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Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management (TQM) Framework

Customer Journey Mapping

8 types of Waste
Coveys seven habits Model
The seven QC Tools
Kotters Eight Phases of Change

College of Business Administration

Management and Marketing Department

Gabrielyn Alyana G. Amacio

Mr.Noel Morillo Teves


December 3, 2016


Executive Summary
The paper is consists of five different topics.

The 1st topic would be about the Customer Journey Mapping that would explain the
process of how the customers gain experience as they purchase a product. This will help the

The second topic would be about the 8 types of Waste that would focus on the
benefits of excluding the non-value added activities.

The third topic would be about the Coveys Seven Habits Model. It would tell the
qualities and characteristics that an individual must possess. It will also tell how these
qualities will help the individual

The fourth topic would be about the The Seven QC Tools. It will explain the tools
that would be considered in the quality control of the organizations products.

The fifth topic would be about the Kotters Eight Phases of Change. Change is
inevitable thus an organization must be ready in case it must adapt to sudden change or
remain in the usual nature of the organization.


The Aim:
The aims of the different topics are the following:

It aims to explain how knowing the experiences of the customers would help the

It aims to identify the non-value added activities of the organization

It aims to identify the habits an individual must possess in order to be successful

It aims to identify the tools in assess the quality of a product.

It aims to factors to be considered when there is an situation that will brought a

change in the organization and how the it wil be able to cope with the change

The Objective:
The objectives of the following topics are the following:

The first topic aims to tell the experience of the customer from the initial contact,
process, and long-term relationship that will be built in the long run of the company who will
use it.
The second topic aims to assess the different activities of the organization and
identify them if they belong to the non-value added activities that need to exclude in order for
the organization to function effectively and efficiently.


The third topic aims to explain the seven habits of a person that would help him/her in
becoming an effective individual. These seven habits will help an individual return to their
principles that will lead a change in their lives.

The fourth topic aims to give tools that would identify the cause and effect of the
problem that an organization would face, a document that would make organize the data,
help in studying the changes within the organization, and to separate data.

The fifth topic aims to explain the process that would help in the successful change of
organization. It tells the factors to be considered when change is to be brought to the

The Strategy:

The strategy in gathering the data is through the use of the EBSCO and Science
Direct. With the use of the following sites, the researcher was able to gather all the
information and related articles needed for the different topics.

The Findings and Conclusion:

The findings and conclusions that the researcher gathered from the related articles are
the following:



In the 1st topic, the researcher concluded that the customer journey mapping would be
a great help especially in establishment like the library since it would give the librarians an
idea on how to improve their service.

In the 2nd topic, the researcher concluded that excluding the non-value added
activities that an organization have been doing would brought a big change within the
organization but it will benefit it in a way that this would make the organization function
more effectively and efficiently.

In the 3rd topic, the researcher concluded that the use of coveys seven habit model
would be a great help in the members of the organization. Some of the habits stated within it
are applicable depending in the nature of the organization an individual belong to.

In the 4th topic, the researcher concluded that not all the quality control tools would
be applicable in an organization and how it would be use within the organization.

In the 5th topic, the researcher concluded that since change cannot be avoided by the
organization, it must plan ahead of time in case a situation might force the organization to



Gabrielyn Alyana G. Amacio







Executive Summary

Table of Contents


Conceptual Mapping

Guide Question for Related articles




Conceptual Mapping





1. What kind of phenomena and/or research problem was the article concerned with
describing and / or explaining?
a. The kind of phenomena and or/ research problem the article is concerned with is
the benefits that customer journey mapping could do in the organization. Libraries
were mainly the establishment that is in need of this. They aim to improve the
satisfaction of the customers so that they could construct ideas and plan that
would make the organization function for the better.
b. The article is concerned with the idea on how lessen their expenses at the same
time to improve the operation of the organization. The article show that by
eliminating the non-value activities that the organization has been doing will
lower the cost of expenses that they had in the past years and also will improve
the operation of it since it will lessen the activities to be done. This will also
lessen the time allotted in doing a certain activity and will improve production.
c. The article is concerned with the idea of the seven habits that an individual should
possess. The article proves that some of the qualities are not applicable it other
organizations. It depends in the nature of the organization
d. The article is concerned about the tools that will help in improving the activities
of the organization. Some of the tools are only applicable on a certain
organization and some are not.
e. The article is concerned about the change that the organization might encounter
and how the organization should react in this situation. Leadership is also

mentioned as an important factor that would help the organization to adjust in
situations that requires them to change.

2. What are the theoretical framework and key concepts? How are these concept
a. The theoretical frame work and key concept is that analyzation of customers
experience will lead to the use of customer journey mapping. It will result in ideas
that will help in satisfying the customers.
b. The theoretical frame work and key concept is that by eliminating the non-value
added activities, the expenses of the organization will lessen. It will result in the
organization to function effectively and efficiently.
c. The theoretical frame work and key concept is that the individual within the
organization will not be fully affected either or neither they possess those qualities
for the reason that it will not fully affect the performance of the individual.
d. The theoretical frame work and key concept is that the quality control tools will
eventually help the organization to assess the quality of the products. It will also
give the organization ideas on how to improve the quality of products.
e. The theoretical frame work and key concept is that the change brought by the
external factors could be subsides by the organization if they follow the concept
of Kotters 8 phases of change.
3. What research methods were used to study and analyze the phenomena or research

The research methods used to study and analyze the phenomena are related
articles and journals that support the idea of the given topics. There are also studies
that came up with theories about the said topics.
4. What kind of data was collected?
The kinds of data that are collected are theories about the different topics and
studies that have been proven.
5. What are the major contributions of the article?
a. The major contribution of the article is that it is gives the researcher a more
evident proof that some of the theories concluded were true.
b. The major contribution of the article is that the organization was given ideas on
how to lessen their expenses and improve their operation with the use of cutting
cost by lessening the number of their employees.
c. The major contribution of the article is that the members of the organization will
be given an idea on what qualities they must possess in order to be successful.
d. The major contribution of the article is it will give the organization ideas on how
to assess the quality of their respective products.
e. The major contribution of the article is that the organization will be properly
oriented as to how to act in case of a sudden change within the organization.
6. What assumptions is the article making with respect to method?
a. The assumption of the article is that it gives the organization a wide basis in
formulating strategies for its improvement.

b. The assumption of the article is that eliminating the non-value added activities
will be a great help in the organization.
c. The assumption of the article is that with the help of the seven habits, it will boost
the performance of the members of the organization.
d. The assumption of the article is that with the use of the seven quality control tools
the organization would be able to monitor properly the quality of their products.
e. The assumption of the article is that the change brought by the external factors
could be properly handled with the use of the Kotters phases of change.
7. What are some of the major weaknesses of the work? How might these weaknesses
be addressed?
The weaknesses of the works are that most of them are theories that not have
been proven. It might be addressed by way of conducting a way of gathering the best
data to prove those theories.
8. How can the ideas and the information generated by the article be applied?
The ideas and the information generated by the articles can be applied by the
use of long term planning as to what should be done first. This will help the
organization come up with a long-term plan for itself.
9. What are your observations to the article?
The articles are all substantial to support the topics given and were able to
properly define what the researcher is trying to imply.
10. What are your comments about the article?

The articles gathered are all related to one another that makes them reliable
sources for the given topics.



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