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(Scientific name: Chrysanthemum indicum L.

An erect or ascending, somewhat
whitish, hairy herb, perennial, aromatic,
30 to 60 cm high.
Leaves: thin, pinnately lobed, ovate to
oblong-ovate, and 4 to 6 cm long. Lobes
2 to 3 on each side, ovate or oblongovate, and sharply toothed. Upper
surface of the leaves deep green while
the under surface gray-green.

Preventive for cough, flu, epidemic
Whooping cough (use entire plant or
Gas pains: Warm oil, add and mix the
flower heads, let stand for 30 mins and
strain. Apply warm oily solution to
Eczema infections

Flowers: in heads; heads yellow,

peduncled, corymbosely panicled, and
1.5 to 2.5 cm in diameter. Involucre
bracts oblong or elliptic, and as large as
the achenes. Receptacle smooth or
pitted, not paleaceous. Ray flowers 1seriate, female, ligule spreading, disc
flowers numerous, perfect, limb 4- to 5fid.

Hypertension (use flowers)

Fruits: achenes, very small, cuneateoblong, somewhat compressed and


Tea used as a wash for sore eyes, open

sores, and wounds.

Poisonous snake bites, sprains and

Infections of the cervix (use flowers,
process into emulsion and apply to
afflicted region
Mammary carbuncle
Insect repellent: Burn the flowers.

Combined with bitter sweet as

ointment, used for bruises, sprains,

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