5 Tips To Help Build Your Confidence in Photography

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5 Tips to Help Build Your Con dence in

A Post By: Branson Quenzer
Think of your last bad day of photography, a time where you just blew a whole
batch of portraits, or even a couples wedding day images were spoiled. As
photographers you cant go back and x that. Yes if you use RAW, you can get
some info back from under or over exposed shots, and editing tools these days can
be incredibly useful. But, when you spend more time behind the computer than
with you camera it can be a real condence buster. It may even be taking away
from future business, if not your enjoyment of photography.
So how do you build your condence?

These DPRK soldiers show condence and loyalty guarding the DMZ and
the 38th parallel of Korea. The soldiers at Buckingham Palace dont inch,

and that takes practice.

Having condence exudes condence, but where does real condence come from.
Well it doesnt just come from nowhere, that is often called arrogance. It comes
from the awareness of your emotional state relative to your cognitive abilities.
If you use your emotions to create, you are being condent. If your emotions are
overwhelming you during your shot or photo series, you are likely under-condent.
By the book, you may know everything there is to know about the exposure
triangle, rule of thirds, color theory, etc., but when you are actually shooting do
they do more to help, or do they hinder you?
Condence is a delicate balance between what you know, and how well you are
capable of performing. So lets look at a couple of examples and analogies to help
build your condence as a photographer.

#1 Con dence isnt always consistent

Real condence is never consistent, and has its slumps. Professional sports is a
great example, even superstars have an o night.
So when you have an o night, remember another night is just 12 hours away. If it
is the morning, it is still 12 hours away. Even a broken clock is correct twice a day,
so dont beat yourself up. In the short run you may have really blown a photo
shoot, or missed the animal of your dreams because you were not being conscious
about your settings, or you were simply absent minded. But that is the short term,
and as long as you get right back out there, the better o you are going to be.
The best of the best all fail, but what keeps them on top of their game is the
arduous task of owning up to being human, and going out to nd a solution to
your goof. In the long run, they will be memories that you get to look back on with
a laugh.

Baseball is a national pastime in Cuba. Although it was my rst time

shooting baseball in the barrios of Havana, it wasnt my rst time shooting

#2 Learn from your mistakes

Few people are perfect photographers from birth. Generally, talent comes through
sweat, tears, and sometimes even blood. If you make mistakes you can learn from
them. Condence has a conspiracy with failure. So take two steps forward, and one
step back. Stay committed, and speaking of commitment and blood, I am not the
only photographer who has taken a tumble, and when people ask you if you are
okay, you respond with, Yes the camera is ne, while your knees and elbow are

Continuing with the baseball theme, after striking out, it only took one big
swing to make the winning home run. Dont give up, live, learn and keep
swinging for the fences.

#3 Be vulnerable
Enter a photo contest, and dont expect to win. It is a nal process of completing
the photography and artistic conceptual circle. Letting your photo hang on a wall,
while others look at it, even for a few minutes, is a scary prospect for some. But
think of leaving your freshly baked pie on the dinner table, and just looking at it.
We dont do that with food, nor should we do that with our photography.
People will love it, like it, dislike it, or downright hate it, but that doesnt mean you
are wrong. It means you have succeeded in making the photography world just a
little more interesting. You also never know who you will inspire. Your vulnerability
will soon become a strength that will help build your condence.

After years of holding on to this photo, I nally entered it into a regional

photography competition. It got in, and although I was not a recipient of
anything, another gallery called a month later and wanted to host my work
for a show.

#4 Learn from others BUT dont compare

yourself to them
There is a world of knowledge available, and many people who you can learn from.
Use them, ask them questions, share ideas but dont compare yourself to them.
Generally when you compare your own work to others, it may leave you with a
sense of theres more to be desired, and a sense of failure. So learn from their
perspectives, their tutorials, and their stories, but dont get caught up in who is
A happy photographer is the best photographer. Furthermore, over time you will
begin to see the merits in some of your earlier experimental work. Perfection is not

the goal, it is the journey to becoming a more enriching photographer.

This Magnolia opening in spring was taken in full sunlight. I saw a series of owers
on a photo stream, and realized I had not taken a photo of something beautiful in
a long time. This helped me learn to see, and if our images were side by side, I am
sure theirs was better. But I enjoyed doing something dierent than what I
normally shoot.

#5 Avoid gear envy

There will always be something bigger and better, wait another year and the next
new version will be out. So dont get intimidated by other photographers gear, and
more importantly dont let your photos depend on your gear. Think of it as a

Taken with a 50mm, manual focus lens from my fathers box of forgotten
things, that I found rummaging through his old stu. Lenses and cameras
are fun to have, and fun to buy, but they dont make the photo.
A small trick I use when the next new thing comes out, and I get in that spiral of
getting all gear-junkie about it is to look at some of the classic photographers from
100 years ago or read up on some color theory. This gets me back to the basics, try
it yourself.
So if you realize that every showing will not be your best, you can get over thinking
that your gear dictates the success and failure of your photos, if you can start to
learn from your mistakes, and begin to hang photos on a wall then guess what?
Your condence will begin to grow, you will have more control (and more power)
over photography (situations, light, camera gear, etc.).As your condence grows it
builds and builds on itself.
The next six areas are examples of how condence will help you in that style of
photography. Part one is developing condence, and part two is a set of examples
of how condence can help in dierent situations.

How con dence can help you take better

In portraiture, condence helps you connect with, and calm your subject, to
bring out their inner spirit. There is little worse than a nervous model and a
nervous photographer. Even if you are not 100% sure what youre doing, show
condence, take your time, and slowly adjust your settings to get things closer to
your ideas. Try and keep from getting frustrated and making large adjustments
wildly to your gear.


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This young girl in North Korea had never seen an American before, but after
me keeping my cool she was much more approachable.
In wildlife photography, condence lets you trust your gut, and get in the
right place at the right time. Luck is important, but perseverance will ultimately
lead to success. Having condence will give you the extra optimism to keep you
going, as you wait patiently.


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On a long road trip from east to west across the US, I hadnt run into any
large animals. In Wyoming I decided to go for another shot at an indiscrete
state park, and there were bualo everywhere.
In travel photography, condence helps you see beyond the postcard shot.
Condence allows you to see your journey, not the one that is in the travel books.
It helps you see the subtleties, and personalize your travel story, rather than trying
to just take the photo that everyone else wants you to take.


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This sassy little Cuban was just parading on her porch. I walked by without
grabbing my camera, then discreetly turned around and caught her exuding
luxury, Cuban style.
In ne art photography, condence will allow your creative side to ow. It will
allow you to access what is sometimes referred to in sports as being in the zone.
This zone, or ow is your brilliance at its best, and condence supports your
ambitions as an artist.


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One of my favorite images from India, where cricket matches were being played.
Using multiple exposures, then giving it a symmetrical clone, I produced something
that I cherish. Maybe only you like your photo, but that is what being true to
yourself is all about.
In bad weather condence helps you see the silver lining. For all types of
photography we rely on light. A great source of light is outdoors, and when that
golden hour turns to wind and rain you have a choice pack up and go, or think
outside the box. Condence helps you control your surroundings, even when they
are out of control, so you can begin to work within them, and use them to your


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I cant say that the weather was bad here, but the timing was. I was just getting to a
ghetto outside of San Jose, Costa Rica at night. I wanted to get in and out before I
felt compromised, unsafe. So regardless of if its bad weather, or bad timing,
condence can help you to push through.
In tough times condence gives you the grit to continue. Really, this is what a
lot of photography comes down to do you have the gumption to get up early for
sunrise, or not? Can you give a genuine smile to your client, even when you are not
having the best day? Can you be satised with the gear you have, and not think
about the next lens you want to get? Can you be the best photographer you can


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Symbolically this Burmese woman has had a few more tough times than I
have. Condence in photography will help you put things into perspective.
Condence is hard to gain and can take years to attain. It is a process, and is easier
for some than others. But if you work at it, it will build. Just as you work on other
aspects of your photography, your emotions need work to. Condence is an
emotion, so practice with your feelings, and let them grow alongside the cerebral
aspects of photography. Be mindful of your emotions, not fearful of them.
Do you have any other condence building tips? If so, please share them in the
comments below.








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Branson Quenzer has chased bygone eras in a vastly changing Chinese landscape for
over a decade. He has a Masters Degree in Economics, whereby he uses a paradigm of
seeing the world through a system of interlinking processes and changes, to explore
photography and the world. Please visit his website to see more or contact him
through Facebook.

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Bhanu Bansal 4 months ago

such an inspiring article .. thank you so much.. Keep sharing

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Branson Quenzer

> Bhanu Bansal

4 months ago

Happy to know you found the article useful. Please share with us some of your color


photos. Thanks, bQ
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Ritesh Dwivedi 7 months ago

Thank you for writing and sharing this soulful article...much appreciated.

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a website
from Rs. 99*/month.
Branson Quenzer

> Ritesh Dwivedi

7 months ago

Branson Quenzer

> Ritesh Dwivedi

7 months ago

Glad that you could benefit from it... now go out and USE it!!!

get going

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Yoder Photography, LLC 7 months ago

Really appreciate this article! Thanks for sharing! Confidence in my photography is something I
struggle with sometimes. The other day another photographer happened through my day job
and I ended up showing her my website and some pics and she said she really liked all of my
pictures. Having someone who does it for a living tell me in person that I have some great work
was a huge confidence boost for me!

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Branson Quenzer

> Yoder Photography, LLC

7 months ago

Happy you gained something from the post. When you show your work it can be scary.
Even if you get negative feedback, keep your head up. Share some of your favorite
photos here and I am sure you will get some nice comments.

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Oscarphone 7 months ago

The best tip here is that gear doesn't make the photo. Story:Years ago in the "film days" our
studio had a fleet of Fs, a Contax and a couple of Hasselblad 2s. When things slowed down
we made a point of grabbing the old box Brownies on display in the office and headed for a
point on the compass, even if it was only a block away. It forced us to see and make good
photos with our eye rather than the equipment. You could really take advantage of the softness
of the lens to make some pretty nice stuff. It also made you get crafty like breathing on the
leans to soften it more. Point is, equipmwnt doesn't make the photographer. Never did, never

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Branson Quenzer

> Oscarphone

7 months ago

Couldn't agree more. More important that having good gear is know how to use the
gear that you have. Never breathed on my lens to fog it up, but I will soon! Great idea!

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Lois Lawson-Ellis 7 months ago

Love the photo samples! I am just learning the basics of photography and it would be very
helpful to see details beneath each image (e.g. lens, ISO, S, A etc.). Is there any way to see the

specs for each shot? Thanks. LLE

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Branson Quenzer

> Lois Lawson-Ellis


7 months ago

photos 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12 were shot with a 70-200 (the panorama was put
together in Photoshop and would most likely have an F-stop of 5.6 or 6.3). The
Magnolia flower was shot with a 100mm macro with a flash at around 3.2. The cricket
photo was taken with a 70-300. Finally the black and white was with an old manual
focus 50mm and I am guessing the F-stop was around 5.6 . I shoot most of the time in
Aperture priority which means the ISO is automatic.

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Branson Quenzer

> Branson Quenzer

7 months ago

get going

Oh, the fire crackers from Chinese New Year... that was shot on a 40mm prime.
F-stop would be around 3.2.

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Lois Lawson-Ellis

> Branson Quenzer

7 months ago

Thanks so much for this information. Great shots.


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Branson Quenzer

> Lois Lawson-Ellis

7 months ago

Absolutely... I hope it helps you in your photographic journey.

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Kathleen M Pearson 7 months ago

Although I'm a newbie and have a lot to learn, I definitely have gear envy! I use a Fujifilm
Finepix S8100 point-and-shoot which is a nice camera but it just isn't a DSLR with a great
zoom lens! Oh well, baby steps.

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> Kathleen M Pearson

7 months ago

I've seen some pretty damn nice photos taken with some pretty plebeian equipment. If
you are shooting so-so photos now, fancy equipment won't make them any better.
Develop your eye, then buy the equipment. I was digging around in a box with some old
computer stuff today and found an old Kodak digital P&S "with optical zoom". Plunked
some fresh batteries in it and it works! I think I'll take that little cutie out and see what
happens. Might get something good or might not . . . see how my eye is today.

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Branson Quenzer

> Oscarphone

7 months ago

When i begin to think about buying a new lens, etc. that i really don't need, what
i do is begin to research an old photographer. I look at their images and think
about how they did that with "inferior" equipment. It helps remind me that gear
is not going to improve my photography at all. But studying and learning will.

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Branson Quenzer

> Kathleen M Pearson

7 months ago

Baby steps is right... read before you buy. Learn the techniques because gear does you
no good if you are not aware of the advantages and disadvantages of them. Refer to
Oscarphone comment above.

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Cuttie2b 7 months ago

I loved your article about gaining confidence in photography. It resonated with me concerning
my emotions and feeling confident. I remember one wedding a while back where my
confidence plummeted and it came because of an equipment malfunction that no matter what
I did I could not right the issue until I switched cameras and decided right then that I'd deal

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later. But because that happened at the very beginning of the shoot, I found myself in
Rs. it99*/month.
tears in the anteroom, right before going out and shooting the bride and her escort walking her

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