"Veterans of Foreign Wars of The United States, Post 10216, Songtan, Korea" Colonel Lewis L. Millett - Hill 180 Memorial Post 10216

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2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-13 & 2013-14

Prior to the opening ceremony, there was a Charter Draping ceremony in honor of Post 10216 life member Edward
Joseph Bergam. In accordance with VFW ritual, the Post Charter shall remain draped for 30 days in honor and
memory of Edward Joseph Bergam.
These are the minutes from Post 10216 meeting held on Monday, 16 May 2016. There were 35 Post members in
Opening Ceremonies: The meeting opened at 1840 by Commander Max. Chaplain Billy Q led us in our opening
prayer and Commander Max led the Post in our Pledge of Allegiance.
Distinguished Guests and Past Post 10216 Commanders:
*Past Department Surgeon, Chaplain, Past District Commander, Chaplain, and 3-time Past Post Commander
Billy Quintero
*Past District 3 Commander, Past Post Commander, and current District SVC Ron Davis
*2-time Past Post Commander Ernie Lee
*Past Post Commander Dan Delaney
Congressional Charter: Members recited Section 230102 of the Congressional Charter Incorporating the
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.

The purpose of this Corporation shall be fraternal, patriotic,

historical, charitable, and educational: to preserve and
strengthen comradeship among its members; to assist worthy
comrades; to perpetuate the memory and history of our dead;
and to assist their widows and orphans; to maintain true
allegiance to the Government of the United States of America,
and fidelity to its Constitution and laws; to foster true
patriotism; to maintain and extend the institutions of American
freedom, and to preserve and defend the United States from all
her enemies."

Roll Call of Officers:

Commander Max: Present
SVC Cynthia Schmitz: Present
JVC Leon Ellison: Present
Quartermaster Ron Davis: Present
Surgeon Mark Narkon: Excused
Chaplain Billy Q: Present
Advocate Jim Yarbrough: Present
Adjutant Ernie: Present
Service Officer Doc Higgins: Excused
Trustee 1-Year Frank ODonnell: Excused
Trustee 2-Year Dan Delaney: Present
Trustee 3-Year Terrance Smith: Excused
HRC Chairman H. Mao Van Hazel: Excused
Officer-of-the-Day / Guard Matt Mayclin: Present
Community Activities Chairman / Public Relations / MAP Ernie Lee: Present
Youth Activities Doc Higgins: Excused
Cub Scout Council Representative Zack Kalinauskas: Present
Boy Scout Representative Phillip Clifton: Present
Voice of Democracy / Patriots Pen Doc Higgins: Excused
POW/MIA Joe Perkins: Present
Hill 180 Committee Chairman Ernie: Present
Loyalty Day Parade Chairman Ron Davis: Present
Buddy Poppy Chairman Ron Davis: Present
Americanism Chairman Billy Q: Present
Women in the Military Cynthia Schmitz: Present
First Responders Special Projects Doc Higgins: Excused
VFW Motorcycle Riders Chairman: H. Mao Van Hazel: Present
Safety Chairman: Vacant
Reading of New Members:
Ron read a list of our 8 newest members. Ron made a motion to accept into the VFW, subject to review of the
investigating committee; 2nd by Leon. Motion carried.
Ron Davis
Commander Maxson
Doc Higgins
Sarah Russell
Dan Delaney

Henry Ross
Christian Ozhs
Rick E. Goodell
William Malone
Justin Fuhler
Victor Diaz
Cory Whitmer
Nathan S. Ahner

Membership Type
Term Life
Term Life

Induction Ceremony: Six members were present for induction. Among those were Pherris Ashby, Andre
Fraling, William Malone, Justin Fuhler, Dane A. Miller, and Rick Goodell.

Commander Max inducts newest members and presents their Cross of Malta and VFW coins.
Post Meeting Minutes: April meeting minutes were disseminated via email /and at www.vfw10216.com. Ron
made a motion to accept the minutes subject to correction; 2nd by Billy Q. Motion carried. They have been
posted to our Post website at www.vfw10216.com and Canteen Facebook site at: VFW Post 10216 Canteen
Facebook Page.
Bills: Ernie presented a bill for the parade banners in the amount of $110.37. Leon made a motion to
reimburse Ernie; 2nd by Owen Powell. Motion carried.
Quartermaster Ron Davis: Ron gave the April report endorsed by all Trustees. Motion to accept reports by
Ernie, 2nd by Billy Q. You can view the monthly and quarterly audits at the Post home on the bulletin board
above the desktop computer (April audit follows these minutes).
Reading of incoming communications: None.
Report of Service Officer/Doc Higgins: Nothing to Report
Comrade in Distress: Chaplain Billy Q. asked that we keep Mrs. Price in our thoughts and prayers and
remember Comrade Mayclins grandfather Joe Spielman, who recently passed away and Frank ODonnells
Sister in Law.

Senior Vice Commander Report on Membership Statistics (MemStats) by SVC Cynthia Schmitz:

April MemStats

May MemStats - We added 23 members since the April meeting and are 4 members short of matching the
Adjusted Prior Year total. Discussion followed that we do in fact have 1150 + 1 members; which means the
Post has qualified as All American. Congrats to all!
Junior Vice Commander Report on Community Service Reports (CSR) by Leon Ellison:

April CSR Summary - Send all CSR activities to JVC Leon Ellison at: emanosan@gmail.com
*NOTE: Department-level action cleared our April CSRs on 1 May; CSR numbers shown above will vary.
Advocate Report / Jim Yarborough: Nothing to report
Surgeons Report / Mark Narkon:
Excused; no report.

Buddy Poppy Report / Ron Davis: The next Buddy Poppy drive will coincide with Memorial Day on May 30.
Buddy Poppy distribution locations are in front of the USO and at the Main gate. Volunteers always welcome.
Event time is 1000 - 1400 (setup ~ 0930).
Public Relations Officer & Community Affairs / Ernie Lee:
21 May
21 May

17 - 19 June
25 June

Stump Run
Memorial Day
Buddy Poppy Drive
BOSS Beach Blast
Wolf Dirty Dash

24 - 25 September

Air Power Days

30 May
5 - 9 June




Sponsored by VFW
Recruiting Event
Recruiting and
Cotton Candy Sales

Osan Fitness Center
Osan Air Base
Main Gate
Main gate and
Chiang Mai,
Yeonpo Beach
Gunsan Air Base
Osan Flightline

Social Media: Check out our sites:

- World Wide Web - http://vfw10216.com/ (Meeting Minutes posted here)
- Facebook Post Page - https://www.facebook.com/#!/VFW10216?fref=ts
- Facebook Canteen Page - https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/569811843087730/
Americanism / Billy Q: Encourage maximum participation this coming Saturday for our largest community
event, the Armed Forces Day parade.
Hill 180 Ceremony Chairman Ernie: 2017 date identified as 3 Feb.

Military Assistance Program (MAP) and Adopt-A-Unit / Ernie Lee:

-- No current MAP requests. Ernie stated he was informed by VFW National that Korea is the biggest user of
Youth Activities, Voice of Democracy / Teachers Award / Patriots Pen Doc Higgins: 2016 is CLOSED
First Responder Special Programs (EMT/Law Enforcement/Fire Fighter Doc: 2016 is CLOSED
Cub Scout Pack 86 Representatives Zack Kalinauskas / Zac Wood:
- Pack 86 conducted bridging ceremony on 14 May with16 youth bridged to the next den. Six youth earned the
Arrow of Light award and bridged over to Troop 86.
- Pack 86 had 9 youth and 3 adults participate in the Osan Earth day tree planting on 22 Apr
- Pack 86 is scheduled to attend the VFW Armed Forces Day parade on 21 May
- Pack 86 was recipient of the 2015 Pack of the year Award for the Asia West District of the Far East
Council of the Boy Scouts of America. This district includes Taiwan, Korea, China, and Hong Kong.

- Also Pack 86 Committee Chair Zac Wood was recognized as the District Committee Chair of the year,
and Cubmaster Zack Kalinauskas was awarded Cub Master of the year and the districts distinguished
White Tiger Award. It is presented to a volunteer active in any level of the Scouting Program who has made a
significant contributions to scouting in the Asia West District.

- Cub Master Zack K will PCS this summer; hell be replaced by Joel Bickel. A replacement for Committee
Chair Zac Wood is needed.
Boy Scouts Representatives / Philip Clifton:
- The Boy Scouts held a bake sale at the main gate on May 14
- 20 adults / Scouts participated in the Spring Camporee at Camp Humphreys on 25 - 26 April
- Will participate in Armed Forces Day parade 21 May
- Philip Clifton will depart the ROK next month; replacement has been transitioning into the VFW Boy Scout
Representative position (email address OsanBoyScout@gmail.com)
POW/MIA / Joe Perkins: Committee forming next months. POW/MIA day is 16 September.
House Rules Committee Chairman / Van: Van mentioned that Fridays are doing well at the Canteen.
Business is up and a THANKS to Mr. Miller for cooking.
Canteen Report / Van: The Canteen made $305.00 in April. Always looking for pool / darts team members
and volunteers in general. Whatever your skill; we can put it to good use.
Safety Chairman: Vacant
Women in the Military / Cynthia Schmitz: Women in the military are STILL really, really good.
History / Vacant: Ernie stated he is working with Jason Schmitz to capture the history of the Post and Cootie
activity over the past few years.
VFW Motorcycle Riders by Chairman Van Hazel: Nothing to report.

Remembering of our National Home: Chaplain Billy Q offered remembrance and prayer for our National
Home in accordance with VFW tradition and ceremony.
- Randy Bach asked for $200.00 to support the Asian Pacific Islanders. Motion by Randy, 2nd by Doc. Passed
- Joe Perkins asked for $100.00 to place the VFW Logo on the AFSA Run Shirts. Motion by Joe, 2nd by Doc.
- Ernie asked for $100.00 for the Parade Banner. Passed Ernie will pay and be reimbursed.
- Max offered to cover the cost of the Ms. Armed Forces Banners for the car. Need name from ROTC
Commander to produce the banner.
-- Billy Q and Doc mentioned the flowers [approximate cost is $40.00] and $100.00 check that we will present
to Ms. Armed Forces prior to start of parade.

- The Officers elected for the 2016-2017 year are reflected below:
Commander - Cynthia Schmitz
Senior Vice Commander - Warren Maxson
Junior Vice Commander - Leon Ellison
Quartermaster - Ron Davis
Chaplain - Billy Quintero
Adjutant Ernie Lee / Dan Delaney (Share Position)
Judge Advocate - Jim Yarbrough
House Rules Committee - Harold VanHazel
Trustee 1- Doc
Trustee 2-Year - Mark Narkon
Trustee 3-Year Terry Smith
- The next general membership meeting will be 13 June 2016 at 1830.
- VFW ARMED FORCES DAY PARADE IS THIS SATURDAY. Rallying point at Thrift Shop at 1045ish.
-- District 3 meeting to follow
--Brief Cootie Scratch to follow that
- The Rough Riders Motorcycle Club completed their Biker Bash at their club house, 23 April. At
tonights meeting, the Rough Riders presented Commander Max a check for $573 to be placed in the
Veterans, Widows, and Orphans fund.
- The Post received a Plaque for our donation supporting Nurses Week events
- The Post received a Certificate of Appreciation for our donation supporting Womens History Month
- Commander Maxson presented Comrade Matt Mayclin for putting our VFW Ustacould darts team at the
pinnacle of the Songtan-Si Darts League as League Champions!!!
- Ernie relayed a request from Osan Elementary School requesting $250 for bots for their Science and
Technology Programs. Motion by Ernie; 2nd by JVC Leon. Discussion ensued regarding how we have
(unwritten) guidance limiting a single donations to any organization at $200 ($400 cap per calendar year).
Different comrades expressed their views. In the end, Commander Max opted to table discussion and vote until
the next general membership meeting.

Military Order of the Cootie (MOC):

The next Cootie scratch is 21 May at 1530ish (Semper Gumby).

For those who have questions about the Cooties, the Military Order of the Cootie or MOC is considered the
Honored Degree of the VFW. Membership is open to members in good standing in the VFW who have
displayed their willingness to work for the parent organization. If you are active in supporting the Post, you
may be approached to join this prestigious organization.

Chaplain Billy Q gave the
closing prayer.

//record copy maintained online at vfw10216.com//

Ernie / Dan
Post Adjutant(s)

Warren Maxson

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