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UDC 821.163.41-13.



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Biljana V. Jovanovi

S u m m a r y
The subject of investigation in this work is to study folk song The death of Prince
Marko as well as the relationship of history, poet ry and mythology and their ref lexes
in folk creativity. The work primarily deals with the importance of epic character Prince
Marko as well as his historical signif icance.
The first step of investigation determined a signif icant historical importance of
Prince Markos fig ure. The work examines the relationship between, throughout hi
story we act ually know about the fig ure of Prince Marko and what a folk singer att ri
buted to the hero. The goal is to primarily determine how much the mythical image of
the hero as a superhuman being inf luenced by the poetic life of Prince Marko and how
many historical events are transponders through epic character of this hero. To examine
the relationship between mythical epical and historical character of Prince Marko, I
have used comparative historical analysis. This analysis showed we are on different
layers of meaning as well as the ref lexes of various historical events, but also beliefs,
which appear in the song. Struct ural approach was used for testing the poetic text as a
As a twin-brother of villa named Ravijojla, hero on an unusual horse that also has
reinforced abilities, almost in everything deviates from the historical Prince Marko.
The reason why is it so we can find in Turkish slavery of the people, when, after the

defeat in Kosovo, they couldnt sing about Kosovo heroes. That is the moment of appe
arance of the fearless hero who shares justice and resists the Turks, even the Sultan
himself; abolishes payments for weddings and in many ways protect suffering people.
Thus the historical prince, nor by what important, becomes super-human abilities
mythologized hero.
The main emphasis in this work is put on the death of this hero. While history
records the death of prince in the battle of Rovine, oral poet ry describes the death of
supernat ural being that dies from God, the old executioner after three-hund red years.
Localization of events in oral creativity replaced the mythical image of the boundary
area (given in the form of water and above). This way, folk oral poet mystif ies the death
of Turkish vassal making him the hero with reinforced abilities whose rival can only be
a God. However, the national oral poet and the people couldnt accept Markos absolute
death. He suggests his restore testifying that way his not-human and super-human nature.
Bur ied on Mou nt Athos, the axis mundi, where you can commun icate with the
divine, where Heaven touches the Earth, remains in the center, gleams white in the
middle of the church of Vilindara so his tomb could not be found, to him foes not
sacred. Without any markings, on the border between two worlds, is Prince Marko
right where he belongs.
We can conclude that he is indeed one of the most complex and most interesting
fig ures and our national oral literat ure. Examining the relationship of narratives, folk
creativity and history suggests just that the work shows specif icity and complexity of
the character of Prince Marko.

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