Flight Planning

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An aeroplane is flying at TAS 180

kt on a track of 090. The W/V is

045 / 50kt. How far can the
aeroplane fly out from its base
and return in one hour?

Given: AD = Air distance, GD =

Ground distance, TAS = True
GS = Groundspeed. Which of the
following is the correct formula
to calculate ground distance
(GD) gone?

Given :
X = Distance A to point of equal
time (PET) between A and B
E = Endurance
D = Distance A to B
O = Groundspeed 'on'
H = Groundspeed 'back'
The formula for calculating the
distance X to point of equal time
(PET) is:

Which of the following

statements is (are) correct with
regard to the advantages of
computer flight plans ? 1. The
computer can file the ATC flight
plan. 2. Wind data used by the
computer is always more up-todate than that available to the

1. 85 NM

1. GD = (AD X GS)/TAS


1. Statement 1 only

Use Route Manual chart E(LO)1

What are the applicable GRID
MORAs for a flight from DEAN
CROSS 115.2 DCS (5443'N
00320'W) to TALLA 113.8 TLA
(5530'N 00321'W) on airway

1. 45 and 40

From which of the following
would you expect to find the
dates and times when temporary
danger areas are active

1. NOTAM and AIP

A sector distance is 450 NM long.

The TAS is 460 kt. The wind
component is 50 kt tailwind.
What is the still air distance?

1. 406 Nautical Air Miles


The still air distance in the climb

is 189 Nautical Air Miles (NAM)
and time 30 minutes. What
ground distance would be
covered in a 30 kt head wind?

174 NM

For a long distance flight at FL

390, "Long Range" regime,
divided into four flight legs with
the following characteristics:
- segment AB - Ground distance:
2 000 NM. head wind
component: 50 kt
- segment BC - Ground distance:
1 000 NM. head wind
component: 30 kt
- segment CD - Ground distance:
500 NM. tail wind component:


100 kt
- segment DE - Ground distance:
1 000 NM. head wind
component: 70 kt
The air distance of the entire
flight is approximately:

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