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NATIONAL STANDARD EXAMINATION IN CHEMISTRY (NSEC) 2016-17 Date of Examination : 27 November, 2016 Q. Paper Code : C323. Ans. Faas E ssa 1 ‘The kinetic eneray of an electron that has a wavelength of 10 nm is (a) 2.4 x 1074 (b)4.8 x 1074 ()2.4x 107d (0) 48 x 1075 (@) h 2KEm KE = 1.6 x 10" x 1.224 =V=1224 6.62.10 V2KE9.1x10 10x10 = KE =2.4 x10") Which of the following compounds contain 3-centered 2-electron bonding ? (0 [BeF,), (i [Be(CH,)1, (ii) (BeC, (iv) [Bel], (a) (i) and (a) (6) (i) and (i (6) (a) and tiv) (4) (i) and (iv) ©) 3e-2e bonds are present in [Be(CH,),], and [BeH,],, 3-Methylpentane on monochlorination gives four possible products. The reaction follows free radical mechanism. The relative reactivities for replacement of Hare 3°: 2°: 1° = 6:4: 1. oe 3-Methylpentane ce. Relative amounts of A, B, Cand D formed are (a) 6/31, 1681, 681 (c) 681, 1681, 38 (ec) (b) 16731, 6/31, 6/31, 3/31 (4) 6/81, 3/81, 6/31, 1631 Sol. sles 1 6 2:6 fea Bla ofua B Blo ape we 3 4, White phosphorous on reaction with NaOH gives PH, and (@) Na,HPO, (b) NoH,PO, (c) NaH,PO, (a) No,PO, ‘Ans. (b) Sol. P, +NaOH——»PH, +Na,H,PO, 5. Give the E, values forthe half reactions Sn +26” > Sn**,0.15V 2Hg? +20 — Hg',0.92V PbO, + 4H" +2e° > Pb®* +2H,0,1.45V (a) Sn?* isa stronger oxidizing agent than Pb** (b) Sn?* isa stronger reducing agent that Hig,2* (c) Ha?* isastronger oxidizing agent than Po ——_(d) Pb* isa stronger reducing agent than Sn®* ‘Ans. (b) Sol. -0.15&-0.92 ‘Sn?* has more tendency to get oxidized than Hg,”*, 6. Forthe conversion CCl\(é) > CCI,(a) at 1 barand 350 K, the corect set of thermodynamic parametersis (Boiling point of CCI, is 77°C) (a) AG=0,AS= +ve (b) AG=0,AS=-ve (c)AG =-ve,AS= 0 (d) AG =-ve, AS = +ve Ans. (a) Sol. CCL) > CCL(a) 350 K > B.Rof CCL,(/) soit isan equilibrium condition for which AG = 0 and liquid to gas conversion AS = 7. How many isomers are possible for complex [Cofox),CL|* ? 1 (03 (2 a4 Ans. (b) Sol. [CofOX,ChI* 8. —Thecompound that will not react with silver perchlorate under normal conditions is {a)3-bromocyclopropene (b) tetraethy)l ammonium chloride (c) tetramethylammonium hydroxide (4) polwinyl chloride ‘Ans. (d) Sol. PVC is organic polymer. 9. The conduetivity of 0.10 M KCl solution at 298 Kis 1.29 x 10S cm”*. The resistance of this solution is found to be 28.44 Q. Using the same cell, the resistance of 0.10 M NH,Cl solution is found to be 28.50 ©. The molar conduetivity of NH,Cl solution in $ cm? mois (a)0.130 (e)13 (c)130 (a) 1300 Ans. (c) Sol. K= 1.29 x 107 28.44 me rs000 [4 )*900 M M K=129 x 10% = * o ~ Ba R 29.10% 28.44 ; $0 ig = gh A29<10 7: 28.481000 _ 139 a “ B50 05 . 10. Consider a compound CsXY, where X and Y are halogens. Which of the following statements is/are correct ? (i) Xand Y have different oxidation states. (ii) For Y with lower atomic number than X, X can assume oxidation states higher than normal. (iii) Such compounds exists because Cs* has a high charge to size ratio. (a) Only i) (b) (i) and (i) (c) Onto (i) (2) (i) and (i (b) Sol. Cs*(XY,]" Where X must have lesser EN as compared to Y. 11. Match the compounds given in list with their characteristic reactions in list Il List I (Compound) List Il (Reaction) (1) Tertbutylamine (@) Liberation of ammonia on heating with aq. NaOH (2) 2-methyl-2-pentanol (0) Effervescence with NaHCO, 3) 2,4,6-tinitrophenl (c)_Foulsmellwith chloroform in alkaline condition (4) Cyclobexane carboxamide (@) Formation of an water insoluble compound on treatement with cone, HCland ZnCl, (a) (1) - (a), (2) - (c), (3) Ad), (4) -{b) (b) (1) -(c), (2) - (a), (3) - (b), (4) - fa) (c) (1) = (a), (2) (b), (8) (e) (4) «(@) (4) ) (el, (2)- (@), (8) (b}, (4) -fe) Ans. (b) Sol. (1) (Ct oe f, SHAIKH, (CH)gC - NC olen crate ONa Onn. NO2 Neto +O, +H,0 NO, CONHE Nwowiiio NOHO NH co Bae) 3 12. Sol. 13. Sol. 14, Sol. 15. Which of the following statements is not correct regarding the galvanic cells ? (a) Oxidation occurs at the anode (b) lons cany current inside the cell (c} Electrons flow in the external circuit from cathode to anode (d) When the cell potential is positive, the cell reection is spontaneous (c) Theory based. |L-Fucose with the following planar representation is a sugar component of the determinants of the A, B, O blood group type. cH OH ‘The open chain structure of L-Fucose can be represented as CHO. cHO. CHO. cHO. HO-—-H H——-0OH HO--H H——-0H H——0OH HO--H H——0OH H——-0H (a) HOH (o) HOH (9 HoH (a) H-0H H—-0H HO-—-H HO-—-H HO-—-H CHy CHy CHy CHy ©) HO H—-0H HoH HO—H. CHy In ammonia the bond angle is 107°48' while in SbH, the bond angle is about 91°18. The correct explanation among the following isfare (a) The orbitals of Sb used for the formation of Sb-H bond are almost pure p-orbitals (b} Sb has larger size compared to N. (c) Sb has more metallic character than N. (d) All the statement are comect. - (a) Apply Dragos rule. Equal masses of ethane and hydrogen gas are present in a container at 25°C. The fraction of the total pressure exerted by ethane gas is (a2 (o) 1/16 (c) 15/16 (@18 5. (b) i Batten! Sol. C,H, =1sm H, = 19m 1 Py, --80_, Ro aelpaTen 302 flee oO! ~ 30°16 16 16. The volume of nitrogen evolved on complete reaction of 9 g of ethylamine witha mixture of N 273°C and 1 atm pressure is (a) 1.2m? (0) 5.6 dm? (c) 4.48 dm? (d) 22.4 dm? Ans. (c) Sol. CoHgNH, —S*°2!""_,C,H.OH +N, +H,0. I mole 1 mole 1 2 mole 192.4 =4.48dm? gr 22d = 4.48 17. The electrons identified by quantum numbers n and f, (i) n (iv) n=3, I= 1 can be placed in order of increasing eneray from lowest to highest as (a) (iv) < (ai) < (ai) < @) < (iv) < (i) < (i) (e} (i) < Git) < (i) < Go) <() < fv) < (a) Ans. (a) Sol. Orbitaleneray «n+ £ faNO, and HClat 1 b= 1, (il) n = 4, 1 = 0, (ii) n= 3,1 = 2, 18. Spodoptol, a sox attractant, produced by a female fall armyworn moth, can be prepared as follows. The structure of Spodopiol is (pKa: terminal alkynes ~25, aleohols ~ 17) iNaHplexcess) CH CaliaBilea) 5 optol Ho “Ga ily Lindlecat (a) n—CyHg -O~CHg -(CHy}p -HE=CH, —_(b) » < H HO-CH,—(CH.)/ CH, CH, o) (d) HO-CH,-(CH)),-CH, HO-CH—~(CH,)/ H Ans. (b) Sol. H-O~CHp ~(CHghC = CH S25 H-O-CHg -(CHg}pC = C-Na* Calor, H-O-CH ~(CHpC-=C-CyHy HZ #854 5 Option () Eat EI lala e 19. Sol. 20. 21. Sol. Passing HS gas into a mixture of Mn#, Né*, Cut and Hg" in an acidified aqueous solution precipitates (a) CuS and HeS. (b) MS and Cus. (c) MnS and NiS (a) NS and HgS (a) Only 2nd group cations are precipitated in acidic medium with HS. Battery acid (H,SO,) has density 1.285 g cm™. 10.0 cm of this acid is diluted to 1 L, 25.0 cm of this diluted solution requires 25.0 em? of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide solution for neutralization, The percentage of sulphuric acid bby mass in the battery acid is (298 (0) 38 (19 (a49 (b) ml, * NaOH = 25 x 0.1 = 2.5 25 ml diluted solution required the ml,, = 2.5, _ 2.5%1000 _ = 85 1000 mi 100 100 = 10 x Nus04 Nyigs0, = 10 Let (w% by mass) 1000 TOO 1.285 Mu,804 5x98 12.85 38 ‘The compound that reacts fastest with methylamine is CH,Br Br Br {b) tc) () Cc Br Br Br (ad) Be CHsNH2 Oe HgO is prepared by two different methods: one shows yellow colour while the other shows red colour. The difference in colour is due to difference in. (a) electronicd-d transitions (0) patticle size (c) Frenkel defect (d) Schotthey defect (b) Due particle size, The pH of a 1.0 x 10 mol L solution of a weak acid HA is 3.60. The dissociation constant ofthe acid is (a) 8.4 x 10° (0) 8.4 x 10° (0) 8.4 x 10% (d)8.4 x 10° ) =ca= 2x104 [H'] = Ca = 5x10 110% = 3.104 2 a= 5,107 =0.25 2 8.4.x 10° 24. The best sequence of reactions for preparation of the following compound from benzene is (HgC)gHC- COCHs HOgd (a) i) CH,COCVAIC!, (i) Oleum {il (CH,),CH-Cl(1 moleW/AICI, (b)() (CH,),CH-Cl (1 moleV/AICl, (i) CH,COCHAICL, (ii) Oleum (c) {i} Oleum (i) CH,COCUAICI, (it) (CH,),CH-CI (I moleV/AICl, (4) ) (CH,),CH-CI (1 mole)/AICL, (i) Oleum (ii) CH,COCVAICL &) Sol. {CHg}2CH-Cl is © ——s ox Sch, | CHy-COCYAICL, CHs 9 ct 73 HpS907 | / Hs CHg0C: CH <#——— cH, —C. CH ‘cH; Ss \ CHy ‘SO3H 25. Which reactions spontaneots at all temperatures al standard pressure and concentration? (a) Exothermic reaction witha decrease inventropy (b} Exothermic reaction with an increase in entropy (c) Endothermic reaction with a decrease in entropy (4) Endothermie reaction with an increase in entropy Ans. (b) Sol. AG = AH-TAS - 4) 26. The IUPAC name of the following compound is a ZA ‘CONHy (a)3-Aminocarbonylpent-1-en-4-yne (0) 2-Ethenyfbut-3-yn--amide (c) 2-Ethyrylout-3-en-1-amide (d)3-Aminocarbonylpent-4-en-L-yne Ans. (c) Sol. 2-Ethynybut-3-en-1-amide Faas E ssa 27. NaOH solution is added dropwise to HCI solution and the conductance of the mixture is measured after addition of each drop. The variation of conductance with volume of NaOH added iss shown below. The statement thats not true for the above is 8 4 z 8 Volume of base added (@) decrease in conductance from X->Y is due to decrease in [H*] (b) point Y represents the eqivalence point of titration {c) Na* has the higher equivalence conductance than H,0* (€) Seqment YZ represents the conductance due to ions from NaCland NaOH in solution Ans. (c) Sol. Na has the higher equivalence conductance than HO" is incorrect. 28. Acolorless water-soluble compound on strong heating liberates a brown colored gas and leaves a yellow residue that tus white on cooling. An aqueous solution of the original solid gives a white precipitate with (NH,),S. The original solidis (2) Zn(NO,), (b) CatNO,), {c) AlINO,), (d) NaNO, Ans. (a) Sol. Colour of ZnS is white. 29. The following compounds are heated (i) KNO;, (ii) CulNO,},,{il) Po(NO,),, (iv) NH,NO,. Which of the folliwng statetment/sisiare correct? (2) (i) and (it) berate NO, {b) (i) liberates N,O (€) i), (i) and (i) liberate O, {d) Allstatements are comrect Ans. (d) Sol. Allare correct 30. The diastereoisomer (stereoisomer thattis nota mirror image) of X's, COOCH, HO-}-H H——0H Coon COOH ro fi bo A H. OH (@) Ho" nl tb) COOCH, COOH COOCH, HOH HoH HOOC \ COOCH: Hooc: @ b @ COOCH, HOW ~H OH Ans. (c) 31. Ans. Sol. Ans. Sol. 33. Ans Sol Faas E ssa 9 COOCHs H——0H H——0H CooH diastereomer of x. Given &,H®° = -54.08 kJ mot? and &.S° = 10.0 J mot at 25°C, the value of log, ok for the reaction A = Bis (23.4 (b)10 (90.53 (ais () AG? = AH? - TAS? 08 x 10°-298 x 10 54080 - 2980 51100 doule 308 RT log, K = log, K = = 21100 ___g.95 ast 2.303 x 8.314 x 298 Which of the complexes has the magnetic moment of 3.87 B.M.? (a) [Co[NH,),}* (0) [CoF (e) [CoC (d} [Coldmg),] square planar complex (ding = dimethyl alvoxime) © +2) BM = 3.87 BEY n=3 Soans should be ([CoCl,]?"). Fora gaseous reaction, A + B— Products, the energy of activation was found to be 2.27 ki mot at273 K. The ratio of the rate constant (K) tothe frequency factor (A) at 273 Kis (a) 0.368 (b)3.68 (c)4.34 (40.434 fa) KL cart A* 22708 =e Ba18273 Inthe case of dibromo derivatives of the following compound, the derivative having highest eneray has the bromo substituents in positions (a) 1,2 (0)2,3 (a) Max repulsion at 1 and 10, (a)1, 10 37. Sol. The ionization eneray ofa certain element is 412 kJ mot . When the atoms of this elementare inthe first excited state, however, the ionization energy is only 126 kd mo!*, ‘The region of the electromagnetic spectrum in which the ‘wavelength of light emitted ina transition from the first excited state to the ground state is: (@) Visible (o) OV (IR (a) X-Ray (©) AE = 412-126 = 286 ki/mol 47.6 x 10 diatom he AE x he ** SE 6.610 x3 x10° 47.67 x10" = 4153.54" sovisible region The reaction of an olefin with HBr can proceed by ionic as wellasfadical mechanism. The reaction in the presence of light takes place by radical mechanism, as (a) The free energy ofthe reaction in radical mechanism is higher than in ionic mechanism. (b} Ionic mechanism requires a catalyst while radical mechanism does not. (c) In the presence of light the activation eneray of the reaction is lower than that for ionic mechanism. (d) A radical reaction has very low activation energy as compared to that for the comesponding ionic reaction (©) In the presence of light lower activation eneray is invovled, The comectstatements is/are 1. Soapisexcellent for cleaning, 100% broken down by bacteria in rivers and hence has no further environmen- taldamaging repercussion, IL. Soap forms an insoluble precipitate/scum when hard water containing calcium and magnesium ion s used. Il. Soaps can used foreleaning under acidic solution (a) Oni | (6) Oniy (c) Only I (4) Land (b) Only His correct ‘The kinetic data recorded at 278 K for the reaction NH," (aq)+NO3" (aq) Nola) + 2H, (I) is Set No. INH,*1/M [NO,"]/M. Rate of reaction. MS? 1 024 0.10 72 x 10% 2 oz 010 3.6 x 10* 3. 0.12 0.15 5.4x 10% The kinetic rate expression and the unit of rate constant (k) of the above reaction are respectively (a) KINH,*] [NO,-] and Ms (b) KINH,"Jand s? (c) KINH,*] [NO,"] and Ms (a) KINO, and s* ©) wo Eas Sol. n> order of reaction -Q) order wart. NH, pexio% _ (024) 36x10 012 n=l Order wert. NO, 3.6 x10°° (ety Saxio (015 n=1 so ate equation - SE = MINH, ][NO,"] unit of k= (molarity) = (molarity) 39. Which of the following statements is not true for Co?* and Yo"? (a) Both absorb in UV region (b) Both absorb f-f transition (c} Both shows 4f to 5d transition (d) Both ions are colorless Ans. (d) Co** has one unpaired electron so coloured 40 Complete catalytic hydrogenation of naphthalene gives decatin (C, Hs). The number of isomers of decalin formed and the total number of isomers of decalin possible are respectively (a2 (02,2 ()2,4 (43,4 Ans. (c) Cis-decalinis chiral. 41. The mass of argon adsorbed per unit mass of carbon surface is plotted against pressure. Which of the following plots is correct if x and m represent the masses of argon and carbon respectively? (..... represents extrapolated area) xi] Xin xi i (a) / (b) NX ‘) / @ |/ P P P P Ans. (d) Sol. a —~ P ALLE! ssa ul Sol. Sol. Ina process n-propyl chloride is reacted with sodium bulanoate in an aqueous medium. After the reaction diethyl ether is added and the solution is shaken, The two layers are separated. The incorrect statement with respect to this, procedure is: (a) The reaction gives a solid product which precipitates in the aqueous solution (b) The reaction takes place in the aqueous medium (c) The product's extracted in diethyl ether and the organic layer is the upper layer. (4) The salt formed in the reaction remains in aqueous medium. (a) Both compounds are soluble in water. Which of the following statement aboutammonium cerium (IV) nitrate, (NH),[Ce(NOg)«1 is false? (a) NO, acts as a monodentate ligand (b} The Ce atom has coordination number of 12 (c) Theshape of the complex ionis icosahedron _(d) The solution is used as oxidizing agent (b) The Ce atom has coordination number of 12 ‘The comrect order of the magnitude of bond energy (Ie//mol) of the central C-C bond in the following compounds @)CH,=CH-CH=CH, —()Me,C-CPh, (kJ MeCO-CO-Me—()CH=C-C=CH (e)k>i>1>) (b)j>k> 17 (i>j>kel (d)1>i>k>5 a Meh ii ae copn < Me—l—t-Me < HC=SC—CHCH < CHy—CH—CH—CH, me! sp ip oh /@ partial double bond Which one of the following information about the compounds is correct? ‘Compound Oxidation | No.ofPOH No. ofP—H | No. of P=O) state ofP__| bond bonds bonds (1) H:PO, a 2 1 0 Hypophosphorous acid (il) H.P.0; 3+ 2 2 2 Pyropophosphorous acid Til) H.P.O,, a+ 2 2 2 Hypophosphoric acid (IV) HP.0; 5+ 3 1 4 Pyrophosphoric acid fa) (oy ony (ail @ I tl HPO, Se imeaien HOH ‘The best method of prepamtion of 2-bonzyloxynaphthalene is a base catalysed reaction of- (a) benzyl chloride and 1-anphthol (b) 1-chloromethylnaphthalene and phenol (c) 1-chioronaphthalene and berzylaleobol (d) benzyl alcohol and 1-naphthol (No options correct) om .CO-~— Eas 47. ‘The pair thats isostructural (.e, having the same shape and hybridization) is~ (a) NF, and BF, (b) BF, and NH; (c) BCI, and BrCl, (4) NH, and NO; Ans. (b) Sol. NH? & BF? y ve Fer Oe © Both are tetrahedral 48. A group which departs from the substrate in a nucleophilic substitution reaction is called a leaving group. The ease cof departure is determined by the acidity of the conjugate acid of the leaving group: higher the acidity better is the leaving group. The correct order of the reactivity of the following compounds ina given nucleophilic reaction is (a) R-Cl > R-OCOCH, > R-OSO,CH, > RI (b) R-OSO,CH, > R-CI> R-OCOCH, > ROH (c) RH > RNH, > ROCOCH, > R-OSO,CH, —_(d) R-Br > R-OSO,CH, > R-OCOCH, > ROCH, Ans. (d) Sol. Weaker the base better the leaving group. 49. Compound’ ‘in the following reaction is i, Ozonolysis: CH, vest KOH, het og CH, cH, 50. Atoxic clementis tobe removed from drinking wator by adsorption on activated charcoal, Atlow concentrations, the rate constant for adsomption is 1.8 X 10's. The time required lo reduce the concenation of the lexi element 010% of tinal concentration is (a) 1.28 x 10°s, (b) 5.85 x 10's (e128 x 10s (2 )cannotbe calculated from the given data Ans. (a) 2.308, 100 k= 28869, Sel + 3" 70 Faas E ssa 13 _ 2.308 k= 2 bog,o10 1.8%10° 2.303 1.8x10° 03 18 x10 = 1.28 x 10° sec. ‘Assuming that Hund's rule is violated by the diatomic molecule B,, its bond order and magnetic nature will be respectively (a) 1, diamagnetic (b)1, paramagnetic ——_(c)2, diamagnetic ()2, paramagnetic (a) B, olsto"Isto2s's* 2s'n2p! = x2p, 6-4 Ina cubic crystal structure, divalent metal-ion is located at the body-centered position, the smaller tetravalent metal ions are located at each comer and the O* ions are located half way along each of the edges of the cube. ‘The number of nearest neighbors for oxygen is— (a)4 (0)6 ()2 (a8 (b) Nearest neighbors for edge ccenters are comers. Organic compounds sometimes adjust their electronic as well as steric structures to attain stability. Among the following, the compound having highest dipole moments Br fa) | | ) Oo (0) (a Br Br Br (a) 6ne- Aromaticity ba Cyanide ion is @ very good complexing agent and also functions as a reducing agent. Hence many eyanide complexes of metals are known. Addition of an aqueous solution of KCN toa solution of copper sulphate yields a ‘white precipitate which is soluble in excess of aqueaus KCN to form the complex (a) [Cu(CN),1 (b) [CulCNy, (@)[CulCN) (€) [Culcn),)* © Excoss CuSO, + KEN——+ [CulCN),) Stable complex When a certain metal was irradiated with light of frequency 3.2 x 10" Hz, the photoelectrons emitted had twice the kinetic energy as did the photoelectrons emitted when the same metal was irradiated with ight of frequency 2.0 x 10° Hz. the v, of the metal is (a) 2.4 x 10 He (b) 8.0 x 10" He (c) 8.0 x 10 He (a) 7.2 x 10" He te) rn Eas 2x 10 3.2 x 10% 2x 10~ a 32x10" —v, _2 2x10™=v, 1 4x 10° 2v, =3. v, = 8x 10H 56. The major product 'S'of the following reaction sequence is— NO, BplFe yp _Sw/HCl ,¢ excrsBy/Hy0 ,p _iNsNOZ-HYS04/0°C _ g Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br (9) Be Br ©) B Br le) Br (4 B, Br Br Br Br Br Ans. (b) No, NH. NH, Br Sol. — —< Br Br Br Br ‘Br 7 Br Pp Q R 57. _1.250gof metal carbonate (MCO, ) was treated with 500 ml_of 0.1 M HCI solution. Theunreacted HCl equited 50.0 ml.of 0.500 M NaOH solution for neutralization. Identify the metal M (a) Mg {b) Ca (e)Sr (4) Ba Ans. (e) Sol. 1.25gMCO, 12, 125 25 MCO, + 2HC] ——>MCl + CO, +H,0 tsorntiate HCI+ NeQH =—> NaCI +H,0 os) S08 Coe = FE = 25x10 1.25 Mw = 725.107 = 100 Faas E : ssa 15 58. Anelectron beam can undergo diffraction by crystals which proves the wave nature of electrons. The potential required fora beam of electrons to be accelerated so that its wavelength becomes equal to 0.154 nm is- (2) 63.5V (b) 31L.75V (0) 635V (4) 127 Ans. (a) ;,- fio Sol. = 0.154 nm = i. = 0,154 x 10% [nm = 10A,1A = 10m] i= 154 x 10%m 59. Abiodegradable alternating copolymer of L-alanine and glycolic acid (HO-CH,-COOH) is PA Ka DA a Ri, 0 Alanine 1 oo Sol. H,C-CH-C-O OH- SiS 60. Inwhich of the following complexes the metal ion has the lowest ionic radius? (a) [TiUH,O},F> (b)[VIELO),} (©) [CHHLO),F (4) [Mn(t0), Ans. (d) Sol. [Mn(H,0),? 61. _Incold climate, the waterin a radiator of a car gets frozen causing damage to the radiator. Ethylene alyeolis used asanantifreezing agent. The amount of ethylene glycol that should be added to 5 kg of water to prevent it from freezing at ~7°C is (Given: K, for water = 1.86 K mol'kg: Molar mass of ethylene glycol = 62 g mol) (a) 11655 (0146.7, ()116.75 (193.45, Ans. (a) Sol. ese se Weyer = 5 kg K,= 1.86 AT, = 16 Sol. Sol. Sol. Ans. Sol. 2, 6L X62x5, 1.86 1 =1.86x 2 v 5 gm = 1166 gm The ratio of the energy of the electron itr gound state of hydrogen atom to that ofthe electron in the first excited state ofBe"” is (a)l:4 (o) 1:8 (c) 1:16 (aya: @) Hey -13.6ev Bes 34x = 13.6 “136 1g a4 Water insoluble, but organic solvent soluble, dye is dissolved in three organic solvents and taken in three separating funnels, a, b and c. To each solution, water is added, shaken, and kept undistrubed. The solvents in separating funnels a, band c from the following are respectively WB oxcanic Sobvent a b < (a) a: EKOH: b : CCl; ¢: EXOAe (b} a: CC, b: BIOH: ¢: EXOAc (ec) a: EXOAc; b : CCl, © s KOH : : (b) 1,0 is completely soluble in E1OH P.Q, Rand are four metals whose typical reactions are given below, (i) Only Q and R react with dilute HCl to give H, gas. (i) When Q is added to a solution containing the ions of the other metals, metallic P Rand § are formed. (ii) P reacts with concentrated HNO, but S does not ‘The conect order oftheir teduring characteris (aSNH,HS Three Faradays of electricity are passed through aqueous solutions of AgNO,, NSO, and C:Cl, keptin three vessels using inert electrodes. The ratio (in moles) in which the metals Ag, Ni and Cr are cleposited is (a)1:2:3 (b)3:2:1 (c)6:3:2 (d)2:3:6 (e) Sol. 67. Sol. g 70. Sol. n. AgNO, NSO, cel, Ag Ne ce 3Aq" > 2Aq Ni? 420° Ni Cr? 430" > Cr 3 32 Be ie ae Aa N cr 3 15 1 6 3 2 Nepetalactone (X) is solatoda s an oil tom Catnip. OCH ° S The number of chiral carbon atoms and the amount of KOH consumed by 83 mg of Nepatalactone are respec tively (2) 3,50 mg (a) 65 mg of KOH reacts with 154 mg of nepatalactone &3 mg of nepatalactone reacts with 30.18 mg. (b)2, 56 ma ()3,56ma (d)3.28mg Number of P-S single bonds, and P-S double bonds (P=S) inP,S,, are respectively (2) 10,6 (b)16,0 (14,2 (ai2,4 (a) If the solubility product of ironiIll) hydroxide is 1.8 X 10°", the pH of saturated solution of ironttIl) hydroxide in distilled water is close to {al4 (a) (0)5 (7 (a9 |. 275 = 1.8 x 10" 5 = 2.85 x 10” pH = 4.455 = 4 An alky! halide (X) on reaction with ethanolic sodium hydroxide forms an alkene (¥) which on further reaction with HBr gives the same ally! halide, The alkene (Y) on reaction with HBr peroxide followed by reaction with Mg metal followed by reaction with HCN produces an aldehyde (Z}. Zs CHO ‘CHO fe) a A240 6 ia (bore) ‘As molecular formula of X is not given. HCIO, isa stronger acid than HCIO, The correct statement is (a) ClO, ion is more stabilized than CIO (b} CIO, ion has higher hydration energy than CIO (c) HC{, is better solvated in water than HCIO. (d) In HCO, His attached to Cl, while in HCIO itis attached to O. (a) CIO, is more resonace stabilised than C10 18 72. Ans. Sol. 2. Ans. Sol. Ans. Sol. Faas E ssa 19 Foran elementary rearrangement reaction A R the following data recorded at 303 K, when [P], = 0 Set No. [Alymol Rate of converstion of Amol L7! min 1 0.340 0.100 2 0.170 0.050 3 0.085, 0.025 If the equilibrium constant of the raction is 1.12 at 303 K, the rate constant for the reaction P > Ais (a) 0.263 min* (b) 0.294 min* {c) 0.526 min (d) 0.5887 @) From the data, the order of the reaction is found to be 1. 2.1 mol L? min” _ 6.963 min 0.34 mol L™ Compound P on treatment with CHN, (diazomethane) produces compound Q. Compound Qon reaction with Hi produces two alkyl iodides R and S. Alkyl iodide S with higher number of carbon atoms on reaction with KCN followed by hydrolysis gives 3-methyIbutanoic acid, The compound Pis (a) 2-butanol (b) L-butanl (c) 2methyk2-propanal (4) 2-methyk propanol @ ‘ t c-C-c-0Hn *+c-c-c-07€ HI ¢ + c—C-c-1+C=1 KCN € cf c—c=c—cNn-% c—c—c— on | reacts with ques NasS,0 10 give NaS,0, and Nal The prxlets of reaction of CL with aqueous NaS0, are (aN (BINGHSO, + HCI (c)NaHSO,+HCI——_(d) NAHSO, + Nac Co) NaS,0, + 4Cl, + 51,0 +2 NalSO, + BHCI ‘The standard potentials (E*) of MnO, /Mn** and MnO,Mn®* balf cells in acidie medium are 1.51 Vand 1.23 V respectively at 298 K. The standard potential of MnO, /MnO, half-cellin acidic medium at the same temperature (a)5.09V (b)1.70V (9028v (3,34V (b) MnO, > Mn*? “5x Fx 151 Mn*? > MnO, 2x Fx 123 MnO, -> MnO, “3x Fx 123 P=169 76. Aspartame (X) is an artificial sweetening agent and is 200 times sweeter than suger. Itis an ester of the dipeptide of COOH ° H N (OMe 3 (a) alanine and phenylalanine (b) aspartic acid and alanine (c) phenylalanine and glycine (d) aspartic acid and phenylalanine Ans. (d) NH, Sol. (0)—CH, - ch-coo- phenyl alanine when CE 5-C-CH,-CH-C-0 77. Which one ofthe following reactions is correct? (a) [Fe(CO},) + 2NO -+[Fe(CO),(NO),] +3CO,__{b) [Fe(CO},] + 2NO -+ [Fe(CO),(NO},] + 2CO (€) [Fe(CO),] + 3NO-+[Fe(CO},(NO},] +300 —_{d) [Fe(CO),] + 3NO -+ [Fe(CO),(NO},] + 2C0 Ans. (a) Sol. Factbased. 78. Standard molar enthalpy of formation of CO, (a) is equal to= (a) Zero (b} The standard molar enthalpy of combustion of earbon (graphite) {c) The standatd molar enthalpy of combustion of C(a) (d) The standard molar enthalpy of combustion of CO(a) Ans. (b) Sol. C,,.,.. + O,(a) > CO,(g) AH? for the above reaction is both AHP of CO, and AHR aqp, of C, 79. ‘The reaction of 1-phenylpropane with limited amount of chlorine in the presence of light gives mainly (2) 4-chloropropylbenzene (b) 1-chloro-1-phenyylpropane (c)3-chloro-1-phenyipropane (q) 2-chioro-1-phenyyipropane Ans. (b) CH, - CH,-CH, Sol. 80. Anionic solid Lal, shows electtical conduction due to presence of- (a) La® and 21 (b) Lat’, 2 and e (c) La, I, and 2e (d) Lat, I, and 3e Ans. (b) Sol. Lal, exist as La, 2h and Le 20

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