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SECTION 1 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Questions 17. Passage ‘Though the lant twenty five years have goon Chins dazzle the world ith its excellent economi performance it hus shield away from playing the kind of active role in ‘nteational affairs that would seem commensurate wth ts economic weight This {s because traditionally, China's polities have been defined. by the need for economic evelopment above al else. Inthe past Clana’s autores Ihave tended to dbynplay the country’s international clout choceing to otese instead ite development county state and limited military capabilities. Sch modest rhetoric was Intended to alay the fears that China's rise was causing across its immediate neighbourhood. That Bejing i finally adzowledgng te status as a major player in the Intemational system Is evidenced by the fact that the President las formally devdoped a thecry of international, rdatons, the concept of harmonious world. The concept encempassing broad notions of multlateralisin, prosperity for all through common development and tolerance for diversity has leit world opinion perpleved. These are commendable objectives but the theory is shorten specifi regarding the means to achieve them. CCuna‘s recent willrgness 1 be a more active player Itemationaly stems frou complex factors. The county’ ecovomic sirengih—having acquired the largest foreign exchange reserves in the world-is undeniable and reports favour it to be the lagest economy in the nest quarter of & ‘century. For sustains! double digit economic growh Chine tus has no choice but to becorae more active internationally ‘Moreover as a major proportion of the oil and other natural, resources that Chua needs to feed is growing economy are Imported Beng has to aggressively woo the countries rch in nergy recource, which algo represent emerging markets for Chirnge products To eneury 2 salle security environment ‘within the region and thus facilitate economic grow Chin pphyed an active role in facilitating negotiations with North Korea Destubilization of a potential flashpoint like the Korean peninsula woukl kad to a flood of refugees crossing ‘We Dore, nterTupung careful plans ecouomic rejuvenation of China's North Zast. China's growing influence has caused, A shift in the geopolitical stanis quo and its influence is beginning to replace that of the United States and European ‘powers in Africa. Chin's new dilomary though fas had its share of critics who have expressed thelr unease at China's military modemization programene and it willingness to ‘deal with regimes widely condemned as corrupt and oppressive. Despite this when the Africa was in need of aid and infrartructare or the US needed help in negosaing with Korea they narnd to China By taking a leat ina varoty of Intemational and regional forums, initiating bilateral and rilitary exchange and dispensing aid and technical assistance in pars of the world where traditional powers are ‘cautious to esd China lus signaled tha its days of stung, ‘on the sidelines, content to et other shape world affairs are ‘emphatically ver ‘L.Which has been the fallout of China's inereased participation in world fairs? ()ineerational scrutiny of its economic poles ()its influence and prestige grow substantially (@)None of ese ()Growth of corruption aumong its pollcans (G)lts growth rote has stailized ‘2 Why has China traditionally been a passive spectator inglobl affairs? (To safeguard its oll resources (2) To concea its «conomie predicament () Feonomic dominance ofthe US (4)To manta securty mts vey (6)Te focus on domestic economic growth 8. Which of the following best describes China's {international stats? ()Cause of insecurity among developirg nations ()langest economy in the workd (G)largest donor cf aid to developing counties (@)Poneer of implementing a “harmonious word” pilosopty (None ofthese “A. The main purpose behind Bejng’s intervention in North Koreas (Ensure that the US adaowledges China's growing lita influence (2)Prevent any huinckances to its domestic economic ‘development programmes ()Prowct fis Financial investment In neighbouring (@)Provide humanitarian sssistance to one of its strongest allies Korea, ()None of these ‘S.Which of the flowing CANNOT be sail about (Chin's international relations theory? ()The theory is amtaguous i nature (2)The theory reflects China's realization that it ‘ceupie a vital place in gltalaffaire ()Itpromotes the concept of commen development for allnations (a)Ie is a theory which explains Climt's sustained growth rate (5)Itemphasizes achieving prosperity throug universal development 6. Which ofthe following is TRUE in the contest ofthe passage? (1)China’s current politcal standing internationally is ‘disproportionate to is fnanal strength (2)Chine isa reluctant parent in stry diddorues (8)The hamonious workd theory is the cay utatan rernedy tothe curent challenges facne the world (@yTte US Ins recognized and. zeknowtedged Chana’ _atowing sternationalreptitation (S)Chinz hae stopped dealing with compe countries ‘becauae of intemational pressure, 7. Which of the fellowing ie an ourcome of Baling role in Africa? (Q)America's influence inthe region has reduced (2)instalaity in de rion {S)The anouut of aid fom Hurope and odur commutes has dite (@)The talance of powor in Arica has shite favour of urope over the US (S)None of these Questions 820, Passage tt In de delat folowing the Intemationd Day for dhe lation of Violence Agaiist Women observed a Tew days ‘ago, some crea isaies have core tothe foe. Bs tne 10 advorab for a completly separate apparatus of courts, aw Snforcement mechanism an Inws for women? What are the stength and limits of such a proposal? The ius of separate courte for women ce fanly disputes hhas been a aubject of debate for many years. A mimber of States have already set up specal court fer women including Maharastra, with proposals penciy i Karnataka and Det “These courts have taken on eiferetsncamations atthe Sate level with the Naharashtra cours designated as fay cours {to deal with farmly disputes. and. marnmontal matters the DDlhi courts are intended to deal exelsvaly with rape cases ‘Heswever, the dea Dehra the epecal court I te deal spec ‘with atroctiee against women, In 2006, a Bilt sot up special courte for women war fnroduced in the Lok Saba. The court ee intended 19 deal primary wih offences of rape, criminal assault, meal inary ann sexual haressinent agaist wonnen, Te cours are © be Dresided over by a diet judge, with additional judges appatnted depending on the requirement in specie eases, and Atleast half of teunges’ posts ao 1 be reserved for wornen The idea behind these spacial courte is dht they wil provide apecay jute to wormen and be won friendly as ‘yell. Thoge court are also interded to provide a more private space fer women, especially to rape vetins who are fecueaty ‘aunatized by the Wal process that currently exists The idee of separate wounen police cels las also been ‘mooted from une to tne The Ceatre hus bee advising State ‘Governments regarding. the steps Mat need to be taken, feapecialy at th loel of Law enforcnrent to afford grestr Dprowetion to women and in particular to prevent erm ‘gainstthem Those advisories incude gender saneitization of the police, adopting appropriate mesruree for svift and effective punishment to pubke servants found guilty of custodial violence against women, minimizing dels in Investigations of murder, rape aad torture of women aud woe cells sriets where they The ational Commission for Ween has alsounsertaten ‘iste to sanioue States to review the statue of women and conduct iis own investigations in certain cases of serious incdanto of crime againet wemen. The Commision‘ findings indicate that Ue level of seusiiity ana care with whi crimes alust wornen are handled Is woefully tnadetuate. Ts wl fbserved that he fling of FIRS even tn aeataly abusive or violent eases cannes to he a problem ‘The setting up ef ‘women police ells i one of the ways in hich to alleeate thee probleme ‘While proposals for eparate cours, police edie and spec Jane for women are demande that women thempdlvee are making, there isa need fo be attentive tothe ways in which ach Iniatves might aculy boomerang, Addressig’ wotnen's issues of Volene i « separate court structre cul vexmester ‘wotnen' sues uo a dak come. where reports of vole al atti tecotpe mated The role of he mci i bine the Sspotight to bear on ssuoe of volance has been crea 18 Which af the fellowtag was/wore the pets of debate tint followed the celebration of International Day for Elination of Violence aganet Wemen? (A)Propriey of setting up eeparate courts for dealing with matters related to avodtes aginst womest (Whether here should be a separate women police call, CO) Wiether there should bea separate et of laws devised cexchisively 10 deal wih problems elated i» women (DAand Bony (Rand C only ()A an Conly All the mre (None of these ‘9.Which of the following ie definitely TRUE about the cours for women? (A) Family courts in Mabarashtra and special court for ‘wotnen in the other States have a common ideological base. (@ specal courts for worn in Della have been Geaine exclusively wth rape cates sine 2008, (©) Kamataka Sate is notin favour of special courte for only B @) Only ¢ @oalya (i) ard B oaly None of these VO. Which of the following is/are the objectives) of setae up special cours for wou? (GU Hasty spost of the cases trvoving women 0 that ‘te ime sae could be Detter tized for setting other disp (B) Providing privacy for hearing so that prebuble embarrasement of wmen,particultly rape victims, eoided. (OFrequenty waumatizing the sensed of rape vetims 99 Unt they are duly penalized fr their wisdeed. only a oak B ouye (4) Aare ¢ only (None of these ‘Which of the followng is NOF solar in mara the word “Boomerang” as used in the passage? ‘(DP bade (@)Beumce back (Rebound (GA) Reochet ()Come back 12. Theword “they” inthe last ne of the ith paragraph refers U: (wore assene (None of tess 13.the 2soumpton underlying the proposal for ‘reservation of atleast ity percent poe's of judges er women fouie henines (rape aud torture ‘@)womes have better capability 0 jude criminal eases (@)male judges cannot be imperil in thé udgenent (8) male judges are Mkely tot er judgenent und in Favour of women vets (@) women judges can easly become duly women friendly {nd sil remain mmparal (6) mee judges cannot be gendersenstized easily 14.By establishing separate women palice cell. ll of the following are likly tobe realized EXCEPT — (greater prosetion © women (@) prevention of crimes against women {@)quicker and effective punishment the guy of erime gaat wornes (4) punitive action against media urdu highlighing the 16) None of these 18. The autor ofthe parsage seems tobe apprehensive about the eectiveness of epedial cours, Jays and separate cls for women @) in favour of stats quo regaeding meaaurcs to deal with eases against women (8) strong opponent of the idea of having separate Laws {nd courts for women (2 imuly end imatonaly against the male members (6) entng wornen folk too much vulnereble te exmves Questions 1618 Choose the word which is mos meaty ‘heSAME in meaning as the Word even in bold a3 used Pe premises @)machiney @) stationery @ functons G) regulations Yancy highly 2) imtentionally 8) primacy mechanically G)eally To.rmte ‘negligible 2) nullified 8) subded neutralized G)ampaetc Questions 19-20. Choose the wo hick is most OPPOSITE In mearre of re word given inal as use the passe te.sequester @eonfiscare e)aide )capnire @ smpound G) restore 20. woefully ‘dota eymudely significantly (@cheerfuly| G)mecilssly| Questions 21-30. In cae question below, a sentence is given oath apart of it protad in bed type. That part may Contain a grammatical eror Kach sentence fs followed by Phomses (1h 2) Gand (Find out which phrase should replace te phrave given in bold "0 correct he ero if there is any, ani te make the sentence grammatoaly mearingfid art comect. Ifthe sentence bs correc! a! 18. and no correction it reouired mark G) as heansver. ‘27. Many pubke servantecan become untrustsvonthy and comuption, (oy meusthl and corruption @) untuusting and corruption (@) unusting and corrapave @ uneustworthy and comupe {() No conextion required 22.Systamatic and carefully analysis of spoken Janguages must be done by scholars ‘() Systematic and care (2) systematically and careful (@) sysematcally and careftlly () System of cardully (©) No correction required £23.The descriptions ofthe plight ofthe miserobles were very touching. ‘dDvas vey touching (2) were very touchy (had very touching (Ahad been very touchy G) io conection requited 24. Merebeing equippedby mors programming does not mem we pracice moral behaviour (Mere being equipped with 2) Merely being equpped wit, (@) Mere equipping by 4) Merely being quipped for @) No conection required 225. Ilis works of art rank high in the appraisal for competent erties ‘()) ate high rank i the appraisal for (@) are ranking high with te appraisal of (@)rank high inthe appraisal of (rank high by the aporisa ot (No conection required 26.As years rolled by, his mame and fame spread ll ‘through the county ‘@) When years rolled by (2) When years relledthreught As yearsroled upon (1) After years rolled by, () No conection required 27. Dlessed with much intelligence he save very few ‘meanings ia religious ites that ae performed asmere rita (observes very evr meanings @) save quite afew meanings (@) looked fr very Fevemeaninge (4) aw litle meaning @) No conection required 2B. Iie was devoted his time meticaleusly forthe good of his people ‘(vas meticulous tobe devoted his tive (@) devoted his time metcalously (@) was meticulous in his time to devote (Gy had been devoted his time meiculoaly (No comertion required ‘29.Mony protlems that incia faces teday’ are wrought with tie potential for destroying ter weryintegsity as anation. (Q)hins faced everyday are wrought with {faces today ae yrought by @ faced these days have wrought with faces today have wrought with (6) No comertion requzes ‘3B.Newton states that he could not have mide bie Aiscoverise his predscesyors hud not shown bmn the gt pa ‘(DAF his predecessors were not shown (had his predecessors not been shown {@) had his predecessors not shown, (Cif his predecessors had not been shown (9) No correction reared Questions 31-40. In the following passage there are ‘lan each of which hes been membered. These numbers are printed bebow the passage and against each, fre words are Sseiuestd one of which fs the blink appropriately. Pi cut ‘he appropnate word in each ase ‘The warng 2gainst carton emissions hich is (32) the Earth Just got mare urgent. The UN Human Development Report said on Tucnday’that (52) the global community agrovd t0(9)) emissions by half by 2050, the work woud face hue economic setbacks anal aso ecological (34)."We are om the (35) ff sean imma development (30) for the frst ume in 30 yews, Kevin Watling, te author of the report wae (37) a8 faving, The reper eid the poor nations would be hit the G8) as they are the lest (9) to face nature's (40) manifest in Aevastating storms and droughts, $1.) depriving ©) entangling (@ wannng @ blackening Gytarasane saat ©) because @rowitheunding — ( without unless 33.d) cat (eamance © eraticate 34.(1) balance 2) atmoepbore @reoncerie Weaustophes @)aasietes cd step @veme wp (extreme Grensirinement 26.() enaping 2) murewsing @ectent reverse (@ ambition 37.0) quoted 2) observed (found @ imerrogated denned 38.0) beet ey argeet (@y hardest east Gpstrongest 39.11) worried 2) eared ‘cova @stragaied enepred 40.1) boon fury (@ essing (9 deadline @ encroachment SECTION It QUANTITATIVE SKILIS, DATA ANALYSIS ‘AND SUFFICIENCY Questions 41.55, What Should come in place of question ‘mark Qn the flowing questions? 61,093 87) 1125 9-7 srs ms69 gpana W386 |S)None of these 42,3870 57-516 w7s izes (9)5.85 i565 {S)Nane of ese 163.5180 44172 3868-7 = 2456 «1130 19)2007 i807 1087 aur (G)None of nese AA.888 808 + 048 + 88,08 + 080+ 888-7 yt037.14 @107ss4 (1970.24 1708 54 (Gy owe of these 45.088) + C3) 0 - GF - 59. iss iss @x6 om ©) None of these 46.912 07» 1d ~ 157849 » 56100 38 50 os sa (6) None ot ese A755) #8230) 67 = TH sr 20 oa O28 (G) owe af these 48.05 555 0f 228) -(2.65 of 104) ayi7s76a @y1s.sa67 @i7s76 one (©) None of these ae.c37" 2307 38 eos @ fe 629" (G) Rone of meso 150.8. 406 5844 2.452 2.801-7 use 17375 (13373 ens (Gy one of these 57 +P -asy =385 aia @ 1331 ase ou (@)None of these 4h, 7 aa atolls Z so 230 @si0 150 (G)None of these 83.78.34 9608 - 1440 44-7 ay oaas agers ()aK965 15285 (G) None of these {54.22.48 of 668 + 15.758 of 104-7 cyiesis7 @isois7 Gpirsie7 iesis7 Gy ove of these 85.1728 24856 12= sssi6 Cysease, 26188 (scant (@)None ofthese 36. The ratio of ages ofa husband ani is wifes 3: 2 ad lhe sum of ther ages is €0 years. The eof wile iu Year) 0030 36 20 wm 28 87. How many bricks, each measuring 25 em 1128 ema 6 can ere requied to construct a wall m= Bm = 225 eu? (Neglect vokume oF cement wed (7200 eo G50 e000 (3600 ‘S8.Pund the ratio un whi water and vane are to be Imre. $0 that theres 208 profit, even on selling the mxtae atthe eoet price (2-8 ean (res aca 1:5 459. Atunk canbefilled by pipes \ and Bin 10 minuto and 12 mines rectly. Another ppe can drain out afl tank mn 20 miautes How nice villi take t fil the woke tank if all he taps are open? ‘Q)15 minutes (9)5 minutes G)None of these 460... mn goes to his office from home, on cycle. at 29 ‘aur and retws on motorcycle wi is fiend, a 40 kv is average seed dns appear) @)8 minutes 25 e127 '3)30 33 9)35 (01. hoy is ying to ascend a sippery pole. 14 1 high ‘He ascends nn the 1 inive and sigs dows 1 the rect mae. If this process continues, how imuch time wil 1 {ae hima t goo the top dn mney? wis ei @)24 25 5)26 facto ei dass ae! ond} pant They ae fe with ead ed nu: Waste th tof a rowater now 2:3 esa eas ae:s 5:7 463. \ train, 100m Ing, can cross a 200m eng platform in ‘20 seconds, Whit the speed of the tai in kr? ‘wis ‘@)10 936 ase S108 (64.4 speaks truth in OD% cases and B in 40% cases. An event occurs. Bow give ther own statements. What are the hances Wat they wl give contadcnory stamens? «308 st a56 ass 10% 165. The price of new brand of motoreyle le increased by 106 before budget ae 20% after the budget Whatis the net ¥ inceaoe? ase 20 9)26 25 sz (46, 22% gan on SPis how nich gain? 208 28 BIS6 Gycamt be saa {S)Nene of mese 4. In a med colaction of peacocks ane deer, lage are counted they ar 40 but heads ae counted, they are just 15. How many peacock are thers? ws @7 os aio or {68,3 iron cubes of eiges 10en, ermal Get are eed an ne lange. ste cube is formed, The ee of the new cubes acm @nan ize (acm, asen an finish 3 job m 40 days. ie 80% more efficient tan X Hove rmich te wl ¥ tab? (2 daye O24 dae 1B dye 20¢a78 64 dye 70.Which number should replice both the question ‘ark inthe following equation? ies ios ~ 7 2s, 295 25 285 (©)Name af these 71.oney — Now 74 ‘Thug, both A and B are needed 96. @) NIS=21N=2x S—xeay) A-ha =2 Sugandha () — Nosclution Se41tx txt xed ~ Ages — Sand 4 years 90.44) A--CP of 10-SP of 8 — sieny) =cpeX speak [5-30] soo 10 ce cP _100 Now. Sp” 00+ PR ~ 250 25 CP“ 200 P= Re 50 + same answer Cealready given as 25%9 4100 &) No infermation about J 201, @) It analloy (mistir) of motale Othere are pure metals. 102 () L=50~#ete 103.) 4 pairs, viz, D--A,ONA 4102 (1) DREAM. Le R 105 () A¥3=D.E+S=HI+3=M N+3=0-—MO. 106 @) A@B—AgB—A>B ASB -AEB-A Thus HOLL = 3.1K, KouLar Le positien of H and K is not clear /not sure Now, I= = Fnot sure /uneeetain MKS 1 cortain ML H> K.uncertain 107.) From thestatements, E> M.M>V.V V— true TM eW — uncertain, M-R> W uncertain 108.) D> JJ=KK2MM U.K) 2M, and N >M (+D>M—uue Mat Jae N= K uncertain 100.6) FERRAF “all are correct. O.G) X>¥.YSTTcV.VOR ‘Thus ail ae incorrect 11) Al steres ere fletion ~ No leon is poem No story is pou) “all aovels ae scree ~ All stores ae icons AIL novels ae itons fi) some fosks are novel » All novela are stories “Some books are storee and Now Some books ate sorior + All toriet are Siedons Some books are fictions > ti) 112.) Albus are petals +N petal ia pollen “No ba ie pollen > () and from all { sutemants +g ie wreng ann from statements 3 and 4 “sto peal is fragrance Gi) 113 ©) O is correct from satemnts? and 3. (ais correct frmstatanents 2 +3 +4 reverse W's ‘wrong 28 negation carnot follow from atmirmatives, ALG (fellows from 1 +2 (a) follows from 1 (eversed) ip follows from 3+ 4 all follow: Le. none of hese © @ tole fern 3-4 ‘folows trem? + i follows frome 3+ 4 116. (2) *For Os. 116-120, study the pattern logic ‘The igs are arraued in ascending order and the alphabets words m descending onler rst the digs and then th words are amanged in these. and 20 en. Step t+ 21 white direct 72 etatue front 3760 ‘Step My 21 white $7 direct 72 stats frat 09, Step 1V > 21 white 37 status direct 72 frat 63 Step V+ 21 white 37 stan 69 rect 72 front Step VI 21 white 37 status 60 front 72 direct ‘Ime, 4 mere etepe are required. 117.4) Inpat = 17 85 pears gavland G7 98 restriction judgement [Bt step © 17 restrictions 88 peels garlanl 67 93 Judgement Step 1: 17 reetrctions 67 5 pearls garland 97 Jindgement Step IM: 17 restrictions 67 pearls 5 garland 93 Judgement (4 cannot be determined, ag tas case hack sep are ot pesable to detmine, 10. () Step 125 chop finance 18 game ruse 6337. ‘Step I 26 shop 37 finance 8 gare msc 8 Step IV. 26 shop 37 musi nance 48 game 63, Step V: 26 shop 87 muste 48 tance game 63, 120,(5) The ist 5 steps ae 20 56 punish 48 find design lash 36 20 punieh 56 48 find design lavish 36 29 puaith 36.5648 find design lavieh 29 punleh 36 lavish 5648 find design lavish 29 punish 36 lavish 4.56 fir design lavish ‘Step VI: 29 punish 96 lavish 48 find 0 design. ‘The arrangement gets completed ia the VI ste. (© Nowe of the conditions (1H. applies, 0. we use ‘iret lever codes, fe 57882 = AFPRIT, Le. 122, Q) eoteliton () apples 28 the It element © i 2 symbel fd the last one, Le, 948 an od ag * swapped exchanged subettuted Tue 8 4.6 3 9 BRUTAL Bu, on swapping © and 9, we get L and 3 Gaterdiengrt -LeUT HD 123.(9)conilion @ applies. +E RUT HE 124, (Romcondion XA TO PX 125.) No condition apples. So, use direct letter codes. 126 “Her 126150 dita can ara 2 Familyl] Male [Female] Children Nile Female no a c K and Car 1= AK, Cor = 6.6, B, Car I= B.D. 7a) 28 (0) ether son or daughter 1290. 130.6) asi @aiz 28,11 287 11 = 308, 04, 44 + 8-7 aye 4 and 7,25 9175 175,37 9178+ 57 = 212 132, @ (7,21) 9 te 17» 213387 ‘xu (357, 76) + Rule VI-s 357 -76 261 “Thao, Ry = 64, 15,281 Now, (64, 15) + Rule MI +64 15 49 and (49,261) ~» Rule I1-» 380, Le. option 2) 138. G8, 16) 48/16 09 = 3 and G 15)-33 15 ty Vp = 45 Now, (256, 45) ~ 256 15 by N)~ 211 ‘and 211, €0)= 211 ~ 60 oy VD= 151 134. We get 718 135.6)52,7 98277 =204 221d 74 M2 ig y 47 and 57,16 37 -10=41 and 4115 41 *15 615, B6@ 7) TRG) Ase) 110.) Por 145 he argonet ten bo oS a ZA me ew “8.6 141.) -LES(D In others, let ene iin between the oter 2 |M4G (US and EU markets which are yethetc rich, AAT Q) Last line 148 G) No such ht 149. @). consider the terrae — wadionay, use tobe, had ndernined. 150-()..further bttessing -> Gupporting)

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