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Roaming 360

Installation Guide

Version 1.0.R160817

Mobileum, Inc.
2880 Lakeside Drive, Suite #135
Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA
Phone: +1-408-486-3701
Fax: +1-408-520-4589

2016 Mobileum, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is subject to change. This document and the information herein are
provided for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and for information purposes only. This document contains contents
which are the confidential and proprietary information of Mobileum and/or its licensors. Mobileum may have patents, patent
applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering the subject matter hereof. Unless
specifically set forth in a separate written agreement signed by Mobileum, the furnishing of this document does not give you
any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. Mobileum, the names of its products,
services, and their respective logos are registered trade or service marks of Mobileum, Inc. This document may not be
modified, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without
Mobileums prior written permission. Mobileum, Inc. makes no warranty, express or implied, with this document or the
information contained herein.

Revision History

Revision No.




Initial release.
For detailed information on the additions, modifications, and
deprecations made to this release, refer to the Whats New in
This Guide section on page 171.

Preface ............................................................................................................................. vi

Purpose of This Guide

Intended Audience
How This Guide is
Related Documents.......................................................................................................... vii
Document Conventions .....................................................................................................viii
R360 Conventions ...........................................................................................................viii
Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................................................................................ix
How to Contact Mobileum ................................................................................................... x
Documentation Support....................................................................................... x
Customer Support ............................................................................................. x

Prepar ing for Installat ion ..............................................................................................11

Deployment Modes of R360 ................................................................................................11
Installation Prerequisites....................................................................................................13
Hardware Prerequisites ......................................................................................13
Software Prerequisites .......................................................................................13
Pre-Installation Tasks .......................................................................................................14
Pre-Installation Checklist....................................................................................................15
Installation Packages........................................................................................................16

Installing the R360 Applicat ion ....................................................................................17

Overview of the installation process.......................................................................................17
Installing the RWARR360 package.........................................................................................18
Installing the RWARR360APPS package ..................................................................................21
Installing JasperReports Server software .................................................................................25
Creating the R360 schema..................................................................................................25

Deploying R360 on Wisdom Platfor m ...........................................................................28

Installing Cloudera 5.5 ......................................................................................................29
Verifying Cloudera 5.5 installation ..........................................................................29
Installing and verifying Mobileum Wisdom platform.....................................................................29
Post deployment of Mobileum Wisdom platform..........................................................30
Configuring cleanup of logs directory ......................................................................30
Modifying Oozie configuration...............................................................................31
Deploying R360 on Hadoop file system ...................................................................................31
Post R360 deployment on Hadoop..........................................................................35
Database changes for deploying R360 on Wisdom platform ...........................................................36

Configur ing the R360 Applicat ion .................................................................................38

Modifying the file ....................................................................................39
Modifying the AppMonitor.ini file...........................................................................................39
Modifying the statswriter.cfg file...........................................................................................40
Modifying the statswriter_2.cfg file........................................................................................54
Modifying the txnwriter.cfg file.............................................................................................69
Modifying the file...................................................................................87
Modifying the file .............................................................................96
Modifying the file ...................................................................... 101
Modifying the file ..................................................................... 105
Modifying the indexer.cfg file for R360.................................................................................. 109
Modifying COMMONTRACEPARAMS in CSV files ....................................................................... 110
About reportmetadata.xml................................................................................................ 111
Configuring the R360 maintenance tasks............................................................................... 113
R360 database housekeeping (DB EOH) configuration................................................................ 114
Creating an R360 user .................................................................................................... 115
Configuring RQMUpload................................................................................................... 117
SQL Loader .................................................................................................. 117
Modifying .......................................................................... 117
Modifying 120
Modifying the RQM_TRACEHOST database table ...................................................................... 121
Modifying RQM_CARRIER_TRACEHOST................................................................................. 121
Configuring JasperReports Server for R360 ............................................................................ 122


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide


Importing file and configuring permissions for the reports module....... 123
Configuring IPProbe platform component for packet data support.................................................. 127
Configuring IPProbe platform component for SIP support............................................................ 133
Configuring IPProbe platform component for Diameter support..................................................... 140
Configuring VIPTracker ................................................................................................... 149
Configuring APPPARAMS database table................................................................................ 150
Adding or Enabling a New Home in R360............................................................................... 150
Configuring R360 for Roamer List Application.......................................................................... 151
Modifying 151
Configuring Roamer List Application Parameters in Database......................................... 152
Modifying for R360 EasyToUseSMS trace ........................................ 153
Configuring Parameters in APPPARAMS Table........................................................... 153
Configuring Group Level Access Parameters in Database.............................................. 153
Configuring Default Groups and Users with Different Access Rights for Tracer..................... 154

Configur ing R360 on Hadoop ......................................................................................156

Modifying Oozie job flow time or frequency ............................................................................ 156
Modifying the file................................................................................ 157

Verify ing the Installation.............................................................................................159

Starting TxnWriter......................................................................................................... 159
Starting StatsWriter ....................................................................................................... 160
Starting statswriter_2 ..................................................................................................... 160
Starting RQMAlerter ....................................................................................................... 160
Starting RQMAggregator.................................................................................................. 161
Starting RQMSCCPAggregator............................................................................................ 161
Starting RQMDetailAggregator ........................................................................................... 161
Accessing R360 SDS Administrator Studio.............................................................................. 161

Stopping R360 ..............................................................................................................163

Stopping TxnWriter........................................................................................................ 163
Stopping StatsWriter ...................................................................................................... 163
Stopping statswriter2 instance for Diameter ........................................................................... 164
Stopping RQMAlerter ...................................................................................................... 164
Stopping RQMAggregator................................................................................................. 164
Stopping RQMSCCPAggregator........................................................................................... 164
Stopping RQMDetailAggregator .......................................................................................... 165

Post Installation Checklist ...........................................................................................166

Roaming Replicator Handling in the R360 Application .............................................167
Enabling VAM in the R360 Applicat ion .......................................................................169
Whats New in This Guide ............................................................................................171
R160817 Initial release ................................................................................................. 171
Additions..................................................................................................... 171
Modifications ................................................................................................ 172
Deprecations ................................................................................................ 172
Documentation Enhancements............................................................................ 172

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

List of Tables
TABLE 1 HOW THIS GUIDE I S O RGANIZED ...................................................................................................... VI
TABLE 2 RELATED D OCUMENTS..................................................................................................................... VII
TABLE 3 DOCUMENT CONVENTIONS............................................................................................................. VIII
TABLE 4 R360 CONVENTIONS ....................................................................................................................... IX
TABLE 5 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ...................................................................................................... IX
TABLE 6 PRE-I NSTALLATION CHECKLIST ........................................................................................................ 15
TABLE 7 I NSTALLATION PACKAGES................................................................................................................ 16
TABLE 8 SQL COMMANDS TO CREATE THE R360 SCHEMA ........................................................................... 26
TABLE 9 PARAMETERS IN THE STATSWRITER.CFG FILE .................................................................................... 40
TABLE 10 PARAMETERS IN THE STATSWRITER_2.CFG FILE.............................................................................. 55
TABLE 11 PARAMETERS IN THE TXNWRITER.CFG FILE..................................................................................... 69
TABLE 12 PARAMETERS IN THE RQMALERTER.PROPERTIES FILE ...................................................................... 87
TABLE 13 PARAMETERS IN THE RQMAGGREGATOR.PROPERTIES FILE .............................................................. 96
TABLE 14 PARAMETERS IN THE RQMSCCPAGGREGATOR.PROPERTIES FILE ..................................................... 101
TABLE 15 FIELDS IN THE RQMDETAILAGGREGATOR.PROPERTIES FILE ............................................................ 105
TABLE 16 PARAMETERS IN THE CSV FILES .................................................................................................. 110
TABLE 17 PARAMETERS IN THE SDS_SERVICE_CO NFIG DATABASE TABLE............................................... 115
TABLE 18 EXAMPLES OF HOST NAMES AND THEIR IDS................................................................................ 116
TABLE 19 EXAMPLES OF HOST ALLIANCE NAMES, THEIR IDS, AND HOST IDS............................................... 116
TABLE 20 EXAMPLES OF ENTRIES IN THE RQM _USER DATABASE TABLE ........................................................ 116
TABLE 21 PARAMETERS IN THE RQMUPLOAD.PROPERTIES FILE .................................................................... 117
TABLE 23 DETAILS OF THE CARRIER ID AND TRACE HOST ............................................................................ 122
TABLE 24 FIELDS IN THE EDIT DATA SOURCE PAGE ...................................................................................... 126
TABLE 25 PARAMETERS IN THE IPPROBE.CFG FILE FOR PACKET DATA SUPPORT ........................................... 127
TABLE 26 PARAMETERS IN THE IPPROBE.CFG FILE FOR SIP SUPPORT........................................................... 134
TABLE 27 PARAMETERS IN THE IPPROBE.CFG FILE FOR DIAMETER SUPPORT ................................................ 141
TABLE 29 PARAMETERS IN THE G ETI MSILIST.SH FILE................................................................................... 151
TABLE 31 PARAMETERS IN THE APPPARAMS TABLE FOR APPIDS S824 AND S825 .................................. 153
TABLE 33 LOG IN DETAILS FOR ACCESS TO TRACES...................................................................................... 154
TABLE 34 PARAMETERS IN THE COORDINATOR.PROPERTIES FILE .................................................................. 157
TABLE 35 ADDITIONS ................................................................................................................................ 171

Effective February 24, 2014, Roamware, Inc. has been renamed to Mobileum,
Inc. However, this document may contain references to Roamware, particularly in
program artifacts, product and platform component names, and so on.

This preface describes the purpose of and intended audience for the Roaming 360 (R360)
Installation Guide. It also describes how this guide is organized, publications related to this
guide, conventions used across this guide, and how to contact Mobileum, if required.

Purpose of This Guide

This guide provides the basic information you need for installing, configuring, and running the
R360 application on Solaris 10.

Intended Audience
This guide is intended for IT administrators, telecommunications engineers, and other
operations and maintenance staff who are responsible for installing, configuring, and
managing the R360 applications.

How This Guide is Organized

Table 1 on page vi describes how this guide is organized.



Preparing for Installation

on page 11

Discusses the prerequisites for the R360 application on

Solaris 10 platform. It also provides planning-related

Installing the R360

Application on page 17

Guides you through the steps for installing the R360

application in case of SDS-based R360 deployment.

Deploying R360 on

Guides you through the additional steps required for


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide




Wisdom Platform on page


installing the R360 application on Hadoop in case of

Hadoop-based R360 deployment.

C onfiguring the R360

Application on page 38

Describes how to configure the R360 application, modify

configuration files, and run cron job scripts.

C onfiguring R360 on
Hadoop on page 156

Describes how to configure the R360 application in case of

Hadoop-based deployment and modify configuration files.

Verifying the Installation

on page 159

Guides you through the steps to start the R360 application

and other modules, and accessing Mobileum SDS
Administrator Studio.

Stopping R360 on page


Guides you through the steps to stop the R360 application

and other modules.

Post Installation C hecklist

on page 166

Describes how to verify the R360 applications installation.

Roaming Replicator
Handling in the R360
Application on page 167

Guides you through the steps to enable Roaming Replicator

handling in the R360 application.

Enabling VAM in the R360

Application on page 169

Guides you through the steps to enable the various VAMs in

the R360 application.

Whats New in This Guide

on page 171

Lists and describes the additions, modifications, and

deprecations made to the process of installing and
configuring in this release of the R360 application.

Related Documents
Table 2 on page vii lists and describes the other documents related to this guide. These
documents are specific to the prerequisite operating systems, databases, and Mobileum
platform components and modules.



Operating System Documentation

Oracle Solaris 9 or 10

Discusses how to install, configure, and manage the Oracle

Solaris 9 or 10 operating systems. Download the required
documentation from

Database Documentation
Oracle Database 10g

Describes how to install, configure, and manage Oracle

Database 10g. Download the required documentation from

Mobileum Platform Components Documentation

Mobileum SDS 6.0
IRDB 6.0
Mobileum SDS 7.0, Store
Server, Spread Server,
TCAP Server
Indexer 1.0
Alerter 2.0

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Describes how to install, configure, and manage the

prerequisite Mobileum platform components and modules.
For applicable label details, refer to the Software
Prerequisites section on page 13.
Download the required documentation from Mobileum
Release Server. Browse to the required platform
components folders at


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide


Document Conventions
Table 3 on page viii describes the conventions used in all Mobileum product documentation.





References to other guides and documents.


Messages displayed on the screen.


GUI text

User input

{ F i x ed W id t h }

A placeholder for something that you must customize. For

example, in your environment, replace { R o am w a re _ Ho m e }
with the directory where all Mobileum SDS files are installed.

F i x e d W i dt h

Program codes

Files and directory names

File extensions
Function names

C LI text

Sample outputs

F i x e d W i dt h Bo l d

Target file or directory name in a network path.


Links within a guide

URL links

E-mail addresses

The Note admonition describes additional information about a

particular topic. Ignoring a note does not have any negative
The Warning admonition should not be ignored. Ignoring
warnings will most likely cause data loss.
The Tip admonition describes shortcuts and alternative
approaches to a task. Ignoring a note does not have any
negative consequences.
The Important admonition highlights information that may be
easily missed. For example, configuration changes that apply
only to the current session, or services that may need restarting
before an update is applied. Ignoring this admonition will not
cause data loss but may cause task rework.

R360 Conventions
As mentioned in the Typographic Conventions, { T e x t_ t o _c u s to m is e } indicates a
placeholder for something that you must customize depending on the module and the
component you are installing.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide


The following list enumerates the various placeholders you will encounter during the R360
installation process.

T AB L E 4 R360 C O N V E N TI O N S


{ M o b il e u m_ C D RO M }

The root directory for all the Mobileum SDS installable files. By
default, this would be the root directory of the Mobileum SDS

{ I n s ta l l _H o m e}

The installation directory that you specify, while installing the

Mobileum SDS product. For example, / o p t .

{ R o a mw a r e_ H o me }

The root directory for all the installed Mobileum SDS files. For
example, / o p t / Ro a m wa r e .
The directory for all the installed Tomcat files.

{ T o m ca t _ Ho m e }

For example,
/ o p t /R o a mw a r e/ r o am w a re / ad m i n/ j a ka r t a- t o mc a t6.1.20.
The directory for all the installed Oracle Software.

{ O r a cl e _ Ho m e }

For example, / e x p o rt / h om e / or a cl e .
The directory for all the installed M y S Q L files.

{ M y S QL _ H om e }

For example, / u s r / lo c a l/ m y sq l .
{ L D _ Li b r ar y _ pa t h }
{ A N T _H o m e}

The directory from where the shared libraries are picked up.
Directory where ANT software is installed.
For example, /o p t / Ro a m wa r e /a p a ch e - an t - 1. 6 .1 / b in .

Abbreviations and Acronyms




C ancel Location


International Direct Dial


International Mobile Subscriber Identity


Intelligent Roamer Database


ISDN User Part


Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number


Mobile Station Roaming Number


Provide Subscriber Information


Service Information Octet


Update Location

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide


How to Contact Mobileum

The following sections provide information on how to provide feedback on Mobileum product
documentation and obtain support for Mobileum products.

Documentation Support
To provide feedback on documentation, send e-mail to

Customer Support
If you have any problems with, questions on, or feedback about Mobileum products, send email to

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Preparing for Installation
Preparing for the installation of the R360 application involves verifying that the target system
complies with the prescribed hardware, software, and network requirements. Then, perform
the required pre-installation tasks. Finally, complete the provided pre-installation checklist
and verify that you have the correct installation packages.
This chapter contains the following topics:

Deployment Modes of R360 on page 11

Installation Prerequisites on page 13

Pre-Installation Tasks on page 14

Pre-Installation Checklist on page 15

Installation Packages on page 16

Deployment Modes of R360

You can deploy the R360 application in the following modes:
Mobileum SDSbased deployment

In this mode, the R360 application is deployed only on the Mobileum SDS platform
component along with the respective configurations required by the R360 application for its
effective functioning.
To deploy the R360 application in this mode, refer to the following sections:

deployment mode


Installing the R360 Application on page 17


C onfiguring the R360 Application on page 38

In this mode, the R360 application is deployed on Hadoop.

The following components are deployed on the NameNode:

Oracle database server

R360 components TxnWriter, Statswriter instance 2, Aggregator, and Alerter

Tomcat (SDS 6.0 and JasperServer)

Additional Hadoop components Oozie services, Zoo Keeper services, and Hue services


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 1 - Preparing for Installation

The following MapReduce (MR) and Pig jobs are scheduled to run from the DataNodes:

Master Pig job

Roamer Duration MR and Pig jobs

C urrent Roamer Pig job

Registration MR and Pig jobs

Figure 1 on 12 shows a typical Mobileum Wisdom platform where the components are


Following components will be deployed

on the NameNode:
Database Server (Oracle)
R360 Components:
Tomcat (iMAS + Jasper server)
Additonal Hadoop Components:
Oozie services
Zoo Keeper Services
Hue Services (in case of CDH)



Following MR and Pig Jobs will be
scheduled on the DataNodes:
1. Master Pig Job
2. Roamer Duration MR & Pig Jobs
3. Current Roamer Pig Job
4. Registration MR & Pig Jobs

DataNode 2
DataNode 1

To deploy the R360 application in this mode, refer to the following sections:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 1 - Preparing for Installation


Installing the R360 Application on page 17


Deploying R360 on Wisdom Platform on page 28


C onfiguring the R360 Application on page 38


C onfiguring R360 on Hadoop on page 156

Installation Prerequisites
Before installing the R360 application, you must ensure that the system where you want to
install the R360 application meets the hardware, software, network prerequisites listed in the
below section.
This section contains the following topics:

Hardware Prerequisites on page 13

Software Prerequisites on page 13

Hardware Prerequisites
For hardware prerequisites, contact your accounts Mobileum Professional Services
Organization (PSO) representative.

Software Prerequisites
Before installing the R360 application, be sure to install the software listed below. These
must be installed on the same target system where you want to install the R360 application.

The Mobileum application labels, mentioned below, are subject to change. Refer to
R360 1.0 Release Notes for the latest label information. Send an e-mail to
Mobileum Support ( to get the release notes.

Oracle 10g
The R360 application depends on Oracle 10g to run. The R360 schema must be created
in the Mobileum SDS database (Oracle). Oracle 10g is installed during the Mobileum SDS

Mobileum SDS (iMAS) 6.0 label R150702 or above. For installation instructions, refer
to Mobileum SDS 6.0 Installation Guide.

Mobileum SDS 7.0 label R150702 or above. For installation instructions, refer to
Mobileum SDS 7.0 Installation Guide.

IRDB 6.0 label R130602 or above. For installation instructions, refer to IRDB 6.0
Installation Guide.

DKProbe 5.1 label R90601 or above. For installation instructions, refer to Mobileum
Probe DK 5.1 Installation Guide.

Indexer 1.0 label R150402 or above. For installation instructions, refer to Indexer 1.0
Installation Guide.

IPProbe 6.0, label R150706 or above, will be needed for packet data reports. For
installation instructions, refer to IPProbe 6.0 Installation Guide.

Add SDS 7.0 CoS Configuration Module

Follow below steps to install CoS C onfiguration iMAS application of SDS 7.0:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 1 - Preparing for Installation


C reate SDS 7.0 database schema.


Take backup of w e b ap p s folder and install iMAS applications of SDS 7.0 (

JasperReports Server Addon (JRSAddon) 1.0 latest release to generate and view
the R360 application's reports. This package includes the WAR file to install the
JasperReports Server application. This package also contains other files and scripts to
customize the JasperReports Server application for Mobileum.
For more information about installing and customizing the JasperReports Server
application, refer to JasperReports Server 1.0 Installation and Customization Guide for

The following additional software are required only in case of Hadoop-based R360

Mobileum Wisdom Platform

C loudera 5.5 (CDH-5.5.1-1.cdh5.5.1.p0.11) Oozie, Zoo Keeper and Hue

services, and MapReduce

For more information about installing R360 on a Hadoop cluster, refer to the
Deploying R360 on Wisdom Platform section on page 28.

Adobe Reader 7.0 or later for viewing the JasperReports Server applications reports in
the PDF format.

Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18702 or Mozilla Firefox 3.6.25.

One of these browsers is required to access Mobileum SDS Administrator Studio.

Pre-Installation Tasks
Be sure to complete the following pre-installation tasks:

Creating the r o a m wa r e Root Administrator Account in the Host Operating

Ensure that the r o a m w a r e administrator account exists in the operating system of the
server where you want to install the R360 application.
The r o a m w a r e user is created by the Mobileum PSO during implementation. The
r o a m w a r e user is an operating system-level administrator with c r e a t e , m o d i fy , and
e x e c u t e rights in the following directories:

{ R o a mw a r e_ H o me }
This is usually / o p t / r oa m w ar e

{ R o a mw a r e_ H o me } / lo g s

Typically, these two directories are located in different partitions.

Finally, ensure that the r o a m w a r e administrator account belongs to a group called
If the r o a m w a r e administrator account does not exist, you must create it. C ontact your
accounts Mobileum PSO representative for assistance.

Starting the Apache Tomcat Web Server

Verify that the Apache Tomcat Web server is started on the system where you want to
install the R360 application. This is the system where the Mobileum SDS platform

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 1 - Preparing for Installation

components (listed in the Software Prerequisites section on page 13) are installed. The
Web server gets installed along with the platform components.

Pre-Installation Checklist
Mobileum recommends that you complete the following checklist before you proceed with the
installation and setup of the R360 application.


Example Entry

Operating System

So la ri s 10


En te rp ri se E d it io n

Service Pack

SP 3


ro am wa re


ro am wa re


Or ac le 1 0g

TNS Name

rw ds n

Host Name

rw ds n


15 21

Service ID

or cl db 1


or ac le


or ac le

Configured Privileges:











DM L Pr iv il eg e s

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Your Entry


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 1 - Preparing for Installation


Example Entry

RE SO UR CE P ri v il eg es

CO NN EC T Pr iv i le ge s






Your Entry

Application Server
Software Development Kit

JD K 1. 7

Dialogic Software

GC T 5. 03

Scripting language

Pe rl 5 .8 .5 w i th t he
re qu ir ed m od u le s

Database Client

Or ac le D at ab a se
Cl ie nt

Installation Packages
The R360 application includes two separate Solaris packages. Verify that the product
installation disc contains the following packages:



RW AR R3 60 -1 .0 - <B ui ld nu mb er > so l1 0- oc i1 0g - sp ar c. pk g. gz

C ontains the framework, libraries, binaries,

configuration files, and necessary scripts
required for the R360 application to run.

RW AR R3 60 AP PS - 1. 0<B ui ld nu mb er > -s ol 10 -o ci 10 g sp ar c. pk g. gz

C ontains the database scripts,

administration, and reporting applications
for the R360 application.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Installing the R360 Application
Before installing the R360 application, be sure to install the prerequisite software
and complete the pre-installation checklist. For more information, refer to the
Preparing for Installation chapter on page 11.

This chapter contains the following topics:

Overview of the installation process on page 17

Installing the RWARR360 package on page 18

Installing the RWARR360APPS package on page 21

Installing JasperReports Server software on page 25

C reating the R360 schema on page 25

Overview of the installation process

The following steps provide a quick overview of the installation process:

Unpack the R W A R R 3 60 package to install core components of the R360 application on

For more information, refer to the Installing the RWARR360 package section on page


Unpack the R W A R R 3 60 A P PS package to install the R360 applications prepopulated

configurations (prepops) and stored procedures.
For more information, refer to the Installing the RWARR360APPS package section on
page 21.


Execute database scripts to create the R360 applications database schema. This schema
provides the required database storage and retrieval mechanisms for the R360
For more information, refer to the C reating the R360 schema section on page 25.


C onfigure the R360 application after installation. For example, you must modify specific
shell scripts, configuration files, properties file, and so on.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 2 - Installing the R360 Application

For more information, refer to the C onfiguring the R360 Application section on page

For Hadoop-based R360 deployment, you must deploy the R360 application on the
Wisdom platform or Hadoop cluster.
For more information about installing R360 on the Mobileum Wisdom platform, refer to
the Deploying R360 on Wisdom Platform section on page 28.


Start Mobileum SDS 7.0 components and the R360 application. You must also log into
Mobileum SDS Administrator Studio as r 3 6 0 .
For more information, refer to the Verifying the Installation on page 159.

Installing the RWARR360 package


If your deployment has the installation of R360 application on Solaris and

IPProbe platform component on Linux, then you must install the
l i b g t p t x n w r i t er . s o library part of the R360 1.0 package in the library
structure of IPProbe platform component on Linux. This enables the IPProbe
platform component to use the R360 application's l i b g t pt x n wr i t er . s o
library for working efficiently. This ensures the library structure compliancy in
the R360 application on Solaris and IPProbe platform component on Linux.

For Hadoop-based R360 deployment only, you must deploy the R360
application on the Wisdom platform or Hadoop cluster. For this, you must
perform additional steps apart from the steps listed in this chapter. For more
information about installing R360 on the Mobileum Wisdom platform, refer to
the Deploying R360 on Wisdom Platform section on page 28.

To install the R360 application, decompress and execute the installation package. This installs
the required prepopulated configurations (prepops) and stored procedures. This section tells
you how to install the R W A R R 3 6 0 package on Solaris.

To install the RWARR360 package

Before installing the R360 application, be sure to do the following:

C omplete the pre-installation tasks described in the Pre-Installation Tasks

section on page 14.

Next, ensure that you have verified your environment against the pre-requisites
listed in the Installation Prerequisites section on page 13.

Then, complete the pre-installation checklist available in the Pre-Installation

C hecklist section on page 15.

Finally, verify that you have the correct installation packages (refer to the
Installation Packages section on page 16).

Ensure that the r o a m w a r e login ID exists. If it does not exist, then create a
new ID for the r o a m w a r e user. This login ID should belong to a group called

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 2 - Installing the R360 Application


In the machine where the Mobileum SDS platform components are installed, login as the
r o a m w a r e user.
Depending on the target operating system, use one of the following network protocols
for logging:


SSH (in Oracle Solaris 10)

Telnet (in Oracle Solaris 8 and 9)

C heck the current path:

/ o p t /R o a mw a r e


C reate the . p r o f i le file, if the file is not already present, in the { R o a m wa r e _H o m e}



Ensure that the following variables are set in the . p r o f i l e file.

R O A M WA R E _H O M E= { R oa m w ar e _H o m e}
C A T A LI N A _H O M E= { T om c a t_ H om e }
A N T _ HO M E ={ A N T_ H o me }


Log in as the super user, s u .

P a s s wo r d :

Do not use the s u - command.


C opy the R W A R R3 6 0 package from the Mobileum SDS installation disk to the current
directory by running the following command:
c p / {M o b il e u m_ i n st a l la t io n _ di s c }/ R W AR R 3 60 - 1. 0 - <B u i ld n u mb e r >s o l 1 0- o c i1 0 g -s p a rc . p kg . gz .


Decompress the package by running the following command:

g u n z ip R WA R R 36 0 - 1. 0 - <B u il d n um b e r> - s ol 1 0 -o c i1 0 g -s p a rc . p kg . g z


Install the package by running the following command:

p k g a dd - d / o pt / R oa m w ar e /R W A RR 3 6 0- 1 . 0- < B ui l dn u m be r > -s o l 10 o c i 1 0g - s pa r c .p k g
The system displays the Mobileum Copyright details, which indicates that the R360
package installation has started.


Log out as the super user, s u , and login as the r o a m w a re user.

10. When prompted, specify and confirm the required installation directory.
If the specified directory does not exist, the package installer prompts you to create the

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Chapter 2 - Installing the R360 Application

The installation directory that you specify at this point will be referred to as the
{ I n s t a l l _ H o m e } directory.

11. On successful installation, the following confirmation message is displayed in the

I n s t al l a ti o n o f <R W A RR 3 60 1 0 <B u i ld n u mb e r >> wa s su c c es s f ul .

Henceforth, the { I n st a l l_ H o me } / Ro a m wa r e directory will be referred to as
{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} .

12. Be sure to verify the installation directory structure. It must look like Figure 2 on page

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Chapter 2 - Installing the R360 Application


Installing the RWARR360APPS

Unpack the RWARR360APPS package to install the R360 applications prepopulated
configurations (prepops) and stored procedures.

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 2 - Installing the R360 Application

To install the RWARR360APPS package

Ensure that Apache Tomcat is running on the system where you want to install the
R W A R R 3 6 0 A P P S package. Apache Tomcat is installed when you install the
Mobileum SDS 7.0 platform components described in the Software Prerequisites
section on page 13.


In the machine where the Mobileum SDS platform components are installed, login as the
super user, s u .
Depending on the target operating system, use one of the following network protocols
for logging:

SSH (in Oracle Solaris 10)

Telnet (in Oracle Solaris 8 and 9)

Do not use the "s u - " command.


C opy the R W A R R3 6 0 AP P S package from the Mobileum SDS installation disk to the
current directory by running the following command:
c p / {M o b il e u m_ i n st a l la t io n _ di s k }/ R W AR R 3 60 A PP S - 1. 0 < B u i ld n u mb e r >- s o l1 0 - oc i 10 g - sp a r c. p k g. g z .


Decompress the package by running the following command:

g u n z ip R WA R R 36 0 A PP S - 1. 0 -< B u il d n um b e r> - s ol 1 0- o c i1 0 g s p a r c. p k g. g z


Install the package by running the following command:

p k g a dd - d / o pt / R oa m w ar e /R W A RR 3 6 0A P P S- 1 . 0- < Bu i l dn u m be r > -s o l 10 o c i 1 0g - s pa r c .p k g .g z


Log out as the super user, s u , and login as the r o a m w a re user.


When prompted, specify and confirm the required installation directory.

If the specified directory does not exist, the package installer prompts you to create the

Later in this guide, this installation directory is referred to as { I n s t al l _ H o m e } .


On successful installation, the following confirmation message is displayed in the

I n s t al l a ti o n o f <R W A RR 3 60 A P PS 1 0 <B u i ld n u mb e r> > wa s su c c es s f ul .

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Be sure to verify the installation directory structure. It must look like Figure 3 on page

This directory structure may contain some additional folders if other Mobileum
products are also installed.

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Chapter 2 - Installing the R360 Application


Once both the packages are installed, ensure that the b u i l d . xm l file exists in the
{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / t em p / r3 6 0 directory.

10. C hange your active directory to { R o a m w ar e _ Ho m e }/ t e mp / r 36 0 and type a n t

i n s t a l l at the shell prompt to install the R360 application.
On successful installation, the following message is displayed:
You have successfully installed the R W A R R 36 0 A PP S package.

Installing JasperReports Server

Reports are generated with the help of the JasperReports Server reporting application that is
integrated and accessed through Mobileum SDS Administrator Studio.
For information on installing JasperReports Server 5.5, refer to JasperReports Server
Installation and Customization Guide for Mobileum.

Creating the R360 schema

Ensure that the database instance used for R360 is same as the one created for
Mobileum SDS and all the other platform components. For more information about
installing and configuring Oracle 10g, refer to the Mobileum SDS 6.0 Installation

C omplete the installation by creating the R360 database schema. This schema provides the
required database storage and retrieval mechanisms for the R360 application. Creating the
schema involves creating tablespaces and tables and executing stored procedures and
prepopulated configurations (pre-pops).
Before you begin with the Mobileum R360 schema creation procedure, ensure that you have
performed the following requirements:

Use the appropriate sizing sheet to calculate the maximum size for each table in the

Ensure that these tablespaces are created before you begin with R360 1.0 database
table creation.

Tablespaces should be distributed across disks so that the database load is balanced
among the disks.

From the table scripts, find information regarding mapping of tables to tablespaces.
Ensure that the tablespaces are in place and table scripts appropriately modified with the
tablespace names before creating them.

Ensure that the tables used by the application should not be created in the system
tablespace, or should not clash with the existing tablespaces used by other installed

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Chapter 2 - Installing the R360 Application

Ensure that the database instance used for R360 is same as the one created for
Mobileum SDS. For more information about installing and configuring Oracle 10g, refer
to Mobileum SDS 6.0 Installation Guide.

Modify or verify the datafile path in following tablespace-related SQL script:

d a t a ba s e /o r a cl e / ta b l es / r3 6 0 _d b _ ts _ c re a t io n .s q l

d a t a ba s e /o r a cl e / ta b l es / rq m _ db _ t s_ c r ea t i on . sq l

To create the R360 schema in Oracle


At the command prompt, log into the system where the R360 application is installed.
Go to the { R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / d at a b as e /r 3 6 0/ o r ac l e directory.


Log into the Oracle database using the appropriate username and password.

The login name and the password used here are same as the one used while
creating the Mobileum SDS database instance while installing Oracle 10g for
Mobileum SDS. For more information, refer to Mobileum SDS 6.0 Installation Guide.


Execute the following SQL commands in the order given below:


SQL Command


@ r q m _c r e at e _ sc h e ma . s ql

Installs common table spaces.

@ r q m _c r e at e _ sc h e ma _ 6 2. s ql

Note: These SQL files are available in the

@ r q m _c r e at e _ sc h e ma _ 6 3. s ql

{R oa mw ar e_ Ho m e} /d at ab as e/ r 36 0
/oracle/ta bl e s directory.

@ r 3 6 0_ c r ea t e _s c h em a . sq l

Run the following command from the Oracle command prompt to configure the
JasperReports Server database tables d i m _ ti m e and d i m _ t im e _ ho u r ly .

st a r t_ d a te VA R C HA R 2 (5 0 ) ;
en d _ da t e

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VA R C HA R 2 (5 0 ) ;


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 2 - Installing the R360 Application

st a r t_ d a te := ' 01 / 0 1/ 2 0 08 ' ;
en d _ da t e : = ' 3 1 /1 2 / 20 1 8 ' ;
SP _ R QM _ P op u la t e _D i m _T i m e ( s ta r t_ d a te ,
e n d _ da t e );


Ensure that all the stored procedures created in the database are valid.


At the SQL prompt, type e x i t and press ENTER to exit SQL Plus.

You have successfully created the R360 schema.

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Deploying R360 on Wisdom Platform
These steps are required only in the case of Hadoop-based R360 deployment.

Deploying R360 on Wisdom platform (Hadoop file system) involves the following steps:

Install C loudera 5.5 application and verify the installation.


Install the R360 application in local file system of the NameNode as per steps provided in
the Installing the R360 Application section on page 17.


Deploy Mobileum Wisdom Platform.


Deploy R360 on Wisdom platform (Hadoop file system).


Modify the database schema.

This chapter contains the following topics:

Installing C loudera 5.5 on page 29

Installing and verifying Mobileum Wisdom platform on page 29

Deploying R360 on Hadoop file system on page 31

Database changes for deploying R360 on Wisdom platform on page 36


To troubleshoot any issues while installing Cloudera 5.5 or Mobileum Wisdom

platform, contact the Mobileum Wisdom team.

While deploying R360, please observe all exceptions, errors, and warnings. To
troubleshoot these issues, contact the Mobileum Engineering team.

All master file names follow standard naming format.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 3 - Deploying R360 on Wisdom Platform

Installing Cloudera 5.5

You must install C loudera 5.5 before you install the R360 application and the Wisdom

To install Cloudera 5.5


Install C loudera 5.5 [CDH-5.5.1-1.cdh5.5.1.p0.11].


Add the following additional services on Cloudera, of not present:

Oozie Services

Zoo Keeper services

Hue Services

Verifying Cloudera 5.5 installation

After installing Cloudera 5.5, you must verify if the ports that the Hadoop-related ports in
C loudera are accessible from the Name Node machine. Also, you must verify if email
notifications are being by Cloudera 5.5.

To verify Cloudera 5.5 installation


C heck if the following Hadoop-related ports are accessible from the base or Name Node
C loudera Manager: 7 1 8 0
Namenode: 8 0 2 0
Job Tracker: 8 0 3 2
Hue : 8 8 8 8


C heck whether email notifications is setup in C loudera 5.5.

This configuration will enable the C loudera 5.5 application to send alerts when any of the
services go down.

Installing and verifying Mobileum

Wisdom platform
After installing Cloudera 5.5, you must install Mobileum Wisdom platform component for the
h d f s user. After installing Mobileum Wisdom platform component, you must perform the
following additional configuration steps:

Post deployment configuration as described in the Post deployment of Mobileum

Wisdom platform section on page 30.


C leanup of logs directory as described in the Configuring cleanup of logs directory

section on page 30.


Modify Oozie configuration as described in the Modifying Oozie configuration section on

page 31.

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Chapter 3 - Deploying R360 on Wisdom Platform

Post deployment of Mobileum Wisdom platform

After installing Mobileum Wisdom platform component for the h d f s user, you must verify the

To configure the Mobileum Wisdom platform after installation


Disable the . g z parameter that compresses the MR and Pig job outputs. To disable this
parameter, perform the following steps:

Go to C loudera Manager on 7 1 8 0 port.


C lick YARN service and then click Configurations.


Search for the following property:

m a p r ed u c e. o u tp u t .f i l eo u tp u t fo r m at . c om p r es s


In YARN Service MapReduce Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve)

and MapReduce Client Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for
mapred-site.xml file, set the value of the following property to f a l s e (sample
< p r o pe r t y>
<n a m e> m a pr e d uc e . ou t pu t . fi l e ou t p ut f o rm a t. c o mp r e ss < / na m e >
<v a l ue > f al s e </ v a lu e >
<d e s cr i p ti o n >S h o ul d t h e j o b o u t pu t s b e
c o m p re s s ed ? < /d e s cr i p ti o n>
< / pr o p er t y >s


Test Mobileum Wisdom platform deployment before applying R360.


C hange the logging level to W A R N for Yarn service.


Ensure that sufficient disk space is available for Hadoop services (such as Yarn and
ZooKeeper) logs (default path is / v a r /l o gs ).


Restart the HDFS cluster.

Configuring cleanup of logs directory

You must configure to clean up the / t e m p / lo g s directory to purge application logs after a
specific duration.

To configure cleanup of logs directory


Log in to C loudera Manager.


C lick YARN service and then click Configurations.


In the Search tab, search for yarn-site.

You must configure only the service and client configurations of yarn-site.


C onfigure the y a r n. l o g- a g gr e g at i o n. r et a i n- s e co n d s parameter with the

duration to clean up the / t e m p /l o g s directory.


If MapReduce jobs are running, the cleanup activity will be triggered by the m a p r e d
Execute the following command from the m a p r e d user:
s u d o - u hd f s h d f s d f s - ch m o d 1 7 77 / tm p / lo g s
Note: This step is required only if the m a p r e d user is unable to access the
/ t e m p / l o g s directory. Verify whether the m a p r e d user has access to the
/ t e m p / l o g s directory.

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Chapter 3 - Deploying R360 on Wisdom Platform

Modifying Oozie configuration

You must modify the Oozie configuration to remove the limitation on the number of files that
can be moved in a directory.

To modify Oozie configuration


In the C loudera Manager home page, click Oozie and then click the Configuration tab.


In the Search tab, search for oozie-site.


Append the following in Oozie Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety

Valve) for o o z i e -s i t e. x m l:

< p r o pe r t y>
< n a m e> o o zi e . ac t i on . f s. g lo b . ma x < /n a m e>
< v a l ue > 5 00 0 < /v a l ue >
< d e s cr i p ti o n >
M a x i mu m nu m b er o f g l ob b ed f il e s .
< / d e sc r i pt i o n>
< / p r op e r ty >

Save the changes.


C loudera Manager prompts to restart some processes and deploy configuration. Confirm
the action.

Deploying R360 on Hadoop file

Be sure to complete the following tasks:
Oozie service and user-related tasks

Oozie service is up and running correctly at the default port, 1 1 0 0 0.

The o o z i e user must be created with the same group as h d f s user.

The o o z i e user must have password-less SSH access. Also, the o o z i e user
must have access to the {H A D O O P _R O A MW A R E_ H O ME } directory on HDFS and
the { R O A M W A R E _ H O M E} directory on the local file system.

Wisdom platform and R360-related tasks

Install the Wisdom platform and the R360 application using the same operating
system user, preferably h d fs user.

Install the R360 application on the NameNode. For installation instructions,

refer to the Installing the R360 Application section on page 17.

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Chapter 3 - Deploying R360 on Wisdom Platform

Perform the following steps to deploy R360 components, MR and Pig jobs, and other Hadoop
components on the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) cluster.

To deploy R360 on HDFS


In the { R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / s et u p. s h file, add the below path:

$ H A D OO P _ RO A M WA R E _H O M E= / us e r /t e s t


Run the s e t u p . s h script.


Run the following command:

c h m o d 7 7 7 $ R OA M W AR E _ HO M E/ *


In the
{ R o a mw a r e_ H o me } / sc r i pt s /o p e ra t i on s / r3 6 0 /c o mm o n /c o p yC a c he D a ta . s
h file, modify the following parameters to include the site-specific cache data:

D B U S ER = r oa m w ar e
D B U S ER P A SS W O RD = r oa m w ar e
D B S C HE M A =r w d b

Run the c o p y C a c h e D a t a. s h script.


In the
{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 / Co p y_ T o _F r o m_ H D FS . s h
file, add the following lines at the beginning (after the initial commented lines):
e x p o rt R OA M W AR E _ HO M E =/ o pt / R oa m w ar e /
e x p o rt H AD O O P_ R O AM W A RE _ HO M E =/ o p t/ R o am w a re /


In the
{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 / co m mo n / se t U pO o z ie . s h
file, perform the following steps:

Modify the values of following parameters:

C ontact Mobileum PSO representative before modifying the value of these

j o b T ra c k er = n od e 2 .r o a mw a re . c om : 8 03 2
m a p r ed u c e_ u s er = h df s
n a m e No d e =h d f s: / / no d e 2. r oa m w ar e . co m : 80 2 0

Set the value of the m a s t e r _s t a rt _ d at e parameter in the < Y Y Y Y - M M D D > T < H H : M M > Z format.
NOTE: This format is based on the output received from the d a t e - u command. If
the output of the d a t e - u command is T u e J a n 5 1 0 : 0 0 : 0 0 U T C 2 0 1 6 ,
then set the value of the m a s t e r _s t a rt _ d at e parameter as 2 0 1 6 - 01 05T10:00Z.

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Chapter 3 - Deploying R360 on Wisdom Platform


In a similar manner, set the value of the r e g i s tr a t io n _ st a rt _ d at e ,

w e e k l y _ s t a r t _ da t e , and m o n t hl y _ st a r t_ d a te parameters.


If the Wisdom platform and the R360 application are deployed with the
operating system user other than o o z i e , then please set the value of the
m a p r e d u c e _ u s e r parameter to that user ID in the s e t U p O o zi e . sh file.

Set the registration start time as 3 : 0 0 A M (local time), as it will run once in a

Set the weekly start date and time as next Monday's 5 : 0 0 A M (your local
time), as it will run every Monday.

Set the monthly start date and time as 7 : 0 0 A M on the first day of the next
month (local time), as it will run on the 1st of every month.

Run the following command:

$ R O A MW A R E_ H O ME / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 / co m mo n / se t U pO o z ie . s h


Verify that the { R O A M W A RE _ HO M E } and { H A D OO P _ RO A M WA R E _H O ME } are set

correctly as per site deployment in environment variable and run the following
s h $ RO A M WA R E _H O M E/ s c ri p ts / o pe r a ti o n s/ r 3 60 / co m m on / s et U p Oo z i e. s h


Open the
{ R o a mw a r e_ H o me } / bi n a ri e s/ r 3 60 / c on f i g/ w o rk f lo w / Ma s t er C o or d i na t o
r F l o w / c o o r d i n at o r .x m l file and set the desired frequency of the flows.
Example, for running the Oozie flow once every 25 minutes, configure the frequency
parameter as shown below:

f r e q ue n c y= " $ {c o o rd : m in u te s ( 25 ) }


The default frequency is one hour, i.e., the Master workflow will run once every
one hour.

The Registration workflow will run once in a day, the Weekly flow once in a
week, and the Monthly flow once in a month.

10. In { R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i pt s / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 / wo r kf l o w/ R u nO o z ie . s h
file, change the value of below parameters
O O Z I E_ S E RV E R _H O S TN A M E= h tt p : // < O oz i e s e r ve r h o s tn a m e>
O O Z I E _ S E R V E R _ PO R T =< p o rt >

NOTE: The default value for port is 1 1 0 0 0 .

11. In the
{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / b in a r ie s /r 3 6 0/ c o nf i g /m r j ob c on f i g. p r op e r ti e s file,
modify the values of following parameters:

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Chapter 3 - Deploying R360 on Wisdom Platform

[ r e g is t r at i o n]
i n p u t. d i r= $ H AD O O P_ R O AM W AR E _ HO M E /l o g s/ r 3 60 / st a t s/ r e gi s t ra t i on / M
R w o r ki n g
o u t p ut . d ir = $ HA D O OP _ R OA M WA R E _H O M E/ l o gs / r 36 0 /s t a ts / r eg i s tr a t io n /
M R t e mp

[ m a x ti m e st a m p]
i n p u t. d i r= $ H AD O O P_ R O AM W AR E _ HO M E /l o g s/ r 3 60 / tr a c es / s um m a ry / o ff l i
o u t p ut . d ir = $ HA D O OP _ R OA M WA R E _H O M E/ l o gs / r 36 0 /s t a ts / o ut p u tm a x t im e s ta m p
12. In the { R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / b in a r ie s / r3 6 0/ c o nf i g /r o a me r d ur a ti o n c o n f i g . p r o p e r ti e s file, modify the values of following parameters:

[ M A P PE R _ MA P ]
a l l r ec t y pe . i np u t .d i r =$ H AD O O P_ R O AM W A RE _ H OM E /l o g s/ r 3 60 / s ta t s /d u r
a t i o n/ M R wo r k in g

[ J O B _M E T AD A T A_ C O MM O N ]
o u t p ut . d ir = $ HA D O OP _ R OA M WA R E _H O M E/ l o gs / r 36 0 /s t a ts / d ur a t io n / MR o u
13. Run the
{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 / De p lo y R 36 0 O nH a d oo p . sh
Note: Verify that the C o p y _T o _ Fr o m _H D F S. s h script is configured properly in the
cron tab.
14. Provide read and write permissions to the newly created $ H A D O OP _ R OA M W AR E _H O M E
directory in Oozie web by following the below steps:

Log in to HUE UI.


Go to the following window:

File Browser Select on / Select the HADOOP_ROAMWARE_HOME folder
Action Change Permission.


Select all check boxes other than Sticky.


C lick Submit.

15. Set the R u n R e g i s t r a t io n Up l o ad e r .s h script in cron to run once in a day

(Example, at 5:00 AM).
Make sure that it runs after the D a i ly J o bC o o rd i n at o r script.
0 5 * * *
/ o p t /R o a mw a r e/ s c ri p t s/ o pe r a ti o n s/ r 3 60 / r eg i st r a ti o n /R u n Re g i st r a
t i o n Up l o ad e r .s h >> / lo g s/ r e g- u p lo a d er . l og
16. Run the
{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 / wo r kf l o w/ R u nO o z ie . s h
17. C onfigure the SNMP Manager IP address and port number as per site configuration in the
{ R O A M W A R E _ H O M E} / b in a r ie s /r 3 6 0/ c o nf i g /s n m p. p ro p e rt i e s file.
18. Refresh the metadata on HDFS by performing the following steps:

In the
{ R O M WA R E _H O M E} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 / co m mo n / up d a te M e ta d a t
a . s h file, configure the following variables:

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 3 - Deploying R360 on Wisdom Platform

D B U S ER = r 36 0 d ev
D B U S ER P A SS W O RD = r 36 0 d ev
D B S C HE M A =r w d b

Set the u p d a t e M e t a d a ta . sh script in cron to run 11.30 PM.

19. In the
{ R O M WA R E _H O M E} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 / co m mo n / Co p y _T o _ Fr o m _H D F
S _ d a i l y . s h file, configure R O AM W A RE _ H OM E and H A D O O P _R O A MW A R E_ H OM E
variables as per site configuration.
Set the C o p y _ T o _ F r o m _H D FS _ d ai l y .s h script in cron to run after the registration
job completion time.

Post R360 deployment on Hadoop

After deploying the R360 application on Hadoop, you must configure the Oozie workflow to
run at hourly and daily intervals.

To configure Oozie workflow

Configure Oozie
for hourly alerts


{ R O A MW A R E_ H O ME } / bi n a ri e s/ r 3 60 / c on f i g/ w o rk f lo w / Ma s t er C o or d i na t o
r F l o w / c o o r d i n at o r .x m l file and set the desired frequency in the f r e q u e n cy
For example, for running the Oozie flow once every 20 minutes configure as shown:
f r e q ue n c y= " $ {c o o rd : m in u te s ( 20 ) }


Update the database interval in the

{ R O A M W A R E _ H O M E} / b in a r ie s /r 3 6 0/ c o nf i g /r q m ag g re g a to r . pr o p er t i es
file, as follows:
# T h e v a l ue o f t h e d b .u p da t e .i n t er v a l i s i n m i n ut e s .
d b . u pd a t e. i n te r v al = 5 (m i nu t e s)

Perform the following changes by logging on to the h d f s user.


In the s e t u p O o z i e . s h file, update the time in daily from 3AM GMT to 1AM GMT.
For example,

# D a i ly C o or d i na t o rS t a rt t im e
r e g i st r a ti o n _s t a rt _ d at e =2 0 1 6- 0 7 -0 9 T 01 : 0 0Z
Redoplyment of
Oozie flow


To change the time in the Oozie flow, in the

{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 / co m mo n / se t U pO o z ie . s h
file, perform the following steps:

Set the value of the m a s t e r _s t a rt _ d at e parameter in the < Y Y Y Y - M M D D > T < H H : M M > Z format.
NOTE: This format is based on the output received from the d a t e - u command. If
the output of the d a t e - u command is T u e J a n 5 1 0 : 0 0 : 0 0 U T C 2 0 1 6 ,

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Chapter 3 - Deploying R360 on Wisdom Platform

then set the value of the m a s t e r _s t a rt _ d at e parameter as 2 0 1 6 - 01 05T10:00Z.


In a similar manner, set the value of the r e g i s tr a t io n _ st a rt _ d at e ,

w e e k l y _ s t a r t _ da t e , and m o n t hl y _ st a r t_ d a te parameters.
Set the weekly start date and time as next Monday's 5 : 0 0 A M (your local
time), as it will run every Monday.

Set the monthly start date and time as 7 : 0 0 A M on the first day of the next
month (local time), as it will run on the 1st of every month.


To update the Oozie flow, modify the flow start time in the
{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 / co m mo n / se t U pO o z ie . s h


Kill all running Oozie jobs, if any, by performing the following steps:


Configure for daily




Log in to HUE UI.


Go to the Workflow and Coordinator window:


Select all active jobs.

d. C lick Kill.
Run the
{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 / wo r kf l o w/ R u nO o z ie . s h
If any changes are made to the
{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 / co m mo n / se t U pO o z ie . s h
file, then perform the steps 5 to 7.
You must configure the alerts wake up hour to a time after the following workflows and
SPs have run:

Daily workflow.


Registration uploader workflow. (This workflow is initially configured to run at 5 AM.

You must configure to run the workflow at 3.30 AM)



Set the C o p y D a i l y . s h script in cron to run at 3 AM.


Set the R u n R e g i s t a r t io n Up l o ad e r .s h script in cron to run at 3.30 AM.

EOD stored procedure (This SP has already run at 1 AM).

10. In the
{ R O A M W A R E _ H O M E} / b in a r ie s /r 3 6 0/ c o nf i g /r q m al e rt e r .p r o pe r t ie s file,
configure the following parameter:
a l e r ts . w ak e u p. h o ur = 4
11. Restart the Alerter component.

Database changes for deploying

R360 on Wisdom platform
You must create additional database schema for deploying the R360 application on the
Wisdom platform.

C reate the R360 database schema as mentioned in the C reating the R360 schema
section on page 25.


In the SQL command prompt, run the following command:

@ o r a cl e / pr e p op s / r3 6 0 _w i sd o m _o b j ec t _ de t a il s .s q l

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Chapter 3 - Deploying R360 on Wisdom Platform

For Hadoop-based R360 deployment, you must run only instance 2 of the
Statswriter binary. For instructions about running this instance, refer to the
Starting statswriter_2 section on page 160.

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Configuring the R360 Application
To configure the R360 application, you must modify the i m a s li g h t. p r op e r ti e s,
s t a t s w r i t e r . c fg , s t a t s2 w r it e r .c f g , t x n w r i te r . cf g ,
r q m a l e r t e r . p r op e r ti e s , r q m a g g re g a to r .p r o pe r t ie s ,
r q m s c c p a g g r e g at o r .p r o pe r ti e s , r q m d e t a i l a gg r e ga t o r. p r op e rt i e s, and
i n d e x e r . c f g files.
Then, configure the IPProbe platform component for providing packet data, SIP and Diameter
support for the R360 application.
This chapter contains the following topics:

Modifying the file on page 39

Modifying the AppMonitor.ini file on page 39

Modifying the statswriter.cfg file on page 40

Modifying the statswriter_2.cfg file on page 54

Modifying the txnwriter.cfg file on page 69

Modifying the file on page 87

Modifying the file on page 96

Modifying the file on page 101

Modifying the file on page 105

Modifying the indexer.cfg file for R on page 109

Modifying C OMMONTRACEPARAMS in CSV files on page 110

About reportmetadata.xml on page 111

C onfiguring the R360 maintenance tasks on page 113

R360 database housekeeping (DB EOH) configuration on page 114

C reating an R360 user on page 115

C onfiguring RQMUpload on page 117

Modifying the RQM_TRACEHOST database table on page 121

Modifying RQM_CARRIER_TRACEHOST on page 121

C onfiguring JasperReports Server for R360 on page 122

C onfiguring IPProbe platform component for packet data support on page 127

C onfiguring IPProbe platform component for SIP support on page 133

C onfiguring IPProbe platform component for Diameter support on page 140


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application

C onfiguring VIPTracker on page 149

C onfiguring APPPARAMS database table on page 150

Adding or Enabling a New Home in R on page 150

C onfiguring R360 for Roamer List Application on page 151

Modifying the file

The i m a s l i g h t . p ro p e rt i es file contains configurations for enabling the R360 GUI

To configure the file


Open the { T o m c a t _ H om e } /w e b ap p s/ R O OT / i ma s l ig h t .p r o pe r ti e s file.


Add the following entry in the D e f a u l ts section:

m e n u .s t y le = 2

In the Services section of the file, modify the values of the following parameters as
a u t h en t i ca t i on = s 55
c h a n ge p a ss w o rd = s 56
h t t p .m e n u. a p p= s 5 4


Save and close the { T o mc a t _H o m e} / we b a pp s / RO O T /i m a sl i gh t . pr o p er t i es


You have successfully configured the i m a s li g h t. p r op e r ti e s file.

Modifying the AppMonitor.ini file

For detailed information on the A p p M on i to r . in i file, refer to Mobileum SDS 6.0
Installation Guide.

To configure the AppMonitor.ini file


Back up the { R o a m w a re _ H om e } /s c r ip t s /o p e ra t io n s /A p p Mo n i to r . in i file to

a different location.


C opy the contents of the

{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 / Ap p Mo n i to r . in i file and
append it to the { R o a m w a r e _ H om e } /s c r ip t s /o p e ra t io n s /A p p Mo n i to r . in i


Save and close the

{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / A pp M o ni t or . i ni file.

You have successfully configured the A p p M on i t or . i ni file.

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application

Modifying the statswriter.cfg file

To modify the statswriter.cfg file

Open the s t a t s w r i t er . c fg file from

{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / b in a r ie s /r 3 6 0/ c o nf i g .


Modify the parameters, if required, according to their descriptions given in Table 9 on

page 40.



Section: Logger-related information

lo g. ty pe

Specifies the type of logging used for statswriter.

Possible options are:

0 - File Logging
1 - System Logging

2 - Socket Logging

Default value: 0

lo g. sy sl og .f a ci li t

Specifies the application or system component generating

the syslog message. This should map to the value of
LOG_USER on UNIX systems (value is 8 on Solaris).
Default value: 5

lo g. sy sl og .o p ti on

Specifies the logging options for syslog. This should map to

the value of L O G _ P I D on the UNIX systems (value is 1 on
Default value: 0

lo g. di r

Specifies the directory in which the log files are generated.

This parameter is used when log.type is set to 0 (File
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ St at sW r it er
lo g. fi le

Specifies the prefix for the names of the log file. For
example, if you specify, statswriter , the first log file
will be created with the name statswriter.l og and
if it reaches its maximum size, a backup of the existing file
is created with the convention statswriter.<d at e time>.log , based on the current date and time. This
parameter is used when log.type is set to 0 (File
Default value: statswriter

lo g. le ve l

Specifies the severity of the error logs.

Possible options are:

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1 - Fatal
2 - Error
3 - Warning
4 - Info
5 - Debug


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default value: 5
The value of log level depends on the system load. If the
system is running at lower load levels, then the value
should be set to 4 . However, if the load is too high, then
the value should be set to 3 or 2 .

lo g. ma x. si ze

Specifies the maximum size of the log file after which a

new log file is created. This parameter is used when
log.type is set to 0 (File logging).
Default value: 512000

lo g. sh ow .f il e .l in e

Specifies whether the file name and line number of the

source file, from which the message was logged, should be
mentioned. This is used to trace any problems in the
software and needs to be mentioned while reporting a
problem. Possible options are:

yes - Shows file name and the line number

no - Does not show file name and line number
Default value: yes

lo g. sh ow .m il l is ec

Specifies whether the log file should show the timestamp

at the granularity of milliseconds. Possible options are:

true - Shows timestamp

false - Does not show timestamp

Default value: true

lo g. le ve l. co n so le

Specifies the severity level of the error logs that you wish
to view on the console. Possible options are:

1 - Fatal
2 - Error
3 - Warning

4 - Info
5 - Debug
Default value: 5

The value of log level depends on the system load. If the

system is running at lower load levels, then the value
should be set to 4 . However, if the load is too high, then
the value should be set to 3 or 2 .

lo g. do nt .u se . sy s. l
oc al ti me

Specifies that the system implementation of localtime

function should not be used, instead Mobileum's
implementation should be used. Possible options are:

true - Mobileums implementation of localtime

false - System implementation of localtime

function is used

function is used

Default value: false

Section: Database-related information

da ta ba se .p oo l s

Specifies the name of the database connection pool. Each

connection pool name should have the properties given
below as {poolname}.d b. pr op er ty = value .
Default value: statswriter

{p oo ln am e} .d b .n am e

Specifies the name of the database pool, which

statswrite r will use.

{p oo ln am e} .d b .u se r

Specifies the user ID to be used to log on to the database

for the corresponding database pool.

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



{p oo ln am e} .d b .p as s
wo rd

Specifies the database password to be used to log on to

the database for the corresponding user ID.

{p oo ln am e} .d b .m in .
co nn

Specifies the minimum size of the database connection


{p oo ln am e} .d b .m ax .
co nn

Specifies the maximum size of the database connection


{p oo ln am e} .d b .p as s
wo rd .e nc ry pt

Specifies whether the database password is encrypted.

Possible options are:

yes - Password is encrypted

no - Password is not encrypted

{p oo ln am e} .d b .t yp e

Specifies the type of database used. Currently only Oracle

is supported.

{p oo ln am e} .a l ia s

Specifies the alias given to the database pool.

For example, suppose statswriter is the alias given
to one of the pools in the database. This pool can be
referred to by this alias.

{p oo ln am e} .d b .h os t

Specifies the hostname or IP address of the server hosting

the database.

{p oo ln am e} .d b .p or t

Specifies the port used by the database for connection.

Section: SNMP-related information

sn mp .m an ag er . ad dr e

Specifies the IP address of the machine on which the SNMP

manager is running.

sn mp .m an ag er . po rt

Specifies the port on which the SNMP manager is listening.

Default value: 162

sn mp .m an ag er . ur i. l
is t

Specifies the URIs (in the <IP address>:< Po rt >

format) to set multiple SNMP managers separated by
For example,

sn mp .m an ag er . ur i. li st =1 72 . 16 .1 29 .2 6: 1
62 , 17 2. 16 .1 2 9. 27 :1 62
Note: If snmp.manage r. ur i .l is t is enabled,
snmp.manag er . ad dr es s and
snmp.manag er . po rt is ignored.
sn mp .a ge nt .p o rt

Specifies the port through which the SNMP agent sends

information to the manager. For Solaris, this value has to
be more than 2048 .
Default value: 16197
However, if there are other applications running on the
same Server, then it is possible that the same port number
is used by the other application. In that case,
statswrite r will not come up and will complain about
the port number. Implementer needs to change this port
number in that case, to some other unused number less
than 65535 .

sn mp .r ea d. co m mu ni t

Specifies the value sent as the community string by the

SNMP manager during the GET command for an OID.
Default value: public

sn mp .w ri te .c o mm un i

Specifies the value sent as the community string by the

SNMP manager during the SET command for an OID.
Default value: public

sn mp .t ra p. v2 . mo du l

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Specifies the module ID of R360 for sending traps in


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



e. id

version V2.
Default value: 3.0

sn mp .p er l. sc r ip t. i
nc pa th

Specifies the path for the PERL module.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /s cr ip ts /o pe r at io ns /r 36 0
sn mp .p er l. sc r ip t

Specifies the path for the PERL script to be invoked.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /s cr ip ts /o pe r at io ns /r 36 0
/s ta ts wr it er - sn mp .p l
sn mp .t ra pfi le .r eq ui re d

Specifies whether the trap file is required or not.

Possible options are:

yes - trap file is required

no - trap file is not required

Default value: yes

sn mp .t ra pfi le .p re fi x
sn mp .t ra pfi le .e xt n
sn mp .t ra pfi le .d ir ec to r y

Specifies the prefix for the trap file name.

Default value: statswriter
Specifies the extension for the trap file.
Default value: txt
Specifies the directory path for the trap file.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ St at sW r it er /t ra p
sn mp .t ra pfi le .r ot at io n .t yp e

Specifies the trap file rotation mechanism.

Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals

3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

whichever is earlier
disk space)

Default value: 1

sn mp .t ra pfi le .m ax .s iz e
sn mp .t ra pfi le .r ot at e. a t
sn mp .u se .x 73 3 .t ra p

Specifies the maximum size of the trap file after which it is

Default value: 512000
Specifies the rotation time in HHMM format (24 hr).
Default value: 00.00
Specify the value of this parameter to true in order to
enable X.733 and false to disable it.
The X.733 is required if extra variables in SNMP trap are
needed. The possible options are true or false .

sn mp .t ra p. se q nu m. e
na bl e

The insertion of sequence numbers are controlled using

this parameter configuration option. By default, this
parameter is set to true. If this parameter is absent and
X.733 mode is enabled, the sequence number is always
inserted in the trap.
Default value: true

Section: StatsWriter Txns File-related information

rq m. st at sw ri t er .i n
st an ce id

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Determines the StatsWriter instance that collects the data

for all the reports except Roamer Trend reports.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default value: 1
Note: A new instance of StatsWriterStats2Writer
collects data and performs calculations specific to the
Roamer Trend reports. The ID for this instance is 2 and is
configured in the stats2writer .c fg file. For
configuration details in the stats2writer. cf g file,
refer to the Modifying the statswriter_2.cfg file section on
page 54.

st at s. wr it er . so ur c
e. di r

Specifies the location of the source directory for

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /s um ma r
y/ of fl in e
st at s. wr it er . fi le .
pa tt er n

Specifies the file name pattern of the files present in the

source directory for StatsWriter.
Default value: master

st at s. wr it er . po ll .
in te rv al

Specifies the polling interval (in seconds) after which

StatsWriter will look for the presence of file in the source
Default value: 60

st at s. wr it er . ma x. s
ec on ds .w it ho u t. td r
.f il es

Specifies the maximum time interval (in seconds) after

which StatsWriter will look for transaction files in the
source directory. If the files are not found, then a trap will
be sent to notify the system administrator.
Default value: 60

st at s. wr it er . po st .
pr oc es s. ac ti o n

Specifies the action to be taken after processing a file.

Possible options are:

0 - Delete the file

1 - Move the file

2 - Rename the file
Default value: 1

st at s. wr it er . fa il .
pr oc es s. ac ti o n

Specifies the action to be taken when file failed to be

processed. Possible options are:

0 - Delete the file

1 - Move the file

2 - Rename the file

Default value: 1

st at s. wr it er . ba ck u
p. di r

Specifies the location of the directory where the

successfully-processed files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /s um ma r
y/ of fl in e1
st at s. wr it er . wo rk i
ng .d ir

Specify the working directory path where files will be

moved temporary during processing.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at sw ri te r/ w
or ki ng
st at s. wr it er . er ro r
.d ir

Specifies the location of the directory where erroneous files

are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /s um ma r
y/ er ro r
Section: StatsWriter Common-related information

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



rq m. ve rs io n

The version of the R360 application that this instance of

StatsWriter supports.
Default value: 62

th re ad .h ea lt h .r ep o
rt .p or t

Specifies the port at which the Health Monitoring Tool can

send request to know the status or health of the system.
Default value:9172
However, if there are other applications running on the
same server, then it is possible that the same port number
is used by the other application.

st at sw ri te r. c on .c a
ch e. en ab le d

Specifies whether the StatsWriter class of numbers cache

is enabled or not. Possible options are:

true - C ache is enabled

false - C ache is not enabled

Default value: true

sy st em .p ar am . ca ch e
.e na bl ed

Specifies whether the StatsWriter system parameter cache

is enabled or not. Possible options are:

true - C ache is enabled

false - C ache is not enabled

Default value: true

sy st em .p ar am . ta bl e
.n am e

Specifies system parameters table name depending on

application. For example for R360 this table is
Default value: RQM_SYSTEM_PAR AM S

sy st em .p ar am . re fr e
sh .t im er
rq m. vl r. st at s .r eq u
ir ed
rq m. vl rz on e. s ta ts .
re qu ir ed
op er at io n. mo d e

Specifies interval in minutes at which system parameter

cache will be refreshed from DB table.
Default value: 60
Specifies whether VLR level statistics is required or not.
Default value: false
Specifies whether VLR Zone level statistics is required or
Default value: false
Specifies statswriter operation mode. C urrently, only single
threaded operation mode is supported.
Possible options are:

0 Single threaded

1 Each shared object executes in a separate


Default value: 0
Section: StatsWriter ISUP Stats-related information

rq m. is up .r oa m in g. h
as h. si ze

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the R360 ISUP
roaming data.

rq m. is up .i nt e rc on n
ec t. ha sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the R360 ISUP
interconnect data.

rq m. is up .c ap a ci ty .
ha sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the R360 ISUP
capacity data.

rq m. is up .l oc a l. cc

Specifies the country code of the local network.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Default value: 30000

Default value: 30000

Default value: 30000


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default value: 63

Section: StatsWriter Roamer Report-related information

Default values set on the basis of following example:
Hash size for calculated stats. Stats depends on number of host and partner network,
country, alliance combination.
Default size is calculated based on following assumption:

20 host networks

10 host alliances

400 partner networks

30 partner alliances

150 partner countries

Possible values of host ID = 10 + 20 = 30

Possible values of partner ID = 30 + 150 + 400 = 580
Possible values of subscriber capability = 2
Maximum rows in a day = 30 * 580 * 2 = 34800

rq m. ro am er .t r en d. u
ni qu er oa me r. h as h. s
iz e
rq m. ro am er .t r en d. c
ur re nt ro am er . ha sh .
si ze
rq m. ro am er .d u ra ti o
n. ha sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash for the StatsWriter trend

report based on unique roamers.
Default value: 34800
Specifies the size of the hash for the StatsWriter trend
report based on current roamers.
Default value: 52200
Specifies the size of the hash for the StatsWriter roamer
duration based report.
Default value: 34800

Section: R360 Roamer Trend Report Configuration

Persistent hash size settings example:
Persistent hash size calculation:
Visited entity type: network, alliance, country = 3
Subscription type: GSM, GPRS, Total (Only for Current Roamer) = 2/3
No. of combination for 1 roamer = 3 * 2 = 6
No. of combination for 1 roamer (current roamer) = 3 * 3 = 9

rq m. ro am er tr e nd .u n
iq ue ro am er .d a il y. p
er si st en t. ha s h. si z

Specifies the size of the R360 roamer trend report daily

hash unique roamer based. Persistent hash size for unique
roamer daily = (number. of combination) * (number. of
expected unique roamers in a day).
Default value: 100000

rq m. ro am er tr e nd .u n
iq ue ro am er .m o nt hl y
.p er si st en t. h as h. s
iz e

Specifies the size of the R360 roamer trend report monthly

hash unique roamer based size. Persistent hash size for
unique roamer monthly = (number. of combinations) *
(number. of expected unique roamers in a month).
Default value: 100000

rq m. ro am er tr e nd .c u
rr en tr oa me r. p er si s
te nt .h as h. si z e

Specifies the size of the R360 roamer trend report hash

current roamer based size. Persistent hash size for current
roamer = (number. of combination) * (expected number.
of current roamers).
Default value: 100000

rq m. ro am er du r at io n
.p er si st en t. h as h. s
iz e

Specifies the size of the R360 roamer duration report hash

size. Persistent hash size for roamer duration = (type of
visited entity) 3 * (expected number. of current roamers).
Default value: 100000

rq m. pe rs is te n t. ha s

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Specifies the location of the directory containing the R360


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



h. fi le .p at h

roamer trend report hash file.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ St at sW r it er /I ms iS t
or e
rq m. pe rs is te n t. ha s
h. fi le .m ax si z e

Specifies the R360 roamer trend report hash file.

rq m. pe rs is te n t. ha s
h. fi le .u pd at e in te r
va l

Specifies the time interval in minutes after which the R360

roamer trend report hash file is updated.

rq m. ro am er du r at io n
.t im eo ut

Specifies the time period (in seconds) for which R360 waits
between receiving a CL for a subscriber from the previous
location and the consecutive UL for the same subscriber
from a new location.

Default value: 5242880 (5MB)

Default value: 30

This parameter is used for incrementing the roamer exit

counts for visited networks and countries. Depending upon
the data received in the consecutive UL, R360 increments
the appropriate exit counts for the visited networks and
If the consecutive UL arrives after this specified time
interval, then R360 considers it as a new UL for a new
registration attempt.
Default value: 120
Section: Country level Unique Outroamer IMSI List files configuration

co un tr y. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .r e
qu ir ed

Specifies whether the country level unique outroamer IMSI

list file is required or not. Possible options are true and
Default value: false

co un tr y. un iq u e.
ou tr oa me r. im s il is t
.p re fi x

Specifies the prefix for the country level unique outroamer

IMSI list files name.

co un tr y. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .
ex tn

Specifies the extension for the country level unique

outroamer IMSI list file.

co un tr y. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .d i
re ct or y

Specifies the location of the directory where the country

level unique outroamer IMSI list files are stored.

Default value: country_unique _o ut r oa me r

Default value: log

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /i m si li st s
co un tr y. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .o f
fl in e. di re ct o ry

Specifies the location of the directory where the rotated

country level unique outroamer IMSI list files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /i m si li st s/ of f
li ne
co un tr y. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .r o
ta ti on .t yp e

Specifies the rotation mechanism for country level unique

outroamer IMSI list files.
Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached
2 - Rotate after fixed intervals

3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

5 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday or when a

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

whichever is earlier
disk space)


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


maximum size is reached
Default value: 4
Note: As these files contains daily unique IMSI list, do not
change the rotation type. This must be 4 (at end of day).

co un tr y. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .r o
ta te .a t

Specifies the time in 24 hours HH:MM format at which

the country level unique outroamer IMSI list file is rotated.
This parameter is applicable only if the
rotation.t yp e parameter is set to 4 .
Default value: 0001
Note: As these files should be rotated at the end of day,
do not change this default value.

co un tr y. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .b u
ff er .s iz e

Specifies buffer size for the country level unique outroamer

IMSI list file.
Default value: 16384

Section: Network level Unique Outroamer IMSI List files configuration

ne tw or k. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .r e
qu ir ed

Specifies whether the network level unique outroamer IMSI

list file is required or not. Possible options are true and
false .
Default value: false

ne tw or k. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .p r
ef ix

Specifies the prefix for the network level unique outroamer

IMSI list files name.

ne tw or k. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .e x

Specifies the extension for the network level unique

outroamer IMSI list file.

ne tw or k. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .d i
re ct or y

Specifies the location of the directory where the network

level unique outroamer IMSI list files are stored.

Default value: network_unique _o ut r oa me r

Default value: log

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /i m si li st s
ne tw or k. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .o f
fl in e. di re ct o ry

Specifies the location of the directory where the rotated

network level unique outroamer IMSI list files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /i m si li st s/ of f
li ne
ne tw or k. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .r o
ta ti on .t yp e

Specifies the rotation mechanism for network level unique

outroamer IMSI list files. Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals

3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

5 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday or when a

whichever is earlier
disk space)

maximum size is reached

Default value: 0
Note: As these files contains daily unique IMSI list, do not
change rotation type. This must be 4 (at end of day).

ne tw or k. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .b u
ff er .s iz e

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies buffer size for network level unique outroamer

IMSI list file.
Default value: 16384


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



Section: Network level Unique Inroamer IMSI List files configuration

ne tw or k. un iq u e. in r
oa me r. im si li s t. re q
ui re d

Specifies whether the network level unique inroamer IMSI

list file is required or not. Possible options are true and
false .
Default value: false

ne tw or k. un iq u e. in r
oa me r. im si li s t. pr e
fi x

Specifies the prefix for the network level unique inroamer

IMSI list files name.

ne tw or k. un iq u e. in r
oa me r. im si li s t. ex t

Specifies the extension for the network level unique

inroamer IMSI list file.

ne tw or k. un iq u e. in r
oa me r. im si li s t. di r
ec to ry

Specifies the location of the directory where the network

level unique inroamer IMSI list files are stored.

Default value: network_unique _i nr o am er

Default value: log

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /i m si li st s
ne tw or k. un iq u e. in r
oa me r. im si li s t. of f
li ne .d ir ec to r y

Specifies the location of the directory where the rotated

network level unique inroamer IMSI list files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /i m si li st s/ of f
li ne
ne tw or k. un iq u e. in r
oa me r. im si li s t. ro t
at io n. ty pe

Specifies the rotation mechanism for network level unique

inroamer IMSI list files.
Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals
3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

5 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday or when a

whichever is earlier
disk space)

maximum size is reached

Default value: 0
Note: As these files contains daily unique IMSI list, so do
not change rotation type. This must be 4 (at end of day).

ne tw or k. un iq u e. in r
oa me r. im si li s t. bu f
fe r. si ze

Specifies buffer size for network level unique inroamer

IMSI list file.
Default value: 16384

Section: StatsWriter Signaling Report

rq m. ma p. si gn a li ng .
ha sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash for the R360 map signaling
Default value: 100

rq m. ma p. si gn a li ng .
im si .s ta ts .e n ab le d

This flag enables the IMSI Wise Message Summary VAM at

the StatsWriter level.
Default value: false

rq m. ma p. si gn a li ng .
im si .s ta ts .h a sh .s i

Specifies the size of the hash for the R360 map signaling
Specifies the size of the hash which stores the IMSI wise
MAP Transaction data.
Default value: 30000

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



Section: StatsWriter SMS Report

rq m. ro am in g. s ms .h a
sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the SMS report
roaming data.

rq m. in te rc on n ec t. s
ms .h as h. si ze

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the SMS report
interconnect data.

Default value: 30000

Default value: 30000

Section: StatsWriter Top SMS Report

rq m. sm s. to ps e nd er .
ha sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the SMS report
roaming data.

rq m. sm s. to ps m sc .h a
sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the SMS report
interconnect data.

rq m. sm s. to pc n tr y. h
as h. si ze

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the SMS report
interconnect data.

Default value: 30000

Default value: 9000

Default value: 9000

Section: StatsWriter Fraud Report

rq m. sm sc .f ra u d. ha s
h. si ze

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the R360 SMSC
fraud data.
Default value: 30000

rq m. al ph an um e ri c. f
ra ud .h as h. si z e

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the R360

alphanumeric fraud data.
Default value: 30000

rq m. vo ic e. fr a ud .h a
sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the R360 voice
fraud data.
Default value: 30000

rq m. mo ni to re d .f ra u
d. ha sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the R360

monitored fraud data.
Default value: 30000

Section: StatsWriter Camel Report

rq m. ca me l. ro a mi ng .
vo ic e. ha sh .s i ze

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the R360 C amel
roaming voice data.
Default value: 30000

Section: StatsWriter Version Capability Report

rq m. ve rs io n. c ap ab i
li ty .h as h. cl e ar .c o
un t
rq m. ve rs io n. c ap ab i
li ty .p er si st e nt .h a
sh .f il e. pa th

Specifies the size of the persistent hash which stores the

version capability report data.
Default value: 2500
Specifies the location of directory where version capability
reports persistent hash files will be stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at sw ri te r/ i
ms is to re
rq m. ve rs io n. c ap ab i
li ty .p er si st e nt .h a
sh .f il e. ma xs i ze
rq m. ve rs io n. c ap ab i
li ty .p er si st e nt .h a

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Specifies the R360 version capability report hash file max

Default value: 5242880(5MB)
Specifies the interval in minutes at which version capability
hash will be dumped to file.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



sh .f il e. up da t ei nt e
rv al

Default value: 60

rq m. ve rs io n. c ap ab i
li ty .d tl s. ha s h. cl e
ar .c ou nt
rq m. ve rs io n. c ap ab i
li ty .d tl s. pe r si st e
nt .h as h. fi le . pa th

Specifies the size of the persistent hash which stores the

version capability reports detail data.
Default value: 2500
Specifies the location of directory where version capability
reports persistent hash files will be stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at sw ri te r/ i
ms is to re
rq m. ve rs io n. c ap ab i
li ty .d tl s. pe r si st e
nt .h as h. fi le . ma xs i
rq m. ve rs io n. c ap ab i
li ty .d tl s. pe r si st e
nt .h as h. fi le . up da t
ei nt er va l

Specifies the R360 version capability report hash file max

Default value: 5242880(5MB)
Specifies the interval in minutes at which version capability
hash will be dumped to file.
Default value: 60

Section: R360 stats file-related information

rq m. st at s. fi l e. re q
ui re d

Specifies whether the R360 statistics file is required or not.

Possible options are:

true - file is required

false - file is not required

Default value: true

rq m. st at s. fi l e. pr e
fi x
rq m. st at s. fi l e. ex t
rq m. st at s. fi l e. di r
ec to ry

Specifies the prefix for the R360 statistics file name.

Default value: rqmstats_1
Specifies the extension of the R360 statistics file.
Default value: log
Specifies the location of the directory where the R360
statistics files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at s
rq m. st at s. fi l e. of f
li ne .d ir ec to r y

Specifies the location of the directory in which the rotated

R360 statistics files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at s/ of fl in e
rq m. st at s. fi l e. ro t
at io n. ty pe

Specifies the rotation type of the R360 statistics file.

Possible options are:

1 - Rotate the file when it reaches a maximum size

2 - Rotate the file after a defined interval

3 - Rotate the file after it reaches a size or after a

4 - Rotate the file at a fixed time everyday

5 - Rotate the file at a fixed time everyday or it

defined interval whichever happens first

reaches a maximum size

Default value: 5

rq m. st at s. fi l e. ma x
.s iz e
rq m. st at s. fi l e. ro t
at e. in te rv al

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies the maximum size of the R360 statistics file.

Default value: 51200
Specifies the interval (in minutes) after which the R360
statistics files rotation should be done, when the file
rotation is based on intervals.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default value: 5

rq m. st at s. fi l e. ro t
at e. at

Specifies the time (in 24-hour HHMM format) at which the

R360 statistics file should be rotated, when the file rotation
is based on fixed time.
Default value: 0000

Section: Application Specific metadata-related information

tx n. re co rd ty p es

Specifies possible record type values in input transaction

file. Depending on possible record types value of
<recordTyp e> will be replaced with corresponding
record type value.
For each record type, there will be individual set of the
following parameters mentioned in this section.
For example R360 can have ISUP=2, MAP=3, CAMEL=4,
5=Packet Data, and 6=SIP
Default value: 2,3,4,5,6

tx n. re co rd ty p e. po s

Specifies the position of record type field in input

transaction file record.
All the required fields position mentioned below will take
place from this point only. For example if
txn.record ty p e. po s = 4 it means
recordtype .3 . fi el d. 1 = 5th field from the file
and so on.
Also, StatsWriter assume that first and second fields from
the file should be eventdate and eventtime . Hence
txn.record ty p e. po s should be greater than 2 at
Default value: 3

re co rd ty pe .< r ec or d
Ty pe >. nu mF ie l ds

re co rd ty pe .< r ec or d
Ty pe >. fi el d. < Fi el d
Id >. ke y
re co rd ty pe .< r ec or d
Ty pe >. fi el d. < Fi el d
Id >. ty pe

Specifies number of fields in <recordType> record.

For every field, replace <fielded> with actual value. For all
fields, there will be individual set of the following
parameters mentioned in this section.
Specifies field name for the specified field ID.

Specifies type of field for ID <fieldId> .

Possible options are:

1 Int"
2 Long
3 Float

4 C har
5 String
6 Date

7 Double

Section: VIPTracker related information

rq m. vi pt ra ck e r. st a
ts .h as h. si ze

Specifies the Hash size for calculated stats, size of this

hash is dependent upon the size of master file being
generated by txnwriter binary. for example if master file
size is 5MB it means maximum 30,000 records will be
given to statswriter per master file and hence the size of
this hash should be atleast 30,000 .
Default value: 30,000

VIP Tracker Alerts will be written to files, which will be processed by Alerter and it will

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



send alerts as per configurations.

vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .r eq ui re d
vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .p re fi x
vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .e xt n
vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .d ir ec to ry

Specifies whether the log file is required or not.

Default value: yes
Specifies the prefix for the Alerter file.
Default value: vipTrackerAler ts
Specifies the extension for the Alerter file.
Default value: txt
Specifies the directory path for the Alerter file.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /a l er te r/ vi pt r
ac ke r
vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .o ff li ne .d i re ct o
vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .r ot at io n. t yp e

Specifies the offline directory path for the Alerter file.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /a l er te r/ vi pt r
ac ke r/ of fl in e
Specifies the rotation mechanism for Viptracker Alerter
Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals
3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

whichever is earlier

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

5 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday or when a

disk space)

maximum size is reached

Default value: 3

vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .m ax .s iz e
vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .r ot at e. at
vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .i nt er va l
vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .b uf fe r. si z e
rq m. vi pt ra ck e r. dt l
.e na bl ed
rq m. vi pt ra ck e r. dt l
.s ta ts .h as h. s iz e

Specifies the maximum size of the Alerter file.

Default value: 512000
Specifies the time (in 24 hours HHMM format) at which the
file is rotated.
Default value: 0
Specifies the Alerter file rotation interval.
Default value: 2
Specifies the buffer size for the Alerter file.
Default value: 16384
Specify if the VIPTracker detailed statistics along with IMSI
and MSISDN has to be enabled or not. Possible values are
true or false .
Specifies the hash file size used by statistics writer.

Hidden Configuration entries

co s. im si .c ac h e. si z

VIP Tracker maintains hash of IMSIs for different failure

cause. This size should be max number of unique IMSIs
which can face the problem. Actually it is few percentages
of the maximum number of unique IMSIs.
Default value: 500000

Subscriber detail data-related information

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



rq m. dt l. en ab l ed

Specifies whether the Subscriber (IMSI/MSISDN) level

stats are enabled or not. Possible options are:

true - The Subscriber level stats are enabled.

false - The Subscriber level stats are not enabled.

Default value: false

rq m. ro am in g. s ms .d t
l. ha sh .s iz e

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash file which stores
the R360 SMS Service Reports data.

rq m. in te rc on n ec t. d
tl .s ms .h as h. s iz e

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash file which stores
the R360 interconnect SMS Service Reports data.

Default value: 300000

Default value: 300000

rq m. is up .r oa m in g. D
tl .h as h. si ze

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash file which stores
the R360 Voice Service Reports data.
Default value: 300000

rq m. is up .i nt e rc on n
ec t. Dt l. ha sh . si ze

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash file which stores
the R360 interconnect Voice Service Reports data.
Default value: 300000

rq m. ca me l. ro a mi ng .
vo ic e. dt l. ha s h. si z

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash file which stores
the R360 C AMEL Voice Service Reports data.
Default value: 300000

SIP related information

rq m. si p. re g. h as h. s
iz e

S Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash which stores the
SIP registration data.

rq m. si p. ca ll . ha sh .
si ze

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash which stores the
SIP calls data.

rq m. si p. in tl c al l. h
as h. si ze

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash which stores the
SIP international calls data.

rq m. si p. ms g. h as h. s
iz e

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash which stores the
SIP messages data.


Default value: 30000

Default value: 30000

Default value: 30000

Default value: 30000

Save and close the file.

You have successfully modified the s t a ts w r it e r .c f g file.

Modifying the statswriter_2.cfg file

The s t a t s w r i t e r _2 . c fg file contains configurations required for the new statswriter_2
instance that collects data for the Roamer Trend reports.

To modify the statswriter_2.cfg file


Open the s t a t s w r i t er _ 2 .c f g file from the

{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / b in a r ie s /r 3 6 0/ c o nf i g directory.

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Modify the parameters, if required, according to their descriptions given in Table 10 on

page 55.




Section: Logger-related information

lo g. ty pe

Specifies the type of logging used for statswriter.

Possible options are:

0 - File Logging
1 - System Logging

2 - Socket Logging

Default value: 0

lo g. sy sl og .f a ci li t

Specifies the application or system component generating

the syslog message. This should map to the value of
LOG_USER on UNIX systems (value is 8 on Solaris).
Default value: 5

lo g. sy sl og .o p ti on

Specifies the logging options for syslog. This should map to

the value of L O G _ P I D on the UNIX systems (value is 1 on
Default value: 0

lo g. di r

Specifies the directory in which the log files are generated.

This parameter is used when log.type is set to 0 (File
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ St at sW r it er
lo g. fi le

Specifies the prefix for the names of the log file. For
example, if you specify, statswriter , the first log file
will be created with the name statswriter.l og and
if it reaches its maximum size, a backup of the existing file
is created with the convention statswriter.<d at e time>.log , based on the current date and time. This
parameter is used when log.type is set to 0 (File
Default value: statswriter

lo g. le ve l

Specifies the severity of the error logs.

Possible options are:

1 - Fatal
2 - Error
3 - Warning
4 - Info
5 - Debug

Default value: 5
The value of log level depends on the system load. If the
system is running at lower load levels, then the value
should be set to 4 . However, if the load is too high, then
the value should be set to 3 or 2 .

lo g. ma x. si ze

Specifies the maximum size of the log file after which a

new log file is created. This parameter is used when
log.type is set to 0 (File logging).
Default value: 512000

lo g. sh ow .f il e .l in e

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies whether the file name and line number of the


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


source file, from which the message was logged, should be
mentioned. This is used to trace any problems in the
software and needs to be mentioned while reporting a
problem. Possible options are:

yes - Shows file name and the line number

no - Does not show file name and line number

Default value: yes

lo g. sh ow .m il l is ec

Specifies whether the log file should show the timestamp

at the granularity of milliseconds. Possible options are:

true - Shows timestamp

false - Does not show timestamp
Default value: true

lo g. le ve l. co n so le

Specifies the severity level of the error logs that you wish
to view on the console. Possible options are:

1 - Fatal

2 - Error
3 - Warning
4 - Info

5 - Debug
Default value: 5

The value of log level depends on the system load. If the

system is running at lower load levels, then the value
should be set to 4 . However, if the load is too high, then
the value should be set to 3 or 2 .

lo g. do nt .u se . sy s. l
oc al ti me

Specifies that the system implementation of localtime

function should not be used, instead Mobileum's
implementation should be used. Possible options are:

true - Mobileums implementation of localtime

function is used

false - System implementation of localtime

function is used

Default value: false

Section: Database-related information

da ta ba se .p oo l s

Specifies the name of the database connection pool. Each

connection pool name should have the properties given
below as {poolname}.d b. pr op er ty = value .
Default value: statswriter

{p oo ln am e} .d b .n am e

Specifies the name of the database pool, which

statswrite r will use.

{p oo ln am e} .d b .u se r

Specifies the user ID to be used to log on to the database

for the corresponding database pool.

{p oo ln am e} .d b .p as s
wo rd

Specifies the database password to be used to log on to

the database for the corresponding user ID.

{p oo ln am e} .d b .m in .
co nn

Specifies the minimum size of the database connection


{p oo ln am e} .d b .m ax .
co nn

Specifies the maximum size of the database connection


{p oo ln am e} .d b .p as s
wo rd .e nc ry pt

Specifies whether the database password is encrypted.

Possible options are:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

yes - Password is encrypted


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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



no - Password is not encrypted

{p oo ln am e} .d b .t yp e

Specifies the type of database used. Currently only Oracle

is supported.

{p oo ln am e} .a l ia s

Specifies the alias given to the database pool.

For example, suppose statswriter is the alias given
to one of the pools in the database. This pool can be
referred to by this alias.

{p oo ln am e} .d b .h os t

Specifies the hostname or IP address of the server hosting

the database.

{p oo ln am e} .d b .p or t

Specifies the port used by the database for connection.

Section: SNMP-related information

sn mp .m an ag er . ad dr e

Specifies the IP address of the machine on which the SNMP

manager is running.

sn mp .m an ag er . po rt

Specifies the port on which the SNMP manager is listening.

Default value: 162

sn mp .m an ag er . ur i. l
is t

Specifies the URIs (in the <IP address>:< Po rt >

format) to set multiple SNMP managers separated by
For example,

sn mp .m an ag er . ur i. li st =1 72 . 16 .1 29 .2 6: 1
62 , 17 2. 16 .1 2 9. 27 :1 62
Note: If snmp.manage r. ur i .l is t is enabled,
snmp.manag er . ad dr es s and
snmp.manag er . po rt is ignored.

sn mp .a ge nt .p o rt

Specifies the port through which the SNMP agent sends

information to the manager. For Solaris, this value has to
be more than 2048 .
Default value: 16197
However, if there are other applications running on the
same Server, then it is possible that the same port number
is used by the other application. In that case,
statswrite r will not come up and will complain about
the port number. Implementer needs to change this port
number in that case, to some other unused number less
than 65535 .

sn mp .r ea d. co m mu ni t

Specifies the value sent as the community string by the

SNMP manager during the GET command for an OID.

sn mp .w ri te .c o mm un i

Specifies the value sent as the community string by the

SNMP manager during the SET command for an OID.

Default value: public

Default value: public

sn mp .t ra p. v2 . mo du l
e. id

Specifies the module ID of R360 for sending traps in

version V2.
Default value: 3.0

sn mp .p er l. sc r ip t. i
nc pa th

Specifies the path for the PERL module.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /s cr ip ts /o pe r at io ns /r 36 0
sn mp .p er l. sc r ip t

Specifies the path for the PERL script to be invoked.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /s cr ip ts /o pe r at io ns /r 36 0
/s ta ts wr it er - sn mp .p l

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


sn mp .t ra pfi le .r eq ui re d

Specifies whether the trap file is required or not.
Possible options are:

yes - trap file is required

no - trap file is not required

Default value: yes

sn mp .t ra pfi le .p re fi x
sn mp .t ra pfi le .e xt n
sn mp .t ra pfi le .d ir ec to r y

Specifies the prefix for the trap file name.

Default value: statswriter
Specifies the extension for the trap file.
Default value: txt
Specifies the directory path for the trap file.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ St at sW r it er /t ra p
sn mp .t ra pfi le .r ot at io n .t yp e

Specifies the trap file rotation mechanism.

Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals

3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

whichever is earlier
disk space)

Default value: 1

sn mp .t ra pfi le .m ax .s iz e

Specifies the maximum size of the trap file after which it is

Default value: 512000

sn mp .t ra pfi le .r ot at e. a t
sn mp .u se .x 73 3 .t ra p

Specifies the rotation time in HHMM format (24 hr).

Default value: 00.00
Specify the value of this parameter to true in order to
enable X.733 and false to disable it.
The X.733 is required if extra variables in SNMP trap are
needed. The possible options are true or false .

sn mp .t ra p. se q nu m. e
na bl e

The insertion of sequence numbers are controlled using

this parameter configuration option. By default, this
parameter is set to true. If this parameter is absent and
X.733 mode is enabled, the sequence number is always
inserted in the trap.
Default value: true

Section: StatsWriter Txns File-related information

rq m. st at sw ri t er .i n
st an ce id

Determines the StatsWriter instance that collects the data

for the Roamer Trend reports.

st at s. wr it er . so ur c
e. di r

Specifies the location of the source directory for


Default value: 2

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /s um ma r
y/ of fl in e1
st at s. wr it er . fi le .
pa tt er n

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Specifies the file name pattern of the files present in the

source directory for StatsWriter.
Default value: master


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



st at s. wr it er . po ll .
in te rv al

Specifies the polling interval (in seconds) after which

StatsWriter will look for the presence of file in the source
Default value: 60

st at s. wr it er . ma x. s
ec on ds .w it ho u t. td r
.f il es

Specifies the maximum time interval (in seconds) after

which StatsWriter will look for transaction files in the
source directory. If the files are not found, then a trap will
be sent to notify the system administrator.
Default value: 60

st at s. wr it er . po st .
pr oc es s. ac ti o n

Specifies the action to be taken after processing a file.

Possible options are:

0 - Delete the file

1 - Move the file

2 - Rename the file

Default value: 1

st at s. wr it er . fa il .
pr oc es s. ac ti o n

Specifies the action to be taken when file failed to be

processed. Possible options are:

0 - Delete the file

1 - Move the file

2 - Rename the file

Default value: 1

st at s. wr it er . ba ck u
p. di r

Specifies the location of the directory where the

successfully-processed files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /s um ma r
y/ hi st or y
st at s. wr it er . wo rk i
ng .d ir

Specify the working directory path where files will be

moved temporary during processing.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at sw ri te r/ w
or ki ng
st at s. wr it er . er ro r
.d ir

Specifies the location of the directory where erroneous files

are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /s um ma r
y/ er ro r
Section: StatsWriter Common-related information

rq m. ve rs io n

The version of the R360 application that this instance of

StatsWriter supports.
Default value: 62

th re ad .h ea lt h .r ep o
rt .p or t

Specifies the port at which the Health Monitoring Tool can

send request to know the status or health of the system.
Default value:9172
However, if there are other applications running on the
same server, then it is possible that the same port number
is used by the other application.

st at sw ri te r. c on .c a
ch e. en ab le d

Specifies whether the StatsWriter class of numbers cache

is enabled or not. Possible options are:

true - C ache is enabled

false - C ache is not enabled

Default value: true

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



sy st em .p ar am . ca ch e
.e na bl ed

Specifies whether the StatsWriter system parameter cache

is enabled or not. Possible options are:

true - C ache is enabled

false - C ache is not enabled

Default value: true

sy st em .p ar am . ta bl e
.n am e

Specifies system parameters table name depending on

application. For example for R360 this table is
Default value: RQM_SYSTEM_PAR AM S

sy st em .p ar am . re fr e
sh .t im er
rq m. vl r. st at s .r eq u
ir ed
rq m. vl rz on e. s ta ts .
re qu ir ed
op er at io n. mo d e

Specifies interval in minutes at which system parameter

cache will be refreshed from DB table.
Default value: 60
Specifies whether VLR level statistics is required or not.
Default value: false
Specifies whether VLR Zone level statistics is required or
Default value: false
Specifies statswriter operation mode. C urrently, only single
threaded operation mode is supported.
Possible options are:

0 Single threaded
1 Each shared object executes in a separate

Default value: 0
Section: StatsWriter ISUP Stats-related information

rq m. is up .r oa m in g. h
as h. si ze

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the R360 ISUP
roaming data.

rq m. is up .i nt e rc on n
ec t. ha sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the R360 ISUP
interconnect data.

rq m. is up .c ap a ci ty .
ha sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the R360 ISUP
capacity data.

rq m. is up .l oc a l. cc

Specifies the country code of the local network.

Default value: 30000

Default value: 30000

Default value: 30000

Default value: 63

Section: StatsWriter Roamer Report-related information

Default values set on the basis of following example:
Hash size for calculated stats. Stats are depends on number of host & partner
Network, country, alliance combination.
Default size is calculated based on following assumption:

20 host networks

10 host alliances

400 partner networks

30 partner alliances.

150 partner countries

Possible values of host ID = 10 + 20 = 30

Possible values of partner ID = 30 + 150 + 400 = 580
Possible values of subscriber capability = 2

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



Max rows in a day = 30 * 580 * 2 = 34800

rq m. ro am er .t r en d. u
ni qu er oa me r. h as h. s
iz e
rq m. ro am er .t r en d. c
ur re nt ro am er . ha sh .
si ze
rq m. ro am er .d u ra ti o
n. ha sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash for the StatsWriter trend

report based on unique roamers.
Default value: 34800
Specifies the size of the hash for the StatsWriter trend
report based on current roamers.
Default value: 52200
Specifies the size of the hash for the StatsWriter roamer
duration based report.
Default value: 34800

Section: R360 Roamer Trend Report Configuration

Persistent hash size settings example:
Persistent Hash size calculation:
Visited entity type: network, alliance, country = 3
Subscription Type: GSM, GPRS, Total(Only for Current Roamer) = 2/3
No. of combination for 1 roamer = 3 * 2 = 6
No. of combination for 1 roamer (current roamer) = 3 * 3 = 9

rq m. ro am er tr e nd .u n
iq ue ro am er .d a il y. p
er si st en t. ha s h. si z

Specifies the size of the R360 roamer trend report daily

hash unique roamer based. Persistent hash size for unique
roamer daily = (number. of combination) * (number. of
expected unique roamers in a day).
Default value: 100000

rq m. ro am er tr e nd .u n
iq ue ro am er .m o nt hl y
.p er si st en t. h as h. s
iz e

Specifies the size of the R360 roamer trend report monthly

hash unique roamer based size. Persistent hash size for
unique roamer monthly = (number. of combinations) *
(number. of expected unique roamers in a month).
Default value: 100000

rq m. ro am er tr e nd .c u
rr en tr oa me r. p er si s
te nt .h as h. si z e

Specifies the size of the R360 roamer trend report hash

current roamer based size. Persistent hash size for current
roamer = (number. of combination) * (expected number.
of current roamers).
Default value: 100000

rq m. ro am er du r at io n
.p er si st en t. h as h. s
iz e

Specifies the size of the R360 roamer duration report hash

size. Persistent hash size for roamer duration = (type of
visited entity) 3 * (expected number. of current roamers).
Default value: 100000

rq m. pe rs is te n t. ha s
h. fi le .p at h

Specifies the location of the directory containing the R360

roamer trend report hash file.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ St at sW r it er /I ms iS t
or e
rq m. pe rs is te n t. ha s
h. fi le .m ax si z e

Specifies the R360 roamer trend report hash file.

rq m. pe rs is te n t. ha s
h. fi le .u pd at e in te r
va l

Specifies the time interval in minutes after which the R360

roamer trend report hash file is updated.

rq m. ro am er du r at io n
.t im eo ut

Specifies the time period (in seconds) for which R360 waits
between receiving a CL for a subscriber from the previous
location and the consecutive UL for the same subscriber
from a new location.

Default value: 5242880 (5MB)

Default value: 30

This parameter is used for incrementing the roamer exit

counts for visited networks and countries. Depending upon

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


the data received in the consecutive UL, R360 increments
the appropriate exit counts for the visited networks and
If the consecutive UL arrives after this specified time
interval, then R360 considers it as a new UL for a new
registration attempt.
Default value: 120

Section: Country level Unique Outroamer IMSI List files configuration

co un tr y. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .r e
qu ir ed

Specifies whether the country level unique outroamer IMSI

list file is required or not. Possible options are true and
Default value: false

co un tr y. un iq u e.
ou tr oa me r. im s il is t
.p re fi x

Specifies the prefix for the country level unique outroamer

IMSI list files name.

co un tr y. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .
ex tn

Specifies the extension for the country level unique

outroamer IMSI list file.

co un tr y. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .d i
re ct or y

Specifies the location of the directory where the country

level unique outroamer IMSI list files are stored.

Default value: country_unique _o ut r oa me r

Default value: log

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /i m si li st s
co un tr y. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .o f
fl in e. di re ct o ry

Specifies the location of the directory where the rotated

country level unique outroamer IMSI list files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /i m si li st s/ of f
li ne
co un tr y. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .r o
ta ti on .t yp e

Specifies the rotation mechanism for country level unique

outroamer IMSI list files.
Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals
3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

5 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday or when a

whichever is earlier
disk space)

maximum size is reached

Default value: 4
Note: As these files contains daily unique IMSI list, do not
change the rotation type. This must be 4 (at end of day).

co un tr y. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .r o
ta te .a t

Specifies the time in 24 hours HH:MM format at which

the country level unique outroamer IMSI list file is rotated.
This parameter is applicable only if the
rotation.t yp e parameter is set to 4 .
Default value: 0001
Note: As these files should be rotated at the end of day,
do not change this default value.

co un tr y. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .b u
ff er .s iz e

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Specifies buffer size for the country level unique outroamer

IMSI list file.
Default value: 16384


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



Section: Network level Unique Outroamer IMSI List files configuration

ne tw or k. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .r e
qu ir ed

Specifies whether the network level unique outroamer IMSI

list file is required or not. Possible options are true and
false .
Default value: false

ne tw or k. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .p r
ef ix

Specifies the prefix for the network level unique outroamer

IMSI list files name.

ne tw or k. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .e x

Specifies the extension for the network level unique

outroamer IMSI list file.

ne tw or k. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .d i
re ct or y

Specifies the location of the directory where the network

level unique outroamer IMSI list files are stored.

Default value: network_unique _o ut r oa me r

Default value: log

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /i m si li st s
ne tw or k. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .o f
fl in e. di re ct o ry

Specifies the location of the directory where the rotated

network level unique outroamer IMSI list files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /i m si li st s/ of f
li ne
ne tw or k. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .r o
ta ti on .t yp e

Specifies the rotation mechanism for network level unique

outroamer IMSI list files. Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals
3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

whichever is earlier

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

5 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday or when a

disk space)

maximum size is reached

Default value: 0
Note: As these files contains daily unique IMSI list, do not
change rotation type. This must be 4 (at end of day).

ne tw or k. un iq u e. ou t
ro am er .i ms il i st .b u
ff er .s iz e

Specifies buffer size for network level unique outroamer

IMSI list file.
Default value: 16384

Section: Network level Unique Inroamer IMSI List files configuration

ne tw or k. un iq u e. in r
oa me r. im si li s t. re q
ui re d

Specifies whether the network level unique inroamer IMSI

list file is required or not. Possible options are true and
false .
Default value: false

ne tw or k. un iq u e. in r
oa me r. im si li s t. pr e
fi x

Specifies the prefix for the network level unique inroamer

IMSI list files name.

ne tw or k. un iq u e. in r
oa me r. im si li s t. ex t

Specifies the extension for the network level unique

inroamer IMSI list file.

ne tw or k. un iq u e. in r
oa me r. im si li s t. di r

Specifies the location of the directory where the network

level unique inroamer IMSI list files are stored.

Default value: network_unique _i nr o am er

Default value: log

Default value:

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



ec to ry

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /i m si li st s

ne tw or k. un iq u e. in r
oa me r. im si li s t. of f
li ne .d ir ec to r y

Specifies the location of the directory where the rotated

network level unique inroamer IMSI list files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /i m si li st s/ of f
li ne
ne tw or k. un iq u e. in r
oa me r. im si li s t. ro t
at io n. ty pe

Specifies the rotation mechanism for network level unique

inroamer IMSI list files.
Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals
3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

5 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday or when a

whichever is earlier
disk space)

maximum size is reached

Default value: 0
Note: As these files contains daily unique IMSI list, so do
not change rotation type. This must be 4 (at end of day).

ne tw or k. un iq u e. in r
oa me r. im si li s t. bu f
fe r. si ze

Specifies buffer size for network level unique inroamer

IMSI list file.
Default value: 16384

Section: StatsWriter Signaling Report

rq m. ma p. si gn a li ng .
ha sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash for the R360 map signaling
Default value: 100

rq m. ma p. si gn a li ng .
im si .s ta ts .e n ab le d

This flag enables the IMSI Wise Message Summary VAM at

the StatsWriter level.
Default value: false

rq m. ma p. si gn a li ng .
im si .s ta ts .h a sh .s i

Specifies the size of the hash for the R360 map signaling
Specifies the size of the hash which stores the IMSI wise
MAP Transaction data.
Default value: 30000

Section: StatsWriter SMS Report

rq m. ro am in g. s ms .h a
sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the SMS report
roaming data.

rq m. in te rc on n ec t. s
ms .h as h. si ze

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the SMS report
interconnect data.

Default value: 30000

Default value: 30000

Section: StatsWriter Top SMS Report

rq m. sm s. to ps e nd er .
ha sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the SMS report
roaming data.
Default value: 30000

rq m. sm s. to ps m sc .h a
sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the SMS report
interconnect data.
Default value: 9000

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



rq m. sm s. to pc n tr y. h
as h. si ze

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the SMS report
interconnect data.
Default value: 9000

Section: StatsWriter Fraud Report

rq m. sm sc .f ra u d. ha s
h. si ze

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the R360 SMSC
fraud data.

rq m. al ph an um e ri c. f
ra ud .h as h. si z e

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the R360

alphanumeric fraud data.

Default value: 30000

Default value: 30000

rq m. vo ic e. fr a ud .h a
sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the R360 voice
fraud data.
Default value: 30000

rq m. mo ni to re d .f ra u
d. ha sh .s iz e

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the R360

monitored fraud data.
Default value: 30000

Section: StatsWriter Camel Report

rq m. ca me l. ro a mi ng .
vo ic e. ha sh .s i ze

Specifies the size of the hash which stores the R360 C amel
roaming voice data.
Default value: 30000

Section: StatsWriter Version Capability Report

rq m. ve rs io n. c ap ab i
li ty .h as h. cl e ar .c o
un t
rq m. ve rs io n. c ap ab i
li ty .p er si st e nt .h a
sh .f il e. pa th

Specifies the size of the persistent hash which stores the

version capability report data.
Default value: 2500
Specifies the location of directory where version capability
reports persistent hash files will be stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at sw ri te r/ i
ms is to re
rq m. ve rs io n. c ap ab i
li ty .p er si st e nt .h a
sh .f il e. ma xs i ze
rq m. ve rs io n. c ap ab i
li ty .p er si st e nt .h a
sh .f il e. up da t ei nt e
rv al
rq m. ve rs io n. c ap ab i
li ty .d tl s. ha s h. cl e
ar .c ou nt
rq m. ve rs io n. c ap ab i
li ty .d tl s. pe r si st e
nt .h as h. fi le . pa th

Specifies the R360 version capability report hash file max

Default value: 5242880(5MB)
Specifies the interval in minutes at which version capability
hash will be dumped to file.
Default value: 60
Specifies the size of the persistent hash which stores the
version capability reports detail data.
Default value: 2500
Specifies the location of directory where version capability
reports persistent hash files will be stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at sw ri te r/ i
ms is to re
rq m. ve rs io n. c ap ab i
li ty .d tl s. pe r si st e
nt .h as h. fi le . ma xs i
rq m. ve rs io n. c ap ab i
li ty .d tl s. pe r si st e

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Specifies the R360 version capability report hash file max

Default value: 5242880(5MB)
Specifies the interval in minutes at which version capability
hash will be dumped to file.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



nt .h as h. fi le . up da t
ei nt er va l

Default value: 60

Section: R360 stats file-related information

rq m. st at s. fi l e. re q
ui re d

Specifies whether the R360 statistics file is required or not.

Possible options are:

true - file is required

false - file is not required
Default value: true

rq m. st at s. fi l e. pr e
fi x
rq m. st at s. fi l e. ex t
rq m. st at s. fi l e. di r
ec to ry

Specifies the prefix for the R360 statistics file name.

Default value: rqmstats.2
Specifies the extension of the R360 statistics file.
Default value: log
Specifies the location of the directory where the R360
statistics files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at s
rq m. st at s. fi l e. of f
li ne .d ir ec to r y

Specifies the location of the directory in which the rotated

R36 statistics files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at s/ of fl in e
rq m. st at s. fi l e. ro t
at io n. ty pe

Specifies the rotation type of the R360 statistics file.

Possible options are:

1 - Rotate the file when it reaches a maximum size

2 - Rotate the file after a defined interval
3 - Rotate the file after it reaches a size or after a
defined interval whichever happens first

4 - Rotate the file at a fixed time everyday

5 - Rotate the file at a fixed time everyday or it
reaches a maximum size

Default value: 5

rq m. st at s. fi l e. ma x
.s iz e
rq m. st at s. fi l e. ro t
at e. in te rv al

Specifies the maximum size of the R360 statistics file.

Default value: 51200
Specifies the interval (in minutes) after which the R360
statistics files rotation should be done, when the file
rotation is based on intervals.
Default value: 5

rq m. st at s. fi l e. ro t
at e. at

Specifies the time (in 24-hour HHMM format) at which the

R360 statistics file should be rotated, when the file rotation
is based on fixed time.
Default value: 0000

Section: Application specific metadata related information

tx n. re co rd ty p es

Specifies possible record type values in input transaction

file. Depending on possible record types value of
<recordTyp e> will be replaced with corresponding
record type value.
For each record type, there will be individual set of the
following parameters mentioned in this section.
For example R360 can have ISUP=2, MAP=3, CAMEL=4,
5=Packet Data, and 6=SIP
Default value: 2,3,4,5,6

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



tx n. re co rd ty p e. po s

Specifies the position of record type field in input

transaction file record.
All the required fields position mentioned below will take
place from this point only. For example if
txn.record ty p e. po s = 4 it means
recordtype .3 . fi el d. 1 = 5th field from the file
and so on.
Also, StatsWriter assume that first and second fields from
the file should be eventdate and eventtime . Hence
txn.record ty p e. po s should be greater than 2 at
Default value: 3

re co rd ty pe .< r ec or d
Ty pe >. nu mF ie l ds

re co rd ty pe .< r ec or d
Ty pe >. fi el d. < Fi el d
Id >. ke y
re co rd ty pe .< r ec or d
Ty pe >. fi el d. < Fi el d
Id >. ty pe

Specifies number of fields in <recordType> record.

For every field, replace <fielded> with actual value. For all
fields, there will be individual set of the following
parameters mentioned in this section.
Specifies field name for the specified field ID.

Specifies type of field for ID <fieldId> .

Possible options are:

1 Int"
2 Long
3 Float
4 C har
5 String
6 Date
7 Double

Section: VIPTracker related information

rq m. vi pt ra ck e r. st a
ts .h as h. si ze

Specifies the Hash size for calculated stats, size of this

hash is dependent upon the size of master file being
generated by txnwriter binary. for example if master file
size is 5MB it means maximum 30,000 records will be
given to statswriter per master file and hence the size of
this hash should be atleast 30,000 .
Default value: 30,000

VIP Tracker Alerts will be written to files, which will be processed by Alerter and it will
send alerts as per configurations.

vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .r eq ui re d
vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .p re fi x
vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .e xt n
vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .d ir ec to ry

Specifies whether the log file is required or not.

Default value: yes
Specifies the prefix for the Alerter file.
Default value: vipTrackerAler ts
Specifies the extension for the Alerter file.
Default value: txt
Specifies the directory path for the Alerter file.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /a l er te r/ vi pt r
ac ke r
vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .o ff li ne .d i re ct o

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Specifies the offline directory path for the Alerter file.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /a l er te r/ vi pt r


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



ac ke r/ of fl in e
vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .r ot at io n. t yp e

Specifies the rotation mechanism for Viptracker Alerter

Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached
2 - Rotate after fixed intervals

3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

5 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday or when a

whichever is earlier
disk space)

maximum size is reached

Default value: 3

vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .m ax .s iz e
vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .r ot at e. at
vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .i nt er va l
vi pt ra ck er .a l er tf i
le .b uf fe r. si z e
rq m. vi pt ra ck e r. dt l
.e na bl ed
rq m. vi pt ra ck e r. dt l
.s ta ts .h as h. s iz e

Specifies the maximum size of the Alerter file.

Default value: 512000
Specifies the time (in 24 hours HHMM format) at which the
file is rotated.
Default value: 0
Specifies the Alerter file rotation interval.
Default value: 2
Specifies the buffer size for the Alerter file.
Default value: 16384
Specify if the VIPTracker detailed statistics along with IMSI
and MSISDN has to be enabled or not. Possible values are
true or false .
Specifies the hash file size used by statistics writer.

Section: Hidden Configuration entries

co s. im si .c ac h e. si z

VIP Tracker maintains hash of IMSIs for different failure

cause. This size should be max number of unique IMSIs
which can face the problem. Actually it is few percentages
of the maximum number of unique IMSIs.
Default value: 500000

Section: Subscriber detail data-related information

rq m. dt l. en ab l ed

Specifies whether the Subscriber (IMSI/MSISDN) level

stats are enabled or not. Possible options are:

true - The Subscriber level stats are enabled.

false - The Subscriber level stats are not enabled.

Default value: false

rq m. ro am in g. s ms .d t
l. ha sh .s iz e

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash file which stores
the R360 SMS Service Reports data.
Default value: 300000

rq m. in te rc on n ec t. d
tl .s ms .h as h. s iz e

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash file which stores
the R360 interconnect SMS Service Reports data.
Default value: 300000

rq m. is up .r oa m in g. D
tl .h as h. si ze

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash file which stores
the R360 Voice Service Reports data.
Default value: 300000


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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



rq m. is up .i nt e rc on n
ec t. Dt l. ha sh . si ze

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash file which stores
the R360 interconnect Voice Service Reports data.

rq m. ca me l. ro a mi ng .
vo ic e. dt l. ha s h. si z

Default value: 300000

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash file which stores
the R360 C AMEL Voice Service Reports data.
Default value: 300000

Section: SIP-related information

rq m. si p. re g. h as h. s
iz e

S Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash which stores the
SIP registration data.
Default value: 30000

rq m. si p. ca ll . ha sh .
si ze

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash which stores the
SIP calls data.
Default value: 30000

rq m. si p. in tl c al l. h
as h. si ze

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash which stores the
SIP international calls data.
Default value: 30000

rq m. si p. ms g. h as h. s
iz e

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the hash which stores the
SIP messages data.
Default value: 30000


Save and close the file.

You have successfully configured the s t a t sw r i te r _ 2. c f g file.

Modifying the txnwriter.cfg file

The t x n w r i t e r . c fg file contains all the configurations required by the R360 application.
For example, logging, database, SNMP, event logger, MAP message-related configurations,
and so on.
This file is located in the { R o a m w a re _ Ho m e }/ b i na r i es / r 36 0 / co n fi g directory.

To modify the txnwriter.cfg file


Open the t x n w r i t e r .c f g file from

{R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / b in a r ie s /r 3 6 0/ c o nf i g directory.


Modify the parameters, if required, according to their descriptions given below in the



Section: Logger-related information

lo g. ty pe

Specifies the type of logging used for txnwriter.

Possible options are:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

0 - File Logging
1 - System Logging


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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



2 - Socket Logging

Default value: 0

lo g. sy sl og .f a ci li ty

Specifies the application or system component

generating the syslog message. This should map to the
value of LOG_USER on UNIX systems (value is 8 on
Default value: 5

lo g. sy sl og .o p ti on

Specifies the logging options for syslog. This should map

to the value of LOG_PID on the UNIX systems (value is
1 on Solaris).
Default value: 0

lo g. di r

Specifies the location of the directory in which the log

files are generated. This parameter is used when
log.type is set to 0 (file logging).
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t x nw ri te r
lo g. fi le

Specifies the prefix for the name of the log file. For
example, if you specify, T x n Wr i t er , the first log file
will be created with the name T x n W r it e r .l o g and if it
reaches its maximum size, a backup of the existing file is
created with the convention TxnWriter.<dat etime>.log , based on the current date and time. This
parameter is used when log.type is set to 0 (File
Default value: TxnWriter

lo g. le ve l

Specifies the severity of the error logs.

Possible options are:

1 - Fatal

2 - Error
3 - Warning
4 - Info

5 - Debug

Default value: 3
The value of log level depends on the system load. If the
system is running at lower load levels, then the value
should be set to 4 . However, if the load is too high, then
the value should be set to 3 or 2 . Level 5 is used for
testing and debugging.

lo g. ma x. si ze

Specifies the maximum size of the log file after which a

new log file is created. This parameter is used when
log.type is set to 0 (file logging).
Default value: 5120000

lo g. sh ow .f il e .l in e

Specifies whether the file name and line number of the

source file, from which the message was logged, should
be mentioned in the log file or not. This is used to trace
any problems in the software and needs to be mentioned
while reporting a problem. Possible options are:

yes - Shows file line number

no - Does not show file line number

Default value: yes

lo g. le ve l. co n so le

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies the severity level of the error logs that you

wish to view on the console. Possible options are:


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



1 - Fatal

2 - Error
3 - Warning
4 - Info

5 - Debug

Default value: 3
The value of log level depends on the system load. If the
system is running at lower load levels, then the value
should be set to 4 . However, if the load is too high, then
the value should be set to 3 or 2 . Level 5 is used for
testing and debugging.

lo g. sh ow .m il l is ec

Specifies whether the log file should show the timestamp

at the granularity of milliseconds. Possible options are:

yes - Shows timestamp

no - Does not show timestamp
Default value: yes

lo g. bi nd .p or t

Specifies the port for remote log monitoring. This is the

port where the logs will be published if log.type
parameter is set to 2 (for socket).
Default value: 15019

lo g. do nt .u se . sy s.
lo ca lt im e

Specifies that the system implementation of localtime

function should not be used; instead Mobileum's
implementation should be used. Possible options are:

true - Mobileums implementation of localtime

false - System implementation of localtime

function is used

function is used

Default value: false

Section: Database-related information

da ta ba se .p oo l s

Specifies the name of the database connection pool.

Each connection pool name should have the properties
given below as {poolname}.db.p r op er ty =
value .
Default value: txnwriter

{p oo ln am e} .d b .n am e

Specifies the name of the database pool, which

TxnWriter will use.

{p oo ln am e} .d b .u se r

Specifies the user name for logging into the database for
the corresponding database pool.

{p oo ln am e} .d b .p as sw
or d

Specifies the password for logging into the database for

the corresponding user name.

{p oo ln am e} .d b .m in .c
on n

Specifies the minimum number of connections for the

database connection pool.

{p oo ln am e} .d b .m ax .c
on n

Specifies the maximum number of connections for the

database connection pool.

{p oo ln am e} .d b .p as sw
or d. en cr yp t

Specifies whether the database password is encrypted or

not. Possible options are:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Default value: 2

Default value: 4

yes - Password is encrypted

no - Password is not encrypted


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default value: no

{p oo ln am e} .d b .t yp e

Specifies the type of database used. Currently only

Oracle is supported.
Default value: 1 , which represents Oracle.

{p oo ln am e} .d b .a li as

Specifies the alias given to the database pool.

For example, suppose TxnWriter is the alias given to
one of the pools in the database. This pool can then be
referred to by this alias.

Section: SNMP-related information

sn mp .m an ag er . ad dr es

Specifies the IP address of the machine on which the

SNMP manager is running.

sn mp .m an ag er . po rt

Specifies the port on which the SNMP manager is

Default value: 178

sn mp .m an ag er . ur i. li

Specifies the URIs (<IP address> : <Port>) to set

multiple SNMP managers separated by comma.
For example,

sn mp .m an ag er . ur i. li st =1 72 . 16 .1 29 .2 6:
16 2, 1 72 .1 6. 1 29 .2 7: 16 2
Note: If snmp.manage r. ur i .l is t is enabled,
snmp.manag er . ad dr es s and
snmp.manag er . po rt is ignored.

sn mp .a ge nt .p o rt

Specifies the port through which the SNMP agent sends

information to the manager. For Solaris, this value has to
be more than 2048 .
Default value: 16072
However, if there are other applications running on the
same Server, then it is possible that the same port
number is used by the other application. In that case,
txnwriter will not come up and will complain about the
port number. Implementer needs to change this port
number in that case, to some other unused number less
than 65535 .

sn mp .r ea d. co m mu ni ty

Specifies the value sent as the community string by the

SNMP manager during the GET command for an OID.
Default value: public

sn mp .w ri te .c o mm un it

Specifies the value sent as the community string by the

SNMP manager during the SET command for an OID.
Default value: public

sn mp .t ra p. v2 . mo du le
.i d

Specifies the module ID for sending txnwriter traps in

version V2.

sn mp .p er l. sc r ip t

Specifies transaction writer s n m p p e r l script path.

Default value: 3.0

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /s cr ip ts /o pe r at io ns /r 36
0/ tx nw ri te r- s nm p. pl
sn mp .t ra pfi le .r eq ui re d

Specifies whether the trap file for txnwriter is required or

not. Possible options are:

yes Trap file is required

no Trap file is not required

Default value: no

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



sn mp .t ra pfi le .p re fi x

Specifies the prefix for the trap file name.

sn mp .t ra p- fi l e. ex tn

Specifies the extension of the trap file.

Default value: txnwriter-trap s

Default value: txt

sn mp .t ra pfi le .d ir ec to r y

Specifies the location of the directory where the trap files

are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t x nw ri te r/ tr
ap s
sn mp .t ra pfi le .r ot at io n .t yp e

Specifies the trap file rotation mechanism.

Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals

3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

whichever is earlier

disk space)

Default value: 4

sn mp .t ra pfi le .m ax .s iz e

Specifies the maximum size of the trap file after which it

is rotated. This parameter is applicable only if snmp.
trap-file. ro t at io n. ty pe is set to either 1 or
Default value: 512000

sn mp .t ra pfi le .r ot at e. i nt er va

Specifies the time interval (in minutes) after which the

trap file is rotated. This parameter is applicable only if
snmp.trap- fi l e. ro ta ti on .t y pe is set to
either 2 or 3 .
Default value: 60

sn mp .t ra pfi le .r ot at e. a t

Specifies the time (in 24 hours HHMM format) at which

the trap file is rotated. This parameter is applicable only
if snmp.trap -f il e .r ot at io n. ty p e is set to
Default value: 0000

sn mp .h ea rt be a t. tr ap
in te rv al

This parameter is reserved for future use.

Section: Event Logger-related information

Note: This is being used by SMLib.

ev en t- lo g. re q ui re d

Specifies whether event log is required or not.

Possible options are:

true Event log is required

false Event log is not required
Default value: false

ev en t- lo g. pr e fi x

Specifies the prefix for the event log file name.

Default value: txnwriter-even ts

ev en t- lo g. ex t n

Specifies the extension of the event log file.

Default value: log

ev en t- lo g. di r ec to ry

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Specifies the location of the directory where the event


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


log files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /e v en tl og s
ev en tlo g. ro ta ti on . ty pe

Specifies the event log file rotation mechanism.

Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached
2 - Rotate after fixed intervals

3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

whichever is earlier
disk space)

Default value: 1

ev en t- lo g. ma x .s iz e

Specifies the maximum size after which the event log file
is rotated. This parameter is applicable only if eventlog.rotati on . ty pe is set to either 1 or 3 .
Default value: 5120000

ev en tlo g. ro ta te .i n te rv al

Specifies the time interval (in minutes) after which the

event log file is rotated. This parameter is applicable only
if event-log .r ot a ti on .t yp e is set to either 2
or 3 .
Default value: 60

ev en t- lo g. ro t at e. at

Specifies the time (in 24 hours HH:MM format) at which

the event log file is rotated. This parameter is applicable
only if event-log. ro ta ti on .t y pe is set to 4 .
Default value: 12:00

ev en tlo g. bu ff er .s i ze

Specifies the buffer size for the event log.

Default value: 16384

Section: Operation-related information

op er at io n. mo d e

Specifies the operation mode of R360.

Possible options are:

1 - R360
2 - R360 ISUP
4 - R360 ITUP
8 - R360 C AP

Sum of the values for a combination of the abovementioned modes. For example, if you want to run R360
in the R360 + R360 ISUP modes, then you need to
specify 1+2 = 3
Default value: 1

th re ad .h ea lt h .r ep or
t. po rt

Specifies the port at which the Health Monitoring Tool

can send request to know the status/health of the
However, if there are other applications running on the
same server, then it is possible that the same port
number is used by the other application. In that case,
IMSI Provisioning will not come up and will complain
about the port number. Implementer needs to change
this port number in that case, to some other unused
number less than 65535 .
Default value: 9072

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



my .i ns ta nc e. i d

Specifies the ID of the R360 instance.

Default value: 1

ho st .c c
ma p. me sg .p oo l .t hr es
ho ld

Specifies list of Host C ountry Code (CC). Multiple host CC

can be specified as comma separated.
Specifies MAP message pool threshold value in
percentage. When available message count in MAP
message pool goes below to this threshold value, SNMP
trap will be sent.
Default value: 80

ca p. me sg .p oo l .t hr es
ho ld

Specifies C AP message pool threshold value in

percentage. When available message count in C AP
message pool goes below to this threshold value, SNMP
trap will be sent.
Default value: 80

is up .m es g. po o l. th re
sh ol d

Specifies ISUP message pool threshold value in

percentage. When available message count in ISUP
message pool goes below to this threshold value, SNMP
trap will be sent.
Default value: 80

in te rh om e. en a bl ed

Specifies intrahome scenario handling. If this flag is

enabled then for intrahome scenarios roamer will be
counted as outroamer and inroamer. Possible options are
true and false .
Default value: true

Section: SMLib-related information

Note: The number of probes should be in sync with the number of listeners started on the
probe side; else the StateMachine will not receive all the events.

ro am pr ob e. nu m .p ro be

Specifies the number of Mobileum probes that the MAP

State Machine is going to connect.
Depending upon the number of Mobileum probes, the
value of (x) will be replaced with the corresponding
Probe number.
For each Probe, there will be an individual set of the
following parameters, mentioned in this section.
Default value: 1

ro am pr ob e. pr o be .( x)
.h os t
ro am pr ob e. pr o be .( x)
.p or t
ro am pr ob e. pr o be .( x)
.t im eo ut
ro am pr ob e. pr o be .( x)
.r et ry in te rv a l

ro am pr ob e. pr o be .( x)
.s io
ro am pr ob e. us e s. re du
nd an t. pr ob e

Specifies the IP address of the Mobileum probe.

Specifies the port of the Mobileum Probe.
Specifies the timeout period in seconds. If State Machine
does not receive any messages from Mobileum Probe for
this period, it will disconnect from the Mobileum Probe.
Specifies the interval (in seconds) after which the State
Machine again tries to reconnect, if the State Machine is
not able to establish a connection with the Mobileum
Specifies the SIO (SCCP, ISUP or ITUP), indicating the
type of messages received from Mobileum Probe.
Specifies whether the Mobileum Probe is running in
redundant mode or not. Possible options are true and
Default value: false

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


ro am pr ob e. us e s. PC R

Specifies whether the transmission of messages on the
roaming links is PCR-based or not. Possible options are
true and false.
Default value: false

ro am pr ob e. us e s. an si
.m tp 3
ro am pr ob e. us e s. an si
.t ca p

Specifies the type of MTP3 layer used. Possible options

are true and false.
Default value: false
Specifies the type of TCAP layer used.
Possible options are:

true - ANSI TCAP layer is used

false - ITUT TC AP layer is used

Default value: false

ro am pr ob e. us e s. an si
.s cc p

Specifies the type of SCCP layer used.

Possible options are:

true - ANSI SCCP layer is used

false - ITUT SCCP layer is used

Default value: false

ro am pr ob e. nu m .m ap .d
ec od er s

Specifies the number of MAP decoding threads, which will

be running.

ro am pr ob e. nu m .c am el
.d ec od er s

Specifies the number of CAP decoding threads, which will

be running.

Default value: 2

Default value: 0
Note: If camel mode is not enabled, then keep this value
as 0 .

ro am pr ob e. sc c p. pr in
t. an al ys is

Specifies whether SCCP debug information should be

printed in the log files or not. Possible options are yes
and no .
Default value: no

ro am pr ob e. tc a p. pr in
t. an al ys is

Specifies whether TCAP debug information should be

printed in the log files or not. Possible options are yes
and no .
Default value: no

ro am pr ob e. ma p .p ri nt
.a na ly si s

Specifies whether MAP debug information should be

printed in the log files or not. Possible options are yes
and no .
Default value: no

ro am pr ob e. mt p 2. tr ac

Specifies whether a MTP2 trace file based on the data

captured by Mobileum Probe should be generated or not.
Possible options are true and false .
Default value: true

ro am pr ob e. nu m .i su p.
de co de rs

Specifies the number of ISUP decoding threads, which

will be running.
Default value: 3

ro am pr ob e. nu m .t up .d
ec od er s
no .m es g. fr om . pr ob e.
wa it .p er io d

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies the number of ITUP decoding threads, which

will be running.
Default value: 3
Specifies the time period (in minutes) for which if
TxnWriter does not receive any message from probe, it
will raise a trap.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default value: 5

nu m. ac ti ve .s m

Specifies the number of simultaneously active SMLibs in

the system.
Default value: 5000

sm .h as h. ar ra y s

Specifies the number of arrays that the SMLib can use.

Default value: 5

tc ap .e ve nt .p o ol .s iz
is up .e ve nt .p o ol .s iz
it up .e ve nt .p o ol .s iz

Specifies the pool size to handle the TCAP events.

Default value: 60000
Specifies the pool size to handle the ISUP events.
Default value: 60000
Specifies the pool size to handle the ITUP events.
Default value: 3000

sm .d ef au lt .t i me ou t.
pe ri od

Specifies the default timeout period for the MAP State


is up .s m. de fa u lt .t im
eo ut

Specifies the default timeout period for the ISUP State


it up .s m. de fa u lt .t im
eo ut

Specifies the default timeout period for the ITUP State


sm .m ax .t im eo u t. pe ri

Specifies the maximum timeout period for the MAP State


is up .s m. ma x. t im eo ut

Default value: 10

Default value: 10

Default value: 10

Default value: 30
Specifies the maximum timeout period for the ISUP State
Default value: 30

it up .s m. ma x. t im eo ut

Specifies the maximum timeout period for the ITUP State

Default value: 30

sm .s te p. ti me . in te rv

Specifies the number of steps for maximum timeout

period, once the default timeout period is over.
Default value: 10

is up .s m. st ep . ti me .i
nt er va l

Specifies the number of steps for maximum timeout

period for the ISUP State Machine.
Default value: 10

it up .s m. st ep . ti me .i
nt er va l
is up .s ta te ma c hi ne .c
ou nt
it up .s ta te ma c hi ne .c
ou nt

Specifies the number of steps for maximum timeout

period for the ITUP State Machine.
Default value: 10
Specifies the number of ISUP calls expected.
Default value: 5000
Specifies the number of ITUP calls expected.
Default value: 5000

ma p. mt p2 .p oo l .t ra p.
cl ea r. th re sh o ld

Specifies the threshold for clearing the MAP MTP2 event

pool trap.

is up .m tp 2. po o l. tr ap

Specifies the threshold for clearing the ISUP MTP2 event

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Default value: 1000


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



.c le ar .t hr es h ol d

pool trap.
Default value: 1000

it up .m tp 2. po o l. tr ap
.c le ar .t hr es h ol d
is up .s ta r. va l ue

Specifies the threshold for clearing the ITUP MTP2 event

pool trap.
Default value: 1000
Specifies the value of star in HEX, which is dependent on
the switch.
Default value: 0x0b

is up .h as h. va l ue

Specifies the value of hash in HEX, which is dependent

on the switch.
Default value: 0x0c .

is up .s ta ck .d e pl oy ed

Specifies whether DK stack is used or not. Possible

options are true and false .
Default value: false

is up .f la vo r

Specifies the type of ISUP flavors. Possible options are:

1 - ITUT

2 - ANSI
Default value: 1

Section: ISUP-related information

Note: This section is required when the operation.mod e parameter is configured as

is up .t xn .p oo l .s iz e

Specifies the size of ISUP message store. This should be

same as maximum number of active ISUP calls.
Default value: 12000

is up .d et ai lf i le .r eq
ui re d

Specifies whether the ISUP details file is required or not.

Possible options are true and false .
Default value: true

is up .d et ai lf i le .p re
fi x
is up .d et ai lf i le .e xt
is up .d et ai lf i le .d ir
ec to ry

Specifies the prefix for the ISUP details files name.

Default value: isup.detail
Specifies the extension for the ISUP details file.
Default value: log
Specifies the location of the directory where the ISUP
details files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es
is up .d et ai lf i le .o ff
li ne .d ir ec to r y

Specifies the location of the directory where the rotated

ISUP details file are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /h is to
is up .d et ai lf i le .r ot
at io n. ty pe

Specifies the rotation mechanism for ISUP details file.

Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals
3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

whichever is earlier

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

disk space)


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



5 Rotate at a fixed time everyday or when a

maximum size is reached

Default value: 5

is up .d et ai lf i le .m ax
.s iz e

Specifies the maximum size of the ISUP details file after

which it is rotated. This parameter is applicable if
isup.detai lf i le .r ot at io n. t yp e is set to
1 or 3 .
Default value: 5242880

is up .d et ai lf i le .r ot
at e. in te rv al

Specifies the time interval (in minutes) after which the

ISUP details file is rotated. This parameter is applicable if
isup.detai lf i le .r ot at io n. t yp e is set to
2 or 3 .
Default value: 60

is up .d et ai lf i le .r ot
at e. at

Specifies the rotation time in HHMM format (24 hr) for

the ISUP details file.
Default value: 0001

is up .d et ai lf i le .o ff
li ne .d ir ec to r y. is da
yw is e

Specifies whether the ISUP details file present in the

offline directory should be created on a daily basis or
not. Possible options are true and false .
Default value: true

is up .d et ai lf i le .b uf
fe r. si ze

Specifies buffer size for ISUP detail file.

Default value: 16384

Section: MAP-related information

Note: This section is required when the operation.mod e parameter is configured as

ma p. tx n. po ol . si ze

MAP Message Store size. This should be more than

(approximately 1.5 times) the value of the .s m parameter.
Default value: 8000

tx nw ri te r. ma p .m on it
or ed .m sg s

Specifies the comma-separated list of MAP monitored

Default value:

1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 11 , 13 ,1 5, 17 ,1 8, 2 0, 22 ,2 4, 26
,3 0, 34 ,3 6, 38 , 40 ,4 2, 44 ,4 6, 4 8, 50 ,5 2, 54
,5 6, 58 ,6 0, 62 , 63 ,6 4, 65 ,6 6, 6 7, 68 ,6 9, 70
,7 1, 72 ,7 3, 74 , 75 ,7 6, 77 ,7 8, 7 9, 80 ,8 1, 82
,8 3, 84 ,8 5
ma p. de ta il fi l e. re qu
ir ed

Specifies whether the MAP details file is required or not.

Possible options are true and false .
Default value: true

ma p. de ta il fi l e. pr ef
ma p. de ta il fi l e. ex tn

Specifies the prefix for the MAP details files name.

Default value: map.detail
Specifies the extension for the MAP details file.
Default value: log

ma p. de ta il fi l e. di re
ct or y

Specifies the location of the directory where the MAP

details files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es
ma p. de ta il fi l e. of fl
in e. di re ct or y

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies the location of the directory where the rotated

MAP details files are stored.
Default value:


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /h is to
ma p. de ta il fi l e. ro ta
ti on .t yp e

Specifies the rotation mechanism for the MAP details file.

Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals
3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

whichever is earlier
disk space)

5 Rotate the file at a fixed time everyday or it

reaches a maximum size

Default value: 5

ma p. de ta il fi l e. ro ta
te .a t
ma p. de ta il fi l e. ma x.
si ze

Specifies the rotation time in HHMM format (24 hr) for

the MAP details file.
Default value: 0001
Specifies the maximum size of the MAP details file after
which it is rotated. This parameter is applicable if
map.detail fi l e. ro ta ti on .t y pe is set to 1
or 3 .
Default value: 5242880

ma p. de ta il fi l e. ro ta
te .i nt er va l

Specifies the time interval (in minutes) after which the

MAP details file is rotated. This parameter is applicable if
map.detail fi l e. ro ta ti on .t y pe is set to 2
or 3 .
Default value: 60

ma p. de ta il fi l e. of fl
in e. di re ct or y .i sd ay
wi se

Specifies whether the MAP details file present in the

offline directory should be created on a daily basis or
not. Possible options are true and false .
Default value: true

ma p. bu ff er .s i ze

Specifies buffer size for map detail file.

Default value: 16384

Section: CAP-related information

Note: This section is required when the de parameter is configured as

ca p. tx n. po ol . si ze

Specifies C AP Message Store size.

Default value: 12000

ca p. de ta il fi l e. re qu
ir ed

Specifies whether the CAP details file is required or not.

Possible options are true and false .
Default value: true

ca p. de ta il fi l e. pr ef
ca p. de ta il fi l e. ex tn

Specifies the prefix for the C AP details files name.

Default value: cap.detail
Specifies the extension for the C AP details file.
Default value: log

ca p. de ta il fi l e. di re
ct or y

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies the location of the directory where the CAP

details files are stored.
Default value:
/ opt /R o am wa re /l og s/ r 36 0/ tr ac es


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



ca p. de ta il fi l e. of fl
in e. di re ct or y

Specifies the location of the directory where the rotated

C AP details files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /h is to
ca p. de ta il fi l e. ro ta
ti on .t yp e

Specifies the rotation mechanism for the CAP details file.

Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals

3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

5 Rotate the file at a fixed time everyday or it

whichever is earlier
disk space)

reaches a maximum size

Default value: 5

ca p. de ta il fi l e. ro ta
te .a t
ca p. de ta il fi l e. ma x.
si ze

Specifies the rotation time in HHMM format (24 hr) for

the C AP details file.
Default value: 0001
Specifies the maximum size of the MAP details file after
which it is rotated. This parameter is applicable if
cap.detail fi l e. ro ta ti on .t y pe is set to 1
or 3 .
Default value: 5242880

ca p. de ta il fi l e. ro ta
te .i nt er va l

Specifies the time interval (in minutes) after which the

C AP details file is rotated. This parameter is applicable if
cap.detail fi l e. ro ta ti on .t y pe is set to 2
or 3 .
Default value: 60

ca p. de ta il fi l e. of fl
in e. di re ct or y .i sd ay
wi se

Specifies whether the CAP details file present in the

offline directory should be created on a daily basis or
not. Possible options are true and false .
Default value: true

ca p. de ta il fi l e. bu ff
er .s iz e
is .a ns i. ne tw o rk

Specifies buffer size for cap detail file.

Default value: 16384
Specifies if R360 is deployed in ANSI network and sets
the flag to true.
Default value: false

Section: Master file for MAP, CAP & ISUP information

ma st er fi le .r e qu ir ed

Specifies whether the master file is required or not.

Possible options are true and false .
Default value: true

ma st er fi le .p r ef ix

Specifies the prefix for the master files name.

Default value: map.detail

ma st er fi le .e x tn

Specifies the extension of the master file.

Default value: log

ma st er fi le .d i re ct or

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies the location of the directory where the master

files are stored.
Default value:


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es
ma st er fi le .o f fl in e.
di re ct or y

Specifies the location of the directory where the rotated

master files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /a rc hi
ma st er fi le .r o ta ti on
.t yp e

Specifies the rotation mechanism for master file.

Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals
3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

5 Rotate the file at a fixed time everyday or it

whichever is earlier
disk space)

reaches a maximum size

Default value: 5

ma st er fi le .m a x. si ze

Specifies the maximum size of the master file after which

it is rotated. This parameter is applicable if
masterfile .r o ta ti on .t yp e is set to 1 or 3 .
Default value: 5242880

ma st er fi le .r o ta te .i
nt er va l

Specifies the time interval (in minutes) after which the

master file is rotated. This parameter is applicable if
masterfile .r o ta ti on .t yp e is set to 2 or 3 .
Default value: 60

ma st er fi le .r o ta te .a

Specifies the rotation time in HHMM format (24 hr) for

the master file.
Default value: 0001

ma st er fi le .b u ff er .s
iz e
ma st er fi le .m y ev en tl
og .d at e. fo rm a t

Specifies buffer size for cap detail file.

Default value: 16384
Specifies date format in which date will be written to
master file. Keep default value as it is.
Default value: %Y-%m-%d


Section: MSU Stats file Information

ms us ta ts .r eq u ir ed

Specifies whether MSU stats are required or not.

Possible options are true and false .
Default value: true

ms us ta ts .f il e .d ir ec
to ry

Specify directory to store MSU stats file

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /m s us ta ts
ms us ta ts .f il e .o ff li
ne .d ir ec to ry

Specifies offline directory for MSU stats file.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /m s us ta ts /o ff
li ne
ms us ta ts .f il e .u pd at
e. in te rv al

Specifies MSU stats file update interval (in minutes).

Default value: 60

Section: SCCP Stats Information

rq m. sc cp .s ta t .r eq ui

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies whether the SCCP stats are required or not.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



re d

Possible options are true and false .

Default value: false

rq m. sc cp .s ta t .h os t.
gt .p ar ti al

Specifies whether CCNDC level or individual GT level

SC CP statistics for host nodes should be maintained.
Possible options are:

True C C NDC level SCCP statistics for Host nodes

False Individual GT level SCCP statistics for

Host nodes are maintained.

are maintained

Default value: false

rq m. sc cp .s ta t .p ar tn
er .g t. pa rt ia l

Specifies whether CCNDC level or individual GT level

SC CP statistics for Partner nodes should be maintained.
Possible options are:

True C C NDC level SCCP statistics for Partner

nodes are maintained

False Individual GT level SCCP statistics for

Partner nodes are maintained (this will increase the
database load).

Default value: true

rq m. sc cp .c ou n t. du mp
.p er io d

Specify time count (minutes) after SCCP stats will be

dumped into file.
Default value: 30

rq m. sc cp .s ta t .h as h.
si ze

Specify SCCP stat cache size

Default value: 50000

Section: SCCP dump file-related information

sc cp st at du mp .r eq ui re d

Specifies whether the SCCP stat dump file is required or

not. Possible options are true and false .
Default value: true

sc cp st at du mp .p re fi x
sc cp st at -d um p .e xt n

Specifies the prefix for the SCCP stat dump files name.
Default value: rqmstats.sccp
Specifies the extension for the SCCP stat dump file.
Default value: log

sc cp st at du mp .d ir ec to r y

Specifies the location of the directory where the SCCP

stat dump files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at s
sc cp st at du mp .r ot at io n .t yp e

Specifies the rotation mechanism for the SCCP stat dump

Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals
3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

whichever is earlier
disk space)

Default value: 1

sc cp st at du mp .m ax .s iz e

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies the maximum size of the SCCP stat dump file

after which it is rotated. This parameter is applicable if
sccpstat-d um p .r ot at io n. ty p e is set to 1 or


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



Default value: 5242880

sc cp st at du mp .r ot at e. i nt er va

Specifies the time interval (in minutes) after which the

master file is rotated. This parameter is applicable if
sccpstat-d um p .r ot at io n. ty p e is set to 2 or
Default value: 6 0

sc cp st at du mp .r ot at e. a t

Specifies the time (in 24 hours HH:MM format) at which

the SC CP stat dump file is rotated. This parameter is
applicable only if sccpstatdump.rotat io n .t yp e is set to 4 .
Default value: 12:00

sc cp st at du mp .b uf fe r. s iz e

Specifies the buffer size for the SCCP stat dump file.
Default value: 20

Section: Cache Configuration-related information

im si .c ac he .s i ze

Specifies IMSI based cache size.

Default value: 100000

ms is dn .c ac he . si ze

Specifies MSISDN based cache size.

Default value: 100000

ms rn .c ac he .s i ze

Specifies MSRN based cache size.

Default value: 100000

vl r. ca ch e. si z e

Specifies VLR cache size.

Default value: 20

tx nw ri te r. co n .r es ca
n. in te rv al

Specifies class of number cache rescan period in

Default value: 60

tx nW ri te r. ro a me r. ha
sh .u pd at e. th r ea ds
tx nW ri te r. ro a me r. qu
eu e. si ze
tx nW ri te r. ro a me r. da
ta .p er si st en t .h as h.
fi le .p at h

Specifies number of roamer hash update threads.

Default value: 2
Specifies roamer queue size.
Default value: 25000
Specifies location of directory to store roamer hash
persistent files.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t x nw ri te r/ im
si st or e
tx nW ri te r. ro a me r. da
ta .p er si st en t .h as h.
fi le .m ax si ze
tx nW ri te r. ro a me r. da
ta .p er si st en t .h as h.
fi le .u pd at ei n te rv al
nw .u se .g t. pr e fi x

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies roamer hashs persistent files max size.

Default value: 10000
Specifies update interval (minutes) for roamer hash
persistent file.
Default value: 60
If hubbing solution is present, all non-partner foreign
MSC /VLR/SMSC addresses may be prefixed with "XX".
The prefix of XX in the SCCP Calling Party Address and
prefix of XX in the MAP VLR address presents a
problem for Mobileum modules that use it for decision
making. If the enhancement for removing prefix is
required, then add the configuration entry pr e fi x and set its value to the prefix
that is being attached. If not required, then do not keep


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


this entry in the configuration file.
Note: This is an optional parameter.

vl r. ma pp in g. r eq ui re

Specifies whether VLR mapping is required. If R360

needs to generate reports for the sponsored network in
Roaming replicator arrangement, then VLR mapping is
Default value: yes

vl r. ma pp in g. s cr ip t

Specifies the name and location of the perl script that

loads VLR mapping data.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /s cr ip ts /a pp s /r 36 0/ vl rm
ap pi ng .p l
vl r. ma pp in g. i nc pa th

Specifies the path of the directory where all the perl

modules required by the script are present.
Default value: /opt/Roamware/ sc ri p ts /p er l-

pm /r fc ,/ op t/ R oa mw ar e/ sc ri p ts /p er lpm /r 36 0
vl r. ma pp in g. r ef re sh
.i nt er va l

Specifies the interval (in minutes) after which the

mapping is refreshed.
Default value: 14400

im si .m ap pi ng . re qu ir
im si .m ap pi ng . sc ri pt

Specifies whether IMSI mapping is required or not.

Default value: yes
Specifies the name and location of the perl script that
loads IMSI mapping data.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /s cr ip ts /a pp s /r 36 0/ im si
ma pp in g. pl
im si .m ap pi ng . in cp at

Specifies the path of the directory where all the perl

modules required by the script are present.
Default value: /opt/Roamware/ sc ri p ts /p er l-

pm /r fc ,/ op t/ R oa mw ar e/ sc ri p ts /p er lpm /r 36 0
im si .m ap pi ng . re fr es
h. in te rv al
co s. ca ch e. re q ui re d

Specifies the interval (in minutes) after which the

mapping is refreshed.
Default value: 14400
Specify the value of this parameter to true in order to
enable C oS cache and false to disable it.
The C lass of Subscriber (CoS) cache is required only if
VIPTracker module is enabled.
Default value: false

Section: Unhandled MAP message-related information

un ha nd le dm sg _ fi le .r
eq ui re d

Determines whether the log file that the R360 application

generates for unhandled MAP messages are required.
The following values are supported:

true - The log files for unhandled MAP messages

are required.

false - The log files for unhandled MAP

messages are not required.

Default value: true

Note: This is a mandatory and read-write parameter
that supports the Boolean values.

un ha nd le dm sg _ fi le .p

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

The prefix (in string format) of the R360 application's log


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



re fi x

file generated for unhandled MAP messages.

Default value: unhandledmsg
This is a mandatory and read-write parameter.
Note: Do not use ". " punctuation mark in the log file
name prefix.

un ha nd le dm sg _ fi le .e
xt n

The extension (in string format) of the R360 application's

unhandled MAP message log file.
Default value: log
Note: This is a mandatory and read-write parameter.

un ha nd le dm sg _ fi le .d
ir ec to ry

The location of the directory (in string format) in which

the R360 applications unhandled MAP message log files
are stored.
Default value:

op t/ Ro am wa re / lo gs /r 36 0/ tr a ce s/ su mm ar
Note: This is a mandatory and read-write parameter.

un ha nd le dm sg _ fi le .o
ff li ne .d ir ec t or y

The location of the directory (in string format) where the

rotated and processed unhandled MAP message log files
are moved.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /s um ma
ry /i nd ex er hi s to ry
Note: This is a mandatory and read-write parameter.

un ha nd le dm sg _ fi le .r
ot at io n. ty pe

Determines the rotation type (in integer format) of an

unhandled MAP message log file.
The following options are supported:

0 No rotation.

1 - Rotates when a maximum file size is reached.

2 - Rotates after a fixed time interval.
3 - Rotates either when a maximum file size is

reached or after a fixed time interval (whichever is


4 - Rotates at a fixed time everyday (You must have

5 - Rotates at a fixed time everyday or when a

an ample hard disk space)

maximum file size is reached.

Default value: 5
Note: This is a mandatory and read-write parameter.

un ha nd le dm sg _ fi le .m
ax .s iz e

The maximum size (in bytes) of the rotated R360

applications unhandled MAP message log file. It is a
backup of the existing file that is created with the
convention unhandledmsg.<d at e -t im e> .l og
based on the date and time.
Default value: 5242880
This is an optional and read-write parameter.
Note: This parameter is applicable only if the

un ha nd le dm sg _ fi le .r ot at io n .t yp e
parameter is set to 1 or 3 .
un ha nd le dm sg _ fi le .r
ot at e. in te rv a l

The time interval (in minutes) after which the R360

applications unhandled MAP message log file rotates.
Default value: 2
This is an optional and read-write parameter.
Note: This parameter is applicable only if the

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



un ha nd le dm sg _ fi le .r ot at io n .t yp e
parameter is set to 2 or 3 .
un ha nd le dm sg _ fi le .r
ot at e. at

The time in the H H M M (in 24-hour format) at which the

R360 applications unhandled MAP message log file
Default value: 0001
This is an optional and read-write parameter.
Note: This parameter is applicable only if the

unhandledm sg _ fi le .r ot at io n .t yp e
parameter is set to 4 .
un ha nd le dm sg _ fi le .b
uf fe r. si ze

The buffer size (in bytes) of the unhandled MAP

messages that the R360 application can hold.
Default value: 16384
Note: This is a mandatory and read-write parameter.

un ha nd le dm sg _ fi le .m
ye ve nt lo g. da t e. fo rm

The date format that the R360 application uses to

timestamp the unhandled MAP message log file.
Default value: %Y-%m-%d


Note: This is a mandatory and read-write parameter.


Save and close the file.

You have successfully modified the t x n wr i t er . c fg file of the R360 application.

Modifying the

To modify

Open the r q m a l e r t e r. p r op e r ti e s file from

{R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / b in a r ie s /r 3 6 0/ c o nf i g .


Modify the parameters, if required, according to their descriptions given below in the



Section: Logger-related information

lo g. fi le

Specifies the location where the log files are generated.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /a l er te r/ al er
te r. lo g
lo g. le ve l

Specifies the severity of the error logs. Possible options


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1 - Fatal
2 - Error


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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



3 - Warning

4 - Info
5 - Debug
Default value: 5

The value of log level depends on the system load. If the

system is running at lower load levels, then the value
should be set to 4 . However, if the load is too high, then
the value should be set to 3 or 2 . Level 5 is used for
testing and debugging.

lo g. si ze

Specifies the size of the log file after which a new log file
is created.
Default value: 5120000

Section: Pool-related information

rq ma le rt er

Specifies the rqmalerter pool related information.

Section: DBHandler-related information

Po st gr eS QL

Specifies the database handler for PostgreSQL .

Or ac le

Specifies the database handler for Oracle .

de fa ul t

Specifies the default database handler.

Section: DBConnectionPool-related information

po ol s

Specifies the name of the database connection pool.

Each connection pool name should have the properties
given below as {poolname}.prop e rt y =
value .
For example, rqmalerter

{p oo ln am e} .d r iv er

Specifies the database driver class.

{p oo ln am e} .u r l

Specifies the URL of the database.

{p oo ln am e} .u s er

Specifies the user ID to log on to the database.

{p oo ln am e} .m a xc on ns

Specifies the maximum number of database connections

for this connection pool.

{p oo ln am e} .i n it co nn

Specifies the number of initial database connections for

this connection pool.

{p oo ln am e} .t i me ou t

Specifies the timeout interval in milliseconds for the


{p oo ln am e} .e n t

For internal use only. Value not to be changed.

{p oo ln am e} .s p ec if ic

For internal use only. Value not to be changed.

Section: Defaults-related information

en cr yp ti on en a bl ed

Specifies whether database password is encrypted or

not. Possible options are true and false .
Default value: false

Section: SNMP-related information

ma na ge r. po rt

Specifies the port number of the SNMP manager.

Default value: 162

ma na ge r. ip .a d dr es s

Specifies the IP address of the system where the SNMP

manager is running.

tr ap .v er si on

Specifies the SNMP trap version.

Default value: 2

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



tr ap .v 2. gr ou p

Specifies the SNMP traps group.

Default value: 3

re ad .c om mu ni t y

Specifies the value sent as the community string by the

SNMP manager during the GET command for an OID.
Default value: public

wr it e. co mm un i ty

Specifies the value sent as the community string by the

SNMP manager during the SET command for an OID.
Default value: public

tr ap .c om mu ni t y

Specifies the value sent as the community string in all

the SNMP traps sent.
Default value: public

ag en t. po rt

Specifies the port through which the SNMP agent sends

information to the manager. For Solaris, this value has to
be more than 2048 .
However, if there are other applications running on the
same server, then it is possible that the same port
number is used by other application. In that case, NTR
will not come up and will complain about the port
number. Implementer needs to change this port number
in that case, to some other unused number less than
65535 .
Default value: 16272

tr ap -f il e. re q ui re d

Specifies whether the SNMP trap listing file should be

created or not. Possible options are yes and no .
Default value: yes

tr ap -f il e. pr e fi x

Specifies the prefix for the trap file name.

Default value: rqmaggregator

tr ap -f il e. di r ec to ry

Specifies the directory path for the trap file.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /a g gr eg at or /t
ra ps
tr ap -f il e. ex t n

Specifies the extension for the trap file.

tr ap fi le .r ot at io n .t yp e

Specifies the trap file rotation mechanism. Possible

options are:

Default value: txt

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals
3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

whichever is earlier
disk space)

Default value:4

tr ap -f il e. ma x .s iz e

Specifies the maximum size of the trap file after which a

new trap file is created. This parameter is used when
log.type is set to 0 (File logging).
Default value: 1024000

tr ap fi le .r ot at e. i nt er va

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies the time interval (in minutes) after which the

trap file is rotated. This parameter is applicable only if
trap-file. ro t at io n. ty pe is set to either 2 or


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default value: 60

tr ap -f il e. ro t at e. at

Specifies the time (in 24 hours HHMM format) at which

the trap file is rotated. This parameter is applicable only
if trap-file .r ot a ti on .t yp e is set to 4 .
Default value: 0000

sn mp .r hi no .s c ri pt

Specifies the path of the snmp_alerter. js file.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /b in ar ie s/ r3 6 0/ co nf ig /s
nm p_ al er te r. j s
Specifies the port for the SMTP server

se nd er .l og in . na me

Specifies the email ID of the sender.

se nd er .p as sw o rd

Specifies the password of the sender.

sm tp .h os t. na m e

Specifies the host name of the SMTP server.

sm tp .h os t. po r t

Specifies the port for the SMTP server.

Section: Configuring multiple SNMP managers-related information

In alerter and aggregator, the manager port is the same as defined in
relaytrapc on f ig .i ni against the en .p or t property. When
relay-trap .p l is running, the SNMP manager has to be of the type m/c.
In file relaytrapc on fi g. in i defines the actual managers IP address and the port
against snmp.manager .l is t parameter.
Following are the steps to configure multiple SNMP managers:
Go to the {Roamware_ Ho m e} /s cr ip ts /o p er at io ns directory and extract the
RelayTrapC on f ig .i ni file and configure the IP addresses against the SNMP
manager port.
[ snm p]

sn mp .m an ag er . ve rs io n= 2
sn mp .m y. li st e n. po rt =1 23 45
sn mp .m an ag er . li st =1 72 .1 6. 1 29 .1 46 :1 62 ,1 7 2. 16 .1 29 .7 8: 1 62
(c om ma s ep ar a te d IP v al ue s o f yo ur S NM P M an ag er h os t s,
yo ur l ap to p, de sk to p IP s )
C onfigure the same port in file available in the
{Roamware_ Ho m e} /s cr ip ts /o p er at io ns directory.

my $ mg rV er si o n = $ ab st ra c t- >
ge t( 's nm p' ,' s nm p. ma na ge r. v er si on ', 1) ;
my $ li st en Po r t =$ ab st ra ct - >
ge t( 's nm p' ,' s nm p. my .l is te n .p or t' ,1 23 45 ) ;
St ar t re la y_ t ra p. pl , us in g p er l.
Pe rl r el ay _t r ap .p l
C onfigure the following in alerter property file:

[S NM P]
ma na ge r. po rt = 12 34 5
ma na ge r. ip .a d dr es s= 17 2. 16 . 13 1. 84
tr ap .v er si on = 2

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



tr ap .v 2. gr ou p =3
re ad .c om mu ni t y= pu bl ic
wr it e. co mm un i ty =p ub li c
tr ap .c om mu ni t y= pu bl ic
ag en t. po rt =1 6 17 2
Section: Alerts-related information

re po rt .a le rt s .e ma il

Specifies whether Alerter should send emails or not.

Possible options are:

tr ue
fa ls e

Default value: true

re po rt .a le rt s .s ms

Specifies whether Alerter should send SMS or not.

Possible options are:

tr ue

fa ls e

Default value: false

re po rt .f or ce d .m od e

Specifies whether Alerter should send alerts in forced

mode irrespective of which measurement interval it is.
Possible options are:

tr ue
fa ls e

Default value: false

al er ts .w ak eu p .h ou r

Specifies every day wakeup hour for daily monthly and

weekly reports.

Section: SMSDriver-related information

ci md 2

uc p

fi le

Specifies the SMS driver class that is to be used if the

SMSC protocol is C IMD2. Value not to be changed
Specifies the SMS driver class that is to be used if the
SMSC protocol is SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer
Protocol). Value not to be changed.
Specifies the SMS driver class that is to be used if the
SMSC protocol is UCP (Universal Computer Protocol). Value
not to be changed.
Specifies the SMS driver class that is to be used if the
SMSC protocol is FILE based SMS. It is used only in the
testing environment and not in the production

Section: Default SMS Pools-related information

de fa ul tp oo l

Specifies the name of the SMSC Connection pool. Value

can be SMSC (n). For example, smsc0, smsc1,
smsc2 etc. depending on the number of SMSCs
connected to OM .Multiple pools can be used for example,
one pool for inbound, the other for outbound.
Each SMSC connection pool will have a new section in the
wsms2.prop er t ie s file, with the properties defined
under the smsc(n) section.

Section: SMSC Pool Aliases-related information

de fa ul tp oo l

Specifies an alias name for the SMS pools.

Section: SMS Pool Enterprise ID-related information

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



de fa ul tp oo l. e nt

Specifies the default enterprise ID.

de fa ul tp oo l. s pe ci fi

Specifies the trap number for reporting problems with

the SMSC connections.

sm sc .e nt

sm sc .s pe ci fi c

For internal use only. Value not to be changed.

For internal use only. Value not to be changed.

Specifies the enterprise OID that is used by OM for
sending the traps which are related to SMSC connection
Specifies the application specific trap ID that is used for
sending the traps which are related to SMSC connection
Default value not to be changed.
Default value: 5

Section: SMSC(n)-related information

ho st

Specifies the IP address of the SMSC.

po rt

Specifies the SMSC systems port number on which this

SMSC connection is allowed.

mi ni mu mc ou nt

Specifies the minimum number of SMSC connections.

ma xi mu mc ou nt

Specifies the maximum number of SMSC connections.

sy si d

Specifies the user ID for logging on to the SMSC.

pa ss wo rd

Specifies the password for logging on to the SMSC.

sm sc ty pe

Specifies the SMSC type, for example, options are

Default value: CIMD2

or ig in at or
tr y. ag ai n

Specifies the SMS originator number, for example,

76622 .
Specifies that if the value is set to yes, then in the case
of failure on this SMSC, OM will try to send message
through SMSC pool defined in b a c k u p . p oo l na m e field.
Possible options are yes and no .
Default value: no

ba ck up .p oo ln a me

Specifies the backup SMSC C onnection pool for this

SMSC . For example, if the SMSC0 connection pool is not
available, then the SMSC1 connection can be used.
Note: Default value should be one of the values
specified in the DefaultSMSPoo ls section.

su pp or t. as yn c .s ub mi

Specifies whether messages have to be submitted

asynchronously or no. Possible options are true and
false .
Default value: true

nu m. al lo we d. a sy nc .s
ub mi t

Specifies the asynchronous SMS submission limit, which

is the number of simultaneous messages that are
allowed to be submitted asynchronously.
Default value: 5

ms g. li st en er

Specifies the listener class that is used for receiving

incoming messages, For example, blacklisting requests
from the subscribers.
Value not to be changed.

ke ep .a li ve

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Specifies if keep alive packets are to be sent to the


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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


SMSC . Possible options are yes and no .
Default value: yes

sm sc .t im eo ut

Specifies the time interval (in seconds) after which the

keep alive packets are to be sent to the SMSC. This
value has to be less than the Keep-Alive interval of the
Default value: 30

bi nd ty pe

Specifies the type of communication that OM will do with

the SMSC .
Possible options are:

on ly t ra ns mi t

on ly r ec ei ve
bo th t ra ns mi t a nd r ec ei ve

hu ng .s es si on . ti me ou

Specifies the wait period (in seconds) for the thread

waiting for response.

ma x. th re ad s. p er .c on

Specifies the maximum number of dispatcher threads per

SMSC connection.

se t. me ss ag e. c la ss .t
yp e

Default value: 40

Note: Set this value same as the number of dispatcher

Specifies whether the message class is set along with the
Data C oding Scheme (DCS) while submitting message to
the SMSC or no. Setting this to true will set the message
class along with the DCS during message submission to
the SMSC . Possible options are true and false .
Default value: false

Section: cimd2-related information

sm sc .t im eo ut

Specifies the time interval (in seconds) during which the

SMSC connection remains inactive, and after which the
C IMD SMSC connection pool will try to log on again.
Default value: 50

lo gi n. sl ee p

Specifies the time duration (in milliseconds) to wait for

the greeting message after OM tries to log in to SMSC.
After this time duration, OM expects a login response
Default value: 1000

Section: SMPP-related information

or ig in at or .t o n

Specifies the type of number of the originator.

Possible options are:

0 - Unknown
1 - International
2 - National
3 - Network Specific
4 - Subscriber Number
5 - Alphanumeric
6 - Abbreviated

Note: This parameter is for internal use only and its

value should not be changed.

or ig in at or .n p i

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Specifies the number plan indicator of the originator.

Possible options are:


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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



0 - Unknown

1 - ISDN (E163/E164)
2 - Data (X.121)
3 - Telex (F.63)

4 - Land Mobile (E.212)

5 - National
6 - Private
8 - Internet (IP)
9 - WAP C lient ID (to be defined by WAP Forum)

Note: This parameter is for internal use only and its

value should not be changed.

re ce iv er .t on

Specifies the SMS receiver number type. For example,

numeric, string, alphanumeric.
Note: This parameter is for internal use only and its
value should not be changed.

re ce iv er .n pi

de bu g. on sc re e n

Specifies the number plan indicator of the receiver.

Note: This parameter is for internal use only and its
value should not be changed.
Specifies if the SMSC PDU packets are to be printed on
screen or no. This is used to troubleshoot the connection
between SMSC and OM. This prints the PDU details on
standard output. Possible options are true and
false .
Default value: false

re ce iv er .t im e ou t

Specifies the timeout period (in milliseconds) of the

receiver, to send the acknowledgement to the sender.
Note: This parameter is for internal use only and its
value should not be changed.

in te rf ac e. ve r si on

co mm s. ti me ou t

Specifies the supported version of SMPP in decimal.

Possible options are :

52 - (0x34) for SMPP version 3.4

51 - (0x33) for SMPP version 3.3

Specifies the timeout (in milliseconds) for sending SMS

PDUs on the TC P connection to the SMSC.
Note: This parameter is for internal use only and its
value should not be changed.

Section: UCP-related information

wa it .d el et e. r es po ns

Specifies whether to wait for the delete response

message to come for SMSC or not. Possible options are
true and false .
Default value: true

wa it .e nq ui re . re sp on

Specifies whether to wait for the enquire response

message to come for the SMSC. Possible options are
true and false .
Default value: true

Section: File SMS-related information

C omplete this section if any SMS pool is of type FILE.

sm sd ir

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Specifies the directory where the file in which OM writes

SMS is stored.


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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Note: This option is kept solely for testing purposes in

Section: VIP Assurance Alert Handler-related information

in pu t. di r

Specifies the path of the input directory.

er ro r. di r

Specify the path of error directory where erroneous files

will be moved.

hi st or y. di r

Specify the path of directory where successfully

processed files should be moved.

fi le .p at te rn

Specifies pattern of the name of input files.

Default value: vipTrackerAler ts .* . tx t

po ll .i nt er va l

Specify the poll interval in seconds, after which alerter

will look for files in input directory.
Default value: 60

Section: WRITEALERT (GRQ specific alerts)-related information

C onfigure the following parameters only if the R360 application must save the GRQ-related
alerts details in a file.

wr it e- al er tfi le .r eq ui re d

Determines whether the GRQ-specific alerts files that the

R360 application generates are required.
The following values are supported:

yes - The GRQ-specific alerts files are required.

no - The GRQ-specific alerts files are not


Default value: no

wr it e- al er tfi le .p re fi x

The prefix of the GRQ-specific alerts file.

For example, if you specify alerts.txt , and on
rotation, a backup of the existing file is created with the
convention alerts.<date-ti me > .t xt , based on
the current date and time.
Default value: alerts

wr it e- al er tfi le .e xt n

The extension of the R360 applications GRQ-specific

alerts file.

wr it e- al er tfi le .d ir ec to r y

The location of the directory in which the GRQ-specific

alerts files are generated.

Default value: txt

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /a l er te r/ wr it
ea le rt s
wr it e- al er tfi le .r ot at io n .t yp e

Determines the type of rotation of the GRQ-specific

alerts files.
The following options are supported:

0 No rotation (This option fills up the hard disk

1 Rotates when a maximum file size is reached.

2 Rotates after a fixed time interval.

3 Rotates either when a maximum file size is

4 Rotates at a fixed time everyday (You must

5 Rotates at a fixed time everyday or when a

space quickly).

reached or after a fixed time interval (whichever is

have an ample hard disk space).

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

maximum file size is reached.


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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default value: 3

wr it e- al er tfi le .m ax .s iz e

The maximum size (in bytes) of the rotated R360

applications GRQ-specific alerts files. It is a backup of
the existing file that is created with the convention
alerts.<da te - ti me >. tx t based on the date
and time.
Note: This parameter is applicable only if the writealert-file .r o ta ti on .t yp e parameter is set
to 1 or 3 .
Default value: 5120000

wr it e- al er tfi le .r ot at e. i nt er va

wr it e- al er tfi le .r ot at e. a t

The time interval (in minutes) after which the R360

applications GRQ-specific alerts files rotate.
Note: This parameter is applicable only if the writealert-file .r o ta ti on .t yp e parameter is set
to 2 or 3 .
Default value: 60
The time in the H H M M (in 24-hour format) at which the
GRQ-specific alerts files rotate.
Note: This parameter is applicable only if the writealert-file .r o ta ti on .t yp e parameter is set
to 4 .
Default value: 0000


Save and close the file.

Modifying the file
To modify the file

Open the r q m a g g r e g at o r .p r o pe r ti e s file from

{R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / b in a r ie s /r 3 6 0/ c o nf i g .


Modify the parameters, if required, according to their descriptions given below in the




Section: Logger-related information

lo g. fi le

Specifies the location where the log files are generated.

lo g. le ve l

Specifies the severity of the error logs. Possible options


Default value:
/ o p t /R o a mw a r e/ l o gs / r 36 0 /a g g re g a to r / ag g r e
g a t o r. l o g

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1 - Fatal


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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



2 - Error

3 - Warning
4 - Info
5 - Debug

Default value: 5
The value of log level depends on the system load. If the
system is running at lower load levels, then the value
should be set to 4 . However, if the load is too high, then
the value should be set to 3 or 2 . Level 5 is used for
testing and debugging.

lo g. si ze

Specifies the size of the log file after which a new log file
is created.
Default value: 5120000

Section: Pool-related information

de fa ul t

Specifies the default pool related information.

Section: DBHandler-related information

Po st gr eS QL

Specifies the database handler for PostgreSQL .

Or ac le

Specifies the database handler for Oracle .

de fa ul t

Specifies the default database handler.

Section: DBConnectionPool-related information

po ol s

Specifies the name of the database connection pool.

Each connection pool name should have the properties
given below as {poolname}.prop e rt y =

va lu e.
{p oo ln am e} .d r iv er

Specifies the database driver class.

{p oo ln am e} .u r l

Specifies the URL of the database.

{p oo ln am e} .u s er

Specifies the user ID to log on to the database.

{p oo ln am e} .m a xc on ns

Specifies the maximum number of database connections

for this connection pool.

{p oo ln am e} .i n it co nn

Specifies the number of initial database connections for

this connection pool.

{p oo ln am e} .t i me ou t

Specifies the timeout interval in milliseconds for the


{p oo ln am e} .e n t

Note: This parameter is for internal use only and its

value should not be changed.

{p oo ln am e} .s p ec if ic

Note: This parameter is for internal use only and its

value should not be changed.

Section: Defaults-related information

en cr yp ti on en a bl ed

Specifies whether database password is encrypted or

not. Possible options are true and false .
Default value: false

wo rk er .p oo l. s iz e

Set this parameter to more than 1 if the db update

operations should happen in multiple threads. In case it
is more than 1 , the number of db connections configured
in dbconnection pool section should be atleast equal to
worker pool size.
Default value: 14

in st an ce .i d

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies instance ID of particular instance. This is being


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


used in SNMP traps.
Default value: 1

Section: SNMP-related information

ma na ge r. po rt

Specifies the port number of the SNMP manager.

Default value: 162 .

ma na ge r. ip .a d dr es s

Specifies the IP address of the system where the SNMP

manager is running.

tr ap .v er si on

Specifies the SNMP trap version.

Default value: 2

tr ap .v 2. gr ou p

Specifies the SNMP traps group.

re ad .c om mu ni t y

Specifies the value sent as the community string by the

SNMP manager during the GET command for an OID.

Default value: 3

Default value: public .

wr it e. co mm un i ty

Specifies the value sent as the community string by the

SNMP manager during the SET command for an OID.
Default value: public .

tr ap .c om mu ni t y

Specifies the value sent as the community string in all

the SNMP traps sent.
Default value: public

ag en t. po rt

Specifies the port through which the SNMP agent sends

information to the manager. For Solaris, this value has to
be more than 2048 .
However, if there are other applications running on the
same server, then it is possible that the same port
number is used by other application. In that case, NTR
will not come up and will complain about the port
number. Implementer needs to change this port number
in that case, to some other unused number less than
65535 .
Default value: 16272

tr ap -f il e. re q ui re d

Specifies whether the SNMP trap listing file should be

created or not. Possible options are yes and no .
Default value: yes

tr ap -f il e. pr e fi x

Specifies the prefix for the trap file name.

Default value: rqmaggregator

tr ap -f il e. di r ec to ry

Specifies the directory path for the trap file.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /a g gr eg at or /t
ra ps
tr ap -f il e. ex t n

Specifies the extension for the trap file.

Default value: txt

tr ap fi le .r ot at io n .t yp e

Specifies the trap file rotation mechanism. Possible

options are:

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals
3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

whichever is earlier

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4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


disk space)
Default value:4

tr ap -f il e. ma x .s iz e

Specifies the maximum size of the trap file after which a

new trap file is created. This parameter is used when
log.type is set to 0 (file logging).
Default value: 1024000

tr ap fi le .r ot at e. i nt er va

Specifies the time interval (in minutes) after which the

trap file is rotated. This parameter is applicable only if
trap-file. ro t at io n. ty pe is set to either 2 or
Default value: 60

tr ap -f il e. ro t at e. at

Specifies the time (in 24 hours HHMM format) at which

the trap file is rotated. This parameter is applicable only
if trap-file .r ot a ti on .t yp e is set to 4 .
Default value: 0000

sn mp .r hi no .s c ri pt

Specifies the path of the s n m p _ ag g r eg a t or . j s file.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /b in ar ie s/ r3 6 0/ co nf ig /s
nm p_ ag gr eg at o r. js
Section: Configuring multiple SNMP managers-related information
In alerter and aggregator, the manager port is the same as defined in

relaytrapc on f ig .i ni against the en .p or t property. When

relay-trap .p l is running, the SNMP manager has to be of the type m/c.
In file relaytrapc on fi g. in i defines the actual managers IP address and the port
against snmp.manager .l is t parameter.
Following are the steps to configure multiple SNMP managers:
Go to the {Roamware_ Ho m e} /s cr ip ts /o p er at io ns directory and extract the
RelayTrapC on f ig .i ni file and configure the IP addresses against the SNMP
manager port.

[s nm p]
sn mp .m an ag er . ve rs io n= 2
sn mp .m y. li st e n. po rt =1 23 45
sn mp .m an ag er . li st =1 72 .1 6. 1 29 .1 46 :1 62 ,1 7 2. 16 .1 29 .7 8: 1 62
(c om ma s ep ar a te d IP v al ue s o f yo ur S NM P M an ag er h os t s,
yo ur l ap to p, de sk to p IP s )
C onfigure the same port in file available in
{Roamware_ Ho m e} /s cr ip ts /o p er at io ns directory.

my $ mg rV er si o n = $ ab st ra c t>g et (' sn mp ', ' sn mp .m an ag er . ve rs io n' ,1 );

my $ li st en Po r t =$ ab st ra ct >g et (' sn mp ', ' sn mp .m y. li st e n. po rt ', 12 34 5 );
St ar t re la y_ t ra p. pl , us in g p er l.
Pe rl r el ay _t r ap .p l
C onfigure the following in aggregator property file:

[S NM P]

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



ma na ge r. po rt = 12 34 5
ma na ge r. ip .a d dr es s= 17 2. 16 . 13 1. 84
tr ap .v er si on = 2
tr ap .v 2. gr ou p =3
re ad .c om mu ni t y= pu bl ic
wr it e. co mm un i ty =p ub li c
tr ap .c om mu ni t y= pu bl ic
ag en t. po rt =1 6 17 2
Section: R360Reports-related information

ba d. di r

Specifies the location of the directory in which the bad

files are stored. A bad record in input file is written in a
bad file whose file name is the same as the input file
The following are considered as bad records:

Mismatch in the number of fields that is, the number

of columns in a table do not match with number of
fields in a record.

Table does not exist for that record in database.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at s/ ba d
in pu t. di r

Specifies the location of the directory where the input

files for the R360 reports files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at s/ of fl in
er ro r. di r

Specifies the location of the directory where the

erroneous input files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at s/ er ro r
hi st or y. di r

Specifies the location of the directory where the

successfully processed input files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at s/ hi st or
fi le .p at te rn

Specifies the name of the input file.

Default value: rqmstats.*.log

er ro rf il e. pr e fi x

Specifies the name for error file.

Default value: rqmstats.*.log

re po rt s. li st

Specifies the comma separated list of report IDs for the

R360 reports.
Depending upon the number of the ID, the value of (x)
will be replaced with the corresponding report ID
For each report ID, there will be an individual set of the
following parameters, mentioned in this section.
Default value:

1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9 ,1 1, 12 ,1 3, 1 4, 17 ,1 8, 19
,2 0, 21 ,2 2, 23 , 24 ,2 5, 26
db .u pd at e. in t er va l

Specifies the interval (minutes) at which db updates will

happen. This way the number of db updates can be
Default value: 15

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



Section: ReportAggregators-related information

re po rt .( x) .c l as s

Specifies the class of report based on the report IDs of

the R360 reports.
For example,

co m. ro am wa re . ap p. rq m. re po r ta gg re ga to
rs.RQMGene ri c Ag gr eg at or is the value for the
DIAMETER specific parameter report.26.clas s .

Save and close the file.

Modifying the file
To modify the file

Open the r q m s c c p a g gr e g at o r .p r op e r ti e s file from

{R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / b in a r ie s /r 3 6 0/ c o nf i g .


Modify the parameters, if required, according to their descriptions given below in the



Section: Logger-related information

lo g. fi le

Specifies the location where the log files are generated.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /a g gr eg at or /a
gg re ga to r_ sc c p. lo g
lo g. le ve l

Specifies the severity of the error logs. Possible options


1 - Fatal
2 - Error
3 - Warning
4 - Info
5 - Debug

Default value: 5
The value of log level depends on the system load. If the
system is running at lower load levels, then the value
should be set to 4 . However, if the load is too high, then
the value should be set to 3 or 2 . Level 5 is used for
testing and debugging.

lo g. si ze

Specifies the size of the log file after which a new log file
is created.
Default value: 5120000

Section: Pool-related information

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



de fa ul t

Specifies the default pool related information.

Section: DBHandler-related information

Po st gr eS QL

Specifies the database handler for PostgreSQL .

Or ac le

Specifies the database handler for Oracle .

de fa ul t

Specifies the default database handler.

Section: DBConnectionPool-related information

po ol s

Specifies the name of the database connection pool.

Each connection pool name should have the properties
given below as {poolname}.prop e rt y =

va lu e.
{p oo ln am e} .d r iv er

Specifies the database driver class.

{p oo ln am e} .u r l

Specifies the URL of the database.

{p oo ln am e} .u s er

Specifies the user ID to log on to the database.

Default value: rwuser

{p oo ln am e} .p a ss wo rd

Specifies the password to log on to the database.

Default value: roamware

{p oo ln am e} .m a xc on ns

Specifies the maximum number of database connections

for this connection pool.
Default value: 5

{p oo ln am e} .i n it co nn
{p oo ln am e} .t i me ou t

Specifies the number of initial database connections for

this connection pool.
Default value: 5
Specifies the timeout interval in milliseconds for the
Default value: 150

{p oo ln am e} .e n t

For internal use only. Value not to be changed.

{p oo ln am e} .s p ec if ic

For internal use only. Value not to be changed.

Section: Defaults-related information

en cr yp ti on en a bl ed

Specifies whether database password is encrypted or

not. Possible options are true and false .
Default value: false

wo rk er .p oo l. s iz e

Set this parameter to more than 1 if the db update

operations should happen in multiple threads. In case it
is more than 1, the number of db connections configured
in dbconnection pool section should be atleast equal to
worker pool size.
Default value: 1

in st an ce .i d

Specifies instance ID of particular instance. This is being

used in SNMP traps.
Default value: 2

Section: SNMP-related information

ma na ge r. po rt

Specifies the port number of the SNMP manager.

Default value: 162 .

ma na ge r. ip .a d dr es s

Specifies the IP address of the system where the SNMP

manager is running.

tr ap .v er si on

Specifies the SNMP trap version.

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default value: 2

tr ap .v 2. gr ou p

Specifies the SNMP traps group.

Default value: 3

re ad .c om mu ni t y

Specifies the value sent as the community string by the

SNMP manager during the GET command for an OID.
Default value: public

wr it e. co mm un i ty

Specifies the value sent as the community string by the

SNMP manager during the SET command for an OID.
Default value: public

tr ap .c om mu ni t y

Specifies the value sent as the community string in all

the SNMP traps sent.
Default value: public

ag en t. po rt

Specifies the port through which the SNMP agent sends

information to the manager. For Solaris, this value has to
be more than 2048 .
However, if there are other applications running on the
same server, then it is possible that the same port
number is used by other application. In that case, NTR
will not come up and will complain about the port
number. Implementer needs to change this port number
in that case, to some other unused number less than
65535 .
Default value: 16275

tr ap -f il e. re q ui re d

Specifies whether the SNMP trap listing file should be

created or not. Possible options are yes and no .
Default value: yes

tr ap -f il e. pr e fi x

Specifies the prefix for the trap file name.

Default value: rqmaggregator_ sc cp

tr ap -f il e. di r ec to ry

Specifies the directory path for the trap file.

Default value:

op t/ Ro am wa re / lo gs /r 36 0/ ag g re ga to r/ tr
ap s
tr ap -f il e. ex t n

Specifies the extension for the trap file.

tr ap fi le .r ot at io n .t yp e

Specifies the trap file rotation mechanism. Possible

options are:

Default value: txt

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals
3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

whichever is earlier

disk space)

Default value: 4

tr ap -f il e. ma x .s iz e

Specifies the maximum size of the trap file after which a

new trap file is created. This parameter is used when
log.type is set to 0 (file logging).
Default value: 1024000

tr ap fi le .r ot at e. i nt er va

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies the time interval (in minutes) after which the

trap file is rotated. This parameter is applicable only if
trap-file. ro t at io n. ty pe is set to either 2 or


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



Default value: 60

tr ap -f il e. ro t at e. at

Specifies the time (in 24 hours HHMM format) at which

the trap file is rotated. This parameter is applicable only
if trap-file .r ot a ti on .t yp e is set to 4 .
Default value: 0000

sn mp .r hi no .s c ri pt

Specifies the path of the snmp_aggregat or .j s

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /b in ar ie s/ r3 6 0/ co nf ig /s
nm p_ ag gr eg at o r. js
Section: R360Reports-related information

ba d. di r

Specifies the location of the directory in which the bad

files are stored. A bad record in input file is written in a
bad file whose file name is the same as the input file
The following are considered as bad records:

Mismatch in the number of fields that is, the number

of columns in a table do not match with number of
fields in a record.

Table does not exist for that record in database.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at s/ sc cp _b
in pu t. di r

Specifies the location of the directory where the input

files for the R360 reports files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at s/ sc cp _o
ff li ne
er ro r. di r

Specifies the location of the directory where the

erroneous input files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at s/ sc cp _e
rr or
hi st or y. di r

Specifies the location of the directory where the

successfully processed input files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at s/ sc cp _h
is to ry
fi le .p at te rn

Specifies the name of the input file.

Default value: rqmstats.*.log

er ro rf il e. pr e fi x

Specifies the name for error file.

Default value: rqmstats.*.log

re po rt s. li st

Specifies the comma separated list of report IDs for the

R360 reports.
Depending upon the number of the ID, the value of (x)
will be replaced with the corresponding report ID
For each report ID, there will be an individual set of the
following parameters, mentioned in this section.
Default value: 15

db .u pd at e. in t er va l

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Specifies the interval (minutes) at which db updates will


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


happen. This way the number of db updates can be
Default value: 15

Section: ReportAggregators-related information

re po rt .( x) .c l as s


Specifies the class of report based on the report IDs of

the R360 reports.

Save and close the file.

Modifying the file
To modify the file

Open the r q m d e t a i l ag g r eg a t or . pr o p er t i es file from

{R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / b in a r ie s /r 3 6 0/ c o nf i g .


Modify the parameters, if required, according to their descriptions given below in the



Section: Logger-related information

lo g. fi le

Specifies the location where the log files are generated.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /a g gr eg at or /a
gg re ga to r_ de t ai l. lo g
lo g. le ve l

Specifies the severity of the error logs. Possible options


1 - Fatal
2 - Error

3 - Warning
4 - Info

5 - Debug
Default value: 5

The value of log level depends on the system load. If the

system is running at lower load levels, then the value
should be set to 4 . However, if the load is too high, then
the value should be set to 3 or 2 . Level 5 is used for
testing and debugging.

lo g. si ze

Specifies the size of the log file after which a new log file
is created.
Default value: 5120000

Section: Pool-related information

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



de fa ul t

Specifies the default pool related information.

Section: DBHandler-related information

Po st gr eS QL

Specifies the database handler for PostgreSQL .

Or ac le

Specifies the database handler for Oracle .

de fa ul t

Specifies the default database handler.

Section: DBConnectionPool-related information

po ol s

Specifies the name of the database connection pool.

Each connection pool name should have the properties
given below as {poolname}.prop e rt y =
value .

{p oo ln am e} .d r iv er

Specifies the database driver class.

{p oo ln am e} .u r l

Specifies the URL of the database.

{p oo ln am e} .u s er

Specifies the user ID to log on to the database.

Default value: rwuser

{p oo ln am e} .p a ss wo rd

Specifies the password to log on to the database.

Default value: roamware

{p oo ln am e} .m a xc on ns

Specifies the maximum number of database connections

for this connection pool.
Default value: 5

{p oo ln am e} .i n it co nn

Specifies the number of initial database connections for

this connection pool.
Default value: 5

{p oo ln am e} .t i me ou t

Specifies the timeout interval in milliseconds for the

Default value: 150

{p oo ln am e} .e n t

For internal use only. Value not to be changed.

{p oo ln am e} .s p ec if ic

For internal use only. Value not to be changed.

Section: Defaults-related information

en cr yp ti on en a bl ed

Specifies whether database password is encrypted or

not. Possible options are true and false .
Default value: false

wo rk er .p oo l. s iz e

Set this parameter to more than 1 if the db update

operations should happen in multiple threads. In case it
is more than 1, the number of db connections configured
in dbconnection pool section should be atleast equal to
worker pool size.
Default value: 1

in st an ce .i d

Specifies instance ID of particular instance. This is being

used in SNMP traps.
Default value: 2

Section: SNMP-related information

ma na ge r. po rt

Specifies the port number of the SNMP manager.

Default value: 162

ma na ge r. ip .a d dr es s

Specifies the IP address of the system where the SNMP

manager is running.

tr ap .v er si on

Specifies the SNMP trap version.

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default value: 2

tr ap .v 2. gr ou p

Specifies the SNMP traps group.

Default value: 3

re ad .c om mu ni t y

Specifies the value sent as the community string by the

SNMP manager during the GET command for an OID.
Default value: public

wr it e. co mm un i ty

Specifies the value sent as the community string by the

SNMP manager during the SET command for an OID.
Default value: public

tr ap .c om mu ni t y

Specifies the value sent as the community string in all

the SNMP traps sent.
Default value: public

ag en t. po rt

Specifies the port through which the SNMP agent sends

information to the manager. For Solaris, this value has to
be more than 2048 .
However, if there are other applications running on the
same server, then it is possible that the same port
number is used by other application. In that case, NTR
will not come up and will complain about the port
number. Implementer needs to change this port number
in that case, to some other unused number less than
65535 .
Default value: 16275

tr ap -f il e. re q ui re d

Specifies whether the SNMP trap listing file should be

created or not. Possible options are yes and no .
Default value: yes

tr ap -f il e. pr e fi x

Specifies the prefix for the trap file name.

Default value: rqmaggregator_ de ta i l

tr ap -f il e. di r ec to ry

Specifies the directory path for the trap file.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /a g gr eg at or /t
ra ps
tr ap -f il e. ex t n

Specifies the extension for the trap file.

tr ap fi le .r ot at io n .t yp e

Specifies the trap file rotation mechanism. Possible

options are:

Default value: txt

0 - No rotation (will fill up disk quickly)

1 - Rotate when a maximum size is reached

2 - Rotate after fixed intervals
3 - Rotate at maximum size or fixed interval -

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (watch out for

whichever is earlier
disk space)

Default value:4

tr ap -f il e. ma x .s iz e

Specifies the maximum size of the trap file after which a

new trap file is created. This parameter is used when
log.type is set to 0 (file logging).
Default value: 1024000

tr ap fi le .r ot at e. i nt er va

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies the time interval (in minutes) after which the

trap file is rotated. This parameter is applicable only if
trap-file. ro t at io n. ty pe is set to either 2 or


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



Default value: 60

tr ap -f il e. ro t at e. at

Specifies the time (in 24 hours HHMM format) at which

the trap file is rotated. This parameter is applicable only
if trap-file .r ot a ti on .t yp e is set to 4 .
Default value: 0000

sn mp .r hi no .s c ri pt

Specifies the path of the s n m p _ ag g r eg a t or . j s file.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /b in ar ie s/ r3 6 0/ co nf ig /s
nm p_ ag gr eg at o r. js
Section: R360Reports-related information

ba d. di r

Specifies the location of the directory in which the bad

files are stored. A bad record in input file is written in a
bad file whose file name is the same as the input file
The following are considered as bad records:

Mismatch in the number of fields that is, the number

of columns in a table do not match with number of
fields in a record.

Table does not exist for that record in database.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at s/ de ta il
_b ad
in pu t. di r

Specifies the location of the directory where the input

files for the R360 reports files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at s/ de ta il
_o ff li ne
er ro r. di r

Specifies the location of the directory where the

erroneous input files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at s/ de ta il
_e rr or
hi st or y. di r

Specifies the location of the directory where the

successfully processed input files are stored.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at s/ de ta il
_h is to ry
fi le .p at te rn

Specifies the name of the input file.

Default value: rqmstats.*.log

er ro rf il e. pr e fi x

Specifies the name for error file.

Default value: rqmstats.*.log

re po rt s. li st

Specifies the comma separated list of report IDs for the

R360 reports.
Depending upon the number of the ID, the value of (x)
will be replaced with the corresponding report ID
For each report ID, there will be an individual set of the
following parameters, mentioned in this section.
Default value: 24

db .u pd at e. in t er va l

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies the interval (minutes) at which db updates will

happen. This way the number of db updates can be


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default value: 15

Section: ReportAggregators-related information

re po rt .( x) .c l as s


Specifies the class of report based on the report IDs of

the R360 reports.

Save and close the file.

Modifying the indexer.cfg file for


For configuration changes in the i n d e x e r. c f g file, refer to the

I n d e x e r E n t r i e s. t x t file present in the
{ R o a mw a r e_ H o me } / RW A R R3 6 01 0 < Bu i l dn u m be r > /r e lo c / Ro a m wa r e /
b i n a r i e s / r 3 6 0 /c o n fi g directory.

Also, refer to the release notes corresponding to the build number of the
RWARR360APPS package.

To modify the indexer.cfg file


Open the I n d e x e r . c fg file from

{ R o a mw a r e_ H o me } / bi n a ri e s/ I n de x e r/ c o nf i g .


Open the I n d e x e r E n tr i e s. t x t file from

{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / b in a r ie s /r 3 6 0/ c o nf i g .


Modify I n d e x e r . c fg by replacing all entries from

i n d e x e r . g i g a b as e . db . t ab l es to the end of Txns Input File Format Section
with all entries in I n d e x e r E n t ri e s .t x t file.


Ensure that following logs folder of indexer should use the logs folder created by R360
1.0 installation as follows:
m a s t er . s ou r c e. d i r= / o pt / Ro a m wa r e /l o g s/ r 3 60 / tr a c es / s um m a ry / h is t o
m a s t er . b ac k u p. d i r= / o pt / Ro a m wa r e /l o g s/ r 3 60 / tr a c es / s um m a ry / i nd e x
e r h i st o r y
m a s t er . e rr o r .d i r =/ o p t/ R oa m w ar e / lo g s /r 3 6 0/ i nd e x er / e rr o r
l o g . di r = /o p t /R o a mw a r e/ l og s / r3 6 0 /i n d ex e r
s n m p .t r a p- f i le . d ir e c to r y= / o pt / R oa m w ar e / lo g s/ r 3 60 / i nd e x er
i n d e xe r . gi g a ba s e .d b . di r =/ o p t/ R o am w a re / l og s /r 3 6 0/ i n de x e r/ D B
i n d e xe r . gi g a ba s e .d b . of f li n e .d i r =/ o p t/ R o am w ar e / lo g s /r 3 6 0/ i n de x e
r / o f fl i n e
i n d e xe r . se a r ch . r es u l t. d ir = / op t / Ro a m wa r e /l o gs / r 36 0 / in d e xe r / se a r
c h _ r es u l t
m a s t er . w or k i ng . d ir = / op t /R o a mw a r e/ l o gs / r 36 0 /i n d ex e r /w o r ki n g

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application

m a s t er . w or k i ng . e rr o r .d i r= / o pt / R oa m w ar e / lo g s/ r 3 60 / i nd e x er / w or k i
n g _ e rr o r

Modify other entries as required. Refer to Indexer Installation Guide for more details.


Save and close the file.

To modify COMMONTRACEPARAMS across the CSV files
The c s v P r o p e r t i es folder under R O A M W A RE _ HO M E consists of some CSV files for
different trace applications like MAP Trace, ISUP Trace, CAP Trace, etc which is used to send
search queries to Indexer.
For example: r q m - c ap r m ng v o ic e .c s v , r q m - a l p h a f r a u d. c s v
The first column in these C SV files uniquely identifies a particular application and contains the
name of the application or service for which all the corresponding Indexer GUI parameters
belong to. This name will be same as the file name. In case one application needs to show 2
different trace reports, then it will use 2 unique CSV files with different column values for first
For example, if R360 needs to show ISUP trace and C AMEL trace separately, then it will
maintain two different CSV files.
For example: r q m - i su p t ra c e .c s v and r q m - ca p t ra c e .c s v .

For changes in the configurations of the r q m - tr a c e. c s v and r q m d i a s i g n . c s v files, refer to the CSV files that are present in the
{ R o a mw a r e_ H o me } / pa t c ht e mp / R WA R R 36 0 A PP S 1 0< B ui l d Nu m b er > / re l o
c / R o a m w a r e / t e mp / r 36 0 directory. Also, refer to the release notes
corresponding to the build number of the RWARR360APPS package.

These C SV files contain some parameters which need to be modified before Indexer is



RPC Section in CSV files: This section is same as the RPC configuration section for any
RPC client and connects to the Indexer RPC server.

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rp c. se rv er s

Specifies the number of Indexer RPC servers to connect.

Default value: 1

rp c. se rv er .1 . na me

Specifies the name of the Indexer RPC servers in use.

rp c. se rv er .1 . ho st

Specifies the host IP address of the Indexer RPC server.

rp c. se rv er .1 . po rt

Specifies the port number of the Indexer RPC server.

rp c. se rv er .1 . mo du le

Specify the module id of Indexer RPC server.

Other parameters to be modified in CSV files

se ar ch .r es ul t .d ir

Specifies the directory path where Indexer will create the

search out files. This value should be same as the value
of ar c h. re su lt .d ir parameter
configured in the Indexer configuration file.

tr ac e. fi le .d i r

Specify the directory where the trace detail file is stored.

ma x. re co rd s

Specifies the maximum number of records that the

query to Indexer can return and displayed in the trace
report output.
Default value: 100

se ar ch .r es ul t .d at e.
fo rm at

Specifies the format (in yyyy-MM-dd ) in which the

Indexer search results will contain the date field. This has
to be same as that specified in the Indexer configuration.
This date field format is used to identify the folder from
which the trace detail file needs to be looked into.
Default value: yyyy-MM-dd

qu er y. 1. rp c. s er ve r.
mo du le id

Specifies the module ID of the server in use.

In case multiple queries are specified, then for each of
the queries, this entry specifies the corresponding RPC
Server Module ID on which the query needs to be fired.
This has to match with one of the module IDs specified in
the RPC section.


For more information about other parameters, refer to Indexer Installation guide. Do not
make any changes in other parameters.


Restart the Indexer application after performing the above changes in the C SV file and
the I n d e x e r . c f g file to implement the changes.

About reportmetadata.xml
This section is only for informational purpose and you do not have to modify
anything in this XML file.

The r e p o r t m e t a d at a . xm l file is present in

{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / b in a r ie s /r 3 6 0/ c o nf i g .

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Attributes of <Report> tag


Specifies the report ID. Possible options are:

1 RoamerTendReport

2 RoamerDurationReport
4 RoamingVoiceReport
5 InterconnectVoiceReport

9 MapSignallingReport
11 VoiceFraudReport
12 MonitoredNumberFraud
13 SMSC MismatchFraud
14 AlphaNumericMsisdnFraud
15 SccpReport
16 TrafficSteering
17 C urrentRoamerReport
18 TopSenderSMSReport

TopC ountrySMSReport

23 VIPTrackerReport
24 SubscriberDetailReport
25 - "SIPReports"

26 DiameterReports

na me

6 - C amel Report
7 RoamingSMSReport
8 InterconnectSMSReport

Specifies the name of the report.

For example: RoamerTrendRep o rt

ta bl es

Specifies the number of database tables used for

particular report.

Attributes of <Table> tag


Specifies the table ID. This ID will be unique per report.

Example: RoamerTrendRepo r t has 3 tables with
IDs 1 , 2 and 3 .

pa rt ia ln am e

Specifies the partial name of the table. This parameter

helps aggregator to create dynamic table names.

pa rt it io ne d

Specifies whether the table is partitioned or not. Possible

options are true and false .
Default value: true ( For all tables except some tables
which doesnt need to be created partition wise)

gr an ul ar it y

Specifies the granularity of the time period used for the

report. Possible options are:

1 Hourly
2 Daily

3 Monthly

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ag gr eg at es

Specifies the level of aggregation. Possible options are:

1 Hourly

2 Daily
3 Monthly

nu mf ie ld s

Specifies the number of table columns used for

generating report.

Attributes of <Column> tag

co lu mn na me

Specifies the column name of the table.

co lu mn ty pe

Specifies the column type used for generating the report.

Possible options are:

1 Integer

2 C haracter
3 Date
4 Hex

ke yf ie ld

di re ct io nf ie l d

Specifies the key field of the table. Possible options are

true and false . If the column field is key field then
value is true otherwise false .
Specifies the direction field for the column. Possible
options are 0 and 1 . If the column field is direction field
then value is 1 , otherwise 0 .
For example: roamer_type in stats file record
specifies IN/OUT roamer.

up da te op er at i on s

Specifies the database operations to be performed in the

table. Possible options are:

0 - Do nothing

1 - Update (set same) (Insert record as is)

2 - Update increment (update record)

Configuring the R360 maintenance

The R360 maintenance tasks consist of the following:

R360 database housekeeping (DB EOD) configuration: Use the d b - e o d -r u nn e r

. p l script to call the S P _ R Q M _ E O D stored procedure. For details on using this script,
refer to Mobileum SDS 6.0 Installation Guide.

Except for creating and dropping partitioned tables, R360 EOD process also:

Updates the Voice capacity busy hour table by calculating the busiest hour from the
voice capacity daily tables.

Updates MSU monthly stats table.

Aggregates the partitioned as well as non partitioned hourly data and updates daily,
weekly and monthly tables from it.

Updates Version capability observed flag if the last updated observed date is older
than 30 days.

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R360 EOD has the support for parallel execution with multiple instances. Example to
execute with input arguments:

. / d b -e o d -r u n ne r . pl < ap p li c a ti o n n a m e> < nu m be r of i np u t

a r g u me n t s> < ar g u me n t n a me 1 >. .

Here, argument name 1 is the instance ID. For R360, we need to configure EOD with 3

. / d b -e o d -r u n ne r . pl S ta t sW r i te r 1 1
. / d b -e o d -r u n ne r . pl S ta t sW r i te r 1 2
. / d b -e o d -r u n ne r . pl S ta t sW r i te r 1 3

File system housekeeping (Log EOD): Use the c l e a r- l o gs . p l script to archive

and delete the old log files. For more details on the c l e a r - lo g s .p l script, refer to
Mobileum SDS 6.0 Installation Guide.

Run the d b - e o d - r u n n e r. p l once manually before adding it in the cron job.
Before executing EOD script, execute below mentioned SQL commands to provide
privileges to DB user for creating views and tables through stored procedure

grant create view to [database user name]

grant create table to [database user name]

Remember that these privileges should be given by another DB user and not the
one who needs privileges.
Run the r q m _ m a p _ m a s t er _ v ie w s .s q l file after executing the EOD manually
to create the views.

R360 database housekeeping (DB

EOH) configuration
The R360 maintenance tasks consist of the following:

R360 database housekeeping (DB EOH) configuration: Use the d b - e o d r u n n e r . p l script to call the S P _ R QM _ E OD stored procedure. For details on using this
script, refer to Mobileum SDS 6.0 Installation Guide.

This stored procedure will periodically update hourly tables of Dashboards. This SP will
populate hourly data in dashboard tables upto previous to previous hour. For example if
this SP is executed on 3:15 then it will populate data upto 2:00.

C onfigure cron job to execute S P _ R Q M _E O H every hour.

Example to execute with input arguments:

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Syntax: ./ <application name> <number of input arguments>

<argument name 1>..
Example: ./ R360EOH 1 1

Before running the EOD stored procedure, open the S D S _ S ER V IC E _ CO N F IG database

table, and modify the following parameters, if required, as described in the table below.




rq m. sa mp li ng c ou nt

Specifies the count of R360 samples, that is, the maximum

size of the Sampling cache.

rq m. se nd ps ic o un t

Specifies the number of times the system should retry to

send the PSI message.
Default value: 60

rq m. ps it im eo u t

Specifies the time (in seconds) after which the PSI

message is timed out.
Default value: 30

rq m. in tr au lc l ti me

Specifies the time (in seconds) for which the system should
send the Intra UL-CL message.
Default value: 5

Creating an R360 user

The Mobileum SDS Administrator Studio by default allows you to create users, user groups,
menu items, and access IDs. These are used to create an appropriate menu structure, create
users and associate the users to the menus using access IDs for all products that use the
Mobileum SDS platform.
There could be multiple users accessing the system (for administrating the system or for
viewing the Business Object reports). The users could have two types of access levels:

Host Network The user will be able to administer data related to a specific or a list of
host networks and view reports related to a specific or a list of host networks

Host alliance The user will be able to view reports related to a specific host alliance (a
collection of host networks)

These users need to be provisioned in the R360 system with their access privileges. Refer
Mobileum SDS Users Guide section User management on how to setup new users.
C reate the same user in BusinessObjects using the BusinessObjects documentation.
Associate this user to a specific home network using the Mobileum Manage User Homes GUI
module. For more information about this GUI module, refer to Mobileum SDS 6.0 Users

The above step is important and required for even a single home deployment.

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For example consider a multi home deployment with Vodafone India.

Following table contains examples of host names and their host IDs.


Host Name

Host ID

Vodafone Mumbai


Vodafone Gujarat


Vodafone Chennai


Vodafone Rajasthan


Vodafone UP


Vodafone MP


Suppose the following alliances have been defined:


Host Alliance Name

Host Alliance Id

Host ID

Vodafone West


Vodafone North


And the following users need to be setup:

mumbaiuser: access to Vodafone Mumbai

chennaiuser: access to Vodafone Chennai

westuser: access to Vodafone West.

Then the following entries should be present in the r q m _ u s e r database view.

Host Name

Host Type

Host ID










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Configuring RQMUpload
The RQMUploader consists of the following process to be configured:

SQL Loader on page 117

SQL Loader
This process runs through the R u n Up l o ad e r. s h script. We need to run this process
through C RONJOB. This SQL Loader process writes into the following database tables:



R Q M _ MS U _ DL Y _ ST A T S

The standard recommended frequency of execution for this process is once in a

To configure this, we need to modify following files as stated below:

Modifying on page 117

Modifying on page 120

To modify

Open the r q m u p l o a d .p r o pe r t ie s file from

{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / b in a r ie s /r 3 6 0/ c o nf i g .


Modify the parameters, if required, according to their descriptions given below in the

Ensure that the configuration parameters are tuned for production environment.


Save and close the file.


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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



Section: Default related information

co nf ig .r ef re s h. in
te rv al
en cr yp ti on en a bl ed

Specifies the configuration refresh interval in milliseconds.

Default value: 3600000
Specifies whether the database password is encrypted or
not. Possible options are true and false .
Default value: false

Section: Logging related information

lo g. fi le

Specifies the prefix for the names of the log file. For
example, if you specify, dataupload , the first log file will
be created with the name dataupload.log and if it
reaches its maximum size, a backup of the existing file is
created with the convention dataupload.<da te -

ti me >
.log , based on the current date and time.
lo g. le ve l

Specifies the severity of the error logs. Possible options are:

1 - Fatal

2 - Error
3 - Warning
4 - Info

5 - Debug

Default value: 5
The value of log level depends on the system load. If the
system is running at lower load levels, then the value should
be set to 4 . However, if the load is too high, then the value
should be set to 3 or 2. Level 5 is used for testing and

lo g. ma xs iz e

Specifies the maximum size of the log file after which a

backup log file is created. The backup log files are sequenced
on the current date and time. For example, if the log file
dataupload .l o g reaches its maximum size, a backup
of the existing files is created as dataupload.<da te time>.log based on the current date and time.
Default value: 5120

Section: Pool related information

de fa ul t

Specifies the database handler to be used as specified in the

default parameter of the DBHandler related information

Section: DBHandler related information

Po st gr eS QL

Specifies the database handler for PostgreSQL.

Or ac le

Specifies the database handler for Oracle.

de fa ul t

Specifies the default database handler.

Section: DBConnectionPool related information

po ol s

Specifies the name of the database connection pool. Each

connection pool name should have the properties given
below as {poolname}.p ro pe rt y = value .

{p oo ln am e} .d r iv er

Specifies the database driver class.

{p oo ln am e} .u r l

Specifies the URL of the database.

{p oo ln am e} .u s er

Specifies the user ID to log on to the database.

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{p oo ln am e} .p a ss wo

Specifies the unencrypted password to log on to the


{p oo ln am e} .m a xc on

Specifies the maximum number of database connections for

this connection pool.

{p oo ln am e} .i n it co
nn s

Specifies the number of initial database connections for this

connection pool.

{p oo ln am e} .t i me ou

Specifies the timeout interval (in milliseconds) for the


{p oo ln am e} .e n t

For internal use only. Value not to be changed.

{p oo ln am e} .s p ec if

Default value: 1

Default value: 1

Default value: 150

For internal use only. Value not to be changed.

Section: R360Upload related information

or ac le .u rl
sq ll dr .m et ho d s

ot he rp ar am et e rs

Specifies the Oracle SID of the oracle database.

Specifies the Oracle SQLLDR method used to upload files
into the database. Possible options are direct and
Specifies the parameter names that are not there in the
s q l l d r . m e t h o d s. The parameters can be added here by
param_name=value pair. Refer to the Oracle documentation
for a full list of other parameters.

Conventional Path Parameters

ro ws

Specifies the number of rows in the conventional path bind

array or the data is saved between the direct path. In the
direct path method bindsize and rows define commit
after the number of rows.
Default value: 20000

re ad si ze

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the read buffer. It should

NOT be greater than the bindsize . To achieve better
performance in conventional path method, it is
recommended to use maximum values ( 20971520
bytes (20MB) ) for both readsize and
bindsize parameters.
Note: Do not change this parameters value without
consulting Mobileum Support and DBA.

bi nd si ze

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the conventional path bind

array. The readsize value should always be less than or
equal to bindsize . To achieve better performance in
conventional path method, it is recommended to use
maximum values ( 20971520 bytes (20MB) ) for
both readsize and bindsize parameters.
Note: Do not change this parameters value without
consulting Mobileum Support and DBA.

co nc ur re nt .s q ll dr
.s es si on s

Specifies the number of concurrent SQLLDR sessions for

each upload.
Default value: 1

Direct Path Parameters

mu lt it hr ea di n g

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Specifies whether to use multithreading in direct path or not.

Possible options are true and false .


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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default value: true

pa ra ll el

Specifies whether the direct-path loads can operate in

multiple concurrent sessions to load the data into the same
table or not. Possible options are true and false .
Default value: false

st re am si ze

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the direct path stream buffer.
Default value: 256000

Section: R360Upload related information

ba dF il eD ir

Specifies the folder to create file with bad records.

co nt ro lF il eD i r

Specifies the folder to create the control files.

sq ll dr Lo gF il e Di r

Specifies the folder to create the SQL LoadETR logs.

di sc ar dM ax

Specifies the number of maximum records that can be

Default value: 100

er ro rs

Specifies the total number of errors that are allowed.

Default value: 100

fi le sT oU pl oa d

Specifies the list of files which are to be uploaded.

The files that need to be uploaded are:


VerC apability

VerC apbiltyDtls

co nt ro lF il e

Specifies the name of the control file.

in Fi le Di r

Specifies the folder where the input files are available.

ar ch iv eD ir

Specifies the folder from where the processed files can be


fa il ed Di r

Specifies the folder from where the failed files can be


fi le Na me St ar t eW it
fi le Ex te nt io n

Specifies the starting name of the input file.

Specifies the extension for the input file name.

To modify

Open the r u n u p l o a d er . s h file from the

{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 directory.


Save and close the file.

Refer the following cronjob entry to configure this R u n U pl o a de r . sh :

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0 1 * * *
/ o p t /R o a mw a r e/ s c ri p t s/ o pe r a ti o n s/ r 3 60 / R un U pl o a de r . sh > >
/ l o g s/ r u nu p l oa d e r. l o g
The above log file path needs to be changed as per the site setup.

Modifying the RQM_TRACEHOST

database table
Some of the reports of R360 provide an option to drill down to detailed traces from the failure
code distribution page of the corresponding report. Since the traces itself are maintained on
the application server and not in the database, the reports needs a means of identifying how
to fetch the traces from the application server. Searching on the traces is done by the
Indexer component and the RQM_TRACEHOST table needs to have an entry of where the
Indexer is running so that the search query for traces can go to the Indexer. In a single host
deployment of R360, there can be only instance of the Indexer. In case of a multi host
deployment, the detailed traces can all be kept in one location or in some cases it is possible
that they might be coming in from different locations. This table needs to contain an entry for
each of the deploying host networks and the location of the corresponding Indexer instance
which can fetch the traces for that host. An example entry is given below.





The HOSTID above is nothing but the networkID (in IRDB_NetworkMaster) of the deploying
network. Set the IP and port of the iMAS instance which hosts the JSP page for doing the
Indexer queries.
In case of a multi host deployment, ensure that there are multiple entries, one for each host
of the setup, with the corresponding iMAS IP set in TRACEHOST. As discussed earlier, the
iMAS IP/Port can be the same for all hosts or they may be different per host.

A table similar to the above is needed to be populated for deployments with ISUP. The
international voice report of R360 provides an option to drill down to detailed traces for
individual carriers. In this case, it is possible that detailed traces for individual carriers might
be in different locations or all on the same location. The R Q M _C A R RI E R _T R AC E H OS T should
contain an entry for every carrier configured in the system (refer to the Carrier
C onfiguration section in R360 1.0 Administration Guide). For each new carrier defined from
the C arrier Configuration UI, R360 generates a unique carrier ID internally (table
r q m _ c a r r i e r _ m as t e r) . The below table should contain an entry for all the carriers
configured in this table.

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application




In cases where there are multiple applications deployed on the same TOMCAT
server and each application has its own C ATALINA_HOME, then the application
folder name should precede the t r a c e r ma i n .j s p . For example if R360 and
NTR are deployed respectively under / o p t /R o a mw a re / t om c a t4 . 1 . 2 4 / w e b a p p s/ R O OT / r 36 0 and / o p t / Ro a m wa r e /t o m ca t 4 . 1 . 2 4 / w e b a p p s/ R O OT / n tr , then the URL should be modified to
h t t p :/ / 1 92 . 1 68 . 3 8. 9 . 80 8 0/ r 3 60 / t ra c e ma i n .j s p? p r oc e s sn a m e
= s h o wT r a ce r T xn s

The same should also be taken care of while configuring the APPPARAMS table
described in an earlier section.

Configuring JasperReports Server

for R360
The R360 application provides various reports and dashboards to the deploying operators.
These reports and dashboards are generated with the help of the JasperReports Server
reporting application that is integrated and accessed through Mobileum SDS Administrator

To configure JasperReports Server for R360


Install the R W A R J R S A d do n - 5. 5 - <B u i ld n u m b e r > - b i n . zi p package.

For information on installation steps, refer to JasperReports Server Installation and
Customization Guide for Mobileum.


Be sure that the G l o b a l C u st o m iz a t io n . zi p filefrom the R W A R J R SA d d on - 5. 5< B u i l d n u m b e r > - b i n . z i p package is extracted to the Tomcat folder.


Extract the R Q M _ N T R _ R3 6 0 _C u s to m i za t i on s .z i p file from the R W A R R 3 60 A P PS 1 . 0 - < B u i l d n u m be r > -s o l 10 - oc i 1 0g - s pa r c .p k g .g z package to the Tomcat
Restart Tomcat server.


Import the R 3 6 0 - 1 . 0- j s -r e p or t s .z i p file from the R W A R R 36 0 A PP S - 1. 0 < B u i l d n u m b e r > -s o l 10 - o ci 1 0g - s pa r c .p k g .g z package into Jasper.
For information on importing this file, refer to the Importing file
and configuring permissions for the reports module section on page 123.


Import the iMAS and Mobileum themes from JRSC Package.

You have successfully configured JasperReports Server application for R360.

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application

Importing file and

configuring permissions for the reports module
To successfully install the R W A R JR S A dd o n package, you must perform the following steps:

Import the R 3 6 0 - 1 . 0- j s -r e p or t s .z i p file. For more information, refer to the

Importing file section on page 123.


Modify the permissions of the imported reports module in the JasperReports Server GUI.
For more information, refer to the Modifying permissions of reports module section on
page 124.


Modify the data source that the reports module is connecting to from the JasperReports
Server GUI. For more information, refer to the Modifying reports data source section
on page 125.

This section contains the following tpoics:

Importing file on page 123

Modifying permissions of reports module on page 124

Modifying reports data source on page 125

I mpor t ing R360- 1. 0- js- r epor t s. zip f ile

The R 3 6 0 - 1 . 0 - j s -r e p or t s. z i p file contains details about the GUI reports that are
required for the JasperReports Server application. This file provides the necessary report
layouts and data required by the JasperReports Server application to generate the various
reports provided by the R360 application.
Once you install the JasperReports Server application, you must import the R 3 6 0 -1 . 0 -j s r e p o r t s . z i p file to generate the reports.

Before importing a new R 3 6 0 -1 . 0 -j s -r e p or t s .z i p file in to the
JasperReports Server application, be sure to check whether the R360 folder is
present in the JasperReports Servers repository. If the R360 folder is already
present, then you must delete this folder before importing the R 3 6 0- 1 . 0- j sr e p o r t s . z i p file.
To check if the R360 folder is already present, perform the following:

Login to JasperReports Server GUI, using the standalone JasperReports Server

URL, as s u p e r u s e r .

The JasperReports Server homepage appears.

In JasperReports Server GUIs menu bar, click Repository under the View

The JasperReports Server repository page appears.

From the left navigation pane, click Public and then click Mobileum.

C heck if the R360 folder is present under Mobileum. If present, then delete the

Logout and log back in as s u p er u s er to import the new R 3 6 0 - 1. 0 - js r e p o r t s . z i p file.

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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application

To import the file


Login to JasperReports Server GUI, using the standalone JasperReports Server URL, as
The JasperReports Server homepage appears.


In the Admin widget, click the View options link.

The Admin options page appears.


In the Server Settings widget, click the View settings link.

The Server settings page appears.


From the left navigation pane, click Import.

The Import page appears in the right pane.


To import the R 3 6 0 - 1 . 0 -j s - re p o rt s . zi p file, click Browse and then select the

R 3 6 0 - 1 . 0 - j s - r ep o r ts . z ip file.


C lick Import.

M odif ying per missions of r epor t s module

After importing the R 3 6 0 - 1 .0 - j s- r e po r t s. z ip file, you must modify the permissions of
the reports module in the JasperReports Server applications GUI.

To modify permissions

Login to JasperReports Server GUI, using the standalone JasperReports Server URL, as
The JasperReports Server homepage appears.


In the Admin widget, click the View options link.

The Admin options page appears.


In the Repository widget, click the View repository link.

The Repository options page appears.


From the left navigation pane, first expand the Public > Mobileum > R360 folders.
Then, right click on R360 and select Permissions.
The Permissions pop-up window appears.


Modify the permissions, if required, for the following roles:

Assign A d m i n i s te r permission to ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR.

Assign R e a d O n l y permissions to ROLE_User.

Verify whether A d m in i s te r permission is assigned (by default) to


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Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



C lick Apply.

You have successfully modified the reports permissions.

M odif ying r epor t s dat a sour c e

After importing the R 3 6 0 - 1 .0 - j s- r e po r t s. z ip file, you must modify the data source to
which the reports module in the JasperReports Server applications GUI is connecting.

To modify the data source


Login to JasperReports Server GUI, using the standalone JasperReports Server URL, as
The JasperReports Server homepage appears.


In the Admin widget, click the View options link.

The Admin options page appears.


In the Repository widget, click the View repository link.

The Repository options page appears.


From the left navigation pane, click the Public > Mobileum > R360 > Data Source
The data sources available for R360 appear in the right pane.

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application

FI G U R E 5 R360 D ATA S O U R C E S


Select the data source and click Edit.

The Edit Data Source page appears.

FI G U R E 6 R360 E D I T D ATA S O U R C E P AG E


C onfigure the fields as described in Table 24 on page 126.

Field name


JD BC D ri ve r

The database driver that the R360 application uses to connect to the
Oracle database.
Default value: oracle.jdbc.dr iv er . Or ac le Dr iv er


The URL that the R360 application uses to connect to the database.
The following URL format is supported:

jd bc :o ra cl e: t hi n: @< IP ad dr e ss >: <P or t> :< S ID >

Us er N am e

The username that the R360 application uses to log in to the


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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application

Field name


Pa ss wo rd

The password that the R360 application uses to log in to the



To verify the database connection details, click Test Connection.

If the connection is correct, the Connection passed (in green color) message appears.


C lick Save.

You have successfully modified the reports database source.

Configuring IPProbe platform

component for packet data support
The IPProbe platform component must be configured to support packet data for the R360
The R360 application has its own extension library for the packet data reports, which requires
to be plugged on top of the IPProbe platform component. To configure the IPProbe platform
component for supporting SIP messages in the R360 application, you must modify the g file of the IPProbe platform component.
The IPProbe.cfg file is located in the

{Roamware_ Ho m e} /b in ar ie s/ i pp ro be /c on fi g directory.

Refer to the IPProbe 6.0 Installation guide for the basic configuration of the IPProbe platform

To configure IPProbe for packet data support


Open the IPProbe.cfg file from the

{Roamware_ Ho m e} /b in ar ie s/ i pp ro be /c on fi g directory.


Modify the parameters, if required, according to their descriptions given in Table 25 on

page 127.




Section: Application library-related configuration

ap p. li b. gt p. e xt n
.1 .n am e

Path of the dynamic application layer extension (.so) . Each

application layer extension will implement specific logic
required by the end application. For example, GTP extension
for OM will implement the logic for publishing the data to OM.
It is recommended that the library name is included with the
full path. This library is dynamically opened at run time, and
the full path is recommended as opposed to the use of
LD_LIBRARY _P A TH so that there is no confusion as to
which library version is used.
Default value:

op t/ Ro am wa re / li bs /l ib gt pt x nw ri te r. 6. 2. s

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



ap p. li b. gt p. e xt n
.1 .f un c

Function name of the application layer extension.

ap p. li b. gt p. e xt n
.1 .c fg pr ef ix

C onfiguration prefix used by the application layer extension.

Assume that the prefix is gtpevtpub(x).( y) for all the
following GTP Event Publisher configuration entries.

Default value: GTPTxnWriter_G et Ap p Ex tn

Default value: gtptxnwriter

Section: GTPTxnWriter application-related configuration

gt pt xn wr it er . ms g
.a ll oc at or .s i ze

Maximum number of simultaneous GTP sessions.

gt pt xn wr it er . ms g
.a ll oc at or .h w m. p
er ce nt

High water mark (in percentage) for usage of the above

mentioned allocator.

gt pt xn wr it er . ms g
.a ll oc at or .l w m. p
er ce nt

Low water mark (in percentage) for usage of the above

mentioned allocator.

Default value: 1000

Default value: 70

Default value: 60

Section: Traces-related information

gt pt xn wr it er . de t
ai lf il e. re qu i re d

Specifies whether the trace detail file is required or not.

Possible options are true and false .
Default value: true

gt pt xn wr it er . de t
ai lf il e. pr ef i x

Prefix for the trace details file.

gt pt xn wr it er . de t
ai lf il e. ex tn

Extension for the trace details file.

gt pt xn wr it er . de t
ai lf il e. di re c to r

Directory path where the trace file is generated.

gt pt xn wr it er . de t
ai lf il e. of fl i ne .
di re ct or y

Path for the trace files offline directory.

gt pt xn wr it er . de t
ai lf il e. ro ta t io n
.t yp e

Default value: gtp

Default value: detail
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /d et ai l
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /d et ai l/ h
is to ry
Type of rotation to be used for the trace file.
Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (this option will fill up the hard disk

1 - Rotate when a maximum file size is reached

2 - Rotate after a fixed time interval

3 - Rotate when a maximum file size is reached or after

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (ensure that you

5 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday or when the


a fixed time interval, whichever is earlier

have ample hard disk space)

maximum size is reached, whichever is earlier

Default value: 2

gt pt xn wr it er . de t
ai lf il e. ma x. s iz e
gt pt xn wr it er . de t
ai lf il e. ro ta t e. i
nt er va l

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Maximum size of the trace file after which it is rotated.

Default value: 5242880
Rotation interval (in seconds) for the trace file.
Default value: 1


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



gt pt xn wr it er . de t
ai lf il e. ro ta t e. a

Time (in the HHMM (24-hour) format) at which the file is


gt pt xn wr it er . de t
ai lf il e. of fl i ne .
di re ct or y. is d ay w
is e

Specifies whether the trace file present in the offline directory

must be created on a daily basis or not.

gt pt xn wr it er . de t
ai lf il e. bu ff e r. s
iz e

Buffer size for the trace details file.

Default value: 0001

Possible options are true and false .

Default value: true
Default value: 16384

Section: Master file-related information

gt pt xn wr it er . ma s
te rf il e. re qu i re d

Specifies whether the master file is required or not.

Possible options are:

true - Master file is required.

false - Master file is not required.

Default value: true

gt pt xn wr it er . ma s
te rf il e. pr ef i x

Prefix for the master file.

gt pt xn wr it er . ma s
te rf il e. ex tn

Extension for the master file.

gt pt xn wr it er . ma s
te rf il e. di re c to r

Directory path where the master file is generated.

Default value:

gt pt xn wr it er . ma s
te rf il e. of fl i ne .
di re ct or y

Path for the master file offline directory.

gt pt xn wr it er . ma s
te rf il e. ro ta t io n
.t yp e

Type of rotation to be used for the master file. Possible

options are:

Default value: gtpMaster

Default value: log

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /s um ma ry
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /s um ma ry /
of fl in e

0 - No rotation (this option will fill up the hard disk

1 - Rotate when a maximum file size is reached

2 - Rotate after a fixed time interval
3 - Rotate when a maximum file size is reached or after

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (ensure that you

5 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday or when the


a fixed time interval, whichever is earlier

have ample hard disk space)

maximum size is reached, whichever is earlier

Default value: 2

gt pt xn wr it er . ma s
te rf il e. ma x. s iz e

Maximum size of the master file after which it is rotated.

gt pt xn wr it er . ma s
te rf il e. ro ta t e. i
nt er va l

Rotation interval (in seconds) for the master file.

gt pt xn wr it er . ma s
te rf il e. ro ta t e. a

Time (in the HHMM (24-hour) format) at which the master file
is rotated.

gt pt xn wr it er . ma s

Buffer size for the master file.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Default value: 5242880

Default value: 1

Default value: 0001


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



te rf il e. bu ff e r. s
iz e

Default value: 16384

gt pt xn wr it er . ma s
te rf il e. my ev e nt l
og .d at e. fo rm a t

Specifies date format in which date will be written to the file.

Keep default value as it is.

gt pt xn wr it er . tc p
.a na ly si s. re q ui r

Specifies whether TCP analysis of GTP traffic is required to

calculate KPIs, such as round-trip time and throughput.

Default value: %Y-%m-%d


Possible values are:

true TC P analysis is required.

false TC P analysis is not required.

Cache Configuration-related information

co s. ca ch e. re q ui r

Specifies whether the Class of Subscriber (CoS) cache is

enabled or not.
Possible options are:

true - C oS cache is enabled.

false - C oS cache is disabled.

The C oS cache is required only if the VIPTracker module is

Default value: false
Section: Device configuration-related information

ap p. li b. gt p. n am e

The path of the dynamic application layer extension ( . s o) .

Each application layer extension implements specific logic
required by the end application.
It is recommended that the library name must be included
with the full path. This library is dynamically opened at run
time, and the full path is recommended as opposed to the use
of L D _ L I B R A R Y _ P A TH so that there is no confusion as to
which library version is used.

ap p. li b. gt p. f un c

The function name of the application layer.

Default value: GTPWriter_GetA pp

ap p. li b. gt p. c fg p
re fi x

The configuration prefix that is used by the application layer

extension. Assume that the prefix is sipevtpub(x).( y )
for all the GTP Event Publisher configuration entries.
Default value: gtpwriter

ap p. li b. gt p. d ev i
ce .n um

Number of devices to be handled by this application library.

The maximum number of devices allowed is 1 . Multiple device
support may be developed in future.
Default value: 1

ap p. li b. gt p. d ev i
ce .1 .t yp e

Type of probe input devices to be handled by this application.

A probe input device can be of the following types:

1 : File Input Mode - To probe from a PCAP


2 : Adapter


network adapter.

Mode - To probe from a

Default value: 1

ap p. li b. gt p. d ev i
ce .1 .n am e
ap p. li b. gt p. d ev i
ce .1 .f il te r

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Name of the probe input device to be handled by this

Default value: gtppcap
The filter string for the device. This filter format is same as
the format used by Unix utility tcpdump. Leave this entry
blank to indicate no filtering.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


For example, udp and (port 2123 or port 2152)
Default value: (udp and (port 2123 or port
21 52 o r po rt 33 86 o r (i p[ 6 :2 ] & 0x 1f ff
!= 0 )) ) or ( v la n an d ud p a nd ( po rt 2 12 3
or p or t 21 52 or p or t 33 86 or ( ip [6 :2 ] &
0x 1f ff ! = 0) ) )
Note: To catch fragmented IP packets without applying a
port filter, use the expression (ip[6:2] & 0x1fff !=0) as an 'or'
For example, udp and (port 2123 or port 2152 or port 3386
or (ip[6:2] & 0x1fff != 0))
For fragmented packets, the allowed port list is configured

ap p. li b. gt p. d ev i
ce .1 .t im eo ut . ms e

A timeout value in milliseconds set on a network adapter

device. This value is not used for a file device.
In most cases, this timeout value is not required and must be
left as 0 .

This value must be changed only for those protocols in

which there is a drop in the data rate to 5 packets per
second or less in off-peak hours.

On Solaris, this value cannot be set under 10 msec.

This value must only be changed to a non-zero value

after the careful observation and consulting the
development team. If this value is set incorrectly, it may
result in packet loss.

Specify this entry as 0 if you do not require it.

For Diameter, traffic is normally high and hence default

timeout is set to 0 to wait till buffer full.
Default value: 0

ap p. li b. gt p. d ev i
ce .1 .p oo l. si z e

Device pool (and queue size) and watermarks for the queue.
This pool size must be equal to pool sizes of application
libraries like GTP Writer.
Default value: 10000

ap p. li b. gt p. d ev i
ce .1 .q ue ue .l w m. p
er ce nt
ap p. li b. gt p. d ev i
ce .1 .q ue ue .h w m. p
er ce nt
ap p. li b. gt p. d ev i
ce .1 .i pf ra g. e na b

Device pool (and queue size) and watermarks for the queue.
This pool size must be equal to pool sizes of application
libraries like GTP Writer.
Default value: 50
Device pool (and queue size) and watermarks for the queue.
This pool size must be equal to pool sizes of application
libraries like GTP Writer.
Default value: 75
Determines whether the application is expecting IP fragments
to arrive.
Possible options are:

True - The application is expecting IP fragments to


False - The application is not expecting IP fragments

to arrive.

Default value: True

ap p. li b. gt p. d ev i
ce .1 .i pf ra g. m ax .
si mu lt an eo us . tr a
ns ac ti on s

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The maximum number of simultaneous fragmented IP

Default value: 1000


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


ap p. li b. gt p. d ev i
ce .1 .i pf ra g. t im e
ou t
ap p. li b. gt p. d ev i
ce .1 .s na pl en

Timeout for clearing incomplete fragmented transactions in
Default value: 15
The frame size which is captured by l i b p c a p.
The minimum and maximum values of this parameter must
be 1514 and 65535 respectively.
Default value: 1514

Section: gtppcap file-related information

Note: The following parameters are applicable only when the IPProbe platform component
is running in the file mode.

gt pp ca p. fi le . pa t
te rn

The file pattern of the diameter packets that the

GTPTxnWriter application uses for processing.
Default value: pcap

gt pp ca p. po ll . in t
er va l

Time interval (in seconds) that the GTPTxnWriter application

polls the event files for processing.
Default value: 20

gt pp ca p. po st . pr o
ce ss .a ct io n

Value (in integer format) that indicates the post action of the
GTPTxnWriter application after processing files successfully.
The following values are supported:

0 - The GTPTxnWriter application deletes the processed


1 - The GTPTxnWriter application moves the processed

2 - " The GTPTxnWriter application renames the

files to a different directory.

processed files."

Default value: 1

gt pp ca p. fa il . pr o
ce ss .a ct io n

Value (in integer format) that indicates the action of the

GTPTxnWriter application when it fails to process files.
The following values are supported:

0 - The GTPTxnWriter application deletes the failed

1 - The GTPTxnWriter application moves the failed files

2 - " The GTPTxnWriter application renames the failed


to a different directory.

Default value: 1

gt pp ca p. so ur c e. d

The path from where pcaps for data to be dumped is picked

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ ip pr ob e /d um ps /i np ut /
gt p
gt pp ca p. ba ck u p. d

The path from where processed data is dumped.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ ip pr ob e /d um ps /p ro ce s
se d
gt pp ca p. er ro r .d i

The path from where Error data is dumped.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ ip pr ob e /d um ps /e rr or
gt pp ca p. ma x. s ec o
nd s. wi th ou t. t dr .
fi le s

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Time period (in seconds) within which the GTPTxnWriter

application must receive the files.
If the GTPTxnWriter application does not receive any file
within this period (by default 900 seconds), an alarm is


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default value: 900

Manually update the data for the following fields in which packet data p c a p files
are processed for running or uploading packet data calls and for inroamer or
C urrently, external GUI interface is not supported to update the following table:

NU M B ER ( 5)

N O T N U LL ,


NU M B ER ( 5)

N O T N U LL ,


VA R C HA R 2( 4 0 B Y T E) ,


NU M B ER ( 3) ,


NU M B ER ( 1)

D E FA U L T 4 ,


NU M B ER ( 1)

D E FA U L T 1 ,


DA T E ,


VA R C HA R 2( 5 0 B Y T E)


Save and close the file.

You have successfully modified the IPProbe.cfg file to configure the IPProbe platform
component for packet data support in the R360 application.

Configuring IPProbe platform

component for SIP support
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a signaling communication protocol that defines
messages for controlling multi-media call sessions (voice and video calls) over the IP
networks. The SIP reports help the deploying operator to view the statistics of the SIP
services for both roaming and international subscribers. For more information about the SIP
reports, refer to Service Reports - SIP section in R360 1.0 Administration Guide.
To support the SIP-related reports in the R360 application, you must configure the IPProbe
platform component. The IPProbe platform component uses the SIP messages for creating,
modifying, and terminating call sessions.

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application

For more information about the how the IPProbe platform component handles SIP
messages, refer to IPProbe 6.0 Installation Guide.

The R360 application has its own extension library for the SIP reports, which requires to be
plugged on top of the IPProbe platform component. To configure the IPProbe platform
component for supporting the SIP messages in the R360 application, you must modify the g file of the IPProbe platform component.
The IPProbe.cfg file is located at the

{Roamware_ Ho m e} /b in ar ie s/ i pp ro be /c on fi g directory.

To configure IPProbe for SIP support


Open the IPProbe.cfg file from

{Roamware_ Ho m e} /b in ar ie s/ i pp ro be /c on fi g directory.


Modify the parameters, if required, according to their descriptions given in Table 26 on

page 134.




Section: Application library-related configuration

ap p. li b. si p. e xt n. 1. n
am e

The path of the dynamic application layer extension

( .so ) . Each application layer extension implements
specific logic required by the end application. For
example, SIP extension for OM will implement the
logic for publishing the data to OM.
It is recommended that the library name should be
included with the full path. This library is dynamically
opened at run time, and the full path is recommended
as opposed to the use of LD_LIBRARY_PA TH so
that there is no confusion as to which library version is
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l ib s/ li bs ip t xn wr it er
.s o
ap p. li b. si p. e xt n. 1. f
un c
ap p. li b. si p. e xt n. 1. c
fg pr ef ix

The function name of the application layer extension.

Default value: S I P T xn W r it e r _G e t Ap p E xt n
The configuration prefix that is used by the application
layer extension. Assume that the prefix is
sipevtpub( x) . (y ) for all the following SIP
Event Publisher configuration entries.
Default value: siptxnwriter

Section: siptxnwriter application-related configuration

si pt xn wr it er . ms g. al l
oc at or .s iz e

The maximum number of simultaneous SIP sessions.

Default value: 1000

si pt xn wr it er . ms g. al l
oc at or .h wm .p e rc en t

The high water mark (in percentage) for usage of the

above-mentioned allocator.

si pt xn wr it er . ms g. al l

The low water mark (in percentage) for usage of the

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Default value: 70


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



oc at or .l wm .p e rc en t

above-mentioned allocator.
Default value: 60

Section: Traces-related information

si pt xn wr it er . de ta il f
il e. re qu ir ed

Specifies whether the trace detail file is required or

not. Possible options are true and false .
Default value: true

si pt xn wr it er . de ta il f
il e. pr ef ix
si pt xn wr it er . de ta il f
il e. ex tn
si pt xn wr it er . de ta il f
il e. di re ct or y

The prefix for the trace details file.

Default value: sip
The extension for the trace details file.
Default value: detail
The path for the directory where the file is generated.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /d et
ai l
si pt xn wr it er . de ta il f
il e. of fl in e. d ir ec to r
si pt xn wr it er . de ta il f
il e. ro ta ti on . ty pe

The path for the trace file offline directory.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /d et
ai l/ hi st or y
The type of rotation to be used for the trace file.
Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (this option will fill up the hard

1 - Rotate when a maximum file size is reached

2 - Rotate after a fixed time interval

3 - Rotate when a maximum file size is reached

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (ensure that

5 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday or when the

disk quickly)

or after a fixed time interval, whichever is earlier

you have ample hard disk space)

maximum size is reached, whichever is earlier

Default value: 1

si pt xn wr it er . de ta il f
il e. ma x. si ze
si pt xn wr it er . de ta il f
il e. ro ta te .i n te rv al

The maximum size of the trace file after which it is

Default value: 5242880
The rotation interval (in seconds) for the trace file.
Default value: 60

si pt xn wr it er . de ta il f
il e. ro ta te .a t

The time in the HHMM (24-hour) format at which the

file is rotated.

si pt xn wr it er . de ta il f
il e. of fl in e. d ir ec to r
y. is da yw is e

Specifies whether the trace file present in the offline

directory must be created on a daily basis or not.
Possible options are true and false .

Default value: 0001

Default value: true

si pt xn wr it er . de ta il f
il e. bu ff er .s i ze

The buffer size for the trace details file.

Default value: 16384

Section: Master file-related information

si pt xn wr it er . ma st er f
il e. re qu ir ed

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Specifies whether the master file is required or not.

Possible options are true and false .


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default value: true

si pt xn wr it er . ma st er f
il e. pr ef ix
si pt xn wr it er . ma st er f
il e. ex tn
si pt xn wr it er . ma st er f
il e. di re ct or y

The prefix for the master file.

Default value: sipMaster
The extension for the master file.
Default value: log
The path for the directory where the master file is
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /s um
ma ry
si pt xn wr it er . ma st er f
il e. of fl in e. d ir ec to r
si pt xn wr it er . ma st er f
il e. ro ta ti on . ty pe

The path for the master file offline directory.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /t r ac es /s um
ma ry /o ff li ne
The type of rotation to be used for the master file.
Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (this option will fill up the hard

1 - Rotate when a maximum file size is reached

2 - Rotate after a fixed time interval

3 - Rotate when a maximum file size is reached

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday (ensure that

5 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday or when the

disk quickly)

or after a fixed time interval, whichever is earlier

you have ample hard disk space)

maximum size is reached, whichever is earlier

Default value: 1

si pt xn wr it er . ma st er f
il e. ma x. si ze

The maximum size of the master file after which it is

Default value: 5242880

si pt xn wr it er . ma st er f
il e. ro ta te .i n te rv al
si pt xn wr it er . ma st er f
il e. ro ta te .a t
si pt xn wr it er . ma st er f
il e. bu ff er .s i ze
si pt xn wr it er . ma st er f
il e. my ev en tl o g. da te .
fo rm at

The rotation interval (in seconds) for the master file.

Default value: 60
The time in the HHMM (24-hour) format at which the
master file is rotated.
Default value: 0001
The buffer size for the master file.
Default value: 16384
The date format in which date is written to the file.
Keep the default value as it is.
Default value: %Y-%m-%d


Section: Cache configuration-related information

co s. ca ch e. re q ui re d

Determines whether the Class of Subscriber (C OS)

cache is required.
Possible options are:

True - to enable C OS cache

False - to disable C OS cache

The C lass of Subscriber (COS) cache is required only if

the VIPTracker module is enabled.
Default value: false

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



Section: Device configuration-related information

ap p. li b. si p. n am e

The path of the dynamic application layer extension

( .so ) . Each application layer extension implements
specific logic required by the end application. For
example, SIP extension for OM implements the logic
for publishing the data to OM.
It is recommended that the library name must be
included with the full path. This library is dynamically
opened at run time, and the full path is recommended
as opposed to the use of LD_LIBRARY_PA TH so
that there is no confusion as to which library version is
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l ib s/ li bs ip w ri te r. 6.
0. so
ap p. li b. si p. f un c

The function name of the application layer.

Default value: SIPWriter_GetA pp

ap p. li b. si p. c fg pr ef i

The configuration prefix that is used by the application

layer extension. Assume that the prefix is
sipevtpub( x) . (y ) for all the SIP Event
Publisher configuration entries.
Default value: sipwriter

ap p. li b. si p. d ev ic e. n

Number of devices to be handled by this application

library. The maximum number of devices allowed is 1.
Multiple device support may be developed in future.
Default value: 1

ap p. li b. si p. d ev ic e. 1
.t yp e

Type of probe input devices to be handled by this

A probe input device can be of the following types:

1 : File Input Mode - To probe from a

PC AP file.

2 : Adapter


from a network adapter.

Mode - To probe

Default value: 1

ap p. li b. si p. d ev ic e. 1
.n am e
ap p. li b. si p. d ev ic e. 1
.f il te r

Name of the probe input device to be handled by this

Default value: sippcap
The filter string for the device. This filter format is
same as the format used by Unix utility tcpdump.
Leave this entry blank to indicate no filtering.
For example, udp and (port 2123 or port 2152)
Note: To catch fragmented IP packets without
applying a port filter, use the expression (ip[6:2] &
0x1fff !=0) as an 'or' condition.
For example, udp and (port 2123 or port 2152 or port
3386 or (ip[6:2] & 0x1fff != 0))
For fragmented packets, the allowed port list is
configured separately.
Default value: =(port 5060 or (ip[6:2] & 0x1fff !=
0))or (vlan and (port 5060 or (ip[6:2] & 0x1fff != 0)))

ap p. li b. si p. d ev ic e. 1
.t im eo ut .m se c

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

A timeout value in milliseconds set on a network

adapter device. This value is not used for a file device.
In most cases, this timeout value is not required and
must be left as 0 .


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



This value must be changed only for those

protocols in which there is a drop in the data rate
to 5 packets per second or less in off-peak hours.

On Solaris, this value cannot be set under 10


This value must only be changed to a non-zero

value after the careful observation and consulting
the development team. If this value is set
incorrectly, it may result in packet loss.

Specify this entry as 0 if you do not require it.

For SIP, traffic is normally high and hence default

timeout is set to 0 to wait till buffer full.

Default value: 10

ap p. li b. si p. d ev ic e. 1
.p oo l. si ze

Device pool (and queue size) and watermarks for the

queue. This pool size must be equal to pool sizes of
application libraries like SIP Writer.
Default value: 1500

ap p. li b. si p. d ev ic e. 1
.q ue ue .l wm .p e rc en t

Device pool (and queue size) and watermarks for the

queue. This pool size must be equal to pool sizes of
application libraries like SIP Writer.
Default value: 50

ap p. li b. si p. d ev ic e. 1
.q ue ue .h wm .p e rc en t

Device pool (and queue size) and watermarks for the

queue. This pool size must be equal to pool sizes of
application libraries like SIP Writer.
Default value: 75

ap p. li b. si p. d ev ic e. 1
.i pf ra g. en ab l e

Determines whether the application is expecting

fragments to arrive.
Possible options are:

True - The application is expecting fragments

to arrive.

False - The application is not expecting

fragments to arrive.

Default value: T r u e

ap p. li b. si p. d ev ic e. 1
.i pf ra g. ma x. s im ul ta n
eo us .t ra ns ac t io ns
ap p. li b. si p. d ev ic e. 1
.i pf ra g. ti me o ut
ap p. li b. si p. d ev ic e. 1
.s na pl en

The maximum number of simultaneous fragmented IP

Default value: 1000
Timeout for clearing incomplete fragmented
transactions in seconds.
Default value: 30
The frame size which is captured by l i b p c a p.
The minimum and maximum values of this parameter
must be 1514 and 65535 respectively.
Default value: 1518

Section: sippcap file-related information

The following parameters are applicable only when the IPProbe platform component is
running on file mode.

si pp ca p. fi le . pa tt er n

The file pattern of the sip packets that the

SIPTxnWriter application uses for processing.
Default value: pcap

si pp ca p. po ll . in te rv a

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Time interval (in seconds) that the SIPTxnWriter

application polls the event files for processing.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default value: 5

si pp ca p. po st . pr oc es s
.a ct io n

Value (in integer format) that indicates the post action

of the SIPTxnWriter application after processing files
The following values are supported:

0 - The SIPTxnWriter application deletes the

processed files.

1 - The SIPTxnWriter application moves the

2 - " The SIPTxnWriter application renames the

processed files to a different directory.

processed files."

Default value: 1

si pp ca p. fa il . pr oc es s
.a ct io n

Value (in integer format) that indicates the action of

the SIPTxnWriter application when it fails to process
The following values are supported:

0 - The SIPTxnWriter application deletes the

1 - The SIPTxnWriter application moves the

failed files.

failed files to a different directory.

2 - " The SIPTxnWriter application renames the

failed files."

Default value: 1

si pp ca p. so ur c e. di r

The path from where pcaps for data to be dumped is

picked up.
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ ip pr ob e /d um ps /i
np ut
si pp ca p. ba ck u p. di r

The path from where Processed data is dumped.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ ip pr ob e /d um ps /p
ro ce ss ed
si pp ca p. er ro r .d ir

The path from where Error data is dumped.

Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ ip pr ob e /d um ps /e
rr or
si pp ca p. ma x. s ec on ds .
wi th ou t. td r. f il es

Time period (in seconds) within which the

SIPTxnWriter application must receive the files.
If the SIPTxnWriter application does not receive any
file within this period (by default 900 seconds), an
alarm is raised.
Default value: 900

Section: SIP writer configuration-related information

si pw ri te r. nu m .p ro ce s
so r. th re ad s

Number of threads that the SIPTxnWriter application

uses to process messages in parallel.
Note: This field supports the value that ranges
between 1 and 10 .
Default value: 1

si pw ri te r. ma x .s im ul t
an eo us .s es si o ns

Number of SIP calls that the SIPTxnWriter application

can simultaneously handle.
If the traffic is more, this field must contain a higher
Default value: 1000

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


si pw ri te r. ma x .s im ul t
an eo us .s es si o ns .h wm .
pe rc en t

The higher water mark percentage of session pool that
the SIPTxnWriter application simultaneously handles.
Default value: 80
Note: The value of this field varies from 0 to 100 . It
is recommended to set the value as 80 .

si pw ri te r. ma x .s im ul t
an eo us .s es si o ns .l wm .
pe rc en t

The lower water mark percentage of session pool that

the SIPTxnWriter application simultaneously handles.
Default value: 60
Note: The value of this field varies from 0 to 100 .
The value of this field must always be less than the
value of the

si pw ri te r. ma x .s im ul ta ne ou s .s es si on
s.hwm.perc en t field..
si pw ri te r. ma x .t ra ns a
ct io n. ti me ou t .s ec

Period (in seconds) during which the SIPTxnWriter

application waits for the final response before erasing
the received transaction.
Default value: 200
Note: The value of this field varies from 0 to 3600 .

si pw ri te r. ma x .s es si o
n. ti me ou t. se c

Period (in seconds) during which the SIPTxnWriter

application waits before cleaning up the session from
the cache.
If there is any message exchange after the session
establishment, the timer will restart..
Default value: 200

si pw ri te r. ma x .r eg is t
ra ti on .c ac he . si ze

Number of roaming registrations that the SIPTxnWriter

application supports concurrently.

si pw ri te r. ma x .r eg is t
ra ti on .c ac he . ti me ou t

Period (in seconds) during which a registration

message is valid.

Default value: 10000

Default value: 7200

Note: If there is no expire time period in the header
of a registration message, the SIPTxnWriter
application considers the default value (7200 seconds)
as the validity period of a registration message.


Save and close the file.

You have successfully modified the IPProbe.cfg file to configure the IPProbe platform
component for SIP support in the R360 application.

Configuring IPProbe platform

component for Diameter support
The diameter protocol is an authentication, authorization, and accounting protocol that
provides communication between network nodes with enhanced access control on top of the
IP network. The LTE S6a reports help the deploying operator to view the statistics of the
Diameter services for both roaming and international subscribers. For more information about
the Diameter reports, refer to the LTE S6a Signaling Reports section in R360 1.0
Administration Guide.

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application

To support the Diameter-related reports in the R360 application, you must configure the
IPProbe platform component. The IPProbe platform component uses the Diameter messages
for creating, modifying, and terminating Diameter sessions.
The R360 application has its own extension library for the Diameter reports, which requires
to be plugged on top of the IPProbe platform component. To configure the IPProbe platform
component for supporting the Diameter messages in the R360 application, you must modify
the g file of the IPProbe platform component.
The IPProbe.cfg file is located at the

{Roamware_ Ho m e} /b in ar ie s/ i pp ro be /c on fi g directory.

To configure IPProbe for Diameter support


Open the IPProbe.cfg file from the

{Roamware_ Ho m e} /b in ar ie s/ i pp ro be /c on fi g directory.


Modify the parameters, if required, according to their descriptions given in Table 27 on

page 141.



Default Value






The path of the dynamic application layer

extension ( .so ) . Each application layer
extension implements specific logic
required by the end application.

Section: Application library-related configuration

ap p. li b
.d ia .e x
tn .1 .n a

op t/ Ro am
wa re /l ib
s/ li bd ia
ev tp ub li
sh er .6 .0
.s o



ap p. li b
.d ia .e x
tn .1 .f u

D i a E vt P u b
l i s h er _ G e
t A p p Ex t n




The function name of the application layer


ap p. li b
.d ia .e x
tn .1 .c f
gp re fi x

d i a e vt p u b




The configuration prefix that is used by

the application layer extension. Assume
that the prefix is d i a e v t p u b (x ) . (y )
for all the following Diameter Event
Publisher configuration entries.

It is recommended that the library name

should be included with the full path. This
library is dynamically opened at run time,
and the full path is recommended as
opposed to the use of
LD_LIBRARY _P A TH so that there is no
confusion as to which library version is

Section: DIATxnWriter application-related configuration

di at xn w
ri te r. m
sg .a ll o
ca to r. s
iz e

1 0 0 0 00




The maximum number of simultaneous

Diameter sessions.

di at xn w
ri te r. m
sg .a ll o
ca to r. h
wm .p er c
en t





The high water mark (in percentage) for

usage of the above-mentioned allocator.

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default Value





di at xn w
ri te r. m
sg .a ll o
ca to r. l
wm .p er c
en t





The low water mark (in percentage) for

usage of the above-mentioned allocator.

Section: Traces-related information

di at xn w
ri te r. d
et ai lf i
le .r eq u
ir ed

tr ue




Specifies whether the trace detail file is

required or not. Possible options are
true and false.

di at xn w
ri te r. d
et ai lf i
le .p re f

di a




The prefix for the trace details file.

di at xn w
ri te r. d
et ai lf i
le .e xt n

de ta il




The extension for the trace details file.

di at xn w
ri te r. d
et ai lf i
le .d ir e
ct or y

/ o p t /R o a m
w a r e /l o g s
/ r 3 6 0/ t r a
c e s / de t a i




The path for the directory where the file is


di at xn w
ri te r. d
et ai lf i
le .o ff l
in e. di r
ec to ry

/ o p t /R o a m
w a r e /l o g s
/ r 3 6 0/ t r a
c e s / de t a i
l / h i st o r y




The path for the trace file offline directory.

di at xn w
ri te r. d
et ai lf i
le .r ot a
ti on .t y




The type of rotation to be used for the

trace file. Possible options are:

0 - No rotation (this option will fill up

1 - Rotate when a maximum file size

2 - Rotate after a fixed time interval

3 - Rotate when a maximum file size

the hard disk quickly)

is reached

is reached or after a fixed time

interval, whichever is earlier

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday

5 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday

(ensure that you have ample hard

disk space)
or when the maximum size is
reached, whichever is earlier

di at xn w
ri te r. d
et ai lf i
le .m ax .
si ze

5 2 4 2 88 0




The maximum size of the trace file after

which it is rotated.

di at xn w
ri te r. d
et ai lf i




The rotation interval (in seconds) for the

trace file.

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default Value





di at xn w
ri te r. d
et ai lf i
le .r ot a
te .a t

00 01




The time in the HHMM (24-hour) format at

which the file is rotated.

di at xn w
ri te r. d
et ai lf i
le .o ff l
in e. di r
ec to ry .
is da yw i

tr ue




Specifies whether the trace file present in

the offline directory must be created on a
daily basis or not. Possible options are
true and false.

di at xn w
ri te r. d
et ai lf i
le .b uf f
er .s iz e




The buffer size for the trace details file.

le .r ot a
te .i nt e
rv al

Section: Master file-related information

di at xn w
ri te r. m
as te rf i
le .r eq u
ir ed

tr ue




Specifies whether the master file is

required or not. Possible options are
true and false.

di at xn w
ri te r. m
as te rf i
le .p re f

di aM as te




The prefix for the master file.

di at xn w
ri te r. m
as te rf i
le .e xt n

lo g




The extension for the master file.

di at xn w
ri te r. m
as te rf i
le .d ir e
ct or y

/o pt /R oa
mw ar e/ lo
gs /r 36 0/
tr ac es /s
um ma ry




The path for the directory where the

master file is generated.

di at xn w
ri te r. m
as te rf i
le .o ff l
in e. di r
ec to ry

/o pt /R oa
mw ar e/ lo
gs /r 36 0/
tr ac es /s
um ma ry /o
ff li ne




The path for the master file offline


di at xn w
ri te r. m
as te rf i
le .r ot a
ti on .t y




The type of rotation to be used for the

master file. Possible options are:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

0 - No rotation (this option will fill up

1 - Rotate when a maximum file size

2 - Rotate after a fixed time interval

3 - Rotate when a maximum file size

the hard disk quickly)

is reached

is reached or after a fixed time


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default Value




interval, whichever is earlier

4 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday

(ensure that you have ample hard
disk space)

5 - Rotate at a fixed time everyday

or when the maximum size is
reached, whichever is earlier

di at xn w
ri te r. m
as te rf i
le .m ax .
si ze

52 42 88 0




The maximum size of the master file after

which it is rotated.

di at xn w
ri te r. m
as te rf i
le .r ot a
te .i nt e
rv al




The rotation interval (in seconds) for the

master file.

di at xn w
ri te r. m
as te rf i
le .r ot a
te .a t

00 01




The time in the HHMM (24-hour) format at

which the master file is rotated.

di at xn w
ri te r. m
as te rf i
le .b uf f
er .s iz e




The buffer size for the master file.

di at xn w
ri te r. m
as te rf i
le .m ye v
en tl og .
da te .f o
rm at

%Y -% m- %d
%H :% M: %S




The date format in which date is written to

the file. Keep the default value as it is.


The path of the dynamic application layer

extension ( . s o) . Each application layer
extension implements specific logic
required by the end application.

Section: Device configuration-related information

/o pt /R oa
mw ar e/ li
bs /l ib di
aw ri te r.
6. 0. so


ap p. li b
.d ia .f u

Di aW ri te
r_ Ge tA pp




The function name of the application


ap p. li b
.d ia .c f
gp re fi x

di aw ri te




The configuration prefix that is used by

the application layer extension. Assume
that the prefix is s i p e v t p u b (x ) . (y )
for all the Diameter Event Publisher
configuration entries.

ap p. li b




Number of devices to be handled by this

ap p. li b
.d ia .n a


It is recommended that the library name

must be included with the full path. This
library is dynamically opened at run time,
and the full path is recommended as
opposed to the use of
L D _ L I B R A R Y _ P A TH so that there is no
confusion as to which library version is

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default Value


.d ia .d e
vi ce .n u
ap p. li b
.d ia .d e
vi ce .1 .
ty pe







application library. The maximum number

of devices allowed is 1. Multiple device
support may be developed in future.



Type of probe input devices to be handled

by this application.
A probe input device can be of the
following types:

1 : File Input Mode - To

probe from a PCAP file.

2 : Adapter Input Mode To probe from a network adapter.

ap p. li b
.d ia .d e
vi ce .1 .
na me

di ap ca p




Name of the probe input device to be

handled by this application.

ap p. li b
.d ia .d e
vi ce .1 .
fi lt er

po rt
38 68 o r
(v la n
an d po rt
38 68 )




The filter string for the device. This filter

format is same as the format used by Unix
utility tcpdump. Leave this entry blank to
indicate no filtering.
For example, udp and (port 2123 or port
Note: To catch fragmented IP packets
without applying a port filter, use the
expression (ip[6:2] & 0x1fff !=0) as an
'or' condition.
For example, udp and (port 2123 or port
2152 or port 3386 or (ip[6:2] & 0x1fff !=
For fragmented packets, the allowed port
list is configured separately.

ap p. li b
.d ia .d e
vi ce .1 .
ti me ou t
.m se c





A timeout value in milliseconds set on a

network adapter device. This value is not
used for a file device.
In most cases, this timeout value is not
required and must be left as 0.

ap p. li b
.d ia .d e
vi ce .1 .
po ol .s i

10 00 0



Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.


This value must be changed only for

those protocols in which there is a
drop in the data rate to 5 packets per
second or less in off-peak hours.

On Solaris, this value cannot be set

under 10 msec.

This value must only be changed to a

non-zero value after the careful
observation and consulting the
development team. If this value is set
incorrectly, it may result in packet

Specify this entry as 0 if you do not

require it.

For Diameter, traffic is normally high

and hence default timeout is set to 0
to wait till buffer full.

Device pool (and queue size) and

watermarks for the queue. This pool size
must be equal to pool sizes of application
libraries like Diameter Writer.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default Value





ap p. li b
.d ia .d e
vi ce .1 .
qu eu e. l
wm .p er c
en t





Device pool (and queue size) and

watermarks for the queue. This pool size
must be equal to pool sizes of application
libraries like Diameter Writer.

ap p. li b
.d ia .d e
vi ce .1 .
qu eu e. h
wm .p er c
en t





Device pool (and queue size) and

watermarks for the queue. This pool size
must be equal to pool sizes of application
libraries like Diameter Writer.

ap p. li b
.d ia .d e
vi ce .1 .
ip fr ag .
en ab le

fa ls e




Determines whether the application is

expecting IP fragments to arrive.
Possible options are:

True - The application is expecting

IP fragments to arrive.

False - The application is not

expecting IP fragments to arrive.

ap p. li b
.d ia .d e
vi ce .1 .
ip fr ag .
ma x. si m
ul ta ne o
us .t ra n
sa ct io n




The maximum number of simultaneous

fragmented IP transactions.

ap p. li b
.d ia .d e
vi ce .1 .
ip fr ag .
ti me ou t





Timeout for clearing incomplete

fragmented transactions in seconds.

ap p. li b
.d ia .d e
vi ce .1 .
sn ap le n

15 14




The frame size which is captured by

libpcap .
The minimum and maximum values of this
parameter must be 1514 and 65535

Section: diapcap file-related information

Note: The following parameters are applicable only when the IPProbe platform component is running on file

di ap ca p
.f il e. p
at te rn

pc ap




The file pattern of the diameter packets

that the DIATxnWriter application uses for

di ap ca p
.p ol l. i
nt er va l




Time interval (in seconds) that the

DIATxnWriter application polls the event
files for processing.

di ap ca p
.p os t. p
ro ce ss .
ac ti on




Value (in integer format) that indicates

the post action of the DIATxnWriter
application after processing files
The following values are supported:

0 - The DIATxnWriter application

1 - The DIATxnWriter application

deletes the processed files.

moves the processed files to a

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default Value




different directory.

2 - " The DIATxnWriter application

renames the processed files."

di ap ca p
.f ai l. p
ro ce ss .
ac ti on




Value (in integer format) that indicates

the action of the DIATxnWriter application
when it fails to process files.
The following values are supported:

0 - The DIATxnWriter application

1 - The DIATxnWriter application

deletes the failed files.

moves the failed files to a different


2 - " The DIATxnWriter application

renames the failed files."

/o pt /R oa
mw ar e/ lo
gs /i pp ro
be /d um ps
/i np ut /d




The path from where pcaps for data to be

dumped is picked up.

/o p t / R o a mw
a r e / lo g s /
i p p r ob e / d
u m p s /p r o c




The path from where Processed data is


di ap ca p
.e rr or .
di r

/o pt /R oa
mw ar e/ lo
gs /i pp ro
be /d um ps
/e rr or




The path from where Error data is


di ap ca p
.m ax .s e
co nd s. w
it ho ut .
td r. fi l

90 0




Time period (in seconds) within which the

DIATxnWriter application must receive the

di ap ca p
.s ou rc e
.d ir

di ap ca p
.b ac ku p
.d ir

If the DIATxnWriter application does not

receive any file within this period (by
default 900 seconds), an alarm is raised.

Section: DIA writer configuration-related information

di aw ri t
er .t ra n
sp or t. t
yp e

tc p, sc tp




The Diameter transport protocol type

involved in the transaction.
The following values are supported:



C omma separated multiple values can

be configured but not more than two

Note: You can configure a maximum of

two comma separated values in this field.

di aw ri t
er .s ct p
fr ag .m a
x. si mu l
ta ne ou s
.t ra ns a
ct io ns





Maximum number of simultaneous SCTP

fragmented packet streams that are

di aw ri t
er .s ct p
fr ag .t i





The duration (in seconds) for which the

fragmented SCTP packets are stored by
the R360 application. After this duration,

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default Value




the old packets are discarded.

me ou t
di aw ri t
er .m ax .
tc p. st r
ea ms





Maximum number of concurrent TCP

streams that are allowed for the R360
application to handle.

di aw ri t
er .t cp .
se gm en t
at io n. t
im eo ut

20 00




The duration (in microseconds) for which

the TC P segments are stored by the R360
application. After this duration, the old
details are discarded.

di aw ri t
er .a pp i
ds .t o. t
ra ck

16 77 72 51




The application IDs of the State Machines

that the DiaWriter application will track.
The default value of 16777251
represents the application ID for the S6a
Note: You can configure a maximum of 10
application IDs separated by commas.

di aw ri t
er .1 67 7
72 51 .c o
mm an ds .
to .t ra c

31 6- 32 3




The Diameter command codes for those

application IDs (configured in the

diawriter. ap p id s. to .t ra ck
parameter) as a comma-separated list or
a range.
For example, for S6a application ID
16777251 following are the command
codes for various S6a messages:

ULR/ULA (Update Location

Request/Answer) - 316

C LR/CLA (Cancel Location

Request/Answer) - 317

AIR/AIA (Authentication Information

Request/Answer) - 318

IDR/IDA (Insert Subscription Data

Request/Answer) - 319

DSR/DSA (Delete Subscriber Data

Request/Answer) - 320

PUR/PUA (Purge Request/Answer) -

32 1
The above codes can be configured in the
following ways:

As comma-separated values -

31 6, 31 7, 31 8, 3 19 ,3 20 ,3 21
As a range - 316-321


di aw ri t
er .n um .
pr oc es s
or .t hr e
ad s




C onfigure only those command codes

that the application requires.

You can configure a maximum of 20

range entries.

Number of threads that the DIATxnWriter

application uses to process messages in
Note: This field supports the value that
ranges between 1 and 10 .
Default value: 1

di aw ri t
er .m ax .

10 00 0



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Number of Diameter transactions that the

DIATxnWriter application can


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application


Default Value




simultaneously handle.

si mu lt a
ne ou s. t
ra ns ac t
io ns

If the traffic is more, this field must

contain a higher value.
Default value: 10000

di aw ri t
er .m ax .
si mu lt a
ne ou s. t
ra ns ac t
io ns .h w
m. pe rc e


di aw ri t
er .m ax .
si mu lt a
ne ou s. t
ra ns ac t
io ns .l w
m. pe rc e


di aw ri t
er .m ax .
tr an sa c
ti on .t i
me ou t. m
se c

10 00 0



The higher water mark percentage of

session pool that the DIATxnWriter
application simultaneously handles.
Default value: 80
Note: The value of this field varies from 0
to 100 . It is recommended to set the
value as 80 .




The lower water mark percentage of

session pool that the DIATxnWriter
application simultaneously handles.
Default value: 60
Note: The value of this field varies from 0
to 100 . The value of this field must
always be less than the value of the

si pw ri te r. ma x .s im ul ta ne ou s .
sessions.h wm . pe rc en t field..





Period (in seconds) during which the

DIATxnWriter application waits for the
final response before erasing the received

Save and close the file.

You have successfully modified the IPProbe.cfg file to configure the IPProbe platform
component for Diameter support in the R360 application.

Configuring VIPTracker
To configure VIPTracker

C onfigure CoS (class of subscriber) for individual or group of subscribers using CoS
C onfiguration module of SDS 7.0. For details refer Mobileum SDS 7.0 Users Guide.
C onfigure thresholds for different KPIs of VIPTracker for configured C oS, using "COS
Threshold Configuration" module. Refer R360 1.0 Administration Guide.


Make sure that l i b V I P Tr a c ke r Re p o rt s entry exists in



Make sure that V I P A s s ur a n ce KPI entry exist in the R Q M _ K P I _M A ST E R database


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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application

SDS C oS Configuration supports configuring CCNDC or MCCMNC to configure all the
MSISDNs or IMSIs of particular network. But, for VIP Tracker n R360, all the
subscribers of network cannot be VIP subscribers and R360 will not support this.
You can configure a maximum of 500K subscribers for VIPTracker.

Configuring APPPARAMS database

To configure APPPARAMS database table

C onfigure "snmp_uri_list" parameter in APPPARAMS table for following APPID with SNMP
Agent details of below mentioned binaries.






sn mp _u ri _l is t

SNMP Agent IP:PORT of txnwriter, statswriter,

ipprobe and alerter binary.


sn mp _u ri _l is t

SNMP Agent IP:PORT of txnwriter, iprobe, alerter


Adding or Enabling a New Home in

To add or enable a new home in R360

Add the MC C/MNC in IRDB_Params.


C onfigure new home networks in R Q M _ T RA C E HO S T.


Add new users for the new homes and associate them with respective home networks.


Restart all the binaries.

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application

Configuring R360 for Roamer List

This section deals with configuring R360 for Roamer List Application:

Modifying on page 151

C onfiguring Roamer List Application Parameters in Database on page 152

Modifying for R360 EasyToUseSMS trace on page 153

C onfiguring Parameters in APPPARAMS Table on page 153

C onfiguring Group Level Access Parameters in Database on page 153

C onfiguring Default Groups and Users with Different Access Rights for Tracer on page

G e t I m s i L i s t . s h script uses / u sr / l oc a l /b i n /d a t e - d command for date
related operations. Ensure that u s r / l oc a / bi n / da t e exists; if it does not exist
then install it.

To modify

Open the G e t I m s i L i st . s h file from

{R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 .


Modify the parameters, if required, according to their descriptions given below in the




Specify the path of the online directory where unique

roamer IMSI list files are being generated.
This path should be the same as configured for

co un tr y. un iq u e. ou tr oa me r. i ms il is t. di
rectory in statswrite r. cf g .
Default value:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /i m si li st s/

Specify the path of the offline directory of IMSI list. This

path should be the same as configured for

co un tr y. un iq u e. ou tr oa me r. i ms il is t. of
fline.dire ct o ry in statswrit er .c fg .
Default value

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /i m si li st s/ of
fl in e/

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application




Specify the path of the current roamer persistent hash

directory. This path should be the same as configured for
r q m . p e r s i s t e n t. h a sh . f il e .p a t h in
s t a t s w r i t e r . c fg .
Default value

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /l og s/ r3 60 /s t at sw ri te r/
im si st or e/

Specifies the prefix for current inroamer hash file. Keep

the value of this parameter as default. Do not change it.
Default value: CurrentInRoame rs


Specifies the prefix for current outroamer hash file. Keep

the value of this parameter as default. Do not change it.
Default value CurrentOutRoam e rs


Specifies the prefix for network level unique inroamer

IMSI list files. This prefix should be the same as
configured for

ne tw or k. un iq u e. in ro am er .i m si li st .p re
fix in statswrite r. cf g .
Default value: network_unique _i nr o am er


Specifies the prefix for network level unique outroamer

IMSI list files. This prefix should be the same as
configured for

ne tw or k. un iq u e. ou tr oa me r. i ms il is t. pr
efix in statswrit er .c fg .
Default value: network_unique _o ut r oa me r

Specifies the prefix for country level unique outroamer

IMSI list files. This prefix should be the same as
configured for

co un tr y. un iq u e. ou tr oa me r. i ms il is t. pr
efix in statswrit er .c fg .
Default value country_unique _ ou tr oa me r

Save and close the file.

Configuring Roamer List Application

Parameters in Database
Set the following configuration parameters according to the site configuration in the
APPPARAMS table for APPID S823 (Roamer list):




cv sf il eP at h

Specifies the path of the directory where roamer list output files
(UI search output files) will be generated.

sh el lS cr ip tP a th

Specifies the path where the G e t I ms i Li s t .s h shell script is

Default path:

/o pt /R oa mw ar e /s cr ip ts /o pe r at io ns /r 36 0/ G e
tI ms iL is t. sh

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application

Modifying for R360

EasyToUseSMS trace
To modify for R360 EasyToUseSMS

Open the i m a s l i g h t .p r o pe r t ie s file from the

{ T o m c a t _ H o m e } /w e b ap p s /R O OT directory.


Add the following section as described below:

Modify the path in the below-mentioned parameter, if required.

r q m - sm s - tr a c e- t e mp l a te d i r = /o p t /R o a mw a r e/ r o am w ar e s ds / r un t i me / w eb a pp s / S8 2 5 /t e m pl a t es / e

This parameter specifies the path of the directory where the T r a ce - R ep o r t. h tm l

template for the R360EasySMSTrace application is present.

Configuring Parameters in APPPARAMS Table

C onfigure the following parameter for APPID S824 and S825 in the APPPPARAMS table:




Pa th

Specify the IP address and port of your Tomcat server where the
tracer is installed or running.

Configuring Group Level Access Parameters in

R360 allows different categories of users access to different MAP messages and the detailed
traces of these MAP messages. The access privileges can be controlled by the
APPAUTHORIZATION database table in Mobileum SDS 6.0.
The following configuration parameters for the group level access to trace can be configured
in the APPAUTHORIZATION database table for APPIDs S824 and S822:



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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application



rq m. ma p. ms gl i st

Specify the list of MAP messages for which group have access
to see the summary level trace.
Possible options are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,

10 , 11 , 12 , 1 3, 1 4, 1 5, 1 6 , 17 , 18 , 19 ,
20 , 21 , 22 , 2 3, 2 4, 2 5, 2 6 , 27 , 28 , 29
If the default value is not configured, then the application
assumes that the default value is ALL the MAP messages.

rq m. pc ap .e na b le

Specify whether the detail level trace is enabled or disabled

for the group. Possible options are true and false .
If the default value is not configured, then the application
assumes that the default value is false .

rq m. pc ap .m sg l is t

Specify the list of MAP messages for which the group has
access to detailed level trace.
This property is useful only if r q m . p ca p .e n a bl e is true for
the specified group. This should be the subset of the list
configured in is t .
Possible options are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10 , 11 , 12 , 1 3, 1 4, 1 5, 1 6 , 17 , 18 , 19 ,
20 , 21 , 22 , 2 3, 2 4, 2 5, 2 6 , 27 , 28 , 29
If the default value is not configured, then the application
assumes that the detail trace of all the messages will be

tr ac e. vi ew er . cl a

Specify the name of the class, which should be used to show

the detailed trace.
Possible options are null , and

co m. ro am wa re . ap p. rq m. rq mt r ac e. SM ST ra ce V
iewer .
If the default value is not configured, then the application
assumes that the detailed trace will be shown in pcap.

Configuring Default Groups and Users with

Different Access Rights for Tracer
By default, the package contains the following groups and users, with specified tracer access:

Group name


Default user


Has access to view summary and detail level trace

for all the messages.

r3 60 us er


Has access to view summary and detail level trace

for all the messages

r3 60 vi ew


Has access to view only summary level trace for all

the messages.

r3 60 su mm ar y


Has access to summary level trace for all the

messages. Access to detail level trace is for all the
messages except MO & MT.

r3 60 tr ac e


Has access to view summary and detail trace for

only SMS (MO and MT messages).

r3 60 sm s


Has access to view only summary level trace for

SMS (MO & MT messages).

r3 60 su mm ar y

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 4 - Configuring the R360 Application

Group name


Default user


Has access to view summary and detail level trace

for SMS (MO & MT messages).

r3 60 sm st ra c

But, here default trace viewer is

c o m . ro a m wa r e .a p p .r q m .r q mt r a ce . S MS T r a
c e V i ew e r .
So, detail trace will be shown in the iMAS
application instead of pcap.

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Configuring R360 on Hadoop
In addition to the configurations that you performed in the C onfiguring the R360
Application chapter on page 38, the following configurations are required in the
case of Hadoop-based R360 deployment.

To configure the R360 application on Hadoop cluster, you must modify certain properties files
such c o o r d i n a t o r. p r op e r ti e s . You may also configure the Oozie services by
modifying the time or frequency of the Oozie job flow.
This chapter contains the following topics:

Modifying Oozie job flow time or frequency on page 156

Modifying the file on page 157

Modifying Oozie job flow time or

You can modify the time or frequency of the Oozie job flow.

To modify the Oozie job flow time or frequency


Modify the flow start time in the

{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 / co m mo n / se t U pO o z ie . s h


Kill all running Oozie jobs, if any by performing the following steps:

Log in to HUE UI.


Go to the Workflow and Coordinator window:


Select all active jobs.


C lick Kill.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 5 - Configuring R360 on Hadoop


Run the
{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 / wo r kf l o w/ R u nO o z ie . s h


If any changes are made to the

{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns / r 36 0 / co m mo n / se t U pO o z ie . s h
file, then perform the steps 1 to 3.

Modifying the

You must modify the c o o rd i n at o r .p r o pe r t ie s file to configure the Oozie and MR job
workspace information in HDFS.

To modify the file


Open the c o o r d i n a t or . p ro p e rt i es file from the

{R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / b in a r ie s /r 3 6 0/ c o nf i g /w o r kf l o w/ M as t e rC o o rd i n at o
r F l o w directory.


Modify the parameters, if required, according to their descriptions given in Table 34 on




Section: Environment related


Root directory in HDFS for all the installed Mobileum Wisdom

based application files.
For example, /opt/mobileum

ho st No de Na me

Hostname or IP address of the master node.

ma pr ed uc e. jo b .u
se r. na me

User name for executing MR jobs.

st ar t_ da te

Start date for the coordinator.

For example, hdfs

For example, 2015-12-30T21: 4 0Z

en d_ da te

End date for the coordinator.

For example, 2025-12-10T21: 2 0Z

Jo bT ra ck er

Job tracker URI. In case of yarn, you must mention the

ResourceManager URI.
Default port of ResuorceManager is 8032 .
For example, node1:8032

na me No de

URI of the NameNode in the following format

hostname:p or t .
Default port of HDFS is 8020 .
For example, hdfs://node1:8 0 20

oo zi e. us e. sy s te
m. li bp at h

Specifies whether the R360 application must use the Oozie

sharelib. The following options are available:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

True The R360 application uses the Oozie sharelib.

False The R360 application will not use the Oozie


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 5 - Configuring R360 on Hadoop



us er .n am e

User name with which you have installed the Wisdom and R360
master processes.
For example, hdfs

Section: Workspace path(in hdfs) related

oo zi e. co or d. a pp
li ca ti on .p at h

Directory path of the master coordinator workspace in HDFS.

Note: You must mention the NameNode URI and path.
For example,

hd fs :/ /n od e1 : 80 20 /$ HA DO OP _ RO AM WA RE _H OM E /
wo rk sp ac es /m a st er _c oo rd in a to r
wf _a pp li ca ti o n_
pa th

Directory path of the Master workflow workspace in HDFS.

For example,

hd fs :/ /n od e1 : 80 20 /$ HA DO OP _ RO AM WA RE _H OM E /
wo rk sp ac es /n e w_ r3 60 _w is do m
r3 60 _w is do m_ w or
k_ pa th

Directory path of the R360 wisdom workflow workspace in

For example,

hd fs :/ /n od e1 : 80 20 /$ HA DO OP _ RO AM WA RE _H OM E /
wo rk sp ac es /r 3 60 _w is do m
ma x_ ts _w or k_ p at

Directory path of the Master workflow workspace in HDFS.

For example,

hd fs :/ /n od e1 : 80 20 /$ HA DO OP _ RO AM WA RE _H OM E /
wo rk sp ac es /m a x_ ts _m r
ro am er _d ur _w o rk
_p at h

Directory path of the Master workflow workspace in HDFS.

For example,

hd fs :/ /n od e1 : 80 20 /$ HA DO OP _ RO AM WA RE _H OM E /
wo rk sp ac es /r o am er _d ur at io n
un iq ue _r oa me r _w
or k_ pa th

Directory path of the Master workflow workspace in HDFS.

For example,

hd fs :/ /n od e1 : 80 20 /$ HA DO OP _ RO AM WA RE _H OM E /
wo rk sp ac es /u n iq ue _r oa me r
RD _M R_ Di r

Directory path of the Roamer Duration MapReduce script in the

local server.
For example,

$R OA MW AR E_ HO M E/ sc ri pt s/ op e ra ti on s/ r3 60 / r
oa me rd ur at io n /
TS _U pd at e_ Co m ma

Directory path of the Timestamp Update Command script in the

local server.
For example,

$R OA MW AR E_ HO M E/ sc ri pt s/ op e ra ti on s/ r3 60 / c
om mo n/
TS _s cr ip t_ pa t h

Directory path of the Timestamp script in the local server.

For example,

$R OA MW AR E_ HO M E/ sc ri pt s/ op e ra ti on s/ r3 60 / c
om mo n/

Save and close the file.

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Verifying the Installation
Now that you have configured the R360, it is time to start R360. Starting R360 consists of
the following steps:

Starting TxnWriter on page 159

Starting StatsWriter on page 160

Starting statswriter_2 on page 160

Starting RQMAlerter on page 160

Starting RQMAggregator on page 161

Starting RQMSCCPAggregator on page 161

Starting RQMDetailAggregator on page 161

Accessing R360 SDS Administrator Studio on page 161

Before starting R360, ensure that the prerequisite components are up and running.

Starting TxnWriter
Now that you have configured the TxnWriter, it is time to start it.

To start TxnWriter

Log on to the server where R360 is installed.

Go to the { R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns directory and run the
M e n u . p l file.


C hoose the appropriate option corresponding to the TxnWriter.


C hoose the start option to start the TxnWriter.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 6 - Verifying the Installation

If Watchdog is deployed for R360, then it will automatically start the TxnWriter.

Starting StatsWriter
Now that you have configured the StatsWriter, it is time to start it.

To start StatsWriter

Log on to the server where R360 is installed.

Go to the { R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns directory and run the
M e n u . p l file.


C hoose the appropriate option corresponding to the StatsWriter.


C hoose the start option to start the StatsWriter.

If Watchdog is deployed for R360, then it will automatically start the StatsWriter.

Starting statswriter_2
You must start the new instance of statswriter to enable certain other R360-related services.

To start statswriter_2

Log on to the server where R360 is installed.

Go to the { R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns directory and run the
S t a r t S t a t s W r i te r 2 .s h file.

Starting RQMAlerter
Now that you have configured the RQMAlerter, it is time to start it.

To start RQMAlerter

Log on to the server where R360 is installed.

Go to the { R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o n/ r 3 60 directory and run the
S t a r t R Q M A l e r t er . s h file.

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 6 - Verifying the Installation

Starting RQMAggregator
Now that you have configured the RQMAggregator, it is time to start it.

To start RQMAggregator

Log on to the server where R360 is installed.

Go to the { R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o n/ r 3 60 directory and run the
S t a r t R Q M A g g r e ga t o r. s h file.

Starting RQMSCCPAggregator
Now that you have configured the RQMSCCPAggregator, it is time to start it.

To start RQMSCCPAggregator

Log on to the server where R360 is installed.

Go to the { R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o n/ r 3 60 directory and run the
S t a r t R Q M S C C P A gg r e ga t o r. s h file.

Starting RQMDetailAggregator
Now that you have configured the RQMDetailAggregator, it is time to start it.

To start RQMDetailAggregator

Log on to the server where R360 is installed.

Go to the { R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o n/ r 3 60 directory and run the
S t a r t R Q M D e t a i lA g g re g a to r .s h file.

Accessing R360 SDS Administrator

For detailed information on using the R360 SDS Administrator Studio, refer to
Mobileum SDS 6.0 Users Guide.

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 6 - Verifying the Installation

You must use the r 3 6 0 account to log in to R360 SDS Administrator Studio for the first
time. Use the following out-of-the-box credentials to log in:

Username: r 3 6 0

Password: r 3 6 0 us e r @1 2 3

To log in to R360 SDS Administrator Studio

Ensure that Mobileum SDS is up and running. For more information about starting
Mobileum SDS, refer to the Mobileum SDS 6.0 Installation Guide.


Open a Web browser window.


Type the following default URL in the address field:

h t t p :/ / < ho s t na m e >: < p or t >/ i m as
In the preceding URL, replace the following:

< h o s t n a m e > with the host name or the IP address of the system where the R360
SDS Administrator Studio is deployed

< p o r t > with the port number on which the R360 SDS Administrator Studio is
listening. This is usually for 8080 for Apache Tomcat.

The login page appears.


Type the following values and click the Login button.

Username: r 3 6 0

Password: r 3 6 0 us e r @1 2 3


Since this is a first-time login, you will be prompted to change the password. After you
change the password, the login page appears again.


Log in now with the r 3 6 0 u s e r username and the new password you set in step 4.
The landing page of the R360 SDS Administrator Studio appears.

For more information about the various administrative roles supported by the R360
application, refer to the Supported Administrative Roles section of R360 1.0
Administration Guide.

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Stopping R360
Stopping R360 consisting of the following steps:

Stopping on page 163

Stopping StatsWriter on page 163

Stopping statswriter2 instance for Diameter on page 164

Stopping RQMAlerter on page 164

Stopping RQMAggregator on page 164

Stopping RQMSCCPAggregator on page 164

Stopping RQMDetailAggregator on page 165

Stopping TxnWriter
It is recommended that you stop R360 properly before you shut down the machine. This
ensures that all the related processes are closed in the appropriate order.

To stop TxnWriter

From the shell prompt, change your active directory to

{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns .


Run M e n u . p l .


C hoose the appropriate option corresponding to the TxnWriter.


C hoose the stop option to stop the TxnWriter.

Stopping StatsWriter
To stop StatsWriter


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 7 - Stopping R360


From the shell prompt, change your active directory to

{ R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o ns .


Run M e n u . p l .


C hoose the appropriate option corresponding to the StatsWriter.


C hoose the stop option to stop the StatsWriter.

Stopping statswriter2 instance for

To stop the new instance of statswriter

Log on to the server where R360 is installed.

Go to the { R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o n/ r 3 60 directory and run the
S t o p S t a t s W r i t er 2 . sh file.

Stopping RQMAlerter
To stop RQMAlerter

Log on to the server where R360 is installed.

Go to the { R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o n/ r 3 60 directory and run the
S t o p R Q M A l e r t e r. s h file.

Stopping RQMAggregator
To stop RQMAggregator

Log on to the server where R360 is installed.

Go to the { R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o n/ r 3 60 directory and run the
S t o p R Q M A g g r e g at o r .s h file.

Stopping RQMSCCPAggregator
To stop RQMSCCPAggregator

Log on to the server where R360 is installed.

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Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 7 - Stopping R360


Go to the { R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o n/ r 3 60 d i r e c t o r y a n d
r u n t h e S t o p R Q M S C C P A g gr e ga t o r. s h file.

Stopping RQMDetailAggregator
To stop RQMDetailAggregator

Log on to the server where R360 is installed.

Go to the { R o a m w a r e _ H o m e} / s cr i p ts / op e r at i o n/ r 3 60 d i r e c t o r y and run
the S t o p R Q M D e t a i l Ag g r eg a t or . s h file.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Post Installation Checklist
Ensure the following after R360 is installed:

EOD has been set to run from the cron.

EOD has been executed once manually (check from r q m _e o d _s u mm a r y and

r q m _ e o d _ t r a c e tables).

All the required master views have been created.

C heck that the view R Q M _ US E R contains the entry for the required user for the required
network or networks (and zone and nodes if applicable).

R Q M _ T R A C E H O S T table contains at least one entry for the corresponding host ID.

R Q M _ Z O N E _ M A S T ER table contains at least one entry (default entry of zone ID 0).

R Q M _ N O D E _ M G M T table contains at least one entry (default entry of node ID 0).

The M y M c c M n c field in I R D B P AR A M S table is properly populated with all hosts, MCC

and MNC .

All the directory structures (source directory, offline directory, history directory) for all
the binaries (including indexer) are as mentioned in the configuration sections of the
corresponding binaries in the Installation Guide.

IP and port in R Q M _ T R A C E H OS T table pointing to iMAS IP and port.

R Q M _ C A R R I E R _ T RA C E HO S T table contains at least one entry for the corresponding

carrier ID.

IP and port in R Q M _ C A R R I E R_ T R AC E H OS T table pointing to iMAS IP and port.

c s v P r o p e r t i e s file are pointing to correct IP, port (same as indexer port), search
output file and trace file path.

C heck if tables are enabled in R Q M _ T AB L E_ L I ST table before running R360 EOD.

Run r q m _ m a p _ e n a b le d _t a b le s . sq l if MAP is required.

Run r q m _ i s u p _ e n a bl e d_ t a bl e s .s q l if ISUP is required.

Run r q m _ c a p _ e n a b le d _t a b le s . sq l if ISUP is required.

Roaming Replicator Handling in the
R360 Application
R360 1.0 gives the ability to provide reports to the sponsored network in a Roaming
Replicator (RR) arrangement for the Roaming Replicator sponsored partner networks. For
example, suppose STC Saudi Arabia is the sponsoring network, Viva Bahrain is the sponsored
network and Vodafone UK is the partner network of STC with whom Viva Bahrain does not
have any direct roaming, but roaming via STC where STC is the sponsoring network. When
the feed from Roaming Replicator is provided to R360 installed in Viva Bahrain, then R360
can provide the reports to Viva Bahrain regarding the roaming performance with respect to
Vodafone UK. Below is a schematic representation of how this can be achieved.







RR in sponsored

Partner network





R360 for the





R an

en R

p be

he p


In the above example, R360 is installed in the sponsored network. The sponsored network
would have its own direct roaming with select partners. The feed from this direct roaming
partner should be obtained through the regular probing mechanism. For the roaming with RR
sponsored networks, the feed should be obtained by placing a tap between RR and the
partner network, or between RR and the sponsored network. This can be through a normal
probing mechanism or, if Mobileum RR and smart STP is installed, by publishing the MTP2
feed from SmartSTP to R360. If the input is being taken between RR and roaming partner,
then care should be taken to filter out the GTs for other sponsored networks of the RR


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Appendix B - Roaming Replicator Handling in the R360 Application

arrangement, else there will be a lot of unwanted load on the R360 installed in the sponsored
RR does a translation of sponsored network GTs to sponsor network GTs (reserved for RR)
and sponsored network IMSIs to sponsor network IMSIs (based on the IMSI range reserved
in RR for the sponsored network), to enable roaming between the sponsored network and the
RR partner network. R360 will need to know these translations to derive the correct IMSI and
GT, and hence the correct host and partner network based on/from where the feed has been
taken to R360.

For this purpose, the mappings between dummy and actual GTs and IMSIs need to be
somehow published to R360 and made known in R360 for it to take the correct action based
on the same. In case the RR is Mobileum RR, then these mappings are maintained in a simple
text files. If it is some other vendor RR, then the mappings could reside in a configuration file
like Mobileum RR or in some database or some other source. Irrespective of the source where
the mappings are maintained, R360 provides a flexible mechanism to read these mappings
via a Perl script. The Perl script shipped with the package has the capability to read the
mappings from the Mobileum RR configuration file. If the source of mappings is not a file and
some other source, then the Perl script will need to be modified accordingly at the site. The
script can also periodically refresh its mappings based on a refresh interval.

Important steps for Mobileum RR


Mobileum RR maintains the IMSI and GT mappings in configuration files. The IMSI
mappings are fairly static, however the GT mappings are dynamic and get updated based
on any new node that is discovered by RR. These mapping files need to be periodically
made available to R360 in a specified folder (as configured in the Perl script).


The frequency of FTP can be decided based on the changes to the GT mapping file
observed in a given day. If the changes are fairly huge, then the frequency of FTP can be
higher (for example every hour). On the other hand if RR has been up and running for a
fairly long time, then the mappings would be fairly exhaustive and there would be very
few incremental mappings created every day. In that case the frequency of FTP can be
set to once or twice a day. It is important to note that until the updated mappings are
known to R360, R360 would ignore such records. In other words, the statistics for that
interim period would be lost. However, once the mappings are known to R360, it will
start capturing the statistics correctly.


In case of Mobileum RR mapping files, the mappings are maintained both ways, forward
and reverse. Depending on where the feed is taken from/for R360, the Perl script should
be customized to read either the forward mappings (sponsored to sponsor) or the
reverse mappings (sponsor to sponsored). This can be done by a simple check on the
C C -NDC of the sponsored network to identify the mappings of the sponsored network
where R360 is being installed.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Enabling VAM in the R360 Application
This section deals with enabling various VAMs of the R360 application.

To enable VAM




To enable ISUP mode in the TxnWriter component, configure the

o p e r a t i o n . m o d e parameter in the t x n w r i te r . cf g file.

To enable ISUP SO in statswriter, run the following SQL file:

d a t a ba s e /o r a cl e / pr e p op s /r q m _e n a bl e _ is u p .s q l

Restart txnwriter and statswriter binaries.

Enable C AP VAM

To enable CAP mode in the TxnWriter component, configure the o p e ra t i on . m ode

parameter in the t x n w r i te r . cf g file.

To enable CAP SO in statswriter, run the following SQL file:

d a t a ba s e /o r a cl e / pr e p op s /r q m _e n a bl e _ ca p . sq l

Restart txnwriter and statswriter binaries.

Enable GRQ Dashboard VAM



Run the d a t a b a s e / o r a cl e / pr e p op s /r 3 6 0_ e n ab l e _g r q .s q l SQL file.

Enable Packet Data VAM

C onfigure and run IPProbe with GTPTxnWriter. Refer to the C onfiguring IPProbe
platform component for packet data support section on page 127.

Run the d a t a b a s e / o r a cl e / pr e p op s /r q m _e n a bl e _ pa c k et d at a . sq l SQL


Enable Fraud Report VAM

Run the following SQL file if the Packet Data VAM is in scope along with the Fraud
Report VAM:
d a t a ba s e /o r a cl e / pr e p op s /r q m _e n a bl e _ pa c k et d at a f ra u d .s q l

Run the following SQL file if the ISUP VAM is in scope along with the Fraud Report
d a t a ba s e /o r a cl e / pr e p op s /r q m _e n a bl e _ is u p fr a ud . s ql

Unhide following Fraud reports depending on respective VAM:

SMSC Mismatch report in SMS Fraud Reports folder.


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Appendix C - Enabling VAM in the R360 Application



LD Usage Report in ISUP Fraud Reports folder if ISUP VAM is in scope.

Packet Data High Usage Report in Packet Data folder if PACKET DATA VAM is
in scope.

Enable VIPTracker VAM

Perform the steps provided in the Add SDS7.0 CoS Configuration Module section.

Set c o s . c a c h e . r eq u i re d configuration entry to true in the

t x n w r i t e r . c f g file.

Set c o s . c a c h e . r eq u i re d configuration entry to true in the I P P r o be . c fg

file, if Packet Data VAM is in scope.

Run the d a t a b a s e / o r a cl e / pr e p op s /r q m _e n a bl e _ vi p t ra c ke r . sq l SQL


Restart txnwriter, statswriter, IPProbe (if enabled), Alerter binaries along with
Tomcat server.

Refer to the C onfiguring VIPTracker section on page 149.

Enable SIP VAM

To enable SIP in statswriter, run the following SQL file:

d a t a ba s e /o r a cl e / pr e p op s /r q m _e n a bl e _ si p . sq l

Restart txnwriter and statswriter binaries.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

Whats New in This Guide
This section summarizes the additions, modifications, and deprecations made in each release
to the process of installing and configuring the R360 application, and provides pointers about
additional information. Where appropriate, it discusses the enhancements made to this
document itself.
This section contains the following topic:
R160817 Initial release on page 171

R160817 Initial release

This section summarizes the additions, modifications, and deprecations made in this initial
release of R360 1.0.R160817, provides pointers to additional information about these
features, and discusses enhancements made to this document.
This section contains the following topics:

Additions on page 171

Modifications on page 172

Deprecations on page 172

Documentation Enhancements on page 172

Table 35 on page 171 lists and describes the additions made in this release of R360 1.0.

T AB L E 35 A D D I TI O N S


Verifying Cloudera 5.5


Describes the steps involved post installation of Cloudera

5.5 application.
For details, refer to the Verifying Cloudera 5.5 installation
section on page 29.

Installing and verifying

Mobileum Wisdom

Describes the steps for installing Mobileum Wisdom

platform component and post installation configuration


Roaming 360 1.0 Installation Guide

Appendix D - Whats New in This Guide




For details, refer to the Installing and verifying Mobileum
Wisdom platform on page 29.

Post R360 deployment

on Hadoop

Describes the steps to be executed post installation of the

R360 application on Hadoop.
For details, refer to the Post R360 deployment on Hadoop
section on page 35.

Modifying permissions of
reports module

Describes the steps required to modify the permissions of

the reports module in the JasperReports Server
applications GUI.
For details, refer to the Modifying permissions of reports
module on page 124.

Modifying reports data


Describes the steps required to modify the data source to

which the reports module in the JasperReports Server
applications GUI is connecting.
For details, refer to the Modifying reports data source on
page 125.

No modifications have been made in this release of the R360 application.

No deprecations have been made in this release of the R360 application.

Documentation Enhancements
No document-specific enhancement has been made in this release of the R360 application.
However, details about additions, modifications, and deprecations made in this release are
documented appropriately, as discussed in the previous sections.

End of Document

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Mobileum, Inc.

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