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In this experiment, mixing is an operation in which two or more components are

interspersed in space with one another. The V-cone mixer is used for dry powders and
particulate solids. The V-cone mixers operate by tumbling the mass of solids inside a
revolving vessel. It is repeated continuously to produce a well-mixed sample. Standard
deviation is a widely used measure of variability or diversity used in statistics and probability
theory. It shows how much variation or dispersion exists from the average mean. Besides,
standard deviation is a measure of variation that indicates the typical distance between the
scores of a distribution and mean. A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend
to be very close to the mean, when high standard deviation indicates that the data points are
spread out over a large range of value. The significance of standard deviation in unit
operation is to measure of how spread the data of fraction of red beans collected in 20g
sample at different mixing time and to calculate the changes in sample composition.
Deviation of the sample compositions from the mean composition of overall mixture
represents a measure of the mixing process.
From the results, for 20 minutes of mixing time, the standard deviation for
red beans is 0.03116. For green beans is
.Theoretically, lower
standard deviation means better mixing or more uniform of mixture.
The factors that determine the efficiency of mixing are size, shape
and density of particles size, surface area, and flexibility, perforation
aerodynamics of mixer, container and fluid viscosity. For preparation of 3
in 1 milo, milo had dilute colour and it taste too sweet. To improve the
taste and colour should be added another 20g of milo. The mixture was
mixed by using V-cone mixer at speed 9 for 5 minutes.

In conclusion, 20 minutes of mixing time produce a more uniform mixture
of mixing as it had lowest standard deviation value which
. Lower
standard deviation produces better mixing or more uniform of mixtures.

1. McCABE, W. L.,SMITH, J. C. and HARRIOTT, P.(1975) Unit Operations of
Chemical Engineering, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.

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