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Aim :
To construct an Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram (EER) for university database.

Problem Statement:
A University wants to track persons associated with them. A person can be an Employee or
Student. Employees are Faculty, Technicians and Project associates. Students are Full time students,
Part time students and Teaching Assistants. Design an Enhanced Entity Relationship (EER) Model for
university database.

EER Notations:

(a)Graphical notations

Procedure to draw EER Diagram:

STEP1 :The classes PERSON,FACULTY, STUDENT, and GRAD_STUDENT have the extents
and STUDENT extends PERSON and GRAD_STUDENT extends STUDENT. Hence, the
collection of STUDENTS (and the collection of FACULTY) will be constrained to be a subset of
the collection of PERSONs at any time.
STEP 2: The collection of GRAD_STUDENTs will be a subset of STUDENTs. At the same
time, individual STUDENT and FACULTY objects will inherit the properties (attributes and
relationships) and operations of PERSON, and individual GRAD_STUDENT objects will inherit
those of STUDENT.

STEP 3:The GRADE class corresponds to the M:N relationship between STUDENT and Hence,
the M:N relationship is mapped to the class GRADE, and a pair of 1:N relationships,one between
STUDENT and GRADE .These relationships are represented by the following relationship
properties: Completed_sections of STUDENT; Section and Student of GRADE; and Students.
Finally, the class DEGREE is used to represent the composite, multivalued attribute degrees of

(b)University database(grade and degree class)

The interface inheritance, only operations are inherited, not properties (attributes, relationships).
Hence, if a property is needed in the inheriting class, it must be repeated in the class definition,
as with the Reference_point attribute in Figure (b). Notice that the inherited operations can have
different implementations in each class.
Multiple inheritance of interfaces by a class is allowed, as is multiple inheritance of interfaces by
another interface. However, with the extends (class) inheritance, multiple inheritance is not
permitted. Hence, a class can inherit via extends from at most one class (in addition to inheriting
from zero or more interfaces).

Thus Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram (EER) for university database was

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