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ID NUMBER: 2013480606

Making the most of a situation is an article about teachers conflict at the school. The writer
put forward the challenge faced by the teachers in order to adapt in the new environment at the
new school. The writer received an expression of a young teacher who recently transferred to the
new school. Previously, she was the head of the school library and other several positions of
responsibility. Unfortunately, she did not hold any position at the new school as all the position
was filled by the senior teachers at the school. She was appointed as subject teacher and class
teacher. This situation made her to follow the order from the senior teachers. At the beginning
she tried to fit in the situation but lately she realise that she can stand on it anymore because she
felt that she was being ignore by the other teachers. She felt unhappy and worthless doing this
occupation. The teacher ask the writers opinion about her situation. This kind of story remind
the writer of Guru Nanak Ji, who was born on 15 April 1469, the founder of Sikhism. Guru
Nanak Ji was opposed by a group of holy men who did not welcome his present at the new town,
Multan. Then, he told the holy men that he can benefit the society. He gave an analogy of a bowl
which contain full milk that did not overflow even he put a jasmine on the milk. In the same way,
the new teacher can still accentuate themselves even its already has many chief. Actually, there is
another place that they can use as a weapon to be noticeable but they have forget about it because
they are too obsess of their old position of power. It is the classroom. Classroom where a
teachers authority take place but unfortunately not many teachers realise it. A class of youngster
whose future they can shape. The writer also had her own experienced. It was in 1997 when she
just finished her masters degree and was posted to the to a school in Sandakan, Sabah. She was
assigned as a Form teacher and relegated the usual subject. There was a woman much younger
than the writer, she will apologise to the writer because of the writers seniority when she
approach her for some task. She was the head of Science Department. The writer then told her
not to felt anything wrong toward her because she just okay being a usual teacher without any
position. The writer was very happy doing her job and willing to lend her hand if need. Even, she
enjoyed her life as a teacher at Sandakan. The young teacher thanked the writer and respect her
more than before. The writer always support the young teacher and she really appreciated it.
Both of them enjoy working together when they can work best with their ideas, opinion and so

on. Time flies. The writer was very sad to let her go when she got a transfer back to West
Malaysia. After that, the writer was chosen to be the head of the Science and Mathematics
Department to replace the previous leader. Then, she realise how she miss so much toward her
old position being a usual teacher as it was very advantageous to the writer. Became a leader, the
writer spent her time to mingle with her workmates during the break at the staffroom. She know
how to approach them properly. The writer spent three years as their head and it was the best
time in her life as a teacher when she had the best supporter on that time. Once again, she
became just a usual teacher in 2002 when she was posted to the new school at West Malaysia.
She had to increase her knowledge and skills because she taught Form six class for the first
time. The higher level of the subject made her stressed. She come out with her own style of
teaching from American reading materials that she had read previously. It was suggested by other
teachers from neighbouring school. She found herself enjoying her time as a teacher with no
position at the school. Her creativity started to burst again. In 2003 until 2005, she won the
innovative teaching award, being a mentor for two Form six student groups in research
methodology and contributed to the State Education Science Committees. She also spent time to
know the students better, teaching with enjoyment and at the same time upgrade her abilities as a
trainer and facilitator. Shes happy being a normal educator who did not hold any position of


The importance of being an honest teachers.

Being an honest educator is very important as they are the one who shape the mind of the future
leader. Every student shows the image of the teachers. How the teachers nurture them and how
the teachers behave are being copy by the students. The teachers are the role model of the
students at school. Hence, they need to practice good value in their life as a teacher so that the
students who admire them will have good behaviour too. However, if the teachers do not display
good value and keep showing the bad attitude toward the students, absolutely the students will be
like that. Those teachers are going to build unmannerly person that definitely cannot contribute
to the nation. This will cause the lack of good quality leader in the future as many of the latest
generation are unable to help in the countrys development. Therefore, the teachers should put
their in their mind that they must be a good teacher so that they will produce good society too.

The teachers should enjoy their days as a teacher.

As we all know, being a teacher is one of the honorable occupation because they are the one who
educate people to be a useful person for the future. They willing to sacrifices themselves in order
to help the other people. Hence, they should be proud of themselves because without their magic
hand, the entire people which is student will be meaningless. Thus, the main thing is they should
enjoy being an educator even they had to faced great challenge in their career. This is because
they are the chosen one whose destiny chose them to be. My previous school teacher said to me
that being a teacher is not about to be popular, rich or even being a leader, but being a teacher is
more than that, a satisfaction feeling when the students can apply what the teacher teach them in
class. A feeling that blossoms every day.

Be positive.

It is awesome when the person always be positive especially for the teachers. They carry a heavy
duty to build an intelligent and useful nation which might cause them to feel overwhelmed. To
the teachers, try to take all the problems or challenge that they faced as a test from the Almighty
God. Tell yourself "It's okay. Just let it be. Maybe Allah had planned the best for you. Who
knows right.." It is okay if the teachers do not be the leader of any department as long as they
prioritize their responsibility first, which is teaching. When the teachers do such things, they will
feel happy as they do not have anything to worry about. They would not feel stress, angry or
even disappointed. They will enjoy and be more focus toward their job as a teacher. It is like a
wonderful feeling of eating chocolate ice cream that melt in your mouth with the its icy taste.

The teachers shall explore and expand their teaching ability.

As a teacher, he or she must be creative in conducting learning process so that the student will
not easily get bore. Holding any position of power is not the issue right now. But if the teachers
was selected as a leader, they must use the chance to the maximum which is make something
advantageous for the students sake. They must arrange their time wisely because normally this
kind of teacher is quite busy compare to other teacher. This condition would affect the quality of
the learning process at the school. Although, the teachers do not get any position of power at the
school, do not worry because they can still contribute to the students. This is the golden
opportunity for these teachers to explore their teaching ability and attract the student attention in
class. Once they are skillful enough, they may expand and share their teaching skill for other
teachers too. It is good to share what we have with others as sharing is caring. Then, there will be
no more uneasy feeling among the teachers and automatically the school atmosphere will be
harmonious. All the teachers, definitely can work together to help the student to be excellent in
their studies.

Respect is the key to the happiness.

The writer had found her happiness being a teacher when she was teaching at Sandakan, Sabah.
It is not about the place but it is about the respect shown by the writer and her workmate among
each other. Even the writer got a younger person as the head of the Science Department, she does
not really care about that position. She accept it happily as she had more time to focus on her
career as a teacher. Because of that, they were able to work together, chance opinion and this had
create a very conducive environment to work. All of this was the effect of practicing the respect
manner life. If the other people can respect among themselves I am sure that all of they can live
happily as a big family and the relationship between all of them will be tighter. Now, all society
may able to contribute to the countrys development.

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