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Quartz Crystals & Sex Magick Dream Techniques

by Bill Siebert
I am a sex magician. I have been consciously working dream phantasy actualizatio
n through VIII (masturbatory) Magick1 over the past three decades. I have found c
rystals to be an excellent adjunct to all forms of sex magick. If you are not al
ready using the energy of your sexuality as a magickal tool, dream reification i
s a pleasant and easy way to begin. But, proceed with an understanding/acceptanc
e that dreams invoke reality. So do phantasies. The explosiveness of orgasm thru
sts phantasy into the collective unconscious to speed its reification. In this s
ort of working, crystals act like programmable beacons which embody the Will of
the magician while s/he is busy spacing out on the ecstasy circuit. Be careful2
of the energies you invoke, for they will reify.
Set aside at least 72 consecutive hours for this mini-Magickal retirement. Ideal
ly, you should be well-rested, free from stress, and very But things are seldom
ideal if you live/work/play in the real world. Of these considerations, I have f
ound that the ability to set-aside a continuous of time is the most important.
Go to sleep with your crystal in your passive3 hand. When you awaken from a drea
m in an aroused state, use your crystal to assist yourself in remembering your d
ream. Then transfer your crystal back into your passive hand, and masturbate you
rself to orgasm, using imagery from your dream. Anoint your dream crystal with y
our sexual fluids.4 Lick some of your sexual elixir from the crystal and return
to sleep. I find it very useful to keep one thumb in good contact with the cryst
al s major sloping facet at all phases of this operation.
Do not break focus to write down any dreams at this point. Continue this procedu
re all night long, as often as possible. This may take some practice, particular
ly if you do not usually masturbate so frequently. When you have tapped-into you
r sexual current, this procedure will enable you to ride wave upon wave of orgas
m throughout your dreams. The individual dreams may weave themselves together, e
xposing glimpses of the fabric of your dreamworld. Explore your dreamworld and s
culpt it to fit your vision of reality.
When sleep and/or orgasm are no longer possible, soak your crystal in a glass of
clean, cool tap water while you shower or bathe. Drink half of this potion. Res
erve the balance of your orgasmic crystal water in a tightly covered glass or pl
astic container under a copper pyramid (or in the refrigerator).
Immediately upon drinking your orgasmic crystal water, begin to write up your dr
eams and/or your sexual phanzasies. If all is going well, your dreams and phanta
sies will have a common thread or be congruent. Seek out glitches, weak spots in
your dream reality, or ways in which you would like to alter your dreams. Seek
for ways to weave individual dream segments into a larger richer dreamscape. Whi
le keeping your crystal in your active hand, enter your dream consciously. Use a
stral projection, or phantasy and daydreams. Edit the fabric of the dream realit
y. Write up an edited dream and destroy the original dream memory.
Take a break. Go for a walk and/or get some food. Visit with friends. Then, begi
n a new dream cycle. Just before retiring, drink half of the remaining orgasmic
crystal water to seed your dreams. In the morning, add your newly created orgasm
ic crystal water to that which remains of the previous batch, before drinking yo
ur morning allotment. Keep adding each day s fresh crystal washings to the previou
s batch and drinking from the blended elixir until you are ready to end the Work
During your Working, examine your dream patterns carefully. Weave each new dream
into the fabric of your previous dreams and edit them to remove glitches and ep

isodes which it is not your Will to reify.

At the end of your Working, examine your dream record. Weigh it carefully in you
r mind. If you deem that such phantasies are not up to your standards as a creat
or, drink the remaining orgasmic crystal water and sleep for a few days without
consciously working any dream magick. Meditate upon your tutelary deity.
If, on the other hand, you feel that your dreams are ready for reification, take
the remaining orgasmic crystal water to a lake, stream, or reservoir and pour i
t into the water, while focusing your intentionality on seeding the dreams and r
ealities of all who drink that water. I have found it useful to publish my succe
ssful dream workings (perhaps as fiction),5 or create some form of Art (poetry,
music, bumper stickers, etc.) based upon what it is I am seeking to reify, so th
at others can tap into its imagery and/or essence.
Crystals, particularly when combined with sex magick, are potent catalysts for h
elping magicians to get to know one another. Here is a technique which I have be
en using for awhile. I designed this method to create a 2nd chakra dream gateway
6 between myself and another mage whom I was courting. It should work between an
y magi, so long as there is no antipathy towards a 2nd chakra connection. Modify
it as you will.
Select a crystal which you have not worked with extensively.7 Sleep with it (for
a night or two), consecrating it with your VIII elixirs. Then fix the vibration
of the crystal with fire (see below for details). Give your crystal to him/her w
ith whom you seek to open-up a dream gateway. Such gateways are far more effecti
ve if your friend/lover gives you a similarly prepared crystal in return.
To experience the energy of your friend/lover in meditation or dream, simply use
the crystal you received from him/her as though it were your own dream crystal,
with one major exception. Cleanse the crystal with salt water before and after
each use.8 The crystal has already been fixed, so it will always retain the vibr
ation which your friend/lover impressed upon it. Cleansing removes all of your v
ibrations (pre-conceived notions about him/her, desire, etc.) so that you can tu
ne yourself to experiencing your friend/lover directly far more directly than most
people are able to experience by using their waking consciousness and rational
Some people like to synchronize their workings and then compare notes as to the
success or failure of the dream link. These sorts of experiments may encourage L
ust of Result and pre-dispose the experiment to failure. I prefer to be as spont
aneous in my workings as possible. By going with the flow (rather than attemptin
g to impose my desires upon it), I am more likely to gain deep (non-judgmental)
insights into the personality of s/he who sent me the crystal.
Fixing transfers all temporary information within a crystal to permanent storage
within Gaia s archives, thus making it a permanent9 part of that crystal s personal
character and knowledge base. Fixing builds upon a crystal s inherent nature, thu
s triggering/speeding its evolution.
I fix crystals which I give to friends as dream gateways. I also fix crystals to
commemorate magickal events. Every so often I transfer all of what I know/feel
about consciousness into a crystal, then fix it and bury it under a small stone
obelisk in a state park for someone else to find.
Find a place which feels right for ritual. My preference is for a place where I

will not be disturbed when I work late at night. Build a medium-sized tire out o
f substances in your natural environment.10 As you build your fire, meditate on
the essence of fire.
Take out the crystals you have brought with you. I like to have at least 2 cryst
als with me for this ritual the crystal which I am going to fix, and one who will
act as an Observer/Witness, to record the ritual itself. If I am going to fix mo
re than one crystal, a single observer crystal suffices for the whole batch. Sit
down near the fire. Hold the witness crystal in your active hand and the crysta
l you will be fixing in your passive hand. Stare at the flames and relax. Lose y
ourself in your fire. When you are calm and serene, begin to think about what yo
u are working to accomplish. Think about what you are fixing into your crystal.
Allow random images to float before your mind s eye. Keep staring at the flames. P
ut the witness crystal down.
Roll the crystal you are fixing between your palms. Hold your hands near the fir
e. If your hands become sweaty, imagine the crystal drinking-up the moisture. Al
low/encourage your consciousness to flow into the crystal along with your sweat.
Become one with the crystal and the fire and yourself. Lose yourself. As you be
gin to come out of your meditation, you will once again become aware of the fire
glinting off the crystal. Slowly draw your point of consciousness back into you
r body, without losing consciousness of the fire or the crystal. Repeat this sev
eral times, until the flow becomes second nature to you.
In a graceful flowing motion, stand and begin to dance around the fire as you mo
ve the crystal to your active hand. Sweep the crystal through the flames in thre
e continuous circular or spiral arcs11 as though you are stirring an imaginary c
auldron. Allow the fire to lick at the crystal and your hand. Move your hand slo
w enough that you can feel the heat of the flames, yet not so slow that you burn
yourself, or crack the crystal. Remain conscious that you are the fire, and you
are the crystal, and you are the being who holds the crystal. Allow the crystal
to flow to your passive hand. Repeat the three-fold journey of hand/crystal thr
ough fire using your passive hand. Do it a third time, with whichever hand feels
Your crystal is now fixed.
1 The techniques I discuss here can easily be extended from a VII Working to the
realms of IX (heterosexual Workings -ed.) or XI (homosexual Workings, heterosexual
sodomy and/or IX during the Lunar flow -ed). Holding on to your crystal while ma
king love can sometimes be a nuisance, but I have found it to be well worth the
aAnointing my dream crystal with IX elixir, then holding It in my passive hand, w
ith one finger inserted in my lover s anus during cunnilingus has helped me to dev
elop my abilities for vaginal skrying.
2I know a Priestess who used to play with taboo in her phantasies. Then her phan
tasies began actualizing, and her life became more Interesting than she was read
y to handle. She freaked out. She is now celibate. Consciously evokIng taboo can
be a powerful and rapid path of initiation, but it can sometimes be a bit too b
old for many initiates. In this context, I agree with Borellus: "Call not forth
what thou hast to put back down" (from a marginal note on a singular incantatory
formula for the exorcism of the dead which I found in Borellus copy of the Necro

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