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g2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 art ziar}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \a
f3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 / andra/ 2016/ mai/ sport}{\fs24 \kerning2 \d
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ght \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs
28 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 Vara se num\u
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b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang24 \langnp24 \par }\pard
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och \af0 {\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1
048 Se apropie vara \uc1 \u238 ?n calendare, iar preg\uc1 \u259 ?tirile pentru a
\uc1 \u238 ?nt\uc1 \u226 ?mpina noul sezon sunt \uc1 \u238 ?n toi. \uc1 \u206 ?
n s\uc1 \u259 ?lile de fitness e mare aglomera\uc1 \u539 ?ie, pentru c\uc1 \u259
? femeile vin, \uc1 \u238 ?n aceast\uc1 \u259 ? perioad\uc1 \u259 ?, s\uc1 \u25
9 ? \uc1 \u238 ?\uc1 \u537 ?i preg\uc1 \u259 ?teasc\uc1 \u259 ? corpul pentru pl
aj\uc1 \u259 ? sau piscin\uc1 \u259 ?, la fel \uc1 \u537 ?i b\uc1 \u259 ?rba\uc1
\u539 ?ii. Totu\uc1 \u537 ?i, mi\uc1 \u537 ?carea nu este totul. Pentru a men\u
c1 \u539 ?ine un echilibru \uc1 \u238 ?ntre s\uc1 \u259 ?n\uc1 \u259 ?tate \uc1
\u537 ?i dinamism, speciali\uc1 \u537 ?tii recomand\uc1 \u259 ? un regim special
, care s\uc1 \u259 ? completeze exerci\uc1 \u539 ?iile al\uc1 \u259 ?turi de ins
tructorul de fitness. Un abonament lunar la s\uc1 \u259 ?lile de fitness din Sib
iu cost\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?n jur de 100 lei, iar un regim alimentar depinde
de fiecare persoan\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?n parte. }{\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \cf3 Nutri\uc1 \u539 ?ionistul
Andreea Popa este de p\uc1 \u259 ?rere c\uc1 \u259 ? meniul un}{\b1 \fs24 \kerni
ng2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \cf3 ei persoane}{\b1
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ore\uc1 \u537 ?}{\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \
langnp1033 \cf3 te s}{\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1
048 \langnp1048 \cf3 \uc1 \u259 ? sl\uc1 \u259 ?beasc\uc1 \u259 ? }{\b1 \fs24 \k
erning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \cf3 incepe cu inj
umatatirea portiilor alimentelor procesate si treptat sa adopte un stil de viata
sanatos. Schimbarile trebuie facute treptat si rezultatele nu vor inceta sa apa
ra.}{\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar
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ch \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang103
3 \langnp1033 Andra MARINESCU}{\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \
f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \
sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs2
1 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hi
ch \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 andramarinescu}{\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbc
h \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 @}{\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \
af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033}{\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \
dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0
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ight \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs24
\kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 Num}{\fs24 \kern
ing2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \uc1 \u259 ?r\uc1 \u2
59 ?m deja zilele p\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u259 ? c\uc1 \u226 ?nd \uc1 \u537 ?trandur
ile din Sibiu \uc1 \u238 ?\uc1 \u537 ?i deschid por\uc1 \u539 ?ile. Ner\uc1 \u25
9 ?bdarea de a sta la soare \uc1 \u537 ?i a ne bronza ne face, \uc1 \u238 ?ns\uc
1 \u259 ?, s\uc1 \u259 ? ne g\uc1 \u226 ?ndim \uc1 \u537 ?i la zilele r\uc1 \u25
9 ?mase p\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?n momentul \uc1 \u238 ?n care ne
vom a\uc1 \u537 ?eza pe \uc1 \u537 ?ezlong, cu o b\uc1 \u259 ?utur\uc1 \u259 ? r
ece \uc1 \u238 ?n m\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u259 ?. Sibiencele s-au apucat de preg\uc1
\u259 ?tiri \uc1 \u238 ?nc\uc1 \u259 ? din ianuarie. }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \a
f4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 "Am }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \
hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 pus multe kilograme pe mine du}{\fs24
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g2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \uc1 \u259 ? s\uc1 \u25
9 ?rb\uc1 \u259 ?torile de Cr\uc1 \u259 ?ciun \uc1 \u537 ?i m}{\fs24 \kerning2 \
dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 -am }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 g\uc1 \u226 ?ndit c\uc1 \u259 ?
e momentul s\uc1 \u259 ? m\uc1 \u259 ? apuc de sl\uc1 \u259 ?bit. \uc1 \u206 ?n
ianuarie am \uc1 \u238 ?nceput s\uc1 \u259 ? vin la sal\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537

?i m\uc1 \u259 ? simt foarte bine}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \
f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 ", }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \l
ang1048 \langnp1048 spune Marinela, }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loc
h \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 o t}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4
\lang1048 \langnp1048 \uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u259 ?r\uc1 \u259 ? m\uc1 \u259 ?mic\u
c1 \u259 ? de 34 de ani. }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang
1033 \langnp1033 "}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \l
angnp1048 Num\uc1 \u259 ?rul celor care vin la sal\uc1 \u259 ? e mai mare, dar n
u putem vorbi despre un trend de prim\uc1 \u259 ?var\uc1 \u259 ?. Oamenii vin s\
uc1 \u259 ? dea jos kilogramele \uc1 \u238 ?ntotdeauna. 90% dintre clien\uc1 \u5
39 ?ii no\uc1 \u537 ?tri vin regulat}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loc
h \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 ", spune Puiu Falti}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hic
h \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \uc1 \u537 ?ca, instructor de fitness la
una dintre s\uc1 \u259 ?lile din Sibiu. Acesta m\uc1 \u259 ?rturise\uc1 \u537 ?t
e c\uc1 \u259 ? secretul unui corp s\uc1 \u259 ?n\uc1 \u259 ?tos const\uc1 \u259
? \uc1 \u238 ?ntr-o alimenta\uc1 \u539 ?ie aparte \uc1 \u537 ?i dinamism}{\fs24
\kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 . O via}{\fs24
\kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \uc1 \u539 ?\uc1
\u259 ? echilibrat\uc1 \u259 ?, consider\uc1 \u259 ? el, \uc1 \u238 ?nseamn\uc1
\u259 ? 30% sport \uc1 \u537 ?i 70% alimenta\uc1 \u539 ?ie potrivit\uc1 \u259 ?
. }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \par }
\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspa
lpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \a
f0 \loch \af0 {\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp
1048 De aceea\uc1 \u537 ?i p\uc1 \u259 ?rere este \uc1 \u537 ?i Adrian Mihai, de
la RActiv Sport Center \uc1 \u537 ?i pre\uc1 \u537 ?edintele Kudokai Sibiu, und
e este \uc1 \u537 ?i antrenor. Sportul, spune el, ar trebui s\uc1 \u259 ? nu fie
un }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 "mus
t do" }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 do
ar \uc1 \u238 ?n momentul \uc1 \u238 ?n care kilogramele sunt peste }{\fs24 \ker
ning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 m}{\fs24 \kerning2 \
dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \uc1 \u259 ?sur\uc1 \u259 ?
, ci s\uc1 \u259 ? fie un mod de via\uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259 ?}{\fs24 \kerning2 \d
bch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 , practicat cu regularitate,
fie cald, fie frig. "Nu cred }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4
\lang1048 \langnp1048 c\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?n dou\uc1 \u259 ? luni reu\uc1 \
u537 ?e\uc1 \u537 ?ti s\uc1 \u259 ? ar\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?i mai bine. Nu ai
cum s\uc1 \u259 ? ai rezultate, dec\uc1 \u226 ?t dac\uc1 \u259 ? ai un tip somat
ic care te ajut\uc1 \u259 ?}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \la
ng1033 \langnp1033 . Trebuia s}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4
\lang1048 \langnp1048 \uc1 \u259 ? te fi apucat de vara trecut\uc1 \u259 ? ca s\
uc1 \u259 ? ai rezultate \uc1 \u238 ?n vara lui 2016. Schimb\uc1 \u259 ?rile fiz
ice se fac \uc1 \u238 ?n timp}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3
\lang1033 \langnp1033 ", spune Adrian Mihai. Instructorul spune c}{\fs24 \kernin
g2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \uc1 \u259 ?, \uc1 \u23
8 ?n general, p\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?n luna iunie s\uc1 \u259 ?l
ile sunt aglomerate, iar din iunie \uc1 \u537 ?i p\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1
\u238 ?n septembrie sunt mai libere}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loc
h \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 . }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl2
76 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \
kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich
\af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 270 de minute dedicate sportului}{\b1 \fs24
\kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 , lunar}{\b1 \f
s24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard
\plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \
aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \lo
ch \af0 {\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 P
rintre exerci}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp
1048 \uc1 \u539 ?iile pe care antrenorul le propune se num\uc1 \u259 ?r\uc1 \u25

9 ? }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 exer
ci}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \uc1 \
u539 ?iile cardio \uc1 \u537 ?i cele de circuit, care implic\uc1 \u259 ? exerci\
uc1 \u539 ?ii cu greut\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?i libere. }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch
\af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 "Cele cardio, de }{\fs24 \kernin
g2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 s\uc1 \u259 ?rit coarda
, lovituri la sac, asigur\uc1 \u259 ? un consum de calorii mult mai mare. \uc1 \
u206 ?ntr-o or\uc1 \u259 ? de cardio, bine pus\uc1 \u259 ? la punct, po\uc1 \u53
9 ?i s\uc1 \u259 ? arzi mult mai multe calorii dec\uc1 \u226 ?t \uc1 \u238 ?ntro \uc1 \u537 ?edin\uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259 ? normal\uc1 \u259 ? de fitness}{\fs24
\kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 ", a mai spus Ad
rian Mihai. La }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \lang
np1048 RActiv}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp
1033 , care }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1
048 \uc1 \u238 ?\uc1 \u537 ?i are sediul pe bulevardul Victoriei, vizavi de c\uc
1 \u259 ?minele studen\uc1 \u539 ?e\uc1 \u537 ?ti, un abonament lunar cost\uc1 \
u259 ? 110 lei, centrul fiind deschis \uc1 \u238 ?ntre orele 8 - 23. }{\fs24 \ke
rning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 Adrian Mihai recoma
nd}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \uc1 \
u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?edin\uc1 \u539 ?e de trei ori pe s\uc1 \u259 ?pt\uc1 \u259 ?m
\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u259 ?, 90 de minute fiecare, sub \uc1 \u238 ?ndrumarea unui
instructor cu experien\uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259 ?. }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hi
ch \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0
\sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \r
in0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs24 \kerning2 \db
ch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 La sala pe care o conduce, cl
ien\uc1 \u539 ?ii primesc \uc1 \u537 ?i consiliere alimentar\uc1 \u259 ? din par
tea instructorilor. Ace\uc1 \u537 ?tia trebuie s\uc1 \u259 ? consume \uc1 \u238
?n mod echilibrat gr\uc1 \u259 ?simi, carbohidra\uc1 \u539 ?i \uc1 \u537 ?i prot
eine, s\uc1 \u259 ? evite zaharurile \uc1 \u537 ?i dulciurile \uc1 \u238 ?n exce
s. }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 "S}{\
fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \uc1 \u259
? consume multe salate, ulei de m\uc1 \u259 ?sile, pe\uc1 \u537 ?te, carne de vi
t\uc1 \u259 ?, semin\uc1 \u539 ?e de susan, floarea soarelui, nuci, migdale}{\fs
24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 ", }{\fs24 \k
erning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \uc1 \u238 ?ncheie
Adrian Mihai.}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langn
p1048 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \wid
ctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \
af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \
lang1033 \langnp1033 "Dac}{\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \
lang1048 \langnp1048 \uc1 \u259 ? faci totul cu modera\uc1 \u539 ?ie, reu\uc1 \u
537 ?e\uc1 \u537 ?ti!}{\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang
1033 \langnp1033 "}{\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang104
8 \langnp1048 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmu
lt1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \
f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 Mai multe despre dieta alimentar\uc1 \u259 ? ne-a poves
tit nutri\uc1 \u539 ?ionistul Andreea Popa. Aceasta spune c\uc1 \u259 ?, la \uc1
\u238 ?nceput, orice pas este binevenit \uc1 \u537 ?i recomand\uc1 \u259 ? cons
umul alimentelor cu modera\uc1 \u539 ?ie. }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af
3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 "Dac}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \l
och \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \uc1 \u259 ? faci totul cu modera\uc1 \u539 ?ie, r
eu\uc1 \u537 ?e\uc1 \u537 ?ti. E important s\uc1 \u259 ? echilibrezi. Dac\uc1 \u
259 ? vrei s\uc1 \u259 ? sl\uc1 \u259 ?be\uc1 \u537 ?ti, \uc1 \u238 ?n principiu
ar trebui mai \uc1 \u238 ?nt\uc1 \u226 ?i s\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?njum\uc1 \u
259 ?t\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?e\uc1 \u537 ?ti cantit\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?ile
de m\uc1 \u226 ?ncare}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033
\langnp1033 ", spune Andreea Popa. Ce}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \l
och \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 lor care nu sunt obi\uc1 \u537 ?nui\uc1 \u539 ?i c

u mersul pe jos, nutri\uc1 \u539 ?ionistul le sugereaz\uc1 \u259 ? s\uc1 \u259 ?

dep\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u537 ?easc\uc1 \u259 ? starea de sedentarism. }{\fs24 \ker
ning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 "}{\fs24 \kerning2 \
dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 Aceste persoane trebuie s\u
c1 \u259 ? ias\uc1 \u259 ? din cas\uc1 \u259 ?, dar nu la plimbare. S\uc1 \u259
? mearg\uc1 \u259 ? mai repede, s\uc1 \u259 ? oboseasc\uc1 \u259 ?. Ca \uc1 \u53
7 ?i cum s-ar gr\uc1 \u259 ?bi undeva. A\uc1 \u537 ?a s-ar vedea diferen\uc1 \u5
39 ?ele}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 "
, spune Andreea Popa.}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmul
t1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f
4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 Dup\uc1 \u259 ? ce ai luat decizia de a avea grij\uc1 \u
259 ? de corpul t\uc1 \u259 ?u, trebuie s\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?\uc1 \u539 ?i
schimbi alimenta\uc1 \u539 ?ia. Semipreparatele \uc1 \u537 ?i sucurile cu acid t
rebuie \uc1 \u238 ?nl\uc1 \u259 ?turate din meniu. \uc1 \u206 ?n aceast\uc1 \u25
9 ? perioad\uc1 \u259 ?, pe pia\uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259 ? sunt multe fructe \uc1 \
u537 ?i legume s\uc1 \u259 ?n\uc1 \u259 ?toase.}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hic
h \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \
sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \ri
n0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs24 \kerning2
\dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 Ce m\uc1 \u259 ?n\uc1 \u22
6 ?nci}{\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp103
3 ?}{\b1 \fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hi
ch \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \l
angnp1033 Ei bine, dimi}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10
48 \langnp1048 nea\uc1 \u539 ?a ar fi bine s\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?\uc1 \u539
?i prepari singur cerealele cu lapte. Po\uc1 \u539 ?i s\uc1 \u259 ? te aprovizio
nezi de la un magazin naturist cu o pung\uc1 \u259 ? de fulgi de gr\uc1 \u226 ?u
, una de hri\uc1 \u537 ?c\uc1 \u259 ? sau orz. Peste acestea, pui miere, fructe
uscate \uc1 \u537 ?i nuci. Las\uc1 \u259 ? la cuptor circa 20 de minute.}{\fs24
\kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \par }\pard \pla
in \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspn
um \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \
af0 {\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \uc1
\u206 ?ntre mese, ai putea s\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?\uc1 \u539 ?i faci un suc d
e mere sau portocale, cu adaosuri de spirulin\uc1 \u259 ?, orz verde, gr\uc1 \u2
26 ?u verde, semin\uc1 \u539 ?e de c\uc1 \u226 ?nep\uc1 \u259 ? sau nuci. }{\fs2
4 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 "Da}{\fs24 \ke
rning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 c\uc1 \u259 ? e\uc1
\u537 ?ti mai activ, consum\uc1 \u259 ? ou\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i semin\uc1
\u539 ?e de c\uc1 \u226 ?nep\uc1 \u259 ?. Ele \uc1 \u238 ?nlocuiesc carnea}{\fs2
4 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 ", spune Andre
ea Popa.}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \h
ich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \
langnp1048 Un pr\uc1 \u226 ?nz s\uc1 \u259 ?n\uc1 \u259 ?tos const\uc1 \u259 ? \
uc1 \u238 ?n m\uc1 \u226 ?ncare de maz\uc1 \u259 ?re, fasole pestri\uc1 \u539 ?\
uc1 \u259 ?, orez integral, pe\uc1 \u537 ?te, carne de pui sau curcan. }{\fs24 \
kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 "Carnea nu e rea,
dar }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 tre
buie s\uc1 \u259 ? o g\uc1 \u259 ?se\uc1 \u537 ?ti pe cea natural\uc1 \u259 ?, d
in p\uc1 \u259 ?s\uc1 \u259 ?ri crescute de \uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259 ?rani}{\fs24
\kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af3 \loch \f3 \lang1033 \langnp1033 ", spune Andreea
Popa. }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 D
e altfel, salata de crudit\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?i ar trebui s\uc1 \u259 ? fie
nelipsit\uc1 \u259 ? de la mas\uc1 \u259 ?.}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \a

f4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa20
0 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \
itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \a
f4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 Un smoothie din ceai verde, banane
, iaurt \uc1 \u537 ?i nuci, portocale, grapefruit \uc1 \u537 ?i kiwi sau o m\uc1
\u226 ?n\uc1 \u259 ? de migdale ori nuci sunt doar c\uc1 \u226 ?teva dintre op\
uc1 \u539 ?iunile mesei de sear\uc1 \u259 ?. }{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich
\af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa
200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0
\itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 Nutri\uc1 \u539 ?ionistul recoma
nd\uc1 \u259 ? apa alcalin\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i sporturi \uc1 \u238 ?n natu
r\uc1 \u259 ?, precum c\uc1 \u259 ?l\uc1 \u259 ?ria sau yoga.}{\fs24 \kerning2 \
dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \par }}

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