Akka IO (Java)

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Akka I/O (Java)

The akka.io package has been developed in collaboration between the Akka and spray.io teams. Its design combines experiences
from the spray-io module with improvements that were jointly developed for more general consumption as an actor-based service.
This documentation is in progress and some sections may be incomplete. More will be coming.

Terminology, Concepts
The I/O API is completely actor based, meaning that all operations are implemented with message passing instead of direct method
calls. Every I/O driver (TCP, UDP) has a special actor, called a manager that serves as an entry point for the API. I/O is broken into
several drivers. The manager for a particular driver is accessible by querying an ActorSystem. For example the following code looks
up the TCP manager and returns its ActorRef:

final ActorRef tcp = Tcp.get(system).manager();

The manager receives I/O command messages and instantiates worker actors in response. The worker actors present themselves to
the API user in the reply to the command that was sent. For example after a Connectcommand sent to the TCP manager the manager
creates an actor representing the TCP connection. All operations related to the given TCP connections can be invoked by sending
messages to the connection actor which announces itself by sending a Connected message.

DeathWatch and Resource Management

I/O worker actors receive commands and also send out events. They usually need a user-side counterpart actor listening for these
events (such events could be inbound connections, incoming bytes or acknowledgements for writes). These worker actors watch their
listener counterparts. If the listener stops then the worker will automatically release any resources that it holds. This design makes the
API more robust against resource leaks.
Thanks to the completely actor based approach of the I/O API the opposite direction works as well: a user actor responsible for
handling a connection can watch the connection actor to be notified if it unexpectedly terminates.

Write models (Ack, Nack)

I/O devices have a maximum throughput which limits the frequency and size of writes. When an application tries to push more data
than a device can handle, the driver has to buffer bytes until the device is able to write them. With buffering it is possible to handle
short bursts of intensive writes --- but no buffer is infinite. "Flow control" is needed to avoid overwhelming device buffers.
Akka supports two types of flow control:

Ack-based, where the driver notifies the writer when writes have succeeded.

Nack-based, where the driver notifies the writer when writes have failed.

Each of these models is available in both the TCP and the UDP implementations of Akka I/O.
Individual writes can be acknowledged by providing an ack object in the write message ( Write in the case of TCP and Send for UDP).
When the write is complete the worker will send the ack object to the writing actor. This can be used to implement ack-based flow
control; sending new data only when old data has been acknowledged.
If a write (or any other command) fails, the driver notifies the actor that sent the command with a special message ( CommandFailed in
the case of UDP and TCP). This message will also notify the writer of a failed write, serving as a nack for that write. Please note, that
in a nack-based flow-control setting the writer has to be prepared for the fact that the failed write might not be the most recent write it
sent. For example, the failure notification for a write W1 might arrive after additional write commands W2 and W3 have been sent. If the
writer wants to resend any nacked messages it may need to keep a buffer of pending messages.

An acknowledged write does not mean acknowledged delivery or storage; receiving an ack for a write simply signals that the I/O driver
has successfully processed the write. The Ack/Nack protocol described here is a means of flow control not error handling. In other
words, data may still be lost, even if every write is acknowledged.

To maintain isolation, actors should communicate with immutable objects only. ByteString is an immutable container for bytes. It is
used by Akka's I/O system as an efficient, immutable alternative the traditional byte containers used for I/O on the JVM, such
as byte[] and ByteBuffer.
ByteString is a rope-like data structure that is immutable and provides fast concatenation and slicing operations (perfect for I/O).

When two ByteStrings are concatenated together they are both stored within the resulting ByteString instead of copying both to a
new array. Operations such as drop and take return ByteStrings that still reference the original array, but just change the offset and
length that is visible. Great care has also been taken to make sure that the internal array cannot be modified. Whenever a potentially
unsafe array is used to create a new ByteString a defensive copy is created. If you require a ByteString that only blocks a much

memory as necessary for it's content, use the compact method to get a CompactByteString instance. If the ByteString represented
only a slice of the original array, this will result in copying all bytes in that slice.
ByteString inherits all methods from IndexedSeq, and it also has some new ones. For more information, look up

the akka.util.ByteString class and it's companion object in the ScalaDoc.

ByteString also comes with its own optimized builder and iterator classes ByteStringBuilder andByteIterator which provide extra

features in addition to those of normal builders and iterators.

Compatibility with java.io

A ByteStringBuilder can be wrapped in a java.io.OutputStream via the asOutputStream method. Likewise, ByteIterator can we
wrapped in a java.io.InputStream via asInputStream. Using these, akka.ioapplications can integrate legacy code based
on java.io streams.

Using TCP
The following imports are assumed throughout this section:

import java.net.InetSocketAddress;


import java.util.ArrayList;


import java.util.List;


import akka.actor.ActorRef;


import akka.io.Inet;


import akka.io.Tcp;


import akka.io.TcpExt;


import akka.io.TcpMessage;


import akka.io.TcpSO;


import akka.util.ByteString;

All of the Akka I/O APIs are accessed through manager objects. When using an I/O API, the first step is to acquire a reference to the
appropriate manager. The code below shows how to acquire a reference to the Tcpmanager.

final ActorRef tcp = Tcp.get(system).manager();

The manager is an actor that handles the underlying low level I/O resources (selectors, channels) and instantiates workers for specific
tasks, such as listening to incoming connections.

The first step of connecting to a remote address is sending a Connect message to the TCP manager:



final InetSocketAddress remoteAddr = new InetSocketAddress("",


tcp.tell(TcpMessage.connect(remoteAddr), getSelf());

When connecting, it is also possible to set various socket options or specify a local address:


final InetSocketAddress localAddr = new InetSocketAddress("",



final List<Inet.SocketOption> options = new ArrayList<Inet.SocketOption>();




tcp.tell(TcpMessage.connect(remoteAddr, localAddr, options), getSelf());

The SO_NODELAY (TCP_NODELAY on Windows) socket option defaults to true in Akka, independently of the OS default settings.
This setting disables Nagle's algorithm considerably improving latency for most applications. This setting could be overridden by
passing SO.TcpNoDelay(false) in the list of socket options of the Connect message.
After issuing the Connect command the TCP manager spawns a worker actor to handle commands related to the connection. This
worker actor will reveal itself by replying with a Connected message to the actor who sent the Connect command.


if (msg instanceof Tcp.Connected) {


final Tcp.Connected conn = (Tcp.Connected) msg;


connectionActor = getSender();


connectionActor.tell(TcpMessage.register(listener), getSelf());


When receiving the Connected message there is still no listener associated with the connection. To finish the connection setup
a Register has to be sent to the connection actor with the listener ActorRef as a parameter, which therefore done in the last line
Upon registration, the connection actor will watch the listener actor provided in the listener parameter. If the listener actor stops, the
connection is closed, and all resources allocated for the connection released. During the lifetime of the connection the listener may
receive various event notifications:

if (msg instanceof Tcp.Received) {


final Tcp.Received recv = (Tcp.Received) msg;


final ByteString data = recv.data();


// and do something with the received data ...


} else if (msg instanceof Tcp.CommandFailed) {


final Tcp.CommandFailed failed = (Tcp.CommandFailed) msg;


final Tcp.Command command = failed.cmd();


// react to failed connect, bind, write, etc.


} else if (msg instanceof Tcp.ConnectionClosed) {


final Tcp.ConnectionClosed closed = (Tcp.ConnectionClosed) msg;


if (closed.isAborted()) {


// handle close reasons like this



ConnectionClosed is a trait, which the different connection close events all implement. The last line handles all connection close

events in the same way. It is possible to listen for more fine-grained connection close events, see Closing connections below.

Accepting connections
To create a TCP server and listen for inbound connection, a Bind command has to be sent to the TCP manager. This will instruct the
TCP manager to listen for TCP connections on a particular address.

final ActorRef tcp = Tcp.get(system).manager();


final InetSocketAddress localAddr = new InetSocketAddress("",




final List<Inet.SocketOption> options = new ArrayList<Inet.SocketOption>();




tcp.tell(TcpMessage.bind(handler, localAddr, 10, options), getSelf());

The actor sending the Bind message will receive a Bound message signalling that the server is ready to accept incoming connections.
The process for accepting connections is similar to the process for making outgoing connections: when an incoming connection is
established, the actor provided as handler will receive a Connected message whose sender is the connection actor.

if (msg instanceof Tcp.Connected) {


final Tcp.Connected conn = (Tcp.Connected) msg;


connectionActor = getSender();


connectionActor.tell(TcpMessage.register(listener), getSelf());


When receiving the Connected message there is still no listener associated with the connection. To finish the connection setup
a Register has to be sent to the connection actor with the listener ActorRef as a parameter, which therefore done in the last line
Upon registration, the connection actor will watch the listener actor provided in the listener parameter. If the listener stops, the
connection is closed, and all resources allocated for the connection released. During the connection lifetime the listener will receive
various event notifications in the same way as in the outbound connection case.

Closing connections
A connection can be closed by sending one of the commands Close, ConfirmedClose or Abort to the connection actor.
Close will close the connection by sending a FIN message, but without waiting for confirmation from the remote endpoint. Pending

writes will be flushed. If the close is successful, the listener will be notified with Closed.

ConfirmedClose will close the sending direction of the connection by sending a FIN message, but receives will continue until the

remote endpoint closes the connection, too. Pending writes will be flushed. If the close is successful, the listener will be notified
with ConfirmedClosed.
Abort will immediately terminate the connection by sending a RST message to the remote endpoint. Pending writes will be not flushed.

If the close is successful, the listener will be notified with Aborted.

PeerClosed will be sent to the listener if the connection has been closed by the remote endpoint.
ErrorClosed will be sent to the listener whenever an error happened that forced the connection to be closed.

All close notifications are subclasses of ConnectionClosed so listeners who do not need fine-grained close events may handle all
close events in the same way.

Throttling Reads and Writes

This section is not yet ready. More coming soon

Using UDP
UDP support comes in two flavors: connectionless and connection-based. With connectionless UDP, workers can send datagrams to
any remote address. Connection-based UDP workers are linked to a single remote address.
The connectionless UDP manager is accessed through UdpFF. UdpFF refers to the "fire-and-forget" style of sending UDP datagrams.

final ActorRef udpFF = UdpFF.get(system).manager();

The connection-based UDP manager is accessed through UdpConn.


final ActorRef udp = UdpConn.get(system).manager();

UDP servers can be only implemented by the connectionless API, but clients can use both.

Connectionless UDP
The following imports are assumed in the following sections:

import akka.actor.ActorRef;


import akka.actor.ActorSystem;


import akka.actor.UntypedActor;


import akka.io.Inet;


import akka.io.UdpFF;


import akka.io.UdpFFMessage;


import akka.io.UdpSO;


import akka.util.ByteString;



import java.net.InetSocketAddress;


import java.util.ArrayList;


import java.util.List;

Simple Send
To simply send a UDP datagram without listening to an answer one needs to send the SimpleSendercommand to the UdpFF manager:

udpFF.tell(UdpFFMessage.simpleSender(), getSelf());



// ... or with socket options:


final List<Inet.SocketOption> options = new ArrayList<Inet.SocketOption>();




udpFF.tell(UdpFFMessage.simpleSender(), getSelf());

The manager will create a worker for sending, and the worker will reply with a SimpleSendReady message:

if (message instanceof UdpFF.SimpleSendReady) {



simpleSender = getSender();

After saving the sender of the SimpleSendReady message it is possible to send out UDP datagrams with a simple message send:

simpleSender.tell(UdpFFMessage.send(data, new InetSocketAddress("", 7654)), getSelf());

Bind (and Send)

To listen for UDP datagrams arriving on a given port, the Bind command has to be sent to the connectionless UDP manager

udpFF.tell(UdpFFMessage.bind(handler, new InetSocketAddress("", 9876)), getSelf());

After the bind succeeds, the sender of the Bind command will be notified with a Bound message. The sender of this message is the
worker for the UDP channel bound to the local address.

if (message instanceof UdpFF.Bound) {



udpWorker = getSender();

The actor passed in the handler parameter will receive inbound UDP datagrams sent to the bound address:

if (message instanceof UdpFF.Received) {


final UdpFF.Received rcvd = (UdpFF.Received) message;


final ByteString payload = rcvd.data();


final InetSocketAddress sender = rcvd.sender();


The Received message contains the payload of the datagram and the address of the sender.
It is also possible to send UDP datagrams using the ActorRef of the worker:

udpWorker.tell(UdpFFMessage.send(data, new InetSocketAddress("", 7654)), getSelf());

The difference between using a bound UDP worker to send instead of a simple-send worker is that in the former case the sender field
of the UDP datagram will be the bound local address, while in the latter it will be an undetermined ephemeral port.

Connection based UDP

The service provided by the connection based UDP API is similar to the bind-and-send service we saw earlier, but the main difference
is that a connection is only able to send to the remoteAddress it was connected to, and will receive datagrams only from that address.
Connecting is similar to what we have seen in the previous section:



final InetSocketAddress remoteAddr =

new InetSocketAddress("", 12345);

udp.tell(UdpConnMessage.connect(handler, remoteAddr), getSelf());

Or, with more options:



final InetSocketAddress localAddr =

new InetSocketAddress("", 1234);


final List<Inet.SocketOption> options =


new ArrayList<Inet.SocketOption>();




udp.tell(UdpConnMessage.connect(handler, remoteAddr, localAddr, options), getSelf());

After the connect succeeds, the sender of the Connect command will be notified with a Connected message. The sender of this
message is the worker for the UDP connection.

if (msg instanceof UdpConn.Connected) {


final UdpConn.Connected conn = (UdpConn.Connected) msg;


connectionActor = getSender(); // Save the worker ref for later use


The actor passed in the handler parameter will receive inbound UDP datagrams sent to the bound address:

if (msg instanceof UdpConn.Received) {


final UdpConn.Received recv = (UdpConn.Received) msg;


final ByteString data = recv.data();


// and do something with the received data ...


} else if (msg instanceof UdpConn.CommandFailed) {


final UdpConn.CommandFailed failed = (UdpConn.CommandFailed) msg;


final UdpConn.Command command = failed.cmd();


// react to failed connect, etc.


} else if (msg instanceof UdpConn.Disconnected) {



// do something on disconnect

The Received message contains the payload of the datagram but unlike in the connectionless case, no sender address is provided, as
a UDP connection only receives messages from the endpoint it has been connected to.
It is also possible to send UDP datagrams using the ActorRef of the worker:

connectionActor.tell(UdpConnMessage.send(data), getSelf());

Again, like the Received message, the Send message does not contain a remote address. This is because the address will always be
the endpoint we originally connected to.

There is a small performance benefit in using connection based UDP API over the connectionless one. If there is a SecurityManager
enabled on the system, every connectionless message send has to go through a security check, while in the case of connectionbased UDP the security check is cached after connect, thus writes does not suffer an additional performance penalty.

Throttling Reads and Writes

This section is not yet ready. More coming soon

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