Chicanx Studies 10B W2017 Syllabus

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Chicanx Studies 10B

Winter, 2017
Broad 2160E

MW 10-11:50 and 2-3:50pm

Dr. Gaye Theresa Johnson

Associate Professor of Chicanx and African American Studies
Office: Bunche Hall 7345
Office Hours: Thursdays 10am-12pm
Course Description:, This course introduces students to Chicanx Studies as an intellectual,
political, and cultural project steeped in a long and international tradition of resistance and
radicalism. It broadly surveys the ongoing process of Chicanx cultural production and identity
formation as structured through race and its intersection with gender, sexualities, and class. Key to
this survey will be an understanding of: 1) the importance of race in structuring notions of identity
and the meaning of Chicanidad; 2) the significance of structural racism and white privilege; and 3)
the relationship between cultural production and power. Our course is designed for broad coverage
to examine major economic, political, and social changes of among Chicanx people and where
relevant, Latinx people more broadly. We will investigate how defining events grew out of and
affected the sustained activities of those traditionally excluded from accounts of the past. We will be
reading scholarly texts and comparing them with important and informative sources produced about
and in each theme, such as visual art, music and film.
A. Required Reading:
David Bacon, Illegal People: How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants
Jordan Camp and Christina Heatherton, Freedom Now!: Struggles For The Human Right To Housing In
L. A. And Beyond
Gaye Theresa Johnson, Spaces Of Conflict, Sounds Of Solidarity: Music, Race, And Spatial Entitlement In
Los Angeles
Dylan Miner, Creating Aztln : Chicano Art, Indigenous Sovereignty, And Lowriding Across Turtle Island
Ana Muiz, Police, Power, And The Production Of Racial Boundaries
B. Assignments
2 Exams
Critical Cultural Analysis
Attendance and Participation |

Midterm and Final

Essay with Images
Section and In-Class Assignments


25% each

The exams in this course are a mixture of essay and identifications. They are scheduled for Weeks 6 and 10,
the final being due Week 11 to your TA via Turnitin.
Critical Cultural Analysis
This assignment is an opportunity for you to apply the theories, historical events, and themes we
engage in this class to a generative cultural production that you choose in consultation with your TA.
You may choose any form of independent cultural production that is relative to this course and its

materials. You MUST put it in conversation with materials from the course. Several examples of
independent art will be provided in lecture and section, but you are welcome to bring your own.
Please get prior approval from your TA before you commence engaging with the text. 1-page
proposal describing the text and the concepts/theories/ideas you plan to use is due to your TA at
the beginning of section during Week 7. The paper (5 pages maximum, images included are fine) is
due Week 10.
Attendance and Participation
Section is a vital part of this course. Please attend consistently and engage yourself in the readings,
discussions, and assignments commensurate with the course. Participation includes periodic written
in-class assignments, contributions to discussion, and submission of a critical cultural analysis at the
end of the quarter.
C. Course Policies
Office hours
I am invested in your success in this course. Office hours are for clarification of course readings
(that you have already read) and lectures (that you have already attended or obtained notes for).
Please do not ask me for a summary of a lecture you did not attend. I do not share power point
presentations or lecture notes, so please secure lecture notes from a classmate. Students must sign
up for office hour appointments online in advance at:
Fair use and Academic Dishonesty:
Any student who fails to cite their sources, plagiarizes, paraphrases without citation, steals, copies, or
purchases a paper will fail the course. No exceptions. Moreover, your instructor (both the TA and
the professor) are enjoined to report you to the University for further reprimand and potential
expulsion. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not necessarily limited to, cheating on assignments
or examinations; plagiarizing (which means misrepresenting as your own work any part of work
done by another); submitting the same paper or substantially similar papers to meet requirements of
more than one course without the approval and consent of all instructors concerned; depriving
another student of necessary course materials; or interfering with another students work. Materials
(written or otherwise) submitted to fulfill academic requirements must represent a students own
efforts unless otherwise permitted by an instructor. It is also the responsibility of each student to
know the campus rules regarding academic misconduct. Please review the UCLA Student Conduct
Code for more information. For citation standards, see
Late Assignments/ Grade Disputes:
Assignments are due at the beginning of your discussion section. Late assignments will incur a 5%
grade deduction per day. You have one week to dispute a grade. You should first contact your TA for
their grading policy. If you do not reach a resolution, you may submit to me (1) the original graded
assignment and (2) a paragraph (no more than a page) describing the reasons for which you are
requesting a change of grade on an assignment (academic arguments). Bear in mind that I have the
right to raise or lower the assignments grade.
Accessibility Accommodations: I will make every attempt to accommodate students with
disabilities. Students requesting academic accommodations are required to register with The Office
for Students with Disabilities (OSD), Deliver verification to me as early in

the quarter as possible.

GTJs guidelines and recommendations for Course Success:
1. Read the book or article that is currently assigned for the week, familiarize yourself with the argument,
examples, and sources. Underline, highlight, question.
2. Need to miss a test or turn in an assignment past the due date? Provide documentation. No exceptions.
There are no make-up tests unless you provide documentation of an illness or unavoidable event that
keeps you from taking the midterm, final, or turning in a paper on time.
3. Turn all cell phones on silent before class begins. Please refrain from texting, browsing the internet,
checking email, or otherwise being off task during class. Laptops are for note-taking only.
4. All points of view are welcome as long as they are not deliberately discriminatory or insensitive. To that
end, your contributions should adopt an academic tone; you may certainly disagree with the readings, one
another, or the instructor, but must do so in a manner suitable for public discussion in the somewhat formal setting of
the university.
Course Schedule
Week One:

Power, Privilege, and the Meaning(s) of Freedom

January 9

Introduction and Overview

Film: Sleep Dealer

January 11

George Lipsitz, The Possessive Investment in Whiteness (on course website)

Week Two

Immigration and Economies of Displacement

January 16

No Class, but please read! Bacon, Illegal People, chapters 1 and 2

January 18

Bacon, Illegal People, Chapters 3 and 4

Week Three
January 23

Bacon, Illegal People, Chapters 5 and 6

Film Clips: Maquilapolis

January 25

Bacon, Illegal People, Chapters 7 and 8.

Guest speakers/performers: Los Cambalache with Xochi Flores, Executive
Director of National Day Laborers Organizing Network

Week Four
January 30

Racism, Space, and Resistance

Johnson, Spaces of Conflict, Chapter 1

February 1

Johnson, Spaces of Conflict, Chapter 2

Week Five
February 6

Johnson, Spaces of Conflict Chapter 3

Guest Speaker: Ernesto Yerena, visual artist and activist

February 8

Johnson, Spaces of Conflict, Chapter 4

Week Six
February 13

Johnson, Spaces of Conflict Chapter 5

February 15

Midterm Exam

Week Seven

Housing, Containment, and the Policing of Brown Bodies

February 20

No class but please read! Muiz, Chapter 1; Camp and Heatherton read We

February 22

Muiz, Ch 2; Camp and Heatherton Learning from LA

Week Eight
February 27

Muiz, Chapter 3; Camp and Heatherton read Why the Silence? Gentrification,
Dispossession and the Struggle for Dignity, and Housing is a Human Right

March 1

Dorothy Roberts, From Norplant to the Reproductive Vaccine and Making

Reproduction a Crime (on course website)
Film: No Ms Bebes
Guest Speaker: Laura Jimnez, Executive Director of California Latinas for
Reproductive Justice

Week Nine

Cultural Revolution(s)

March 6

Muiz, Chapter 4; Gloria Anzalda, To(o) Queer the Writer: Loca, escritora y
Chicana (on course website)
Film: Bruising for Besos

March 8

Miner, Creating Aztln, Introduction, Chapter 1

Guest Speaker: Adelina Anthony, Writer and Director of Bruising for Besos

Week Ten
March 13
March 15

Miner, Creating Aztln, Chapters 2 and 3

Miner, Creating Aztln Chapters 4, 5.

Final Examination Due by 5pm March to your TA via Turnitin.

Discussion Sections (Lecture 1):

Teaching assistant


Section: Location / Hours

1H: PUB AFF 1234 / Thursday / 9:00am-9:50am
1N: BOELTER 5273 / Friday / 11:00am-11:50am
1A: PUB AFF 1329 / Monday / 5:00pm-5:50pm
1I: BUNCHE 3117 / Thursday / 12:00pm-12:50pm
1J: PUB AFF 1323 / Thursday / 1:00pm-1:50pm
1L: PUB AFF 1337 / Thursday / 2:00pm-2:50pm
1F: BUNCHE 3150 / Thursday / 10:00am-10:50am
1G: BUNCHE 2168 / Thursday / 11:00am-11:50am
1B: PUB AFF 1337 / Wednesday / 1:00pm-1:50pm
1C: PUB AFF 2242 / Wednesday / 2:00pm-2:50pm
1E: BUNCHE 2178 / Wednesday / 4:00pm-4:50pm
1M: BUNCHE 2178 / Wednesday / 5:00pm-5:50pm
1D: BUNCHE 3150 / Wednesday / 3:00pm-3:50pm


1K: WGYOUNG 1044 / Thursday / 1:00pm-1:50pm


Discussion Sections (Lecture 2):

Teaching assistant

Section: Location / Hours

2B: DODD 162 / Wednesday / 5:00pm-5:50pm
2M: HAINES 220 / Friday / 11:00am-11:50am
2N: PUB AFF 1234 / Friday / 1:00pm-1:50pm
2E: BUNCHE 2174 / Thursday / 12:00pm-12:50pm
2C: HUMANTS A26 / Thursday / 10:00am-10:50am
2F: PUB AFF 2250 / Thursday / 1:00pm-1:50pm
2D: DODD 161 / Wednesday / 6:00pm-6:50pm
2A: BUNCHE 3150 / Wednesday / 5:00pm-5:50pm
2J: HAINES 110 / Thursday / 3:00pm-3:50pm
2K: BUNCHE 3211 / Thursday / 4:00pm-4:50pm

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