Mitsubishi FR Configurator SW3 Manual

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MITSUBISHI = MELSOFT =~ FR Configurator SW3 INSTRUCTION MANUAL INVERTER SETUP SOFTWARE FR-SW3-SETUP-WE -Windows® (English) Version- WHEN USING FOR THE FIRST gill SETTING WIZARD FUNCTION | amy TROUBLE INDICATION gf INTRODUCTION ‘Thank you for choosing this Mitsubishi Inverter Setup Software. ‘This instruction manual gives handling information and precautions for use of this software, Incorrect handling might cause an unexpecied fault. Before using the software, please read this manval carefully 1o use the software to its optimum performance, Please forward this manual tothe end user When reading this manual, note the folowing, ‘+ This manuals writen on the basis that Windows® XP (English version) isthe operating system “+ Drive Dis described as the CD-ROM dive and Drive C as the hard disk ative, “Trademarks ‘+ Microsoft Windows and Excel are registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other counties. (1) The formal name of Windows® 2000 is Microsoft Windows® 2000 operating system. (2) The formal name of Windows® XP is Microsoft Windows" XP operating system, ‘+ "FR Configurator isa registered trademark of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation “The copyright and other rights of this software all belong to Mitsubishi Electric Corporation ‘+ No part ofthis manual may be copied or repreduced without the permission of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation ‘Other company and product names herein are the rademarks and registered trademarks oftheir respective owners + SPREAD Copyright 2004 FarPoint Technologies, Inc Visual Combo Copyright 2006 MCOR Co.,Ltd For Maximum Safety «+ This product has not been designed or manufactured for use with any equipment or system operated under ife-threatening conditions ‘+ Please contact our sales office when you are considering using this product in special applications such as passenger mobile, medical, aerospace, nuclear, power or undersea relay equipment or system, ‘Athough this product was manufactured under conditions of strict quality control, you ar strongly advised to install safety devices to prevent serious accidents when itis used in facilities where breakdowns of the product are likely to cause @ serious accident, —CONTENTS— 1 OUTLINE 1 4.1 Before Using This Software. 4.1.1 Packing Confirmation 2 4.2 System Configuration .. 1.2.1 System Requirement 3 1.2.2 Compatible inverters.ineusrnmeiennmnennn nn iasnnininsn nnn nnennne 1.2.3 System configuration ..unmeienieninienineneneinnnenenenan seniarinmnninenninnnnnsin 4.3. Installation and Uninstallation 41.3.1 Installation of FR Configurator. 5 1.3.2. Uninstallation of FR Configurator. 8 1.3.3 _ Installation of VFD Setup Software SW1 8 4.4 Connection and Parameter Setting 4.4.1 Connection Method. 10 1.4.2 Connection using USB connector (FR-A700, £700 Only) wiinesnneniene sn nasnnnnnis V2 4.4.3 Connection using PU connector 16 1.4.4 Connection of multiple inverters using RS-485 terminal 19 4.4.5 Connection through GOT (FA transparent function) ai 4.5 Setting of Operation Mode of the Inverter 1.5.1. Operation mode setting 24 4.6 Start and Close 1.6.1 Starting FR Configurator. 29 1.6.2 Start flow of FR Configurator. 30 1.6.3. Closing FR Configurator at 41.7 Explanation of Window . 4.7.4 Main frame. 32 1.7.2 Navigation area. 34 1.7.3 SySlEM AFCA russ nnn nsinninennnnnseaninennnniosininennnaninmnnennesnn sn 3S 1.7.4 Monitor 2f€2,s..ssinsnsninnsiuninanininnnseanmnennnninsiinnnninninnmninnninnesenn inn 36 4.75 Menu and Too! bar 37 1.76 Status bar 38 4.7.7 Communication manager. 38 2 WHEN USING FOR THE FIRST TIME 41 24° Startup. 2.2 Easy Setup 221 System Property 44 22.2 Communication Setting ssinninennnnnininentnnnnenininnnen sen AB 22.3 Inverter Setting Method urineninennnnninennnnn sennatnnninenninsninanninennansis AT 2.2.4 Automatic Detection wainniineniinninnenininesnnnnn sonanninnnninnnninnneienan ns 4B 2.25 Model Setting 49 2.2.68 Inverter Selection 50 2.2.7 Control Method 51 2.2.8 Motor setting 52 229 Start Command and Frequency (Speed) Setting Method 53 2.2.10 Parameter List 54 3 SETTING WIZARD 55 3.1 Overview of Setting Wizard. 3.4.1 Function outline 56 3.1.2 Individual setting window of Setting Wizard 87 3.1.3. Parameter List 58 3.2. Details of Setting Wizard. 3.2.1 Acceleration/Deceleration Pattern and Time Setting 59 3.2.2 Output Terminal(FM, CA, AM) Calibration, 60 32.3. Analog Input Terminal Calibration 61 3.24 Tuning (FR-A700, D700, E700 only) 63 3.3 Troubleshooting.. 3.3.1 Function Outline sn sussnsnnmenrnnniennnnnnn nines senrnnnnnnenmnnnneneeinss B 3.3.2 Status Display..n.nsunmmnmmenninnuninenninesnn nen nnninnnsnninnnnnennnen 86 3.3.3 Cause Estimate van susinsniennnnnieniinninnninsennnin sonnnnnsnenmnnsnannnnie 87 334 Related Parameter 68 3.4 Details of troubleshooting. 3.4.1. Motor does not rotate as commanded. 69 3.4.2 Motor does not rotate, or motor rotation direction does not change. 70 3.4.3 Motor coasts R 3.44 Motor current is large. 73 3.4.5 Acceleration/deceleration is not as commanded ..snenimennnnineninnnnesninnsnnsansnn 7 3.4.6 External device (peripherals) malfunctions wn. 75 3.4.7 Operation mode does not change 76 3.4.8 Unable to write parameter setting 79 3.4.9. Unable to communicate at 4 FUNCTION 83 4.1 Model Setti CT Ey m 4.2 Options 4.2.1 Communication. 85 4.2.2 Preferences 86 Management and Print.. 43.4 Type of 10S soeinenrmnennnnninennnnnninnnmnnineninnnnnnmnnninneninennnnnnenns BT 43.2 OPEN wrernennnnnn sonunnaninemnnninnn ee 433° Save a7 4.3.4 Data import and export (File input and output) a8 4.35 Print a9 4.4 Test Operation (Navigation area) 44.4 Test Operation screen 90 4.4.2 _ Indication of inverter frequency and fault Ea 4.4.3 _ Indication of operation mode and switching a 4,44 Selting of running frequency (speed, machine Speed) ..rnaninssninnnnininentnninnenninenns 92 4.4.5 Sending of forwardireverse rotation command: 93 4.5 System View (Navigation area) .. 4.5.1 System Setting 95 452. Setting Wizard 96 4.6 Parameter List (System area) 4.8.1 Explanation of SCr@€N ..snnnnsninintnnininnnnantnnnienen sennenaniinenminesinenns OB 4.6.2 Parameter List Display Format 99 4.8.3. Parameter clear and all parameter clear 101 4.6.4 Read (Balch Read), Write (Batch Write) and Verification 102 4.8.5 Edit Individual List. 103, 4.8.8 Parameter Search 103 4.7 Convert (System area). ATA Convert image sinmnnnsnsn 4.7.2. Explanation of window 4.7.3. Example of converting nu 4.74 Precautions for Conve nsninssnsninennin 4.8 Diagnosis (System area) 4.8.1 Explanation of window 121 4.8.2 Procedure of Main circuit capacitor Ife measuring 122 4.9 Graph (Monitor area) 4.9.1 Basic flow of Sampling.siss:nsssineniienaieninieinninnisinninnnnmnsntnnnieen 124 4.9.2. Explanation of window. 125 4.9.3 Sampling item setting 126 4.9.4 Sampling setting 128 4.95 Trigger setting 130 4.9.6 Scale changing ws .urnenninennrnneineninrnnsnn ne nenninnn snannnn nn snmnnininnns 192 4.9.7 CUrsoF Funttion sursnsnaneniinnnnenninnnnaiinnnninin nnn runes 133 49,8 History display .rssssnsnnnsnnnnninennn snunnnnunnaninninnin ni 49.9 Example of Graph sampling (monitoring Output Frequency, terminal RUN, terminal FU)....... 135 4.10 Batch Mor for (Monitor area). 4.11 1/0 Terminal Monitor (Monitor area). 4.12 0 Terminal Assignment. 4.13 Machine Analyzer (Monitor area) (FR-A700 with Vector Control). 142 4.14 Help. 147 4.141 Help 147 4.142. Version Information 149 5 TROUBLE INDICATION 151 5.1 Error Code. 5.1.1 Communication error with inverter. 162 5.1.2 Communication error when connected through GOT w.:sesnniennnnnnnennnnn snes 158 5.1.3 Other error (Task busy) 158 5.2 Error Display on a Dialog v CT Ey PU: Operation panel and parameter unit (FR-PUD4, FR-PUO7) Inverter: Mitsubishi inverter FR-A700: Mitsubishi inverter FR-ATOO series FR-D700: Mitsubishi inverter FR-D700 serios FR-E700: Mitsubishi inverter FR-£700 series FR-F700: Mitsubishi inverter FR-F7OO series Pr. : Parameter number PU operation: Operation using the PU (FR-PUOA/FR-PUO7) External operation: Operation using the contra circuit signals ‘Combined operation: Operation using the PU (FR-PUO4/FR-PLOT) and external operation Standard motor: SF-IR. Constant torque motor: SF-HRCA DD REMARKS: Accional poll contents and elatons wt ter functions ae writen ‘ontents requiring caution or cases witen set functions are not activated are writen. © POINT: Useful conten and points ae writen [CET : Indeates @ button displayed in a window. “aiall + Indicates a tb displayed in a window. [] Indicates a menu selected from menu bar. "+s Indicates a ttle name of a window. 1 /OUTLINE This chapter explains the "OUTLINE" for use of this product. Always read the instructions before using the software. RaeRGRS Before Using This Software... ‘System Configuratior Installation and Uninstallation... Connection and Parameter Setting. Setting of Operation Mode of the Inverter... Z_Before Using This Software 41.1 Before Using This Software (© This sofware is a effective suppor tol for startup and maintenance of the Mitsubishi ransistrized invertor. The folowing ‘unctions can be performed oficiently onthe personal computer. ‘+ Startup (Desired function can be performed soon ater starting up ofthis software) + Easy Setup (From station number to parameter seting, salting with wizard style dialog (interactive) is available) + Soting Wizard (Function setting without regard to parameter number) + Tuning (Availabe from Setting wizard) (FR-A700, £700 series only) + Troubleshooting (Estimating cause and counter measure at rouble occurrence) + Parameter List (Displaying of parameter ist, functional lst, inal value change list and eulting of the parame available) + Convert (Converting a parameter setting of the conventional model into FR-A700, 0700, E700, or F700 parameter setting) + Diagnosis (Displaying fauits history and parts ie, and measuring main circuit capacitor fe ) + Graph (Monitoring by High Speed sampling or Monitor sampling, and displays in graph for) + Batch Monitor (Displaying monitor items ofthe inverter atthe same time) ‘U0 Terminal Monitor (Monitoring the state of input and output terminal) + VO Terminal Assignment (Signal assignment of input and output terminal) + Test Operation (Send 2 starstop command, or change the set frequency as ifusing the operation panel ofthe invertor) + Machine Analyzer (Resonance point and anti-esonance point of the machine system can be obtained) (For FR-A7OO with vector contol) ‘Help. (Instruction manual of the inverter and this software can be displayed in a window) Note +f file name or folder name is using Unicede, system file writing oF reading may not be performed correctly. Please urea ame and folder name without Unicode, |. The folowing functions of Windows® XP are not compatible with tis software ‘Application starting with Windows? compatibility mode Starting using "Run As.” Remote Desktop + A part of this software Is using a function of Intemet Explorer. This software may net function propery depending on Infermet Explorer setting. For example, ifthe user assistant fs set in “Option” le opening or selecting function in “Startup” window may become una select the desired funetion from a main sereen ofthe FR Configurator 2. Please change the Internet Explorer setting nto a default satin, of function property. 1.1.1. Packing Confirmation ‘Aller unpacking, check tha the folowing items are contained in the package: CO-ROM install Manca System Configuration © 41.2 System Configuration 2.1 System Requirement TBM PCIAT compatoie machine wih CD-ROM dive (lor ntallaton), USB por "3 or RS-232C por os Windows® XP Professional SP2 or ater, Windows® XP Home Eaton SP2 orate, Windows? 2000 Professional SP o ate enim 139M or more (Windows® 2000 Professional) Personal computer “2 Processor Pentam® 300MHz or mare (Windows® XP Profesional, Windows” XP Home Eton) Menon '32MB oF moe Windows® 2000 Professional 128M or more (Windows® XP Proessional, Windows® XP Home Edkion) Tara, Free area of200MB or rae Soars Tnlemet EXPE. 0 OF moee Doin ‘Appleable io splay a resoion a1 1004 X T68 or move, and 256 calor ornare, Compal wil he ‘soy above PC. Keyboard ‘Compatbie wit tw above PG, ous ‘Compatibn with the above PC, Pree ‘Compatoe withthe above PC. 1.2.2 Compatible inverters FR Configurator is compatible with the flowing inverters. + FR-A700 series + FR-0700 series + FRE700 series + FRF700 series OUTLINE Z System Configuration 1.2.3 System configuration ‘The following devices are required to use FR Configurator. Setup the system in accordance withthe instruction manuals of each devices. = FR Congr [am f Ta cna RET, 0 sing PU connector af) Cannaaon ale Spl: yc eoroncs Corton ‘Cable: Cabin complance wih E1AS68 (auch ae T0BASE-T cab) Sangli Cai nn {Twisted pa cabo, 4 pas) eee | ——l pinor Pair airy ial FER Se | FEE FET Pica] [am “1 When using 28-2226 ofa persona computer xamales of product avalole one market (a of September, 2006) NV-SABY (wh connectors a eats) ‘ot be prepared separately, Contac a mater datas of the prot (ater ne natn manus ode) i) ‘valle communicaton gots USB or RS-2326 (one of fost 1063), and soln Commanenton satis screen of {Be FR Gonfgurte(Usng mutple pot the same ime is tavatabe) Conocton ofa computor to GOT is 1:1 i USB for conecing wh GOT, use desiatod evo Rete oT1000 or dota ot S22 connecon and compabbie version of GOT Up io 0 mvortors cane connected wit R422 Installation and Uninstallation = 1.3. Installation and Uninstallation 1.3.1 Installation of FR Configurator ‘To use the Configurator (FR+SWS-SETUP-WE), the fles Included on the setup disk (CD-ROM) or downloaded file must be installed onto the personal computer ‘Check following items before the installation, Close any other applications that have already boen started For the installation, log on as an administrator (Administrator account) and stat installation, It an inverter is connected by the USB cable, disconnect the USB cable, the folowing window is displayed during the installation, click [EriasZanar) {0 eantinue the instalation, — Installation files are compressed. FR Configurator does not function with just copying the instalation fles, Please install the software with using the installation program. “To instal tne software, follow the installation procedure in Windows screen. VED Setup Software (FR-SWI-SETUP-WE) of an older version (CD-ROM) is installed after the installation of FR Configurator, FR Configurator does not function. In this case, please uninstall FR Configurator (Refer to page 8), and then install FR Configurator again. Ifthe older version of FR Configurator has been installed, the older version wil be uninstalled during the installation, Installation procedure ‘The following describes the procedures of installing FR. Configurator (1) Insert the CD-ROM to an available CD-ROM drive. Installation starts automatically (> REMARKS nstalaon can be started with double-eking the Ion of CD-ROM dvs or te following procedure 1)croose the (Run. command rom [Sart] menu, 2y"Run window appears, [s"ype 7DSETUP" (wth one-byte ch ern "Open" fed and cox [ET]. (When CD-ROM drive is O ve) (2) The window shown on the rightis displayed. Click Ce. OUTLINE installation and Uninstallation {@) ‘The window shown on height is splayed li (4) Enter username and company name. Click after entering, (User name and company name is required to proceed to the next step.) (5) Check the installation folder and click To change the installation folder, click ‘and select the installation folder, A new folder “invsup3" is created at the selected installation folie. This software is installed in there. (HF the installation ‘folder is not changed, the ‘softwares installed at “CAProgram Files\MELSOF Tinvsup3_o*) (8) Check the instaling application, and lick (FR Configurator is already selected when this window is shown.) ‘Check "VED Setup Sotware SW1" I required, and click (efor page 9 tt Installation and Uninstallation = (7) Review the installation setting, and click =. orn To change the setting, click [Gai], and correct the setting, RESEE Eee aman (®)_Instalaton is completed, Click to close the window. Restart the personal computer before using the software (9) A shorteut is created in [Stat] menu of Windows after installation is completed. (> REMARKS IF the user fs nt an administrator (minstrator account with Windows XPI2000 OS, the instalation cannot be made. Login 38a usor wih administrator permission, and stat the installation again OUTLINE installation and Uninstallation 1.3.2. Uninstallation of FR Configurator Open the [Star] menu of Windows, and then click (Control panel. Click "Add or Remove Programs" in the "Control pane!" window. When "Add or Remove Programs" window is displayed, sect "MELSOFT FR Configurator SW" and cick [Fa] to stat uninstallation (Glick [Fars], and a folowing dialog appears. Teyana en tn see Ste vay att ck to proceed the uninstallation, (Click to cancel the uninstallation) ‘A following window is displayed when the uninstallation is completed. Click [Fi]. to close the window. bel hele lupo ab wit in Installation and Uninstallation = 1.3.3 Installation of VFD Setup Software SW1 ‘Toinstall VED Setup Sofware SW/1, select "VFD Setup Sofware SW1" in [Select Application] window during the installation. YA compatible invertors (es) are displayed Click [ET7] and the installer creates a folder [invsupt] (for VED Setup Sotware SW1), and copies required fs. Note J. It VED Setup Sofware (FR-SW1-SETUP-WE) ofan older version (CD-ROM) Is Installed after the Installation of the FR. Configurator, FR Configurator does not function. In this case, please uninstall FR Configurator (Refer pare 8), and then ital FR Configurator a J. i the older version of VED Setup Sofware SW1 (Version information ean be checked in “About VED Setup SW" ion of VED Setup Software SWI or FR \indow) is installed, uninstall the older version, and then install the new ve Configurator SW2. OUTLINE Z Connection and Parameter Setting 41.4 Connection and Parameter Setting 1.4.1. Connection Method For FR Configurator, communication with USB connector or PU connector is avaliable. Serial communication (PU connector) is the default setting (1), USB connection (FR-A700, £700 only) Refer 1 page 12) Connect to USB connector of the Inverter. 1:1 connection Is supported. Connection with using USB hub is not supported (2). Serial communication using PU connector (Refer page 16) Connect to PU connector ofthe inverter. RS-232C/RS-485 corwerter (cable) I require. (FR Confguato se connector Eat RS-2020 cable Tee een eet [RS-2520 ORS-485 (GR Conigenter) | FO22O SRS: (9). Serial communication using RS-485 terminal (Refer o page 19) Connect to RS-485 terminal of the inverter. Up to 32 inverters can be connected. (FR-E700 series requires RS-485 terminal block (Control terminal option FR-E7TR)) (FR Contiguatey) REABS amin cy 10 Connection and Parameter Setting = (4) Communication through GOT (USB / Serial communication) (Refer t page 21) ‘Connect to RS-485 terminal through GOT (Display). Up to 10 inverters can be connected when using RS-485 terminal RS-422 communication unt Is necessary for GOT. {FR Configurator pi Note + Taking out and putting in the USB cable while FR Configurator Is working may cause the inverer not tobe recognized Perform taking out and putting in the USB cable for some times, oF perform inverter reset (reset GOT when communication through GOT) with the USB cable connected fo PC. " OUTLINE Z Connection and Parameter Setting 1.4.2 Connection using USB connector (FR-A700, E700 only) ‘A personal computer and inverter can be easily connected with one USB cable, 1:1 connection is supported, Connection with using USB hub is not supported (1) Cable Contos USS ‘2Mbope Personal computer (FR Cantiguaton FRAO USE connacor (8 recap) FRET {USS min B-conneetor (receptacle nT WBS) Sele power upBly Example of FRA700 Removal of cover Place a fatnoas screwdriver, ee ina slot and push up te cover 6 open 12 USB connector Connection and Parameter Setting = Example of FR-E700 USB able USB comscor De =| oar) Bt ar Pull the cover in the direction Then turn it upward of arrow. * ar 2 PS ie |-Rocommended USB cable for omputer-invrter connecton (Far FR-ETO0) Recommended | MRVGUSBCBLIM | Coneetar tor vero Cana for arena campstar veo Cnt length a OUTLINE 13 Z Connection and Parameter Setting (2). Related parameters for USB connection ‘St the folowing communication parameter when connecting USB connector of the inverter. When performing parameter writing or run command input, set the following command source parameters, and switch the operation mode to PU ‘operation made. (ital vale 9999) Pr $48 USB communication check ime ir? (© FREMaRKs ‘Switching of he operation mode i USB communication 547 _| station number ° ble at “Test Operation” window Refer opage 9) In Navigaton area ‘St 38 or mare (or 9909) n Pr. 548 USB communication check ime intra Sota station number of the each inverters in Pr 47 USI communication saon number. Peron inverter reset ater setng the Inverter station number specication USB communication check time interval 9999 0.42 990.8.08 TSE commaniaton posse, op (ESB) ste infaval of communication check tne IF ne-communicaton state pert foo than the permissible tim, he invari will come to tp (USB) Ey Ne commanicaton ena PU mode operation 551 | command source selection FRAT00-2 FR-E7O0 : 9998 ‘Selects he REBS terminal ase PU ‘Saas the PU connector asthe PU oparavon ‘Saecls he USB connector a he PU poration mode command sou, ‘Selec the operation panel asthe PU operation mode command sous, 29993 USB avlomate rexogniion Normally, operation panl is the command source, When the paramoter unis connected (othe PU connector, Ps valid. When USB is connect, USB is the command source, Note 14 ‘Always reset the inverter after making the setting of the parameters. After you have changed the communication- felated parameters, communication cannot be made unt the inverter reset Connection and Parameter Setting = (3) When connecting USB forthe first time Iva personal computer and inverler are connected via USB for the first time with the inverter power ON, *Fourd New Hardware Wizard” window is displayed. ‘The following addtional wizard is displayed for Windows XP. For Windows 2000, iver 41) Check "No, not this time", and click 2) Check “Install the software automaticaly (Recommended) and cick (“TET 3) If the screen shown on the right is displayed when using Windows XP, click [ussana] to proceed the installation, 4) Tne instalation of the drivers completed. Click [THEE] to close the window. Sao is automaticaly detected. (Example of FR-ET00) OUTLINE 15 Connection and Parameter Setting 1.4.3 Connection using PU connector PU connector is used for connecting witn RS-292C port of a computer. RS-232CiRS-485 converter (cable) is required, 1:1 connection is supported Canines [ARS ansaHe =, (1) PU connector pin-outs Example of F-A700, F700 arora) a ss (Connected to terminal 5) , leverter zi = ‘pera panel power supsiy (receptacle) 3 RDA Tnverter receives Front view a ‘SOB Tnverter send- y I 3 ‘SDA Trverer send aoe oo ‘© J Tarh Sno o Lo , conus ene a (receptacle side) ised tom ae 3 8 verter (receptacle) Sor uee 1) to 8) 1s 16 Connection and Parameter Setting = (> REMARKS Refer othe folowing when fabricating the cable onthe use side, Commercial available prorit example (a of November, 2006), RAS connector 55587205 Tyco Fleavories Corporation —] + Distostor necossary whon connecting motile nvetrs Rofer othe inverter manual for connecting mutiple invertors, Note J+ Pins No. 2 and 8 provide powor to the operation panel or paramotor unit, Do not use these pins for RS+485. communication, (Refer tothe inverter Instruction Manual for deal) J. Do not connect the PU connector tothe computer's LAN boar ‘The product could be damaged due to diferonces in electrical specifications. FAX modem socket or tslophone modular connector. 7 OUTLINE Z Connection and Parameter Setting (2). Related paramoters fr connection using PU connector Set the following communication parameter when connecting PU connector ofthe inverter. When performing parameter writing or run command input, set the folowing command source parameters, and switch the operation mode tothe following operation mode. FRATOO, FOO = Pr TEE PU communication check tine [Ta value Pu FROTO0 = interval #0 Taal valoe NET Ta (tat value 9999) Taare RET Pr 123 PUconmuaication wating ime [Pr SSI PU made operation command FRET Nae rsting = "9909" source selection #°2 pu (eit value) (eal value 9999) (> REMARKS ‘Swtcing ofthe operation meds i avallabe at "Test Operation” (fro page 30) window in Navigation area Set 3s or mare (or 9999) in Pr: 122 PU commanicaton check ti iter Set a staton number of te each inverters in P% 117 PU communication station mamber when connecting multiple inverters. Perform inverter rset after seting the parameter. ‘communication aay _ | IWerer sation number specision a7 [PU " ° f0 31 | at the inverter taton numbars wen two or more inverters station number (0t0 247) (10247) | re connect to ane parsonal comput. S-485 communication can be made, Nota aka © | communication faut (€.PUE) occurs a8 soon asthe verter 1 sweet the operation mode wth contol soutco. PU communication ° ‘Communation check signal oss deteton) fe nwa 122 | check time interval 0.110 | ta no-conmunication state poss fr longer han the 999.8.08 | permissible tine, te inverter willeame top (depends on Pr 502), ‘S500 [No communication chosk (sora fo detection] vo 1some | Swain imo Between daa ransision toto ver go | 9 59 | and sponse, 123 waiting time setting a0G [Set wits cornmancaton data “Selec the RS-486 termnal ashe PU operation mode ‘Selec the PU connector asta PU operation made ‘Selec the USE connector aa he PU aparaion mode FRATOOIFTO0: 2 ‘Selects the operation panel asthe PU operation Rode 8512 [command source | FR.D700iE700 command soure. selection 9999) FR-0700; Parametor un automa ecagRiion FR.C700" USB automate recognition When USB is connected, USB s the command 90995 source, Normal, operation panel i the command source, When the peramter units connected tothe PU connector, PUis the Always ree related parameters, communication cannot be made unt the inverter reset. the Invrtar after making the setting ofthe parameters. After you have changed the communication 18 Connection and Parameter Setting = 1 1.4 Connection of multiple inverters using RS-485 terminal RS-485 terminalis used for connecting multiple inverters with RS-232C port ofa computer. Up to 32 inverters can be connected. RS-232C/RS-485 converter (Refer to page 16) is required. (FR-E700 series requires contral terminal option FR-ETTR.) (FR Contgurator) (1) Wiring ‘The following indicates connection dlagram of the mult inverters. Refer tothe inverter manual for detals. onpater ] Receive ss DS Fully check th tinal number of te conpatt nce hey ange Wh Be del -2For th veer fart fom te compe eal the trang reitorsvch o ON (080 poston (2) Related parameters for multiple connection using RS-485 terminal Set the folowing communication parameter when connecting RS-485 terminal af the inverter. When performing parameter writing or run command input, set the following command source parameters, and switch the operation made tothe following operation mode, [ov [i | —— emer [ Sommer] ae | hs Salon rama oT We aah vee Pr Ne 531 RS-485cammsicaion sation mamber when) | iat vatue Ne eanecting multe inverters) FRCA70O, F700 (ina value 0) Pr $51 PU mode operation Yes Pr $37 RS-485 communcaion wating time setting = | command ouce selection pu ‘oa (oti vale 2) (ial value) Ne PU communication ation mambo oon connecting | nal value Ner lite inverters) enero Pr 122 PU communication check tne interval "0° “ (iat vue 0) Pr $81 PU mode operation vee Pr 123 PU communication wating tme sting ® | command sure selection pu “v00" (otal value 9999) (ial value) 19 OUTLINE Z Connection and Parameter Setting REMARKS ‘Sitehing ofthe operation mode i available at “Test Operation” window (Refer page 90) n Navigation are. Set 3s of more (or 9999) n Pr 122 PL communication check tne intra, Pr. 336 RSANS communication check me ire Set a staion numberof the each inverters in Pr 117 PU communication station number, Pr. 331 RS-48S commen station unter when connecting mulipl invertors, station number (00.247) two or mors inverters tag [Pu communiatn | sipy | 818m» | ater anon ‘waiting time seting 39 — | Set win communication 6a 336-2 | communication os O.1t0 _ | Set the interval of communication check (signal loss. check time interval 999.88 | detection) time. (same specifications as Pr 122) RS-485 to 150 ‘Set the waiting time bet dat tot 387-3 | communication 9999 | invertor and response. (same specifications as Pr 123) selection command source. pe88s ‘parameter unit is connected to the PU connector, PU is valid. Note ‘Always reset the Inverter after making the selting of parameters. After you have changed the communica parameters, communication cannot be made unt the inverter rest. 20 Connection and Parameter Setting = 1 5 Connection through GOT (FA transparent function) Using FA transparent function of GOT1000 series, connecting inverter to FR Configurator is available through GOT (up to 10 inverters. FA transparent function enables reading, wtting and moritorng of programmable controller of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation through GOT, while connecting Mitsubishi programmable controller and PC. RS-232C or USB Is used for connecting between FR Configurator and GOT. RS-422 is used for connecting between GOT and Inverter. (Exarph of RS-485 terminal connection] (ER Contgursion) 485 inal bl (Exam eof PU connector connection (FR-E700)] Ponentttonpuor corasi| Staton staton2 (FR Configurator) ra ropase-teatio — \ connector (GOT RS-422 communication unit (GT15-RS4-95) is required. When using USB for connecting with GOT, use dedicated cable (GT09-C30USB-5P or GTO9-C20USB-5P. Refer to GOT1000 series connection manual for details of RS-422 connection and compatible version of GOT. Note J+ Do not perform the following operation during FA transparent function is valid and FR Configurator is ONLINE. Ontine operation (project download, ete.) from GT DesigneriGT Designer? to GOT Online operation to programmable controller CPU by using FA transparent function of GX Developer ‘When using FA transparent communication, communication error (Time Out) may occur when FR Configurator stats communication during Time Out occurrence In GOT (when GOT Is monitoring the Inverter which Is not connected). In that case, set the Time Out value more than the following. (Refer page 45) ‘Tims Out value of GOT[s) x (Retry count of GOT + 1} x 3x 1000{me] (600m Increments) the value above is more than 30s], make adjustment to "Time Out values] and "Retry count” of GOT to make the bove become les than 30s]. Refer pare 45 for communication setting, at OUTLINE Z Connection and Parameter Setting (1), Related parameter for connection of multiple invertors through GOT Check a connection between the inverter and GOT, and set the folowing communication parameter wien connecting through GOT, When performing parameter wring or run command input, set the folowing command source parameters, and switch the operation mode tothe flowing operation made, interval 470° (iia vate 0) PU connector tia value pu Cina value 9989) RGSS txminais SOT San nao THe Ome invertor in Pr 37 RS-485 " FR.A700, F700 | Without communication ra vate Nev Fe E00 ton) communication sation number on connecting mals invartars) Pr 336 RS-485commanication check 5-486 terminals ‘| me nterval 4°" Pr $51 PU mode operation command sou (with communication | itil value 0) selection Pu Sono) ee eating tne senting = "0" (iia vue 9999) FR0700 | PU connector ria vate Nev PU connector Sethe station numberof he each (winout communication | inverters in Pr: 17 Pui tia value Ner ton) oman ston robe rn PU connector oa Perera heck tine [PC SST PU mode operation command source (Win communication |r 122 em 2 pu ton) “ (ital value 9999) FRET Cita vatue 0) ‘RE-4B6 terminal lock | Pr 125 PU communication wang (winaut communication | kine sting ="0" Inia value ner pton) Cita vale 9999) ‘RS-486 terminal block 7 551 PU mode operation command source (wth communication selection = "2" pu pion) (iat vue 2999) REMARKS ‘Switching ofthe operation medo i avallable at "Test Operation" window (Refer io page 0) in Navigaton area Set the station numberof the rnker whan conecing mulplainverare, Perfor Inver reset afer saiting tne parameter. 22 ch inverters in Pr: 117 PU communication sition mumber, P38! RS4SS commana ton Connection and Parameter Setting = PU communication 122 check time interval ° 0.1t0 — | Ifa no-communication state persists for longer than the ‘waiting time setting "9989 _| Set with communication data, sara |temmton | som | mys | stonrramemmanrsnon waiting time setting one. eeteat ) oe command source. 581-2 | command source FR-D700/E700 * command source. "Normal, operation panels tho command source. When the parameter units canted tothe PU connector, PU is the command sours, Note ‘Aways reset the related parame werter after making the ng ofthe parameters. Aer you have changed the communiea 23 OUTLINE Z Setting of Operation Mode of the Inverter 41.5 Setting of Operation Mode of the Inverter 1.5.1 Operation mode setting “The inverter has three operation modes. (1), PU operation (PUI Controls the inverter from the key ofthe control panel (FR-DUO7) mounted onthe inverter. (2). External operation [EXT] wu.» Contals the inverter by switching onlof external signals connected to the contol circuit terminals ofthe inverter. (The inverter is intaly-setto this mode.) (@)_ Network operation [NET]... Controls the inverter with instructions from the network via the communication option, (The operation signal and running frequency can be entered trom the control circuit terminals depending on the Pr. 338 Communication operation command source and Pr. 339 Commurication speed command source setting.) ° 2 Extomal operation mode Switching to PU operation mode is disabled r X12 (MRS) signal OFF...extemal operation woe ‘a " External operation mode fixed (Forcibly switched to external operation mode) TI Opertn mage car obey ranges Dawean We PU OpTaDN ate Bd Hawa aPaaEON Me When "0 or 1" is set in Pr. 340 eral coe Suiting fom the network Switching fom tho PU. ‘the PU tolight PU Swich othe extemal ‘operation mode om thernetwore Press of trade fom te eter FRetwork operator PU operation * when using USS connection, operation mode changing is availabe rom FR Configurator, (Refer o page 90) 24 Setting of Operation Mode of the Inverter = Rofer tothe folowing table to select the appropriate operation mode forthe connection. Switching of the operation mode is available at "Test Operation® window (Refer to page 9) in Navigation area, Reterto the inverter manual (applied) for details of each parameters, Controtabilty through communcation ‘Monitoring and parameter read can be performed from any operation regardless of operation mode. ‘©FR-A700, F700 series Runcemmana eet) | x x ° * un cemmand cop) | _ aa ae ° as Running Fag 3 5 (PUP tonitor ° o ° ° Connector) aeor wie oO. [| = | On On x Parmer ead o © o o o Teva eaat o © © © o Run commana ea) |» x x x % a Runcomnand(sep) | Aa | as [As as aa 8 Running Fequeney x x x x x 5 tating | excepttor2 Penton o © o o o 2 ——e : 5 5 Pararsor ead ° o o ° o s Inver eat o © © © o Fanconmandian, | . x o . unring Foauoney x x * 1 | seting| 2 2 9-405 [Montor ° o o o terminals) Pazamsor wie on | xs on ow EE Pararsor ead ° o o o ° Invern eset ° ° ° ° ° (eta, to x * * * ° * Running au x y x x C x ating ° Exceptfort [Mantr o © ° o Paroratar ead o o o o ° o 25 OUTLINE Z Setting of Operation Mode of the Inverter (start, stop) ° * * * eras ste 7 7 g | suse | Se, fren oes 3 3 8 Parameter read ° ° ° ° ° 8 Tt 3 3 3 5 ‘sash [scsi fem ope 3 3 ° Parameter write xs Ex xs xs * Eo a 3 3 Te ope [3 3 3 ‘©: Enabled, x: Disabled, A Some are enabled +6 Winen P50 15F med rent common ue secon = (RSS tena al) OP $2NET ade operation command sn etn = 909 an 27° When P80 mode operation command ure nein = (artnet apn ak) 2 Pe 0 NET made pation mma re i 26 Setting of Operation Mode of the Inverter = #FR.D700 series Run command (star) | 0. * x o * Run command (sosy| 0 | Awe o z conta by | (PU conrector [satin ° * ° x * Retes Parameter wie om om x communica inverter eset o o x ion tom Run command ward] x = x On Pu Ron command won) | = = x x On [re | overran te mea Fo 7 x x On Parameter wits aap es x xe om verter eset = = x x on onirr nvarerresot o o o o o ret Ron conan 3 exemat — [taxa stop) x ° ° x xa terminals Frequency seting = o ae o mn (©: Enabed, Disabled Ar Some are enabled Enabled only when stopped by the PU. Ala PU sop, PS is played on te operation panel, As lin Px 75 PU sap selection. (fro the verter Isrction 12 39 Comicon sed cman owe here nrcton Mam a OUTLINE Z Setting of Operation Mode of the Inverter FR-E700 series o fa | a | o a » (isan) : a freemen TT] 7 E #09) | Parameter wite oe ™ on on a ff Tver o[-3 ft 3 3 ae (Sa tp) ° EE | omertnan [Ronn ireaseney |, y ; 7 5 T E the above. | seting 8 Perr wrte [3 Ta et a a 3 Rnconnrd : of «| ~ ° x ee £ | comodo PRumingteaasey | | 7 B | “oer | etna | tarorate [Parartorwra mo z 3 | captor [vr re 3 = Run command 5 (Stat. stp) x x x x * © | omerman [Rumi tenemey |] 7 € | treatowe | sting Tver 3 3 3 3 Gi a a 5 3 (Sart on is a 5 fe sting ° Be Parametrwiio | xe | xe | xs x x “ fe b5 oe ~ fe | x « x on ‘©: Enabled, x: Disabled, Az Some are enabled ‘he cammuniaton op ent td #7 Wien Pe S80 NEF mode oportin command soa seon =O" communion open val) oP S80 NET made prin cmmund ae sn = “(PU cannatr val) or P10 ET mode pean commande 28 Start and Close © 1.6 Start and Close 1 1 Starting FR Configurator ‘There ae following ways to start FR Configurator. (1), Star trom Start menu Click [Start] on the Taskbar of Windows, and point to (All Programs), [MELSOFT Application], [FR Configurator), (SWW3 (700 ‘Series)], and click [FR Configurator SW3} to start FR Configurator. (2). Star trom system fle (me3) Double-click (or type Enter key) a desired system le (med) to start FR Configurator with reading the seting of the system il, [Startup] window is not displayed. (Refer to page 87 for system file (me3)) (@)_ Star from command line ‘Specify an executable fle of FR Configurator (invsup3_9.0x6) to [Run..J window in the [Start] manu of Windows, to start FR Contigurater. 2 emer Sete] ‘Specify the system fie (me3) after the executable fle, and the setting of the system fle (me3) is read atthe starting up ofthe sofware. "Startup" window is not displayed at starting up of the sofware when the system file (me3) is specie. ‘Spocty to systom fl ms3) (4). Star trom Windows Explorer ‘Select the executable file of FR Configurator (invsup3_e.exe) by using Windows Explorer, ana double-click (or type Enter key) to start FR Configurator. 29 OUTLINE Z Siart and Close 1.6.2 Start flow of FR Configurator ‘Aor stating FR Configurator, splash screen is displayed. and proceeds the starting up. MITSUBISHI Ss Integrated FA Software wa] FR Configurator "Startup" windows is displayed when FR Con/igurator is started. Each functions can be directly selected from the "Startup" window. (Refer to page 42 forthe detail of Startup") Click “Bes! to close "Startup" window anc switch to the main window of FR Configurator. & Sinker Start and Close © 1 3.3. Closing FR Configurator “There are following ways to close FR Configurator. (1) Close trom menu. ‘Select [Ext] in [Ele] menu to close FR Configurator. (Typing Alt + F to open [Ele] menu, and type Cit + X also closes FR Configurator) (2) Close trom ttle bar (Click fl on the right end ofthe tite bar to clase FR Configurator. ites aT [|] (> REMARKS Ita gytor fe (me) i nt saved yat when closing FR Configurator, dalog boxsaiplayed to conf the closing QD) mernnne cei tc tw opan “Save As window fr saving the system fe (ne2), cick us| to lose FR Contigurator without saving the system fe (83). foick ara to cancel he closing of FR Configurator, and sich to the Main frame window, at OUTLINE Z_ Explanation of Window 4.7 Explanation of Window “The folowing describes FR Configurator window. 1.7.1. Main frame The Main frame (main window) of FR Configurator consists af 3 areas. + Navigation area (Refer to page 34) ‘An atea for showing information of the registered inverter, or for making settings, “Test Operation’, “System Settings", “Setting Wizard’, and "Troubleshooting" are available in this area. + Monitor area (Refer page 36) {An area for showing obtained monitor data of inverter. "Graph are available in this area, HO Terminal Monitor, "Machine Analyzer’, "Batch Monitor” + System area (Refer 0 page 35) ‘Anarea for showing and readiwite parameters, or for converting from parameter setting of conventional model. "Parameter List’, Diagnosis” and "Convert are availabe in this area, Navigation area ——e system area > ~ = = + Explanation of Main tame “ER Configurator SW" is dsplayed onthe ile bara system le has been read, or has A [Tieber oon saved, the flo name an ie locaton play, [Mena bar Each funcions are avaiable by selecting om tho wen a E_[Toor bar Each funeione are avaabie by cong cone ofthe (an ba 37 O_| Statue bar ‘model name, Operaing sts, sc. re shown, = E [Seite [Adjustront of Systm aoa size and Monitor area sza ke avalabe = F | Conceal baton ‘Conceal the Montor area and System area = Gnas buon Tanimizss the Main Fare window ss of FR Conrguratr = H_[ Maximize baton Maxinizes the Main frame window ize of FR Configurator = T[etese button Closes FR Convigrator, = 32 Explanation of Window (© Remarks Adjustment of System area 20 and Monitor aea sa is avalabla wth using the spl ine, You can aust he ar point a mouse cursor on the boundary, and when an arrow i splayed wth pointing to an avalale recon of sze changing. If onty one area i displayed, size actions unavatabie, using window size beyond the maximum 828 or minimum size ofeach window Is unavalable ze to enlarge + Detection of fault and communication error FR Configurator checks operating status of eonnected inverter, and detects fault and communication error (Refér to page 182). l¥a faut or communication errors detected, following dialog appears. Click _ ni | to show a related Help information, ene 2) Hmo Luton ease neta moar ring theman esi ECookap reget tarot va (es Reomuaes oe iclageoe aug dereranen at ae ‘When a faults detected suo Lnsbet cnorat tonite ep ‘Communes cer Code Fale ate commun ih ira dig tine th Tie ut sm “= When a communication errr is detected 33 OUTLINE Z_ Explanation of Window 1.7.2 Navigation area Navigation area is for showing registered inverter information, switching of operation mode and ONLINEJOFFLINE, sending of startstop command, changing of the set frequency, or starting Setting Wizard. "Test Operation’, "System Settings", "Setting Wizard" and “Troubleshooting” are available in this area. Upper part of Navigation area displays “Test Operation” (Ref to page 90), and lower part displays “System View" (Refer to page 99, Select [System Setting], [Setting Wizard] or [Troubleshooting] under [View] menu to switch the function displayed in “System View ‘Test Operation (Refer 0 page 90) ‘System Setting ‘Troubleshooting Setting Wizard (Refer to page 95) (fr to page 65) (Refer to page 96) 34 Explanation of Window = 1 3 System area ‘System area is for showing and readingiwrting parameters, or for diagnosis and converting from parameter setting of ‘conventional model. "Parameter Lis, "Diagnosis", and "Convert" are available in this area, Select [Parameter List, (Diagnosis), of [Convert] under [View] menu, of click leans on the tool bar to switeh the function displayed in System area, Parameter List Diagnosis Convert Referto page 97) (Refer page 121) (Refer to page 104) 35 OUTLINE Z_ Explanation of Window 1.7.4 Monitor area Monitor area i for showing obtained monitor data of inverter. “Graph, "VO Terminal Monitor, "Machine Analyzer, and "Batch Monitor’ are available inthis ares Select [Graph], (Machine Analyzer), ['O Terminal Monitor, or [Batch Monitor] under [View] menu, or clek an icon on the tool bar to dsplay the function in System area, Graph Machine Analyzer UO Terminal Monitor Batch Monitor (Referto page 123) (Referto page 142) (Refer to page 140) (eer to page 138) 36 Explanation of Window = 1.7.5 Menu and Tool bar Desired function is availabe by selecting them trom the menu or the tool bar. (1) Menu/Too! bar list Following functions are availabe from the men Seats a aro SEE @ Toate a Now STG o Confirmation dialog for new seting appears, and then 30 New | isoays“Startp" window open | opens ne sytem te n). er Open ‘Ovens Ds aT He (3) By Ten ala When Te Ea asstemttene3)nasnotdeen reas or ot crated yet, then |g, Sexe | "Save As" window s spayed, and saving of ne systom lo a aval Gwe = ila a ame and eal anew Bsn Te ST FONE] ss cust stig. Pespany = Ea oo BTOM Tao AGFUCATON BE CoMTION | —4E Tapa a expoNE wave TS Ps SORT Ug TREIS. moon. = CConfematon alg fr easing the curent data appears, and | 8 thon the impor window is payed Ener = apart he Gals oF aren sng Tuneion ane cows ae | 6 . i | Pats anole wedow a im or = Tones RCSA = creph BE_——_| splays “Grant window in Motor aaa 12 Grh yo Terminal Monitor e Diepaye 10 Terminal Monto window in Monto rea, 0 10 Teal ter soe ar = GE WSS APATOW TT ez Baten Mentor & Displays "Baleh Monitor window in Morr area 198 atch Nenitor Parameter is Displays "ParametrList window in Syston or iow Poramete List Diagnosss y Displays Diagnosis" window in Systm area wm Disenesie camer = Tie CORT WREON H STET HS wor Swan Sema = Displays Systom Seling window n Syston View oF we Navigation a pashan = Displays Trobleshooing” window System View of avonien | Tebestecig Seng Wear % Tesronwenom | Tipays or ides The command sending pa of "eat “Test Operation = Cena ‘0 Toa Sa = DispaysWodaT Sina wna co 2 [aston = spas “Option window = isp z Displays Hoe window wr isp Hele Asa FR Contauater SWS = Displays boa FR Contgratr SVT Windoe 7 a7 OUTLINE Explanation of Window (2) [View] menu and Main frame Each function screen of FR Configurator is displayed from [View] menu, Inside of [View] menu is divided into 3 segments Function screen in Monitor are from above, and screen in System area, screen in Navigation area follows, View Tool Heb Sh sone nverer wan ||" 20 ten! Noitr a Mechine Analyzer - oe ce [+ Povareter List wep] — |) oree eI ] oe |e rE cyrtun [Suen span! Syenr sare F ae, sroee ‘A check mark appears on a lft ofthe ilam inside the [ew] menu for each screen displayed in each area. One function each {rom Monitor area, Systom area and Navigation area can be displayed. Check on the [Test Operation] under [Navigation] ‘menu to display the command sending part of "Test Operation”. View Teal Hel Displaying “raph in s Montara" ———> » Graph VO Terminal Mentor Machine analyzer Batch Noniter Diplayng “ParameterList > Parameter List NEL in Syste coe Convert Displaying "Systm Sang at System View n Navin ares TrouPeshent ne Sette Weare ONLINE Syaten Seling _TESt Overton REMARKS + Depercing on connsctod invorsr, wih or without of Mods! Soting, or ONLINEIOFFLINE condition, some functions are ‘availabe. fan tom in menu is displayed in gray, tho tam fs unavalable |+ hon functions in both Menitor area and Systom area are checked, cick and uncheck the one of thom will maximize the wenn =. - 38 Explanation of Window = 1 7.6 Status bar ‘Status bar shows operation mode ofthe inverter and model information et. A | Operation Mode A c o> > ‘howe the operaton meds of the select inverter (aon) When model satin (system seting) nas rot made, °~"isaepayed. ‘Atan occurence of warsing, Bath operation mode and warning re clsplayed Example Sal prevention (overeuent) occured at extemal operation mode “exr(ouy, B_[Operaing Sates ‘hows the operating satus of tho selected ivrir (wa) | Moga Shaws a adel ofthe selected inverter (tation). 3 Comment Shows & comment Pragrammabie Convater E how the programmable conta talus ofthe elected inverter stator) Siaus Show the prog a ted inverter (station. 1 .7 Communication manager When FR Configurator i started, an icon appears at Windows taskbar indicating communication state, When FR Configurator 's closed, the con disappears. OFFLINE MUISUBISHL Acoleston ONLINE Rs goo ONLINE RS-232C connecton(B4e) RS.232C connection tvaugh GOTIBINe) 'US® connection (Green) USB connection trough GOT(Green) 39 OUTLINE MEMO 2 WHEN USING FOR THE FIRST TIME “This chapter explains the “Startup” and “Easy Setup” of this product. Always read the instructions before using the software. 24 Startup. 42 2.2 Easy Setup...... 3 44 Z Startup 2.4 Startup "Startup" windows is displayed when FR Configurator is started. Each functions can be directly selected trom the "Startup" window. semeintR rr Wea E ‘Shows up 5 recon used Hos. A | open Point cursor on ‘Open Fb’ and 5 racent used fils are shown. ck he fle name, then "Starup” window is closed, and Mainframe is displayed with he fle contents refectea. ‘lekto san Easy Setup. B | easy soup From System Property setting to Medel sting and parameter seting, the setting up is easly made with wizard syle (interactive). Refer to rage +9) | Fonetons ‘Shows a ito onetons, [Hel ‘Displays Help window (eer to paae TA) [Cancer ‘Gck to dose this window, and etuns to Nain Far 42 Easy Setup 2.2 Easy Setup Setting from system setting to parameter setting Is easily made with Easy Setup. Even without FR Configurator knowledge, without regard tothe parameter number, system setting and basic parameter setting is easily made, system Property CCommunizaton Seting Inverter Seng Method [Sersyston Proper input ystom name ar commen [wake conmuriaton sting between Ivar 65a [See rverersntng noiod Easy Soup. Sloe Mode Sting | —_— > _InverrSaecton Sslct a station nunbe, ‘Stat Command ard Froquency (Spee Seting Mahcd ‘When Perfo Automate Resoanon othe ato window, then connetesvenar rately acess IPerarn sytem sting manvalyf selects, hen fot ston naror nweter 9p, capaci ad tn {ion manual. ater tuing te system asting.parmetreetng avatate. Choose an wort etaion number) ck fh | to lose Easy Setup, nd proceeds to ine Wai frame wind, ‘Solel he sla command np eo and requency (speed) seing nput method ts (Confsmaton of parler sera) oo Man tare (> RAMARKS seting inputs dislayed nalst [mon cnet | is cleked in each setting screen, the sating input made eo far becomes invalid, and the window returns to setup communication setingis saves even when _ cos! | clicked) 43 WHEN USING FOR THE FIRST TIME ZL Easy Setup 2.2.1 System Property Input an information for ereatng system fie. ‘Type a system name (up o 32 one byte characters) fr this system fle. Click 360 ater input the system name, When is clicked, the screen proceeds to “Communication Setting” Proto Seting provodure ‘Shows descripion of erent sting and nexiprevoussating in Easy Setup Syatom Name "ype a eysiem name up io 32 one bye characters Comment 7 fel for conments (up to 256 one bye character) to deserbe he 7st exe Procoods to "Communication Sting” (fer pase #3 Cancer ‘loses Easy Solup withthe sing mado inva ae Diplaye Helo window efrtepage 17) 44 Easy Setup © 2.2.2 Communication Setting Make a communication setting between a personal computer and inverter. \When communicating wit invertr using an USB port ofthe personal computer, select \When communicating with inverter using a RS-2326 of the personal computer, select"RS-232C" in "PC side Port eld POINT [ere communication song is matching to an intl value of inverter ISB" in “PC side Port” field, and click Check he personal computer side port (RS-232C1USB) and personal computer port number (11663), A 8 = ‘Selbc the comrunication por or RS-2320 or USB. A [Pc se Port [Pot homber ‘Selec tha perzonal computer communication por number (Rr a pase 0 [Through Solea when connecting Wvough GOT. D_ | Gommunicatan Speed | 78200_| Satine communication speed. (Rfert Pr 11h Pr 33) [Date engi [Satie cata Bi ongth ert Pr 1, Fr Sap F_[Pariy Even [Spey the pany bi Refer to Pr 120. Pr 4) [Sop 8 2 _ [Satine sop Bi engl. (fora P19, Pe 335) H_[ Datiger TGR | Speci to Stiitor af the data ord. Refer to Fr THA Pe BAD 1 [vanced Displays “Advanced” window. Sotbng of TimeOut and Retry Courts aTRBIO T_[Betaur yaaa ‘Restores dafaul value of communication sting [Nex Prozasas to TrvererSeting Mathoa? (Ager tw page 7 t_| Remarks The communication port can be checkad by the folowing procedure, Clk (Stan ofthe Taskbar of Windows, and point t [All Program, point to (Accessories), point to [System Tools, and then clek [System Informaton) {Systm Information] window shown on the right splayed 2, Selec Serial in [Pont foter of Componsnt inthe lt pane 3. Cheek the [COM] number of “Communication port displayed in the ght Example: 1" for “Communication port (COM) Sot he contimod vale tothe "Pot Number’ of B (1) Advanced Click — seus to display “Advanced” window. A | time out* | Roy Come 7 [Sethe number of ree c lox ru Soni So WGN we GH RANG Wo ae D_| Cancer Retro Communicaon Seng? window wit the seting made val = [Hep Displays Help window. (fer page 17) (DD REMARKS FR Configurator sends 2 data with 100m intaval, for the operation mode and err checking. Set 3s or more (er 9990) for communication check timo interval sting ofthe invertor (122 or P54) the valk to tip. Refer to page 12,16) 46 than 3s se, the inverter may come Easy Setup © Inverter Setting Method 2.2.3 ‘Select inverter setting method between automatic recognition of the connected inverter, or manually model setting for this system eee, ae, Perorm Automatic ‘Choose "Perform Automate Recogntion ofthe Connect Inverter and cick 1 ta ‘a. | Recognion ofthe ‘automaticaly detect te connected verte Convenes rwenter [Ato rshng ho atomatcdotecton ofthe inverter, the window procaods to "Inverter Selection ert page 50) Porfoom Wadel Song we y ® [in Mako to modo sting manual. Refer to page 49) ‘Wen Perform Bulomaie Recognitn of he Connected Invea?e selected, tha window procoade “Automate Detection” (Refer to page © ae IF-Perform Model Seting Manvall = solecte, the window proceeds "Model Sting” (fro pase [sack ture to Commeation Song? (afer tpage 4 [Cancel ‘loses Easy Setup wit the soting made iva F [Hele Displays Helo window. Refer ‘o page 47) 47 WHEN USING FOR THE FIRST TIME ZL Easy Setup 2.2.4 Automatic Detection Click 2: | to detect inverter of which communication is availabe, Tttt. 6 A | Message area result of detection (tan eer occured during automate dotection, the color ums od, an shows etor description) ‘Shows a onl of aulomaie dtectn, A sation dunng deleting is Sisphyed in Bk, And when ah invertor is dotectd, verter model name is espayed (For sation failed fo detection, the color lun red, and shows eror code Refer page 182 for he 8 | Detection Resuts ror code) © [See ‘Sars avornate detection whan cick | Abort ‘bois autora detection, E [Now Presoods to “voter Solecion (afro page F | | (00 FRIETZO.01K q 6 station sur ‘Shows te select sation number, varie ype and a comment. ‘| Seting procedure ‘Shows caren seting description and nexiprevoussottng in Sting Wize © | setngien twa ‘Make a settng put Seting Rema are aiferent according fo each Seng Ward and havidual sting window} D[rae Dioplays Help window fer page 107 [ence ‘Closes the window wis the saing made val F | | onfreron: 'A_| Selected siaton number | Shows the selecid sation number, verter ype ang a comment B_| Soting pcodure ‘Shows the past stings in Seting Wizard ‘G_ [Parameter sting eld | Shows the parameter seting con igured in Seting Waara he Ta D [Heb Displays Hep window. (fr to pase 147) = | Cancer Closes the window with the sting made Hvala F | eae Rum fo the previous seting window ‘loses Sang Ware withthe seling made val 6 | ins Configured sting by Seting Wizards relece into Parameter List {Paramotor writing othe invertor isnot performed.) 58 Details of Setting Wizard 3.2 Det: is of Setting Wizard 1 Acceleration/Deceleration Pattern and Time Setting Select “Acceleration/Deceleration Pattern and Time Seting* from "Selling Wizard” (Refer to page 61) in System View to start the wizard of "Acceleration/Deceleration Patter and Time Setting", Make acceleration/deceleration pattem and acceleration! deceleration time setting (1) Setting flow ‘Sarina on Tie See wr) [et accleratoniacseraton pater for Jesneguring the parameter sot Sethe sopping Fequency and time or asures ae seca fr FRATOO, Sat accarateniaceleraton be er is (2) Related parameters Refer to the inverter manual for details of the parameters, ‘+ Parameters related to "Acceleration/Deceleration Pattern’ [2 [cetenienasenpetemesecen | ‘+ Parameters related to “Adjustment of Acceleration/Deceleration Pattern’ "0__| Bacilash aocolraion stopping reavoncy i__[ Backlash aovolraion stopping te 2__|Bacilash deceleration stoping freaveney 2 [Bacilash deceleration stopping te ‘+ Parameters related to “Acceleration/Deceleration Time” aoceleraton time Deceeraton te 2a | Rese RGAE ET 2 | Aesalaraton deceleration time ineremants 59 o SETTING WIZARD Det of Setting Wizard 3.2.2 Output Terminal(FM, CA, AM) Calibration Select "Output Terminal (FM, CA, AM) Calibratir ‘Terminal FM, CA, AM) Calibration’. Terminal FM, terminal CA and terminal AM are calibrated. (1) Setting flow {rom "Setting Wizara"(Refor to page 96) in System View to stat “Output (2) Window explanation of Output Terminal Calibration (FM terminal calibration) ‘A_ | Ourput Frequency Monkors Frequency and deplas. 3 Adustment auton Press up and downto make ealbraion (3) Related parameters Refer tothe inverter manual for details ofthe parameters. + Parameters related to “Output Terminal (FM, CA, AM) Calibration” Fit termina calraton 902 [ca terminal esloration 60 Details of Setting Wizard 3.2.3 Analog Input Terminal Calibration Select "Analog Input Terminal Calibration” from "Setting Wizard"(Refer to rage 96) in System View to start “Analog Input ‘Terminal Calloration’. Terminal 2 and terminal 4 are calibrate. (1) Setting flow Catbraing Terminal ond Nets nod —— CCabaton with input othe othe tearm Hrequoncy only "pont by applica Torinal (ONCINE} ort) he tern ts fequency at hat me. Clck lWnenealoatng bot gain and bas, |Seting can bo made ony hen ONLINE Caltraton wn input Calraton without [Agustng ey pn by appesion at tage (euro ths ternal and sot ie fequeray at thal ie. Caloration only vstage (euro ——__— or SETTING WIZARD Z_Details of Setting Wizard (2) Window explanation of Analog Input Terminal Calibration Frequency setting Gan Fequeny, 7 sett Bas frequency frequency on the gain side, bias se ihe converted othe vakage (curert)on he galn of Bas we. ‘iad when making carton wihout npg to terminal © [wate Wies a calibration valu. (Avaliable when mating albation without puting to Ferrnal) ‘Manor input termina 2, ermina @ at nervals. Displays whan making calration wth input to the termina 8 | Frequency sting Bias, Gain 2 | Analog input Monitor (3) Related parameters Refer tothe inverter manual for detalls ofthe parameters. + Parameters related to “Analog Input Ter 125 __| Terminal? requency soing gain requency 125 | Teinar Frequency setng gain Fequency 241 [Analog input play nt swichovor ‘Gz[90z} [Terminal 2 fequency setng bias eavENGy ‘Ca(902) | Terinal 2 reauoncy wen Bie ‘Ca(90H) | Torna 2 requeny seting gai ‘G5(908) [Terminal #fequoney soting bis Feauenay ‘Ca(9GH) | Terinal# Frequency seting Bas {G7(905) [Terminal # Fequancy seting gai 62 Details of Setting Wizard © 3.2.4 Tuning (FR-A700, D700, E700 only) Select "Tuning" in the "Setting Wizard"(Refr o page 96) in System View to stat "Tuning* wizard. Tuning is performed after necessary parameter setting. Tuning is executed during the ONLINE mode only. (1) Setting flow (Staring “Anata pat Terminal Clbroton wizard otrSeting Tuning tho Selec Tuning aioe a (2) Window explanation of Tuning Turing mentor Reverse rotation ‘Sends reverse rotation comand to the Fvere Sa ning ‘Sends forward rotation command to he iverter to start tuning. Ec ‘Sends sop command tothe inverter ost turing 63 SETTING WIZARD Z_Details of Setting Wizard (3) Related parameters Refer tothe inverter manual for details ofthe parameters. + Parameters related to "Control Selection’ ‘a0 Energy saving conbol selection | Wetor capacity | Number of motor pole 200 [Cont mathed selection + Parameters related to "Motor Setting” Electron thermal OF relay Energy saving contl select ‘Applied moter eter capaci Thamar of motor pale Rata motor vonage Rated motor fequeney Number of encoder pulses onto mothe selection + Parameters related to “Tuning Method Selection” [os [amenngseioems + Refer to the inverter manual for details of the parameter set by the tuning result, 64 Troubleshooting = 3.3 Troubleshooting 3.1 Function Outline ‘Troubleshooting is a function that estimates causes of various troubles and measures against them. By selecting necessary tems and making a communication withthe inverter, trouble causes can be estimated for taking measures. Double-click an item in the “Troubleshooting” in System View (or select @ function and click tsus]) to start ‘Troubleshooting (1) Basic flow of troubleshooting [Satna Tecbishootng } |Setoct an tem trom thelist, and start Troubleshooting — [waxes rminioson wih te veer nd daplye a sue Stas Depty Cause Estimate Jcausss and measures and click" ~ psrenate stng vas eerig to eases, lok tat" roublshostng. Wrote parame’ sting values a he iver rom te Parra i. Relates Parameter | row communication withthe inverter. Sat the system ONLINE to perform roublesnooting # posable, When a troubleshootng whieh requires communication is started during OFFLINE, the sezeen on the igh appea's. Refer to Help to find trouble causes, and take appropiate Note Wien simple mode parameters or user group parameters are displayed troubleshooting which requires communication can not be started. Cancel simpte mode parameter or user group parameter display before starting troubleshooting (Pr 160 User group rad seteton=*0") ) Ertan (2) Chock item of troubleshooting Motor rolation ecion 4568 101 aN Yes Motor BO aaa Wolo earenT AT Rained -AECTOFaTORTEOG STATS TSAR GOTT Reon Extoral dave (porphera) alanctons i ‘pera rode does not change Yer i wile pararolroottg Yer Te 65 o SETTING WIZARD Troubleshooting 3.3.2 Status Display Status Display window appears when Troubleshooting is started. (Note that Cause Estimate window (Refer to page 67) appears instead of Status Display for Troubleshooting which doos nat require communication with the inverter) ‘The current inverter state and VO terminal (signal) is shown. Condition setting fielé of trouble occurrence is provided ‘according to Troubleshooting items. Click 6° _| ater selecting conditions. ‘A_| Soting Procedure ‘Displays the cent previous, and nex seting in Troubleshooting, | Condon seting fa ‘Sect 9 eandon of reuble aceurence. c [sop ‘Slope monitoring and hols the ats. Use when Wouble Occurs ala GW COnaiGR, OTEK Te ‘rouble occurence and slop the monitor, to naraw down ths causes. 3 [sae ‘lek to estat manor. = | Sate Displays the inverter late and terinal anal F [Hep ‘Diaplaya Help window (Ree toae 7 [Cancer ‘loses he window withthe seting made val Hi [Nox Display Cause Esimate window. (Refer to page 67 66 Troubleshooting 3. 3 Cause Estimate Displays estimated causes and measures. Set conditions in the condition setting ‘eld if OFFLINE, to display estimated causes and measures. Selecta probable cause from the list and click (O)FRETEOK cotta ONLINE [Expand Expands the fet of e2us88 and measur Dieplays eauses ofthe rouble and measures, Clk ar selecing a probable cause. 8 [Causes and Measures | Double click (or select and press F1 Key) the cause inthe abe to sow the corresporaing Help window C_ | Concion sting foe ‘Solace canton of he Vauble rmurenoe, Dale Dieplaye Help window fer page 17) [cance Glos0s the window wis tho sling made val F [Back Ruf the Sats Display window Refer to page © [Ne Displays Related Parametar window. ert page 68 67 o SETTING WIZARD Z_Troubleshooting 3.3.4 Related Parameter Displays parameters related to the selected cause. Check the measures, and change parameter settings. Click sh to reflect the changed setting into the Parameter List, and returns to the Main frame, ‘To write the parameter setting to the inverter, wite from the Parameter List in the Mainframe. (Refer to page 97) (COFRET@OK Displays ba Displays Hep window Refer opage 1) Closes tho window with he soting mado Ha urns tthe Cause Estimate window. (fer paae 7 ‘loses Troubleshooting with the seting vale Eisen Configured sting by Troubleshooting i elected into Parameter Lit, {Paraoor wring othe inverter isnot performed.) of of] >| 68 Details of troubleshooting = 3.4 Details of troubleshooting ‘The following shows a list of causes supported inthe troubleshooting. Take measures after checking possible causes. Refer to the inverter manual for details 3. 1.1 Motor does not rotate as commanded The se Frequency higher han the Stall preventon (curent imavotage lt) inactivates (2) Set a larger value in acceleration (8) Reduce te oad weigh (6) Tryether conta methoa (8) Ineease stall prevention lave: 22 cc), limit stall prevention operation using stall prevention operation selection (Pr 156) con ime (Pr 7, Pe 6 the maximum frequency (Pr 1 18) gher than he set frequency. | Pe 118 maximum tequency (Pr 1,1) a 2 quency ve er euney ower ane the minimum frequency (Pr 2) ower than these frequency Pee rininum fequeney (Pr 2) s rea 7 The set equencyswitin the Feauenay | Change the range afte Fequeney lump Pra SEPIWPI Lo ara yp Jum (51 Pr 36) Pr 35 0 Pr 56 tal the st fequeney wll not overtop. Petiost ID conv activated Cancel PID onto ae Pra (1) Adjust torque boost Pr 0, te) rer gan (ye 71,8084, (6122.23.48 + Causes related to VIF control Torque Boost sang may nt be an appropriate value Adjust orque boost (Pr 0 ee.) VF pater sing may nal bo an appropriate valve jst VIF pater related parameters(Pr 3 14,19, t) ‘Set foquency is unslabe de to extemal EM TH Take EW menses: (2) Sota larger valve in fir time constant parameter (P74) Pr 74,822,832 Toad futon “Take measures fo prevent oad fom enangig. Power supsywotage Tuctuaton Check te power supply voage + Causes other than VIF control Frogu 1 fctuation of magnetic x Try other contol method (2) Seta arger value in ftar ma constant parameter (Pe 7) vector conta 453,454 456 457 Sat Faquancy i unstable dw to eeral | (i) Take EMT measures poamae Toad futur Tae measures io prevent oad fom enanging Power supply votage Tuctuaan ce power Supp vl. 69 SETTING WIZARD Z_Details of troubleshooting 3.4.2 Motor does not rotate, or motor rotation direction does not change + Main causes The motors a slop due to fut Occurred aut 08 oferta the itm relate to faults in "Hap" and then take measures. ‘Tho main creult power (LA, SIL2, T3) check the main cru powor (RIL, SIL2 TLS) ON. ‘Wher high powor factor converte, power supply regeneration common ‘Sal provertion (curentinitvotage It) corregeneraton avoidance is activates. nen ‘orthe power supply Phase’ | converter, oc is used (driving by DC power input to P and N), check the |" Both STF and STR signals are ON oF OFF. | a OFF the oth + signal. inet wey larger than the set | ne start frequency (Px: 13) lower than the set frequency. Pi terminal 4, the AU signal is OFF. ‘Tum the AU signal Ot Oaraimtecameanatorn [eer eae ac ren frequency (Pr 1 Pr 18) Chock the motor connection, 2, Cuerntiit (1) Excocute rouble shooting of Motor currents argo" (2) Adjust torque boost Px 0 ete) (@) Adjust VF pator paramstrs (Pe 5, 1418 ee (4) Seta larger value in aceleatoneceleation ime (Pe 7, Pr 8 ee (6) Reduce the load weight (6) Try other contr! method (2) Increase stall preventon level P+ 2, t), or int tall prevention ‘operation using stall prevention operation selection 156 3. Vetiage iit Set longer deceleration te (Pr 8. 4, Regeneration avexsance operation (1) Setalonger declaration time iP 8 (2) Aust regeneration avoidance parameters, (2) 0.46,112 (9) Pr 3 14, 18,47, ns Pr 7.8, 44,45, 0,1 (oP 7, 30.4, 13, 84 96 480, (ype 22.25.48 (2) Pr 665,89, 193, 486 885, 70 Details of troubleshooting = + Causes related to VIF control, general-purpose magnetic flux vector control/advanced magnetic flux vector control tion e156 + Causes related to real sensorless vector control Thr 2a 803 aT 815, $14,815, 16 817,874 (1). Excecute trouble shooting of Matorcurontis age orque its activated (2) Ajst torque lint tovel (Pe 2, Toads hea Chock he ad + Causes related to vector control (2) 22,805,412 Torque tints acvatd, (1) Exc9eute trouble shooing of Motor cutant is age” 22 a ‘wel " (2) Aust orqu iit vel 2, ee) 4. S16, 817,84 Toads hea Check he ad Tho oncoder sang ener an BDpEpTaT® | Check testing af ender raion Gvocion rH ararUMDOTe | pay agp value encoder pulses (Pe $68) (Hy Check the ator connection “The matoris not connect securely (2) Chack he phase sequence of the motor ” SETTING WIZARD Z_Details of troubleshooting 3.4.3 Motor coasts ‘The slop selection (Pr 750 selected, | Change the slop selection (Pr 230) sting te cansol coasting o a sop. | Pr 230 “Gheck thatthe output top signal RS) or selection of automatic restart ar (1) Check for input terminal conncion and communication command, nstantanecus power alr (05)'s ON! | (2) Toke measures again EMI to the input terminal wis, [OFF during operation or reset input “The magnetic conacior on the motor S36 tums OFF Power fate Sure ‘Chek Tor pa power SpE = (Cheek operation fhe magnetic contsctor. nvr fat ocou. ‘Check tora out occurs, Refer otha fam rlated to Tas Hap and "Adjust DG injection brake poration oguency (PT, BC iyoTon brake oporation tne (1), © inaction bake operation voge (x | Pr 10112 Braking lorque of OC injection beake is nsufeiont oF consing so 72 Details of troubleshooting = 3.4.4 Motor current is large + Causes under VIF control Torque boos (Pr ec, seing is 00 IF Decrease trove boost Pr 0 ating. “VF contrat related parameter sting snot an appropiate value ‘Adjust torque boost (0c), base Fequaney Pr 3c), base feequancy voiag (19), loae patie selection 1, Toad shea. Check he bad “The acosleraton/decdlration ime (PT Pr, te) Sting too smal Seta lager vale in lortiontdceleraton time fr 7, Pr et) Led inertia (602) ito age. Ty acrease wrt (G02) (2) Set a larger value in aceleratondeceleration time (Px 7.Pr 8 QPTRaE + Causes other than VIF control Motor speiicatons setting isnot appropriate (Check thatthe motor specications sting is corect ‘Cin aut ung net pao arform Ofna tuning Toads heavy. Check he fad The acceleralon declaration te (Pr 7 Pr et) Sing i 00 ma Seta larger vale n acceleratonidecseraton tne (Pr 7 Pr 8, te) Load inertia (602) ito age. Ty Decrease erie (S02) (2) Seta lrgor val in acoleratondeceleration time Px: 7. Pr 8 QRTRaE 73 SETTING WIZARD Z_Details of troubleshooting 3.4.5 Acceleration/deceleration is not as commanded + Causes under VIF control “The acceleratondecaleraton imei? Pr 8 ete) sting is too ‘Set a larger vale naccoleratnldeceeration hime (Ps 7, Pr& ec) (Ih vorical lit aplcatons, st a smaller value. ‘VF conial elated paramsiar eating isnot an sppropriate vals, ‘Aju frau boost (0) base requandy (Pe oy, Base frequency vokage 19) load pater salacton (P14) ‘Sal prevention ie acivaled a to haany load (G02). Tnorease sal proven evel (Pr 27, ec) or Umit sal prevention operation using tal pravetion operation secon Pr 156 + Causes under control other tha “The acceleratondecaleaton imei? Pr 8 ete) sting is 00 n VIF control Seta lger value fr acoelratorideceeration me Pr 7. Pr& ec) (In vorical lit aplcatons, sta smal value Motr specications satngfenat sppropriat Check hat the motor spsefeations aetng is carat ‘Stl prevention operaton o regeneration Avoidance function ist (1) Excecute rouble shooting of Motor currents arg” (2) Seta argor value in aceleratonteceteraton tine (7, Pr: 4 (9) Ty other conto! method (4) Increase stall poventonfvel Pr 2, +4) oii tal prevention ‘operation using stall prevention operation selection (156, (6) Aalst regeneration avoidance elated parameters Ort aa es 451,453,454 456,457 463, 09 (ape 22,2448 14,156 (ovr 6s, 82, 883, 884 885, ‘Gin auto uring snot parornea Parfoon Ofna aula nig: Toade heavy Check ne fa 74 Details of troubleshooting = 3.4.6 External device (peripherals) malfunctions + Causes related to overcurrent relay Currents lage. Excecut Pouble shooting of Wolor currents large" Leakage cuentis large. (Hy Decrease tho sating vale of PWM Frequency selection (Pr 7 RATOO and FRF700] (2) Connect ne EMC fter ONOFF connector to OFF “The overeat aay (OCR) seling © ‘Sta value 1.1 times of 6H2 rated cunt Leakage curentis lrg. + Causes related to the earth leakage current breaker (Decrease fhe sating value of PIM Fequency selection (7 (2) Use a breaker designe fr harmonic and surge suppression (8) Use alow-permitivty cable, (@) Shorten the wing length between the motor and avert [FR-A700 and FR-F700) (5) Connect he EMC fer ONOFF connector to OFF. umn The ated sanstiay caret ofthe earth leakage curent breaker i eal Tnerease the rated sensi cuten fthe earth leakage carent + Other causes The seting vale of PWM Fe selection 72) to large, usney Decrease the setting value of PWM fraquency election P+ 72. Electromagnetic interforones Ty Separate a signal cable Wana power cable (2) Instat a common mode ta. (2) Use a twisted par cable (6) Route wres using metal conduit [FR-AT00 and FR-F700) (5) Connect the EMC fter ONOFF connector to OFF. Tisoporaton caused by undosrani> curents when a programmable contr: i connected Use terminal PC as a common terminal and perform wing 75 SETTING WIZARD Z_Details of troubleshooting 3.4.7 Operation mode does not change + Causes during operation ‘Operation mode can notbe changed uring operation wih he curant parameter sattng ‘Change the operation mode alr stopping operation (Change operation mode selacton(r 79)ta change the operation mode uring operation ‘Operation mode ean not be crecly changed fram NET operation fo PU + Causes when changing from NET operaiton mode to PU operation mode “ier changing 9 EXT operation change fo PU aporaon, the operation made wil ot charge o EXT operation, return "Status Display scroan o execute troubleshoting of Oparaton mode doss not node can be changed. ‘operation wit the currant parametor | change to EXT” Pes settng (Chango communication slat up mode selction/: 560) to change icily 19 PU operation. After changing P40, reset he invert By makeng parameter eating operation] 5 operation mod selection? 72) 79 ‘Operation mode is specified wit X16, x65, and X86 sna. assigned ‘Change the PU operation mode by sling as shown Below (1) X85 sgnalis ON (wen ony XB signa assigned) (@) X66 sgnal is OFF, and X16 signal OFF {when only X16 and X88 signals are assigned (9) 86 sonal is OFF, and XB5 signal ON of X16 signals OFF {hon all X16, X88 an X88 signals aro assigned) “Gomnand for hanging PU operation mode rom NET operation mode ven ‘only from he operation lation wih PU. ‘operation conta source. (an X16, X85, and X66 signals are nat assigned) Change the operation mod rom the operation lection with control ‘Operation mode is specified with x16, x85, and X66 sna, (hon X16, X65, and X66 signals are assigned) + Causes when changing from EXT and NET operaiton mode to PU operation mode ‘Change fo The PU oporaton mode by sting a8 shown below: (1) X10 signal is OFF (atten only X18 signals assigned) (2) 66 sonal is OFF and X16 signal is ON {won only X16 and X88 signals are assigned) (2) X68 signa is OFF. and X65 signals ON or X18 signalis OFF {whom all X16, X85 ana X88 signals ro assigned ‘Command for cranging w PU operation mode rom EXT operation mode is given cnly rom he operation locaton wih PU operation control source. (onan X16, X85, and XE sna are nat assigned) (Change the operation mode fram tha operation lesion with contra By makng paramaorsating, operation ‘Set 1 in operation made selection? 79) ‘Operation mode change & wasted with X12.and MRS signal. Tin X72 signal assGnod, ura RTD aghal ON, Whon Ke sgrals not assigned, tum MRS signal ON. 76 Details of troubleshooting = + Causes when changing from PU operaiton mode to EXT operation mode Operation made is specified with X16, X65, and X66 signals (whan X18, x65, ana X66 signals are assigned) ‘Change tothe EXT operation made by ating as shown below. (1) X26 signal's ON (when only X16 signals assignec) (2) X68 algnal's OFF, and X16 signals ON (nen only X16 and X66 signals ae ass.gnea) (8) X68 signal's OFF, and XS signals OFF an X18 signals ON (hen a X15, X85 and X86 signals re asignad) ‘mode om PU operation mode is given ‘ont om the operation locaton with PU operation convo ourc0 (when X16, x85, and X68 signals are not assigned) Change the operation mode from the operation location with contol By mating parame eating, operon mode can be cvanged, tance 18 8, nea X88 signals ra nt_| S#12'" OPeraton made selection: 79) Pe assigned) 'SaU0, 7 oF Dn CommURIGaton Satup Rade SEIN (Pr 5A, ana Restricted by parameter setting See eee ng * Pr sao ‘Operation wade crangels reseted wih | When X12 signalis assigned, tum X1Z anal OFF When X72 signals X12.and MRS signals, not assigned, tum MRS signal OFF + Causes when changing from NET operaiton mode to EXT operation mode ‘Set, 1 oF Zin communicaton slatup mode selection (Pr $0), and Rostrcted by parameter seting ° Peso Operation made is spciiea with X16, x65, and X66 signals (wen X18, x65, and X66 signals are assigned) ‘Change tothe EXT oparaton ade by ating a2 shown Below (1) X68 signal's ON (when only X86 signals assigned) (2) X66 slgnal's OFF, and X15 signals ON, (wen only X18 and X66 sonal are asigned) (8) X68 signal's OFF, and XS signals OFF an X18 segnal is ON ‘Camand Tor charging EXT oparaon ‘mode from NET operation medi given ‘only om the operation locaton wih NET operation contol source. (won X16, x85, and X68 signa are not assigned) change the operation mode from the operation location with contol ‘Operation rode change i rescied wih X12and MRS signal, Wren X12 signals aalgned turn KIZegnal OFF Whan X72 signal e ot assigned, tum MRS signal OFF 7 SETTING WIZARD Z_Details of troubleshooting + Causes when changing from EXT operaiton mode to NET operation mode ‘Operation mode is specified with X16, x65, and X86 signal. when X16, XB, and XBB signals are assigned) ‘Change tothe NET operation mede by seting as sown Below. (1) X88 signa is ON (wen any X85 signals assigned) (2) X88 signa is ON {wen only X16 end X68 signals are assignes) (@)_ X68 sgnal is ON (when allX16, X85 and X86 sgnals ae assigned) ‘Gammand far vanging w NET operation ‘ode rom EXT operation mode is given operation conta sue, (on X16, x85, and XB sna ae nat assigned) By making paraietr wot, operation rode canbe changed. Set vake her than On communication startup mode selection ‘operation wih the curent parameter settng (Change communication start up mode selection 540 to change rectly 9 PU operation. After changing Pr 30, reset he inverter (ben X16, X85, and X66 signals ae not_| 3) t reset the invorar. eae assigned) red by paanetu etn ‘Sal aparatin moda selecion (Px 79 Afar hanging > PU ne Restrctad by parameter sting operation mode, change to NET operation mods. ‘Operation mode changes estiied wit [When X1Z signalis assigned tur X12 signal ON. When X12 sgnalia X12 and MRS signal not assigned, tum MRS signal ON. + Causes when changing from PU operaiton mode to NET operation mode “ier changing EXT operation change fo NET operation Ihe ‘Operation mode can not be crecly rotor ode an not be cr operation made wil ot change to EXT operation, return to "Status changed from PU operation fo NET Diepay” screen to axecuta troaleshoatng of “EXT Operation’ Peso ‘Operation ride i specfod wit X16, X65, and X86 sna. assigned) ‘Change tothe NET aperaton mada by sing as shown below (1) X85 sgnat is ON (2) X86 signal is ON (amen only X16 and X66 signals are assignes) (3)_X66 sgnal is ON (when allX16, X65 and X86 sanals are asigned) ‘odo rom PU operation made is given ‘onl tram the operation lation wih PU. operation conta sure, {avon X16, X85, an X80 signals are nt assigned) Change the operation mode rom the operation loetion with control 78 Details of troubleshooting = 3. 8 Unable to write parameter setting + Causes during operation ‘Change parameters afer stopping operation ‘Some parametors can bs changed during operation by setting "2"in | Pr parame wits selection (7 Parameters can natbe changed during operation vith the curent ating. + Causes related simple mode and user group setting Sel On User graup rad selection (Pr 10 to cance eaicons here ar restcled parameters for tne password lock is activated, ertr the password in Pr 297ikomtna. | 1? {feplaying and changing operation panel or parametar unto unlock the password lock. pew? + Causes related to parameter write selection Ce Tae | aloe wit fe roaicles 50 072 parameter wrt slotin (77 Pei + Causes when writing from the FR-E700 inverter operation panel Paraneler write conmand souce isnot | Afer removing the parameter unit and USB, set"BB8F7n PU mode — | set contol source selation (Pr 551), and eset te iver. " PU operation rade ana selected ‘Ghange to PU operation mode Ta + Causes when writing from the PU connector (operation paneliparameter unit) (Alter removing te USB, set"9990" mn PU moge contol soures Parameter mite command sue isnot selection (Pr 551), and reset he inert. messi set (2) Alter seting "2" in PU mode command source selecton (Pr ssiy, | * PU operation rade na elated ‘ange t PU operation ede Ta + Causes when writing from the PU connector (RS-485 communication) of the FR-E700 TH) Alter removing he communication option, sat 0099" n NET mode ‘command eoutee selection (Pr $50 ta reset the inverter (2) Alter setting '2"n NET mode command soures selection (+ 550) | Pr 5S, $81 anda vali other than 2in PU made command source selection (+r Parameter wits command sauce frat 5), reset the invert. ararvalar wit Command aoures a san | Afar sang a value athe tan "1A PU ode Command sues on THET operation modes not selaciad | Grange to NET operation mode: Ta 79 SETTING WIZARD Z_Details of troubleshooting + Causes when writing from the USB connector TFRE7O0) ‘Aer setting "9009, 3" in PU mode command souroe election (P51) ot IFR-A700) ‘Me seting 3" in PU mode command source slecton P55), eset Pi oparaton node W not son ‘Change fo PU paraton mode, Peta + Causes when writing from the RS-485 terminal A) Afr removing te communication option, set S800" in NET made command Source Selection ($50 tase the inverter. on (2) Ar seting "1m NET mode command source stactin Pr $50) |p $50, 551 ‘and a value ater than 1g PU made command source selection (Pr Paramor wie Gonmiand source sot [Aer sting a valve oer han" PU made cone source saoaion’ | the PU mode (e551 rset no verte NET operation made fi not elected, Change fo NET operation mode Pe + Causes when writing from the communication option set the iver, 3a NET apention made i not selected, | Change to NET aperaton mode Pa 80 Details of troubleshooting = 3. + Causes related to RS-232¢ port CCommunicaton por seting of he PC and FR Conigurator SW3 are nat the same. .9 Unable to communicate Select [Options] Tool menu. Select [Communication] ia on the option sereen and check the flowing tems, (1) Chack"RS-222C" is selected for"PC Side Port” (2) Check hat he COM port number af the personal computer ane "Par Numer sting ae the same. (3) Check hat the Thvaugh" seting is None. men connecting tough the GOT (4) Check that ne "rrough* setting is “GOT” + Causes related to RS-232¢ com: Parameter sting for PU connector communion not an appropriate value, munication (H)Ghack thar the coreet saton aumber I set for PU communication Staton number? 117).\When multiple inverters are connected set diferent station number for each inven (2) Set 38 or mor, oF “2998 n PU communication check time (9) Set"9999" in PU communication wating tne setting (128) (6) Select [Optons|in [Toot menu, and cick [Communication] tb on ‘he option seroon, Check hat ho "Communes on Speod", "Stop Bir, "Dotter, and -Pary” songs ae the same asthe parameter 4 ‘Sloot [Qptons in [Tool] monu. Clk [Communication ab onthe ‘opton screen and press [Advanced Ineoase the value of "TimeOut ans "Retry Count. (6) Set "0" in protocols seting fr PU connector communication (Pr 18, 11,120, 6 120,12, 123,12, Parameter soting for RS-485 tominal communications net an appropriate value. (O)Gheck hare corset sation number i ater REARS communication station number (Pr 331). Wen mute inverters ‘are connected, set a diferent station number foreach vara (2) Set 36 or mor, or "9998" in RS-¢85 communication check tm InteraliPr 336) (2) Set"9909" n RS-¢85 communication waitng tine setting (Pr 337) (4) Select [Optons| in [Tot] men, and ek (Communication) tb on the option sereen. Check ha he “Consmuricalon Speed, “Stop Bi", "Dotimter, and Pay" setings ae the same asthe parameter ‘sett for 5-485 arminal communication (Pr 332,433,334 40), ‘Solect[2ptons| in [Tool manu. Ck [Communication] ab onthe 6 ‘pton screen ad pross [Advanced]. Ineease the value of "“TmoOut ans "Retry Count. (8) S0t‘0"in protocol selection’ 549) ar o SETTING WIZARD Z_Details of troubleshooting + Causes related to RS-232C communication through GOT communieaton isnot an appropriate value (1) Check net te correct station numbers st for PU communication station number (Pr 117). When multiple inverters are connected, set a ifferet station number foreach inverter @ Sets or more, o¢"9908"n PU communication check me terval (@) Set"0"in PU communication wang time seting (Pr 123) (4) Select [Options] in [Tot] men, and eck [Communication] tab on the opin gernen, Chock hat the “Communication Speed", “Stop Bir, “Delite ane arly” stings are the same a he parameter ‘soting for PU connector communication Px 18 119, 120,124) (6) Select [Option] in [Tol] men. Ciek [Communication tab on the ‘onton screen and press [Advanced]. Icrase te value of “Trmeout” and "Retry Count. (6)_$0t*0"in protocol slecson Pe 39) Parameter sting for RS-485 terminal communication fs not an appropriate value (1) Check thal the correct sation number st for REARS communication station numer (531). When mule inverters ‘are connect, set a diferent station umber foreach verter (2) $0t38 or mor, or "9890" in RS-#85 communcation chock ime interval 536) (@) Set"0" in RE-48S communion wating te setng (Pr 337) (4) Select {Options} in Zo men, an eek [Communication] ta on the option screen. hack thatthe “Communication speed", “Stop ‘ing for RS-A85 lori commurncaion (Pr 392,333, 334 34 (6) Select {Options} n (Tol men, Clek {Communication tab on the ‘onlon sereen and press [Advanced]. Incroase the value of “TrmeOut and “Retry Coun (6)_ $0170" in protocol sleson( 549) + Causes related to USB communi ‘Communication pr setng ofthe FR. Configurator SW3 9 not an appropiate ication ‘Soloe [ptons| [Toa] mond, Selet [Communication| ab on he ‘option seen an check he following Kem (1) Chock"USB"is solected for"PC Sido Port (2) Check that te “Through sting fs "None Parameter sting for USB connector communication fsnet an appropriate value. (]) Check hal the Creat staion aumbar is sat or USB communicaion Station number (547) .\When mute inverters are connected, sot ‘frat station number foreach invert (2) Sets ormore, 09990" in USB communication check ime + Causes related to USB communi ‘Communication por sting ofthe FR. Configurator SW3 nat an appropriate vals, ication via GOT ‘Select (Opens) (ool menu. Chex [Communieaton|iab on the option screen and check the fllowing tems (1) Check "USB" selected for"PC Side Port (@) Check tht he “Through sting is "GOT" 82 4 /FUNCTION This chapter explains the "FUNCTION" for use of this product. Always read the instructions before using the software. 84 85 4.1 Model Setting 42 Options.. 4.3. File Management 87 4.4 Test Operation (Navigation area) 90 4.5 System View (Navigation area) 94 4.6 Parameter List (System area) 4.7 Convert (System area) 4.8 Diagnosis (System area) 121 4.9 Graph (Monitor area) 123 4.10 Batch Monitor (Monitor area) 138 4.11. VO Terminal Monitor (Monitor area) 140 4.12 110 Terminal Assignment 141 4.13 Machine Analyzer (Monitor area) (FR-A700 with Vector 414 Model Setting 4.1_Model Setting Make setting of inverter model in "Model Setting* window. “There are folowing ways to display “Model Setting” window. (1). Select (Model Setting] in [Tool] menu. (2) Double-click a station number in “System Si ing’ of System View. ‘A [SNe Set the invert statlon number rom 00 31 B_[ Comment ‘fel or comments [invertor Select the connected verter ode D_ | Gepasiy Select the connacted invenar capacity | Onion Comector 3, | Setet he option connected oan opton cannot TOpton Connector To 8 avaTable Tr FRATOO “Tecminal Block 3 series) F [or Rafat he Model Selig io the sya, and cosos the "Woda Setng window [cancer Rott the MainFrame with the setng made vali 1H [Avoly atl the Model Sang nto the system 1 [Fe Dilys Help window. (forte paze 107 REMARKS Inverter mode wil change f capac or option seting fd is changed, therefore current value, sting valve and comment in Parameter List” are alo cleared, I you want to rause the current value, sting vale and comment, export the “Parameter data beforehand, and then change the model seting. Aer making model seting, import the exported data in “Param window io reuse the currant sting, sting value and comment 84 Options 4.2 Options ‘Communication and preference setting is available In "Option" window. Displays the communication and preference setting windows by switching tabs. ‘Select [Options) in [Tool] menu to display “Option” window. 4.2.1 Communication Click Canniicin | of “Option” window to make a communication setting, — Ptoast fant Tah nvresSs 5—=] s02 -$— asteen 5 seets [3 ——] 4 A_| Seting tems Refer page 45 ordeals ofeach communeation seting tems. [OK ‘loses Opton window withthe eeting made val C_ [cance loses the window wit the sing made inva D_ [Appr ert the setng nto the system without closing he widow = [Aa Displays Help window. fro page 7) (> REMARKS + Communication seting window fs actve only when OFFLINE. During ONLINE, every tem i med gray and unavalable for raking sorting J+ Wen "USB" selected for personal computer side por, unnecessary selling item tus fo gray and unavalable for making seting 85 FUNCTION Z Options 4.22 Preferences ‘Test operation setting is available, Click [Renae] of "Option" window to dsplay the Preferences window, te ei Tt Open a— es ‘er ceed EVTRE stat ra STF tc SSE ba ay evarnaymunr ara boson 12 F st 8. A BE oe ttt a mon nt checked ekg a1 OF an Butlon ofthe lest operation window once Keeps the motor A Operation * runing. Note + When test operation is being perfor ‘check button of "Release Test Operation” can not be checked. stored. At staring of the FR Configurator, this setting I - Setting of "Release Test Operation’ is 1 Z\CAUTION AXWhen communication is stopped (cable disconnection, et.), personal computer can not stop the inverter. Make sure that safety precaution is provided with using signal loss detection (Pr 122, Pr. 336, or Pr. S48), oF Installing an external stop command device, 86 File Management and Print 4.3 File Management and Print 4. 1 Type of files (708 [ceaph wit single Allscroan — 55 [ Manages Graph samping daa athe moment of exparing ah TH Manages Parameter List data atthe momant of exportng (ix Torna oo Parameter List ” * Used to copy the parameter aeting into tha other inverters cha Wanagesretreved data of Machine Analyzer alte bme of og Vache Anabzor a Data created bythe FR Configurator SiV2 canbe read 100. i 4.3.2 Open ‘Open’ is @ command to read data such as model information and other function in system file (med), and reflect to each seroans. (For *.g93 or "pr file, data can be read using [Import] ata window of each function. Refer to page 88 ) ‘Select [Open] in Fle] menu to dieplay “Open window. Select the desired fle, and cick toead the saved dala, Whether each function sereens are current displayed or not, data inthe fe are reflected into each functions, (> REMARKS + waen copying the curent value ofthe parameter to other station or othr inverter, use import and export af data (pr). system fe (ml) af obser version (FR Configurator SWV2) can not be opened, In this case save the parameter seting of he FR Confguator SWW2 ito PRM fle and import to FR Configurator SW. + wnen several statonsetings ext, t may take several fens af seconds to open a system fo. 43.3 Save Select [Save As... in [Ele] menu to display “Save As* window. Check the saving location, puta name on a fle, and save, Select [Save] in Fle] menu to save the fle with the same name. When saving a fle forthe fst time, the same window as “Save As" is displayed, a7 FUNCTION Z file Management and Print 4.3.4 Data import and export (File input and output) Data of Graph and Parameter List can be input or output as a fle. When copying parameter settings to other inverter, export data ofthe Parameter List, and impor itto the other inverter for copying (1) Import (fle input) Exported data of Graph of Parameter List can be read (Import) and reflected into a screen, Select lmpor! in [Ele] menu to dsplay a window for selecting the importing fle Note + importing data of “cr withthe exported data, J+ importing data of "Parameter List" isa Is avaliable only when inverter type, capacity, mo nd option connector ara all match lable when inverter type is matched withthe exported data (2) Export (file output) Data of “Graph or "Parameter List” can be output export) into a fle separately tothe system fe. Selec [Export] in [Ele] men to cisplay @ window for exporting file, ‘The exported file can be imported (displayed) with “Graph Function” and "Parameter List”. Note + Exported file is saved ina text format. Ifthe contents of the file is edited, the file may not be read correctly when Importing. 00 not eat the contents ofthe exported fl REMARKS + Parameter file (pr) of oer version SIW (FR Configurator SW2) can not be imported. Note that exported fle is pr3 format part and export of"Parametr List" ‘Exporte le of Parameter List contains both “Current fed data and “Sting! eld data ‘han importing the exported ie, select whieh dala to be imported between “Curent” value of “Seting” value i tye fe ("Selection of import Data" window is splayed after soectng aft). And the selected datas reflected ino "Setting fl ofthe Parameter Us PR fe eer ‘curect”“Seting 88 File Management and Print 43.5 Print ‘The FR Configurator window can be printed as-is. The Parameter List can be printed as a ist. Select (Prnt..] from the [Ele menu or click eof the tool bar. Please make printer setting beforehand. POINT Forprinting specie seran, hie other unusessereens to print te ane you want. (Refer to page 37) [As forthe parameter list, you can select between printing in alist form ane priming as is asplayed. Select ina window splayed at printing 89 FUNCTION Z Test Operation (Navigation area) 4.4_ Test Operation (Navigation area) Frequency (out) Indeaton, operation mode indeaton and swiching, sending of fowardreverse roan command and ring ofthe st raquancyis avaiable . Note 175 [ornate ise conmand sending pat Test Opera hdr ott p of FR Contour When performing Test Operation, check [Test Operation] sub-menu under [Navigation] of [View] menu to display the command sending part of st Operation. - Do not cick repeatedly each operation buttons, su) and cay | - Dolng #0 may result n unstable operation of 4.41 Test Operation screen ta a [Fegan Semst) [sows eavncy eee) rn neaton ates er. G | sevteaseny peed) mot [notre et Fequerey ard ck aa] lowe a Feqeney Whe alee avers: Prosar tet sax) wheels enpy stows out eee ft sles stan [set Tests vate of Frege) ood nst tos es Foner oh need Ter Osta Sond canard ti loco ree = [pu args operator fie sll VARS PUGET OE F rarest eration rad ofthe sbcled veto eral pron 7d Hi [ opto nec aetan | Sov he apron nase he lec ere T [Reon drecion nseaion [A enrardoton, FWD” brs oa ond a overs oaton REV Uae Ser everdotn comands elec eer Peering el pe SDOT GES BT J | ew = pressed Wren Release Text Opetaonis alee, ching bon one seep operon Rr pars Se Si SORTS GTR TT PTET HH TAO BAA x [rev spose (ron Rls Tort Opens slo, king bison one seep operon Retro 90 Test Operation (Navigation area) 4.4.2 Indication of inverter frequency and fault ‘Shows output frequency offal indication etc of the selected inverter. f model setting ofthe selected station has been made {and set to ONLINE, the indicator shows output frequency. During OFFLINE, or if model setting ofthe selected station has not been made, indicator turns to blank. If uit of frequency (speed, machine speed) has been changed by parameter setting, ‘output frequency of selected station is indicated along withthe change ofthe unit JOG PS, PU STOP, Pr. CL, POPY, Waming and Alarm are not displayed, Output frequency display Atfaut occurence (C1) __Atcommunleation eror oocurence Graph samping OFFLINE 4.4.3 Indication of operation mode and switching lick + pt], Lusi} to switch the operation mode, ‘Operation made of the selected inverter is shown at the operation mode indicating par. Suche to External Swichs to PU operation made Suites to ‘poration mor 1 Network operation L he ‘Operation mode indication Inleaton of ExternavPU combined operation mode REMARKS J+ Depending on the eutent operation mode of parameter eating, some operation made axe unavaiable for change, For example atthe inital tats, switching between PU operation mode and network operation mode is unavalte. (Refer epage 24 or the iverer manual for details) ” FUNCTION Z Test Operation (Navigation area) 444. Setting of running frequency (speed, machine speed) Input set frequency (speed, machine speed) in "Frequency (Speed) input” field, and click ger | to write the set frequency Into the inverter. Use the button on the right of input field, to add or decrease the setting frequency by minimum setting increments. (Available only when ONLINE.) Input setting frequency (motor speed, machine spsed) inputting tho ‘Add or decrease he frequency frequoney (mator speed, {motor speed, machine speed) by machine speed) minimum setting increments. When the set frequency is writen, “F* and the sel frequency is displayed alternately Stimes. After displaying 3 times, the display shows output frequency (speed, machine speed), Displays 3 times atorately 92 Test Operation (Navigation area) 4.4.5 Sending of forward/reverse rotation command + When performing inverter test operation ‘Test operation is performed during a.) se. |is pressed. To stop the test operation, release | sey Displays inverter cunning» froquency Perform test operation during Tine baton is pressed + Atreleasing of test operation Releasing test operation enables operation to continue by pressing nj or ssi) ance. Press Jail to stop operation To release test operation, select (Options in [Tool] menu to display "Option" window (Refer to page 86). Click Crzamany. then ‘check “Release Test Operation’ on the Preferences window and clck( si | or aw | he Neto J+ ithe selected station has been changed during Test Operation, FR Configurator sends stop command, and stops the Wthe J+ Due to Windows operation style, test operation may be Kept operating without pressing nc Jor an {following movement is mede. To stop th Dragging a mouse cursor out of no Jor J+ Test operation ( _no.|+ |) does not function during graph sampling of two oF more stations with communication through GOT (FA transparent function. Z\CAUTION A\When communication is stopped (cable disconnection, etc.), personal computer can not stop the inverter. ‘Make sure that safety precaution is provided with using signal loss detection (Pr. 122, Pr 336, or Pr. $48), or installing an external stop command device. 93 FUNCTION Z System View (Navigation area) 4.5 System View (Na n area) “System Setting’ (Refer fo page 98), “Troubleshooting” (Refer to page 65) and "Setting Wizard" (Ref to page 96) can be displayed in System View by switching tabs. Systen Seting [Troubleshooting | Seting Wizard \ cick tabs to witch he seroon Switching of the cisplay is also available using [Navigation] sub-menu in [View] menu. 94 System View (Navigation area) = 45.1 System Setting Function for browsing setting information of all 32 stations. Click Sissi) in System View or select (System Setting] sub- menu under [Navigation] of [View] menu to display “System Setting’ ‘laon pumber, verter sc V4 o—>=juumeLaus 2 ae a ‘Shows ston number and inverter type. pe vs o lorane ‘Changes to OFFLINE (Disconnect allinvrtrs registered to the system) © [onune changes (Conroe allivecars rogisterod tothe system) D | oN, OFF ndeator ‘Shows ONLINE, OFFLINE state When ONLINE When OFFLINE | systom Setting FIGHTTEK Te Ta 7 “Sytar Solg To Slay a popup Man STON BUH Rea ro pase a) 'savalal om the pop-up menu. ia ‘Staion oumber, invertor ‘Shows Tnvorior ipo on tho Hight af ation rombor W modal wating has avaady made Wo at saan CGlcking th sation numer slocs the station number. (Press or osolct tho station number sot © eo ward or downward CGlck onthe le othe conto open a ree view fr checking a deta ofthe mode setng Double-click an the station number to play Model Seting window, [Comment Dispayea como [ori OFF ‘Shows a name af login OpTon tale to he selected verse 95 FUNCTION Z System View (Navigation area) 45.2 Setting Wizard Setting Wizard isa function to make parameter setting without regard to parameter number. Double-click a desired function in the "Setting Wizard” (or selact the function and click sus |) to start the Selting Wizard of the selected function, Click malin System View or select [Setng Weare] sub-menu under [Navigation] of [View] menu to display “Setting Weare A> | omencore insieal| <—c o>] escpenaegerseeres eeeatemeenet, te p= ‘Shows Sating Wizard tens. Select a desired function (Up-key and Oowi-kay also avaiable) and B | Setting Wizard item double-click (or ckok tisats.)} to start the Setting Wizard ofthe selected function (Refer to page 56) (i Model Setting hes not made yt, color tuns gray and unavailable to select) (Gk te sae Seting Wirard athe selected function. Refer o pane 56) (it Mode! Setting nes not made yt, color uns gray and unavalabeto sect) 96 Parameter List (System area) = 4.6 Parameter List (System area) "Parameter List" has folowing functions. + Showing parameters all list, functional, individual, changed parameter, verification result parameter) + Editing Individual List ‘+ Reading and batch reading of parameter setting value + Input, writing and batch wring of parameter setting value «+ Parameter clear and all parameter clear «+ Parameter verification (verifies parameter values sel on the FR Configurator and values already written into the inverter) + Parameter searching + Fle output of parameter verification results, batch read, and batch write, «+ Writing of comment + Parameter copy (use importiexpor. Refir to page 88.) ‘Solact [Parameter List] under [View] menu, or click fn the too! bar to display “Parameter List Parameter List Functions available in “Parameter List” i diffrent between ONLINE or OFFLINE. ‘A Paramoler Clear ° * Pararvotor Clear © x Batch Road o * Batch White o x Vereation e x Re © x Wie x Trp of paramaer sang value © o Estinaivaual Uist © o Search © o Display fat saloon © © Wilting of comment o o Note manual and the one in FR Configurator can be die parameter isthe same nt, but the function of each + Pr. 296 and 297 are not shown in Parameter List. Pr. 296 and 297 do not change when importing parameter setting from other inverters. Change the Pr 296 and 27 setting from the operation panel or parameter unit 7 FUNCTION Z Parameter List (System area) 4.6.1 Explanation of screen ¢ . yh he A> ee i | cane ‘a. [Parameter st display | Select a Parameter Lis dlsplay format. Click ¥ to dlsplay forma of Parameter List from the format mes (Ref opage 9) B_[Ateear Performs all parameter car wih the connected verter [Parameter Clear Performs parameter cloar wit the connected iver. O [Baten Read ‘Reads al parameter selings of the connected inverter [Baten rte ies values of Setng valve fl nto the the connected verter F_[verteaton ‘Vers parameter values ston the FR Configurator and values akeady writen ia the varar G_[Reaa Reade a caront vale of te selcid parame fom the conned invertor H_ [wie Wis a sting value ofthe slocted parameter into the the conectod inverter T_[Searen Dieplaye Search window. (eer erage TON [eet naive ‘Glick o sai parameter awcual List fer page 105) [Abus ours splay format ofthe Paramotor List Al Pararotor Us “Shows parameter namber When te curen value and parameter nial value diferent, "> "appears Ne net to th number andthe coor tums gree « (Caloraton parameter, P+ 92, 903, 904, 905 ete re played wit ().) Name ‘Shows parameter rare. x ‘Sating Range _| Shows sang range x Thi ‘SHOWS minimum seing WeTeMeTs x Ina Valio [Shows parameter inal vale. = ‘Curent value | Shows the vu read tom the Tnvoror are valbe writen fo the vero x Tnputa valve desired to wrte toteiverer.Clek Wis Jor __ SW Jtownte te value into Setting the inverter. ° (Numeric value ans a decimal point canbe input upto 6 characters incusing a decir point) comers Ainerconnens Arle owas ry ae wie bcuason aye com OE 3 98 Parameter List (System area) = 4.6.2 Parameter List Display Format Display format of *Paramter List” can be changed to other display format according o your purposes. Click | and select a clisplay format from thelist menu to change the display. Ces to play List Oispy Mon Select splay format om List Display Mena Displays allparametes ofthe selected inverters. (Opton parameter af the selected inverter is displayed when selecting Option) ‘Select a Geared funcbon fom the aub-menu to daplay related parameter. *Funelonal parameters" = hunton name" ara dslayed onthe Ist fed Thalidual Pavan Lat | Displays paremetors seta the ndliavalst Displays parameters whose seting is aifeent From Te Will value (Displays parameters which have "> al parameter number) Vorfeaton Rosas Displays paramotors of veriiation resus, Dspays vrai res performed Tat ines eer top 1) ‘A Parameter List Functional Parameter it (Changed Parameter List ‘Changed Parameter List and Verification Results can be displayed along with other display format, 99 FUNCTION Z Parameter List (System area) Parameter List items according to the FR-A700 series functions Basse Functions Basse fncton parameters Frequency Seting | Parameters ested to reaueney ‘Recor Ps 0 accalerationideceleration Sete sting _| Paar relate accleraontecel raracteratio | Parameters ralatedo VF character Pratecion Parametor elated to prefactve uncon ‘Operation Mods Parameter lated to operation mode Montor Parameters elated to mantor function Srakng Paramtor elated fo Fequency, time, sie aT Brake operation Terminal Parameters elated to contol creat terminal ‘aaivonalFuncton | Otho parameters Magna Flux Veclor | Parameter ate i advances magni hx wade canl[gonerat-pupose magna Tux vector conv Vector Parameters eat fo votor control lean CS RSTO C8 SAT Sn SURFS RH ASU | wessage ‘Shows a message fo conf paramelor clear and shows a message during parameter oat (DD REMARKS: Wren parametor clear oF all parameter clear were performed ftom the FR Confguater, the fllowing communication parameters are not cleared Refer to the inverter manual or comsmunicaton option manual fr details ofeach parameter. 101 FUNCTION Z Parameter List (System area) 4.6.4 Read (Batch Read), Write (Batch Write) and Verification Performing Read or Write gains access to inverter parameter, and parameter reading and writing is performed. Performing Verication verifes parameter values set on the FR Configurator and one already written in the inverter. lick fai or __w | {0 display the following dialog, A. | oon espa during access “Geko cancaTbaich raed, batch witaorvarfeaton Fas] 1 clad, access i canowlad and data already processed are dsplayed, | wessae ‘Shows a message during paramoter accass 8 | cancel ‘for verifcaton, the fllowing dialog appears. The results can be saved as a text fle. (Also appears at reading error and wating error) c> =a TA__[Resul ‘Shows result message Tut | San aT cae IT, ar RD a | Rosutist Vite | Shows parameter number rare, date and eror number of te wing ror pararaloe ‘Shows parameter numbar, name, FR Configurator curent value, adware rad val oF Vortteaton ° lunmatened paramtar betwoen FR Configurator and the vert Exper Fle Savas the su tt Format Note When changing some spect paramates (P27 lceleratondeceeration Pe 71 Aplied motor ec) wih FR Configurator, sting ‘vale of related paramters may also change, For example f Pr 20 Acrlerationdecleraion tne increments tng has been changed, the eeting value of acceleration! Aeceloraton tne parameters (Pr 7, Pr # eto) may alo change, (When Pr 21 =O", and P 7 = "5.08", and changing P20 sting to "1" will automatically change the eating of 7t"0.5e") I parareer wrting perorved wan IER or IRIN veven causes a change of roiete paremetes, or mw | oF 's performed the following dialog is deplayed. Please perform undate of parameter cepa + whan 1" is sot in F342 Communication EEPROM wre alin, the pararvaor sein Se rom the FR Goofguttor is vnten into RAM only (cannot be wren to EEPROM). mn adaion, since batch wn wil perform wrting process frm he top, Pe 2 Ie s0t 10", parameters afer Pr 42 are wen to RAM oy. 102 Parameter List (System area) = 4.6.5 Edit Individual List Select and add parameters desired to register into the individual parameter list (Click _esinasnin in "Parameter List" window to display the folowing window, 8 Beceem le F tte Tt 1. | parameter ust Displays number and name of al parameter. Selec a parameter and click [Ta] toad Win tho indivi parameter list Soveralparators can be solocted [m= ‘As parametarssolctd in the ParamtorLstin the ievidual TS. ef << Datate Deletos parameters selected in the indivi Fat [OK Saves edited informaton ofthe idvidvalit and raluma otha Parameter Us window. = [Cancer Parameters set inthe niduallt are mage vald and rims fo the Parameter Ls © Taindua ue ‘Displays parameters added rom the Parameter Lit. Parameters selected rom the list ae displayed inthe indvual Parameter List 4.6.6 Parameter Search Parameter name be searched, Input searching character string, to jump tothe matching parameters. Click [ss in Parameter List” window to splay the folowing window. =—C ————————— 2 > F inary z Q 5 S Zz 5 &_| Search Seng a 3 | Cave Sensiiviy ‘Chock when disinguating belwesn upper case and ower case. | Search Upward Clk to seach te parameter Ist upward 3_[Searen Downward ‘Clete seach he parameter Ist downward 103 Z_Sonvert (System area) 4.7_Convert (System area) Converting a parameter setting from a conventional model into 700 series inverter parameter seting is available. Select [Convert in [View] menu to display “Convert + Compatible models for Convert FRVEAOU) FRATZO ‘Saling of plugin opbons is changeo. (Refer to page 19) FRAVSAO(L) FRATEO Soling of plugin oplons is changes. (Refer pase 119) FRAS2OIL) FRATZO FRASAOIL) FRATEO FRABSOIL) FRATEO FREDO FRET FREGOS FROTHS FRET FROMO PREG FRF?AO ‘Seng of pagin enlons ie changed: fer topase 1 FREDO FRFSIOC FREAD ‘Sefing of plugin onions is changed. fer tpage 113) FRSS2OSIED FROAOS FRSSIOE) FROTO Note meter name in an inverter manual and the one In FR Configu 104 Convert (System area) 4.7.1 Convert image source carat a a Di we Inverter —S ee E «Set tow jest a conver method 1) Selecting an invari ftom a modal st Model Seting 7) Comering For Ty Convering forte ‘perro Eonnectd invertor fe rman emmsaon —_—_—_ ——_. ‘Select Parameter Fle Detect Connected Inverter ——: Parameter confirmation Source parameter seting ——. Paramate ‘Convert Fecha way fag parame 4) Save 28 Paramaien Fie (PRS) Save As ‘Seng oa connected aver trough communkton ‘Set as Seung valle fo ihe Paramet Listof the comected invertor Inverter operation characteristic or FUNCTION cS 105 Z_Sonvert (System area) 4.7.2 Explanation of window poe Tee = se a = ‘A_[ Soutee formation Displays "Conver Method" window. Sel convering metiod, source and target mode sting ‘Displays Convert Confirmation" window, Parameter convering fe avaiable (Click ater converting method, source and target modelinformaton is set.) ‘Displays Parameter saving” window. Reflect the convererdeetng ini a Parameter Latofihe © | Reet to the Target selected inverter. Saving to a parameter fle (PR) sao avalane (lek ator tne parameter is converted) ‘Checked: When sralng ane of sourceiargal parameler Ia, he aie parameter Tat goes soaling Sinultansous Serato bath | 00 Paramatr us ‘witout check Evan when srolng one of soureatarget parameter st, he other paramatar ist does not scroll TE | Searee ivertr information | Shows te mvorer type ofthe sooo, “Shows paramater esting ead rom the Source, ”">” appear nen Wo he pararater number Which the seting has beon changed, and also clor tums groan, Inaize th al seting data, Confration calog is dsplayed when clicked. Ciek [=] to Intiaze when a canfrmaton dialog i displayed F_[ Tag verter ntormation —[ Shows tw vorer type ofthe lage, ‘Shows conver parameter soling, ">" appears nan lo be paramolerhumber cfwhih Be Soting has changed, and also a coor tums green 8 | Parameter Conver, | Parameter List of source | car data 1 [Parameter ist of target 106 Convert (System area) 4.7.3 Example of converting (1) When selecting an inverter from a model list, 1) Click snes | in “Convert” window to display “Convert Method” 2) Choose “Select an Inverter from a Model List”. Click after selecting 3) Set the infomation of the source inverter in Model Setting’ Fll in the each items of the source inverter, Click a8 | alter setting 4) A parameter requiring caution is displayed in a ist Parameter in the list is converted with an inital value lick after confirmed, (if a setting of parameter in the list is required, uncheck ‘Use Initial Value for all parameter’, and change the roquited parameter soting.) 5) Select the target inverter on the "Target Inverter” Window, and the convert setting is finished, Click 6) The value of some of the source parameter is available for changing. When changing the parameter seting value, enter a changed value in Seting fla When the convert setting is finshed, saws | in "Convert" window becomes available, Click _ m= to cisplay “Convert Confirmation” [Sabet an inverter fon} a Medel List) ‘Sot the information of = Fine source inverter ‘WK Select the target inverter Click 1o display "Convert Confimation 107 FUNCTION Z_Sonvert (System area) 7) Check the information ofthe source inverter and target Inverter. Click coat to convert the parameter. 8) Click finished.” is dsplayed. | when “Parameter corwerting is 9), Results of parameter converting is shown in "Convert window. 10)Click essana | in "Convert" window to clsplay "Parameter Saving’ 11)Check "Reflect in a Parameter List of the Selected Slaton’, and sei | to reflect the converted parameter setting into the Parameter List Ifa station has not finshed model setting or the inverter ‘model is diffrent, that station is unavalable to select 12)When saving the converted parameter setting asa fle, ‘check “Save As". Specty the fle location, and liek 1_| to save the converted parameter seting into ‘a parameter fle (PR3). 108 cy he fle < isto Convert (System area) (2) When convert from a parameter file (PRM) 4) Click ‘Convert Method" in "Conver window to display 2) Select “Convert from @ Parameter File (PRM)". Click | after selecting 3) Select Parameter File” soreen. Click =| to display "Open" window. Select a parameter fle in that window. the converting parameter file in “Select 4) Click to read the selected parameter fle "Selection of Import Data" is displayed. Select between CCurront Value or Setting Value for use. (Refer o page 88) Check File Read resut, and cick 2 5) Select the target inverter on the “Target Inverter" Window, and the convert setting is finished, Click 4) The value of some of the source parameter is available for changing. When changing the parameter seting value, enter a changed value in Seting fl. When the convert setting is finished, ravens | in Convert" window becomes avallable. Click to aisplay “Convert Confimation” 7) Check the information of the source inverter and target inverter Click sist to conver the parameter. 8) Click finshed” ie displayed. |, when “Parameter converting is ot [Conver trom a parameter fie (PRM) Notice to cispiay “Open window EC t cto rad the parameter fle i Select he target inverter lick o display "Convert Confmation™ 109 FUNCTION Z_Sonvert (System area) 9), Results of parameter converting is shown in "Convert window. 10)Click tascam | in "Convert" window to clsplay "Parameter Saving’ 11)Check "Reflect in a Parameter List of the Selected Station”, and nh | to reflect the converted parameter setting into the Parameter List Ha station has not fished model setting or the inverter ‘madelis diffrent, the station is unavalabe to select 12)Wen saving the converted parameter setting asa fle, ‘check [Save As]. Specify the fle location, and click 1_| to save the converted parameter seting into ‘a parameter fle (PR3}. ‘Parameter file (PRM) i a text format le. Ian nonesstnt parameter i aio to the source, @ cauton shown on right appears. The data about nonexistent parameter not converte. ‘ifthe parameter fle (PRM) Is Broken, a casion shown on raht appears when reading tho fe, In this case, sel again + If parameter le (PRI) is one rom no.compatle vets, eaton shown on right appears. In ths case, select a parameter fe of the compat verter, ‘anc perform Read Fil again 110 Speciy the fle roeation 2 normal parameter fil, and perform read fle UD 2m etter mt Fal tea ti engi er On dtd Convert (System area) (3) When converting from the Connected Inverter through Communication © eel 41) Check that FR Configurator Pesfoem during a invertor stop, Do not input slat command, Is ONLINE, (Click cate in "System Setting” to switch to ONLINE.) (> REMARKS 2) Click 3) 4 5) 6 ) If FR.E500 is connected to the station number where FRIE700 is sat for system setting, switching to ONLINE will display a communication error dalog. In this caso, click (0K, and proceed converting. In "Conver" window to display "Convert Method” (Choose “Convert from the Connected Inverter through Communication". Clk after selecting Click window Check the inverter detection result, and click teins in "Connected Inverter Detection” Select the target inverter on the "Target Inverter” Window, and the convert setting is finished. Click The value of some ofthe source parameter is available for changing. When changing the parameter seting value, enter a changed value in Seting fel. When the convert setting is finshed, ewes | in “Convert” window becomes avalable. Click to cisplay “Convert Confirmation” 5 < [leona tom te Connected Inver |freugh Communication Lc Picktoceteet "K Setect tho inverter Click to cisplay “Convert Confirmation” mt FUNCTION Z_Sonvert (System area) 1) Check the information of the source inverter and target Inverter. Click coat to convert the parameter. 8) Click ss | when “Parameter converting is finished.” is dsplayed. 9) Results of parameter converting is shown in “Convert” window. 10)Click nsin | in *Convert™ window to eisplay “Parameter Saving” 11)Check “Reflect in a Parameter List of the Selected ‘Station’, and click | to reflect the converted parameter setting into the Parameter List fa station has not fished mode! setting or the inverter ‘model is different, the station is unavailable to select 12)When saving the converted parameter setting as a fle, ‘check [Save As]. Specify the fle location, and click 1h_| to save the converted parameter seting into ‘a parameter fle (PR3). REMARKS ‘Following confirmation dalog i splayed when relectng he converted parameter seting ck [ET] to roect and overutie the parameter setng, ‘tf an nonexstent param 112 Specty te fle roeation is added to th sour, the nonexistent parameter dala is no reflected inthe target, Convert (System area) 4. 4 Precautions for Convert Please note the following for using "Convert", and make a setting again if necessary. Reterto the inverter manusl for detalls of the parameters. a @ ° @ Cy) ‘When a plug-in option and inverter terminal are used forthe FR-V500(L), check the following item, Encoder connection Trverer terminal fr encoder —[ FRCATAP or FR-ATAL Ensoder pulse von Oba FRVSAY ATRL ‘Exonsion open collocoroutp FRIVSAY Trverer ovat Tomine Tei da input FRAVSANTERCABAN) FROATAX, Tigh esoiion analog npatT thermistor intrace FRVSAX FRATAZ ‘Exension contact nput FRA, Tver Spat erin Bipolar analog output Trverer terminal OAT RATAZ (erinal DAT) Trverer terminal’ FRATAZ (orminal 6) ‘Since the fllowing parameters are not converted, make a seting from "Parameter List” as required, + Px 153 PID action setpoint + Pr 160 Bxtended function display selection + Pr 900, 901 (FM, AM output terminal calibration! + PU contrast adjusiment (Pe 991) ‘The following parameters are adjustment parameters. Parameter readjustment according to the machine is recommended after converting, + Pr 0 Torque boost + Px 12 DC injection brake voltage + Px 820, 821, 824, 825, 830,831, 834,835 (vector conto, speed controiorgue con! gain) + Pr 902, 903, 917, 918, 926, 927 drequency setting input calibration parameter) + Pr 919, 920, 928, 929 orquesmagnetic fur sting input calibration parameter) ‘When vector control is selected for the FR-V500 (L) series, check the fllowing iter. + When offine auto tuning (Pr 71 Applied motor="3, 4, 7,8, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24.33, 34" is performed with the source inverter, itis recommended to perform tuning and parameter setting again withthe target inverter, + Since the SF-VH motor compatible withthe FR-VS00L series is not supported by the FR-A700 series, make sure to perform tuning and parameter setting again same as other manufacturer's constant motors before use, ‘Communication relatad parameters (Pr: 117 0 Pr. 124, Pr 331 ta Pr 437, 341) are also converted, Depending on a setting, ‘communication may net be established after writing the parameter. For example, setting "0" (nal value) in Pr 122 and Pr. 336 Communication check time interval makes parameter wring unavailable. 113 FUNCTION Z_Sonvert (System area) © ” ® 114 The following wiring needs to be changed. Refer tothe FR-ATOD series manual for details of wiring. \When terminal DAZ was used, change the connection to terminal AM When automatic restart afer instantaneous power fallure (Pr 57 is not "9999") was used, short STOP-SD (terminal STOP is changed to CS signal by Convert) When using pulse train input of the FR-ASAP, change the connection to JOGipulse train input terminal ofthe inverter (terminal JOG is changed to pulse train input by Conver). Note that a resistance is necessary when connecting, \When thermal protector is connected (Pr 876 ="0", change the connection to terminal CS (terminal CS was changed to OH signal by Convert, Note that a resistance is necessary when connecting, When 2 relay output terminal of the FR-ASNR was used, change the connection to terminal ABC2 of the inverter. Terminal OM, Dl2, DIS, and D4 ofthe FR.VS00 (L) series are roplaced with terminal RL, RM, RH, and RT of the FR ‘A700 series. Terminal 001, 202, and 003 of the FR-V500 (L) series are replaced with terminal RUN, SU, and IPF ofthe FR-A700 When performing PID control by measured value signal input ( Pr 128 ="20, 31"), it i necessary to change the terminal of measured value signal from terminal 1 to terminal 4. Since terminal 4 is factory set to current input, any of| the following change is necessary in such a case. 1) Change to curent input 2) When Pr. 262 ="2", set Switch 1 on board to OFF and change terminal 4 input to Oto 10V input \When stop position command of orientation control was given from the FRSASAX (2. 350 ="2" Pr 360 ="1") and the ‘number of encoder pulses (Pr 369) was 2048 and 4096, wire fo the FR-ATAX as shown below. When the number of encoder pulses (Pr 369) is 2048 CChange connection from X0 ta X°...ftom X11 to X12 (X0is always open) \When the number of encoder pulses (Pr 369) is 4096 Change connection from X0 to X2....ftom X11 to X13 (XO and X1 are always open) + When terminal 3 is used as “Torque limit command, it can be assigned to terminal 4. Make sure that current input! voltage input settings are correct wien assigning to terminal 4 There's a change inthe following functions. Refer tothe FR-A700 series manual for deta, + Motors with the rated motor frequency higher than 120Hz are not supported. + Pr 285 Overspeed detection speed and Pr. $70 Speed deviation level ofthe FR-VSOO (L) series are integrated into Pr 285 for the FR-A700 series. When diferent values are set, make sure to check that the Pr: 285 selling is as intended. If any problem occurs, set manually again + Since the setting range of Pr. 57 In position zone has been narrowed down due o orientation control, the value may be changed. Check that there is no problem for stop operation. + When stop position command of orientation control was given fram the FR-AAX (Pr 350 = 2, Pr 360 = I), or‘entation with the number of encader pulses (Pr 39) 1025 to 2047, or 2049 to 4059 isnot supported by Convert. + When using relay terminal of the FR-ASNR as remote output (Pr 496,497), bit assignment is changed Pr 497 bit to Pr: 496 bits + When using CC-Link communication with the FR-ABNC, set the communication station number and baud rate in Pr 582 and Pr 543 according tothe rotary switch setting ofthe FR-ASNC. Following functions are not converted, since they have been doleted from the FR-A700 series. + Pr 53 PU level display data selection + Setting value 36, torque monitor (driving/regenerative polarty switchover) of Pr: $4, Pr 158, Pr 306, Pr 310 + Setting value 10, 1, 12, machine end orientation of Px: 569 (the numberof encoder pulses of orientation) and Pr 393 + Pr 4001 Pr 405 exension input terminal + Pr 400 Pr 412 extension output terminal + Pr 446 password for Ethernet Selting value 38, Y40 (trace status) signal, trace function of the FR-VSOOL series of Pr 52, Pr 5200 Pr 538 Convert (System area) a @ @ « 6 ‘Since the following parameters are not converted, make a setting from “Parameter List” as required, + Px 153 PID action se point + Px 160, Pr 173 to Pr 176 (ser group selection) + Pr 900, Pr 901 (PM, AM output terminal calibration) + Px 991 PU contrast adjustment ‘The folowing parameters ate adjustment parameters. Parameter readlustment according to the machine is recommended after converting + Pr 0 Torque boost + Px 12 DC injection brake voltage + Pr 902 to Pr 905 Grequency setting Input calibration parameter) Note the following when advanced magnetic fux vector control or vector contol is seloctod for the FR-ASOO (L) series (x 80 Motor capacity 's not"9998", Pr 8! number of motor poles ls not "9893"), + Tuning and parameter setting ofthe target inverter is recommended, i offline auto tuning is performed (Px: 71 Applied ‘motor ="3, 4, 7, 8, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24") or motor constants is ditectly input (Pr: 71 =°5, 6, 15, 16") atthe source invertor, + When SF-HR or SF-HRGA type motor Is used, sot Pr 7/ = "40, 43, 44, 50, 63, 54” after writing the converted parameter to the target inverter. (Conversion of P82, Pr 85, P86, P89, Pr 90 to Pr 94 not necessary) Communication related parameters ( Pr 17 Pr 124, Pr 381 to Pr 337, 41) are also converted. Depending on a setting, ‘communication may net be established after writing the parameter. For example, selling "0" (nial value) in Pe 122 and Pr 336 Communication check time interval makes parameter wring unavailable. “The fllowing wiring needs to be changed. Reterto the FR-A700 sories manual for details of wiring, + When using pulse train input of the FR-ASAP was used, change the connection to JOGipulse train input terminal ofthe inverter (JOG terminal is changed to pulse train input by Convert). Note that 2 resistance is necessary when connecting + When a rolay output terminal ofthe FR-ASNR was used, change the connection to terminal ABC2 ofthe inverter + When stop position command of orientation control was given from the FRASAX (Pr 350 ="2", Pr 360 ="I") and the number of encoder pulses (P 369) was 2048 and 4086, wire to the FR-A7AX as shown below. ‘When the number of encoder pulses (Pr 369) is 2048 ‘Change connection from XO to Xi...ffom X11 fo X12 (XO is always open) [When the number of encoder pulses (Pr 469) is 4096 ‘Change connection from XO to X2...ffam X11 to X13 (XO and X? are always open) 115 FUNCTION Z_Sonvert (System area) © 0 116 There's a change inthe following functions. Refer tothe FR-A700 series manual for deta. + When automatic restart after instantaneous power failure is performed with residual vollage detection eystem by T- SENSO ( Pr 162 ="11"), itis changed to automate restart after instantaneous power fallure with reduced voltage systom, Fully check that there is no problem in automatic restart operation after instantaneous power failure. If there are any problem, consider changing tof search system, etc. + 29 (acceleration speed detection) signal is deleted, and major fault by E.OS occurs instead + When stop position command of eriantation control was given from the FR-ABAX ( Pr 360 =1), orientation with the ‘number af ancader pulses (Pr 369) 1025 to 2047, or 2049 to 4059 is not supported by Convert + Since converts performed using the ful scale value ofthe molor torque as 200%, the full scale value ofthe load meter Is converted as 200% (FR-ASOO (L) series is 100%). Use Pr. 866 to change. In such a case, note that the full scale value ofthe motor torque also changes accordingly. Following functions are not converted, since they have been deleted from the FR“A700 serie. + Pr 53 PU level display data selection + Pr 199 User intial value + Setting value 3, PRG signal (program operation) of Pr 200 to Pr 281 and Pr: 7 setting value 5 of Pr 79 + Pr 371 Torque characteristic selection + Pr 39010 Pr 396 Trace function ofthe FR-ASOOL series + Pr 4501 Pr 453 Motor constant adjustment function for vector control ofthe FR-ASOOL series and FR-ASAP (encoder 50) Convert (System area) a @ @) @) Cy) © ” ® ‘The fllowing parameters are not converted. Make a setting from "Parameter List” as required + Px 153 PID action se point + Pr 146 Frequency seting command selection + Pr 900, Pr 901 (PM, AM output terminal calibration) + Px 991 PU contrast adjustment ‘The folowing parameters ate adjustment parameters. Parameter readlustment according to the machine is recommended after converting, + Pr 0 Torque boost + Px 12 DC injection brake voltage + Px 245 Raed sip + Pr 246 Slip compensation time constant + Px 902 t9 905, 922, 923 (fequency sting input calibration parameter) When general-purpose magnetc-lux vector control is selected ( Pr 80 Motor capacity is not "9999" for FR-ESOO series, note the folowing precautions + Tuning and parameter setting ofthe target inverter is recommended, if offline auto tuning is performed (Px 7 Applied "3, 13, 23, 108, 13, 123°) or motor constants is crectly input (Px 7/="5, 6, 15, 16, 105, 106, 15, 116") tothe souree inverter. + When SF-HR or SF-HRCA type motor Is used, set Pr 7/ = "40, 43, 44, 50, 53, 54° after writing the converted parameter to the target inverter. (Conversion af Pr 82, Pr 86, Pr 90s not necessary) ‘Communication related parameters (Pr 117 to Pr 124) ae also converted. Depending on a setting, communication may not be established after witing the parameter. For example, setting 0" (intial value) in Pr. 122 PU communication check ‘ime interval makes parameter writing unavailable When communication operation is selected with the FR-ESOO series, parameter writing and operation command ‘sending, ete. is made in PU operation mode, Therefore, one of the following setting is required for FR-D700 series, + Set Pr 79 = “I"(PU operation mode always), Pr 35/ = "2"(PU control source is PU connecter), and change to PU ‘operation mode. Note that parameter wring and operation command from the operation panels unavailable. + Set Pr 79 = "O"nital value), Pr 340 = "1 (network operation mode at power-ON), and change to network operation mode. I FR-ES10W or FR-E520S is connected and convert from the connected inverter through communication is performed, the invertors detoctod as FR-ES20. Check that a compatble inverter is connected for source inverter and then perform inverter detection Since FR-D700 series does not have Pr 21 (Acceleration/deceleration time increments), if Pr 21 = the hundredth place ofthe following parameters are rounded tothe tenth place, 1 he setting value of Following functions are not converted, since they have been deleted from the FR-D700 series. + Pr J88 MRS terminal function selection Pr 191 BU termina fneton selection Pr, 160,173 0176 (User group selection) + Pr 545 to 348 (DeviceNet communication) + Pr 38710392 (LonWorks communication) Pr 500, 50! (communication option parameter) "7 FUNCTION Z_Sonvert (System area) (indicates parameter number for FR-SS00(E) series 0 @ 6 @ 6 118 The following parameters are not converted, Make a setting from "Parameter Lis” as require. + Pr 133 PID action set point + Pr 160 (P30) Extended function display selection + Pr 900, Pr 901 (FM, AM oxtput terminal calibration) + Pr 991 PU contrast adjustment ‘The following parameters are adjustment parameters. Parameter readjustment according to the machine is recommended after converting. + Pr 0 Torque boost + Pr 12 DC injection brake operation voltage + Pr 245 (P95) Rated slip + Pr 245 (P96) Slip compensation time constant + Pr 902 10 905, 22, 923 (C3, C4, Cb, C7) requency setting input calibration parameter) When Automatic torque boost is selected ( Pr 98 Motor capacity is nat "9998" for FR-SSOO(E) series, note the folowing precautions. + Tuning and parameter setting ofthe target inverter is recommended. + When SF-HR or SF-HRCA type motor is used, set Pr 7 = "40, 43, 44, 50, 53, 54" after writing the converted parameter to the target inverter. Communication related parameters (Pr 117 to Pr 124 (nf ta n7, nll) are algo converted. Depending on a seting, communication may not be established after writing the parameter. For example, setting °O" Intl value) in Pe 122 (as) PU communication check rie interval makes parameter writing unavailable. ‘The following functions have diferent behavior due to specification change. Refer to the Instrction Manual of FR-D700 for detaits, + Since formula of Pr 23 Stall prevention operation level compensation factor at double speed has been changed, operation level of stall prevention at dauble speed changes i the seting has been changed greatly from 100%. + Pr 992 16) PU main display screen data selection is integrated into Pr. $2. Setting Pr $2 changes both operation panel isplay and PU display, Convert (System area) a @ @ « 6 © a ‘The fllowing parameters are not converted. Make a setting from "Parameter List” as required + Px 153 PID action se point + Pr 146 Frequency seting command selection + Pr 160, Pr 173 to Pr 176 (User group selection) + Pr 900, Pr 901 (F8M, AM output terminal calibration) + Px 991 PU contrast adjustment ‘The following parameters ate adjustment parameters. Parameter readjustment according to the machine is recommended after converting + Px 0 Torque boost + Pr 12 DC injection brake voltage + Pr 245 Rated sip + Px 246 Slip compensation time constant + Px 902 0 Pr 905 frequency setting Input calibration parameter) When general-purpose magnetic-Rux vector contral is selected ( Pr 80 Motor capacity is not 88999") for FR-ES00 series, note the following precautions + When converting, motor pole is considered as 4poles ( #8 Number of motor poles Poles ofthe using motor in Pr 81 “Tuning and parameter setting ofthe target inverter is recommended, i offline auto tuning is performed (Px: 7 Applied ‘motor ="3, 13, 23, 103, 13, 123°) or motor constants s directly input (Px: 71 ="5, 6, 18, 16, 105, 106, 115, 116") othe soures inverter, When SF-HR or SF-HRGA type motor is used, set Px 7/ = "40, 43, 44, 50, 53, 54° after wring the converted parameter to the target inverter. (Conversion of P82, Pr 86, Px 908 not necessary) ). Sot the number of motor ‘Communication related parameters (Pr 117 to Pr 124) are also converted. Depending on @ setting, communication may not be established after wilting the parameter. For example, selting "0" (inal value) in Pr 122 PU communication check ‘me interval makes parameter writing unavailable. When communication operation is selected with the FR-E500 series, parameter writing and operation command ‘sending, etc, is made in PU operation mode, Therefore, one ofthe folowing setting is required for FR-E700 series, + Set Pr 79 = “1"{PU operation mode always), Pr $51 = *2"(PU control source is PU connector), and change to PU ‘operation mode, Note that parameter writing and operation command from the operation panelis unavailable, + Sot Pr 79 = *0"nital value), Pr: 340 = "1" (network operation mode at power-ON), and change to network operation mode. I FR-ES1OW or FR-E520S is connected and convert from the connected inverter through communication is performed, the inverter is detected as FR-ES20. Check thal a compatible inves and then perform inverter detection. is connected for souree inves “There isa change inthe following functions, Refer to the FR-E700 series manual for éetals, + When CC-Link communication was made with the FR-ESNEC, set the communication station number and baud rate in Pr, $42 and Pr. $43 according tothe rotary switch setting ofthe FR-ESNC. 19 FUNCTION Z_Sonvert (System area) 0 @ ® @) 6 6) ” 120 ‘Since the folowing parameters are not converted, make a setting from "Parameter List + Pe 133 PID action setpoint + Pr 160, Pr 173 0 Pr 176 (Usergroup selection) + Pr 900, Pr 901 (FM, AM output terminal calibration) as required + Pe 991 PU contrast adjustment The following parameters are adjustment parameters, Parameter readjustment according to the machine is recommended after converting. + Pr 0 Torque boost + Pe 12 DC nection brake voltage + Pr 902.0 Pr 905 (frequency setting put calibration parameter) ‘Automatic torque boost (P38, Pr. 39) ofthe FR-F500 (L) series has been changed to simple magnetic Mux vector contol for the FR-F700 series. When automatic torque boost is used and operation conditions meets simple magnetic Aux vector control, then manually set simple magnetic flux vector control, Refer tothe FR-F700 series manual for detail Communication related parameters (Pr 117 0 Pr 124, Pr 331 19 Pr: 337, 41) are also converted. Depanding on a seting, communication may not be established after wing the parameter. For example, setting "0" intial value) in Pr 122 and Px 336 Communication check time interval makes parameter weting unavallable. The following wiring needs to be changed. Refer tothe FR-F700 series manual fr details of wiring. + When a relay output termina ofthe FReASNR was used, change the connection to terminal ABC2 ofthe inverter. ‘There is a change inthe following functions. Refer to the FR-F700 series manual for detail + Since formula of Px: 23 Stall prevention operation level compensation factor at double speed has been changed, operation level of stall prevention at double speed changes i the seting has been changed greall from 100%, + When CC-Link communication was made with the FR-ASNC, set the communication staion number and baud rate in Pr $42 and Pr. 43 according tothe rotary switch setting ofthe FR-ABNC, Following functions are not converted, since they have been deleted from the FR-F700 series. + Pr II seting 8888 (external DC injection brake} + Pr 58 PU level display data selection + Solting 3 of Pr 60, Pr: 61 to Pr 63 foptinum accelerationideceevation) + Pr 199 User intial value + Pr 39010 Pr 396 Trace function ofthe FR-F500L series Diagnosis (System area) = 4.8 Diagnosis (System area) "Diagnosis" displays fault information and parts life information of the inverter. Use "Diagnosis" to operate the following functions * Displays the faults history and monitor value of each fault occurrence, + Irwerter reset «+ Faults history clear “+ Measuring of the main circuit capacttor ie « Display of paris fe and alarm «+ Fila output of diagnosis data 4.8.1 Explanation of window oo oa ‘Reads fouls Rsiory and par fe nformaton fom the sal (Avalable only whes ONLINE.) 1 | bata Update ed iver and updates cepa @ | mvererrecet Resels he selected invert. Conmaton whdow appears. lek a Yo proneed:Ralale oniy when ONLINE.) © | rams clear Cars the feuls History of te sect safonGonfrmation window appears. Glck =] to proceed. (Available only whan ONLINE.) ea eee : the main cet eapactor. Refer to page 12 for measuring procedure. © | Measuring Starts fe measuring of capacitor, Refer to page 12 19 proce ‘ups diagnosis data of he selected ve the agnosis data fl Displays fats ison Fm as Alba dplays ouput Fequandy, oupuE CUTE output voage, and energizton time a fault currence Fouts aoecipion ‘Displays doscrption a the satcted faut Displays pars We information read Fom ia i fold forth pars recommended for replacement = [Data ouput FT ae (i Tora. Speaiy the We nama and save Fore ve F | Fats netry iar A check marks own hie pais We alah 1H | Pattie ntrmation 124 FUNCTION Z_Diagnosis (System area) 4.8.2 Procedure of Main circuit capacitor life measuring 1) Confiemation window appears before measuring. Check the following items, and click [ETI + Motors consactod? + Motors stopped? + Enough timo has boon passed aftr the motor operation? 2) Performs parameter setting for measuring the main circuit ‘capacitor life, Click [ETI 3) Switch OFF inverter power. Click OFF the inverter after powering 4) After making sure that the POWER lamp ofthe invertor is off ‘switch ON the power supply again. Click after Powering ON the inverter. 5) Displays the measuring result ofthe main circuit capacttor life in "Measured Value". (Displays @ previous value in "Last Value if the main circuit capacitor ite value measured last time Is stored in the inverter when updating diagnostic information.) (DD REMARKS + When te main creuit capactor ie is measured under the following condions, forced eng” 25 °) or measuring ror” 239-9" occurs o remains in "measuring slat (Pr250-"1), Therefore, do rl measure in such case, (@) FH, FR.CV are connected (b)DC power supaly is connectes to tarminal P+ and Ni (6) The power suppl swiches on during measurement {@) The motor isnot connected tothe Inverter. {) The materi running (coasting) (f) The motor capacity two rank smaller as compared tothe inverter capac (o)The inverter is pped or 2 fault occured wnen powers ft. {hy The inverter auputis shut of with the MRS signal () The start commana i ivan white measuring () The parameter unt (FR-PUDAFR-PUD7) Is connected (FR-D7O0, £700 sees on) 122 (k Use terminal PC as power supply (FR-D700, E700 seres only) {0 10 terminal ofthe conto! terminal lock ard lasin opin ison (contin) (FR-D700, £700 series ony) {rmPlugin option is tod ory fr tho 0.75K or ts ofthe FRL-ETOO sors) + Turning te power on during measuring before LED ofthe operation panel tans of may romain in "measuring (P25 satus. in sucha case, peor ife measurement again, 9 Graph (Monitor area) = 4.9 Graph (Monitor area) ‘Sampling the output frequency or current, etc. ofthe inverter and displays the data in graph form (wave form). The sampling data can be saved ina fle (Export) And the saved sampling data can be read and displayed (Import) ‘Select [Graph] under [View] menu, or click on the too! bar to display “Graph a Graph ‘There are two sampling methods, + High Speed sampling (only when the FR-E700 series is connected with USB without connecting through GOT) ‘Able to sample a data with minimum sampling interval about 1 [ms]. One station can be monitored. ‘+ Monitor sampling ‘Able to sample a data from mutiple stations. Sampling intorval varies depending on communication setting (communication ‘speed and communication port) and a number of sampling items, Sampling pom ‘Sampling is avalable upto 10000 pols per eacn CH High Speed sampling: Seng avalble rom abot (](maaK Count) 20 [re] (mask cour Montor sampling: Setting avaiable from about 50 ns to $40000 ns] (ares depending on ammunition speed, communiaton por or number a sampling ems) Tigh Speed sampling: Maximum sampling incrval x 8000 Montorsamping: Maximum sampling interval x 10000 "anaiog ai ‘Sampling af {CH te ACH (4CHs) analog datas avalabl Distal aia ‘Sampling af SCH Te BCH (ACH) egal datas avaiable Samping interval Sampling time(s Note + During High Speed sampling, other application fs running or performing fie handling with personal computer, communication error (Ertor code 08002007, 080020008) or buffer overtow error may occur, and unable to diepiay data correctly n this caso ake measures such a, to close the other application, te refrain FR Configurator ope orto set larger value in Mask count of sampling interval + Test operation ( 0.) a) does not function during graph samping of two or more stations by communication ‘through GOT (FA transparent function. 123 FUNCTION Z _Sraph (Monitor area) 4.9.1 Basic flow of Sampling 41) Sampling setting Set sampling items. Changing of the sampling mode (High Speed or Monitor, sampling interval or sampling time, etc. is availabe for your purpose. When starting sampling with using a tigger, make a tigger seting 2) Start sampling Click _siot_| to start the sampling when sampling item is set already. Ifthe trigger is set, sampling starts when the trigger condition is satisfied during "Waiting for Trigger” state which comes after “Sampling Pre-rigger Data” state. 3) Sampling complete ‘Sampling stops in the folowing condition + When elapsed time from the beginning ofthe monitoring exceeds the sampling me hens: | is clicked 4) Graph display You can change a scale ofthe graph, show a numeric value af a wave at where cursors is laid, of show effective value of between any 2 points, maximum value, and minimum value. Exporting f graph data (Ref o page 88) for saving asa ile is also available. Note I an normal communication is not maintained (communication erer, ete), the sampling stops. fan faut occurs during samping, sampling continues. During 2 tasks suchas operation command or parameter reading, ote. are unavailable. pling, other communica 124 Graph (Monitor area) = 4.9.2, Explanation of window ca Nf ae | ne 9 ea cee 7% [Sat Sars oI 3 [00 Sopssor © lowe Chan ATS STA ITT ST RTT D | Trigger'Sampling Click | ‘HererSercin | to display triggerisampling setting secton. (Refer to page 128) & [eo cick 2 | tsp sanping em ating ston. rane 126 | Sarsra Tenses sector Lek as BWI ig Sain tor en ncn eo pa 129 a DAT CTiggrsonping ety sezon) | sanping sting secon feo ye 29 S[sohares Shows sing dian phar Te Toy [teats ota ping Sean dng actan ira, Cava con sect er page 3) an tary Sly sso eer pase 19 display section) D ny aay eee Click Sésie| to display Scale changing Section. Refer to page 152) J | Curvor ‘Click || to display Cursor function section, (Refer to page 133), [ist ek a] play Hier pay econ oer per 30) rs dou ii ds Fawn ap To (OHS CHR) OF Bar ova SES STON L [Seem (cgiat data) drawn betwoen the grié lines. Fg sree a aT (TT OA raph av Fedo SG 14 | raph argc Vera ca sale rd poston ant Vero! A cl ect ds (CH) can be charged opr. Waser Siow pain of Waa dale oop Tape Note Esch graph ai their own CH number. Though when ag played. Adjust wit 0 position adjust and scale changing to mah Sh data fs out from Gr Sh area, CH number may not be data visible inside of Graph area, 125 FUNCTION Z _Sraph (Monitor area) 4.9.3 Sampling item setting Click 8% | to display Sampling item setting section. Set station number and item for sampling. Analog data is set in CHt to CH4, and digital data is set in CHS to CHE. soe] J A Tiapesarcra ea one i Nae Nene Neve New Neve Neve Nove CA Nine (Eee Soe ene Re Nee Ra Rae Ot ce 7 ava 5 5 S| S| = CC a _ —~j— - For Analog cata For Digital data ’A_[Cobr | Showa the cor ofthe graph dawing elec sation number or sang. 8 | sino. | Fortigh Speed samoing ony Cit is aatabe or seing C2 to CH8 haste sare satlon number as te one set [Nae [Selo sag fem Fouraneiog dala OH to OF), aa our dial dala (GH Te Oe) ar aaa case #eurecr Aan ona wave fom. 2 [CEA [ons menses vate of aor Ana [EF vat | Shows cashier ofocve vale bobvon Guar hand Tax F [RV | Sons macmum vale andro ake been or And wh arr scpayedn Vera 126 Graph (Monitor area) = ‘+ Sampling item list Refer tothe inverter manual for detals of monitor iter, Refer to the inverter manual for digital data sampling tems. FRATO0 Monitor ‘uur roquency, cutout current, etpul vllags, Foqueney seg vale, runing spe0d, metor forque, convertor ‘output voltage, regenerative brake duly, electronic thermal relay furcton load factor, ouput cunt peak vale, converter ouput voltage peak vali, nut power, output power, load meter, motor excaton cucent, postion pulse, cumulative energization time, orientation status, actual operation imo, motorloadfactr, cumulative power, ‘que command, torque curent command, motor output feedeack pulse, SSCNET Ill communication status, ower saving afc, cumulative saving power, PID set pont. PID messured value, PD deviation FReD700 Monitor ‘Output Frequency, Ouiput Curent, Ouput Votlage, Frequency Seting, Converter Oupt Vakage, Reganeraive Brake Duty, Electronic Thermal Rela Function Load Factor, Ouput Curent Peak Valu, Converter Ouput \otiage Pesk Value, Output Power, Cumulative Energlzaton Time, Actual Operation Time, Moor Load Factr, CCumuletve Power, PID Set Point PID Measured Vals, PID Devaton, Motor heral oad factor, inverter thermal load factor, PTC Thrmstor Resistance FRETO0 Monitor ‘Ouiput Frequency, Oulpul Gren, Ouipal Volage, Frequency Seting, Molar Torque, Canvrir Gulp Vong Regenerative Brake Duly, Elecrone Thermal Relay Function Load Factor, Qupul Curent Peak Value, Converter Output Votage Peak Valu, Outpt Power, Curative Energizaton Time, Actual Operaton Time, Motor Loas Factor, Cumulative Pow, PID Set Pont, PID Measured Valo, PID Deviation, Moto thermal oad factor, Ivorter thermal ad factor High Speed ‘Output Frequency, Ouipal Curent, Oulpul Walage,Froquenay Saling, Matar Torque, Convoror Output Vaags Regoneratv Brako Duy, Elecronc Thermal Relay Funcion Lead Factor. Ouput Curent Peak Valo, Convertor Cut Votage Peak Value, Output Power, Cumulative Energizaton Tne, Actual Operation Te, Motor Leas Factor, Cumulative Power, PID SetPoint, PID Measured Value, PID Daviaon, Motor hermal lad Tato, Inverter ‘eral load factor, Output Frequoncy (nstataneous valu), U Phase Output Curent, V Phase Output Cuan, \W Phase Output Curent, Convetar Output Voliage (instananeous vals, Output Curent al twee pha without fering) Exeaton Curent, Torque Curent, Terminal 2, Terminal 4 ‘Output requency, ouput euren, ouput vokage, Fequency sling, runing peed, converer ouput voRage, regemeratvo brake a> o> o> TimeLms] ‘T500C TimeLns] 15000 ae Eee A | SinletContinvous et + Site Sampling rom stato ends performed only once + Continous: Single sampling or Coninuous sampling ‘Samping fom stato end is performed continously. When sampling ends, te data is aed loHislory, and starts the next sampling, Refer to page 134) 8 | Mode Select betveen High Speed sampling or Monitor samptng, High speed sampling is availabe only the FR-ET00 series is connected with USB (not ‘alate when connected through GOT). Since some mono tems are ferent red winen changing the ‘the sampling mode, the setng of uncommon sampling fem is ck sampling mode Interval ms) Set interval (eye) of daa sang ‘Sampling interval sed depending on a numberof sampng ems and communication sting. (for tpage 129) Mask Count Setintrval (oye) of data sampling For High Speed sampling set Mask count (avaiable om to 40) 0x the sampling ler. Reter to the flowing format fr sampling Interval Sampling intervals approximately quel to (Mask Count + 1) « 0.58 Example: when the Mask Counts 1 Sampling ntervalis spproximatly equal to (1+ 1) O.Sms = About ms © | rime it ‘Sel maximum sampling time, When elapsed tne exceeds the sampling ime, Samplng stops, Maximum sampling me can be sat 38 follows, (Refor‘o page 129) High Speed sampling: Maximum sampling interval x 8000, ontor sampling: Maximum sampling interval x 10000 Example: when the Mask Counts fr High Speed sampling Maximum sampling te = 80005 128 Graph (Monitor area) = ‘+ Setting range and setting increments of "Sampling Interval” and "Sampling Time ‘Setting range of "Sampling Interval” and “Sampling Time" are diferent between High Speed sampling and Monitor sampling. 1) For High Speed sampling (only when using USB connection) ‘Sampling interval can be set from about 1 [ms] (Mask Count: 1) to about 20 [ms] (Mask Count: 40), and sampling time can be set up to “setting sampling interval x 6000! 2) For Monitor sampling Setting range of "Sampling Interval” and "Sampling Time" varies according to communication setting. The minimum ‘sampling interval Is "number of sampling items x Lower limit of sampling interval limit of sampling interval 4600 250, ks 3000) 750 ss2m26 e200 70 5400 700 ss zi 30 Reter tothe following table for Lower * When making a communication through GOT (FA tansparent function), minimum value of the sampling interval is 200ms regardless of communication speed Refer tothe folowing table for the maximum value, the minimum value, and the setting increments of "Sampling Interval ‘and "Sampling Time” when the measuring conditions are actually set Sampling interval Tower fmt of samaling hd 40000 atonal x the ruber af ta 0 sampling ites * Samptra we] sanpingitenat* 10000 | Samping erat” 100 Sampling inte * Hf. a faut trigger i se, the fault rigger is also added fo the measuring tems, Example: When connecting with RS-232C port, Communication Speed is 192000ps. and monitoring 3 items, "Output Frequency", “Output Current’, and "Output Voltage” Lower limit of sampling interval = 100 [ms] Maximum value of sampling Interval = §40000 [ms (540 [s)) Minimum value of sampling interval = 100 = 300 [ms] ‘Setting increments of sampling interval = 100 fms} Maximum value of sampling time Minimum value of sarmping time = 300 x 100, Setting increments of sampling time = 300 (ms 1540000 x 1000 '5400000000 {ms} (100 hy) 310000 ms} (30 (s)) 129 FUNCTION Z _Sraph (Monitor area) 4.9.5 Trigger setting With making Trager setting, sampling can be started ata fault occurrence or when sampling item meets a trigger condition, Trees A—>| yee ice Ed s—>| on CT ei c—>| startat Fise x o—>|_ Level 20 E> | Pecitonix 10 Select a gger {ype or sampling sar. You can select te igger ype Fom the folowing thee A | tye + Notused + Inside (Sampling starts whan samping tom mess @ tigger ondtion) + Faut(Samplng starsat a faut occurence) electing Neos eiferent according tothe Wager ype + For inside tiger: 3 | cust. Select atgger tam (CH to CHE). + For Fault tigger: Seloc a station number for checking a fault Staton number fom which sampling tom is already st can be selected, Selecta tigger meeting condion Wom Rose or Fal, (Only "Rae" can be wolacled for Fa tigger) | sonar For analog data: Sars when a value exconds mor than asain of Tigger Level For digital data: Starts when a signal tums ON rom OFF Fall For analog dts: Starts when a value falls lower than a eating of Tigger Level For agit dat: Stars when a signal tums OFF fom ON 3 we Set tvel of tigger meeting conditon for anaiog Sgnal (Setting is avaiable onty when inside tigger i et, and analog daa is selected) Sela preenlage Toran amount of dala befoe tigger meots the condiian. The aTount based on b specified percentage of total sampiing data is assigned for ho data before E | Peston 4) tigger mons the condion, ‘Valo 10% increments and can bese from 10% to 90% (> REMARKS 130 For starting with analog data Ihe tigger conden has akuady met when S| \¢cleked, sampling will not slat, Sampling tarts only when value ‘exceeds mors than the eeting of "Lave" whan “Rise” e selected, or when the value falls lower than the setting of"Leve” when "alli elected Example: when bgger starsat Rise, and i sot for Level trina value a ay 4 at sampling str, then hs case does not meet tigger conten. Ihe value lower than 3 exceeds more than 3, then the ase meets tigger condlon, and stars sampling When montor display is changed to th machine spoed witha value othr than Os satin P37 Speed daplay When settng “Output Frequency" or "Frequency Seting’ for Inside tigger, set machine speed for tngger level directly into "Love al For example, #1800 is stn Pr 37 Speed dpay, sampling "Output Frequency’, and want to meet tigger condition at 900, then you canst 300 direc into "Love fel Graph (Monitor area) + About trigger waiting state Standby } ® Pre-nigge Trigger wating ® © Sampling} ® Finish x = J Click set to become “Sampling Data" state Presi After the retnaval of the preroger data by the rata set Poston seting, the sate becomes 19“ Waiing for tigger. ‘Sampling starts when the tigger conition Click _s |, orwhen the sampling data Sxcnedsformare tan the somping time, then ‘sampling is fished. Set sampling item and tigger setting, [Sampling forthe daa batore Wager meois the candion [Ourng pre-igger state, samping doos not star even wnen the srgger conettion is met) [state when dala betore the sampling statis obtained. and waiting for the tigger condition o be met [Sampling starts whon th tigger condo is met. Stil keaping sampling the prosrggor data, unt tigger condtion is met [Sampins so drawing graph at tho same timo. Sampling stops, 131 FUNCTION Z _Sraph (Monitor area) 4.9.6 Scale changing Scale changing ofthe displayed graph is available. Graph area is civided into vertical 10 grids and horizontal 10 grids. Scale of vertical exis and horizontal ax can be changes by setting a value of each one grid Selected graph can be moved upper or lower with changing 0 position adjust Salo value shown on vertical ax's changes along wit the vertical scala setting, ‘ Se . ps Be ss ra “ reel t 3 F ‘A Verical Scale Shows vercal axe ecal of each CH, Scale ofeach analog data can be et eeparaiah B_| Ay © poston adit (ick a/v to move te 0 poston of th selected staph upper or ower | Vertica ais ‘oral scalp of tio selected GH can be changed. To change the sale, ata raph valve propottonal fr each gr. (Each CH can be changed separately) Unavallable o change wen digital data selectos O_| Yas Scale Optmization lek button to aqua the wave form ofeach analog data cfgraoh to nthe window: E | Seat display switching ‘Swichs te daplay ofthe vrtcal axl between te selected GH only or he vrtcal ax of ‘al analog daa (oral digital data. (When showing alveica axis, sale changing and 0 poston ast ar unavaiable.) | Horizontal Seat changing Horizontal scale of gaph canbe changod. To change te seals, sta raph vaio propottonal foreach gi, Setting is avaiable tween “sampling interval * 10" to "sampling timer” G [Rerzonal io era Seco tha gragh fo HGP ana 132 Graph (Monitor area) = 4. 1.7 Cursor Function ‘Shows a numeric value of a wave at where cursors is lad, or shows effective value of between any 2 points, maximum value, ‘and minimum vale. Cursoré a [oer ‘Shows measured value of cursor A and @ ofthe graph. [et va ‘Swe called oecve value Dotwoun oueor A and © Mae va ‘Shows maximum value and minimum value betwoen cursor and B whe curso (in val splayed in Verical As. | cursor Distay ‘Swichos the cursor dplayng or iin wih check box Selecting Vericl Ans oF Horzontal Axis awihes the cursor apa. & | cursortme ‘Shows tine of eursor A and craorB, and ive banween Greor A and B whan cursors splayed in Verical As. F | cursor tine ‘Shows poston of eutsorA and B, Nove a mouse near afound ihe Cursor ie and cHOCTS ‘move the cursor ine tothe mouse postion. Cursor Lie canbe also moved wth draging Dragging the cursor with Shit key pressed can move the bth cursor A and 8 ‘The postion of cursor A and & dss no! switch Cursor are 8) “Rnumeri value ofa wave at where cursors flaidla dplayed in Sampng Kemi fa (Curso A 8) 133 FUNCTION Z _Sraph (Monitor area) 4.9.8 History display “The past § sampling data (including the current data) can be saved in History, and available to display again. When sampling tends, the graph data and comment Is added to History. If there are already 5 data when adding fo History, the oldest data is erased. ‘When there are several dala in the history two graphs can be drawn at the same time. When overweling graphs, the graph currently dsplayed is shown in each CH color and the one for overwriting is shown in gray. Click History tab to display History section ‘A [History sspiay ‘Shows now olathe dspayng graph som the newest graph | Graph asplayed now ‘Chek he number fo dplay te responding graph ofthat numba E_[ Graph overwring ‘Checked graphs are cieplayed in ayer > Iconment "A Tal for comments: Sampling dafe and ime s aulomaicaly nputted wren tre sariling is freed and saved to History REMARKS For Continuous samping, he data ls added o History sequently and starts the next sampling, ‘When oveewting graphs, cursor functions val only forthe curently splayed graph 134 Graph (Monitor area) = 4.9.9 Example of Graph sampling (monitoring Output Frequency, terminal RUN, terminal FU) ‘+ When sampling without trigger (1), Select "00" at S.No. field Select “Output Frequency" at Name field in CHI, cy agg - "RUN" in CHS, and "FU" in CHE, t Sele outst (2) Select ‘Not used at Type field for trigger setting ‘Set sampling interval and. sampling time. . Lo (@) Click _ sist | to start sampling (@) Click _ ste _| , or the sampling time has passed, and the sampling is finished, (8) Graph is adjustable fr a better viewing, Ae x tte sloctes grnpn Vata vue ofeach one arizona gr Upper ortwer one voreal ane (6) Graph data can be exported (Refer to page 88) for saving data as a file, 135 > | FUNCTION Z _Sraph (Monitor area) + When sampling with Inside trigger, starting at the Rise of terminal RUN, with 10% of sampling data before the trigger meets the condition (1), Select "00" at St No fit. =, ‘Select "Output Frequency” at Name field in CH1, ‘sot 00" > & ote ‘Select ‘Output Run’ Select "CHS" at CH fle, eT set Samplng ere! sen Sot sampling intorval and sampling time, (3) Click _sist_| to show "Sampling Pre-trgger i Data", and retrieves the data before the trgger 2 ‘meets condition (10% of whole sampling ie). Aller the retrieval of the data before the trager ‘meets condlion, then the screen shows “Waiting for Trigger" and becomes the vigger waiting state (4) When tigger meets the condition (Rise of terminal RUN), sampling starts automaticaly. (6) Click _ss»_| , orthe sampling time has passed, and the sampling is finshed (6). Grapnis adjustable fora beter viewing = 4 x Move th 0 posit eta value o ac oft selected gash \ Seta valu ofeach onohoiznal gr Upper orower ‘oe vrata (7). Graph data can be exported (Refir to page 8) or saving data as a fle REMARKS inthis exam, Postion i's ett 10%". Tho Rise of trmnal RUN during the 10% ofthe whole sampling te aftr ecking ‘t_| (during Pre-Tigge stata) Is gnored, and sampling nt started 136 Graph (Monitor area) = + When sampling with Fault trigger, starting at a fault occurrence, with 90% of sampling data before the fault occurrence io} @ @ @ © ” Select "00" at St. No. ld Select “Output Frequency" at Name field in CH1, "RUN" in CHS, and "FU" in CHE. Make rigger setting as follows: Select "Fault at Type fed ‘Select “00" at St No. fel. Input "90" at Position (%] fl Set sampling interval and sampling time Click sae | to show "Sampling Prestigger Dale", and retrieves the data before the trigger ‘meets condition. Alter the retieval of the data before the tigger ‘meets condition, then the screen shows “Waiting for Trager" and becomes the trigger waiting state. When inverter fault occurs, sampling starts ‘automaticaly Click _sto_| or the sampling time has passed, and then the sampling is finished, Graph is adjustable for a better viewing, Weave ork Sampling Pre yon Graph data can be exported (Refer o page 88) for saving data as a fle, (> REMARKS nts exam, “Poston [is (during Pro-Thgger stat) i ignored, and sampling isnot sored, Set Sangin ev = Set Sanping Tre > Em x "80%". Tho faut occurence during the 90% of the sampiing time ater clicking _ Sot 137 FUNCTION Z_Batch Monitor (Monitor area) 4.10 Batch Monitor (Monitor area) “Batch Monitor" is fr monitoring various data of a selected station, Select [Batch Monitor in [View] menu to cisplay “Batch Monitor” ‘A [ Sar ‘Stars ma 8 | Sep Slope monitoring [Geer ‘Clears Paak Vala and Curent Value | Sain nab Displays the station number beging moniored E | Monitor sito ‘Shows a slate of monfor. Wan eror occurs, the oolr Sangeeta redo play an aor ‘Sop. During monitoring, the fellowng indcaton appears to ndcats mortring nnd F | Types Wont Daplays nla tom | Peak Value Displays the maximum value detecated Wh each montor lam HL [ Curent vaio ‘iplays the caren manferng valve boing measured in each moniter fom 138 Batch Monitor (Monitor area) = Monitor item list Refer tothe inverter manual for detals of monitor iter, ‘Ouipat Frequency, Output Curent, Output Vaags, Frequency Seting Value, Running Speed, Mor Torque, Conver (Ouput Vaage, Regenerative rake Duty, Elacronic Thermal Relay Function Load Facor, Quput Curent Peak Value, (Convartor Quput Vatlage Peak Vaus, Input Powsr, Output Power, Load Meter, Mator Excitation Curent, Positon Puls, (Cumulative Enerezation Tims, Orentaton Status, Acual Operation Time, Motor Load Factor, Cumulative Power, Toraue ‘Command, Torque Current Command, Motor Output, Feedback Pulse, SSCNET I Communication Status, Power Saving toc, Cumulative Saving Power, PID Sat Pont, PIO Measured Vato, PID Daviaon FRATO0 ‘Ouiput Frequency, Output Gurent, Output Volage, Frequency Setting, Converter Output Valage, Ragorarave Brake Duly Electronic Thermal Relay Function Load Factor, Output Curent Peak Value, Converter Out Voltage Peak Value, Output Power, CunutaiveEnergizaton Tine, Actual Operon Tine, Motor Load Factor, Cumulatve Power, PID Set Pot, PID Measured Value, PID Deviation, Motor tora oad factor, veto hsnal oad factor, PTC Thermistr Resstanco ‘Out Frequency, Output Gurent, Output Volage, Frequoney Setting, Matr Torque, Convertor OuputVaage Rogemeratve Brake Duty, Electronic Thermal Relay Functon Load Factor, Output Curent Peak Valu, Converter Out Votiage Peak Value, Output Powe, Cumulative Enerizaton Tine, Actual Operon Tne, Metor Load Factor, Cumulative Power, PID Sat Pont, PID Measured Vale, PID Deviation, Motor Thermal Lad Factor, verter Thermal Load Factor FRETO0 ‘Guipat Froquency, Output Gurort, Ouipt Vaago, Frequency Sottng, Running Speed, Converir Ouipl Vaan, Rogemeratve Brake Duty, Electronic Thermal Relay Functon Lead Factor Output Curent Peak Value, Converse Output FRIF700 | Vchage Peak Value, put Power, Output Power, Cumulative Energizaton Te, Acual Operation Time, Motor Load Factor, Cumulative Power, Power Saving fet, Cumulative Saving power, PID Sat Value, PID Measured Vale, PID Deviation jote + 1 2 communication error occurs, a batch monitor stops. To perform batch monitor aga communication oror fis, sot the systom OFFLINE once, and then ONLINE, ‘When an invertor fault has occurred during Batch Monitor, the monitored value of Output Frequency, Output Current, Output Voltage at faut occurrence ae held solve a cause of the 139 FUNCTION Z_HO Terminal Monitor (Monitor area) 4.11 1/0 Terminal Monitor (Monitor area) ‘You can check terminal assignment status of IO terminal ofthe inverter, and plugin option (FR-ATAR, FR-ATAX, FR-ATAY), and ONIOFF state of each terminal. The monitor tums green when terminal is ON and tums black when terminal is OFF. You can also start Wizard (Refer o page 42) for function assignment of each UO terminal from "VO Terminal Monitor. Select [YO Terminal Monitor) in [View] menu to aisplay “VO Terminal Monitor” $Lydd 4 mee sere xe basearame ———— ea —— [ee a re a Foner |e _—— | a E=——— Err er ‘A _[ Sa ‘Saris mentoring oO terminal B | Sep ‘Spe monitoring of VO torninal. UO trina date Is eld athe moni op [Gear ‘hears signa slau (ONOFF sat) of VO termina ‘Siars 10 torminal assignment wizard (forte page 1) 10 Tamia can be assigned whan ONLINE 2 [Assan and during nat monitoring, =| Sater number Displays the station number ofthe aniong Hwee F | Monitor status ‘Shows a tate of mono, Tan OOF accu, the calor changes red fo ical an oor Top. DUFAG morlring, the following insicaton appears o incite monitoring, oma 1-01 [vero pal tomina’ si i [ Diplaye pul Torna sale ara uncon astgnmont Slat of he vorer Inverter ouput terminal Displays outbu errinal stata and functon assignment status of te verter FragatvoTogic sel "negative logis splayed ater function rare. 1] option input teminal sate Displays input irminal ite of he plugin opin (FR-ATAN), uncon assignen Salus, ard rurerical data of the terminal. Displays numerical dat ofthe termialin hexadecimal and dcimalin sorehasi, 4 | option ouput ermal sate Displays output erin Sal and funclon assignment situs of ie pigwn pion FRCATAR, FR [ATAY, FRCATNG). I negative logics sat, "(Negative Logi" is splayed ater uncon name. 140 YO Terminal Assignment 4.12 VO Terminal Assignment Use "VO Terminal Assignment” to assign signal to UO terminals of the Inverter or plug-in option. (Click _ te | of VO Terminal Monitor” to display “UO Terminal Assignment* window. ‘Select terminal location to change the screen, ‘Solacta signal for each terminal, then click are displayed inthe Parameter List, Necessary settings according to each terminal and the selected signal Click _fih_|to reflect the changed setting into the Parameter List, then retums to the Main fame. To write the parameter setting tothe inverter, write from the Parameter List in the Main frame, (Referto page 97) (OFRETDO Prt oF Terminal Selection ‘Solos a eaten of terminal o be assigned. Soloctinput terminal, ouput terminal or plug-in option. ‘Signal slecion field Seles signal io be assingod Negative Logie ‘Check when selecting nogatvo logic for essgning signal the auput termina 0 ‘Shows Help window fer o page 7 Cancel ‘Closes the window wih the seing made val New Displays Parameter List ‘Closes 10 terminal assignment at he Pi (Parameter wring tthe Iver is nat performed.) salar t window wih he eating made val Configured setting by VOterminal assignment is flected into Parameter List 144 FUNCTION Machine Analyzer (Monitor area) (FR-A700 with Vector Control) 4.13 Machine Analyzer (Monitor area) (FR-A700 with Vector Control) Machine analyzer reads and analyzes the torque and speed data when the inverter oscillates the motor at random torque for about 0.5 to 48, This allows measuring of the response frequency characteristic of speed relative to the molar torque of the machine so that ‘you can grasp the frequency at which the mechanical system has the resonance point. ‘The analyzed data can be saved ina fe (Export) And the saved data can be read (Import) and displayed. (Refir to page 88) Select [Machine Analyzer] under [View] menu to display “Machine Analyzer" scroen, Note + The Machine Analyzer function is available for only the system that can perform vector contre! with encoder (FRLATAP required). + Machine Anaiyzer will not work inthe following cases. + Inverter running + When the second motor selected (P4506 not "9999") + When the control mode Is other than the vector control mods (Px: 800s not "Oto $") + Modbus-RTU communication is selected (Ps 549 + 11a motor shaft is locked when performing Machine Analyzer, corect data may not be obtained, forced to end Machine ‘Anelyzar. Check the load applied to the motor beforehand. Before starting Machine Analyzer operation, set the oscillation conditions and oscilation mode. Machine Analyzer screen Frequency characte maasurng remus are displayed inte Bode Gagram (gan, | Wavetorm data rene 3 [Sar Stars the Machine Anaiaar (¢__| Simi Conaiton Sets the oxilaion constione Tor Machine Analveer. | Smintede Sets the onion made for Wachine Analyzer. Resonance Por Ani Resonance [Used dreclyanfr and spocty the resonance paiand opposta resonance pow when © | eon thay cannet be detected automaticaly F_[ Yan Seale Optmiation ‘Used to change the scale automaticaly ha the waveforms Conaned withthe Sees 142 Machine Analyzer (Monitor area) (FR-A700 with Vector Control) = Procedure of Machine Analyzer operation (1). Set Siml condition, + "Wof ated Torque ...Set the maximum oscilation torque fr oscillating the metor under a random torque command. (Sting range: te 100%) sautteve erage toh + "rok ‘Sette rotaton range permed fr osellation, beginning a tha matr postion ‘when Machine Analyzers lari. this range is exceedea, Machine analyzers ‘stopped immeditaly, and the motors coasted inthe vertical shaft made orig shs ‘coasted after deceleration In he normal mods. (Seng range: to +1000) (elgg REMARKS + 1-2 maasusing osu varies, accurate measuring may nothave been made, + Accurate measuring may not be made ina mecharical system whose oscilaton torques oo smal or whose con I ages such a caso neraso to osilaton torque and restart Machine Analyzr + Fre osctation torque i oo large relative tothe lad inertia moment, an overcurentor similar alarm may occu, A that tne, reduce the oscillation frgue and raslar Machina Analyzer. + Stating oscilaton automatically awiches tothe torque contol mode and shits the positon. Before startng operation ater oscilaton, tortor, always mako @home postin tum. (2). Select the Stmi mode = "Normal mode “The inverter operates inthe torque contol made and oscilates the motor aeanael randomly td nid + "Verte Ads Mode ...A servo lck place in the speed contro made, preventing a fll. Gan seting must have Boon made o enue that stable servo lack operation wil be performed. REMARKS In “Vertical Acs Mod + Te accuracy of 100Hz or les on the lw frequency sida may become poot + The measuring accuracy becomes poor ifthe positon lop gain P42) 8 set too high, ae jote # Joren tne machine vera shat, nays perform his tinction nthe “Verieal Axis Made” since a fall may oc 143 FUNCTION Machine Analyzer (Monitor area) (FR-A700 with Vector Control) @ Press button to display a message to confirm thatthe operation is ata stop. Check thatthe operation status is at fa stop, and click (OK. (> REMARKS Sim candion® “Te fllowing sereen appear iether or bot "Wo at Torque" and “Soke ‘outs of te setting anges. (ck [OK] butlon to return to Machine Analyzer sting sreon. ‘A following screen appears when the “Vertical Axis Mode" is selected = Click [Cancel] button to return to the Machine Analyzer setting screen. Click [OK] button to display the Machine Analyzer Operation stat screen. Note When Machine Analyzer i executed in the vertical shah mode, a servo lok Is fst placed, and “Operation ceady 2" sgnal is ‘output, ad then the motor stare in Oe, + whan an slectromagnetc brake Is used, assign the ‘Operation ready 2 signal o any ofthe output tominals and mod tho toate open the electromagnetic brake using hs seal. Its pt dane, a machine drop or an overcurrent osm alarm ray occur. (For details of: 140 Pr: 196 "outpk teminal function salen”, refer othe heii Manual of th inverter) (4). Click [OK button in the Machine Analyzer Operation screen to start the operation. ‘Start he Machine Analyzer? REMARKS [ST0>] key | Sa ttn setae ct save i eam te, a nt te prt ‘following screen appears if the motor rotation stroke exceeds the permissible range or the motor speed exceeds 3000rimin during oscillation Click [OK] button to return to the Machine Analyzer seting screen. + Ifthe motor rotation stroke exceeds the permissible range + Ifthe motor speed exceeds 3000rimin (6) On completion of Machine Analyzer, the frequency characteristics are displayed on the Machine Analyzer screen. 145 FUNCTION Machine Analyzer (Monitor area) (FR-A700 with Vector Control) (7) The frequency characteristics measured by Machine analyzor are displayed in Bode diagram, For the waveform data, you can change the vertical axs scale andor move the resonance point and opposite resonance point cursors, Ck te [|] 10 splay the arop-down Ist. The nit af the verbal aus seal can be 1A |Seting cle vertical axis scale | Sted fom the it Ce ans scale optinzaton’ button to automatically change the sea to pt he TWoving tho poston of zero nthe 3 [Move mer (ek the TE HF 1butlon to move the positon of zoo, TT resonance pon (ed Guo] and oppoate reznance porn (yoow aire] ar nary Resonance Point, Ant-Resorance | doleces automaticaly. In casero being delected automatically depending onthe Poin cursors charactorci, move the cursor tothe normal positon by ect writing the rosonance point and opposite resonance pont quency. 146 Help © 4.14 Help 4.141 Help Checking a sofware manual and inverter manual is avalabe with using Helo function There are following ways of displaying Help, (1), Select [Hep] in [Help] mena to sepa 2) Click Fon the tool barto display. 4b (8) Press Ft koy onthe keyboard to display (8). Glick ‘on the current window to display (6) Press F1 key when selecting a parameter on the parameter is to display Help. Description ofthe selected parameter appears. a notion pn att |. na |. |e as We HGng he anton * |e panslandtbs, re baton changes to $8) clex $8 so daly ne don ae! soa at 3 [x ete he aio To ae = : | rons Chek orn omar ep erin agar terra and eedto te rxovas oosrpon ore ret heen = [wis baton Glam he na wo [tse nt Gita doe Feb wow [orton Gk wor haa contr Dap Coons ravaoln poe [Sea CEE Wron Un ew exon, DF Sar nav [inn Dips Coron rad Sar Teor Siow he Set 147 FUNCTION Help + HTML format and link Help description is displayed in the contents panel. Help description is displayed in HTML format. Hyperlink is availabe to jump tothe related help description, Hyperink in a text is shown in blue and undertine, + Contents, Click gam to display alist of content. Click a desired item inthe lst to show the help description. Chee espay Contes ees in| rh seach ia Brewsine + Index Click | | to display a index of registered words. “Type characters to narrow dow the registered words, Double-click the desired word inthe lst to show the help description of that word, (ek pay index co tn | Type charactersto arom _Tsahtslanadut doen the registered worse pe Double show the TT Glick sss) to display search panel. Type character sting and otek + Search to perform fulltext search with the ‘character sting. Double-click the desired topic inthe search result show the help description of that topic. lk pay Search (ta | Type character sting for__y Sar searching ee ‘lek to sareh ho input [nse |-<— chaser ting balpaeserpton ofthe PH vesnasnene 148 Help © 4.14.2 Version Information Select [About FR Configurator SWS..Jin Help] menu to cisplay copyright, product name, type name, version information and license of FR Configurator. Product name TW FROmncuratr ——_verson: $00 ‘Shows product name ‘Copyright formation ‘Shows copyright information ‘Copyright description ‘Shows copyright desertion. 149 FUNCTION MEMO 150 TROUBLE INDICATION This chapter explains the “Trouble indication" of this product. Always read the instructions before using the software. 51 Error Code. 152 5.2 Error Display on a Dialog..... nee 15D 151 Error Code 5.1_Error Code | communication eror Is detected, the folowing communication error code and error message appears in communication ‘error dialog (Refer to page 32). 5.1.1 Communication error with inverter 7 Chek or comes core 1. Conmuneton gt ator < an anager | Felstoosen US whl comectg wth USB {Germ a mer eer ee PC. OF not recognized. “onthe Pe. ne aoaroe oveonnoror | At aneeete oe Plat cot aro reprai Sna0n0'0A 1ST oon RTF 1. Setng 124 PU mm CR | ttn Pt RSA cmon [vn Pr Sat Cr cn as tng ot Err om campurin a conmanttn CRLF ton te soar anornce |rowaremerethante ry | rewire ing 2. Sa geval P12 Santoro PU 2. Ecronagrtenerrnce Communi Pe SRS 2. calesetage enn yom 2. epic ata 1 Sa 07 ona 1. sating sr 20 rcmmannin | oh 9 14 4 ommon nese cect | manta tons | oe sows. ° » estan ne ron wih sears 2, Soto Pr 121 Sumter of PO spectiog paviy. 2. Electromagnetic interference communication retres, Pr. 335 RS-#85 3. cmesrenage commen iy coat 2. Ropacuent eae Cone doosrtatch | twtwen evra he twae, |* Mate asa conmuneaton ting " that of the data received by | 2. Data corrupted due to electromagnotic wok for elecromagnelicnlererence, wg betwen Ineo, 1 Sa TT oon OTF trverter ein he wrong ‘communication CRLF selection 1 the sofware. (180910005 | protoool or data receive different with software setting. 2, Sot largor value in Pr: 121 Number of PU netconpceawinaine |, Encronagnae rence, common, Pr SSRs 3 3. Cable breakage: communication retry count, 2. Ropeuent eae Sot TF FU comin TOP 1. Sotng ot 1197 ommann tp | lh Pr RSAS cannon Dil 3 RS como | eg sane a a tig tm Tresep stiengtaton | sermon sotwere | stare 80010004 | from the ital setting setting. 2, Sot larger value in Pr: 12/ Number of PU 2. caiesetane cnt yc 2. epic eate 152 Error Code © Due to wiring enor, next Setting of Pr 123 PU communication wating tine serng, P33? RSA8S communication wating tine stings too Sel ager valoe oF 9899 in P1257 comomaicavon wating ine seting. P87 5-485 communication wating time Insta inte inverter Orapoanes feta invcesbetr sta | 2, Soliris: 121 ber of PU 2. Eevomapetc ofance Communion i, Pe SASS 2: abi reste cen yt 2. Rapeonat ease St FT PU sao ‘eh Pr Ss oemantion | — feng ae a sing ‘Te chr sted i cnsorooor [MES eceteds | triage ater nna | sofware tr (ern ‘ete 2. Satpal 121 er of PU 2 cae eatage ‘camel yee rage pron neo FOP cpertn mde ir NEN) Parana atgcr touareg van | TECH stig ae 738 performed in the operation mede such as | "Ti Nt” Wt ieee 10x80010008 | A mode error occurred. {extemal operation (EXT) oc. which has no en aren eatn ennand Parameter setting and speed command ae oe ‘i en seu wit be FR Confurator (Operation command source changes tczarng ora conmanaten comecton tr pate 0.20) venng | Aaneeects oor ove oxsoornoc | Meera Pot cat yours repose onano01 cutarngetoourmetr_| Wa parnetr ate 1. GER PUT on a Ts Op Change thst tr 7 fr PUL 1. P72 opeton male tatonisnaat | NET 08 focPUNET (R88) 2. Change operon nad the PU 2. Panter antrg orm stig | operation mode or NET) : ; ‘war parerosin bw opatn mse | Choke ing vn fr 39 fxG00"0012 | A mode ror occured ‘such as extemal operation (EXT) etc. Commanication speed command source, Pr wiscrhannaparmetr sting ard | 331 PU mateo command sae Toeadcanmandanrce winner | cn (Send onan uc Contr Cranes scoring orate anemia comet, ifr ore eanee RTE ET ia ning wos stares ing | Porm anor wing terval sor om Ire porte, serps soo [eau wtng wt | Sn cin exept“ Oranoonr« | sano perro rt dato) 2. rer prow 297 oak 2. Pann eis acted hepato 7. Vora rd WNIT TOD | nem orgs mwa sotware srt canroromirisan | chou 2. Changn stg of Pr 0 a 60070018 | conexistent parameter. 2, Simple mode is set by Pr. 160 Us simple mode setng. " oleae setby 10 er wror | Erna paneer 97 oul 3, Password lock is activated. the password lock. Saran SSIRTGRRAT a —| Rand open pranetrvoS TRATED] os gs waovne nw ile the opton is nt instale 153 TROUBLE INDICATION Error Code There no iloronee 6380010018 | betweon the analog soting of gan and bas. ‘There is ony sat di analog sotng of gain ana bias. sting of gain and bias. nce between the | Setlargr seting between the analog TFRCESUO Te connecod to Tho waion where FRCETOO wal Tor system soling, Song Unsupported modelis | to ONLINE wil display a communication error eal. In this caso, click OK, and proceed connacte, comering Irth case not the one above, please contact your sales ropresentativo. oxao01009A ‘Oparaion made awicing 20010021 | curing inverter operation ig | CRANBE De aperaion made aflertne | Sat cut ive iver sop Soptreimerer ‘Wren om ao sera(sTr}son,—_|Swtenngto Exams nace na tempts | crane operston nase ter svteing 20010022 | yitcning to External mode | when forward rotation signal (STF) is on. | offof STF. ssrar(STR)son, | SwtehigoExarat ase nas tempts | change te operon se ater sing oven swtcngoxematmode |wonrevon ren oan (STR) on. | of STR ‘unavate Sec of AION | LOROT SHTE sOOURTO HE yuh Tropoutonwate cvaoorooas | nose snare wit» Jot an the ane setn Pr Oprazn | Change sting oP 7 Oration med currant operation mods. | mode selection. seein Rants vie wi] Rots CEVA: TS RST” | OSS Te BRST RT TCTAT 20010025 | euront setting disconnected PU detection/PU stop selection, | disconnected PU detection/PU stop selection. ‘An unexpected emer tact your sales representative. oanorooas | Munegerd Pras ora your als representa 1 Sa gain oR TEA " liwverter during the time set 109 small 2. Set larger value for Time Out setting of 9. Cate eskogtamoged 2. Can comectontapcanen 4 Po perisselimalpo treatage |. Acta pot yung Deve Manageriport placement Set 1 PU communication CREF tnousent nanan | ne tas Cita * 2. Electromagnetic interference ‘communication retres, Pr 335 RS-A8S 3. Replacement af cable ‘An unexpected oro 720020001 secured to SI. Ploase contac your sas ropresenative You can not wre a vaiuo | Tied to wit value ou of sotingvango o" | Sota valve win he soting range, and ‘utot ange to parametar,_| the parameter, wt, ‘30070003 [An unexpected ero oxaon2000 | occurred to Sm, Please contact your sales rpresenativ. a owns Per ONLINE. 154 Error Code © 10360030002 10460030003 1460030008 1480030005 1480020008 | An unexpected ear 480020007 | eccured to SA. 480020008 Please contac your sales reprosontatve 0020008 480020008 xg0020008 Duplicated sain number xao02000¢ | were fund wih USB ‘exsooaaoan | An Unexpected err Please contact your sales representative. cxsoosoone | Drivers not installs or broken Reinsataion ofthe sofware 10480030007 | An unexpected oror Please contact your sales reprasertatv. x60030010 | occured to SW, 155 TROUBLE INDICATION Error Code 5.1.2 Communication error when connected through GOT 1 “an anexpocted er neck forthe GOT 0720710001 | occured to SW. onesernecorire DaTTTOON An unexpected ere 0180110003 _ | oceured to SW. Please contac your sales representative, 7, Set communication prota othe 4. Communication protecel ofthe ivarr | {Waiter and GOT same, and GOT are not the same 2, Selng oP: 122 PU communication check 2, Seta value other than commncton check tie ier Pr 396 Fale to make a 5-455 communicton check tm interval hon wth the fe interval Br 396 RS-A85 Pr 548. USB communication check time " veer ung = Be et muna ch om ea is | wih Time Out acne 3. Set lager value for Time Out soting o the software 4. Cable conmectonteptacement CChack for communication cable and ower supply of devices Eloctomagneticnterteranco 4. Cable areokageldamaged Faledio make F or was stared and a Faled emake ng [FR Conteuatorwas stared and oxaor10005 communication was made when GX ‘After closing GX drawing sofware, ty inveter during the kn se ee communiation agai, . ‘communication withthe | GX drawing software was startad when FR. | Afr closing GX drawing sotware, ty 80110008 | verter during the time set Configurator was starting communication again, with Time Out a “An unexpected ors -ymunaon na way or Sel Tower baud ale and make 8 2720710007 | occured 0 SM. ss fine aval communica, coananos | Anemone oo Baa ae nop ed | Cae He Bea ae POT Fae to make a TL Sel argo value for Tne Out sling cnaorteooe eommureaion wenthe |. Elecromagneticintatrenes he sofware 120110009 | invrtr during the ime set |2. Cable breakageldamage 2. Cable conectonioplacement wth Time Out Check ha ine is connected Seta larger vale for Tne Out eating of Feed to make a ther process ongoing in GOT and nis | te stare voroon | eonmuneaon withthe | BUSY. Montr onty he station which the GOT Is 270110008 verter during the te set | (etry e perormed in the EZSockt) connected wih Time Out {A slation not connected fe being monitored. | Check thatthe GOT is operating normally and ty again rm ‘An anoxpected oro Protocltype ror neck fo protocol ype cxaorto008 | Anmewpec tocol ‘Chock for protocol yr oxaortooac | M unexpected ero Host name eror neck or connected GOT hostname ‘occurred to SI “an unexpected emo 2780110000 ocurred to SN. ‘Sockat port number error (Check forthe port umber. 156 Error Code © 904004 oxott002 014008 cxgost008 Ox60177095 | ated to make prsorTTIO [communication wih the | Electromagnetic interference ete. are ‘| Seta larger value for Te Out sting of xorg Sroitey_|ioeerseratn meet | penemcwrn cating CT tna, | ste ay apn oxortri0g oxgostsi07 opr FF oxanriaanr | MeraSamIRINSTEN PT | Sati open ore Check rt conmnaton por str. Fev areroacod ot “moo auod owe Town cxoortz002 | Mereneceds Sealine closed oo 090 oxartzoas | Areneected Soratine sting oro Tyan 1 ‘An erenpeciod ono? serail line baud rate error Try again, oxortzooa | Anenerectd Seal ‘v Fale make Dasara bts aang a FE conmunicaton win be | Contato ding cormuniaton 60112005 inverter during the time set | RS-252C cable between the GOT and PC | Commect the cable oxortzzoy | Anunerected EZSoa sta aware aoa Fated rake hore starr ho FR Contato conmincatonwinthe |. Aeabe between he COT and Cis | 1, Connective cable 60112202 verter during the time set disconnected. 2, Power ON the GOT. wn Tre Ot 2 The GOT powor is OFF Fado make cxaorten0s [otmuncston wtstne | uctomagrateataance, tao | St alnger vata or Tne Ou etn of invererdrng tn tine st |aecng betwen ne PC and COT. | se sofware andy agen si Tre Tv unepeced oar USB Ts os GOT Gv wr 060112204 | ccurred to SIW. communication ending) Tey again , so unexpected err + (sending fanctionisinatis)| Ty again cxortzzas | Anenerectd USB ne oor orig ay [re 1 Ro anexpecied err uneton is inva) | Try again, coxortzzon | AneTeoceds USB ie eror (ceiving nection val) [Ty 95 caonazer | Mutexouces over] USBin ovr ani daconodion 1 sosyacarg wn a GOT Wy pam cured SM registration fr) ied to make {alte 1. hen a abe between the GOT ans PC . communication wth the 4. Choco eable connection 0112708 Jerr sng tee st | "ae decorated drag 2. Power ON he GOT wa Time Out 2. When the GOT power tuned OFF ing comminieton Ten | aRRRRARTRTT |. cor es nun cate vemoge | ORT COT SoReTOTS oxe011240 ‘occurred to S/W. The Gor a network. Zarepacod ator | Soll ne op wa aca gvaalon | Chek specid pa mbes cae 060112402 | ccurred to SMW. failed) _and specified IP address is for GOT. arzans [A unexpecledoror Please contact your salos representative coxortzana | AneTeored eae cont your sales repent a a Cie OS GOT SRT De Gearawae unexpected oo | occa gecouemon | Shc ate GOT na ‘occurred to SW. “ " communication in other connection method. 157 TROUBLE INDICATION Error Code 5.1.3. Other error (Task busy) seers | Sep geen ato eee |e ey asa tin 158 Error Display on a Dialog 5.2 _Error Display on a Dialog When using or closing FR Configurator, or at fault occurrence, a message dislog appears for providing information or for warming ‘There are four types of message dialog Q Waning Aspoarsf an atoms operation may have an afoct onthe human boy, o¢ may cause an inverter fare caution spears wien a confirmation i required belo the operation. D oration -Aspoars to provi inlermation about the operation THREE ‘There are following message for warnings and caution. il does ot ens, or We counted ‘AppSSTS whan the le The es loka, nook th la fr saving, The following requred ea forthe sotware are waaing, Please ‘Appears when wring to locked fle ‘Appears when required les fr starting up the sofware are ecorm seu again . ¥ sing Tho folowing required tos fortis sofware are broken, Paso paar setup again ‘Appears when required les fr starting up the sofware are boon (0 bye file formats abromat File nae: 12200 190 ‘appears when the Fe et for"Systom Fi fo be Read al Saring uptis corupted “appears when tie Fe wot for"Systom Fis Tobe Read al Saring up" doss not oxst ‘Syston Files comupted ‘Sytem File not foun, SNe Appears at communication ero occurence Error desertion (efor page 1. Communication Error Cod: XXXXXX0X Ne Unknown ear accutes CComuniaton Etrar Cad: XXX00XX0X Plosse contact your sales rprasentatve ‘Appears when unknown fault or communcation err occured 159 TROUBLE INDICATION REVISIONS ‘The manual number is given on the bottom lef ofthe back cover. Print Dare =Wanval Number Revision ‘Sep. 2007 TINA} O60G305ENG-A Fist edition (For Sample Version 0.01) Tan, 2008) TENA OBOOSOGENGE Multiple connection of inverters Connection through GOT (FA transparent function) ‘Additional functions (Tuning, Troubleshooting, Parameter List Enhancement, Diagnosis, Batch Monitor, 10 Terminal Monitor, WO Terminal Assignment) (For Sample Version 0.20) Fp, 2008 TENA OSOOBOGENGS + Compatible with FR-A700 series, FR-D700 series, FR-F700 series {Machine Analyzer (or Version 3.60) 160 16{NA-0500305ENG.c

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