For Each of The Following Multiple Choice Questions, Write The Letter That Corresponds With The Best Answer Provided

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IC1 L1D1 Quiz on Characters_CH to Pinyin

For each of the following multiple choice questions, write the letter that corresponds with the best
answer provided.
__ 1.
A. png
C. mng

B. ji
D. z

__ 2.
A. shen2,sh
C. wang2,wng

B. yu
D. xng

__ 3.
A. gu
C. z

B. jio
D. ji

__ 4.
A. yu
C. hao3,ho

B. png
D. mng

__ 5.
A. yu
C. ji

B. shng
D. z

__ 6.
A. n
C. wn

B. yu
D. l

__ 7.
A. shng
C. nn

B. n
D. mng

__ 8.
A. ne5,n
C. gu

B. png
D. me5,ma

__ 9.
A. n
C. png

B. gu
D. xio

__ 10.
A. nn
C. wn

B. jio
D. shen2,sh

__ 11.
A. yu
C. ji

B. w
D. jio

__ 12.
A. n
C. shen2,sh

B. xin
D. mng

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Page 1
Feb 5, 2015 1:32 PM

IC1 L1D1 Quiz on Characters_CH to Pinyin

__ 13.
A. shng
C. ji

B. nn
D. gu

__ 14.
A. hao3,ho
C. png

B. qng
D. shen2,sh

__ 15.
A. l
C. w

B. wn
D. ne5,n

__ 16.
A. nn
C. l

B. qng
D. yu

__ 17.
A. shng
C. xio

B. qng
D. jio

__ 18.
A. wang2,wng
C. shen2,sh

B. png
D. z

__ 19.
A. l
C. xng

B. gu
D. z

__ 20.
A. n
C. xio

B. hao3,ho
D. shen2,sh

__ 21.
A. n
C. hao3,ho

B. xng
D. w

__ 22.
A. l
C. z

B. mng
D. me5,ma

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Feb 5, 2015 1:32 PM

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