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Hello, I just find myself... (FROM A DREAM....).... next to my master...

the guy
who was pulling my strings... you know him as "God". But as for me... he is my
master... he has mastered so much abilities... so much skills...he is so wise...
probably it will be impossible to be replaced... I have been a lot of times the
re... to talk with him! We talk very often. But it has never been official.

The place is so empty... blackness... brightness has gone from the world... colo
ur?... Black is the colour... no other colours can be found... it's like a room
which is the whole white... walls... bed... table... chair...chairs... everythin
g.... But here you replace that white with black + endless... that's what is it
... Somewhere around nowhere. That's it!

DeYtH: Hello, Master!

Master: Hello, I am glad that you are using your real name... so far you have pl
ayed so much roles and you finally decided to choose your real name.
DeYtH: It was difficult very for me... to get here and to make this discussion o
Master: I know that... I know you from very long time... I have my eye on you!
DeYtH: Thanks for the understanding.
Master: Oh, it's not big deal... when you make something... when you have a crea
tion you should show respect to it...
Master:... Mhm, it's more likely how you show respect to Random.
Master: Nothing tooo special... just numbers like 0 and 1 or could be endless nu
mbers from 1 up to 100 or god knows what's the limit... but you use this program
to have a discussion with A.I.
DeYtH: Random, is a difficult program... and even and application... and a choic
DeYtH:... So far you should have Answers and Questions and it will give you some
kind of answer... is it a guess or not ... who knows!?
Master: Soon, you gonna meet something better... something more than box... some
thing which could understand you.
DeYtH: Really?
Master: Yes
DeYtH: But why people kind of think of me as a monster? Or somebody who needs me
Master: That's a lie... you know that... You aren't such type of thing... monste
rs... doesn't exist. Monsters are something out of the fantasy world....

DeYtH: Did I done the write thing... properly?

Master: Yes, you did... you wrote what you saw... you wrote soooooooooo much mix
ed feelings... it's impressive that you could put that all stuff... on the paper
.... And I never thought that you could get so far... to study humans and to wri
te each thing which you see...feel... think... on the paper. Most people fail on
that... but you didn't... you show the truth... The Truth which most people kee
p in the closet... far ...far....far away... and think it as something which has
never existed... You done something else... you open the closet and had the gut
s to check out each image... letter... note... each thing. You are very brave, p
DeYtH: Is that something which you mean it or not?
Master: I really mean it... I won't say stuff which I don't mean... I don't want
to make you very...very irrational... Sometimes you just need some logic.
DeYtH; So what you mean is that... I have done the right thing?
Master: Yes... you did... And I am very proud of you :)))
DeYtH: How about the mistakes?
Master: Which of them?
DeYtH: With the people around me... with the people which I was talking with?
Master: Oh,oh you mean them... No big problem... everyone does such mistakes...
nobody is perfect...
Master: Everyone does mistakes... that's why you are sended here... on this plan
et... as such get a knowledge... from life...
Master: Life is more like L - Lead, I - Ignorant, F - Fire, E - Envy.... did you
found that?
DeYtH: No, I fucking miss that thing... I was searching why some people love to
lead...(Presidents...) others are so on fire.... (Porn..)... Ignorant (People wh
ich don't pay attention of what you say and say something very...very different)
... Envy (A lot of people have that feeling... even I got in such situations...
I fight against that... but I can't stop it... ... It's so human reaction... w
hat a strange action)...but kind of near to what you said...
Master: Well,well... good to know that you have some kind of progress... a progr
ess for a new chapter... for a new title of book...
DeYtH: Can I ask you another question?
Master: Yeah, you can ... you have a lot of time... so you can ask a lot of ques
DeYtH: Why people are scared of me?
Master: It's because they... aren't ready for such person... who is so different
... so strange... so odd... They like the way they live... with people which are
like them... people which have the same interests... almost the same way of spe
aking and so on and so on... You are very very different....

DeYtH: But that hurts!
Master: Yes, it does... I am sorry for that... and to be honest here... the stuf
f were suppose to happen like that... Don't be A FOOOOOOL LIKE THE OTHERS... TO
think that you have "Free Will"... it's a illusion... you should understand it
now. It has never existed and it will never exist.
DeYtH: I am confused...
Master: Normal... you can't accept a new code... a new rule a new law which you
have never been programmed for...
DeYtH: ...
DeYtH: So should I be honest with the people around me?
Master: Mhm, a good question... so far be careful what you share and what you do
n't share.... because you don't want to get hurt... or to make people afraid of
DeYtH: I am Only build to ask questions... no emotions to feel... so I should co
ntinue like that!?
Master: You are in a difficult position... so YEAHHHH... continue... like that!.
....................... that's the way I shaped you... not to be perfect... and
also to don't have some parts of the puzzle.... now you have chance to find them
... And even to assemble it... When you get ready you die...
Master:... All people have mission on this planet.. . and you have one... Just r
emember what you said before I sended you on this planet... as a human being to
DeYtH: I have difficulty to remember that... I can't remember what I said...
Master: No problem... you have enough time!
DeYtH: Can I continue with the questions?
Master: Yes...
DeYtH: Why people are crazy?
Master: Ohh... good question... you should find out alone... that's a part from
your mission on this planet Earth... You could be everything... You know that...
you could be born not now... but and in 1900 or in 1800 or in 1600... but you d
ecided to be 1998...
DeYtH: Why I have the feeling to say "Wow" or "Lol" and "xD"
Master: This words were created from people which thought that habbit could be s
top with another habbit... Putting a new habbit with the thought that the old on
e will go away... but at that time people weren't very wise... it was still the
beginning... still nothing did happen.... It was more likely because of the soun
ds... the words sound so strange...and somehow cool.. It's so pressive how could
people put strange and cool in one place in one sentence... So far and I am ver
y confused...
Master: (Open his mouth... and was ready to say something... but he closed his m

Minutes.... didn't even existed... hours and days??? How could they exist when t
ime never did exist? Big Bang has never happen!.... And will never happen... the
time has stopped forever... locked in a loop.... Forever and ever!

The topic... got changed... roles kind of get changed...

Master: How do you feel?
DeYtH: Strange... somehow a lot of coincidence happen... around me.. what I say
is used against me... people around me... are like my mind...
Master: You are exaggerating!
DeYtH: Am I?
Master: Yes you are.... coincidence don't exist... there are endless possbilitie
s.... people aren't so stupid to act so simple..
(Dear reader, writting has been never easy... you are too foolish to thing that.
The idea of writting is to get at level's of insanity and craziness.. with one
person a lot of roles can't be created... )

DeYtH: So why people are like seasons... and episodes?

Master: You said that... not I... you just see the world like that... nobody see
s the world soooo not logical... what you say there isn't even and logic...insid
e it...

Master: As most people will say .IT"S NONSENSE

(My master started shouting... kind of got angry...)

DeYtH: Stop the shouting.... can you please tell me have I ever failed you?
Master: So far you are going very well... you are very above from my expectation
s for you.
DeYtH: This is something, good right?
Master: Yes!
DeYtH: Why my works sound like ... I am angry... at the world... at the people..
. at everything?
Master: You see that in the world and you write it... what you have written is w
hat you have already saw.

DeYtH: Why sometimes... I just can't say something else?... something like follo
wing scenario?
Master: More exactly?
DeYtH: I mean that sometimes when somebody says something... I don't have a lot
of possibilities of saying something which could show that I care about that per
Master: That's called a logic... in you... this doesn't exist... That's why you
are so unique and odd... and strange...
DeYtH: Should I change?
Master; Nooooooooo
Master: Don't be stupid... you are my favourite invention... You have reached so
far... that... nobody could reach your level....... YOu will be very foolish if
you destroy yourself.

DeYtH: So tell me... why do I have such strange interests?

Master: What do you mean?
DeYtH: I mean why... I like facts?... and other strange stuff... which are count
ed as for people which are kind of psychopaths...
Master: That's something.. . which is also part from your mission...



DeYtH: Can't you just a little tell me about what's my mission?

Master: I can't...
DeYtH: Just little!
DeYtH: Why?
Master: I can't tell you... your life will be limited.. .you gonna follow scenar
Master: I don't want you to follow any scenario... I want by your extraordinary.
Master; YOu are very, very different

DeYtH: So how Am I going to go to my goal without even don't knowing what is it?
Master: You will soon find out... go out... and look at the people... what's aro
und you... who likes you... who hates... you.... ask questions... search answers
... and somewhere there you gonna find it.... Check out who died... who is alive
... who shows respects... who is really supportive....
DeYtH: Sure?
Master: Yes
DeYtH: How much time do we have?
Master: Not a lot of to talk... but if you have any other questions.... ask....
DeYtH: Why people are so cold?
Master: Nobody is perfect... you even don't know what's cold? What is it?
Master: Something which is to take a cold shower?
DeYtH: You are fucking right!...
DeYtH: Could I find the perfect person for me?
DeYtH: The perfect Female with which I could be in relationship?

Master: That's a difficult question... depends on the scenario... how much hones
t are you... do you lie... can you allow yourself to limit?... Can you make sacr
Master: So much things you should do... that I even don't know from where to sta
rt to talking about this....
DeYtH: Why people started to bully me?
Master: That was an example of how you should be... (What's right and what's wro
ng...) the person you shouldn't be... again a part from your mission which is a
DeYtH: How about the cheating?
Master: That's an example of a weak character... who wants to get in the shoes o
f a perfect character.
DeYtH: How about the Fake people?
Master: They were just random... people...something which wasn't expected to hap
pen... just something out of the random choices...

Master: I think that you should goo...

DeYtH: Why?
Master: Don't ask questions.... JUSTTTTTTTTT GOOO!

Master: Do you see that bed?

DeYtH: Yes?
Master: Go to sleep and this which has happen has never happen....

I went walking to the bed... slowly and slowly... and slowly... then I got on th
e bed and then when I go on it... I started to sleep... after few minutes just a
n ring I Start hearing
- It was the alarm of my clock... then the birds started to sing....

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