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NOTES: Announce each class period start and end, Shorter Passing

time, Mail schedules, 7th grade A/B together

Back to School Night (Open House) 2016-2017 Schedule

Office staff arrives

5:45 Set up gym area all staff can help

**Use white tables for handing out schedules, etc. 2 grades per table
**Set up technology for slideshow, etc. Mr. Foster
**Pull out bleachers may need to take down 1 vb net

Hand out schedules teachers hand out the grade you advise
Start slideshow Char


Eileen announce that the program will begin at 6:30 in the gym

Good evening,
My name is Rob Brandl and I would like to welcome everyone to Cedar Mountain Open House night and the
unofficial kick off to another great year. At this time, I would like to invite Meggan Hoffman to introduce the
MS/HS Staff members here this evening.
6:30 PROMPTLY begin presentation Eileen announce for all students and parents to report to the gym at
this time. Mr. Brandl will begin with his own introduction and Meggan Hoffmann will introduce staff members
please stand by your department

Principal Introduction and Handbook Highlights

1. Introduce myself- My name is Rob Brandl
2. Before we get to far, I just wanted to welcome everyone to another school year.
3. Excited to be here and we have worked really hard to prepare to have a great year.
4. One thing that I hope to bring to Cedar Mountain is High Expectations in all that we do.
5. I believe that having High Expectations will allow us to go great places as a school and give our
students a great education to prepare them for whatever path they choose in life.
6. Cedar Mountain will have High Expectations: Accountability, School Culture, Attendance, In the
Classroom & Academics
7. Accountability: We expect all students to be responsible for your conduct, your actions
8. School Culture: We want everyone here to be proud of CM. Cedar Mountains strives to provide a
welcoming environment for our students, parents and the community.
9. We will have high expectations for student Attendance: The first thing that is most important in
education is being present and on time every day.
10. In the Classroom: Every Kid is Intelligent and every kid can continue to learn. We need to create
thinkers and life-long learners..
11. We believe that setting these expectations will allow CM to continue to be the school of choice in the

Parents: First of all thank you for what you do. You are the number #1 teacher in your childs life and it is the
school mission to assist parents in the upbringing of their children. We appreciate what you do and we thank
you for the opportunity to educate your children.

I do want to challenge you as parents to do 3 things throughout this year to help your child have a great year.
1. Be engaged in their education. Ask them what they learned today? Help them when they need it and
be in tune with what is going on.
2. Encouraged them to work through tough times. School and teenage years are not always easy.
Support your child and guide them in the right direction and as they go throughout the year.
3. Tell your child you care about them every single day. Every single person that works at Cedar
Mountain truly cares about kids and wants what is best for them. The more positive interaction we
have with our students the more successful they will be.
Students: Each year of school presents new opportunities for you to grow as a student. I hope that this year you
take advantage of those many opportunities and work hard to be as successful as possible in all that you do. We
are glad to call each and every one of you a Cedar Mountain students and are proud of what you will
accomplish this year.
A few house-keeping items before we move on:
12. The Cedar Mountain Student Handbook and be Found Online on the CM website. Please make sure
you can locate this and read through it to understand the rules and procedures of our school.
13. Chromebooks: If you have yet to pick up a Chromebook, please make sure you go to the Cafeteria
before you leave tonight.
6:50 Brief Explanation of How the Night Will Work - Mr. Brandl
"The staff are very excited that you are here with your student tonight. In order for you to meet your students'
teachers and to understand your students' routine, you will accompany your student through a typical school
day. We will be running on an A day schedule. Make a note of your A day classes and staff will be in the
hallways to help direct you as the night goes on. If you have more than one student, perhaps you could choose
to follow your youngest. After the bell rings to dismiss us from the gym you will have five minutes to get to
your 1st hour class. Each class period will last FIVE minutes and we will have FOUR minute passing times.
When Period 8 is dismissed we will have cookies and juice in the cafeteria. At that time, the office will still be
open for business and all staff will be available for questions."
7:00 Period 1
7:05 Dismiss
7:09 Period 2
7:14 Dismiss
7:18 Period 3
7:23 Dismiss
7:27 Period 4
7:32 Dismiss

7:36 Period 5
7:41 Dismiss
7:45 Period 6
7:50 Dismiss
7:54 Period 7
7:59 Dismiss
8:03 Period 8
8:08 Dismiss

**If you are not a teacher please help get cookies and juice ready in the cafeteria.
**All staff should come to cafeteria after the final bell to socialize with students and parents.

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