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Google leads the way in an October 2011 study by (Go0p lec the U.S. core snarh martin Ao wth 654 cent of ha searches const, ftowea by Yahoo! with 17.2 percent, and Microsoft with 124 percant erosof powers Yahoo Search. nthe real word, most Webmastrs se 2 ‘much nigra parcentage of hata tor Google than ese urbors suggest) Americans alone condcteda staggering 20. lon searches ‘none month. Goods sccourted fr 134 bilon searches, fatowed by Yoo! (2.3 bon, Meraset 2.7 Blo. Ask Netwerk (18 milon, and AOL LLC @77 monk ‘tia serch powered by Goonleprosrdes equated 67.7 percent ofl search queries, lowed by Bing which powered Billions spent on ontine marketing from an August ‘201s Forrester report * Oninemanating costs wi aeroach $77 Bion n 2016 mis amour wi epson 26% of a advertsing usps = Search report: #768 of respondents used search angst fed focal business ‘formation v. 74% who tuned 0 print yellow pages ‘the new Yellow Pages from a Burke 201 © 67% hac used search engines inthe pst 0 yf coca Infomation, anc 23% responded ha they had wsed enti {908 networks ae loos) macs source That's Some Spicy Data You Got There! Alot ie inpezaive osereh cata eas us to important Conclusions about web search and makeing though search ‘gies. n partic we're able to make the folowing stators “Sauce vry, very pul Going srg at neat 20% 3 yaar ranches neat every nine Ameren nd ion oF people around ho wo t Seurch cvs an incredible amount ofboth enine and one ‘economies. gn rantings in th tow resus are ene wb. Boing list atte top othe ects not ony proves the ‘geatest amount of atc, but eso sts stn consumes as tothe wohiness end restive importance othe company or Leoning the foundations of SEO is via stop in achieving these An August 2011 Pew In net study reveated: ‘The percentage of ema usar who use search engines on type cay has tenn steady ring rom about ne his oF a8 ier in 2002, 0.100 high of 69% ofl ac! emote {in is increase, he numberof thse using a search engine ‘ona ypial dy puting ever laser to ae 61 percent of Interne user ho ue ema, agua te Intent te ‘ator app. on atypical day. ‘StatCounter Global Stats reports the top 5 search ‘engines sending traffieworkdwide: Google sends 90.62% of va Yihoa! end 9.78% ofa ing sents 32.72% of ati Ak Sones sends. 96% of tate. i sencs.25% of rate, A 2011 study by Slingshot SEO reveals click-through ‘rates for top rankin *% A#1 poston n Google's seach resuts receives 182% ofall ‘lekthrouph wate. The second poston rceives 10.1%, the hind 7.2%, the fourth 429%, and al othars unde 2% © ANT poston n Bing’ search rests verges 9.05% cfck- treat, The total average cht ate for en rests ws {52.32% for Googe ana 26.52% fr Bing. “For marketers, the Internet as a whole, and seareh in particular, are among the most important ways to reach consumers and build a business.”

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