January 19 2017

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 19, 2017

What must we do to secure the future society with love and light? Bhagawan lovingly
calls out the means and our key duties.

The future of the country depends on the skill and sincerity of youth.
Therefore, the necessary enthusiasm and encouragement must be
generated amongst the youth. All my hopes are based on the students,
the youth. They are very dear to Me. They are faultless; it is the parents
and the school that are at fault for all the waywardness and violence. They
lead them into wrong directions. Embodiments of Love, instead of filling
your heads with facts and figures, fill your heart with love and light. Have
confidence in the vast powers of the soul (Atma), which is your reality.
Have faith in the grace of God, which you can secure by prayer. Mutual
respect can be built on the faith that all are children of God and all are
Divine. With this foundation, you will get cooperation and enthusiasm for
work. All of you must do your best, fully knowing your duty and
- Divine Discourse Jan 5, 1975.

Faith in God is the bedrock on which your life must be built. Baba

19 jnvrI, 2017
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM, Biv`K dy smwj leI, ipAwr Aqy pRkwS dI pRwpqI leI, kI ku`J zrUrI krnw cwhIdw hY? Bgvwn, ipAwr
nwl swnUM,FMg dsdy hn Aqy swnUM shI ifaUtI bwry dsdy hn[

au`qr: iksy vI dyS dw Biv`K,nOjvwnW dy hunr Aqy eImwndwrI qy inrBr krdw hY[ies leI,nOjvwnW ivc, loVINdw
hOslw Aqy h`lw-SyrI BrnI cwhIdI hY[myrI swrIAW aumIdW, ividAwrQIAW Aqy nOjvwnW au`qy inrBr krdIAW hn[auh,
mYnUM,bhuq ipAwry hn[aunHW v`loN kIqI izd Aqy AihMsw dw sBwau, aunHW dy mW-bwp Aqy skUlI is`KAw dy kwrx hY Aqy
aunHW dw , ies ivc Awpxw koeI ksUr nhIN hY[mW-bwp Aqy skUl hI,aunHW nUM,glq idSw idMdy hn[pRym srUpo! Awpxy
idmwg dy AMdr, duinAw dIAW g`lW Aqy rUpW nwl Brn dI bjwey, Awpxy idl ivc,ipAwr Aqy pRkwS Bro[Awqmw,
ijhVI scweI hY aus dI mhwn SkqI qy Brosw r`Ko[Bgvwn dy AwSIrvwd au`qy ivSvwS r`Ko[ qusIN ieh ivSvwS,
pRwrQnw dI mdd nwl hwsl kr skdy ho[Awps ivc ie`zq-mwn qW hI bx skdw hY jy ies gl qy pUrw ivSvwS kIqw
jwvy ik swry, Bgvwn dy hI b`cy hn Aqy swry hI idvX hn[ies cIz nUM nINh m`ndy hoey, quhwnUM kMm krn ivc, sihXog
Aqy hOslw imly gw[ieh cMgI qrHW jwxdy hoey ik ieh myrI ifaUtI Aqy iz`mydwrI hY, Awpxy kMm nUM isry cVHwaux leI
pUrw Xqn krnw cwhIdw hY[( 05 jnvrI, 1975 dy idvX pRvcn)[
Bgvwn au`qy ivSvwS hI iek puKqw nINh p`Qr hY ijhdy au`qy , quhwfw jIvn inrBr hoxw cwhIdw hY[(bwbw)[

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