.


5th rod SI st in any corner ch-2 sp, work first corner

in same sp, (ch 2, shell in next sp) 3 times; ch 2,
work corner in next corner sp. Repeat from *
twice more; (ch 2, shell in next sp) 3 times; ch 2;
join. Break off.
Used for Green and Lavender Square, page 62
Size Square measures approximately 6" when
worked in knitting worsted using an aluminum crochet hook size G (or Canadian hook No.8).
Starting at center, ch 4. Join with sl st to form
1st rnd Work 8 sc in ring; join with sl st to first
sc. Break off.
2nd rnd SI st in first sc, ch 3, work dc in same
place as sl st. ch 2, yo hook, draw up Ip in next
SC, y 0, draw through 2 Ips on hook (2 Ips remain on hook), y 0, draw up lp in same st, y 0,
draw through 2 Ips on hook, Y 0, draw through
remaining 3 Ips on hook (2-dc cl made). ch 2.
Repeat from * 6 times more; join with sl st to
top of ch-3 (eight 2-dc cl made, counting ch-3 as
I de). Break off.
3rd rnd SI st in any ch-2 sp, ch 3, work 2-dc cl
in same sp, ch 3, y 0, draw up Ip in same sp, y 0,
draw through 2 Ips on hook, y 0, draw up Ip in
same sp, Y 0, draw through 2 Ips on hook, Y 0,
draw up Ip in same st, Y 0, draw through 3 Ips
on, hook, y 0, draw through remaining 3 Ips on
hook (3-dc cl completed-first
corner made), *
ch 2, work 3-dc cl in next ch-2 sp, ch 3, work
3-dc cl, ch 2 and 3-dc cl in next ch-2 sp (another
corner). Repeat from * twice more; ch 2, 3-dc cl
in _next sp, join. Break off.
4th rnd SI st in any corner ch-3 sp, work first
corner in same sp, * (ch 2, work 3-dc cl in next
ch-2 sp) twice; ch 2, work corner in next ch-2 sp.
Repeat from * twice more; (ch 2, work 3-dc cl in
next ch-2 sp) twice; ch 2; join. Break off.
5th rnd SI st in any corner ch-3 sp, work first corner in same sp, * (ch 2, work 3-dc cl in next ch-2
sp) 3 times; ch 2, work corner in next ch-2 sp.
Repeat from * twice more; (ch 2, work 3-dc cl in
next sp) 3 times; ch 2; join. Break off.
Used for Charming Child's Vest
Starting at center, ch 6. Join with sl st to form
1st rnd Ch 3, work IS dc in ring; join with sl st
to top of ch-3 (16 dc, counting ch-3 as I de).
Break off.
2nd rnd SI st in any dc, ch 3, work 2 dc in same
place as sl st, (ch I, skip I dc, work 3-dc shell in
next dc) 7 times (8 shells); ch I; join with sl st
to top of ch-3. Break off.
3rd rnd SI st in any ch-I so, ch 3, work 2 dc, ch I
and 3 dc in same sp (first corner), * ch I, work 3-dc
shell in next sp, ch I, work 3 dc, ch I and 3 dc
in next sp (another corner). Repeat from * twice
more, ending ch I, shell in next sp, ch I; join.
Break off.
4th rnd SI st in any ch-I corner sp, work first
corner in same sp, * ch I, shell in next ch-I sp *.
Repeat from * to * to next corner, ch I, work
corner in corner sp. Repeat from * to * to next
corner, ch 1. Continue around in pattern, ch I;
join. Break off.
5th through 11th rnds Repeat 4th rnd.
Repeat last rnd for desired size.
Used for Rosetted Belt

Starting at center, ch 6. Join with sl st to form

.1st rnd Work (sc, 3 dc and so) 4 times in ring (4
2nd rnd (Ch 4, skip next sc and 3 dc, sl st in next
sc) 4 times; push chains behind petals.
3rd rnd Work sc. 5 dc and sc over each chain (4
4th rnd (Ch 5, skip next sc and 5 de, sl st in
next sc) 4 times; push chains behind petals.
5th rnd Work sc. 7 dc and sc over each chain (4
petals); join with sl st in first sc. Break off.
6th rnd SI st in center de of a petal on last rnd,
ch 3, work 2 de, ch I and 3 dc in same de, * ch I,
3 dc in next sc, ch I, work 3 de, ch I and 3 dc in
center dc of next petal. Repeat from' twice more;
ch I, 3 dc in next sc, ch 1; join with sl st in top
of ch-3.

7th rnd SI st in any corner ch-3 sp, ch 3, in same

sp work 2 de, ch 3 and 3 dc, * (ch 1, dc in each
of next 3 dc) 5 times; ch I, work 3 dc, ch 3 and
3 dc in next corner sp. Repeat from * twice more;
(ch 1, dc in each of next 3 de) 5 times; ch I; join.
Break off.
Used for Rugged Hearth Rug
Starting at center, ch 6. Join with sl st to form
1st rnd Work 2 sc in back Ip of each ch around
(12 sc), Do not join, but mark the beg of next 2
rnds with a pin. Work in back Ip only of each st
2nd rnd Sc in each sc around, drawing up Ip for
each sc about 1fz" (12 sc).
3rd rnd Work 2 sc in each sc around (24 sc), join
with sl st to first sc.

7th rnd Sc in each dc and ch-I sp around, working 3 sc in each corner sp, join with sl st in top of
ch-3. Break off.

4th rnd * Ch 4, skip 2 sc, sc in next sc. Repeat

from * 6 times more; ch 4; join with sl st at base
of first ch-4.

Used for Rosetted Belt

5th rnd SI st in next ch-4 lp, work sc, dc and tr

in same lp, ch 4, (work sc, dc and tr in next Ip,
ch 4) 7 times; join with sl st to first sc. Break off.

Starting at center, ch 4. Join with sl st to form

1st rnd Ch 3, work 11 dc in ring; join with sl st
in top of ch-3 (12 de, counting ch-3 as 1 dc).
2nd rnd (Ch 4, skip next 2 de, sc in next dc) 4
times (4 Ips).
3rd rnd SI st in next Ip, ch 3, work 2 dc ,ch 1 and
3 dc in same lp (first corner), ch 1, * work 3 de,
ch I and 3 dc in next Ip (another corner), ch 1.
Repeat from * twice more; join with sl st in top
of ch-3. Break off.
4th rnd SI st in any ch-I corner sp, work a first corner in same sp, ch I, 3 dc in next ch-I sp, ch I,
work corner in next corner sp. Repeat from
twice more, ch I, 3 dc in next ch-I sp, ch I; join.

6th rnd SI st in any ch-4 Ip, ch 3, work 2 de, ch I

and 3 dc in same Ip (corner), * ch I, work 3 dc in
next ch-4 tp, ch 1, work 3 de, ch 2 and 3 dc in
next Ip (corner). Repeat from * twice more; ch I,
work 3 dc in next lp, ch I; join to top of ch-3.
7th rnd Ch 3, * dc in each st to corner ch-2 sp,
work 2 dc, ch 2 and 2 dc in ch-2 sp (corner).
Repeat from * around; dc in each remaining st
(60 de), join.
8th rnd Repeat 7th rnd (76 de), Break off.
Used for Rugged Hearth Rug
Starting at center, ch 6. Join with sl st to form

5th rnd Sc in each dc and ch-I sp around, working

3 sc in each corner sp, joi n with sl st in first sc.
Break off.

1st rnd Ch 3, work 2 dc in ring, (ch 2, work 3 dc

in ring) 3 times; ch 2; join with sl st to top of

Used for Hail to the Hassock

2nd rnd Ch 3, 2 de in same st, (ch 2, work 3 dc

in next ch-2 sp, ch I, 3 dc in next dc) 3 times;
ch 2, 3 dc in next sp, ch I; join.

Starting at center, ch 6. Join with sl st to form

1st rnd Ch 3, work IS de in ring; join with sl st
to top of ch-3 (16 de, counting ch-3 as I dc).

3rd rnd
of each
in next
(40 sc),

2nd rnd Ch 4, dc in next de, * ch 1, dc in next dc.

Repeat from * around, ending with ch 1; join with
sl st in 3rd ch of ch-4. Break off.

Used for Rugged Hearth Rug

3rd rnd SI st in any ch-I sp, ch 3, work 2 dc in

same sp, * ch I, 3 dc in next sp. Repeat from'
around, ending with ch I; join (48 de, counting
ch-3 as 1 de).
4th rnd Ch 3, de in each of next 2 dc, * ch I, dc
in each of next 3 dc. Repeat from * around, ending with ch I; join. Break off.
5th rnd SI st in any ch-I sp, ch 8, dc in next ch-I
sp (first corner Ip), * (ch 3, dc in next ch-I sp)
3 times; ch 5, dc in next ch-I sp (another corner
Ip). Repeat from' twice more; (ch 3, dc in next
sp) 3 times; ch 3; join with sl st in 3rd ch of ch-8.
Break off.
6th rnd SI st in any corner Ip, ch 3, in same Ip
work 2 de, ch 3 and 3 dc, * (ch I, work 3 de in next
ch3 sp) 3 times; ch I, work 3 dc, ch 3 and 3 dc
in next corner Ip. Repeat from * twice more; (ch
I, 3 dc in next sp) 3 times; ch I; join. Break off_

Sc in top of ch-3; working in back Ip only

st, sc in next 7 sts, * work sc, ch I and sc
ch-I sp (corner), sc in next 8 sts. Repeat
twice more; work corner in last so, join
Break off.

Starting at center, ch 2. Work 4 sc in 2nd ch

from hook. Do not joi n.
1st rnd Work 2 sc in each sc around (8 scl, join
with sl st in first se.
2nd rnd Work in back Ip only of each st. Ch 3, de
in next sc (first point of star made), ch 2, y 0,
draw up Ip in same sc, y 0, draw through 2 Ips on
hook, y 0, draw up lp in next sc, y 0, draw through
2 Ips on hook, Y 0, draw through all 3 Ips on hook
(another point of star made). Repeat from * 6
times more; ch 2; join with sl st to top of ch-3.
Break off.
3rd rnd SI st in any ch-2 sp, ch 3, work 2 de in
same sp, ch I, in next sp work 2 dc, tr, ch 2, tr
and 2 dc (corner), * ch I, work 3 de in next sp,
ch I, make a corner in next sp. Repeat from
twiee more; ch I; join. Break off.


on page 170)






4th rnd SI st in 6th st (4th de) on any petal. Repeat

4th rnd of Square P from ch-S.


5th rnd * Work 11 sc in next corner ch-S Ip (corner),

sc in next sp, (ch 5, sc in next sp) twice. Repeat
from * 3 times more; join.

Used for Mosaic Mohair Evening Skirt

at center,

ch 6. Join with sl st to form

6th rnd * Work sc in each sc around corner, sc in

each sc and in each ch st across next 2 sps. Repeat from * 3 times more; join. Break off.

1st rnd (Ch 6, sc in ring) 4 times. Break off.

2nd rnd SI st and sc in any ch-6 lp, ch 1, work sc
in same lp, * ch 1, tr in ring (working over sc on
first rnd), ch 1, work sc, ch 1 and sc in next
ch-6 Ip (corner). Repeat from * twice more; ch 1,
tr in ring, ch 1; join with sl st to first sc. Break
3rd rnd SI st in any corner ch-I sp, ch 3, in same
sp work dc, ch 2 and 2 de (first corner), * (ch 1,
dc in next ch-I sp) twice; ch 1, in next corner sp
work 2 dc, ch 2 and 2 dc (another corner). Repeat from * twice more; (ch 1, dc in next ch-I sp)
twice; ch 1; join with sl st to top of ch-3. Break'

4th rnd Work first corner in any corner ch-2 sp,
ch 1, skip next ch-I sp, work 3-dc shell in next
ch-I sp, * ch 1, skip next ch-I sp, work a corner
in next corner sp, ch 1, skip ch-I sp, shell in next
ch-I sp. Repeat from * twice more; ch 1; join. Break
5th rnd Work a first corner in any
in next sp) twice; ch
ner in next corner sp. Repeat from
(ch 1, shell in next sp) twice; ch 1;
* (ch 1, shell

6th rnd Work a first

in next
corner sp, ch 1, work
from * to * to next
pattern; join. Break
* ch 1, shell

corner ch-2 sp,

1, work a cor* twice more;
join. Break off.

corner in any corner ch-2 sp,

sp *. Repeat from * to * to
a corner in corner sp. Repeat
corner sp. Continue around in

7th rnd Repeat 6th rnd.

Repeat last rnd for desired

Used for Romantic


Work as for Variation


P Square through

5th rnd,

6th rnd Ch 4, tr in next 10 sc (corner fan), * (ch

5,sc in next sp) 4 times; ch 5, tr in next 11 sc
(another corner fan). Repeat from * twice more;
(ch 5, sc in next sp) 4 times; ch 5; join with sl
st to top of chAo
7th rnd Ch 5, skip next 4 tr, dc in next tr, ch 5,
sc in same tr (corner lp), ch 5, * sc in next ch-S sp,
ch 5 ". Repeat from * to * to next corner fan,
skip next 5 tr, dc in next tr, ch 5, sc in same tr,
ch 5. Repeat from * to * to next corner fan. Continue around in pattern, ending with sc at base of
first ch-S. Break off.
8th rnd Work 11 sc in any corner lp, ch 5.
next sp, ch 5 ", Repeat from * to * to next
lp, 11 sc in corner lp, ch 5. Repeat from *
next corner lp, Continue around in pattern,
by joining with sl st in first sc.

* sc in

to * to

9th rnd Ch 4, tr in next 10 sc (fan), ch 5, * sc in

next sp, ch 5 ", Repeat from * to * to next sc
. corner group, tr in next 11 sc (fan), ch 5. Repeat
from * to * to next corner group. Continue around
in pattern, ending by joining with sl st in top
of ch-4.
Repeat 7th, 8th and 9th rnds 3 times more, or
for desired size. Break off.


Used for Pretty

Used for Romantic

at center,



ch 6. Join with sl st to form

1st rnd Ch 8, (work tr in ring, ch 4) 7 times;

st in 4th ch of ch-S (8 spokes).


2nd rnd Work 6 sc in each sp a70und.

3rd rnd Sc in
8 SC, h dc in
times, ending
(4 petals made


sc, (h dc in next sc, dein next

sc, sc in each of next 2 sc) 4
repeat with 1 sc instead of 2
12 sts each).

4th rnd SI st in next 6 sts, ch 8, sc in same st as

last sl st, ch 5, skip next 3 sts, sc in next st,
ch 5, skip next 4 sts, sc in next st, ch 5, skip
next 2 sts, dc in next st, * ch 5, sc in same st,
ch 5, skip 3 sts, sc in next st, ch 5, skip next 4
sts, sc in next st, ch 5, skip next 2 sts,dc in next
st. Repeat from * twice more, ending last repeat
by joining with sl st in 3rd ch of ch-8 instead of
dc in next st.
5th rnd * Work 11 sc in next ch-5 corner Ip (ch 5,
sc in next sp) 3 times; ch 5. Repeat from * 3 times
more; join with sl st in first sc.
6t!', rnd ch 4, tr
sp, (ch 5, sc in
Repeat from *
sc in next sp)
ch-4. Break off.

in each of next 10 sc, * sc

next sp) 3 times; tr in next
twice more; sc in next sp,
3 times; join with sl st in

in next
11 sc.
(ch 5,
top of

Used for Romantic



Work as 'for Variation P Square through

join with sl st in next st. Break off.


3rd rnd;



at center,

ch 4. Join with sl st to form

1st rnd Ch 2, work 7 h dc in ring (8 h dc, counti ng ch-2 as 1 h de). joi n with sl st to top of
2nd rnd Ch 3, work de in next h dc, * ch 2, y a
hook, draw up Ip in same st where last dc was
made, y 0, draw through 2 Ips on hook (2 Ips remain on hook), y 0, draw up Ip in next st, y 0, draw
through 2 Ips on hook, y 0, draw through remaining
3 Ips on hook (dc cl completed). Repeat from * 6
times more; ending last repeat with dc in base
of ch-3, ch 2; join with sl st to top of ch-3 (8 dc cl,
counting ch-3 as 1 de), Break off.
3rd rnd SI st in any ch-2 sp, ch 3, 2 dc in same sp,
* ch 2, 3 dc in next ch-2 sp. Repeat from * around,
ending with ch 2; join with sl st in top of ch-3.
Break off.
4th rnd SI st in any ch-Z sp, ch 3, work 3 dc in
same sp, * ch 2, 4 dc in next ch-2 sp. Repeat from
* around, ending with ch 2; join. Break off.
5th rnd SI st in any ch-Z sp, ch 3, iri same sp work
3 de, ch 1 and 4 dc (first corner), * ch 1, 4 dc
shell in next ch-2 sp, ch 1, in next sp work 4 de,
ch 1 and 4 dc (another corner). Repeat from *
twice more; ch 1, shell in next ch-2 sp, ch 1;
join. Break off.
6th rnd SI st in any corner ch-I sp, ch 6, h dc in
same sp (first corner lp), * (ch 4, h dc in next ch-I
sp) twice; ch 4, in next ch-I corner sp work h de,
ch 4 and h dc (another corner lp), Repeat from *
twice more; (ch 4, h dc in next ch-I sp) twice;
ch 4; join to 2nd ch of ch-6. Break off.

7th rnd SI st in any corner Ip, ch 3, in same Ip

work 3 de, ch 1 and 4 de, * (ch 1, work 4 dc in
next ch-4 sp) 3 times; ch 1, work 4 de, ch 1 and
4 dc in next corner lp. Repeat from * twice more;
(ch 1, 4 dc in next chA sp) 3 times; ch 1; join.
Break off.
8th rnd Working in back Ip only of each st, sl st
in any corner ch-I st, work sc, ch 1 and sc in
same st, sc in each st around, working sc, ch 1
and sc in each corner st, join. Break off.
9th nid SI st in any corner ch-I sp,
sp work 3 de, ch 1 and 4 de, * ch
sc, working in back Ip only (work 4
ch 1, skip next 4 sc) 3 times; work
sc, ch 1, skip next 5 sc, work 4 de,
in next ch-I corner sp. Repeat from
ch 1, skip next 5 sc, (work 4 dc in
skip next 4 sc) 3 times; work 4,dc
1, skip last 5 sc, join. Break off.

ch 3, in same
1, skip next 5
dc in next sc,
4 dc in next
ch 1 and 4 dc
* twice more;
next sc, chI,
in next sc, ch

10th rnd SI st in any corner ch-I sp, ch

in same sp, * (ch 4,.h dc in next ch-l sp)
ch 4, h dc in next ch-I corner sp, ch 4,
same sp. Repeat from * twice more; (ch
in next ch-I sp) 5 times; ch 4; join with
2nd ch of ch-S. Break off.

6, h dc
5 times;
h dc in
4, h dc
sl st in

11th rnd SI st in any corner lp, ch 3, in same Ip

work 3 de, ch 1 and 4 de, * (ch 1, work 4 dc in
next ch-4 sp) 6 times; ch 1, work 4 dc, ch 1 and
4 dc in next corner lp. Repeat from * twice more;
(ch 1, 4 dc in next ch-4 sp) 6 times; ch 1; join.
Break off.

Used for Gold and Pink Square, page 62
Size Square measures approximately
8W' when
worked with knitting worsted and aluminum crochet hook size F (or Canadian hook No. 10).

at center,

ch 6. Join with sl st to form

1st rnd Ch 5, dc in ring, (ch 2, dc in ring) 6 times;

ch 2; join with sl st in 2nd ch of ch-5. Break off.
2nd rnd SI st in any ch-? sp, ch 3, y a hook, draw
up Ip in same sp, y 0, draw through 2 Ips on hook,
(2 Ips remain on hook), Y 0, draw up Ip in same sp,
y 0, draw through 2 Ips on hook, y 0, draw through.
remaining 3 Ips on hook (2-dc cl made), * ch 4,
Y 0, draw- up Ip in next sp,y 0, draw through 2
Ips on hook, Y 0, draw up Ip in same sp, Y 0, draw
through 2 Ips on hook, Y 0, draw up Ip in same sp,
y 0, draw through 3 Ips on hook, Y 0, draw through
remaining 3 Ips on hook, (3-dc cl completed). Repeat from * 6 times more; ch 4; join with sl st
in top of ch-3. Break off.
3rd rnd Sc in any th-4 sp, * ch 4, 2 sc in same
sp, ch 4, sc in.same sp, ch 4, sc in next sp. Repeat from * 6 times more; ch 4, 2 sc in same sp,
ch 4, sc in same sp, ch 2; dc in first sc.
4th rnd * Ch 4, sc in next chA sp. Repeat from *
around, ending with ch 2, dc in last dc of preceding
5th rnd Repeat 4th rnd.
6th rnd * Ch 8, skip next sp, sc in next sp, (ch4,
sc in next sp) 4 times. RepeatJfrom
* 3 times
more, ending last repeat with 3 ch-4 Ips, ch 2, dc
in last dc of preceding rnd.
7th rnd * Ch 5, work 14 sc in next ch-8 lp, (ch 5,
sc in next sp) 4, times. Repeat from * 3 times more,
ending last repeat with 3 ch-4 Ips, ch 2, dc in
last de of preceding rnd.
8th rnd * Ch 9, skip next ch-5 Ip and next 6 sc,
sc in next sc, ch 9, sc in next sc, ch 9, skip next
6 sc and next ch-5 lp, sc in next lp, (ch 5, sc in
next Ip) twice.' Repeat from * 3 times more, ending last repeat with 1 ch-5 lp, ch 3, dc in last dc
of preceding rnd.
9th rnd * Ch 5, work 4 sc in next ch9 lp, for picot
ch 4, sc in first ch of chA (picot made), work 4 sc in
same lp, in next ch-9 Ip work 3 sc, picot, 1 sc,


picot and 3 sc, in next Ip work 4 sc, picot and 4

sc, (ch 5, 2 sc in next ch-5 lp) twice. Repeat from
3 times more, ending last repeat with I ch-5
lp, ch 3, dc in last dc of preceding rnd. Break off.

Used for Mauve, Rust and Lavender Square, page 62
Size Square measures approximately 8W' when
worked with knitting worsted and aluminum crochet hook size F (or Canadian hook No. 10).
Starting at center, ch 4. Join with sl st to form
1st rnd Ch 3, work 3 de in ring, (ch 3, 4 dc in
ring) 3 times; ch 3; join with sl st to top of ch-3.
. Break off.
2nd rnd Sc in any cll-3 sp, (ch 10, sc in next ch-3
sp) 3 times; ch 10, sl st in first sc.
3rd rnd (Wor 12 sc in next ch-IO lp, sc in next sc)
3 times; 12 sc in next ch-IO Ip.
4th rnd Ch 5, * dec 1 sc as follows: draw up lp in
each of next 2 sc, y 0 hook, draw through all 3
loops on hook (dec completed), sc in each of next
8 sc, dec I sc, ch 5, skip next sc between Ips.
Repeat from * twice more; dec 1 sc, sc in each
of next 8 sc, dec I sc.
5th rnd * Ch 5, 4 dc in next ch-5 lp, ch 5, dec 1
sc, sc in each of next 6 sc, dec I sc. Repeat from
.* 3 times more.
6th rnd * (Ch 5, 4 de in next ch-5 Ip) twice; ch 5,
<de 1 sc, sc in each of next 4 sc, dec I sc, Repeat from * 3 times more.
7th end * Ch 5, 4 dc in next ch-5 lp, ch 5, work
sc, ch I and sc in next ch-5 lp, ch 5, 4 dc in
next ch-5 lp, ch 5, dec I sc, sc in next 2 sc, dec
1 sc, Repeat from * 3 times more.

4th rnd SI st in any ch-I corner sp, work first corner in same sp, * (ch 1, shell in next ch-I sp) twice;
ch 1, corner in next corner sp. Repeat from * 3
times more; (ch I, shell in next sp) twice; ch 1;
join. Break off.
5th rnd SI st in any ch-I corner sp, work first corner in same sp, * ch I, shell in next ch-I sp ", Repeat from * to to next corner, ch 1, corner in
corner sp. Continue around in pattern, ch I; join.
Break off.
Repeat last rnd for desired size.
Size Hexagon measures approximately 7" from a
corner to opposite corner if worked with knitting
worsted and size G crochet hook (or Canadian hook
No.9) .
Starting at center, ch 6. Join with sl st to form
1st rnd Ch 3, dc in ring, (ch 1, 2 de in ring) 5
times; ch I; join with sl st to top of ch-3. Break
2nd rnd SI st in any ch-I sp, ch 3, in same sp work
de, ch 1 and 2 dc (first corner), * ch I, in next
sp work 2 de, ch I and 2 de (another corner). Repeat from' 4 times more; ch I; join. Break off.
3rd rnd SI st in any ch-I corner sp, work first corner in same sp, * ch I, 2-dc shell in next ch-I sp,
ch I, corner in next corner sp. Repeat from * 4
times more (6 corners); ch 1, shell in next sp,
ch 1; join. Break off.
4th rnd SI st in any ch-I corner sp, work first
corner in same sp, ' (ch I, shell in next ch-I sp)
twice; ch I, corner in next corner sp. Repeat from
, 4 times more; (ch I, shell in next sp) twice; ch I;
join. Break off.

5th rnd SI st in any ch-I corner sp, work first corner in same sp, ' ch 1, shell in next ch-I sp ",
Repeat from to ' to next corner, ch I, corner
8th end SI st in first lp, ch 3, 3 dc in same lp, *
in corner sp. Repeat from * to ' to next corner,
ch 5, sc in next ch-5 lp, ch 5, work sc, ch 5 (corch 1, corner in corner sp. Continue around in patner Ip) and sc in next ch-I sp, ch 5, sc in next
ch-5 lp, ch 5, 4 de in each of next 2 Ips. Repeat . tern, ch I; join. Break off.
Repeat last rnd for desired size.
from' 3 times more, omitting last 4 de, join with
sl st in top of ch-3. Break off.
9th rnd SI st in any corner ch-5 lp, ch 3, work 3 Size Octagon measures approximately 6W' when
de, ch 3 and 4 dc in same Ip (first corner), * (ch 5,
worked with knitting worsted and aluminum crochet
sc in next ch-5 Ip) twice; ch 5, sc in sp between
hook size G (or Canadian hook No.9).
two 4-dc groups, (ch 5, sc in next ch-5 Ip) twice;
Starting at center, ch 6. Join with sl st to form
ch 5, work 4 de, ch 3 and 4 dc in next corner ch-5
lp (another corner). Repeat from * twice more;
(ch 5, sc in next ch-5 Ip) twice; ch 5, sc in sp be1st rnd Ch 3, work 2 dc in ring,(ch 1, 3 dc in ring)
tween 2 groups, (ch 5, sc in next ch-5 Ip) twice;
3 times; ch I; join with sl st in top of ch-3. Break
ch 5; join. Break off.
10th rnd SI st in any corner ch-3 sp, work first
2nd rnd SI st in any ch-I sp, ch 3, in same sp
corner in same sp, * (ch 5, sc in next ch-5 Ip) 6
work 2 de, ch I and 3 dc (first corner), * ch I,
times; ch 5, work corner in next sp. Repeat from *
in next ch-I sp work 3 de, ch 1 and 3 dc (another
twice more; (ch 5, sc in next ch-5 Ip) 6 times;
corner). Repeat from * twice more (4 corners);
ch 5; join. Break off.
ch I; join with sl st in top of ch-3. Break off.
Size Pentagon measures approximately 6" across
when worked with knitting worsted and size G
orochet hook (or Canadian hook No.9).
Starting at center, ch 4. Join with sl st to form
1st rnd Ch 3, work 1 dc in ring, (ch 1, 2 dc in
ring) 4 times; ch I; join with sl st to top of ch-3.Break off.
2nd rnd SI st in any ch-I sp, ch 3, in same sp
work 1 de, ch 1 and 2 dc (first corner), * ch 1, in
next ch-I sp work 2 de, ch 1 and 2 dc (another
corner). Repe~t from * 3 times more (5 corners);
ch I; join. Break off.
3rd rnd SI st in any ch-I corner sp, work first corner in same sp, * ch 1, 2-dc shell in next ch-I
sp, ch 1, corner in next corner sp. Repeat from *
3 times more; ch 1, shell in next sp, ch 1; join.
Break off.

3rd rnd SI st in any ch-I sp, ch 3, in same sp work

de, ch I and 2 de for first corner, (ch 1, in next
ch-I sp work 2 de, ch I and 2 dc for another corner) 7 times (8 corners); ch I; join. Break off.
4th rnd SI st in any ch-l corner sp, in same sp
work first corner as for 3rd rnd, ' ch 1, 2-dc shell
in next ch-I sp, ch 1, corner as for 3rd rnd in next
corner sp. Repeat from' 6 times more; ch 1, shell
in next sp, ch 1; join. Break off.
5th rnd SI st in any ch-I corner so, work first corner as for 3rd rnd in same sp, ' ch I, shell in next
ch-I sp ". Repeat from' to ' to next corner, ch I,
work corner as for 3rd rnd in corner sp. Continue
around in pattern, ch I; join. Break off.
Size Rectangle measures approximately 3%" x 5%"
if worked with knitting worsted and size G crochet
hook (or Canadian hook No.9).
Starting at center, ch 6. Join with sl st to form

1st rnd Ch 3, 2 dc in ring, ch I, 3 sc in ring, ch 1,

3 dc in ring, ch I, 3 sc in ring, ch 1; join with
sl st to top of ch-3. Break off.
2nd rnd SI st in first ch-I sp made on last rnd,
ch 4, work de, h dc and sc in same sp (first corner
made), ch 1, in next sp work sc, h de, de, ch 1
and dc (2nd corner), ch 1, in next sp work de, ch
I, de, h dc and sc (3rd corner), ch 1, in next sp
work a 2nd corner, ch I; join with sl st to 3rd ch
of ch-4. Break off.
3rd rnd Work first corner as for last rnd, ch 1, 3
sc in next ch-I sp, ch 1, work 2nd corner in next
ch-I corner sp, ch I, 2 dc in next so, ch 1, work
3rd corner in next corner sp, ch 1, 3 sc in next
sp, ch 1, work a 2nd corner in next corner sp,
ch I, 2 dc in next sp, ch 1; join. Break off.
4th rnd Work first corner as for last rnd, (ch 1,
3 sc in next ch-I sp) twice; ch 1, work 2nd corner in next ch-I corner sp, (ch 1, 2 dc in next
sp) twice; ch 1, work 3rd corner in next corner
sp, (ch 1, 3 sc in next sp) twice; ch I, work a
2nd corner in next corner sp, (ch I, 2 de in next sp)
twice; ch I; join. Break off.
5th rnd SI st in first ch-I sp made on last rnd,
ch 4, work 3 dc in same sp (first corner), ' ch I,
3 dc in next ch-I sp ", Repeat from to * to
next ch-I corner sp, ch 1, work 3 de, ch 1 and
I dc in corner sp (2nd corner), ** ch 1, 2 dc in
next sp **. Repeat from ** to ** to next corner
so, ch 1, work de, ch 1 and 3 dc in corner sp.
Repeat from' to to next corner sp, ch I, work
a 2nd corner in corner sp, ch 1. Repeat from *'
to " to end, ch I; join. Break off.
Repeat last rnd for desired size.
1st row Starting at center of one edge, ch 5; in
5th ch from hook work 3 de, ch 1, 3 de, ch 1 and
I dc. Break off.
2nd row SI st in first ch-4 lp, ch 4, work 3 dc in
same Ip, ch I, in next ch-I sp work 3 de, ch 1
and 3 dc (corner), ch 1, in last sp work 3 de, ch 1
and I dc. Break off.
3rd row SI st in first ch-4 lp, ch 4, 3 de in same Ip,
ch 1, 3 dc in next ch-I sp, ch 1, corner in next
ch-I corner sp, ch 1, 3 dc in next sp, ch 1, in last
sp work 3 de, ch I and 1 dc. Break off.
4th row SI st in first ch-4 lp, ch 4, 3 dc in same
lp, (ch 1, 3 dc in next ch-I sp) twice; ch 1, corner
in ch-I corner sp, (ch 1, 3 dc in next sp) twice;
ch 1, in last sp work 3 de, ch 1 and 1 dc. Break
5th row Work sl st in first ch-4 lp, ch 4, 3 dc in
same Ip, * ch 1, 3 dc in next sp. Repeat from *
to corner, ch 1, work corner in corner sp, ** ch 1,
3 dcin next sp. Repeat from ** to last sp, in last
sp work 3 de, ch I and 1 dc. Break off.
Repeat last row for desired size.
1st row Starting at one point, ch 5; in 5th ch from
hook work 3 de, ch 1 and 1 dc. Break off.
2nd row SI st in first ch-4 lp, ch 4, work 3 dc in
same lp, ch 1, in next ch-l sp work 3 de, ch 1
and 1 dc. Break off.
3rd row SI st in first ch-4 lp, ch 4, 3 dc in same
lp, ch 1, 3 dc in next ch-l sp, ch 1, in last sp
work 3 de, ch 1 and 1 dc. Break off.
4th row SI st in first ch-4 Ip, ch 4, 3 de in same
lp, (ch 1, 3 dc in next ch-I sp) twice; ch 1, in
last sp work 3 de, ch 1 and 1 dc. Break off.
5th row SI st in first ch-4 lp, ch 4, 3 de in same
lp, * ch 1, 3 de in next ch-I sp. Repeat from * to
last sp, ch 1, in last sp work 3 de, ch 1 and 1 de.
Break off.
Repeat last row for desired size.



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