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IC1 L1D1 Quiz on Characters_CH & Pinyin to En

For each of the following multiple choice questions, write the letter that corresponds with the best
answer provided.
__ 1. (ji)
A. friend,companion,fraternity
C. what,mixed,miscellaneous

B. to ask about,to inquire after,to ask

D. elder sister,young lady

__ 2. (shen2,sh)
A. what,mixed,miscellaneous

B. to be born,to give birth,life,to

grow,living,lifetime,birth,Kangxi radical 100
C. king,ruler,royal,surname Wang,Kangxi radical 96 D. to call,to yell,to be called,to order, to greet, to shout

__ 3. (xng)
A. family name,surname,name,clan
C. elder sister,young lady

B. interrogative or emphatic final

D. letter,symbol,character,word

__ 4. (ne5,n)
A. you,second person pronoun
C. interrogative or emphatic final

B. first,former,previous,early,prior,in advance
D. expensive,noble,costly,valuable,your (name),precious

__ 5. (xio)
A. first,former,previous,early,prior,in advance

B. small,tiny,few,insignificant,young,Kangxi radical number

C. to ask,to invite,please (do something),to treat (to D. king,ruler,royal,surname Wang,Kangxi radical 96
a meal etc),to request

__ 6. (me5,ma)
A. plum,surname Li
C. to call,to yell,to be called,to order, to greet, to

B. friend,pal,acquaintance
D. interrogative particle,repetition of a tune small,tender

__ 7. (z)
A. friend,companion,fraternity
C. letter,symbol,character,word

B. I,me,my
D. interrogative or emphatic final

__ 8. (w)
A. you,second person pronoun
C. plum,surname Li

B. I,me,my
D. friend,pal,acquaintance

__ 9. (xin)
A. plum,surname Li
C. first,former,previous,early,prior,in advance

B. to ask about,to inquire after,to ask

D. elder sister,young lady

__ 10. (wn)
A. to ask,to invite,please (do something),to treat (to B. what,mixed,miscellaneous
a meal etc),to request
C. letter,symbol,character,word
D. to ask about,to inquire after,to ask
__ 11. (yu)
A. plum,surname Li
C. letter,symbol,character,word

B. name,famous,title,rank,noun (part of speech),place (e.g.

among winners),measure word for people
D. friend,companion,fraternity

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Feb 5, 2015 1:30 PM

IC1 L1D1 Quiz on Characters_CH & Pinyin to En

__ 12. (qng)
A. small,tiny,few,insignificant,young,Kangxi radical
number 42
C. letter,symbol,character,word

B. what,mixed,miscellaneous
D. to ask,to invite,please (do something),to treat (to a meal
etc),to request

__ 13. (shng)
A. to ask,to invite,please (do something),to treat (to B. to be born,to give birth,life,to
a meal etc),to request
grow,living,lifetime,birth,Kangxi radical 100
C. interrogative particle,repetition of a tune
D. letter,symbol,character,word
__ 14. (gu)
A. friend,pal,acquaintance
C. expensive,noble,costly,valuable,your
__ 15. (l)
A. plum,surname Li
C. I,me,my

B. small,tiny,few,insignificant,young,Kangxi radical number

D. what,mixed,miscellaneous

B. friend,companion,fraternity
D. elder sister,young lady

__ 16. (mng)
A. name,famous,title,rank,noun (part of
B. king,ruler,royal,surname Wang,Kangxi radical 96
speech),place (e.g. among winners),measure word
for people
C. family name,surname,name,clan
D. interrogative or emphatic final
__ 17. (nn)
A. good,well,nice,excellent,
C. honorific for

B. to ask,to invite,please (do something),to treat (to a meal

etc),to request
D. to ask about,to inquire after,to ask

__ 18. (wang2,wng)
A. king,ruler,royal,surname Wang,Kangxi radical 96 B. first,former,previous,early,prior,in advance
C. friend,pal,acquaintance
D. interrogative or emphatic final
__ 19. (jio)
A. to call,to yell,to be called,to order, to greet, to
C. friend,pal,acquaintance
__ 20. (n)
A. first,former,previous,early,prior,in advance
C. I,me,my
__ 21. (png)
A. good,well,nice,excellent,
C. plum,surname Li

B. first,former,previous,early,prior,in advance
D. name,famous,title,rank,noun (part of speech),place (e.g.
among winners),measure word for people

B. to ask,to invite,please (do something),to treat (to a meal

etc),to request
D. you,second person pronoun

B. friend,pal,acquaintance
D. what,mixed,miscellaneous

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Feb 5, 2015 1:30 PM

IC1 L1D1 Quiz on Characters_CH & Pinyin to En

__ 22. (hao3,ho)
A. to ask about,to inquire after,to ask
C. good,well,nice,excellent,

B. I,me,my
D. what,mixed,miscellaneous

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Feb 5, 2015 1:30 PM

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