Evolution For The Greater Good: Philippine Normal University - Mindanao

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Name: John Patrick P. Bersalote

Course Professor: Dr. May Q. Apat

Section: BME-II

Evolution for the greater good

Learning nowadays deals are deals with literacy over technology. The wide range access of information
through internet had opened a new path of Excellency over a wide range of mass communication. Education has
taken a big part of our history; it had been used in many ways to relay relevant events that had change the world until
today. By means of records, education is our means evolution from the past where all things now begin with. To
learn the past to relate what the future might become. By means of education we are traditionally accustomed in
learning but in this modern civilization learning without means is made possible.
The advent and improvement using technology in learning had been a big deal for many people. It had made
a long way communication possible through social medias, publishing books in websites, finding relevant
information, and of course files are easily stored for important matters.
By means of information, students like me had been so accustomed in surfing the net for relevant information
for an assignment, reports, projects or even activities instead of going into libraries and scan books. Education had
become much easier for many people especially those with good hands into technologies. But, in some way the
advent of technology had disturbed the focus learning of many people due to the thinking that With technology it is
just a click away. This thinking justifies how students nowadays are somewhat bored in learning when they can just
surf the lessons in the internet.
Technology had change our societies state to a much more accustomed people where they find reading,
discussing, thinking and writing are digitally acquainted with the access of technology. Though we may find
disadvantages we could still say that with such improvement over fast paced learning, the education of the 21 st
century learners had undergone evolution for the greater good.

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