Chapter No 5

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Under this study it is observed that the employees of the company are satisfied with their current
job and health benefits provide by the company. The Working condition of the company to
encourage the performance is good and the employees are satisfied with job security. Company
provides open house for discussion about any problem or in case any disputes arise in the
company. The company provides better supervising level to its employees. To reduce the stress
or burden company also provide stress management programme.
Incentives are not up to the mark employees were not satisfied with incentive policy. Training
and development programme was not much satisfactory in the company. The employees were
not much satisfied with promotion policy of the company. The company does not provide the
carrier development programme to its employees. In company there are employees are not
satisfied with reward system. The employees were not satisfied with performance appraisal



Incentive policy should be improved.

Promotion policy should be communicated among the workers.

More financial benefits should be given.

Welfare services for the benefits of employees are required to be some improvement.

Company should be provided reward and reorganization for better work.

Carrier development programme is required to improve.

In company the performance appraisal system should be enhanced.

Leaves and holiday must to be provided if employees are required to urgent.

Management policies and practices should be communicated so that workers could

understand them easily.



Motivation is important factor in the company. Employees have some expectations regarding the
organization, and on the other hand organization has some goals and objectives to be achieved.
Motivation can help to achieve the goals and objectives o the company. Motivation help to
enhance such as job performance, productivity, minimum wastage of raw material increase the
efficiency etc.
The company can provide the carrier development programme to its employees. The employees
were not satisfied with carrier development programme provided by the company. The
employees can be motivated with upgrading the promotion policy. Company can enhance their
performance appraisal system to increase performance and productivity. Workers in any
organization need something to keep them working. Most times the salary of the employee is
enough to keep him or her working for an organization. However, sometimes just working for
salary is not enough for employees to stay at an organization. An employee must be motivated to
work for a company or organization. If no motivation is present in an employee, then that
employees quality of work or all work in general will deteriorate.



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