Nurs 422 Final Paper Instructions-1

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NURS 422 Final Paper

This is a group-based assignment completed with your Practice Experience

Based on the project/deliverable identified in your community assessment,
write a 5-7 page paper using APA format.
The 5-7 page limit includes your title page, body of text, and your reference

Using APA (6th ed.) format, your paper MUST include:

A title page with running head
Subtitles dividing the sections
In-text citations per APA format
Reference page at the end (before your appendices)
Please organize your paper into these following sections:
Introduction. 1-2 paragraphs giving a general description of the project. You
must support your findings with peer-reviewed literature using APA in-text
citations in the introduction.
Change Theory and Planning Phase. As a PE group, agree upon one Change
Theory identified by one of your group members in the Readiness for Change
discussion board assignment. In this section, discuss how the chosen change
theory informed your project plan. In your description, incorporate aspects of
your Logic Model/FOCUS PDCA assignment.
Organizational Readiness for Change/Likeliness to Adopt Innovation. How
likely is your organization ready to adopt your proposed
project/deliverable/innovation? Using Lewins Force Field Analysis or Dearing
and Kreuters Push-Pull Infrastructure Model, discuss the factors that inform
your prediction of your organizations likeliness to adopt the change?
Recommendations. Provide a summary of the Practice Experience Group's
recommendations for next steps to support the agency's ability to adopt
the intervention/project/deliverable developed. Remember, the goal is to
keep the tone professional and to focus on the need for processes and
systems to change, rather than focus on individual error which stems from a
tone of blame and shame. Recall your readings on "just culture."
Conclusion. (2-3 sentences)
References page (APA format)
Appendix section must include:
Logic Model is required. Please include FOCUS PDCA if applicable to
your PE project.
Organizational readiness model included as a visual (Ex. Lewin's Force
Field Analysis or the Push-Pull Infrastructure model)

Additional materials (such as visuals, tables, materials that will support

your report. Be sure to get feedback from your practice faculty)

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