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Paul J.

EDAD 693/694
Back to School Blitz for Cultural Diversity
The purpose of this plan is to promote cultural diversity amongst the staff at Salem
Avenue Elementary School (SAE). By blitzing the homes of the students of SAE, the staff
members will become more aware of the home cultures of the students within their classrooms
and gather a broader perspective of the neighborhood served by the school.
Only one (1) out of the forty-three (43) teachers at SAE is a resident of the district
boundaries of the school. This does not allow for the majority of the teachers to participate in the
school community or to understand the culture of the community. The SAE Blitz allows for the
faculty of the school to go out into the community and interact with the families and community
members as well as welcome the students back to school. Welcoming the students back to
school at their home can alleviate the anxiety of a new school year and a new teacher in an
environment familiar to the students.
Teachers will be given time during the school day to go out to the homes of their student.
At the homes of the students, teachers will welcome the students back to school and provide
them with an invitation to the Back to School Barbeque which replaces the traditional open
house. The district boundaries will be segmented into three (3) zones which will increase the
safety of the event because the entire faculty will move throughout the boundary limits together.
Teachers will be provided with a class list that includes invitations to the barbecue with
rubber bands to attach the invitation to doors of students who are not home, a map of the district
boundaries segmented into zones, and decorations for cars to increase the excitement of the
Upon the completion of the event, the faculty will be gathered together to share the things
that they noticed and the thoughts that they might still have. The socioeconomic status of the
district boundaries for SAE is overwhelmingly low which can be eye opening to staff members.

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