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WHAT: Campus Journalism Orientation Program
WHO: Grade 7 students
WHERE: Multi-purpose Hall
WHEN: August 20, 2016 Saturday

8:00 am-8:15 am
8:16 am -8:35 am
8:36 am -9:15 am
9:16 am -9:30 am
9:31 am -10:00 am
10:01 am -10:20 am
10:21 am -10:30 am
10:31 am-10:40 am
10:41 am -10:50 am
10:51 am -11:00 am

Schedule of Activities
Opening Prayer and Opening Remarks
Sharing of Outputs
Evaluation of the Program
Closing Remarks, Closing Prayer and Dismissal

Our Father in heaven, we thank you for bringing us here safely today. Thank you for
giving us the strength to wake up this morning. Thank you for letting us gathered in Your holy
name. We pray now that your Holy Spirit will open our minds and hearts to be able to
understand what the speakers will present to us today. May we all be prepared and be eager to
learn new things as this activity be presented and done. We come before you today to ask for
your forgiveness in all the shortcomings that we have done. May you grace us with your mercy
and back us in your love so that we may love our neighbours the way your son, Jesus, has
loved his people. Lord, we pray that this seminar be insightful to the young minds that are here
today and may everything we do be for the glory of your name. All this we pray in the name of
Jesus, your son, our lord and savior, Amen.
School Paper Adviser: To our beloved students and my fellow teachers, ladies and gentlemen
let me say a delightful morning to all of you! Welcome to our campus journalism seminar. Today
we will be sharing our insights and experience about campus journalism and also the benefits of

being a campus journalist. Nowadays, our world is filled with certain issues and conflicts. With
that being said, we must be vigilant enough to respond to those issues. Being here today with
us, students such as you might mean you are willing or interested to become an agent of
change to the society by means of journalism. Today, together with the members of the
publication staff, we will show you a glimpse of the world of campus journalism. We hope that by
the end of this orientation, you will be encouraged to join our school paper, The Erudite
Wanderer, and improve your journalistic skills. Most importantly, we hope that we can provide an
avenue where you can practice democracy and your rights as a part of the Filipino youth. Just
like what Horace Greeley says, Journalism will kill you, but it will keep you alive when you are
at it. So have a great day, enjoy this seminar and be one of us! Good morning!
Facilitator: To begin, our game for today is entitled News game so the class will be group
accordingly (possibly 5 members only per group). The task of the four members of the group is
to act the news story assigned to them, meanwhile one member will have to tell the news story
that the group had portray. In this game, we will follow the journalists adage saying Show, dont
tell. So each team is not allowed to give any verbal actions except for the story teller. But to
show the characterization, there are available name tags.
4 members- actors/actresses
1 member- story teller
Facilitator: The group who had clearly portrayed and tell the news story in the shortest time
wins this game. First, let us have our teams.
*The students will be divided into five groups*
Facilitator: Alright, so now that we have our teams. Are you guys, ready?
Students: Yes!
Facilitator: Lets begin! Team leaders, please pick a slip of paper and then discuss with your
team what will you be doing.
News stories
1. Self-confessed drug pusher was shot dead
2. China offered its support to the newly elect President Duterte

3. US ship turned over to the Philippine Navy

4. Pangilinan refiled the bill known as the coconut farmers and industry
development act of 2016
5. Thai conglomerate extends scholarship programs in Tondo
Facilitator: Alright, it seems all of you have produced picturesque results but there can only be
one winner and that would be, group 4! Congratulations!
SPA=School Paper Adviser
SPA: Who among you here have great admiration for news anchors and writers?
S: (raises their hands)
SPA: Is that so? That is wonderful, because today we will be dealing with a handful of them.
(flashes pictures of well-known news anchors and writers) Lets get to know who among you
adores Miss Korina Sanchez Roxas?
S: (raises their hands)
SPA: Those students that raised their hands, kindly form a group on this side. (flashes another
picture). How about those who admires Mr. Anthony Taberna?
S: (raises their hands)
SPA: Kindly proceed to the other side. (flashes another picture) Next, is the idol of many sports
enthusiasts in terms of rendering the latest sports updates, Mr. TJ Manotoc. Who among you
here is a fan of him?
S: (raises their hands)
SPA: Okay, please find your places. Lastly, who do we have here? It is none other than Miss
Mel Tiangco. Who among you loves her broadcasting style?
S: (raises their hands)
SPA: The last group of the evening, kindly move to the unoccupied space. Thank you.

S: (moves to their rightful places)

SPA: Now that you have group yourselves based on similar preferences, I think it is time to get
the ball rolling. Are you all ready for a fruitful and meaningful exchange of ideas?
S: Yes, Maam.
SPA: Very well then. If you have any questions during our entire discussion, you can clap your
hands twice to get my attention. Im sure all of you are familiar with the things I have with me.
This is? (shows a newspaper)
S: A newspaper, Maam.
SPA: That is definitely right. How about this glossy-covered paperwork? (shows a magazine)
S: Magazine, Maam.
SPA: Very good! It seems that all of you are well- acquainted with reading materials like these.
(points to the newspaper and magazine) These periodicals fall under the category of written
journalism. Who among you have any idea about the term periodical?
S: (raises hand)
SPA: Yes Lynwell?
S: Maam, a periodical is a publication that comes out at regular periods of interval, may it be
daily, weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly or annually.
SPA: Very well said, Lynwell. Class, Im giving you the time to talk with your groupmates about
the difference between a newspaper and a magazine.
S: (obeys what theyre told to do)
SPA: When youre all done, well continue our discussion. Is that okay with you class?
S: Yes, Maam.
After a couple of minutes
SPA: Okay class, who can state the differences there are between the two periodicals?
S: (raises hand)

SPA: Yes Daria?

S: A newspaper compared to a magazine prints more news, has no special cover and is printed
on newsprint. News is printed on the front page as well as on the inside and back pages.
SPA: That is correct. In addition to that, a magazine prints more features and human interest
stories, has a special cover and is oftentimes printed on book paper. If ever news is printed, it is
brief, featurized and found in the inside pages. Any questions class?
S: (raises hand)
SPA: Yes, Nikka?
S: Maam is written journalism the sole scope of journalism?
SPA: Of course not, Nikka. We have two other areas, which will be covered later on in our
S: Thank you Maam. Got it!
SPA: The two other areas Im referring to are: oral and visual journalism. Im pretty sure that all
of you are familiar with radio, right? Well, this falls under oral journalism. Television, movies and
documentaries on the other hand, belongs under visual journalism. Are we on the same page,
S: Yes, Maam.
SPA: If that is so, lets move to another topic, which in some way, can gauge your previous
knowledge and lead you to traverse the same field your icons are in. I know that almost all of
your primary schools have a campus paper. Correct me if Im wrong. A campus paper is a
publication, either mimeographed or printed, put out by staff members who are either students
or faculty members of the school or university.
S: (claps hands twice)
SPA: Yes, Cara?
S: Maam what is the essence or the function of a campus paper?
SPA: Well, it aids not only the students but the school and the community as well. For the
students, it aims to provide an opportunity for interesting writing.

S: (claps hands twice)

SPA: Yes, Clyde?
S: Maam youve mentioned a while ago that it gives avenue for students who love writing. Does
that mean that I can write about sports?
SPA: Of course, Clyde. You know class that is whats remarkable. There are limitless options
you can choose from when it comes to writing in a campus paper, may it be about current
events, life experiences, entertainment or sports.
S: Thank you Maam.
SPA: Aside from that, it gives students like all of you, the opportunity to learn how to read the
newspapers. Even though were living a modern-day society that is full of technological
advances, it is important that we know how to read and browse over newspapers. It is
fascinating how reading someones work can stimulate a person to work on making his/her
writing better.
S: (claps hands twice)
SPA: Yes Drew?
S: Maam, does it develop something in us aside from writing skills?
SPA: Thats a nice question Drew. Yes, it develops students powers of observation and
discrimination concerning relative merits of news articles. It serves not only as an outlet and
motivation for journalistic writing, but also an opportunity to be critical- minded and openminded at the same time. Well, those that are interested in joining the campus paper may
improve qualities of cooperation, tact, accuracy, tolerance, responsibility and leadership.
S: (claps hands twice)
SPA: Yes Martha?
S: You said earlier Maam that campus paper aids the school and community as well, in what
SPA: It informs the community as to the work of the school, while creating and expressing
school opinion.

S: So Maam, does it help make known the achievement of the school?

SPA: Definitely yes. Aside from that it unifies the school as a whole by encouraging and
stimulating worthwhile activities, thus leading to a better interschool spirit. Do you have any
questions or clarifications class? If theres none, you may now go and take your break.
SPA: Now that youve been informed about what Campus Journalism is---its definition, function
and importance---let me familiarize you with the different fields you can take part of when
planning to join the school publication. We have so many field opportunities waiting for you.
Shall we know what these are?
S: Yes maam.
SPA: Alright, so in a school newspaper, writing is the most prominent. To those who are aspiring
to be effective and great writers, we have just what you need to give you a boost in that career.
We have news writing, editorial writing, feature writing and sports writing here in our school
paper. May I know who among you are aspiring to be writers?
S: *some students will raise their hands*
SPA: Thats great to know. So in news writing, it is your job to give the readers factual and
unprejudiced information that will and must have an impact on them in some way. News
spreads like wildfire so be extremely cautious when doing news writing. Moving on, an editorial
is an article that states a particular stance on a specific issue. Basically, in editorial writing, it is a
persuasive essay that offers a solution to a problem. It is opinionated in nature unlike in feature
writing where it tells the reader a story. Who among you here are fond of telling stories?
S: *some students will raise their hands*
SPA: Okay, in feature writing, it has a beginning---the lead--- a middle and an end. Quotes are
used and are credited to the original writers so that readers could perceive the story through a
detailed and vivid description. Understood?
S: Yes, maam.
SPA: In our next field, persistence and creativity is the key. Talent is of course undeniably
admirable in Editorial Cartooning but what artists must have is the passion to draw your

imagination. We will need your cooperation to work with the layout designers in making our
school paper brilliant and artistic. Is there anyone here who wants to test your artistic abilities?
S: *some students will raise their hands*
SPA: Well, it looks like were off to a great start. So the NBA just began another season of
much-awaited game series that basketball fans all love to watch. May I ask, who among you
here are into sports? Any players here? Or fans of any sports?
S: *some students will raise their hands*
SPA: Good, because you cant write an article about sports if you yourself are not familiar about
the game nor its mechanics and players. Sports writing requires up-to-date news in recent
tournaments, games and playoffs. We need people who can watch sports and write about it at
the same time. Alright, next in our list is photojournalism. Photography is a very interesting
endeavour but photojournalism is allegorical. Do I see any photographers in your class?
S: *some students will raise their hands*
SPA: Thats great. Now, photos always have stories, in photojournalism, the capturing of an
astounding photo of a newsworthy event is very vital. Since photojournalism is a not an easy
task, a photojournalist must have excellent timing and be ready for anything. There are
instances that if a photojournalist is a second too early or too late, he wont get that perfect
shot. So remember, future photojournalists, timing is everything. Alright, so is everyone still up
for the rest of the day?
S: Of course, Maam!
SPA: I am glad to hear that because I will be asking you class to discover your inner journalist,
artist and photographer. For 20 minutes, please take the time to go outside and write whatever it
is that you want. Anything will do as long as its true. Take photos of sceneries and moments
that make your heart feel something. Draw an image of something or someone that speaks to
the real you. Is that clear, class?
S: Yes, maam.
SPA: Very good. Please step outside and be back after 20 minutes.
*The students will do the activity*

SPA: In this juncture, we will have the sharing of what you have written in the fields of campus
journalism you are interested with and also the photos that youve taken with your phones if you
want. But this sharing will have a twist! Rather than merely raising the hands of the volunteers,
we will do it by spinning the bottle. The person to whom the bottle points when it stops spinning
will proceed here in front and share what his or her piece is all about. Now, are you ready to
spin the bottle?
S: Yes, maam!
*The sharing will last for 10 minutes*
SPA: After all the activities we have done, it is time for ours to hear your insights about it. Did
your perspective about journalism changed? Are you somehow encouraged to join Campus
Journalism and pursue your writing skills? Let me hear those from you.
*The students will share their insights and opinions*
SPA: Now, we are going to distribute evaluation sheets about this seminar. Kindly, answer it with
full honesty because the answer we will gather from it will be a great help for the improvement
of the succeeding Campus Journalism seminars and orientation and most importantly, our
school paper.
*The students will answer the evaluation sheets*

School Paper Adviser: To all of you who are here, I would like to extend my gratitude for
joining us in this activity. We hope that weve been a great help to you in the development of
your skills as future journalists. It has been a great honour for us to share with you our
knowledge and experience on Campus Journalism. We hope to see you again next time as a
new member of our school paper. Thank you everyone, have a great day and God bless!

Lord God, we thank you for this opportunity to gather us all here with your holy spirit. We
thank you Father for giving us the knowledge and wisdom and for the chance to share these all
with these humble students. We ask for your guidance as we embark on the journey of seeking
the truth and justice in our society. Guide these students and grant them courage to practice
freedom of their expression. Make them agents of change in this society by developing their
skills and talents that you have given them. We ask this all in the name of your son, Jesus,

Submitted by:
Abuque, Shairene
De Gozar, Merlen O.
Hernandez, Gerrimel S.
Rivera, Daphne Kristine J.
Zarate, Ruth Emmanuelle C.

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