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Advanced words, collocations and expression for IELTS

a solid tip
flatly contradict
for instance
sincerely hope
thoroughly enjoy
mitigating circumstances
mounting criticism
absolutely delighted
protested his innocence
divulge his sources
state their business
state his aim, purpose, goal
generally speaking
speaks very highly of you
create a good impression
create a positive atmosphere
stage a protest
lodge a complaint
make a profit
make a proposal
make an apology
blatantly obvious
wildly exaggerated
spotlessly clean
deeply offensive
casts light on something
conducting an investigation on
submit assignment
gaining the respect
has a gift for languages
tough challenge
pass a milestone, milestone passed
comprehensive school
source of amusement
abject failure
declare the winner
keeping up my english
fit in perfectly with my plans
volume of work
carve a niche for myself
a job swap
held that position
took up the post of
tempting offer
moving up the ladder
Collected by: Sherif Magdi

Advanced words, collocations and expression for IELTS

put on a fast track scheme
I had a change of heart
get my priorities right
something should take priority over another
wrongfully dismissed
stage a strike
landed a job
heavy workload
unsocial hours
menial task
running errands
living Wage
high turnover of staff
stay the course
daunting task
mastering new skills
working as a team
taking on responsibility
taken industrial action = gone on strike
professional misconduct
relieved of his duties
taking up references
absolutely certain
nagging doubt
fuelling speculation
bear in mind
opinions are divided
becoming aware
poor judgement
thinking laterally
fertile imagination
grand style
rural idyll
overturned the verdict
unreliable witness
unanimous verdict
beyond reasonable doubt
Collected by: Sherif Magdi

Advanced words, collocations and expression for IELTS

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disband their armies
casual acquaintances
abuses this trust
apparent discrepancy
accuse of
accustomed to
charge for
cope with
count on
dedicated to
devote to
interactive displays
high stakes
bitter enemies
highly recommended
gain more marks
acquire the knowledge
arouse someone's interest
lead a seminar
fundamentally different
a team of experts
come up with a suggestion
adhere to your principles
play the stock market
wide range
heavy rain
alight from a bus
make mistake
of great importance
inclement weather
in broad agreement with
a broad accent / hint / range
a broad avenue
deliriously happy
adjourned the meeting
draw up a contract
Collected by: Sherif Magdi

Advanced words, collocations and expression for IELTS

draw up a list
withstand the impact / pressure
pass up a chance / an opportunity
opportunity arose
standards slipped
a spate of attacks
a barrage of questions / insults
a snippet of (uncountable noun)
idle threat
in the vain hope
mounting concern / criticism / fury
stunningly attractive
drive recklessly
failed miserably
qualify fully
heads a team
loosely based on / centered / structured /
related / connected
absurd / ridiculous
make a suggestion / contribution / formal
apology / an improvement / a habit / enemies
/ attempt / success / an early escape / an
notified the police
professed ignorance of
live up to my expectations
aspects of the job
grasped the importance of
target market
substantial increase / decrease
healthy competition
go shopping / do the shopping
gifted child
attention wanders
room for improvement
learn by heart
thirst of knowledge
showed considerable initiative in
demonstrated an ability
organise / have a barbecue
convivial atmosphere
idle chatter
exchange pleasantries
going for a stroll
a tough question
bowed to public pressure
entered into an agreement
enter into talks


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Collected by: Sherif Magdi




Advanced words, collocations and expression for IELTS

reach agreement
seizes power
secured slim majority
resigns from office
abject apology
evidence emerged
flatly reject
excite speculations
dissenting voice
uphold the tradition
in a break with tradition
unrivalled service
stuck in traffic
heavy traffic
valid license
key advantage
major development
sunny spells
a thirst for adventure
have a special charm
precious little chance
convincing victory
break through the defence
take up the challenge
keep my balance
launch the scheme
with eager anticipation
come to / arrive at a conclusion NOT make a
an amazing chain of events
a bold experiment
unmitigated disaster
series of events
spectacularly successful
considerable / well-deserved reputation
plan is approved
passed new laws
regulations introduced
adhere to standards
have an obligation
carry out a risk assessment
satisfy the requirements
disseminating information
absolutely essential
Collected by: Sherif Magdi



Advanced words, collocations and expression for IELTS

seek permission
granted permission
obtain permission
infringe the regulations
flout the rules
disposal of household waste
harmful to the environment
recycle waste
environmental catastrophe
on a global scale
weather patterns
absolutely vital
searing heat
temperature soar
widespread flooding
dire consequences
irreversible climate change
reduce our carbon footprint
food miles
hybrid car
alternative energy sources
solar heating
offshore wind farms
oil supplies will run dry
renewable energy
introducing green taxes
eco-friendly design
find a solution
hectic pace of life
outstanding debt
credit card fraud
identity theft
cost-cutting measures
falsified records
cutting down on luxuries
make a payment
curb inflation = control inflation
rampant inflation
current economic climate
interest rate
culture for investing in the long term
steady growth
public spending
value for money
rising unemployment
address the issue
Collected by: Sherif Magdi

Advanced words, collocations and expression for IELTS

a novel solution
provide relief
antisocial behaviour
underage drinking
dysfunctional families
when law and order break down
riots erupt
the social fabric
draconian measures
low-income families
provide shelter
poor sanitary conditions
unfit for human habituation
affordable housing
inciting violence
neighborhood watch scheme
illegal substance
claim benifit
feel ashamed
as a force for change
online banking
swipe a card
pushing back the frontiers
harnessing technology
cutting-edge design
run smoothly
wear and tear
production may be halted
cause system to crash
installing equipment
a power cut
enjoy good health
reduce stress level
gentle excercise
plenty of exercises
watch what you eat
build up resistance
go on a diet
serious medical condition
respond well to treatment
made a full recovery
exceed the recommended dose
adverse reaction
critically ill
a streaming cold
fighting for their lives
fell into a coma
Collected by: Sherif Magdi

Advanced words, collocations and expression for IELTS

come out of the coma
a massive heart attack
untimely / premature death
escape punishment
custodial sentences
for committing minor offence
put on trial
found guilty
given a sentence
serve out their sentence
soaring crime rate
brought to justice
extenuating circumstances
not fit to stand trial
miscarriage of justice
face trial
unreliable evidence
trumped up charges
gave evidence
the trial was adjourned until
remanded in custody
found not guilty
denied all knowledge of
alleged fraudulent business deal
dismiss the case
awarded damage
contested the verdict
appear in court
justice had been served
platonic relationship
firm friends
providing moral support
cordial relations
lavish lifestyle
receive nomination
realised his ambition
significant impact
and will do so for many years to come
poisons the atmosphere
betrayed my trust
belittle his achievement
deep dissatisfaction
advanced knowledge
considerable experience
highly valued
Collected by: Sherif Magdi

Advanced words, collocations and expression for IELTS

revealed a remarkable talent
honing his skills
of paramount importance
pursuing his interest
personality traits
his strong point
confined space # ample room
short of space
leave space/room
made a lasting contribution
golden era
shaped our destiny
decades elapsed
in the not-so-distant future
explore different ways
viable options
method to adopt
with remarkable ease
adverse weather conditions
complete disaster
catastrophic results
face a problem
address a problem
sheer quantity
unbounded enthusiasm
endless supply of
overwhelming majority
fundamental / dramatic / radical change
the root cause
the primary cause
produce the desired effect
growing disparity
the advantages of sth outweigh its
fuelled fears
left with little alternatives
merely = exactly
carry out = conduct
shines a light on
in the shadow of
widespread = common
a common interest = a shared interest
Signal jamming
Collected by: Sherif Magdi



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Advanced words, collocations and expression for IELTS


Collected by: Sherif Magdi

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