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Names: _____________________________

Group #________

Date: ___________

Battles and Technology use to win the War

End of unit lesson presentation

Who: Group of 2 students working as one team

What: Will present a 10-minute presentation of a specific battle during World War II with the
use of newly developed technology that help win the battle.

PowerPoint with min of 5 slides

Name of the Battle
Date range of the Battle
Names of Allied and Axis powers that fought in the battle
Names of key leaders during the battle
Identify where the battle took place, why the battle was important for both Allied and
Axis powers.
1 newly developed technology that was use in the battle
Atleast 3 pictures in the presentation
A one page summary of the battle and technology that the group presented

When: This presentation will be presented two weeks after the end of the unit lesson.
Where: Groups will have sufficient time to work on this during class, and students can split the
work load to work at home.
Why: This presentation is to assess your understanding of specific battles and new technology
that had a significant role to winning the war, and to develop your public speaking skills.

A scoring rubric will be provided this will help the group of how I will assessing your

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