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Sons of Shadow

The time fast approaches when we will be forced to adopt a new means of warfare. We will walk
among our enemies, hidden and unknown. We will allow their prejudices against one another,
their desire for vengeance over wrongs committed so long ago that no one remembers them. We
will aid them in destroying one another. and when the battle rages too far out of control for there
to be any hope of recovery, only then will we strike.
Darkness shall reign.
The Dark Lord

Warriors of the Iron Fist,

We are beset on all sides by those who condemn us. They call us barbarians. They call us
savages. They say that we are without honor. I say that they fear us. They malign us and belittle
us because they desperately need to feel superior to us, and in their hearts they know that they
could not stand against us if we wished to destroy them.
Take heart in your freedom. The winds of change shall blow, and soon.
Rodrigo Duterte
The Khan

My fellow Poenix,
Weep for the Empire.
And now, as then, the Nation teeters on the brink of chaos, with no leader to bring its people
together. Once again, we risk a war that will envelop the entire Nation. I fear that if this should
come to pass, there may be precious little remaining for a new President to rule.
One day soon, I fear, we may be forced to bring about peace through whatever means necessary.
I pray that I do not live to see such a day.
Grace Poe
Phoenix Champion

Servants of the Yellow Ribbon

Tragic times have befallen the Nation. And the question of who shall now rule is in dispute, And
there are those who would seize the throne by force.
They cannot be allowed to succeed. Our people have always stood at the heart of Malacanan,
maintaining and influencing it. We shall see to it that the succession to the Presidency is
determined by law and the traditions of our ancestors; not by the stampeding of a barbarian army.

This is what it means to wear our mask. This is what it means to dwell in the shadow.
Mar Roxas
Master of Lies

Children of Law and Order,

The Nation is at a crossroad. These are the inevitable moments when the destiny of all mankind
takes shape. It will fall to us to be the steady hand that tries to guide both our allies and our
enemies back to the true path, whatever that path might be. We cannot choose the destiny of
others, but we can teach them that there are options beyond violence and dishonor.
Draw upon the strength of truth, my friends. We shall need it.
Togashi Satsu
Dragon Clan Champion

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