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Holiday Home Work


Class X
Book Project : Class X : The Story of My Life
Points to be covered in Book Project PPT

Cover Page (Designed Creatively by students)

Table of content
About the Author
Note on the book as a source of inspiration entertainment
Purpose of the author to write this book
Brief note on the characters
Personal views
Most inspiring or entertaining part
The part not liked & why
Whether inspired to read other works by the author
10. Critical Analysis
11. Recommendations
12. Report by the group leader (if activity is done in a group)
Contribution List
Grading of work by group leader
Assessment of contribution both quantitative and qualitative
Unit 1,2,3
MCB :Writing skills at the back of each unit to be done in language notebook (Do any five in all)
Workbook : Practice worksheets 1-4 (Units)
Long Reading Text : Do the given questions in the Long Reading Text note book.
The Dairy of Young Girl
Worksheet 1
Answer in about 100 words
14 June 1942 -30 June 1942
Q1. Anne says Our freedom was strictly prohibited Enumerate.
Q2. Who was Mr Keptor ? How did he conduct with Anne for her talkative nature ?
Q3. What idea do you get about Franks? 03 July - 21 August 1942 ?
Q4. Why had the franks been forced to go in the hideout ? How did they convert their hiding place into
the most lively one ?
Q5. How has Anne described the secret annexe in her dairy of 09 July 1942?
Q6. On the basis of reading Anne s Dairy , what details do you get about Daddy and Mummy?
02 September -29 September 1942
Q7. According to Anne , Mrs Van Daan was unbearable Elaborate.

Q8. Describe the relationship between Mrs Frank & Mrs Van Daan.
Q9. In her dairy of 28 September Anne mentions that she is being discussed from A to Z . What does
she mean? 01 October - 29 October 1942
Q10. Even the slightest knock at the door mars their peace & they stay there like mice. Elaborate Anne
s fears of being caught by the Germans.
Q11. The dairy of 09 October ,1942 describes a very depressing news . What is it about ?
07 November - 28 November 1942
Q12. (a) Who prepared the rules and regulations to be followed in the secret annexe & handed the
same to Dr Albert Dassel?
(b) What were these rules & regulations?
Q13. Describe Dr. Albert Dassel as an old fashioned disciplinarian as viewed by Anne.
Q14. What details do you find on Westerbork in the diary of Anne Frank?
Q15. Describe the reactions of Anne when she was reprimanded by her parents on reading Margots
07 December 1942 to 30 January 1943
Q16. Describe how the inmates celebrated chanuka and St. Nicholas Day.
Q17.What do you gather about Mr Van Daans expertise in the meat and Sausage Business from Annes
Diary of 10 December 1942.
Q18.Through a slit in her curtains Anne saw people walking hastily. Describe the misery of the Jews as
viewed by Anne on 13 January 1943.
Q19. Portray Mr Van Daan as a man of magnanimous personality.
Q20. What idea do you form about Anne on the basis of her diaries ranging between Dec 1942 to Jan
1943 .
05 February 1943 - 27 March 1943
Q21. Why were the inmates troubled ? Why did the Bishop urge the people of Netherlands to fight
for ?
Q22. Write a note on
a) Soup eaters
b) Mouschi & Boche

General Guidelines:
- The project has to be handwritten with neat & beautiful cover page
- The entire project will be of 5 to 6 pages in a file
-> Make a project on BMI (Body mass Index).

- Using the formula of BMI , Calculate the BMI of any 15 students of your class & represent it
graphically (weight & height you can get from sick bay)
- In case you are in underweight or overweight category Suggest ways in 3 to 5 lines to overcome that
& in case you are in fit category write two ways of maintaining good health.
-> learn tables upto 20 & write on separate sheets.
-> Revise ch-3 (pair of linear equation in two variables) & Ch 2 (Polynomials) - matter done in class.
Do total 30 questions on separate sheets (from both the chapters)

Social Science
Make a file project on contribution of DR B.R Ambedkar to the society especially marginalized groups of
the society.
Collect information on his fight for justice and dignity for the marginalized sections of society.
Impact of his efforts on the policies of the govt and the society.
Use good relevant picture for the project work.
Make a project on the work done by Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar toward the upliftment of Dalits and
downtrodden in India using a lot of pictures. [In a file form]

1. On a outline map of India show the following
a) Major soil types (page 9)
b) States under different forest categories
* reserved , protected and unclassed (page 20)
c) Tigre reserves in India (page 10)
d) Dams in India (page 28)
e) Agriculture
*rice and wheat (page 37 and 39)
*Jowar , bajra , ragi , maize , pluses , sugarcane , groundnut , tea, coffee , rubber, cotton and Jute

2. Project on any one of the following

i) Write a small paragraph each for any 5 endangered animal species in India (along with the pictures)
ii) Briefly describe how rainwater harvesting methods are being carried out to conserve and store
water in India (minimum 5 case studies from different parts of India).

- Do the given worksheet I in your homework notebook
- Do all the MCQ's based on the experiment " To verify Ohm's Law" in your PNB
- Revise the Syllabus for unit test (FA1)

1. Prepare a project in the Notebook (2-4 pages) on any one of the following topics
a) Air pollution in Delhi -causes effect on health and control.
b) Any 2 diseases related to any organ system in human
2) Revise the chapter 'Life process for the Unit Test.
3) Complete the Practical files and Notebooks

Computer Science
Make a PowerPoint presentation or deign a website on the following topics.
1. Travel and Tourism
2. Environmental pollution
3. School website
4. Rural India

Preparez une PowerPoint sur la france


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