Affidavit of Ravi Misir

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SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR ~ dated September 13, 2016 Key: A -contidential informant B- Innocent 3rd party INTRODUCTION C- Undisclosed reason I Ravi Narine Misir, of the City of Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba, a Peace Officer. MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT; APPENDIX | am a member of the Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) and have so been employed for over fourteen (14) years. | am presently essigned as the Major Crime Coordinator in Division 43, include bat are not limited to: judicial a part of the Criminal Investigation Bureau. My a writing, providing consultation to other investigators, file management, hate crimes reporting and analysis, riske management, research, report preparation, conducting police involved shooting reviews, end working on investigative projects, During my tenure as the Major Crimes Coordinator I have written hundreds of judicial authorizations for criminal investigations including but not limited to: criminal organization, murder, and conspiracy ‘cases. 1} am currently designated by the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to on intercept private comraunfeations under authorization or to obsarve, by means of televis ‘casneré or other similar electronic device if the offence under investigation is ane in resp of which proceedings, iF any, maybe instituted at the instance of the Government of Canada and conducted by or on behalf ofthe Attomey Generel of Canada. | heve personal knowledge of the fets stated in this application, except where those facts are stated to be based upon informetion and belief from other sourees. Other sources nay include reports, interviews and/or affidavits I have read from other peace officers who have been investigation, or the witnesses involved. Consequently, | have accepted and involved int adopted some of these conclusions as my own. In these cases I also believe the facts to be true and accurate, 1 have personal knowledye of the facts hereinafter deposed 10 except where sume are stated to be based upon information and belief, In both eases 1 also believe the facts to be true and acourate, tof 3 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR — dated September 13, 2016 ein the city of Wi All of the physical locations and addresses mentioned hereafter x Province of Manitoba unless otherwise specified, SECOND APPLICATION On September 14, 2016 Judge Carlson of the Provincial Court of Manitoba. after reviewing my application for a search warrant had rejected it for the reasons cited in hier bonou's letter attached hereto us Ewhibil "3". Ihave addressed these errors und made the appropriate corrections by correcting the address in paragraph 39(e)(i) and removing paragraph 39(e Kv, which had been entered in error. | also indicated in paragraph 33 how il is we have confirmed that is indeed Trent Milan's address. OVERVIEW OF ALLEGATIONS Constable Trent Milan (Milan) is the primary hundter of confiden “AM and co-handles confidential informant SOURCE “C” with another Winnipeg Police Mormant, SOURCE Service officer who I have not named because he has no involvement, is neither a subject, nor dogs he have any interest in this investigeticn, 2of43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR - dated September 13, 2016 Investigators with the Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) Professional Standards Unit entered into an investigation and were able to corroborate the follow’ ‘Milan was in possession of a quantity of illicit drugs that were scen in his personal backpack shortly after allegations had been made that he was dealing drugs The goal of this investigation is: 1, To gather sufficient evidence to substantiate breach of trust by public officer et al. and to secure @ prosecution against target, Trent Milan, 30f43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR ~ dated September 13, 2018 OFFENCES rr a. Substantive offence - Breach of Trust by Public Officer, contrary to section 122 of the Criminal Code ve o Ment b. Offences that suppor the substan i. Possession of property obtained by crime, to wit: IEEE contrary to section 354 of the Criminal Code ii, Trafficking a controlled substance, to wit: quantities of narcoti to section 11 of the CDS iii, Conspiracy to cominit an indictable offence, Io wit: possession of propery obtained by crime, trafficking @ controlled substance, contrary to section 465 of the Criminal Code GROUNDS FOR BELIEF INVESTIGATION FOCUS - Target: WPS Constable Trent Milan February 23, 2016 2. I met with Detective Sergeants Lambert anid Forscutt of the WPS Professional Standurds Unit who briefed me on a file that they were actively investigating. The file was centere on WPS Constable (Cst.) Trent Milan (Milan), DOB: June 4, 1974, a sixteen (16) year member ofthe WPS working in the Street Crimes Unit. i. 4of43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR - dated September 13, 2016 a, Detective Sergeant (D/Sgt.) Lambert ~ has been a member of the WPS tor 18 ‘years and has worked in the WPS Professional Standards Unit for one year. b, D/Sgt. Forscutt — has been a member of the WPS for 15 years and has worked in the WPS Professional Standards Unit for nearly one and one half years, 3, The investigetors told me ebout serious crimine! allegations that have been made against Milan in the recent months by another member of the WPS who had gotten the information from his confidential informant, [I The information yy HERE 25 wil! be explained, was not firsthand information/evidence from Milan meaning it was essentially hearsay informationfevidence. Notwithstanding, ¢ second member ofthe WPS had also come forward and corroborsted some allegations made| GER aginst Milon. In spite of how removed the information is at times, 1 believe itis be true and accurate unless otherwise stated 4, Uhave personally met and know Milan on a professional level through my years of service with the WPS. I also know that he_ was previously assigned to the following units based on my search of our human resources personnel database called "SAMS" 1, 2000-2006 | Division 14, general patrol! 2. 2005-2008 | Division 13, general patrol 3, 2008-2011 | Street Crime Unit, investigator 4, 2011-2013 | Division 14, general patrol Sof43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR - dated September 13, 2016 2013-April 2016 | Street Crime Unit, i 5. 6. April 2016-present time | Division 12, general patrol SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR - dated September 13, 2016 THE ALLEGED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY OF TRENT MILAN AND SUPPORTING EVIDENCE Fobruary 23, 2016 9. On the above date I met with D/Sgts. Lambert and Forscutt and learned about the information stated hereinafter, from a timeline of key events that was prepared in a word id shared with me document by D/Sgt. Lambert and information that these investigator: verbally. Jn terms of the information thar was provided by I there is no evidence to suggest thet WM tris fabricated any of the information he's provided aut of a malictous desire far injury (professional/emotional) towurd Milan. A BEEBE clleged that Mitan was selling IE and narcotics through EEE anc receiving the majority of the proceeds == c December 10, 2015 a | Totas SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR — dated September 13, 2016 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR ~ dated September 13, 2016 9of43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR - dated September 13, 2016 A/IB h. The file was forwarded to the Professional Standards Unit and the incident was filed for informational purposes pending the discovery of new information. To date, no new information has come forward. 10 0f43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR - dated September 13, 2016 December 29, 2015 14, D/Sgt. Lambert contacted personnel with [J and had gained access to their software that allowed him to view all of the transactions that were made by SEE D/Szt. Lambert confirmed that the two transactions as deseribed by the owner at I WHI fas been made. D/Sgt. Lambert also learned thot [EY ned made a total of twelve (12) transactions and noted the following transaction of interest Li of43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR - dated September 13, 2016 ‘SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR - dated September 13, 2016 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR - dated September 13, 2016 1Wof43 AIB SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR - dated September 13, 2016 Approximately three weeks after the search warrant of tc A s members of the WPS executed a second search warrant at bi A AIB ‘i Daring the second search werrert I [i i EE ee AIB MERI fuse 05 02storey residence. EB «000 on the main floor toward the back of the residence near to the poreh sy. MED wes sleeping when the officers entered the residence, HiRecring this wasrant, officers hed planted drags under the bed and stole yet EEL cicimed he witnessed, with his own eyes, the officer planting the drugs. y. RRR be wes handcuffed in the Ii ‘ es approximately 10 feet from him when she sew the officer in question pull the g room and t drugs out ofhis pocket and throw same under the mattress 2, WEBI estimated that there were ounces of drugs in the bag, a, MEI cescribed the officer handling the drugs as smaller, skinnier, 5°11" ~ with light skin, bb. MMIII c1eisncd that the other officers were in the back studio room as the officer in question planted the dro} co. The officer who planted the drugs was also the one taking pictures a = A 15 of 43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR — dated September 13, 2016 ce, MEER was in jail fora week and hed assumed QE 2 Sa aa - A hhh, Pursuant to the second ae B HERE aimed hie pled guilty to save his mother and jug from bei sentenced and that the ordeal has ruined his life. In this regard, (mam A that officers had done a number of search warrants on this date including one at his mother’s residence on [i went on to say that the officers found drugs in his sister’s room on I 26 that he feel strongly that there were no drugs at his mother’s residence prior to police arrival imed again suggesting that police planted the drugs ii ceived « I sentence ick, MII admitted that he sold erack (cocaine) during his most of his childhood. B A 1, GER stressed he hed no creck ocin: mht loro entry, i Ses a 16 0f43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR - dated September 13, 2016 a B on, SEE: centified IEEE as the officer who continues to harass him (conducting regular curfew checks) and also the one who i. = B 00. NEE nas breached the conditions of his probation order a few times in the last couple of years. 19, Sgt. Lambert presented A « Photo ro | >. Photo ro, 2 o. Photo ro, 3 — rc 4 Photo 0. 4 17 0f 3 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR ~ dated September 13, 2016 20, D/Sgt. Lambert bad taken a break fiom the interview to vonduet some queries on Niche verify some of the information [EEEprovided in bis interview RMS as a meens to D/Sgt. Lambert found the following: AIB B a, WPS Incident, file no. EBB Search Warrant o. Date: Mi A vi: 6. Seized: 13.2 ounces of crack cocaine ir A e. Seizing officer was Milan Excerpt fiom Milan's narrative report: B MERE 0 ns 01s dresser in SAW becdroom top dravver with documents in A BR ee et vere cored > a rey B located in 2™ dresser down, white plastic bag which contained clear zip lack bene of Crack Cocaine. Additionally « clear zip lack bag with 6 pivees of Crack vranped tn tin foil and a grey plastic bag with money B EE teview February 4, 2016 21. D/Sgts. Lambert and Forscutt i Hilllon video to get an account of her experience and perspective of the search that was done ailresidence on May 7, 201 0. I (015 ‘investigators the follow: a, In 2030 as living on vi) b, MIB ved in a 2-storey house with a basement in the fe erviewed AIB pombere ore althor reperts thatare extaree by communication officers end do not require polce to physically attend a location oF Created by WPS members. 12 center personnel / divisional station Gvty they are self generated potice Incidents IRF 43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAV! MISIR — dated September 13, 2016 cc. Members of the WPS came to the residence and broke down the door. They told Wibhat they nad a warrant, However, Mldid not see it. d, This occurred between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m, c. That ER was also at the residence. when the search warrant was executed, g. TAC officers were present in the house. There were aiso a fow officers wearing normal clothing and :hey knev bh, RBBB was handousfed and placed in the living room beside MEMEO" the couch, i, One ofthe policemen was being a “Smart Ass” and joking around with I saying they were 10 steps choad of hin A j. The policemen dese: plain cloths and had a gun along with handouffs, smartass was tall with short hair, wearing ed as being a ke This same police officer went into [JI bedroom alone, closed the door and then came out showing us a zipper locking baggie of crack cocaine, He said, “Oh look what { found”. [REBEB indicated she told the officer that the drugs asked Ij “How do you know that?” ED retorted by saying “I just finished cleaning that room’. were not there and he subsequently 1. ‘There was @ lot of cocaine in the bag the officer claimed (o have found, 1 o0l43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR - dated September 13, 2016 mm, HEE hice saic, “that’s not mine” and that it wasn’t there.” The officer replied, “Well, where was it then?” [EEE said, “Well not there”. Bon. BRB claimed that the officers took the following IEEE tro the residence: AIB sm the bedroom and place it into an 0, BEEBE saw tie officers take the I evidence bag with red tape and the words “Evidence” written on it AIB p. Bpoticed the items missing when she got out of jail and was cleaning up- 4g. WERE plead guilty and received 2 years house arrest =a rR said it was nice to talk about this for the first time in a while and that it still haunts I) Identification through photo line-ups 22, D/Sgt. Lambert had prepared photo line-ups with respect to Milan and oo) HI had positively identified him B 20 of 43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR - dated September 13, 2016 February 4, 2016 WERE selected Milan's photo and said, raid and was the one standing there being a smart ass" (sic).* B ‘own accord and unintentionally corroborate: e jations against Milan 23. Up until IEEbad come forward, all of the allegations against Milan were in the form He was inl} house during the of hearsay information/evidence. No one had directly spoken to or witnessed Milan B carry-out the alleged criminal activities. [IEEE on the other hand, had recalled an encounter with Milan and 2s will be explained, had discovered a quantity of various types ‘of drugs in Milan's personal property. February 17, 2016 24. D/Sgt. Forscutt met with [EEE who was assigned to the Strect Crime Unit. J told D/Sgt. Forscutt the following about Milan and his working relationship with him: Giese 22 | B b, That at the time [EBived in a smaller residence. QI did a lot of woodworking and Milan hed offered him use of his (Milan’s) garage for that purpose, ¢. Sometime in 2011 while Eas at Milan's residence in Oukbank, Manitoba ng wood work he remembered Milan showing him 21 of 43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR — dated September 13, 2016 4. Milan told him not to tell anyone Ill MA. c. Inthe Street Crime Unit there was a running joke that when (EEE © B B BBB obit ot the time of this interview) MMMM the other members on the shift would ask him if be’s sure he can handle i. AL £ Unsure about the context of the joke, IEE eskec IIS what the joke was about, MEEEBBRM then told him about a search warrant he had done with respect tv AIB . = GE vent onto explain ht ‘on prompted IE (o think 2bout i ecing things together even more, MMM kxeve that Milan wasen yy GEE scree: Crime Unit tit vier 25. | believe this point is significant because SIR bad son I | ‘This information corroborates the allegations brought forward by No" cos that Mien a po) EE Ee INTEGRITY TEST 26, On August 11, 2016 members of PSU carried out an integrity test to establish wher ‘Trent Milaa, if posed with tne opportunity, will commit a crime and conceal The result of this test has shown it is reasonably apparent that he will. August 11, 2016 27. | communicated D/Sgt. Shewchuk whe told me the following about the tactic that they had carried out: 220f43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR ~ dated September 13, 2018 The vehicie a. On July 28, 2016 D/Sgt. Shewchuk obtained a salvage write off vehicle fiom Manitoba Publie Insurance (MPI), It was a 2009 Red Jeep Compass with VIN: 1J4P847B69D203143 (“the vehicle”). The WPS Technical Surveillance Unit wired the vehicle for audio and video in eccordance with the authorization to intercept communications. The stolen property b. On July 29, 2016 D/Sgt. Shewchuk obtained several items from the WPS Ke it Evidence Control Unit with the intent of placing same in the vehicle to ma appear as thoug)t it was a stolen vehicle and had been involved in w break and ins were unclaimed property from other Winnipeg Polive Service enter, All calls for service, Because the items had not been claimed within the period of time allowed for scciamation the items were deemed the property of the City of Winnipeg and set aside to be auctioned off. Any items with ¢ serial number had the numbers removed or obliterated ce. Several items that were large enough were tumed over to the Technical Surveillance Unit and equipped with tracking devices, The Reporting person £ On Avgust 3, 2016, D/Sgt. Shewchuk purchased a mobile phone for their undercover operator (pretending to be Denis Berard) who entered a eall with the 23 of 43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR ~ dated September 13, 2016 Winnipog Police Service to report the vehicle stolen. Fictitious MPI profile 1g. DiSgt. Shewchuk provided MPI with a fictitious person profile and MPI ereated a registration and insurance document showing this person as the owner of the vehicle. file as follows: h. The fictitious person was documented on the pi Denis Berard DOB: October 5, 1970 G’0" tall, Blue eyes 38 Marion Street Duffosi, Menitoba, ROA OKO D/Sgt. Shewchuk arranged for the Royal Cancdian Mounted Patice (RCMP) Special O to conduct surveillance during the scenario, (On August 4, 2016 MPI crested the fictitious registration for the vehicle and issued Manitoba plate HLV652 for it The stolen property inventoried and indexed I. DiSpt Showehuk obteined $270.00 (CDN) in the older style of bills and $300.00 (CDN) in the eurrent polymer bills, D/Sgt. Shewchuk inventoried the seriat numbers on all of the bills. L. ‘The $270.00 in old currency was placed into the vehicle along with several items shat appeared to be stor a break and enter. The $300.00 of new currency was placed in a bag of items within the venicle that was made te appear as belonging. to a drug dealer. ‘The drug backpack contained the following items: of ad SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR ~ dated September 13, 2016 i, $300.00 in Canadian currency, Assmall scale, fii, A drug score sheet, and iy, Smnall zip lock bays m, On August 8, 2016, an undercover police officer posing as Denis Berard reported the vehicle stolen in the city of Winnipeg. WPS report number R16.59132 Wis assigned to the incident. The placement of the stolen property ms in the reported stolen ‘On August 9, 2016 D/Sgt. Shewehuk placed several i vehicle to make it appear as though it was property from a recent break and enter. ‘These items included various electronics, jewelry, and $270.00 in okt CDN currency. D/Sgt. Shewohuk also placed s beg with the currency ané drug paraphernalia into the vehicle. hernalia In tenns of the bay with the $300.00 in Canadian currency, the drug px and drug score sheet, the $300.00 in Canedian currency and the drug svore sheet had been placed into a separate and smaller pocket in the bag while the other property was placed into the general pocket ‘Trent Milan was working the D206 car with new pune: Trent Milan was driving whilst [IIIB ws the report taking officer. B First deployment r. DiSgt. Shewchuk and his eolleagaes deployed the vehicte in the area of Wyner Roed and Loudon Road and had another undercover officer make an anonymous in the area, This report to the police the vehicle had been found abandon anonymous report was assigned WPS report umber C16.105071. 25043 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR ~ dated September 13, 2016 5. PSU investigators made arrangements with the WPS Duty Inspector to have D206 assigned to this call when it came to light. However, due to a recent change in « WPS policy, no officers were dispatched to the call because, and in accordance with policy, only a tow truck was contracted (o tow the vehicle to a police compound. Based on this policy change that was not known to the investigators al the time the scenario was unsuccessful t. The PSU investigators covertly recovered the vehicle and the call was updated indicating that the vehicle was gone on arrival and therefore was still outstanding. Second Deployment uu On August 11, 2016, Trent Milan was working the D207 car a. Trent Milan was driving and EBM was again the report taking officer: ¥. PSU investigators again deployed the reported stolen vehicle in the area of Wyper Road and Loudon Road with all dhe above placed items stilt within it, The WPS Communications Centre was instructed to enter @ call for serviee to recover this vehicle and to assign D207 to thet call, Report number C16.166404 was assigned to the incident. w. D207, Trent Milan and [IEEE responded to the call. Because the vehicle was equipped with audio and video recording equipment PSU investigators hag visually seen ‘Trent Milan and IY Tooking at the contents inside ofthe aforementioned bag, as well as the other property in the vehicle, What is more, PSU investigators and RCMP surveillance teams that were set up at a distance from the vehicle had seen Trent Milan and IMIR place the aforementioned bag and the other property into their eruiser car, cruiser car no. 1208. This WR contected the undercover officer posing as Denis ocourred atter| Berard and learning fiom him that the property in the vehiele was not his. 26 of 43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR ~ dated September 13, 2018 x. Trent Milan and III noc arranged for a tow truck to take the vehicle t0 a WPS compound (in accordance to WPS policy) and they took the contents of the vehicle to the WPS West District Station situated at 2321 Grant Avenue. At the West District Station, ict Station (WDS) anc ll ME completed the necessary reports, listing the items found in the vehicle. “The list of y. D207 returned to the WPS West Di seized items in his report included all of the items that were inside of the vehi! except the $300.00 of Canadian currency that had been placed in the drug bag. z. Once ‘Trent Milan and BBE had arrived at the West District Station physical surveillance wes suspended because surveillance teams were not in a position to covertly continue surveillance within the secure police buileing. aa, While Trent Milan and {EEE were at the West District Station between . on August 11, 2016, PSU investigators approximately 10:00 a.m, and 3:30 pa ‘had confirmed the following based on the reports submitted by Si the WPS records management database and personal cheeks that were done by D/Sgi. Shewehuk: j, HERRBIIE completed the reports and documented everything that he and ‘Trent Milan had located in the vehicle. Everything was accounted for with the exosption of the $300.00 in Canadian currency. 4. As was stated above in paragraph 38 (p) the $300.00 in Canadian currencies and the score sheet were placed into a separate smaller pocket in the bag. in MEINE «cport the score sheet had been documented as a found item from the bag but the $300.00 in Canadian eurreney had not been. ii Although PSU investigators were unable fo cary out any type of surveillance inside of the West Distriet station, they were able to get ecard 27043 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR — dated September 13, 2016 access data that had shown them the following with respect to Trent Milan’s movement to and from the locker room after they arrived ut the station at approximately 10:00 a.m, ftom taking the fictitious and staged call for service. It should be noted that there was no activity for HE which likely means he did not have to card into the locker room and may have just followed come in or happened to enter while sorneane was exiting, The same point couid be made about there being no activity at the close of the day for Trent Milan: 4. Figure 1 CoaAtiited THEROTS STAM Tegel foyiee _ WavansE weer Zee ekeot WO : 2 . Derat ws) Crist nostigisadteH AénleS WAN Tented 11/0870181 19 05PM 2eeifexced NWP. band CcadAited renee 132M gated MUAN Treat 115201815121 FSH encod WO Betsey 2. Of interest, Trent Milan had entered the locker room twice inside ofan hour et 1:19 and 1:51 pin. Surveillance followed the officers to their residences ii, Trent Milan and BIN remained at the station until approximately 3:30 pam. when they lef fo take @ final call for service. They retumed to the station a shor’ time later. They were visually re-aequired by the RCMP surveillance teams departing the station together at 5:10 p.m. in their jvilian clothing meening that they had retired ftom their shitl. Both were then monitored by surveillance to their respective residences without making any stops before arriving home, According to the data fiom the GPS tracking device that was installed in | vehicle, the same vehicle he was seen driving, ‘Trent Milan's person home from the West District station on August 11, 2016, it has not station since August 11, 2016. retumed to the West Dist 28 of 43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR — dated September 13, 2016 v. There has been no card access activity at the West District station for cither Trent Milan or IMME since August 11, 2016. Confirmation that the $300.00 was not logged into evidence it picked up the logged bb. On August 12, 2016 the WPS Evidence Control U: ‘ot station and after an accounting of same, had evidence inside of the West Di confirmed that everything in JE report was logged into evidence. The $300.00 in Canadian currency that was rot documented in [IEMA cport was not logged into evidence control; ruling out the scenario that J simply forgot to document the currency in his report but had logged it into evidence. n and SEE under physical surveillance until both officers had gone to their respective homes at the close of their shift co, PSU investigators had Trent To rule out the potential that the ing currency had fallen or was temporarily misplaced 4d, On August 12, 2016 DiSgt. Shewchuk had physically checked the site where the Vehicle had been reposted as found, checked inside of the vehicle and the cruiser car that Trent Milan and [IIE had been assigned to on August 11, 2016 (car no. 1206) and did not find any evidence of the missing currency. cc, Again, the RCMP surveillance teams visually picked up Trent Milan and a GIMME as they departed the West District station at the close of their shit and followed thesn to their respective residences noting that both had gone directly home fiom work. Expected return to duty ff Detective Sergeants Shewehuk and Forscutt had confirmed on the SAMS database that Trent Milan and (IRIN #:c scheduled to retum to work on Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 4:20 pn. 20 of 43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR — dated September 13, 2016 i, On this note, On August 18, 2016 ai 9:00 a.m. 1 communicated with D/Sgt. Shewcbuk who told ine that according to SAMS, Trent Milan had booked off sick on August 17, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. (a half hour prior to the stort of his shift) and was presently under physical surveillance by the RCMP who wes monitoring him at the airport preparing for a departure to Oregon ia the United States. Deduction - process of elimination 97 28, Based on the information documented immediately above in paragraph 2 poli: investigators have established the following after completing the intogrity test: The missing currency was placed into the bag in # pocket with the score sheet b. PSU observed Trent Milan and IIIS rummaging through the bay end eventually placing same, along with the other placed content into their cruiser “Their cruiser car was under surveillance until i arrived at the West District of the recovered vehicle to the station. station, It had gone directly from the sit 4. While Trent Milon and [I were at the West District station situated at 2321 Grant Avenue, PSU investigators were blind to their movement (behavior) inside of the station other than their aecess activity that both were presumed as using correely (not giving others their cards for use Umoughout the building) 30 of d3 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR ~ dated September 13, 2016 . i” coca en ciara MN epi wh i ice $300.00 in Canadian currency, eports were completed and subaitted for sign aff, All of the £ On August 12, 2016 the WPS Bvidence Control Unit picked up the logged evidenee inside of the West District station and alter an accounting of same, had confirmed that everything in MEINE report was logged into evidence. The $300.00 in Canadian currency thet was not documcnicd in IEEE report wes also not logged into evidence control; ruling out the scenario that Ml GEER simply forgot to document the currency in his report. for service to g. Somewhere between Trent Milan and QE toking the recover the vehicle and leaving the West District station at the close of their shift the $300.00 went missing on the basis it wes not found ad secounted for in: i, The vehicle, fi, Cruiser car no, 1206, and ii. Evidence control h, Based on the above and through the process of elimination the missing $300.00 coukl be at any one of the following places: i. A location somewhere within the West District station, fi. Inthe hands of a third perty who had access to and from the district station, iif, Inside of the locker of either Trent Milan and IM oF both. 31 of 43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR ~ dated September 13, 2016 iv. Orit could have gone home with either Trent Milan or Al SE General Warrant - A sneak and peek of Trent Milan's and [ii Ei lockers August 15, 2016 29.1 filed an application for » genora] warrant permitting PSU investigators to conduct “sneak and peck” of Trent Milan’s and (IMEI assigned lockers at the WPS West District Station, 2321 Grant Avenue. On August 16, 2016 the reviewing Provincial Court Judge, her honor, Judge W. Gerrock granted the warrant. August 17, 2016 30. 1 spoke to Detective Sergeants Shewehuk and Forscutt who told they had condueted the sneak and peck on today’s date but were only able to successfully gain entry into Trent Milan's locker and not EERE because there was no spare key for his locker. Sheweliuk and Forsout! went on to provide the following details about their search: With the assistance of the WPS locksinith, IMIM. Detcctive Songs Shewchuk and Forscutt coveitly gained entry in to Trent Milan's locker, locker po. 116. b. ‘They searched the locker and did not find any evidence of the missing $300.00 dollers. c. However, they located a black zippered case containing what appeared to be a quantity of cocaine and metiamphetamines (bagged separately). 4. Forscutt seized the narcotics, had weighed them, and calculated an estimated street value for them both: i. Cocaine — nine grams, Estimated street value 32 0f'43 ‘SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR ~ dated September 13, 2016 ii, i grams. Estimated street valuc = $600.00 e. Forscutt and Shewchuk will be retuming the black zippered case" into Trent Milan’s locker and replacing the seized narcoties with fake look-a-like products, ‘They will also have the drugs tested at a Health Canada laboratory to verify that they are indeed what they appear to be. ied with the investigators that this was done on Augus! 19, 2016 Bots? SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR - dated September 13, 2016 34of'43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR - dated September 13, 2016 GROUNDS TO BELIEVE THAT MILAN STILL HAS POSSESSION OF 9 32, Based on the following facts I believe it is reasonable that Milan wil still have —<— SST SS} A On March 20, 2010 a search warrant was executed at 35 of 43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR - dated September 13, 2016 36 of 43, SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR ~ dated September 13, 2016 ‘THE INVESTIGATIVE PLAN 33, Professional Standards Unit investigators arc planning to arrest Trent Milan on Tuesday. September 13, 2016 as part of a strategic takedown EE 20122:21) 109 criminal charges. have c confirmed through Manitoba Public Insurance and the WPS databases that Trent Milan's address on his current address is This is Manitoba driver's license database, What is more, 1 know that WPS surveillance has been visually monitoring, and his personnel file on the WPS records management Trent Milan at this location for the past day and a half. 7 of 43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR — dated September 13, 2016 CONCLUSION 34, The primary basis of the allegations is hearsay infosmation/evidenee. Notwithstanding. investigators have been able to corroborate some of the allegatiéns and this had given investigators reason to believe that the uncormoborated allegations are as well, credible and likely true, tors described in the grounds for belief. I believe it is 35, Based on the constellation of fe reasonable that Trent Milan has inappropriaiely and at times, unlawfully used his informanvhandler relationship with [MEINE in connection with the duties of his A office for a purpose other than public good which marks a serious departure from the standard of an officer of the Winnipeg Police Service; or in other words committed the criminal offence of Breach of Trust. Trent Milan used this relationship earry out criminal acts-from which he has allegedly financially benefited. Also, Trent Milan has compromised informer privilege by engaying and involving his souree in eri the souree for fature potentia! activity that has caused police to investigate and iden court proceedings. In Canadian Jaw, informer privilege imposes a duty on the police, the Crown and the courts not to release any information that risks the identity of a police informer. 36, Based on the information and evidence gathered to date [ believe it is reasonable that Trent Milan has committed the following offences based on at least the prima facie investigation: sion 354 ‘a. Possession of property obtained by crime, to wit MMM, contrary to se ‘of the Criminal Code. This belief is based on: ee = NB iii, The information supplied by IAM °c) I: 8 of 43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR — dated September 13, 2016 iv. The investigation follow-up done by D/Sgl. Lambert with respect to es v. The information provided by IIEEMEMEMIE in respect of his observations at Milan's residence in 2011, vi The information provided direcily ton i b. Traffi se ng a controlled substance, to wit: quantities of narcoties eoutrary to 11 of the CDSA. This beliefis based on; AIB i. The information supplied by A ho: ii, The personel observations of IEEEEMENIMMY in respect of the drugs he had seen in Millan’s personal backpack fii ‘The integrity test wharein PSU investigators bad located a quantity of methamphetamine and powdered cocaine inside of Trent Milai locker. . Conspiracy to commit an indictable offence, to wit: possession of property obtained by erime, trafficking a controlled substance, contrary to section 465 of the Criminal Code. + this belief is the alleged cooperation: planning and the resulting benefits shared by both Trent Milen and i P| A 37. Based on the outcome of the integrity test I believe it is reasonable, given the alleged history of Trent Milan, that he has stolen the $300.00 of bait money. Notwithstand appreciate thal we do not have direct evidence to suggest this and it is amly the circumstantial basis of our process of elimination upon which | ain assorting my betiot 38, Despite not finding the cash in Trent Milan’s locker pursuant to a General Warrant to search same, investigators did however find what is believed to be eo B0 of 43 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR — dated September 13, 2016 methamphetamines in his locker, collectively valued at approximately $850.00. i believe this is significant because it is consisten' with the informetion IEEE has provided to D/Sgt. Forscutt in February of this year, It also verifies that Trent Milan is engaged in B criminal activity, which is consistent with ell ofthe allegetions made about Trent Milan ior that was verificd by IEEE os recently as in termns of his proscribed bel September 12, 2016, 39.1 AM THEREFORE REQUESTING authorization to search in for the following: ——— A A AIG 4, Fake drugs that PSU investigators have placed into a black poweh 342.1 (2) of the Criminal Cocle that c. Any computer systems as defined in Secti ent investigators can establish belongs to or has been in the primary use of T Milan, With respect to mobile telecommunication deviees, it has been my experience as an iavestigotor and affiant for a vast rumber of ences ofien investigations that those who commit criminal of ns of planning for it communicate about it on their mobile devices in ter making arrangements with potential co-conspirators, and sometimes to even crow to others about what they had done, In many ceses, | have icted fiom such devices and have seen this type reviewed the data ext information (evidence) first hand. 40 of 3 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR — dated September 13, 2016 iii, 1 am aware that in the Criminal Code, the “computer system” definition ineludes a device that contains computer programs and computer data, ‘The Criminal Code defines a program as having the capability to perform logic and control and may perform any other function, 1am further aware that in the Criminal Code the definition of “computer data” includes ropresentations including signs, signals or symbols that are in a form suitable for processing in a computer system. I believe thet contemporary mobile devices, such as the Apple iPhone em that evntains belonging to Trent Milan is by definition a computer syst computer data as defined in the Criminal Code, Also referred to as smartphone I know from owning one myself that smartphones operate like a computer system by storing digital files such as photographs, video. media, and text documents (self-generated and downloaded). | also know that smartphones can access the internet and perform web browsing fanctions, email and run other programs (or applications) with various utilities 40. Upon scizing the above computer system(s) police investigators will examine them for the purpose of seizing communications, videos, and other content related to the charge of Al of 3 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR - dated Septomber 13, 2016 breach of trust stored in the following formats: a. Text based and muitimedia communications on various platforms including but not limited to email, Facebook and other messaging applications. b, Communication logs in relation to the above. ©. Photographs, video and other media files, relevant postings to Facchaok, ‘YouTube, and other online platforms. SEARCH BY DAY OR BY NIGHT, 41. Investigators are planning a staged and coordinated search as soon as practicable. (n the ‘event circumstance change either intemally or externally, and this affects the investigators ability to carry out a synchronized search at any particular chosen time, | respectfully request thet the search warrant be granted for a period of three (3) days within which it can be executed. On the date of execution, itis de intentions of investigators to cay out the search by day in accordance with Seetion 2 of the Criminal Code, between 6:00 a.m, and 9:00 p.m. However, in the event that the target does not arrive home until a time after 9:00 p.m., I respectfully ask that we be permitted to search by night. investigators want to ensure thet the search sites are controlled aund that the searches are done strategicelly to avoid potential evidence destruction. 42 of 3 SWORN AFFIDAVIT OF RAVI MISIR ~ dated September 13, 2018 SEALING ORDER 42, Itis proposed that pursuant to Section 487.3 of the Criminal Code, all materials related to this werrant shall be sealed trom public view in the seme packet until such time as a court of competent jurisdiction orders otherwise. | will make this request is @ separate ex-parte application. SWORN BEFORE ME at the) 6 City of Winnipeg, in the ) ff . 2 Province of Manitoba, this ) 44 1 y8" day of September, 2016) xt boat Hoel aves A Commissionérfor Oaths in and for the Province of Manitoba My Commission expires on_©c fa ber Sh, 2orer {Detective Ravi Misir) 43 of 43

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