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We chose this topic since we thought we could reach great diversity of

materials and use them in order to facilitate the learning process of our
students. In addition, this topic is really fun; while learning this topic,
our students will spend quality time together. We have spent our most
of time while integrating activities and materials with the topic as it
was required to be more detailer and attentive. However, while
analyzing the learners, we didnt have difficulty at all. While we were
determining the prerequisite skills of the students, we got help from the
official 3th grade course book and the National Curriculum. We would
introduce the My Family topic which is requiring having knowledge of
some grammar rules such as am/is/are and subject pronouns such as
I/you/he/she. We planned to utilize these materials and media equally
for each week. Firstly, we used Popplet to introduce family members
to learners. Then, we reinforced the learners knowledge with a song.
We used a Prezi presentation for second week to teach possessive
adjectives and apostrophe s. Finally, we prepared an Animoto video
about Pepees family. Then, we supported it with infographic.
Moreover, we prepared a quiz by using Obsurvey to evaluate them. As
for learner participation, we provided it with some tasks, games, and
worksheets. For instance, we make students play a hangman game in
the first week whereas they are participating by drawing family trees
and writing 3 sentences about it as a group in the second week. For the
last week, we distribute them worksheets and they fill in the blanks.
However, the teacher cannot understand whether students learn the
subject or not. Therefore, we prepared a quiz including all weeks topics
to evaluate them as well as measuring their performance in class
activities. After making a unit plan and writing a general objective, we
separated the main topic into subparts. We did this by specifying the
subjects related to My Family unit. We designated these subparts as
introducing kinship terms, possessive pronouns and answering who?
question; in other words, we thought that these subjects can be taught
under the unit of my family. Then, we determined our audience, their
behavior, this behaviors degree and the condition according to each
subject. Actually we adopted the ABCD model to the my family unit of
3rd grade students curriculum. When it comes to the materials,
methods and media we thought that 3rd grade students can learn
kinship terms, possessive pronouns, how to answer who is she? easily
via visuals and videos that cover the topic, songs, board games, and
worksheets which include funny and informing activities and practices
and prepared some in-class activities which are coloring, matching and
fill in the blank activities, role plays, dialogues and additionally
homework, because we thought that these methods and materials are
well integrated to the topic and age of the children. We used media
fruitfully in our plan; for example we made a family tree with popplet
and we introduced possessive pronouns with a prezi presentation.
Moreover, we prepared an entertaining video using animoto and also
homework using easel.ly. We based our activities, applications and
teaching style on an eclectic approach as we aimed to teach young
learners and in our opinion it is better to approach them in different

ways to make a better understanding. Therefore, we adopted

suggestopedia to desuggest the physical and psychological handicaps
in front of the students and provide them with a comfortable, free
environment, communicative approach to make students actively
participate in the lesson and be in touch with the teacher and other
students and in this way to improve their communication skills, and
finally grammar translation method to facilitate that students make
connections between their native language and target language.
Aye Bulut
Hayriye Kanl
Sevim Akaln

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