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There is no doubting that Nitish Kumar is regretting this.

His government is
burdened by the weight of Lalus two sons and of course the convicted corrupt Lalu
Yadav himself. The RJD feels (quite legitimately if I may add) that this is their
government. After all, the RJD is the largest party in the Bihar Assembly. They
contested the same number of seats as JDU, but they won more. I despise RJD, but
the verdict of the people is above everything else.
Worse for Nitish Kumar, the Lutyens media has vanished from his side. His PM
dreams are going going gone In Nov of 2015, they toasted him as the future of
Bharat, today they dont throw him a second glance. This would be the second time
Nitish Kumar has courted his own ruin by listening to secular media. The first time in
2013 he made a disastrous decision to snap the alliance and go it alone. He was
reduced to 2 seats in Bihar. If he had not listened to the Lutyens mafia, he would
have been a bright shining star in NDA today, with more than 20 MPs in the Lok
Sabha and perhaps 2-3 Cabinet Ministers. LOL!
After the 2014 election, Nitish Kumar could have begged forgiveness and returned
to NDA. A BJP+JDU alliance would have crosses 200 out of 243 seats again and
Nitish would have kept his 112 MLAs in the Assembly. But he listened to Lutyens
mafia again because they promised to make him Prime Minister. Here he is, a
puppet CM with 60 seats in a 243 member assembly. The Lutyens mafia has moved
on : now they are toasting Akhilesh Yadav The Lutyens mafia moved swiftly from
Kejriwal to Nitish to Mayawati to

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